V six. THE 8AXEM CAPITAL JODBNAL, 8ALEM, OBEOOW, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 28, 1914. Isters f THEY HAVE THEIR FORTUNES TOLD AT MME. JOLLY'S. i : I WAS JUST OVER TO MADAM JOLLi. THfc FORTUNE TELLER, DEARIE I HONEST? I SHE TELL I 7 .SHE" SAID I WAS 'GOING TO MARFV A MILLIONNAIRE, WITH A HUNDRED J 1 1 HOLOftNLi UULlAnSlJ SHE-E-5-E Dl D-D-D-D? ' YES-5-S. AND I'M GOING TO HAVE SIX. MAIDS, TEN AUTOS, A, ROW BOAT, As WASH WOMAN AND OWN telephone: DOES SHE REALLY TELL THE TRUTH, PETTY? np course SHE DOESTHINK I'D GOTO HER, IF SHE DIDN'T ? I'M COIN a TO LOOK AT SOME WEDDING VEIL5 NOW, i- I A :.: IF FORTUNE TELLERS KNOW SO MUCH.WHT DON'T THEY MAKE FORTUNES, INSTEAD OF TELLING THEM? THEY CAN'T FOOL. ME DEAR '. J If 11 1 I v. r HUH'. IF SHE'S A MILLIONAIRE, MARRY ONE, IUIJ !!! V MME JOLLY TELLS PAST. PRESENT AND FUTURE AND WHAT NEVER HAPPENED AT ALL. ALSO. TOUR NAME AND ADDRESS AND WHAT YOU ATE FOR BREAK FAST COME UP! SI JOHN SCHULTZ FOUND BY TRACKBADLY HURT Having evidently attempted to hoard ii fust freight mid been thrown to the ground after being struck on tin- liend liy some portion of one of th curs, a young man, Hineo identified ' as John jsVhultz, wiih found on the Southern Pacific, right-of-way about a mile und ii liulf above Woodliurn this .morning jn an unconscious condition. lie was tukoa to Woodliurn, when1 medical nid was summoned, mid upon investigation hid Bkull was found to be Hcvcroly crushed mid several portions of hin body badly bruised. Ho wus brought to Hulom on the 1 o'clock elec tric lin.l taken to the Snlcm htispitul, where necessary operations wore per formed thin afternoon. He regained consciousness for a short time this morning ami stilted that his name was John HchulU nnil that lie utm mined on ii ranch in southern (Ire (inn a nd will 18 years old. Further investigation lis to his identity und th whereabouts of his relatives Is being made. SPORT new: ALL LOSI heavily THE WATT SHIPS TOOK THREE STRAIGHT Carpentier Is Wounded, Welsh !:::"; Barely Holds Title-Base ball Gossip lllood will tell-eyo. -ond so will a blni'k POLITICAL CARDS EABL BACE Candidate for Oltr Becordn Platform Kfflcloncy Justice la recorder 't court Ecunoiny In office expenses (Paid Adv.) L. M. HUM Care of YICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine' which will cure any known disease. IK! South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 28:?. WANTED To trade fine fiirni (ID acres on the famous Howell Prairie. What have yout bleo llechtel & ltyuoii. To trudo 1(10 neru slock ranch In I'illiiinook for city properly, l'rlce 1 50(1. HI) acres, I.li In County, price I i'00, hade for city properly. Modern hungu Jow HH00 trude lor limd. Home good houses and vacnul. lots for liado for ucrougu. What have yout Farm Bargains One or Hie best Howell Prairie luiins well improved for only IHil per acre; i i n ileep, lilaclt luuiu soil, licit in llir vslloy. , San Francisco, Oct. 28. Practical fl.liiiifcuinli Hint, tlm clubs of tbfl l'llcific (Joust league lost heavily firing the season just closed curno nero today with the, announcement that the direct ors had decided upon a number of re trenchments lor next year. Our of tho first things the magnates lid ut yesterday's meeting was to re- luce the pluver limit from HO men to IS, to be in force from May 1 to Aug ust 21. A further suving was provided for when the suliiry limit was .reduced from $1111011 to $000, and the single um pire system adopted. The reduction In the Hilary limit alone menus a saving of t-12,000 to the league, while the sin gle 11 in pirn system will save the salar ies or three men, amounting to ifuuiui, exclusive of traveling expenses, which loot up to a couple of thousand more. The HHo season, it was niinounceit, will begin March 2H and close October both ilales being one week earlier I hun Hie present schedule, Sacramento Out Of It, Seattle, Salt Lul'e, Han .lose and Siicniiiieutn, It wus liunoiiuccd, are in I he field to secure the forfeited Iran chisu of the Hiicruuicnto-Mission club A ci ill tee of three, inaile up of him Heir, ,1. ( al Kwiug and I'', W. Leavitt was unpointed by President llaum to decide where the sixth club shall be olaci'd next year. Ilaiiui