Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 04, 1914, Page TWO, Image 2

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Favorite Players Program
"THE WITCH GIRL" Two-reel drama, with Mary
Fuller, the ever-popular star.
with Warren Kerrigan, the ladies' favorite.
"FEEDING THE KITTV'-Comedy, with Eddie
Lyons, the fun-maker.
JOHN BUNNY, JR.-In songs and funny faces.
Coming Friday and Saturday
Also Mary Pickford in "MARY'S CONVERT"
Independence, Ore., Not. 3. Mrs.
Mary E. Davidson, of Parkers, passed
way nt the family home lint Thurs
day, after in illness of only six bourn.
She came to Oregon by the ox team
route in 840, and settled nenr Mon
mouth. About 00 years ngo she and
kor husband took up the donation land
claim at Porkers Stution, on which
she has continuously resided since thnt
lime. She was 7(i years of age. Four
children and nine grtindhcildrcn sur
vive. Her busbnnd died severul yenrs
ago. Her funerul was held nt thu fam
ily homo on Sundny.
Portland, Or., Nov. 4. One hundred
sixty-nine incomplete precincts give for
sheriff of Multnomah county: Hulbert,
republican, H,4i(l; AVord, democratic in
cumbent. 9,437. Htilhurt's lead is only
19 votes.' loss than a third of the
votes havo been counted,
The household helpert your
wife need can be found quick
ly through the Journal Want
Throbbing Head
and Tired Eyes
are not the right equipment
for a successful business
Take time to come here
,for a Searching Examina
tion that will reveal the
cause of your tired eyes.
If you do not need glasses,
I will frankly tell you so.
200-210 Hubbard Building
Thone 10!)
' The Capital Business
"Mr. Hlnley I understand vnu
will start your night school soon,
. Il this truot"
Yes, nct Monday evening, Nov
milier I'th, If 'sufficient num.
; ber register In justify (he ex
pense of maintenance.
, W shall leach such brunches ss
bookkeeping, shorthand, typ
I writing, pamuanslilp, spelling Slid
i nrtthraotio,
' ' There sre scores of vunng people
, In Salem working in the day
. lime, who oupht to attend even
ing school In Increase Ihelr rf
, The principal will U In the f.
' flee on Friday evening tn talk
with any nan who Is interested.
We are still on t'otiit Street,
' Knight building.
Today and
Londou, Nov. 4. Tuesday's Anglo
German naval engagement, in which the
British submarine D-5 was sunk, was
proved by information given out by
the admiralty today to havo been a
battle of much importance.
The Germans, it was said, evidently
were, on their way to bombard the
British coast when their warships were
sighted by the British coast guard' gun
boat Halcyon. Tho Halcyon notified its
base and a light cruiser squadron im
mediately put out to attack the enemy.
The Germans turned as soon as tlio
British craft hove in sight and fled In
the direction of Wilhelmshnven. The
fugitives dropped mines behind them ns
they went ami It was one of these which
destroyed tho D-.1. Of the submarine 'a
crew only four were saved.
' The admiralty did not state where
the fight occurred but it was reported
to have been off Yarmouth.
London, Nov. 4. A German sipindiuu
of heavy warships was persistently re
ported today to have Ifft its base ami
to be headed for the open sea.
This report was not only, uncon
firmed but was officially fitted, but
there were signs of unusual activity at
the British admiralty. Departmental
chiefs were at their desks all night an, I
imuoi-ttiiir ,l,i,-ol.i nt. .........
I I 'n iu ic iinivi I'll
to be Impending.
Tho general opinion was that the
Germans were trying to run the British
blockade with their f"t cruisers and
tenders, which were tn join the kaiser's
cruiser Karlsruhe off the South Amer
ican coast.
(Capital Journal Special. Service.)
Silvorton, Nov. 4. Miss Marguerite
Hnnliln returned to her home la Port
laud Holiday after an extended visit
with friends here.
Miss Man Norton, prlnclpnt of the
High school at Jefferson, spent the
week-end with friends here.
A. S. Bedford, of Minnesota, relumed
In Silvorton Sunday nfter a week 's stny
nt F.ug ! with friends in Hie Takers
B, Tl. Wruy spent the week end with
relatives at Wondbimi.
