THB SA1EM CAPIT Al JOTJBNAL. 8A1EM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1914. ELEVEN he Evangelical Association, cneme'x- eta Street Church I Corner (Seventeenth mul Chcmeketa s reets, K. O. Ilornschuch, iastor. 8er v ces at 11a. in. oinl 7:30 p. m. In the e -ening the pulpit will be snpplieM by some minister of tlio city, there beinK af general exchhn(e of pnliiitR. Sunday K hool nt 19 a.-tn.; young people's meet nt li:30 p. 'in.; prayer ineetiug on 'jjh.uin.ilay at 7:,'1Q p. m. We extend a I WOMEN HAVE MADE THE ; POLLS CLEANER ! Give them a chance and they will do the same for tho Legislature. All who think so should vote for Mrs. Z. A. ltosebraugb and Mrs. P. A Peun. fpertal welcome to strangers and visi tors. Unitarian Church. Corner of Chemelteta and Cottage streets, Richard F. Tischer, minister. Sunday school, 10 a. in.; advanced study class, 10 a. in.; morning service, 11 a. in. No evening service. Subject, '(The Unitarian Viewpoint .of Man and Hu manity." All friends of progressive thought and of liberal religion are cor dially invited to our services. Bring your friends. Music by Miss 1. Ilvuui son. First Methodist Episcopal. State and Church streets, Richard Noble Avison, minister. 9:45 a. m., Sabbath School, Messrs. Sehram and Qilkey, superintendents; strangers and visitors n I ways welcome. 11 a. m., mes sage, "Men und Measures." 12:30 p. m., class meetings. 3 p. in., Rev. Cnrl H. Elliott will speak at the Old Peo ple's Home. 0:30 p. m., . Kpworth League. 7:.'10 p. in., message, "The Citizens' Great Opportunity." I 1 G Nil OF II Life Everlasting Obtainable Only . In the Lord Jesus Christ 1 -. ,i'.--'.;' '4 , .. I - ' i'."' --I, MRS. Z. A. ROBEBEAUGH y First Christian. Corner High and Center, F. T. Por ter, minister. 0:45 a. in., Bible School; Dr. H. C. Kpley, director. 11 a. m worship and sermon; subject', "(iog,J Citiifi'nship. " OmU p. m., ( hristiau Endeavor. 7:30 p. in., sermon. All ministers exchange pulpits at this hour. N. T. Hillver, member of the First Methodist church of this city, will ad dress tho meeting nt the W. C. T.- U. hall Suuilny at 4 o'clock. Mrs. Lehman will givo a recitntion, nlso 1'aul llurdy. Special inusii'. Come and enjoy a plciis- aut and profitable hour. WHERE FATHER ADAM FAILED St. Paul's Church Kpiseopnl. Hubert S. Gill, Holy euchnrist, 7:30 a. m. ' euchai'ist with address, 11 a. m. song and address, 7:30 p. m. school, 0:45 a. ni. rector. ( 'Worn V Bethany Reformed. Cnpitol, near Marion. Sunday school nt 10 a. ni. Gerninn services at 11 a.m. Knglish services nt 7:311 j. in. Rev. Kilw. Wyss, of Portland, will coirtuct both services. Kverybody is welcome. Why Regeneration la Nectsiary Why . It Began at the First Advent and Not Sooner Why the Limitations of the Present Age The Low and Narrow Gate The Narrow and Rough Path wayWhy. Different Kind of Regen eration During the Millennium Why the World Will Have an Easier Pathway Up to Lift Everlasting Than la Now Granted the Chureh. What and Why the Difference! Be tween the Two Regenerations, New York City, Nov. 1. Pastor Russell, at New York City Tem ple, took for his subject "The Re generation of the Church and the Regeneration of the World. What are They? Why Different?" His text wns, "Matrcl not that I said un to tlieo, Ye must (.loun 3:7.) Ho said (jKASiong'ussi.a The Lone Oak Mission. Sn.nluy srhool nt 2:30 and meeting of worship nt 3:30. At end of car line, opposite I-'a i r Grouiuls'grocery. Kvery body welcome. First Congregational. Comer of Liberty and Center. Frederick Schvock, minister. Hible school at 10 a. in. Morning worship nt 11 n. in. ntnl evening worship at 7:.M I p. ni. Kev. .1. Iv. Hi-owue ot rnn rriui- eisco, formerly of Turkey, will prciich the .lerinon nt the morning service. Kv eniug topics "The Christian Citizen;" be born again In part: la the past many of us hare studied the Bible In a very careless manner, neglecting to give to Its Inspired words the consideration and respect they de serve. In ninny cases, the original thought has been utterly lost because of some fanciful Interpretation. Con sequently very few Christian people hure nuy concrete Idea of the mean ing of our text, nnd of other Bible statements respecting