declured nil applicants will be heard, and the one presenting the best proposition will lie awarded the franchise. Nenltle has been nnxiuiis lo break in to the Coast league for years, and the iiurlheiii cily seems to be prelerred by Ihe directors because they say it is the largest city mid best prepared to siii unit Class A ball. Hurry Wolverlon and Lloyd .lucobs of Hui'iiiuicnto are disappointed ut the action t ii U ii bv the directors, nnd il was hinted that a legal battle is prol able before a final decision is reachc over the disposition of Ihe Hncriiinciito Mission club. due of the trades arranged during vesterdav's meeting semis I'itclier I S. Smith ol Venice lo I'lirlniiid ill ex cliuiige for Catcher Van!.. Ai'ier Ihe IIUI peiiiiaut was formally awarded to I'm I land mid .lodge . . MeCiedie has responded with a neat ipcivh, the niiigiiaics adjourned until I'Vlii iiiiry 17, I lie dale l the spring srhcliile uiecling. The Watt hipp bowlers took three straight games from the (.refers last night on the Klectric ulleys and are now the leaders or tne city bowling (lilroy, tt well-known grocerv- rolled the high game, 212. and I Noud, of the Watt Shipps, made the high average, 1 S 1. The Klks and tin (Hobo team will clash tonight on the Club alleys. Die scores of last night s as follows Watt Shlpps. games are HOP GROWERS (Continued from I'age One.) I'ierce ... Craven . . Doningollii 'helps ... Noud 1H4 Totuls Philbrick Hllipp ,,. Halter ... Freela nd Uilroy ... 5 or 10 Choice !5 or 10 acre Inlets all under cullivalioii near Klcctrlc ear Hue and si'liool, only 41III.1 per acre, on cay leriitN, 1 a II Total. Av. loo 1114 1:111 no:; 10; L05 iw 1-12 nil ISO Kill 121 175 402 104 15S 1111 1S2 501 107 194 1S2 Hill 542 1HI 802 852 804 2548 170 Grocers. 1 2 .1 Total. A v. 141 124 145 410 1117 17(1 14.1 112 4:il 144 111 144 12S ,'ISil 120 120 1110 45S 15:1 1118 170 212 520 17:i (181) 780 7110 2205 147 Totals The following is the standing of the teams 111 the city bowling league: reams Vwin. Lost. r.c. Wntt Hliipp (I 0 (llobe 2 1 Klks 2 1 Printers 2 4 Mansers 2 4 (Irocers 1 5 1000 .007 .0117 .:ixi .1(17 SENATOR LANE AT ARMORY TONIGHT Veiled States Senator llarrv I. line, Oregon's junior representative in the upper brunch of congress, will address the people of Salem at the armory at H o'clock this evening upon the Issues of the campaign in the interest of the success of the democratic party nt the coming Miveinlier election ami particu larly in support of Senator (leorge K, Chiimberhiiu for re-election. Senator I, line is due to arrive In the city some time this afternoon und prior to the speuklng he will probably make his headipiarteis at the Marion hold, where he will meet his friends nnd fellow partisans, A wire this afternoon snys the senator will nrrUc at (I:,'I0. convenient central point to be attended oy delegates duly selected oy eai-n or the county associations of Washington, Oregon ami California. "At the organization of the Pacific, Coat Hop (irowers association so at tended by these delegates, a principal placo of business ahull be selected and agreed upon, mid ways and means will be levised for the proper handling of the hop crop at a fair and .just price, all the details of which will be worked out and settled ut that time by this asso ciation, and it is understood that the principal functions of this association shall be the sale of the Pucific coast hop crop to the best advantage." Sub Committees Are Named. Following the signing of the organ ization agreement the meeting settled down to business again and the next step In order was the appointing of committees for all of the counties rep resented, and thiK.wns accomplished partly by the naming of growers who were present to solicit signers of the agreement in their respective counties, while in some instances growers who were present volunteered to assume the responsibility in their counties, and, in this mnniier every grower in the state will be invited to sign up until the greater percentage of nil the growers of the state ore enlisted in the cause which will insure its success und ef fectiveness. Somo of the committees who will act in the work of soliciting membership are: Vainhill eountv W. C. Miller and Tom Hogers, of McMinnville, and W. ft. Kirkwood, of Amity. Washington county Robert Porter of Forest drove, ami .iohn Ileister, of (Inlesburg. I'olk county W, W. l'ercivnl, will select his own assistants. Lane county K. K. Morrison and George K. Knight, of Spring! 