THE SALEM CAPITAL JOUBNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY. OCTOSEIt ?t. mi4. SEVEN. 0' SC 3t 3jc dC 3(C jC jt 3(C ) 3j( iC 3t 3C 3 v, CLUBS F OK EAT iittcn st to not ou!v chit, women out all women of the state bh well, is the unuounce ni?nt of Mrs. Abigal Sott Duuiway't riff htieth birthday, which kIip celebrated Wednesday afternoon, amid thrones ol friends and followers at her home on Ford 8t., Portland. Mrs. lhiniway eCluidK uniquely alone umorig the pioneer wom en of the Northwest. She in the mother J of the tsui't'rajie movement in this state. JMie frof-seii tiie plains in jjv-, ami lias seeu the development of tins conntrv. She ronies ot a well-known family, be nitf the muter or the hue Uurvey W. ftcott, the. editor ot the Uregonmn. The Markets j Plenty of room for a broom "JEATHtodust" is the twentieth-century slogan of all women who are interested in the sanitation of their homes, especially to far as the kitchen is concerned. And hidden dust is even more obnoxious than the kind that collects in plain view. The New HZ&clV &tate Seel Hcuu& nuns death to the dint that is bound to collect under the ordinary teel range, whose baie reatsalmost on the floor. It's built the tanitary, sensible, scientific way high and dry off the floor. The sturdy cast iron legs give it solid foundation, yet leave plenty of room for a broom. This new feature was the only thing left to be done that could add to the convenience and cleanliness of this splendid steel range. In all other respects, it's the same honest, handsome, reliable Rc:il Kitate, with its dozen distimt and important improvements, and its cooking conveniences tlut lu away with all drudgery in cooking. re the new Real Kutate at our storei let us ex plain its splendid quulitiei; and we feel sure tlut you too, Aiil decide to "Own an Estate." dom. In k letter just received, under'; .iBt'j ot October 8, Jul I, Mr. Dennis has ihe following 1o say regarding condi-j lions: "The season now commencing pro,-j ... . . . ,. isciiis ihhiiv tiravv uiim nines in Wneat continues to advance and the . ,,iIW ,, ,,,, ,.,,,..,,..1 , end . iiot in sight. Yesterday a large LnJ ext,rienced handling will he re I lot of bluestem changed hands ' "T'! qdired. Reports reach us from all the! land at Uo the best price of the ;,,,,.. Qf the VMed 8ut,.,! month and within a cent and a half of . and of r(Vor,, ,, ,hi j .he top price for the year In the wheat , , jn a ar whfn henf r, , ! belt., club brought tide water, 01' other fruits. Further than! has., and other varieties i advanced , ,hc ailllitionll ,.l.r1lo eireiim-1 proportionally. The demand - is nn-lstHm,e ot tlle Km.0,oail war 110w rll illg abated, and sellers are generally hold- wj nHVC the eUl.t of nnrl.owil, fctli ing for 2 cents more than the highest (ield ( ,he , rt niarkl,t t() p.j,,,,,,,. offers. Oats took a 50 cent 3.11111. and , the 1MWU 0 ...,... Liv ' , ' ,! is quoted at Ml. the ton. Sellers are j ; .. ,, ,, umoubtl.,,ly ;.0Ul,0, The Dest Food-Drink Lunch af Fountains J5a Membera of Cliartwick Chanter Num. ber 37, Order of the Katern .Star, will bany chapter nest Tuesday night and Portod " f '' Such sales as ons changed hamls at the first figures. The apple market is an unknown qunn tity. Tho United States und Canada both report a record crop, and condi tions abroa. have reduced the demand until no one knowB "where he is at." In Yakima l-ra0 bales of hops are ro ily proiiuceii 1 a iinancial stringency, which, however,! .vc are glad to report, diminishes with ! rach tiny that passes. On the other iinnrl, there are no competitive supplies! reaching thoe markets from continental 1 toiirces. and from present indications; we incline to the belief that a policy ot caiciul ' feeding of supplies to these markets, arriving regularly and handled lT Ask For GENUINE A void Imitations Take No Substitute Rich Milk, malted pain, in powder form. More hcallliful than lea or coffee. Forintants,invalids and growing children.. Agrees willi the weakest digestion. Purenutrition.upbuJdingthewholcbody. Keep it on your sideboard at home. Inviguatesnursmg mothers and the aged. A quick lunch DrcDaied in a rnini?. HORLICK'S " ' 1 ' , . :.. i1 . 