Miss Louise Adums, who entered the
University of Oregon this fall, came
home for the week end.
All exceptionally large crowd at
tended the confetti di at the opera
house Saturdoy night ami everyone re
ported 1 i-ood time.
Miss Mumlo Dlgerness s t the
week end with friends in Woodhurn.
Joliu Ruhhcrncs and wife of the
Sllvorlnii creamery spent Sunday with
friends In Portland.
M. G, Cnoloy, of the Hilverton opera
house, has secured the Woltormior
Oceuuell Stock Co. for B return eu
nagcinent here November 1,1th and lillh.
When tho bronchial tulici nro af
fected with thnt weakening, tit Itling
cough, tliry need Immrdinte mid sen
sible treatment. Tho breath seems
ihorter because o( mucous obstruc
tions usiially fovcr in present and
your head jars with every eolith.
Your cheat ache nnd tho inll.imma
tinn often sptcnils to tbc lung!!.
The IchxI tunic that has proven Its
worth for forty years ii Scott's K.nuil.
ion. It drives cut the cold, which
la tho loot of the trouble, and chn ks
the rotipji by uiding the heating
process nf the enfeebled membranes.
If you am troubled with bronchitis
or know an afflicted friend, always re
member tint Scott's Itniuttlon hulhW
strength while relieving the trouble,
U-el Scott ft lowns, Sksj-Vkl.H.J,
Over every Journal Want
Ad that oltl slogan, "Stop,
Look, Listen," should be
printed, for the Want Ad is
sort of an express train that
Is going at high speed to
reach its destination on
scheduled time.
Babies Found in Bed by the
Side of Mothers Headless
Bellingham, Wash., Nov. 4. Guzpti
Spumpo, an Italian section hand on the
Great Northern railway, murdered his
wife as she slept in her bed at their
home here early this morning by chop
ping her head clean from her body
with a double-bitted axe.
After the murder, Hpumpo went to
his work as usual. His fellow labor
ers noticed that he was excited, and
asked what wai the matter. They be
came suspicious and Spumpo ran away.
Investigation at his home revealed the
two youngest children, one and two
years old, in bed with the headless
body of their mother. The oldest
child, aged four, had run to the home
of a neighbor.
The cause of the crime is not known.
A posse is searching for the murderer.
(Continued from page 1.)
lain (lli; Smith 67; Withycombe 40
Ury ii", wet 41.
Kidney Complete Hawley fiOj Hoi
lister .'III; Booth 15(1; Chamberlain .17;
Smith 34; Withycombe (II. Dry 2!,
wet 71.
Salem (East) Complete Hawley, 5,'l;
Hollister, 17; Booth, 40; Chamberlain,
32; Smith, 22; Withycombe, jfl. Dry,
07; wet, 3.").
Aumsville (Incomplete) Hawley, 48;
Hollister, 24; Hooth, 2ll; Chamberlain,
42; Smith, .13; Withycombe, 35. Drv,
7H, wet, 1H.
Brooks (Complete) Hawley, S3; Hol
lister, 27; Booth, "ill; Chamberlain, A2;
Smith, 53; Withycombe. 2. Drv, 64;
wet, Htl.
Donald (Complete) Hawley, 90; Hol
lister, .IS; Booth, HI; Chamberlain, 70;
Smith, (II; Withvcombe, III. Drv, 03;
wet, 112.
Wacnndn (Complete) Hawley, .14;
Hollister, 27; Booth. II; Chinnberlaiii,
12; Smith, 41; Withvcombe, 151. Drv,
IN; wet, 7.1.
Cringle (Complete) lluwley, 57;
Hollister, 30; Booth, 45; Chaniberlain,
il; Smith. 37; Witlivcomhe, (lit. Dry,
."ill; wet, 53.
Clinmpncg Complete Iluwlcv 54;
Hollister 8; Booth 4S; Cliainberlni'n IB;
Smith Id; Withycombe 52. Dry 14,
wot 02.