'Held. Ilentoii county Fred Ire land, of torvollis, Marion county William Hoy, of Jefferson. Ilrooks dis trict M. Jones. Milverton district, Marian ; Palmer j Wucondn district, W. 1. Kgaii. Clinirman MeMulmii will an nounce committeemen for the other hop districts' of Marion county Inter, ; Mothod of Procedure. After. the major portion of the grow ers of the different counties of the Wil lani 'tle I valley, the southern Oregon comities und Wasco county have been of them," declared President Kerr, of the Washington association, who was present and addressed the meeting, which brought down the house. Enthusiasm Ban High. As the business of the meeting pro gressed and the plans and anticipated results were outlined by the several speakers, the enthusiasm of the growers run high and the speakers were fro cpiently interrupted by spontaneous ap plause. Among the principal speakers were President P. K. lllaliick, of thu Mendocino County Hop Growers ' asso ciation; President W. rJ. M. Heardslee, of the Sacramento valley Hop (Jrowers 1 association; A. A. Alerkley, director of the same organi.ation; President HliU Paxton, of tho Sonoma County asso ciation; W, W. Percival, of Independ ence; President Kerr, of North Yakima, of the Washington ussociution; I,. II. Mc.VUhun, M. L. Jones, K. Ii. Morri son, of Springfield; W. K. Kirkwood, of Amity, and (leorge Hewlett, vice president of the Medocino County asso ciation, and several others. All of the speakers, 111 reciting the failures of past attempts to organize the hop growers, culled attention to the activity of a certain element of the dealers who used every means in their power to throw cold water upon the enterprise and break up the organiza tion, und the growers wero warued against listening to the discouraging ar guments of these dealers. Heretofore they have been successful, as was point ed jut in every instance, by one means or another, and It was felt most cer taiu that they would center all of their energies and ingenuity to frustrate the present efforts to elicit the organiza tion. Visiting Growers Thanked. Before the meeting adjourned a ris ing vote of tuuuks wus extended all of the members of the California ad vaacn organization committee "tor their splendid efforts in favor of the organizing and co operation of the hop growers of the Pacific coast," and as sured them of the hearty support ami Even if You Do Make the Most Noise It does not necessarily follow that you are the best dressed. In fact, if you would move in the best circles of society, you must Combine Gentility With Style This may be brought about by wearing I THE "L" SYSTEM clothes for young gentlemen. G. W. Johnson & Co. 141 North Commercial Street WANTED llonry Font, Dullim: W. H, Xouton, I t nil lit 111 1 f tl I' I. Tlturllt)il IvllllM Vlll- 1 co-operation of tho Oregon growers iai,,,.,. j. Ai Manning, Woodliurn, Houto bringing about a permanent organi.u- ,M. A Bllr,,h) j, Ri Custorein, Kick-1 ,11011, uiio xmiiiko mnmiuuu mis 1 ,-t.ull: A. A. Morklcy, Hucrauicnto, (Jul. 1 Hrodmed nnd adopted extending thanks: K K. Morrison, (leorge K. Knight,; I to President Kerr, or the Washington j Springfield; M. .1. Kren., Fred N. uuurw, utwi.i for nil iiiriu. an, nt. I Ii na. 1 . . I n ' w . ' nr I " ' - mump, nuver ai, u. jones, moons; , lasm and assurances of the co-operation Mi Murphy, lluena Visla; W. 0. Miller, I of tho Washington growers. On behalf To, McMinnville; W. II. Kirk- of the California growers, Mr. Mluluck W00li Amjtv. . a, Arnold, Aurora; nnd Mr. Heardslee tendered their an- w u iiv rrf,.ron, w II nnd A .1. signed up the county organizutioiis will j preciutiou of the spirit of friendship ! j.vnn) (lervuis; George j. Krebs, Jef either attend the next meeting in Salem , anil good will expressed in the resolu- j ('em'. e. j,, Cunningham,' Uhiali,' Cal.; Saturday, November i, in a body or ( tions, and wlieu the question of whether ; onry Seuton Jefferson; M. llattalinn, seiecs