THE SALEM CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1914. Unusual Value-Giving Events at Meyers, Salem9 s Big Store An Immense Sale of Silks at Meyers, Salem's Big Store A large assortment of pretty Figured Silks in mes Baline and taffeta, stripes, plaids and small figured designs, A most varied assortment to choose from. Lovers of good grade silk fabrics will take great de light In purchasing from this lot. Regularly' priced up to $1.25 Take Your Choice for 69 Cents a Yard (See our window display.) An Interesting Sale Beautiful Crepe de Chene in the Silk Section. Our Reg. $1.65 Grade, Extra Spec, yd. $1.29 Those who are planning on a new Gown or Waist will surely take advantage of this sale at Meyers. Rich, clinging Crepe-de Chines in all the most wanted colors, black and white an extra good quality our regular $1.65 grade 10 inches wide Special Price, per yd, $1 .29 (See our window display.) OREGON INDUSTRY DAY NOVEMBER 3 SPECIAL FOR TOMORROW, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Special Sale of ENGLISH TWEEDS TOMORROW, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY In the piece goods section TWO SPLENDID NUMBERS-- $1.20 English Tweed, in brown or grey mixtures, 56 inches wide extra special this week 89 Cents a Yard 75c all-wool English Tweod in several colors, 38 inches wide extra value this week 59 Cents a Yard The fabrics are splendid for general utility gar ments Con tB, Suits or Shirts. An Offering of Lister's (Sanitary) Towels Special at 22c a doten. A soft, absorbent Towel packed twolve in a carton three sizes, small medium or large this weok Per Box of 12 Only 22 Cents A Good Tooth Brush and Your Choice of Woodbury's Dental Cream orPow der, Special, Both for Only 25 Cents The quality of Woodbury's dental preparations are so widely known that they need no introduction A product used throughout the world by the most par ticular people. Tor the remainder of this week we offer a 20c package of Woodbury's Dental Paste or Powder and a good tooth brush EXTRA SPECIAL, BOTH FOR 25 CIS. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Over 34 Years Successful Merchandising in Salem JlV HgOOPIGOODS Tuesday. November 3, has been pro claimed by Governor West an Oregon Industry bay, upon which occasion every loyal citizen of the state of Ore gon, as well as the disloyal, is supposed to purchase and consume only Oregoa mnde or grown products. The proclamation is issued in the in terest of the fostering and promotion of industrial patriotism among the peo ple of Oregon, the substance of the governor's message to the people be ing: "The aim and purpose of the won derful .Manufacturers and Land l'rod nets Show now in progress in Portland is to bring home to. our people the great progress being made ia the direction of developing manufacturing and market ing home products by Oregon manufac turers and producers. "Whereas, success upon the part of the manufacturers and producers can only come through the co-operution of the consumer, "I hereby proclaim Tuesday, Novem ber :i, 11114, Oregon Industrial Day nad earnestly request that each and every citizen of this state purchase and con sume on said day only those products which are of home production. By so TENOR, ONCE POOR, . NOW VERY WEALTHY, Son of a Miner Becomes Famous Tenor, Lives in Mansion and Sports Three Autos. , I tMMt: NEW TODAY One cent per word each Inser tion. t'opy for advertisements un der this beading should be In by 2 p. m. PHONE MAIN 8L SEE I'UKD, FKEl), FKEl). Kvnn Williams, the famous tenor, who is to appear at the Armory next week in the Musical Artists Course, was born in Mineral Ridge. Ohio, about' fortv-five years ago. His father was a miner, and known throughout the, it,.,y Export window cleaner, phono region for his natural voice. The; 211. mother of the singer likewise, possessed' - a fine natural voice, and long before: WANTED Hccoml girl at Willaitiulto Master Evan could lisp the nnme of' Sanatorium. either parent, his wondering eyes nad KEUI8TEHE1) AIHDALE I'lU'M lor sale. 045 North Church. ears were often delighted by hearing mother and father singing duets. The Williams and all their Welfli relations in Ohio, belonged to the Welch singing societies that participated annually at the Eisteddfod. W heu little Evan was SI.K Vnnmr fresh cow. with OK Y WOOD FOli SALE llii ect from the timber. 