Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 24, 1914, Page FIVE, Image 5

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4ft. Wood at $2.65 Per Cord
Spaulding Logging Company
Front and Ferry Phone 1830
This coupon may be exchanged for votes in the con
test for a trip to San Francisco in 1915, at the Capital
Journal office. Not good after October ;il, 1914.
House of Half a Million Bargains
We carry the largest stock of Sacks and
Fruit Jars.
H. Steinbock Junk Co.
3U3 Bute Street, Salem, Oregon.
Phone Main IU
l'iipit:il .loornul Special Kerviee.)
Unlli.H. Ore., O. 1. .M.- Dr. 0. J. .mitli,
oYmociniii- -u niliilr.tr for governor of
the Ktnte, add re wed u large frond of
1'oik county citizens in the vmnt liouae
in this vty Thurmlay night. Dr. Smith
who in a very forceful upeaker, threw
no nntiJ ut tinyhoily, but made mm of
tin elecnent political Hpeeches t-vcr
heard in tliis city. Admitting iU?.t the
tnxe; were hign, he gave no reason why
they wore ho uml made no promise. um
to whether he would attempt to lower
tin-in. He also :;dvined nil democrats
to cast their voti' for (leoie Chamher
lain for .senator. The DmIIua Women's
Wilson Huh attended tlie speak i rig in
n hody. Mush huh funiifdied hy the
IhilhiH hand.
Interest In Laundry Sold.
A. K. Thompson," proprietur of tin'
Dnlliii .Steiun Laundry, disposed of an
interior in tlie nlmvi- concern this week
to V. M. Suer and K. N. Wnud. who
will heconie acthe inomher of the
fomjisiiiy the fiit i f tlie coming nionth.
Mr". Thompson nnd Mr. Stiver will have
fhiirtfi of the iiudde work mid Mr. Wood
will look after the milirititig itnd col
lecting husiaess. Mr. Saver, who i the
' present county aim i-yor, will resign his
1 office the first of the motitli and in
all prohnhility Ins successor will he the
1 .surei-Msf ul 1'iuiiliiiate in the c,,ming dec
tion. Hot li tlie new meiuhers of the
i new linn are hustlers uud are well anil
f:t vol n lily know n to the residents of
thin city.
j Logger Badly Injured.
; Dr. A'. ('. Stunts was ealled to the
isi-npenri lnjjginjj rump nhout ',"t miles
i west -f Itall;. Wednesday night to Lt
'tend Mike Mionou, an employe of the
niiove eoi,eein, who ,nd fieen severely
injured 1 y being caught hetiveen two
logs. His injuries consisted of n bro
ken thigh, n broken aim and several
bad braise! about the head and ii'iei
part of his body. His i-oudilhoi is eon
side red serious and the iiiiibuliiw-e was
sent out from this city Thursilny mum
in;; 'id the injured man brought to
the loillr-.s hospital for treatment.
Commercial Club Mect3.
At the regular meeting of tin Dttllim
Connaen il l eln'i in thisciiy WiMliiesdny
evening .Imlge Colvig. t he' i igh t-of-way
agent tor the Southern Pacific railway,
was present nad iiddressed the iii'-inbe'rs
in the interest of the T.niid 1'iodtictn
Show whirh will he lield in I'ortlnnil
, the i t.minir v.eek. At the same time
I Mark Woodruff, of Durtlmrd, addressed
jn luriie audieiu,. in the (irnnd theatre
'oil the r;une sub jeet. TlnMe 1 wo i:e-l
jure inukinn u trip over the Southern
1 I'in-ifb' lines in Oregon for the pur
j pOM' of bfioi'tiitj; the show, .lude Col
! vij assured the b" :d eluli that if Hid
1 tii-kets were sold in this eity, a tatr
of one fure for the rnund trip would
be grunted nud a speclnl eni- furnished
for the oe.-aioa. 'J'he ptiblirity eom
ill it tec was i list i net ri to f;et upiiii ex
;'.iiion if imssiblt. The mIiow will be
! -pel: u the f iridic fr t inv wct'kK. . j
I - Will Deuate in Dalloi.