the future re- -..LI ... ,nlA Pni-rv Beneuuiuq ui nm wwnu. Lutheran. Knst 'State ami Kighteenth slr.f ts, Geo. Koehler, inslor. Sunday school at 9:30. Preaching service at. 10:30. Luther League at 0:45 p. m, Kveuing service in Taiglish at 2:!IU p. in, r j South Salem Friends. Comer of South Coinmerciul and Wushingtnu streets, II. K. Peinberton, pnstor. Bible school at 10 a. in.; Km mer Newby, superintendent. Preaching nt 11 a. in. ti veiling meeting at 7:30 will be given to the "Dry," in chnrgo of one of the city pastors. Prayer meeting Thnisdiiy nt 7:30 p. in. MRS. F. A. PENN VOTE FOR THESE CANDIDATES ENDORSED BY THE MARION COUNTY NON-PARTISAN DRY CANDIDATES' COMMITTEE For State Senator. V. L. Cl'MMINOS Prohibition For Representatives J NO. P. HOHKHTSON Democrat H. B. HOFIWiAN Prohibition WH. FANNIK M. l'KNN Inilepende nt MKS. '.. A. KOHKHIIAUGH Independ ent . For County Commissioner P. L. KKNADV Independent For Sheriff W, L, 1KRMAN Prohibition For County Recorder II. L. CLAHK Democrat ' For County Treasurer JOS. N. SMITH Prohibition For County Coroner . A. M. CLOCOII Republican Committee E. S. Hammond Snlem .1. G. Voget Salem L.' M. Gilbert Itosednle ,1. M. Brown Silverlon .1, A. Taylor Scotts Mills (l.'A. Landiin Woodhiirn C. W, Livesay Womlhurn H. O. Miller... - Halcni VOTE 332 X YES Taka Tills to the Polls With You Authorized by ' Xon-I'artisn Dry Cniiilldiites' Commit ten (Paid Adv.) I. B. 8. A. The International Illblo students of Salem will hold their, regultir weekly study at 435 Court street, upstirs, Hun-, Xo gencruto, us all know, signifies to day at III a. in. ah mine nni.ioiim i brlrm Into Ifo. Adnm fa ed to cen. Itegunerutlou, or a second birth, Is absolutely necessary If we would at tain everlasting life. The fault lies not with our Creator, that lie made us Incomplete; for, as tho Bible de clares, "nil Ills work Is perfect" The fault 1b chargeable to sin. "By one man's disobedience sin entered Into the world, and death as the result of sin; so death passed upon all men. be cause nil nro sinners." This sentence of death upon Tnthcr Adnm hindered tilm from giving to bis children the perfection of life In which be was created, tils entire rare has been born Into the world for six thou sand years under a death sentence, or curse. God cannot niter that sentence. The forfeited life ennnot be prolonged; the sentence of death cannot be set aside; the Supreme Judge of the Uni verse cu mud fur any reason declare (but Me erred In Ills condemnation of our rare. He cannot set aside Ills own decision. Hut God could provide for the regenerating of Adam and his rnce, welcome. No collection. ernto a race to life; be merely gen erated a great nice of thousands of i millions Kwessed of only spark of life a dying pice. The Divine Provision Is that our ' Lord Jesus left the glory of the Uonv- jenly condition nnd beenme a man fur Highland Friends. Corner Highland nud Klin, Josephine. Hoekett, pastor, phone 1405. Residence 2255 North Klin. Snbbnth school, 10 a. m.t Karl Priiitt, superintendent. Preach Inir ul 11 a. in. nnd 7:30 p.m. Chris tian Kmleavor at (1:15 p. - in. Prayer the purpuAe ot runsoralng, or redeem- meeting Thursday evening at 7:30, log, Adnm and his race, which shared -; I his condemnation. The record Is that Baiem uommons 241 Rtato street, at 3 o'clock tomor row afternoon nt. the Commons Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Noble from Port lnnd, Bcconipoiiied by Mrs. Shelby and Kev. w, u, Mttrl.nren, stnto peiilteni tills sacrificed II fo luld down by Jesus Is sufficient as a cancelation of all Adnmlc slu. On the basis of tbat snc rlflee, and In the carrying out of the Ueavenly Father's Program, Jesus was raised from the dead "a quickening Spirit," a lire-giving Personage, with a glory fnr higher than that which lie bad when II o came into the world. film bntii Clod highly exulted, and given Him a nnuio which la above every name." Pblllpplnns 2:0. The glorified Jesus Is Scrlpturally termed the Second Adnm, the l.lfo I Ulver or Regenerator, and also the I Everlasting Father that Is, the Fa 1 ther who gives everlasting life. The time fur the giving of life to tin I world by this great Second Adnm, whom Oud bntb appointed, Is