TWO THE BALEM CAPITAT. TQURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1914. A Few Words in the Interest of Truth Referring to various statements appearing in the press recently, the Royal Baking Powder Company states: That it has no interest whatever in the controversy over the use of Albumen (sometimes called white of egg) in baking powder, and has not had any part in the actions before officials that have taken place in the various states; That it believes Albumen to be entirely unnecessary and used only for deceitful purposes; That if Albumen was a proper ingredient of baking powder, or performed any legitimate function, it would have adopted it many years ago, as its cost is infinitesimal ; That it has no interest, direct or indirect, in the K. C. Baking Powder, the owners of which are reported to be opposed to the use of Albumen, nor in the Calumet or Crescent baking powders, in both of which Albumen is used; that the only baking powders in which it has any interest in the United States are its own well known brands, "Royal," "Dr. Price's" and "Cleveland's "all made of Cream of Tartar. The Company believes that the question whether Albumen is a proper ingredient for baking powder is insignificant compared with the vastly more important question as to Alum, the use of which in baking powder has been so generally condemned. It is a noteworthy fact that all the baking powders containing Albumen are made of Alum. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. 4 t New York J 1 Col c. l wood AND BILL HANLEY would notice the I'lrpant diction and ernors' special," which toured the Knst reuli.o thnt it wus Columd Wood spenk- n couple, of yours ago. He declnres the ling, and thnt h really looks more like story thitt Hill wus taken along an n rreiloricK A. Douglass, the Brent negro I ninseut lust as some parties of high- nrtitor, tnnn lie does like Hill, One I rollers tnac along n K"t or n hunch- . tiling we enn ussiire our renders is thnt, ! buck or a linld eugle is n bns innrd (roin tho Ashland Itee.nrd.) if Hill should go nwny nnd leave uh. nnd he would like to see the color of .Colonel C. fc. S. Wood of Portland any )iictures(ueness of which lie do-1 the mnn's hair thnt started it. was in southern Oregon Inst Thursday j prives the state will be mado up by I The colonel anvn there are n lot of f"luS ruiiuiug 1)111 lli'uh'y for the : Colonel Wood with interest. I lies afloat about' Kill that were filth- ii It vmt() un I"11 "nil Moose! In order thnt you may know what 1 ered by the city papers and are being i the people of Oregon urfrinR them to 111 1 i , "fil'lii " city hull in it's all about, ftvn will state that the i passed along by their " niinoruble little I re-elect him. Thu fulliming inewigc Ashland, lie took Hill in flights of orn-! I'm belts and Colonel Wood nnd Hill I yellow cur imitators" in the country ! "as rocched yesterday by the Ilcmo tory on a personally conducted tour I are nil tied up together in n! big ranch I villages. He wns especially exercised lerntic stnte central committee: clear up to the pearly (jutes which is ; over In eastern Oregon. They huve 1 over a bunch of so-cnllcd " 'pioneer rec-1 " At a mass meeting n unanimous re -unoeneu ny tnoso who tire familiar i not any represeutntivo in the I'aitcd 1 ollectioas" of Hill's early life in thin 'I'""" Wl, ma'u' ,m't Fairbanks, the ,,,,, ,u one oi tne very 1 Mates seiiute am they wnnt longest Nights to be and anywhere. Colonel Wood is n fine corporation law "I'" OT nInoil now nil, I tlica lie yer ami a brilliant speaker and would branding irons, etc. The colonel snvs uippca Mown into the bottomless pit : make them n criickerjack of II senator, ho bumped into these "whisperings'" and lot Hill stand a oneside of rlmn,. ! hm I,.. ..... ... . ... ... ... .1 ... .i.. :.... .1.1.. .... ... .... 1...I..I. . J 11 L ii .. 