1 i'lWouslv, will result in a fair ulti- are aliealy siKHiiiv for reservations on the ..pecial electric train chartered fori" ""l ?" , r V !' profit to Ihe shipper, the jc-HMOn. Albany's order is quite '''"- f';?!' C81:" ,,r.1..ln"?.,,,,,i 1 event, with such a cop and I j and prices go up tdeadily. Candled in entertai ent of imichIh and S Ic,.. i 8tm k okI "' yesterday at 4(1 people are looking torwnrd to Tuesday cents, In Chicago demand for vhnnt for export was strong, the foreianers sim ply taking all offers without haggling over the price. The result was an ad vance of about two cents all along the line.. Cash prices were nt the opening LIS :!-4 and closed nt $1. !'... with happiest anticipation. All Kastem Htnr members, their wives or husbands, and members of flic lodge of Miisouk are invited. TIh.hc who have ahendy made prepa rations to go arc: .Mr. und Mis. James K. Uudfrey, Mr. aud .Mrs. W. .Smith ! Mr. and Mrs. Krunk Miller, Dr. and! t l-M it I-? I IIO .....I l Henry II. Thiclaen, ilr. and Mrs. ( I eo rge !" 'i"l0thy (I. Iliown, Mr. und .Mrs. 11. (i. Hover, L'"ver' f" Mr, iiu.l Mis. I'nul II. Ilauscr, Mr. and ! 8 J""1 vot1,11 Mrs. ,1. I'. Frizzell, M r. and .Mis. K. Jl. ! V"V"" U Tore, Mr. aud Mrs. A. II. (Wan, ! 1,,,"llL'1 -,,f r:: .',,iiu v v. i i... i nrnii, per ton iW. A. Ilurdicli. Mr. and' Mrs. I.ui L I ?l'or'' l"T '?", -i IW... Mv ,i...i M a v,.-u m. ,.,iiOats, per bushel i Mrs. W. A. liuthcrl'urd,' M r. and ' Mrs. I ni","n l"lrk' ,l'r -' llavid Wright. -Mr. and Mrs. W. V.l"'00' I"'1' ('wt- 7oc(M LOCAL WHOLE 8A1.E MARKETS. tvis.'O 8.00 .. S..-.0 . 8.00 d.-.c .$:n 35c to 37c GRANGE RECOMMENDS THE SUFRmE C0lJRT ACTION ON MEASURES SUSTAINS GALLOWAY 'Where tat aro told JOSSE THE COMPLETE HOUSEFURNISHERS Rememl)cr, We Guarantee to Save You Money Johnson, of Woodluke, ,'cb.: Mr. and Mrs. M. I'. Mi'iidlcsjliii, .Mr. aud Mrs. A. W. Howell, Mr. and .Mrs. Ktimlc.t CuImt, .Mr. and John Savage, Mr. and Mrs. .1. X. Turner, Mr. und .Mrs. It. II. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. C. I1. Itbluip, Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Kelsey, Mr. and Mrs. I harles McCorkle, .Mr. ami Mrs. (ieurge lHinat'oid, Mr. n ml Mrs. Joseph Ik'rn.', .Mr. and Mrs. 11. II, Vaiulevart, Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Mi I ntin , Mr. and Mrs. (I. I'. llol'f. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. I'cltys, .Mrs. Oscar llav 1 Htoclt hogs, per lb. (lops) in, hi i.nuus, I'M iiihiiii wortliv .Mat Kwcb, per ill run; Mm. Klizalieth llccd. Mrs. Ida MM Spring lambs, per lb I'nli.ock, Miss .Minnie Mueller, Mrs. 1 Veal, first class Kliz.ibcth Khafer, .MiHS (Ir Habcoek, Volt. Miss Sylvia Jones, Mrs. Minnie Mc- firr, tier lb i ititley, .Mrs. (lain Olson. Mrs. ljolle , Sailed conntrv nells. each '.amb pelts, each Tlntter and Eggs. Bnrterfnt, per lb... 34c "'-aniery bolter, per lb 3oc V-fli ''"'C cash Poultry. Hens, per lb 1le nirti.T. per lb Fryera Livestock, Steers Cows, per cwt Hogs, fat, per lb In any i t-oii and under sm-li , mi . I it i ous. every advantage will need to be taken of the export markets in order to avoid a denacle lu Ihe home ' markets. J I Hecnuse the