Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 31, 1914, Home and Farm Magazine Section, Image 17

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M HI HA A . Tall II B JKv
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Home and Farm Magazine Section
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DIVi'HSlFIED PAUMINO is KniniiiR in fftvor In 1 ho NnrthwoHt evrry yenr. Ttio improvidonco of depending
upon 0110 crop for hucccsa or failure in linpronninf ilni-lf upua U10 funimr und lio pre fen, to carry out
tht) old proverb, not to put (ill li is eu in thu muno Imnkct.
A noticcalilrt fenture of the recent OrcRnn Slnlo Kuir nt Siilom wiw tha number of diventificd farming ex
hibitH. I'ow cxhibitorH depcndi)d on diHplnys of nny one produnt, but (train, berried and fruit went band in hand.
No retronrcKHion In grade could bo Holiued from tlio yours when tlio exbibiU rercaeuld tho aole effyrU of th
many growers. . I
Tlio abovo photograph wbh taken on tho farm of V. E. Johnann, near Nehalem, Oregon, and hIiowh threa
(liffcrent eropH under cultivation, and new laud being eleared. In tho foreground id land in tho proerwi of bo
ing cleared. In tho center may bo uolod tho Imp field, and in tho bucligroiiud am tbo fiuld of vheat and
of ouU.