1'lione --41). calf, till North Twcnty-f iret. three, ho could sing so well, that the men congregating about the grocery store, at Thomastown, used to award i.'()ri KENT 4-room modern house, 2JU candy prizes to the lad and his cousin, , South Fourteenth street. 0. Miles, for competing at the singing - contests, the contests usually taking: OLD PAPERS for carpets; 10 centa place on the top of an apple barrel or per hundred. Journal ottics. tho counters of the country store. I , 7r7, When Evan Williams reached the age l''OK KEiNT Two neatly furnished of ten, his family had moved to Akroa, I bedrooms. Impure IIM N. Church. doing attention will be directed to and , and there the boy, whose pheiiominal . ANT1''L Housework of any kind concentrated upon our uregon mm -: v one , create,, a sensation w;ns ,,.,. work. 1W. .North singing nito in cnornses. Ills voice ' then was an imtcni-fnl n,,.l II,..!,,... an rrOllt. tries, the merits of which will thus be brought homo to all." moving, that it was common to Hear, poK HUNT Two well furnished rooms for housekeeping. Inquire at 41 H. Coitugc. Onlv one boat of the Oregon City' predictions about his future; but Transportation Co., the (Jrcyniona, now! one in those days, thought thnt Kvau makes the run to Independence. Thcj wold develop into a tenor, for as a boy, river is but a little over 2 feet above, hi voice was alto, low water mark and it was found im-i Madame Loise Von Fielitzsch, then practicable to keep larger boats on the , e of the leading -vocal teachers in run. The ( 1 rnviiionii leaves Salem on i ' 'leveland, had become interested in tho up river ti'ip Tuesdays, Thursdays 'Williams nnd was giving him lessons. ! LOST I'air eye glasses. Initials " I). and Friday nights, returning to Salem, Madnmo Von Fieltzsch bad interested, E." on case. Howard for return to Saturday to begin the Portland trip. ,n0 "Mutch King", 0. ('. Barber, in! Journal ott'ice. o ' bnr gifted pupil, an, had Williams per-'- ; Bona fide cut price closing out Jewel-' mitted it no doubt Mr. Barber would ; WANTED Position as chunibennuid or Tt miln .r J Smith M7",. I have advanced the monnv rn nnv fori housekeeper. Address Miss N. II. 0 I Williams' education. Williams however, Tomorrow is Salem day at the Man-, was- young and a n An of brawn and . 1 1 I, I ul.. . tllllSl'lo ll.i uni.iit'uil a i..l. .... u i uci nrers lion i.uuu iiuou-i miow m , t ... a , iuiu mi .... , . . ,, Portland. A number of Salem folks ' -"levator in Cleveland at :! a month.; "!ls "'"r '' l'"11' 'U" Nu"" will go down to the show tomorrow. : kvan Williams made his debut as n T"ullu W. M. Hamilton will deliver an address sol "1'iger at (Inliiin. Ohio, in S(, and in behalf f the Salem Commercial club. a year or two later, he was in New Vork o seeking fame ami fortune. He has not CARD OF THANKS. knocked in vain at the door of fate, To the members of the (1. A. H. who1 f"r today Williams lives in a $",,wm conductcil tiie funeral service, the mem-, bouse in Akron, keeps three auto bers of the llnvesville llaptist church,! mobiles, and employs a retinue uf serv and other friends who assisted us flur-, "",! moreover he has available , lutes, ing riK recent bereavement, we extend i for h" 1 rity was never greater. our thanks. FOB KENT Small three-room eottaye in North Salem. Phono 411), Curuy F. Martin. I Wood, Turner, Oro. ! . FOB KENT Furnished liouseki'cpiiig LOST Llewellyn settc tan. Name "Mux." rcriiru. Phone 11--. white and Hcwuiil for MODKIIN O UOOM IIOt'lSE for sale For particiiliirs inquire ,'iUl Saleoi Hank of Cominerce ltldg. Damages In the sum of $:100 were awaided the plnintiff in the ease of Minnie Jones against the Portland, En