1 1 """J K" IISU- un- Mini mm- on i ii in irip HUH lllov iwriuln and Hooth tor u tew m unite. ington the voters won't let him. Tl. made him hot under the pollnr. to Corbetts can't go, as they are all too I denouncing them lie brought up also busy counting their money. Ho among I the matter of Hill's indictment for them they have' decided to Bend Hill, I maintaining fences around government Naturally the Cortictta are supposed i land, etc. This mntter of eastern Ore WE NEED GOVERNOR WHO WILL FIRMLY CURB LEGISLATURE By C. F. 8train, Assessor of Umatilla County. Tint each succeeding legislature spends public money more lavishly than any one before it, is not a mcro accident nor is it due to the wanton extravagance of the individual mem bership. The fault inheres in the system. Each of the 90 members has measures of his own, which too often, are of local interest only ind detrimental to the state generally, and for these schemes he can find support in no way except logrolling with his fellow mem bers. Thus it is that waste of public money originates, and no it will al ways continue in spite of criticism and protest until some rational remedy shall be adopted to stop it. When Dr. C. J. Smith declared In favor of the single item veto and of the free use of the voto power, he pro posed such a remedy. The single item veto would give the governor author ity to pick an appropriation, bill to pieces and to veto any single vicious item, piow, tne governor must either accept or reject the legislative budget a wnoie. Treasury grabs of var ious kinds are so intermingled by log rolling committees with tho necessary appropriation that the governor must accept the whole conglomerate waste fulness or by his veto rink tieinir nil all rhe state institutions. In view of past experience and considering that a legislature is responsible only to a small district, while the governor's responsibility is statewide tho wis dom of the siugle item veto is so ob vious ami the necessity for a free use of the veto powers so apparent that it is amazing that this reform was not adopted years ago. What is still more astonishing, we are informed that Dr. Smith's opponent disapproves of this much needed check on legislative waste. When the public comes to under stand the value of the single item veto they will not be long in securing it. Tho legislature itself cannot resist the logic of this demand nnd ran bo ex pected to propose this amendment at the coming session. A single item veto law would be of value beyond measure in the hands of an executive with vision enough to disti'ingui-h between measures purely local, ami those of sufficient scope to merit stnte support. Hut such H law would be worthless in the hanilH of n governor who advocates harmony nnd eo-oneration with a legislature which by reason of its oigniiiv.ntion is bound DCTIIDM AC CCMATAD1'0 '''rliinte the larger interests of tVLlUan Ur OLnAlUK Hm Mate to matters of local and per- jsoaal importance. Itnvng had opportunity to studv Dr. Smith at close range. 1 in not hesitate to stnte that beneath his congeniality nnd suavity there abides o determina tion which assures steadfast adherence to his policies. Ills extraordinary common sense, crihiii by study, travel and wide experience give him judgment and vision. Heing n mini or tae people, Honest nnd Arrow COLLAR J. clean smart' style. BeingaocA collar it is easy to' put on and to take off. . 2 for 25 cts. CLUETT. PEABODY fr CO, Inc., Maker, of Arrow Shim TROY, N. Y. DOUBT DISAPPEARS No One In Salem Who Has a Bad Back Should Ignore This Double Proof. Hoes your back ever ache? Have you suspected your kidneya? Backache is sometimes kidney acho. With it may come dizzy spells, Hlcepless nights, tired, dull days. Distressing urinary disorders. Doan's Kidney Hills have been en dorsed by thousands. Are recommended here at home. You have read HhJciii proof, Head now the Salem sequel. Kenewed testimony; tested by time. WORLD'S GREATEST PRAISES ZIMBALIST London Times Commends Playing of Noted Artist Who Is to