. U.d. K. Hofer, tf Salem. ill dobutt' '
the prohibition (itestioii with Harry 4r.
.U iii. t)f 1'ortibiid. at the court Imusf
.Saturday tiiht. Mr. Hofer is n veiy
, lilde hpnik'-i and lins yonie valuable
fin ts linint't statewid prohibition tln.t ,
will interest tin voters. Both Hides
will w will represented and tlie de
bate iill Httirt pmisely ut 8 oVlork.
Tlie issue is stpinrely between lionit'
rule for fities or so-enlled state-wide
prohibirittn. This debate has hovn con
ducted in sixty-three ploees in Oregon.
Personal Notes.
Rev. l V. (tntett lias returned from
'hieiiK, whert' he linn bei'ii for several
-weeks nttr-nding a meeting of the Tint
ed K HiiKtdient rliurch.
M rs, i 'litis, (ircgory was a bitsiiu sh
visitttr in Portland the first of the
liev. K, W. 'MUes, former secretary
f the Dallas ium?re.itil club, return
ed to this city Mutxiny evening after rn
absence of several weeks dining wl;b-li
time he has been in Washington hunt
inn; up u permanent location, Mr. Miles
h;is dcided to be-ate in Seattle and the
family has been pin-kin their house
hold oods this week pre punitory to
no-viajr to the Yashingron metropolis '
wio'i-" Mr. Miles will ngain enter the.
ministry as the pictur of n Seattle
I'lesbyit'iinii ch'iich in the near fu-l
Miss Mi-inaetta Makers, id' Salem.!
was in the city ThursdiiV rep-esenting
the M.itdi-iii Artists Course to be held i
in the tsrinorv in Sab-m the eoniiiig win- ;
tor, M iss Mugeis pi'imisinfr some
rare etirertaiinnentH for the nnisi'' i
Inveis ttf the Willamette valley.
(leorge Vrown has sdd his farm, con
sisting of smile L'OCI acres of hind on
the Sulen. road, to K. Kirkpnt l ick
I ii nd H. I., ('rider.
, Mirs Kiln Mohrling, of Tubs ity.
huh a Dallas visitor the first of the
.1. I.. White, of Albany, former man
tiger of the lueal offiee of the Oregon
Power Co., was in the city tot business
.Indge Webster Holmeu, of Tillamook,
was in the city on business the fiist
of the week.
Mr;. Own r Holmes has returned from
n visit with relatives and friends in
Mrs. W. ft. Coulter has returned from
tl vbiit with Portlund friends.
M. K. White, of liickrenll. was a Dal
las visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. Kiln Watt, superintendent of in
struction of the Artisan lodge, attend
ed meeting of the Dall;:s lodge this
week. The local assembly is making
big piepfirntions for attending the mod
el meeting of the Artisan lodg,. of tht
Willamette valley, to be held in Salem
November 7th.
J. A. N'ale, who for the past several
noiiilhs bus oeeti employed in the ma
chine shops of the S, T. C. & V. rail
way, ldt for Poitluml Tuesday to re
side. Mrs. Nule will r-'inain in Dallas
until the first of the month, when sht
will join her husband in the metropolis.
Leading Music Imtructors
Dan F. Langenbcrg Minnetta Magers, Contralto Western
O O ,Tut ri'tiirncd frnm Cliirago, wlirre hIio reooived iluily innnnii from
BASSO CANTANTE "" "f tl.o wvrld'a Kntt in.tru.torH; uml her former tn.lj.T, llor- VOnSerVaiOry Ot IVlUSlC
belt Millor, pxpnnont of tone prodiii-tion, nnd nlo Jli'imnn Di'Vrica,
., , t , who wiik for mnny yi'iirs lieud of tho Vocnl IJrjuirtmf-nt of (lie C'liiciigo rANK K. CHl'HOHII.L,
Diaphragmatic breathing ilimicnl Collece, uud in now cngnRcd in conc-hiiiif trnclien mid pro- Hcprcuriitiitive Hiilem bnineli.