Pacific Title & Trust "As regards California Xewtowus ( Circular Letter Advises Voters In Be- ,.i,ny, 0f Portland, and the Oregon the demniul is coed for fruit with color. I gard to Bllll ou tha 1014 Ballot. j Realty '& Trust company were organ Several cars have been sold at lislid to To (), voters of Oregon prior to the enactment of the law 7s per box for four-tier fruit ami (Is to! , of the last legislature, which jdacd lis d, 4'j-tter. " nil bunking institutions and trust com " As regards barrel apples, there have tioim, the undersigned beg to roeom- ,,;,, f the state under tho supcrvi been 11 few of I hose from Hie Hudson mend the following action on ballots sion of the slate bank superintendent, river, whic h, like the pears from that Xos. Hull, 3."i0, M."i, and 3.i7. ! the supieme court this morning, in tin center, are very poor, and prices were. We recommend voting Number 303, opinion written by Justice Hurnctt, sns-iii-coidingly low. , No again, as wo did iu 101, because tiiiued (he decision of Judge (iulluway "In Liverpool there has been only it creates the new and unneressaiy of- of the circuit court for Marion county, one lout rohi this week, the ss. "Hal- fice of lieutenant governor, and also in holding that these two iustitut ions lis," which landed her fruit in a heated , it makes the innn who is elected pics-: do not eonte within the terminology of condition. There were iu addition ' ident of the next senate the lieutenant the net ineiitioncd, hence will not have I quantities of fruit curried over from , governor for the next four years. The to strike the word "trust" from their trie i.iisntauui last week, and pin es , snlnry is a tritle. low, hut or course respective titles. in general d nipped n few pointH. Ow-1 Hint will be increased if yon create the The supreme court also piistnincd the ing to the freight eccoinmoilation pro- ' office. i circuit court for l.inn county iu the curable, Liverpool seems to be getting! On Number 3."0, we advise voting case of the First National Hank of more than her share of fruit, having iu 1 Yes. because it abolishes the state Albany against Hawkins, which wns 11 rei;ai-d that London is a better niaikct senate. Thai body may have been Bait involving collection upon a proni- t hn i Liverpool on penis, and Glasgow ' useful in the early days as a check on issory note, is better 011 barrel apples. , hasty action by the House of Uepro- ' "In (ilasgow the ss. "( ameroiiia HOiitutives, but since the peoplo oh-. Dyspepsia and pessimism have u lot landed her fnnt in time fur sale Wed-1 tained the referendum power the sen- iu common 11c ncrilay. I here were shout -HIM) boxes i ate is only an obstruction. .,0 stalo I of Washington apples, for which a good or nation has ever created a senate political boss system. This bill takes He'deiimud was experienced. California, after the people olitai I the initia- fn'm I1"' people the vital power to . 4(ir.'ic I Winter Nelis pears were sold at 17s for tive, referendum, and recall. ; choose their own political party enn- . 70 the lull cases ami Us (Id to Us lid for The mil v excuse now offered for Ihe .lidates for public office, and will give (i;J(. half-boxes. Virginia and Hudson river senate, is Hint it makes the work of. Hint power to tho schemers and trick- . 