to be the ' thousand years of Ills Messianic 1 Itelgn. Throughout the Millennium, I It will be the work of Christ Jesus, , us the glorified Second Adntu, to regrn 1 ernte the first Adnm nnd nil Ills rare. The regenerating Influences will be gin with their nnukcnliig from the sleep of denth, In bnrmony with the tinry chnpluin, will spenk nnd sing nnd conduct very enjoyable services both afternoon and evening at 7:30 Speeinl song services. All these speakers are fully worth hearing ami a very largo flttenilnnce Is nrucd. iitorde-! nominations!, and a rordial welcome to all. First Baptist Church Ilegulnr service both morning nnd evening. The Baptismal service for converts of tho meeting will lake place at evening service. All cordially In vited. II, E. Mnrphiill, pnstor. First Church o Christ, Scientist. November 1, 1014, services are held nt 410 Chemeliets street, nt II a.m. and N p. m. subject of Bible lesson " Kvnrbisting Piinlshinent, " Siimlny school nt 0:45. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at. 8 o'clock. The rending room of this church Is located In the Hubbard building, suite .103, and Is mien nVArv dnv. enii,t Siinilnva nntl hnlidiivs, from 11:45 a, in, until li p. m I Muster's declnrnllon, "The hour Is com. and from 7 to R In the evening. All lug In which nil dint nro In their graves are welcome to nur services and in-1 shall hear the voice of the Sun of Mun. vlled to visit our reading rnom. The Church Knows No Class Whoever, whatever you are, there is a place for you, and a task for your especial qualifications. The services tomorrow at ST. PAUL'S CHURCH are at 7::!0 and 11:00 a. m. and 7::!0 p. m. -WE WANT YOU- "A PRE-ELECTION SERMON" SUNDAY EV ENING'S TOPIC. and come forth "-John B.S3, ICO. The Rsgensrstlon of the World. The coining forth from the tomb will be the beginning of the regenerative work, but not by any menus It com pletion. It will be merely a prepara tory wuik. The awakened sleepers will be In the same coudlllon of mind that they were In when they fell asleep In a very similar condition lo those who will be living on tho earth it that lime. Before any of them can be regenerated, (hey Diust be brought tu a knowledge of thi Truth. Their eyes and their ears of timleintnndlng must be opened. The Scriptures as sure us that this will be accomplish ed. "Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the enrs of the deaf shall be unstopped." (linlnh 35:!U "Tbt enrth shall be full of the knowl edge of the glory of Hi Lord, ns the waters , cover the wa."-IInbnkkuk 2:14; Isslnn 111). Tbe news ot God's Love and of the possibilities of return to His favor through the atoning work of Jesus be ing clearly demonstrated to all, each will have the opportunity of deciding tor himself whether or not he desires to return to human perfection and tbe blessed possibilities of everlasting Ufa To do so, be must be begotten again by tbe Ltfe-GIver; and tbe Life-Giver will beget ng.Hu only those who desire tbe new life. Wilful rejectors of the privilege, we are nssured, will die the Second Death; while those who accept the Savior's proposals will come under helpful and disciplinary experiences whtcb will gradually lift them up, men. tally, morally and physically, to per fection to all that was lost for them In Father Adam's disobedience nnd Its penalty, and nil that was regained for them by the obedience of Jesus and tbe Divine arrangement of His Mes sianic Kingdom for the regeneration of the world. Tho words beget, born and regener ated or born aguin. associate them selves In our minds with our natural birth; but we .are not to expect, as Nicodemus queried, that any would again be burn ns on Infant from a mother. Tbe begetting to a new birth will be In tbo mind a covenant rela tionship with tbe Llfe-Glver. The Church the Second Eve. - Nevertheless, there Is a beautiful analogy, complete In every feature; for while Father Adam was designed to be tbe life-giver, or futber, or gen erator of the race, Mother Eve was designed to be Its nourlsher, care-taker und Instructor, to bring the race up to complete development So while Jesus Is the Llfe-Glver In the sense that He gave Ills own life as a Ransom-price for Adam, it Is ulso a