Croihiiu Complete Hawley 40; Hol
lister 40; Booth 27; Chamberlain 07,
Smith 50; Withyeomlie 51. Dry 50
wet 71. ' I
Butteville C'omplcto Hawley (18;
Hollister 35; Booth 47; Chamberlain
00; Smith 38; Withy nbe 05. Dry
44, wet 70.
Gcn-Kiit (Knst) (Complete) Hnwley
121; Hollister 711; Booth ill; Chamber
loin 120; Smith 117; Withvniinlie. 120;
Wet 140; drv 87.
Gervais (West) (Complete) Haw-
ley 30; linlllstcr 35; Booth 4-1; CI i-
berlain 511; Smith 40; Withvcombe 54.
Wet 37; dry 52.
Hubbard (Complete) Hawley 1 SI ;
Hollister 53; Booth 145; Cliuniherloin
00; Smith 03; Withvcombo 100. Drv
203; wet 122.
Hubbard (Knst) (Complete)
Hawley SI; Hollister 22;. Booth 00;
Chanilierlnln 41; Smith 41; Withvcombe
S2. Dry 00; wet 53.
Hivei view (Complete) Hawlev 42;
Hollister 21; Booth 3(1; Chamberlain
2S; Smith IN; Withycombe -II', Dry 21;
wet 55,
Snlem 4 (Incomplete) Hawley SO;
Hollister 27; Booth 74; Chamberlain 57;
Smith 41; Withycombe 02. Drv SO;
wet fill,
Salem 3 (Incomplete) Booth 50;
Chamberlain (10; Smith 50; Withvcombe
77, Dry S2; wet 55.
Salem 0 (Comidetel Hawlev 100-
Hollister 32; Booth 70; Chamberlain
! S3; Smith 03; Withvcombe 03. Dry 117:
I wet 03,
I Central Howell (Complete) Hawley
I SO; Hollister 31; Booth 44; Chamber
lain 03; Smith 4S; Withvcnmbe US.
j Dry 50; wet 05,
i Kivoivlcw (Complete V Hawley 42;
. Hollister 21; Booth 30; Chuniborlu'ln I'M;
Smith IS; WUhveombe 40. Dry 21;
1 wet 11.1, '
I U"lnnby (Complete) Hawlev SO;
Hollister 20; Hooth 47; Chamberlain
57; Smith 47; Wifhrvu-he IIS, Dry 311.
wel 03. '
Sluiw (Complete) Hawlev 41; Hol
lister 20; 1 loot h 2S; ( ha mliei lain 37;
.Smith 37; Withycombe 43. Dry 5,1;
I wet 27,
i r'nlrfiidd (Cnmpletel Hawlev 3(1;
I Hollister 25; Booth IS; ( hanib'erlalli
I 41 1 Smith 41 1 Withvcombe S'J. Drv I ;
j wet 53,
Minion Comiilvtc-illiiwlrv (IK;
'lister 23; Booth 43; Chnmbf rhiln 50;
; Smith 50; Withycombe 54, Drv S3,
I wet 21, '
I Scullnnl Complete Hnwley 04;
Hollister 72; Booth ,1K; Chamberlain
113; Smith 73; Withvcombe SI, Drv
' 04, wet 107. '
Mast Hla.vtnn- Complete Hawlev
20; Hollister 57; Booth 15; Chamber-
lala S7 Smith 77; WlthvcomlM' 24.
Dry 07, wet 40,
Salem 12-Incomplete llnwlcr 220;
Hollister 71; Booth 100; (hnmiierlnln
110; Smith ion; Withvcombe 137. Drr
loo. wet N2.
i Salem I Incomplete Hawlev (11,
j Hollister 25; Booth -1.1; Cliamborlnli,
52; Smith 45 Wlihvcoinoe do, Drv
j 72, wet 41.
! A mother may not train her child
us the neighbors think she should, but
she never seeks their nih b e,
I A girl with a pair of natural rosy
I'1 1" and a couple of dimples ran
get nearly nnv old thing she wants,
' -
The Journal Want Ads
I ore read because they are
full of bargain news that
everybody needs to know.
o-French Fleet Knocking
to Pieces the Fortifications
at the Straits
. Home, Nov. 4. Bombardment by the
Anglo-French Mediterranean fleet of
the Turkish Dardanelles fortifications
wee reported here today to be still in
The big naval guns were said to have
done great damage, the so-called Holies
fort, in particular, having been shat
tered by a series of terrific explosions
which were believed to have marked
the blowing up a powder magazine.