ueiegHies 10 represent, ineiii, run growers presem were in nivor 01 wdien a permanent organization of thejorgunizntiou was put und every muu in Oregon growers will be effected and : tho meeting arose to his feet, Mr. a set of state delegates will be chosen Hen rdslee took the floor, saluted and to represent the Oiegon association at j exclaimed: "Gentlemen of Oregon, n joint meeting of like delegations from California takes otf her hut to you." Waiinlngtou nnd Culil'orniii, to be held I Hop Growers In Attendance, at some central point most convenient i Among those in attendance at yes for nil, when the Pacific const assocla-' terdav 's meeting were: A. 11. Davidson, llerbey Hill, G. N. Sloper, W. A. Patlon, II. II. Fletcher, II. Feiiuell, .1. S. Ilohiinnon, Verd Hill, lloni"r Hill, A, L. Sperling, 11. Sails- berv, W. W. Porcivnl, W. II. Walker, I). 'L. Hedires. P. h. lleclws. M. M. Porterfield, L. Damon, A. M. MoLaugV ! lin. Alluvial farm ( o., independence; : . MAN WTTH HAfKRONE AKT1 0. G. Goad, J. M. Grant, I. V. Yoakum, ! A m , 7 FAITH IN HIS COUNTRY MR. FARMER, who wants a good homo in town, hero is your chiinco: Splendid eight-room house modern, and two lots 150x150, good stable, fine location, two blocks from street car, one block from school; a beautiful home worth ;i,50(l, for 12,400. Will tuka good team ami 2.ri0 cash balance term to suit; or ifoOO down without team. WANTKD A good dairy farm from 80 to 100 acres, spot cash, Price must For Rent Farms and houses In nil purls of Ihe city. Insurance Can place your We write liisninine, money on good teal ctnlc secmliy. l"t you a good leiinnnt for your vacant house, Tib. In your properly lor what (you wnut. WELSH HAS CLOSE CALL. Ho-dou, Oct. 2S,-Kreddie Welsh, wiiil. I s light weight champion, hold a shade decision today over Malty Hald win as n n-siill of their 12 round belli here lut uiiilil. The chanipiiin, how etei, was fori ed In extend himself lo Ihe liuiil, llalihtin sin pi ixing In in Willi lii-. .In-liing work. I j U, Uh showed be-1 ill Ihe clinches.', lie ii-rd ii ipiod, lei I to the slouulch and il lii;hl to (he Inducts Willi good ; i llei-l. Hlllilniu seined lepeliledl.v Willi -el', I I. II- ii ul ni'.lils lo Ihe body, nnd got in a niimliei of wicl.e.l lell ll.llid v -lie-. In Wel-ll 's head. ! CAIUT.N 1'IER WOUNDED. class than he did last night againsl Willie Filzsinitnoiis In their LVrouiid bout here to convince the fans (lint he has any right lo claim a chance at the title. While (liuiian won a clear decis ion over Ihe local In. I, he failed to dis play his much advertised knockout punch, ami he missed iiiaity blows with both hands. The bout was very slow, neither boy opening up until the last loiind, l-'i I .'ni iiiniiiitH got none the worst, of Ih, i session. I.o. al Inns doubt that ( 1 1 u 1 1 n would prote e.pial to u contest Willi such men us Fiiiuliie Hums and Joe Aevedo. I'rankie Mnlone, former Olympic club champion, beat Freddie Haniineii In one of the six-round preliminaries, Young I .ii ii n in won u fnur-iound decision from Vuuiig I'cnipsie, and Hilly .Milium slop ped I raiikie Scoll In live rounds, Kd die Hlukelce releree.l ihe mil in event, and his de isioit in tutor of (irnnaii was well receited. WILLAMETTE TO MEET OREGON NEXT FRIDAY .The Willamette foutball sipiad is toiknig otoitime tins week pieplliing i lo do Inii I to a(:iiht Ihe Oregon II BECHTEL & BYNON, 017 STATE BTHEET. i-:ii 1'iiimi , ii.l. 2-t. Tlmt 1 in i I'lcn h boveis have been killed, and lioil Kennies tuipculicr, unit t weigni . ,mai l-'iidny ut l:ug I champion of Furnpo, was prolialdt III I imi, n weaker than when .tally wounded In the Kniopeiii ii'-,j iitinusl the Oiegon Agi Icnlluiiil coll t was Ihe infoimatlon giteu mil heie to laiol l ute given op ml hope of ,dnv In Kid McCoy. McCoy said hisLpi,, ( (H,. oiegon leuni wife hud receited a Idler from Palis, nmbe. i i o ti I a i ii I n g Ihe liiloiinalion of Ihel Smarting u er Ihe unexpected defeat di al In mid Ihe lu jul.t to Careiilier, :, ,,, hau.ls of Ihe WillaiuetK' eleven ! writ ten bv Miss (nnie King, a vaude-1 HH n'ii'oii ihe Oregon team lire going tioa will be formed nnd the control 1 or parent body organized and incor porated. This