8V"c barred apples sold nt prices ns given the House of Representatives morel sters. Be hereunder, and of these I here were sonic difficult. Hot the people of Oregon' 0,1 Nnmlier :i,")7, vole X'o, because it HC I :',(i(ai barrels." want everv public officer to do useful , nbolishes inn.jiiril.v rule in voting lor I Receipts of Oregon apples are being work nil ihe lime and not merely to '"x ameiidiiic.uts to the constitution, 8e I eagerly awaited und will bring good prevent some other public officer fronr eipnres a two tliirils vote to niiiKe , ile Hrowii, .Mrs. Liigeniu llillingham .Sirs. .Morton Derby, .Mrs. Lena Cher ,W(irll,"ic ' prices, as they always do, 25c JUBY STILL OUT. 1 lington, Miss Avn Miller, of Woodhurn I Miss Mary Habcoek, Miss Mary (Irncej ' llellinger, Miss Alice Skiplon, 'of Che- , i nmwa; Miss May Hopkins, Mr. and .Mrs. W. W. Tint, Mrs. Fiank M. Hrown.j .Testimony, arguments and instructions Mrs. O, I). Schiiiu,.riod, .Mrs. Ida I..: weie finished lute yesterday and the Nile-., Mrs. Jennie Kingsh-v, Mrs. James ! Salinas Oil Oct "t The iurv iu jm-ora wero locked up for the night. Wiibe.u. M,s. J. V. King, Mis. Thomas i the case of d'eorge' Kollani, the '.Inp- ' ' ; ';n'n,i', W, . " l'r,"lll(- ;IrH- Air;v.' 11 nan tilwi mrui nil hp 11 Iiii fifili fnuuiwl 1 11 Itn4 Si tu (HIKtiir fill Mm nvornoe man ' ''", -Mrs. , S. M,,tt, Mrs. I,. K, ,......,..,.... . -, "... T, .... ,. .. ii.i f , 1 , , Fast Worthy 1 1 in ml Pati-iin: (Hon Niles. 1 J. F. lie:,, I, J. W. Mariiav. II. X. U.I . .. . - ... 1 i'lieers, J. .1. Won hostcr, Mr. 11ml Mrs,; EEHisniiEnHEnisEssninnHinB 'ii'"aw'i.'wl'' ,M"" ( "n,n". killing Miss Helena Wood Smith, an to fall iu love with 11 woman than it artist or carina), was still out today, is lor nun to stay more. PORTLAND MARKETS. Portland, Or., Oct. 21. Wheal, Club if I. IIS; Hlueslem t.Vi. Ouls, Xo I while- feed t'.'D.-.'i ; grav .f.Ml.ild. Hurley, brewing if-'"...-,0; f 1 ifJ3. Hots, best live, il.Softi ifll.lio. Prime steers 4ti $7. 15; fancy cows 0; best cnlves 7f( ,f.S, Prime luinlis .)( 4l Hiitter, city crnaiMcry 3l...c. .".s Moln.'i,l lr,',.,l .,vi,,,u ar 1 Hons 14e; lii'oilers )3r I : t j geese' Hie, doing something. I lax changes, il tins amendment Is If the senate is abolished there will , adopted, not he half so much opportunity and1 Hespect fully siilimited. temptation for logrolling, legislative1 SPKN'CK, delay, fraud, failure, extravagant ap l Master of the State Orange, lirolil'iat ions. 11ml oenoral inefficiency. I D- IH((.IV , as there Is now when all the rei-poii-. President of tho Farmers' Union of Waters ami nihility is divided belw 1 (he two! Oregon. douses. 1 . H. (i H I Sr. Nil! w A HI,, On Xinnber a.-.o. vote No. 1 1 . President Farniers' Society of K.piHv. it. repeals the presidential primary' Oregon Slale Federation of Labor by law, it adds tinoher general election ! 'I'. IL lliirchurd, president, ami K. J. everv two years, at a cost of 'J(l(l,tinil,i Stack, Sec; Pcoplo's Power League, by Xo, Cordelia, the prudent girl Isn't and is Intended to restore the old par- h- H- " president and W. Ii. necesMirily a pnnb , t.v convention with lis machine and "en, secretary. NEW SPANISH PRINCE. M ul riil, Oct, 24. A son was born to-, day to the (jueen of Spain. j Mr. end Mis. 'leorge I- Mrs. Walers, nl Salem, wore i;i Fort land ycsteidity to attend the Month West debnle last night. They are rcg isterod :it the Sewnrd.-T-Oreguiiiiin. a R1 M II M II 11 M n n 11 u u n n u M li ii M M n n u 11 ti 11 11 la 11 n ri n 11 11 11 11 11 ri 11 M M M vn ii M II 14 11 CI II M M - II II ii M M II M M N M II SEATTLE MARKETS. TON GriT! bricks J.'ic; At State and Commercial Sts., 7:30 P. M. M M A lingo number of women were pres. 3 .fit ,it Hi,' W, C. T. I'. ting Tuesday tg a .'lorni'iHi. The dovolional scrvii-e was led by j" Mrs. Cooley and courliidid with a vocal I solo by Mrs. Fiank l-'rie.key. ti I'llO Illll'itlONS ItlOoClltl ,.l.ui,l,,.l ,.-. ZZ I,., m, v ,. ,. 