One of the attacking warships was
also understood to have been hit by a
Turkish shell and badly damaged.
From Athens came a message saying
the Bhore forts were manned by Ger
mans who arrived in Constantinople
last week. It was declared they wore
first-line artillerymen, with high Ger
man officers in charge of them.
Petrogrod, Nov. 4. Having ro organ
ized their forces behind their east Prus
sian defenses, the Germans had resumed
the offensive in that field of fighting
Another general battle was develop
ing. Preliminary skirmishing was al
ready in progress.
"On the eaut I(russian frontier," said
an announcement by the general stnff,
"tho kaiser's troops are on the ag
gressive everywhere. The Russians,
however, havo advanced at several
points, capturing two guns and some
"Northwest of Pplitza we have oc
cupied Schodek and Iiospriza, the en
emy retreating toward vioscxow."
The czar's left, opposing the Aus
tralia and Germans in Oh lie in wag mov
ing ngainst the Teutons along the Sun.
They were reported to have crossed the
river nguln in force south of Przemysl
and have defeated their opponents in
several places.
From the Caucanm enmo news that
the czar's forces hud t4iken the offens
ive against the Turks but no detuils
wero given. It. was known the Otto
man troops were massed on tho frontier
and that fighting was In progress but
no definite iuforiimUon was expected
for several da,-3.
Most of tho Russian Hack see poits
were closed to shipping and liussian
merchantmen had ben ordered to the
nearest fortified ha-hors pending Dc
outcome if a. oattlo be) ween the ci-ar's
and the sultnn'i wir feels. The Bus-,
slaa ships wrie, seeding the ; Tn i If h
squardon, which w'i,-, repot tnl wry
weak as a result of the cruiser Geohens
return to C'inifa uinoplo c repair ti e
damage It suffeie-1 whili bond nic'eg
the Sovaslo wl defenses.
The program for the Public Library
Lecture Course for tho year has been
completed and promises to be a very
entertaining one. The program follows:
November 7 Prnf. A. K. Sweetser,
Oreimn Trees and Shrubs: Illustrated.
November 20 Dr. ,1. N. Smith, Our
Cltv Charter.
December 4 Prof. A. V. Heddie,
Prnmotle Heading. Vanity Fair.
December IS Miss Marv H. Ilerkins,
The Development of the Short Storv in
.liinunry S Miss ,lesii P. Cox, The
background of the present war.
January 22 Miss Jessie 11. Cox, The
Allies and the War,
February 5 Miss Jessie V, Cox, The
Germans an I the War.
February 10 Mr. Allen H. l'aton,
Stntp Government,
March ft Prof. A. tf. Caswell. Weath
er Predictions nnd Weather bore; II
lustrutiMl, March III Prof. E. S, Conklln, Psy
chology nf the Crowd.
Apiil 2 Prof. C. H. F.dmonnin, The
Salmon Industry; Illustrated.
April 23 Prof. ,7. II. Gilbert, Vnem
phwment and Its Remedies,
Mnv 7 Prof. A. K. Beddle, Headings
ill Dialect. '
May 21 Miss Marv T. Fsrnham,
Among the Fortunate Islnnds; illus
trated, Cut this on) In remember the dates
and come to them all, Thev are hoH
in the anililcnlmn nf tho IVblle Library
nnd are free,
San Francisco, Nov, 4. The jinx nf
the All Nutlonal AII Ainnrlcan clubs
trip to the const was broken here to
day when the fourteenth 1ii.lv joined
the arty, In the person of Mrs,' John
Bernard Miller, nee Pearl Mitchell
Thoroinau, a I sis Angeles belle. When
(he learns started out (here wero 13
fair brides and matrons with them.