part of the Divine Program that there should be not only a Second Adam, but also a Second Kve. , The world will need not only the start of tho new life during the Mil lennium, but ulso the care and nourish ment necessary fur their development and uplift for restitution to perfec tion. God's provision .Ts that the Church, called especially for the pur pose und especially qualified for It dur ing this GospcL Age, shall be the Antl typlcal Eve-tbe Mother of the world the care-takers, nourlsbers, supervis ors, In respect to all regenerated, or re begotten, by the Llfe-Glver Jesus. What a beautiful prospect ot collabo ration with tbe Savior In His great work of rescuing Adam and his race from tbe effects of Adumlc slu and the death sentence! The Divine picture l very complete. While Adum wns alone he did not be come a fnthcr. God caused him to fall Into n deep sleep, and from bis aide took Mother Eve to bo bis bride, bis co-laborer, Ills Jolnt-liir In bis Inheri tance, and bis nssuvttut in the work of generating the Hainan family. So our Lord Jesus has not yet become a father, But He bns gone Into the deep, sleep of death, Uls side tins been wounded, and the first result Is, the gradual development, during the past eighteen centuries, of n Bride class. As Jesus passed from the human condi tion to the spiritual before He could be ready to be tbo Second Adum, su the Church class, as tbe New Creation must pass from the human condition to tbe spirit condition, and must share In the First Insurrection, before sho rnu fulfil her part In God's great Plan as tbe Second Ere. , In view of this work that God bns outlined for Ills Sun and for tho Church, Is It any wonder that Uo should consider It necessary to give us lessons and tests In faith, loyalty and obedience? la It any wonder, in view of the work which Ho has for us to do for mankind, that He declares that as the lledecuicr Himself was given deep experiences In suffering, in order to be a merciful and faithful High Priest In tbe things of God In relntlon to hu ninulty, so the Chureh, Uls Brldo, members of Uls Body, must share these experiences? When we come to understand the High Calling of God to tbe Cburcb and the great work that Is yet to be accomplished for nnd In tbe world of mankind, we are amnxod? The Church's Rtgtnervtion Different, It was not Jehovah's program for His Son tbat Ho should change to hu man nature permanently. On the can. trnry, we are distinctly told Hint the Imo touk tbe form of a servant fur tbe suffering of death, nnd not fur any oilier purpose This purpose having been. accomplished, tbe Fnthcr raised Him up by Ills owu Power to spirit nature and glury-"wbere He was be fore," but to n still higher station on the Kpttit piano "fnr nbove angels, principalities nnd powers, and every oiime that It named. " ThU meant a regeneration, or second birth, for Jo ans; fur "flesh and blond ennnnt In herit the Klngdoiii."-l Cor. in:M), Our Hnvlor ojcluinged Ills spirit con dition, or nature, fur the human, but lie could not exrhnnge the human na ture fur the spiritual; else ,there would have been no object served In lll htl mlllnllun. His hniiinn Itfn wns to be given up sncrlflrlnlly ns tbe Hedemp tlcm prlco for Adam's life nnd, there fore, ns the Itcdcmptlon prlco of the whole world, sliiro all lost life through Adam's disobedience. Tbe application of the Muster's sacrificed life would have left Him without any llfo-tlghu ns a mnn, but Oud provided for Ills regeneration; that Is to sny, fur His rebirth. The sacrifice ot Himself as a human bring wns made when Jccus was thir ty years of ge, and wns symbolized by Ills Immersion: nnd Immediately (be Father begat Him again, not to be a humnn being, but O spirit being, no wns begotten of the Holy Spirit, which descended irnon Him In a form like adore. For three and a half yenrs Jesns, ns a New C'reiilnre, splrlt-begot-ten, used Ills flesh body, consecrated to death, baring no other. In It, "He was tempted In' all points like as we are, yet without slu"; and having dem onstrated His loyalty to God, even nnto death at Calvary, the Father rais ed Him from the dead on the third day -not a man, but a New Creature. In other words, Jesus experienced the same transformation that the Apostle mentioned, saying, "It is sown in weakness; it is raised In power; it Is sown In dishonor; It Is raised In glory; It Is Bown nn animal body; It Is raised a spiritual body." After His resurrection, Jesus Illustrated the les son given to Nicodemus, of which our text Is a part He could, nnd did, come and go like tbe wind. Some sev en times during the forty dnys, He appeured for brief Intervals for tbe Instruction of Ills disciples. Just ns angels have done. Later, He ascend ed up on High. "Now tbe Lord is thnt Spirit" "the Second Adam."