gene & Eastern by the jury, which brought, in a verdict late last, night. This case has In pending since l!li:i, when the accident happened on (be fairgrounds road while the railroad company was removing its trucks from the side of the roinl to the middle of -- ( ,, htm,t W,,rt, they now are. All Around Town Dr, Mondolsohn, spoctailst In fitting 1 I have not boon approachod by any glasses corroutly. U. 8. bank building one In be my assistant if elected city . o recorder. Neither have 1 promised any- I have not boon approachod by any- one tci be my assistant if elected city one to be my assistant if elected city 1 recorder. Earl Hace, (I'nid udv.) recorder. Neither have I promised any-, o one to be my assistant if elected city! Dollar watches at Stone'f drugstore. icconler. Km I Hace, (I'ald udv.) I 0 o The state board of pilot coinmisslon- Ollver Moyors, salos manager of the ,,,. itM , report with the gov- Charles K. Hpiiublinu Logging company, ' linMir t . I V which shows that the total went to Seaview, Washington, yester- t0Mni f,',r ,,. ort of I'ortbnnl Cor n . ,., ... r,i TTn,i inv subject, and at this time espe- nom. Wet-wash Laundi7-trndori(.nv Hhiniil u(Mii,t (( ,,;,.,, 0. Edinark, on employe of the "V" , Z , .'i. " ".: . w"' Kv''" body is coi'linlly invited to at- h Hpaulding l.ogguig " "'l"".v ,,, '',, Kri.ltiyn. Plioiia 2471. day lor a visit at the Inline of his par cuts III that place, Mr, Meyers also has properly interests ill Hint section. Vole 24 x John F. DavlB for city treamiicr and help to reduce taxes, No deputies, (I'aid mlv.) -o E Chin h In the planing mill, was slightly In jured yctenlay by a piece of timber flying back from ihe saw and striking him in the abdomen, lie will be oblig ed to lav off for a few days. Only a fow more of those fluo casso rnles left. Regular 'J values, special price 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 ,V 1 1 ii lit i M i n. For salo damogod wliont, oata and barley, -toil 7 llobbanl bhlg, the llli:i was Nii,!lll and that the pilot age receipts for the sumo period iiiao.intcd to 1 1 I .si!. The aniiiunt of '''irs collected for pilot licenses, etc., for the year was 10.1. o Special mooting of Multno mall Chapter No. I, H. A. M., this evening. Work in the H. A. degree. Visiting com panions welcome. Only a fow nioro of those fine casse roles left. Ilegular U' values, special price l.-"i. Iluren & Hamilton. Senator Harry Lano will addross the I pic of Salem at the Armory at H o'clock tonight on the issues of the po llticil cainpaieii. The senator is an in teresting speaker, well worth hearing .NIKS. SI'SAN M'MI'NN, MS. JENNIE CHIITE.U1, M MS. ELOKENCE MATT I IKS, MISS ELLLA M'MI'NN. I MONEY TO LOAN i iflOIIU, Hi'ilKI, 1 Besieged upon all sides by ur3eut; tiiiuiud, I'hoac HI, iciivi.-iius iroiu tue coiint- clcrl. -(i(K, 1'iii til, city property. 73 State street. ami on nt v courts ot tho several counties, who are; in a turmoil and frenzied state of in-' o - decision concerning the el feet of tliej The employed boys of the city who decision of the supreme court in the belong to the Y. M. C. A. gym class may circu.t and comity court .judgeship! now romp on the gym floor to their ininl'lle of Multnomah county, Secre-j hearts content as three business men of tary of State Olefin is being appealed the city have already subscribed -Mo lor information concerning any ' pairs of gym shoes for their use. The ' ehiiii;jcs which are likely to lie made in shortage of gym shoes came to the the ot I icial ballot. In conformity wilh notice of the Capital Journal yesterday , the decision of the supreme court and and the story in last night's paper was the interpretation of the sniiie bv the! productive of the above result. attorney general, Secretary nlcott is' o 'advising all of them that the opinion' L. H. Compton, general socrotary of does not effect the supreme court ticket the Hale in Y. M. C. A. ami O. II. ;ns it now appears upon the ballot and Oingricli, physical director, will leave only such county judges