Miller Is (he first baseman of tha
St, Louis Cardinals. He claimed Miss
Thoromaii at high noon bent todnv la
a pretty ceremony In (he Sacred Heart
church, with the members of both tennis
Miller met Miss Tlioinnmn iu St.
Positive Relief
from tbis snfTerlng cauod by dlr
orderril rnntiitkirj rf the oricaim
of digestion and elimination
from indigestion und bilioiisnriw
always seeilml by the safe,
certain anil (cntlo action of
ftM vsvftvktr.
I. kOOt., lie.
El Paso, Texas, Nov. 4. General Car
ranza was denounced by the Aguas
Calientea convention today as "an
enemy to the peace of Mexico" and a
rebel against Provisional President
Gutierrez, according to dispatches re
ceived here from the scene of the con
ference. The convention's action was taken
amidst tremendous applause, the dele
gates cheering General Villa and shout
ing "death to Carranza," for 20
General Antonio Villereal, president
of the convention, and General Alvaro
Obregon, leader of the Carranza dele
gates, had disappeared and were hasten
ing to Mexico City. Obregon was un
der arrest but escaed. All other Car
ranzist generals who were able to get
away were also quitting Aguas Cal
ientea. Having gone on record concerning
Genera! Carranza, the convention form
ally ordered General Villa's forces to
move against the former.
Fighting between the Carranzistas
and Villistaa was, in fact, reported al
ready in progress below Aguas Calien
tea. The main armies were not engaged
but preliminary skirmishing was said
to have beun and Villa had 18,000
men, with many field pieces, moving
against tho forces mobilized by Car
ranza. Villa announced definitely that he
meant to push his campaign toward
Mexico City as rapidly as possible and
as soon as he arrived there, to install
Gutierrez as president
At the convention's request 10,000
Villista troops, commanded by Genorals
Natera and Pobles, have occupied
Judge Fleuner, the noted lecturer and
Riley interpreter, visited the Blind
school today and gave a few liiley num
bers to the evident delight"of the pu
pils and teachers. Mrs. Fleuner gave
"The Bear Story" and other ononis
that met. with hearty encores. Judue
fleuner will give a short program to-1
night at the Industrial Training school. I
the pupils furnishing the music.
To a representative of The Journal,1
Judge Fleuner said: "I am delighted'
with Salon:. It is my first visit here '
since DS4. Thirty years have wrought
many wonderful changes here. 1 shall ;
tell the press of the country what a
fine town you have. Both Mrs. Flen-j
ner :iud myself were pleased with what
we saw and heard at your school for'
the blind. The singing of the children
was inspiring. Thomas L. Roberts, mu
sical instructor, is 11 master of the pipe
organ ami rendered several selections
for our entertainment. Your school is
un ideal home for the children, and Mr.
and Mrs. Mooics are ideal superintend
cuts of such a school."
Take a Glass of SalU if Your Back
Hurts or Bladder bothers You
Drink More Wattr.
If you must hove your meat every I
day, eat it, but flush your kidneys with j
salts occasionally, says a noted author
ity who tells us that meat forms uric '
acid which almost paralyzes the kill- j
neys in their efforts to expel it from !
t-,c nioou. Wioy tiecome sluggish nnd
weaken, then you suffer with a dull
you have rheumatic twinges. The urine
gets cloudy, full of sediment, the clnin
iiiisery in the kidney region, sharp
pains in the back, or sick headache,
I'imncss, your stomach sours, tongue is
coated, and when the weather is bad
nels often get sore nnd Irritated, oblig
ing you to seek relief two or three
times during the nicht.
To neutralize these iritating acids, to
cleanse the kidneys and flush off the
body's urinous waste, get four ounces
or Jan fnlts from any pharmacy here;
take a tublespooufiil in a glass nf wa
ter before breakfast for 11 few days
nod your kidneys will then act fine.
This famous salts is made from the
ncid of grapes and lemon juice, com
bined with lithia, and lins been used for
generations to flush nnd stimulate
sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize the
acids in urine, so It no longer irritates,
thus ending bladder weakness.
lad Suits is inexpensive; rnnnnt In
jure, and mukes a deligtitful efferves
cent lilhla-watrr drink.