-2 Corin thlnns 3:17; 1 Corinthians 15:45, 47. The Bible tells us that God from the very beginning hnd foreknown thnt Jesus would accomplish this work and become the Father of Adam nnd his race by regeneration; and tbe Apostle assures us that God foreknew also the Church ns tbe Brldo of Christ and His Jolnt-helr In nis Kingdom. And Jesus said to some of the earliest members of the Church class, "In tbe regeneration In the Millennium ye shall sit upon thrones." (Matthew 10:28.) Elsewhere He declared, "To him that overcometb will 1 grant to sit with Me In My Throne."-Itev. 3:21. The Father purposed thnt the Bride class Bbould be selected from amongst the members of tbo fallen race, and should be prepared for their work of future glory before tbo world's would commence, Ho purposed also that this Brido class should have a change of nnture slmiliir to thnt which Jesus experienced It would begin with them as with Him, nt the time of consecra tion and spirit-begetting, nnd culml nnte with tbcin as with Him, In the resurrection change. Thus the Church bns the promise that she shall be like her Lord, sec Htm as Uo Is, and slmro Ills glory. (1 John 3:2; Roiunns 8:17.) St Peter, -speaking of the cull of the Church, declared "hat God gave unto this class "exceeding great and pre cious promises" thnt by these prom ises working In their consecrated hearts to will and to do God's good pleasure, tbls class might become "par takers of the Dlvino Nature." 2 Pe ter 1:4. "Lift and Immortality Brought to Light." It Is manifest that this begetting of the Church to ft change of nature is very different from tbe begetting pro vided for the world regeneration, or rc-begettlng, to the human nature which Adam lost but which Christ re deemed for tho world. So nlBO we hure noted that tbe Church has a dif ferent Father. Jesus Is nut the Fa ther, or Llfe-Glver, of tbls Divine life. He did nut redeem it or secure It fur anybody. He redeemed human nature and secured the right to regen erate the world to human nature. The Church's begetting, or regenera tion, Is by tbo Heavenly Father Him self; as tbe Scriptures distinctly say, "The God and I'll I her of our Lord Je sus Christ hath begotten us." (1 Pe ter 1:3.) He nlono cnu give this Di vine Nature, This does not signify thnt tho Church Is not Indebted to her Itcdeemcr; for the Scriptures distinct ly stale that without Him we could uu uuiuiug; uiut uy um niii'i-a we are healed;" and thnt before the! Heuvcnly Fnthcr would deal with lis! at all before Ho would nccept our consecration, or sncrlflco It was ncccs-: sury that Jesus should appear on our , behalf as our Advocate nud Surety, and thus open up to us a New Wuy of Llfo. Thus, as St Paul declares, "Christ brought Ufa and Immortality to light through the Gospel" life everlasting to the world and Immortality, or the Divine Nature, foi the Church. Prior to our Lord's First Advent : the way of llfo was nut manifested; no provision has been made for It ex cept In tbe Divine Promise. God had promised His friend Abraham that somehow, sometime, nil the world would be blessed; nnd thnt meant that all the world would be released from ' the curse of death nnd experience the Divine blessing, which signifies life ercrlustlug-tiot that the world will be given this blessing unconditionally, but Hie opportunity fur this blessing will be extended to every member of Ad am'! race, nnd to himself, for accept-, ance or rejection at their will. Then came the second pnrt of the state-1 ment to Abraham; namely, thnt llilsj blessing should come through his Seed, his posterity. This Implies that some( special members of Adam's race, uf