who were elect-: this city next week to attend the Pa- id .it the general election of 111 111, all cific Northwest Conference of Physical of whom will hold office until IIH7, Directors to be held in Senttle' The and are up for re-election at the com conference will begin November 4 and iug November election will be affected' will close Sunday. November X, Doctor by the decision. In the event unv cr lleorge Fischer will be one of the!rors are discovered in the election in' principal speakers of the conference any of the counties they can be deter ami will work in the interests of a lu-t-. niiri after the election, tor stiindanlizatioii of tho work of the o associations In the northwest. I PFRSONAI S FOlt KENT Small three-room cot tage in suburbs, AddresB llcbeccK 13. Anderson, tif7 N. Front street. ill Sooth bulb; I'OI! ItEN'l' ."i-itiom dun Winter, with electric light partly furnished or without. Phono liLlo-J. LADIES' tailoring anil gents' repair ing done at Thi'tecnth and Ferr. Prices reasonable. Mrs. F. .J. Wright, pi e I'.l.-iH-M. Foil SALE One ll pbase 2 horsi power inolor; fiist-dnss condition. K. Phone Hammond, ili North LMUII. High. Family washing, 00 cents, I have not boon approached by any one to bo my assistant if eleileil eityl ri I'lcr. Neither have 1 promised any-j one to be inv assistant if elei led city recorder. Earl Hace. (Paid udv.) tend. MISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist Now located at of Aurora, is tu the All members of tho Artlnnn lodge aru ' invited to the llallowe en dance to lie; it-.ii i, in Moose hall t.iis evening at ;N0. ZU'J-ZlU tlUODai'U iMUg. give SAVE INDUSTRIAL OREGON. I Edward liistine, of Albany, arrived fin tile afternoon electric to spend the The one way to protect the future next few days here looking: after bus- uiiiiiiilai'turiiig and industrial develop-1 ines matters, mom of Oregon is jo vote ngninst the i A- '. Thompson vicious measures known ns the " Water city this week. Front" bills, numbers il'Js and ll.'io on P. Moses, principal of the schools the ballot. They are a direct attack of (lirvais, is registered at the Hligh. on the prosperity of cverv man, woman W. C, Stroud was in the city yestcr and child in Oregon, iiii.I ought to be day from Eugene. Iicaeti. clock. minis to and from the trains and the I poslof I ice, for the vein beginning .limn- A two stago three Inch Shnnd cenlrl- '.v 1, W': ""' luviled by Posliaasler foci imion. taciurcl l,v the k. ; II lie Ii est em I will be r, veil lip .to lem Iron Works of this city', Is being J""' linlnliu In. lull,., I iii Hi,, iIi.m.iiii tin i, lu.uiiiiLi Tho contract Helmut today. The pnniii will furnish Oliv, r. wnler for all purposes about (be Instl- T"" . . , . I ,,t ,,, 1 ' , Now Is tho time to got your tlikoUi to Hie Students' Lv u ciniise. They Amie. nnllsherl .nil numiitnit Onnl. on sale at Will's music stole and Col. E. Hofor departed on the after-, ! noon electric for Portland enrontii to: " 'Crook coontv where he will conduct u Bids for the messenger Horvtee In Sa-1 ,.,, tnK cai'npaigii Ihe rest of the. Inn, which conslsls of carr.Miig Ihe , ,,.,,,,(, i., f.,vr f voting no against ' every meiisiire'oii the Imllot. He inalms rhone 109 Terfect Fitting of Eye p;lassoa Guaranteed. riiursdiiv, No ember now held by Jehu ner & Kiwne, IINl Stale street, Comiiiercial book stole, The Store That Saves You Money Iff i iff-': . . ' 1?T Dining Room Furniture THAT MAKl',8 TUB HOME ATTHACTIVE: ..MT.nn ,$Jti.;ili , .S13.7C Ml.HO Sl-lneli li lt. Kxtciifloa Qiunter miHcd Onk Table for.. f.lfi.lll II Inch li ft. Extension iiii ter sawed (ink Table for,, VJi-'.riil II! inch li ft. Extension iJuntlet sawed Oak Table for, .'t',00 4'Jiheli li ft, Extension (milter snwi'.l Oak Table for. , .