People speak the truth when they
talk In their sleep.
When In SALEM, OREGON, stop at
Btrlctly Modern
Tree and Private Baths.
RATES 7.V, $1.00, l.n0 FEB DAY.
The only hotel in the business district,
Nearest to all Depots, Theatxos and
Capitol Buildings.
A Home Away from Home.
T. O. BLIGH, Prop.
Both Fhonei Free Auto Bus,
Careless auto repairing has mined
many valuable machines.
Bring your work to the
Liberty Machine Shops
Whore expert mechanics wilt
sinks repairs that will bs perma
nent. My men havt dona expert repair
work of every Und for ysars
No matter what kind of a ma
chins or Instrument you may
hava I can remedy Its defects.
All we ak Is a trial.
E. E. Kightlinger
171 S. Llbtrty Tbons 600
J. clean smart'
style. Being a notch
collar it is easy to'
put on and to- take
off. 2 for 25 cts.
Next Friday night nt the armory in
Salem will be heard Evan Williams,
America's foremost tenor. He will up
pear under the management of Minettu
Magers in tho Musical Artists Course
for the benefit of the music lovers of
Snlem and vicinity.
The F.vening Post, of Worcester,
Massachusetts, has lavished niiiay print
ed encomiums upon E"nu Williams, the
renowned Welsh tenor, for he lias been
the tenor soloist for their great aanunl
festival ten times.
For the snrinc of
1012 it is not strange that this paper
says: go tart, there is absolutely no reason,
"The reception given Kvnn Williams from a domestic standpoint, why thing
was a foregone conclusion. The first should not be decidedly on the up
glimpso of this wonderful tenor is all I tirade. The crops are heavy and the,
thnt is necessary to scad a Worcester ! I,ri,'(' 1,11 v increased, with the protm
audienco into ruptures, nnd from (lie llili,v tlint they will hold lip at least
time he first stepped upon the platform ,0"K wnr ll,s,s- B,lt thw
lust night until he had been culled and!'8 B,)il ,lmt uncertainty that soimftrtlw
recalled nguin, lie held his place in the I ""'I'" ,l" producers -from letting go t
licnrtB of (he, audience,
" Mr. Williams made his first appear
uuce in a group of three songs, the first
of whp-h, "Ah, Love, But 11 Day," by
Protheroe, brought forth aa excellent
demonstration of Mr. Williams' mastery
of expression. It is a song in which
the heart of the singer throbs ia every
phrase. In "Murmuring Zephyrs," by
Jensen, ns Mr. Williauis sang it, the
soft contrasts of the wood seemed tn
be spirited to his hearers, and Me
chanics' Hall, with its pictures of great
heroes on the wall, was changed for a
moment to a woodland retreat where
the music, of the wind played joyously
"The power and vigor of Mr. Wil-
limns '
voice became more evident in
the third song of the group, " Wind ; nient of his road showed mark,! i.
and Lyre, by Harriet Ware. The , erea- es over September, lll:l, ludicat
strength o( the lower register and the'ig (hat the woji of fiipkeep is goiiu.
luster of the. higher notes were brought ;toadilv on, even if new lines are now
out in wondcrliil magnificence. When being built.
round lifter round of applause hud sub- i .
sided, Mr. Williams sang "The perfect I
Day," bv Bond."
warranty weeds. 1
.1 M Whiteley et ux to M V ('line,
24.00 Jackson CI .11, T 4 S, R 2 W,
S II Cornell tn Naomi Cornell, 10
m 1 ci t n it. j.. n '
acres, i I a II it w, ISIO,
M V ('line to ,1 M Whitelev. 8 acres
See 13, T 7 8, It 3 W, $10.
F, V Long et nx to J N Pesterfield
et ux, land on 2."th St, Salem, I0,
J (1 Whiteley et ux to M V ( line, 11
acres, CI .11, T 4 8, R 2 W, l(lf,0,
,1 F Steiwer to E O Hurrell et ux,
lot 20, Steiwer Fruit Farms, HI.
A K Bell to S J Plumber, part lot 7,
Blk HS, Vniversity Add, 74.