Appear in Salem Tho great London duily, The Times, has this to sny of the playing of Ziin Imlist, tho famous violinist who is to appear at tho Armory in Salem, Feb ruary 12, in eoneort with his wife, Alma Cluck, who is a noted prima donna. U is a sample of the hij.;h piniso given him by noted critics every where: "Some reniitikublo fine violin play-, ing was heard at Queen's Hull, when W. ('. Johnston, gardener, 1021 Mill Zimbiilist nlnved Tschaikowskv's con- street, Halem, says: "After several certo and Lalo's "Symphonic Espag remedies had failed to help me, I used nolo" with the Loudon Symphony Doan's Kidney Tills and got great re- .Orchestra. Troin the momont when the lief from kidney and bladder trouble, solo violin entered into the first movi I still use Doan's Kidney Pills once in ment of the concerto, it wns clear thnt awhile when a cold settles in my back Zimbalist possessed a beautiful tone, and kidneys nnd the kidney secretions which he let out in a delightfully, easy, hecome disordered. 1 always get quick e'fortless way, that enabled every note relief. You may continue publishing . to bo enjoyed. The bowing was spl,"'i the endorsement T have given Doan's did, his iii'toiiiitinn faultless anil hm Kidney Pills before." 1 double-stopping nnd harmonica as clear Price line, at all dealers. Hon'; sim- and nccura.te as tho most exacting could ply ask for a kidney remedy-get desire; lit the snme time, his playintr nil n ' li. Illll.. U- . II t . , . ...i n itMim-.r 1 1 1 IP 1111, I.HII 0 mat n 111 H l.'rear .leill in If hnvnn, mur.v Mr. Johnston had. l-'oster-Xlil' tirn Co,, technic ': it. was full of noctrv nn.l sentiment. 'London Times. Props., Buffalo, N. V. ALASKANS ASK FOR Appreciative of the splendid service Senator (leorge E. Chnniberlain has rendered ill behalf of Alnskn, tne pcopl of Fairbanks have sent a message to Jie certainly wns cloipient. It wna hard on the faithful demo erats and republicans assembled, but they bore up nobly. When he spoke of imlciicndcnt. vet niiieneric nu,l tn.-tl',,! I,., ,.u...w.. one. j valley, where certain base" enlumiiintors i ""'tropolis and greatest gold camp in 1 qualifications for leadership which law-1 whisper that Hill was too free with his AlnHka, send greetings from Oregoni- constitute a rare equipment for eov- tins here to tne voters or tne 0 d 1,01m emor. With such a candidate running stnte and nsk then, to send back to(, .,, a ,v(,,uM hl( , Washington on November , Alaska's 1 ph, of the state have reason to ',,,. friend, (icorge K. Chamberlain, thus grotnlute themselves on the present further cementing present nnd future onoortimltv . nh-iui. .i. t..ii trade relations between trregon and i,i,u ,;' c iii...i : ., , Booth thero were crumbs of comfort! to furnish' the for the democrats, and when he spoke of Chamberlain there were crumbs of remfort for the republicans. The dem oerats got a few the most crumbs, he cause tho colonel scathed limit h on hit record in the courts as a timber grub ber, while his chief complaint of Cham berlala was that (icorge had failed to boost him politically. When the cnlon,'l spoke of his friend Hill, everything else looked yellow and rocky aiid whang basted and there were no crumbs for anyone who didn't belong to the ('or-bet-Wood-Hanley element In Oregon rolltlcs. Sometimes when Hie colonel shook his luxuriant Iron-gray mane and burst forth in vitrulie denunciation you thought It was Hill himself, twisting tails of a bunch of steers to make than get into tho ear, And then you mi money though they gon history was news to many people re apparently letting go of it slowly. . in Ashland nnd they were glad' to hear as the colonel snys he nnd Hill have mi; the colonel bring it up nnd denounce it. campaign fund with which to buy space He has a splendid flow of denunciatory in the dirty newspapers. Colonel Wood ! lansunge. Iins already furnished the brains and. The colonel states that those papers as Hill can't tulk fur sour apples, the which are not lying about Hill are in colonel Is now furnishing tho oratory. 