$12,711 tin.llil -fl Inch li ft, Extension (,uinter awcil (hik Table mr. , .S11.75 lluftids, China Closets and Cliahs to mulch, lit reasonable prices, UBii our rnr.B rent bureau, the statement that business will be absolutely depleted If Hie measures on the luilllot should carry. He will re turn to Marion county Monday eon-' eluding his speaking campaign nt Mt. Augel Monday evening. , Lady Maccabees attention. I.ady Ay- delolle is coming and special business at review, Wednesday, October lis, He-fi'eshincnls. Any piece of high irrnilo cut glass In store nt half plica during J. (I, The remnlns of N. P. Barnhnrt, who died ill Port III nd of pneumonia last Sunday, aged ,"7 years, arrived here , ( n n,Y yesterilav and were taken to the Lch-1 iniin A: ('lough undertaking parlors -,. . ! E. M. Young, i Smith " closing nut inlc at J7L' Stale. where funeral services were conducted at 10 o'clock this morning and iutor iii lit was had la the I. O. O. F. cemetery. Deceased was a paialer by trade. He Is survived bv two dnuuliters, Mrs. J. W. llucketL of MeMiiiuville, and Mis. Hall, of this city. J. Q. Smith ll positively selling out the Thompson jewelry stock at sacrifice prices, 117- Slate. I . if-I.HH) will have been loade up by that i time. The next meeting will be held at noon Friday. Those who stihscriliil this week are as i follows: I F, II. Spears lil, Carl D. (ialii ielsou 1 ld, .1. H. Linn (leorge II. U'wis 1 Fav II. Collins !fld, C. D. Perviue HI, ' A.C. Nelson .1, S. Wataiiabc D. (1. , Draper 10, , J. Lehman !, W, H. n , I- it tn II. ,1. Miles Camtal ( lly ,,,, , - I'rcanierv fl, A Friend Towiisend J. 0. Dhucking against -r(.t, IMI.r'v ( . r. ir. Hobertson lil, controversy over n hop ii, p,.,i,ri ll., .-, contract, . on in departincnt No. 1 Wl,rm.r llrevmnn MK Salem Flour fir the circuit court today before .Indue miii i i.i-. n n n.,..i,.., i. n nm i iicgco in me opening Siiithwiek Carev 1 . Martin .', '. Illlollieys Tor the l 1 h .laimiiese llnml l.iinu.lry thrust nt Oregon's progress, but they inre n veiled attack upon. the ptih'ic schoul system of the state, in that they i will, it' passed, deprive it of large sums of innncv everv year, I Vote " No"'.'l'JI) and "No" Ml, OIIEIION COM M EDCI AL I'llOTEl"- ' TIYE ASSOCIATION, Yeon Hldg., Portland, Ore. l-'OU WENT Olio fivt-ioonl moileiu bungalow and one four-room hoii-ie with city 'water. 0. W. I.nller, 411(1 llulibai-il building. , FOlt SALE Two seiilcd surrey in ; first-class condition; price if-ilo. Also j heavy weight, high-grade, delivery j wagon, like new, .fill, Pliiuie .VI-F-LI. WANTED An elderly (leiiiinii lady, yet capable of doing general hoiise : work, desires a position with a (lei man family, Address, J. M., euro of I Journal. ' WILL i-xehaiige new, modem bungalow, j central, in Salem, and cash lor cither j groceries, shoes, geueiul merchandise., 1 harness or livery stock. Itox ;0I, j Salem, Ore, WANTED Two-room ai'iiitiuents, one sic 'ping room, one for bachelor ipiai tcrs; furnished for light housekeeping with heat and bath. Address J. W. J , fare Journal. 7 UOOM house and lot, s" 1.5.x 1tl."i feet, oil Division sli t, between Front and Commercial, lor ifiU'O, or will sell vacant lot, llxl, i."i feet for .fliilll. W'll give terms on house and lot. llcchtel & lly 1, :II7 State street. Tonr Credit li (k'od Here HOME 'FURNISHERS LUK. COURT &HIGHSTS Btorfi In Otenon and Washington You Will like to Trodc With Uj A Dandy Light Truck Cheap I An of fort Is being made by Secretary j i.Moores of Ihe Snlcin Commerciiil club j to get a iiNinbcr of the llelgians who, I are lemlng their war devastated conn-j try to settle In this country. 0, ('. Chapmaii, la charge of the state Im migration bureau, Is la touch willi the llelgina immigration agents mid it is 'likely that 11 number of the now home less people will settle in Oregon, They are knoiin to be sober, Industrious peo pie and will doubtless prove n valuable .addition to this country, ns they lire coming with their families, prepared to adopt the ways nnd customs of till i country. Hurry If you want hlou grade Jewelry jat slaughter prices lor holiday presents. J. (I, Smith, 117'J state. Hereafter applicants for civil service exiiiiiluatioii lor goxciituicnt positions will have to furnish photographs of, themselves