a faithful line, would bo greatly nulled to honorable positions, where they would be onpnblo of blessing the re nmlnder of llio world, their brethren, Kt. Paul points us to (bo fact that Cud offered this great privilege to the Natural Seed of Abraham, knowing all the while Hint Iboy were sinners nud would bo uiinblu to comply with '.ho conditions, but making of them a typical people, and thereby Incidental' ly blessing them, though with n lesser blessing. The true Seed of Abraham, through whom this promised blessing shall come, Ht Paul most pnslllvoly declares, Is first of nil (ho Ixud Jesus Chtlst-lhe great I.lfeOlver, thu Fa ther who gives everlusllng life Hie Second Adam. Then, Willi pqiinl clearness, tho Apos tle points out that tho Church, tho Bride lit Christ, selected during this Gospel Agn from all nations and nil denomination, Is to be nlso a partici pant In the blessing work, nnd to bo counted In as n pnrt uf Abraham' RhsI. Ills words nro, "Which Seed Is Christ" And If ye bo Christ's, then are ye Abrnbnm's Seed, nnd heirs ac cording to tin Promise. "-Gal, 3 10, 2U. Children Cry for Fletcher's ICMr VVR FT nr. The Kind You 3ave Always Bought, nnd tvhlph has been in use for over 30 years, has borne tbe siKnnture of ana lias been niauo under Ills per Ity ji sonnl supervision ttince its infancy. '-CUcitl Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jnst-as-good" are but Experiments tliut trifle with and endanger the health of Infuuts and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria- is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- ; porlo, Drops and Southing Syrups. It Is pleasant.' It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotlo substance. Its apre if ts guarantee. It destroys AVornis and allays Fcvertsh.iess. For more than thirty years it lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, AVind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach nnd Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy nnd nntural sleep. The Children's Puuacea Tho Mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of J The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years r- -ii.i r i -t ' '-Bn--J'-'-7il''i-ftTjFp Everybody Admires d (Beautiful Complexion- DR. T. FELIX GOURAUD'S Oriental Cream OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER Jin Indispensable and Delightful s Toilet Requisite for Fashionable Women. A dally neeemlty for tlis Indloii' toilet Wholheiv ut liome or whllo traveling. It protocts the nkln from Injilrluus itrrct-U of tlio elpmrntfl, klvrs a wonderfully cr footlvn Ixmuty lo tlio complexion, U Ih a ,,-rait 'IVIlut i'l-nulti ntlil ti,(l. 6 , II RTwlWittlkti.inMmlll Itl v.-ly will mt waina or .eni niinwt tli hp. 'I r,1liJ.,l growth of Imlr Whlol, nl J.UI,,, -hould partition, When ilamitnir, bowlInK or oth er cKii'ilntia lii-iit tlio akin, It prevent a Krenny tinnr-aninc. Goursurt't Oriental Crtam him born highly rei'oinmpndud hy phynMnii. act r'HHra, slngera ami women of furihlon for ovir halt a cftntnry and ennnot he stir- fmnHiMl whim ircjurliig for dally or evcn ni; nttlrn. , uouraua urivniai trcim ciihb nnin Dlnrniips sml rr-llnvus Snnhnrn. Rnmovi's Tan, I'lmplwt, ilii'khi-iul, Mnili Patrhra, RiiKh, Frprklcs anil Vulgar Kmlnmis, YHlow and ltlnilily Hkln. giving, n ilHleately clear and rellned complexion which every woman d'-alri-M. No. 11 For aule hy JJrUKKlata anil fum y Goods Healer,, W Ferd. T. Hopkins, Prop.. 37 Great Jonei Street, New York. iiwra av i: I'ji-iiiMfiin, ' MUJUMtU VH UTKU,I a. r- ptrM Mr -r rKKVl.iKil'rUfia, 1 I DiamondSqueegee Automobile Tires A PERFECT NON-SKID TIRE AT THE RIGHT PRICE. In Stock by LOT L. PEARCE & SON Huie Wing Sang Co. MOVED TO 2'Jl NORTH COMMERCIAL Big Stock of Furnishings Fancy and Dry Goods We have made up all kinds of Wrappers, Kimonas, Waists, White Underwear and all kinds of Silk floods, House Dresses, Men's and Children's Suits, Tants and Overalls, Ladies' and dents' Underwear. All kinds of Overshirts, all colors of Sweaters. Shoes, Ladies' and Girls' Fancy Dresses, Fancy Neckwear, Ladies' and dents' Hose. Embroidery, Lace, Silk Scarfs and Silk Handkerchiefs, Chinaware, Matting. All Goods on Sule at Greatly Reduced Trices ns