1 noose, liinliurger lllc; W iscoii! H row, on m o t I"."",l"'!,' ! Hwiss (domestic) 24c; Washing't tllltlHIl lip.MI tO tile lIlNI'USNKMI Ol clllldl-i 7l.,(- Sc M-71 ' ' """ ''V. . lull, .M s. Hoyd, Kiiporintendont of public U i'y work, secured the names of several M ladies who will assist In the distribution j ol ends beniing the niimos of rcspon- niuicn ior iiry voiers sup- .un, mine 01 tiicsc ciiminintos we Health'. Wash., del, 24. Kggs, fresh ranch IHf(i."i2c; Orienlals Se; fresh eastern II.Vo Hie. Hotter, local cube ,U. Oregon cubes 32( -33r. Cheese, limbiirger lllc Wisconsin Oil Onions, gnfen :'M(a f 4 per lUrfn; eastern Washington 1ft 1 34e per pound; California IrolVjc. I'otiiloes, w inter Nf ifsllj per Inn. SAN TRANCISCO MARKETS. Nominate You In Our Piano r 1 avonie Conies Run Francisco, Oct. 21. Wheal intention of Mrs, Hovd to have ' , ' 1.','""." " Ihes rsons present at the next 1. ii LV. . "r,'. Parker IN PERSON LOWER PRICES FOR BUTTER IS 0UTL00X Will Deliver a Lecture On Care of the Teeth Will Demonstrate Painless Dentistry and Will Lecture in Favor of ti regarded by a few present lis of doubt nil value to the dry ciiniic, 11 11 , J It a in 11 a BS - i ,,!, ! . 1 ' - I";":,'-'!""";. Hluestem 2 per ctl v .( ........ 11 .i.;niiuiK lll(Mllir(MI II H III 1.., ,,,..,,. '.ill., . ..It .( 1.1 I' g day, Vli'tilber 27, nl : ' i 7 7' ' , '" I ... 1 -slL.e; lusts 2llc; seconds 2le. H . ,. I Choose, California fancy lllc; firsts " I he intoimal Stitchers' Club was en- I2i ,c; seconds lllc. toitiiimd at tiie home nl' tin. Ml...,. M -Muigaret mid Fisher on Xorth f Church street Monday evening. The hours were devoted to needlework and M chatting, after which light refiesl its were served. R The members present wore: Miss Mn hei nu.ieisoii, llullie tlihsmi, Ruth Fu-' 1 '.iitliinil, dr., (Id. 21- Fuithor wi'iik tjt gate, Lottie Lolly, l-.lsie While, Nettie ness is shiivving in tho bullor miirket "Hison, .ollie ( ampin II, p., 1 1 1 1, Fngnte. I'esli Oregon cioaiuei v butler is being MVein llibson, Louise Hiiiupiiiovs ihul olfored us low as ;;n'c a poiui, tudni" lilta VVhilo, ' with the ilomiitul nuublo to In I,,, ,.!,, 1 PI Miss Mn I. el lludolson will bo hosloH.i of ill I'eriiigs, Higher prices llniii Ihiir! H al Hii xt meeting, lire asked iu s o ipmilers and some J ' . , times obtained, but Hie nun I, ,. i ,,, The Silver Tea given by Mrs, S. S. . v,'r,v 1111,1 po-ilion ami the outlook is SJ .Mnnimey Weiluosilav iilleini sit "", I'oniising. i M e,l by .Mrs. Sin iili .line horsey, nl her "input ol boiler iu the I. mil (orri- ti hounu coiner of Winter aud I) stroois, i Hu'.v has been ory liberal of lute. ,u. g in the luteins) of Hie Woman's Mis- NHIi-lunding Ibis, Iheie has boon m ionirv Hoeiidy of ihe I'nilod Finn-, '"'I lc, able incieiiso iu Ihe ilciuiiinl, re- 3 golicai elnncli,- was well iiltcinled and M,l,ng In geiioial shading of vuloeil j proved very piol'ituhlc and en lovable "hmil a week ago, and is now forcing ti to all present. open cuts in ipioliilious, 1 , I The legiilnr busii.css uiooting, pre- Storks ul frch make are heavier g si, led uver by Mrs. Mnnimey, pie.idout, ll,r "eioinl monllis, IIN, HH(, nri, opened with' singing and prayer, fob '"""'''g worry aiming lingo ami small lowed by coilo.-lion of duos, ou'rollment ""Hc'i" alike, Thoie ii little doubt nl J of new niombi'is and a iliscu'slou of ' 'in" Hull Ihe liend of Ihe market W the of " Milons and Temper- '' invni l, So many piiccs Hie tmlay II n ii. .'