to the examiner, on the day of 1' 11 111 i 11 11 1 i nil , sin h photographs to have been taken within two years prior; to sin h examination. Tills Instruction ! Is given iipiin the notice of examination In be held III this city on November for clerks nnd carriers of the first and second class In the postal service, the' salaries of which positions range from tuO In I'Jiiii per milium. The photu giaph rcipiiieineiits of npl'licnnts fori civil service examinations Is a new de-! parl'iie on the part of the government, and it Is presumed to be lor the pur-1 nose or ilcnmicat on or ill cmiuovcs I In e lse of wrongdoing on their part. Capitol Mid Union Kelly. statement of the plaintiff that Mr. Young was to de- liver to the plaintiff 'jr,onil pounds of hops of 11 certain ipinlity for 14 cents per pound. Delivery to be made oil November IB. It was further stated that when the hops were to be de livered on November .IS that the price was then about 2:1 cents per I'oiind and j that Mr. Young refused to ileliver the hops, As a result Mr. Shucking is su- ing for if-LMloO damages alleged to have! been sustained by the denl. Mr. Young t entered a general denial of nil the ! charges. j Total J!I, mi Mr, llorseandwagoii Expressman, here's your chance to ineiease your Income and lighten your work. It 's a bargiila. Mr. Stoiekeeper, this truck Is Just the thing for quick delivery service at a low cost. It will save voti motiev. COMMENDS WOOLERY, I Ti the Editor: On n recent trip to your citv I had an unex to ideas-, uro in meeting my old friend, It, Wool-1 erv, whom I have known for the past' II years. We used to work for the' sumo firm In I'm tin ml for several! 'veins, and alter talking old times tori inwhile I found he was before the citl-! j i-ens of your city for election to the po. 'sition of city marshal and chief of 1 police, I Now, In knowing "Joe" Wuolery, ns ills friends all call him, I can say to lyoiir good people that If they should j place him lit the head of their police, 1 department they will make no mistake, as lie Is capable, trustworthy ami relia-i Mr, Farmer, you can get your ' ble m every way, and will enl'one your iir.uliicia to market oolcker. ch'ean 'laws 10 thev will be respected bv every- -mm lYES.I WANTA STIKOCRAPflERl er and easier with this truck, It it serve la many ways ell the farm lit Icsn cost than t team. It'l way down In price, Reeves' Garage rhomi 071 on.' (Paid adv.l J. M. DIXON, CAMFAION NEAltS END. At the noon (vision nf the business men solicitors nt the Y. M. C. A. today I t-'i'li additional was reported on the. fund for niaintnliinnce for the coming year, From the reports It was e pected that the campaign w ill be closed j "But she must have a knowledge of general office work and book keeping besides. We have many calls of this kind. Our combined course provides for Just such placet as this. It costs n little more than either course alone, but little In comparison to the benefits received, It provide! t broad training and enables the possessor to take advantage of the best plncea obtainable, Call afternoons, between four and five, to talk with the principal. Capital Business College Salem, Oregon LET US SAVE YOU MONEY Careless auto repairing has ruined many valuable machines. Bring1 your work to the Liberty Machine Shops Whoro expert mechanics will make repairs that will be perma nent, My mon have done expert repair work of every kind for years No matter what kind of a ma chine or Instrument you may have I can remedy Its defects. All ws ask li a trial. E. E. Kightlinger Proprietor. 178 8. Liberty Phone 000 Special New Korean City Restaurant Spanish Chicken, Hot Tainalos, ChlH Con Carno, Chop Buey Noodlef i'M Ferry Street When In BALEM, OREGON, atop nt BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern Tree and Private Baths. BATES 7oc, 11.00, Il.M) PEft DAT. The only hotel In the buslnese dlntrkt. Nearest to all Depot, Theatres and Capitol Buildings. A Home Away from Horn. T. 0. BLIGH, Prop. Both FhoiMi Tree Auto Bus. M