'a "conspiracy of silence" which re nin is supposed to looa picturesque nnd I fuses to be broken unless Hill s enin receptive nnd wait for the train, Hie rest will be easy. Colonel Wood demonstrates this by reference to Hill's platform which he knows by heart nnd can recite offhand bunk wards or for wards without n mistake. Why shouldn't lief He wrote it. lie knows morn iibout it nnd whnt's in it. and paign coaimittee coughs up. He said this In fsce of the tact thnt Hie Hon. Hert tireer, chnirmaii of the meeting, is editor of a paper that fought valiantly for the progressive party only two years ago, nnd the further fuet that another editor present devoted half n column of spnee to Hill's cnndlilncy free of charge what it means nnd doesn't mean, in j two weeks ngo. The colonel snys the a minute than Hill does In two thou- people have been " betrayed " hy every sand centuries. The only part he didn't 1 paper that didn't print Bill's platform, recite hero win where it says "I do not He thinks it is a newspaper man's bus favor prohibition." Otherwise the iaess to furnish a free mouthpiece for colonel took up his splendid Wood strue- every dub who imagines he is a states tare, plunk by plank, and showed howl man, (Irent guns, colonel why at that Hill will go down to Washington la his I rnto every copy of a country newsptt best red necktie and exhibit the plat-j per In Oregon would be as' big as a form and look the senate over and nsk Carnegie llhrnry nnd It would cost np thc ptesldent a few questions and the . proximately twii million dollars a week next day he will get bnek (M.tWO.OtMl of to send It 'out by freight, which we were rohbed by the reelnnin-! The colonel Is iiuklnd nnd Inconslder Hon bill. ate but with that broad humnn char- I That will He about ths first Monday Ity for which the country editor is after the Saturday thnt Bill arrives mi. 1 noted, we forgive him. We enjoyed his Sunilny he will locate the cnpitnl build- speech. Such speeches add to the' gaiety I Ing. Tuesday he will unpack his trunk.) of nations and help to make life worth 1 On Wednesday he will tie up Oregon 's , living for the musses who sre ground I resources so that nobody outside the .down by the Iron heel of oppression i stnte rnn monkey with them. Thiira-lnnil can't afford to go to vaudeville. 1 day morning bright nnd enrly he will ! We hope he will come ugnln before the I arrange to Irrigate the waste plnros of ! campaign ends and run Hill another the state nnd make homes for the sur- heat in this community. Hill wns rail j plus population of the congested mil-led hereabouts, and, as the colonel sng- . verse. Ill till nfternnon he will lotll.l mints, every mun nlni wna born nmi. W n ItilthWHVS llll llllir t)l lnlu n.l m ,.!. .I...i,i,1 I.m.- tl... t.n.llIJ..J ..... iV4 fosd to the southern Oregon rnnst. 1 port of that community for the I'nlted -nrre ne win ing a purr. Willie he Is unites lennte A Sure Sign of Good Coffee Elfht eup ef delicious coffee for cent, and nethlng to do but turn the switch. at It ho will nlso dljr some ports at I oruanii aim Astoria. AUSTRIANS SHOW UP. Krldny Hill will fix tint labor epics- Hon, cnpitnl, corporations, trusts, coin I . . .. . . . , , merce, mining snd woman suffrage- L . '''"l ViC'u u' while the rest of tl nale look, nt ! A'l.Man tioop, of the firs Use are be- k il 1 ..1 .. 1.1 .