. ' ' led by Mis. Hull, I" ''Ho t thai it would be diffirull to I Tea was served in Ihe dining. loom, , ' '"le exactly n hat t he pi ire is, II where Ihe gnosis were seated nt tl 1 1 ,. daintily appointed inble benenth fe. ADDIC MADVCT UC Ii loons of white mid vellow dinned froiu iHllLL lliAIUVLl IlAj If you have a piano yourself, you may be more fortunate than some of your friends. You surely know of some worthy friend who has always wanted a piano, but who lias never been in a Dosition to buy such an instrument. Here then is just your opportunity. Here is where you can do your friend a pood turn, and help her get a beauti ful high-grade piano without costing either you or her one penny. If you want your friend to get this piano, just cut out the nomination blank, fill in her name and address, together with your own name, and mail or send it to this store. Upon receipt of the nomination blank, we will place the name of your f l iend in the list of contestants for the piano, and publish her name on our nomination board in our store. Your own name will not be mentioned, if you so desire. This nomination board is consulted by many of our customers who already have pianos and who are not entered in the contest. These customers wish to give their votes to someone whom they believe would appreciate their assist ance. They will perhaps vote for your friend. She will thus secure many votes that would otherwise be given to some other contestant. When your friend finds that you have taken so much in terest in her, she will be glad to use all her own efforts to secure more voters to cast their ballots for her, and you will use your influence among your other friends, getting them to trade with us, and the friend you nominate will have an excellent chance of secur ing the piano. It is of great advantage to get an early start in the race, anil we suggest that you send in your nomina tion blank today. Help Your Friend Win Out Cut Out 340 1 X YES Votes to Bust the Dental Trust (Vnid Adv.) M Hie chandelier to thecorneiM of Hi II room, ellniitlfiil white mid yellow dull K lias in mi in .-,1 ,-, 1 the renter of the table. pa ' I ti -1 r 1 1 li -1 , t ii I mii'li by Mrs, Funk W Frio key added lo Ihe enjoyment of the I'oitlnud, dr., (lot. 21.-Thai the war M hours. baa had its etleet on the hint Im-iiiess II ... u Loudon, LlMMpnol an, I (iln-jjmv is Arier a long period of rest dining the slate gl made by W. heiinis, of til" so iii me r months Ihe iiiciuhora of Ihe the firm ill' W, Heiinis ' i- Sons, Ltd., nl a SiiuiiiII ( bib wen, called together lioi Covent Harden, London, Hie largest ie- j Saturday nfleiiioon at Ihe home of Mis, ccivem of apples iu the I'nited King- M H, A. Rutherford uml losomed work for . Ibe winter. This club deiole. Its time tcstnnt lor Ihe favor. Lillet Ihe gnosis M lo h i ion- kinds of ii llewoik and our n'ere assembled aiimud the . olegaiil ly E2of its member., Mis. L. I', .losso, hav- "pnpinlcd table, where a three conri'e jj'ing taken seveml prizes dining the re lon.-h was served. 11 cent state fair, wn presented with a '1'he olnb iiieinbeis present on this lie- I bcirifflul limpid. . a token of incngiij- ' asion were; Mis. olltsloid, Mis. Vn-s, lion bv the club members, Mi". .Ine, Mi. Sleeve., Mr". Ilholson, The hontc.s gave a sewing mutest, Riitbe,r,ud, Mi Hunt ami Miss Ii I which piove.l ino.t niterrslliig, Mrs. II. , I vermin. The guests wore Mis. (ail wm I. Kir,.,.,. ll,d -r,.l Llliolt. . iss S haw and Miss Skiitlaboe. and Bring Ior Send This OPENED IN BRITAIN I Cntinnn to Oar Store At Once NOMINATION COUPON 0. M. K)))k-y, Nineteenth and Slate. I wish to nominate as a candidate in your piano contest: I understand this is merely a nomination, not a vote, and does not obligate me in any way. Name Date Address C. M. EPPLEY, Grocer NINETEENTH AND STATE STREETS I Use Kpplej's Pure Hakiri"- Powder. Drink Kppley's Daily Roasted Coffee. KsszsscE32S5na.i3znacEasaBES2: a1 - 1 lTWIfmill"r":"':--m TMMSM ISW.i