central corporation will, be .'omposed of a board of trustees rep resenting every hop growing section of llio llir,.,. Piii'it'ic const states, nnd its 'duti's will be to purchase all of the supplies for the members of the const organization at wholesale rules, to be furnished the members at cost, mid to handle the selling end of tho associa tion, which will place the growers upon an independent nnd solid basis of busi ness and will effectually eliiuinute the destructive speculative and shurtselling eleni'iits from the industry and the mar ket absolutely. Organization for Frotoction. The keynote of nil of the addresses preceding und during the work of or-' gaiiizaliou was the utter helplessness of ' Ihe hop grower under the present con j ditions, when all or the iniorniiniou he has lit hand legariling the market is what he gels fioiu the dealers, and no is guided almost entirely by the die-1 talcs of the dealers. The present con-1 dilimis of the market, when hops tiro J selling at less than 10 cunts per pound)1 whereas all ntn. aide statistics indicate Unit Ihe prices should be much higher, ami Ihese conditions, it was usscilcd by 'he speakers, weie brought about through the manipulations of the short -sclleis. As u moans of eiinibntting this' ileploiahlc slate of affairs, which Is' proving minims lo the grower, and, I as wis i centred nv Mr. .mcmiiiiiiii ami nail L. Schnrtz. J, A. Krebs, I,. II. Me- "u 'u' Milium, HliK-in ; A. C. Morford, Hulem, Houto 1; J, K. llrophy, Salem, Route 2; Kit Loose, Snlem, Route 1; (leorge Sun, Salem. COLD WAVE PREDICTED. Washington, Oct. 27. A sudden cold wavo, covering the northern hnlf of tho country and extending from the ' Duckies to the Atlantic const, wns pro-1 Thero are few really great men on dieted today by the weather bureau for , earth, but there are a lot of others who tonight nnd tomorrow. urn willing to admit their grenlness. GEO. B. JACOB CO., Room 207 Hubbard Building, Phone 2424 liSWIlf FATIHA ;f'!h::'i' v':-''; ; - "fr , if" i"' ' 1 ........ 1 ' - i . . a. '1 -i; - .- V 1. Il iV"rt,Vw''k """I"!"! 1 THE TUR.KI8H BLEND CIGARETTES DistinctivQly Tndwidua! Men of tke Service tell their comrades everywhere of this distinctive smoke lege being tn u. Ii CANCER lo iniike the score the largest possible, mailt- of them picdictiug a hundred to milling mailt for the conlest, Owing to Ihe fact that many of Ihe first t imi in were laid out In the game at Corvallis, a large number of former i Mo actress. I nipenlter, she Mini, wa shot through the lung. The four boxers hilled, nccnidlng ID ! Miss King, were CImiIos l.edoux. Clins. Positively and painlessly removed In strnber, Adilnn lliiciin and Max Sling lu lef time without tho knlfo or money j ,.r. Ledum pmlmbly was the best lefuitded. known In America of the four, having second siring men luive been advanced Address, Dr. II. II. Itonner, Dos 2.111,' bused nt i.o Angeles. Morlh Yahlina, Wn., Dept.. J. rr i GBUNAN 18 SLOW mr.IOIIT. Uie, tot ,al., a Journal . ftS' uZ i weight pit'tcge, will have lo siiow more Want Ad will tU it. ri,.. i ..ii in Is olhei. the present low prices mid re Ii lined on I ii. e.l tlu value of Ihe hop land of Ihe' Millev mere man fiuo per acre niiienot . , W.' W. I'ercltal, of Independence,' und other glowers who spoke at the meeting, declured Unit the only salva tion for the grower was the terming of u periuiinciil association through which all of the business of ti It of the grow ers could bo transacted, und the growers were appealed to to stick together thioiigli thick nod thill until the oh lecls of the nsoe intion were fully real ised, which would be In the course uf another year,, and In the meantime the growers were advised to hold their Imps to the first line and me treparin to 1 from the maiket until Die mips witicn do their best against the big Oregon i were alrndy sold ami delivered were team, The members of the con. lung ! consumed, when a rise in the uiaihetj stuff linte nothing to announce ex wool I be swilt and Inevitable. "1 cept tluil the team will fight for all would rather tnke a goil price ror nan thev lire worth from wliisile to whistle.'of my Imps than a poor price for all ;!i' i 'i .. ' ;: i M?3z&gsks. ' " . lIN ,l.l.l. !l