- 1 ginning to stuienr nt the fighting front hides In the cyclone cellar out behind "0,1','' r''m- and Ibilglinii, it was menli are the most important In the up the White Ho In cone anything ', ,ln """" M'''"'-r ''"l"'''i re-, per house, else should n I fixing, Colonel Wood "''v"1 Mt? lr01" Amsterdam and. will tell Hill what it Is and how to fix '"""'"", It. Saturday Hill will aillouin con- Alnskn." The message is signed hy L. P. Protz man, Lcroy Tozier and T. A. .Mnrqunm, committee. And sometimes the girl who marries her ideal gets a divorce and lives happily ever after. TRUE TO HIS CONSTITUENTS f; IK. lurv reign of legislative misrule in this state. NICE BOX OF CANDY CONTAINED MORPHINE Han Francisco, Oct, 2H. -Suspicions of a parcel post package mailed nt the Fnirmnuut hotel here, Postoffiee Clerk Allen Strong opened the package to day, to fiad that it contained n box of candy mixed with morphine tablets. Max Steinfeld, a clerk lit the Helvi dure hotel, wns arrested In connection with the affair end charged with at tempting to send poison through, the . mail to his wife in Long Bench, fa I. When arrested, Steinfeld nus nt liber ty on bail, following an appeal, after having been sentei d to four months Imprisonment on McNeils Island bv United States Judge Doollng for con cealing opium, I IP Jl Bishop's Ready Tailored Clothes Have a dash of ginger in them that can only he found in the best hand tailored clothos. They have the qual ity and shape-retaining features appre ciated hy careful dressers, r RICES $15.00 TO $25.00. SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE m LAPIES' DENT GLOVES, $1,7. SBNATOE CHAMBEBIAIN. Geo, E. Chamberlain 's bitterest politi cal opponent never charged him with taking a dollar In graft or engaging in single crooked deal, public or private, Oregon never had a better governor; his vetoes saved the tax payers hun dreds of thousands of dollars. As sen lor he ranks high In the na tion's eiteeiu. His committee asslun- 'gress and come home, foliini'l Wood exnrcsRcd surnrise thnt HuhbOi 'Ii..,m .bi'ilnln hs failed to attend to these j (trivial mntters which a man of Hill's genius could enslly get away with in It $ electric com to us" ' W,''k "'" "'"",' l,v -p'y making 'the rest of the I'nlted States stop run I ning for a few days, if 1 The oratory of Cidnnel Wood not on- l3iel l''Y ""v,,",l " 'hat BUI will enrrv v !"ut this program with one hand tle'u W1 f 1 behind hit buck, but sis thst. his ills- rJ I ffrt1 C O 1 'vry III the quiet atmosphere of Hums Is second only to the grent dis KASONIO TEMPLB, PHOKB 1S00 !"V"T l' Ciilumlius Is said to hsve made la HHi, or that which Dr. fnok alva votes for .., ,,, ' m', """' years later. To provo that vva give votes ft oh ejpesltlon trip im , ,,, ,,, ,, ;,, .hB( a great nttrsetlon ha wss un the "gov- s Good Spirit can only be enjoyed ty those whose dlfestlve orcani work naturally and regularly. The bent corrective and preventive vet discovered for Irregu lar er faulty action of stomach, liver er bowels, is known the world over to he BEECMArS PILLS tM ,--. ssliisui io ia. He forinulatc I and secnreil the pas- sags of the Alsskaa railroad bill, j To his efforts Isrgcly Is due the fait that Oregon received one-teeth ef the total amount appropriated for rlyrs and harbors. ' As seastor he Is still the idaia mas of the neople that ke was In private life. The friends he made SU years ago sre his fi lends today hoes use he; is "THIKD sad Tlll'E' 1 Senator chamberlain Is a staunch sup-! porter of President Wilson's construc tive legislative program. The people of Oregon seed Chamber lain in Washington. 1 (Paid Adv.) Have You a Victrola in Your Home? If not, yon should. If you are not already a lover of music, you soon will be with a VICTROLA, for with it the possibility Comes Within Your Reach to hear practically nil the music of all ths world rendered by the most renowned artists, bands and orchestras. Within the pages of the Victor cata logue there are More Than 5000 Vocal and Instrumental Selections for You to Choose From If there is not a niche for it now, make one, for some day you will surely need it, for you will eventually own one, and when you do you will immediately realize that you have added to your home the one thing that will bring the greatest pleasure to every member of your family. Let us demonstrate it to you and play any music you may wish to hear. GEO. C. WILL TELEFHONE 159 432 STATE STREET