J H Scott et ux to F V. Barker et ux,
lot 8, Blk 1, lot 0, Blk 2, Melwood Add,
10 M Punzel to O W Brown et ux.
24:1.1 acres, UcGnbin 1) L C, T (I S, It
I W -itoo
K B Mckinaey et nl to G W llnni-'"
phrey, .48 acre, CI IW, T 10 S, It 3 W-.
Quit Claim Deed.
Victor Wolf to M C
' Davis, lot 1. 4.I
.1 and 7, Kizer Fruit Tracts, 215. '
i' i' nines el nx to Carl Abrams, lot
2 and N. 8 feet lot 1, Blk 4, Wili.-
otto Add, 91. '
Tax Deed.
Wm F.soh, sheriff, to S R Tiindv, part
lots 14 and 2, Blk 7, Jefferson, '3(1.0.1.
John z. white, of Chicago, will iec-1
tore this evening at. 8 o'clock at the1
Cnity church on the subject of "Basis'
of Cniversal l)nce and National Pros-
peril v." The public is Invited and it I
will certainly be Interesting, ns It Is a
profound subject Intelligently nundle l.
Frantz Premier Electric
Buren & Hamilton
Makers of Arrow Shirts TROY, N. Y.
Portland, Or., Nnv. 3. In the plac
ing of orders for 117 new cars for pas
senger servico nt a cost of between
1 ,."100,000 ami $2,000,000 and the in
creased expenditures during September
for maintenance of track and equip
ment, President Jule M. Hauuafnrd of
the Northern Pacific today declared
his road expected to participate heavily
in the tourist travel for the San Fran
cisco exposition. Mr. Hnnnaford ar
rived yesterday from Tncoinn, where
lie inspected the new Poi'it Defiance
cutoff nnd tminel nnd expects to re
main only a short time before hi re
turn to St. Paul.
"If the nations of Kurope would
only quit fighting," declared Hr. Hau-
""ford, "everybody could go ahead and
their surplus.'
After Exposition Business.
Speaking of the company's orders
for passenger equipment, Mr. Ilarina
ford said that the company intends to
handle its full share of business licit
year and wants tn be ready to do it.
Of the 117 cms 21 are sleeping cms
and the rest are coaches, observation
cars and a few dining cars.
Xo freight curs are to be ordered, at
least outside the capacity of the com
pany's own shops tn build. WVVood is
lieiu used in the linkcurs being built
during idle time at the coinicinvV
shops, "which the lumbermen out hen
hould appreciate," Mr. llnuuafntd ev
M, ' f,,, .1 i,l (,,, Set,o
,,,(. ,.,, ,v :i,. .1 ,
I lv!111 G. Martin is a business visitor
I'nilhnid this week, ell is also a
delegate to the Supremo Assembly ot
... : -
I unoil i ri I sell list.
Misses Celtic Coops and Winn Mow-
hind, who have been visiting in Salem,
returned to the Monmouth Normal yes
L. II. Compton, general secretary ol
the Y. M. C. A., and O. B. Gingrich,
physical director, left yesterday to at
tend the general conference nt Se
attle. Mrs. Anna Slnh-up, Kdwurd Smith
and .1. Smith, of I'omcroy, Washington,
who have been in this city attending
tlio funeral of Frank Leon' Tucker, re
j turned to their home yesterday.
i 1 IM I
TdriTier, ReaCt 1 IslS!
Vnni Innfl niTil . iini
.., . .. " . , ,1 :
Wfiat It snOUlCl I Wet, COlfi
1 Lintl Will not fin it
Why? Because it needs
Have a talk with J. F.
Bingham, the tile man, and
see what he Will toll Villi
r. 1 . , , U V0U
&0OUC J'OUr Wet land,
Jl,m r I n l-
ACllUeSS lienei'al Delivery,
Salem, 01 phone Care 1172.
Will aaro the housewife. Uia drudg
ery of sweeping, and get nil the dust,
lint, thread, etc., from the carpels.
Tor the next, thirty days we will
take your old hand cleaner In ex
rtiingo for a Premier, providing your
cleaner Is not too badly nted. This
offer is only on for thirty days,
rhene for particulars.