, ff'Knionnla only,
and DuriiiK her Ktnv In the Kant, Misn Mngem hud the rnre privilege Complete, eonrno In plnno nnd neeom-
nionl i-flanmnro nf '""'"'"K '"y leonB given by them) eminent instructorn. puny nig Ihcoreticnl J.rii mlion. DiplomoH
nasal i esonance. Her ln Volce bogin Mondayi 0ctobflr g,,ed ?
015 1f TJTTI)T Ann nr Pbon 125 Mornings Only. . liesidenee phono 1100. I'npil enrolled
Hlo-16 HUBBAKD BLDb. Corner Commercial and Chemeketa Bt n? time-
Margaret Fisher FIRST CLASS PIANOS Beatrice Shelton
TEACHER OF FIANO At prices which you cannot ro wrong on Teacher of Piano
Bepinncrs a specialty Tney c0!1"0 eminent makes that have a rep-
STUDIO 780 N. CHURCH JrS " th01"Ugh B,,nCSS f t0ne 8ml StU,i :M3 Marion Strect
rhonc 2041-M. iir i A n II Phone 1209.
We Are a Une-rnce House
Ralnti Harr -Vl DESIRF'D Bertha Junk Darby
laiJii nail When you decide what you want, we will take 1
Progressive Teacher of . your old PIANO or ORGAN in part payment. Teacher of Piano
riano IT r r:U G7n Cotlapre Street
Music Taught ns Written. VjCO. W III Phone 1950-W
Transcription and Composi- Telephone 150 -1:12 State Street Gowdsky Progressive Series
turn a Specialty. used if desired, embracing
1:1G7 North Twelfth Street. tie rogUiar Conservatoi-y
Ph"nG ln7 William Wallace Graham Com-
With a rinc Line of Pupil of Koval High Seh(l()Ii nul.linj ricj.many( h. D.
Illgll dradC riatlOS under Joachim, Marteau, Halir and Markes. CT. j,VJ r-.
hnd. ii oi-k e,ig. i find Inters of highest commonilation from them. 0 1 . HLLLN
mveif Kiiort of mom m.d um niuKing Niik and one-half years European experience.
::r;::Hi';::'n!:!''".l': Z r ".r A specialty made of beginners. Pianos nnd Orennn Tuned and
the i.nrgnin! , i.nd-.vig , mm new. Studioon Saturdays of each week at Hotel Rrpnircd.
I1H one lMng'tiiiiv, nllgtitly ureil. , . . t . . .
inn. one Needhnm. Bo.i n new. i 7b i Jiarion. I'or appointment, phone Hotel or in- Kca. Phone 1005.
'","'." 'I;'"?.'.'1, V' 1 H'dre of Miss Mary Sennit, Assistant, 1100 nt,ra n.,r r ..,,..
tlfiil. W. .M. Cbrirlnetnn, -II" Mill ,', , .,. ... J .,..' ' IkCMdPMCC CoUl't ftllCt't,
street, xniem. Oregon. Center Street. Phone 2-l.x-M. . Sftli-m, f'rcKon
11 i it? (wirliiis ix u (lormuii iiiitwi-r in'
Iowa. He wrote a letter to t lie Kami
.loiirmtl, I'tiilitiU'lirliiii, the otlier ilny.
It totmnitiiieo! Iiiti exierienc uiol tlmt
of Ins neililiors in nelei-tiii their
home mercliiiiitH to "save" muiiey-liy
jintroni.iiij the mail order liousvn. Tliu
letter is a human ilot-iititent. 11-uiih
hiIhi writeH just as ho wonhl tell an,
aiuf it i inH tine. Ltt thu m'rretiiry
or retailer ive this tj liis faVnu'is
through his home ju poi . It ought o
lie rcmi hy evory tanner in the Tinted
Wo farmers iifed awakening to the
hu-t that 'f have iiiiinitaKul.ly rearli-l
ed the joiiod wlu-a we must think uiol
dan. 1 am one ui' the slow (Ionium
lariiu'is t hat had to lie shown, and 1
um now giving my exerioare that
ol liei s niji) profit, I'or kaowli'de -is
more expensive now tiiau ten years ayo.
Twenty-nine years ao I lieyan mv
('arm rareer. I hud an old team ami
."((i, (Mir furniture was mostly home
made rliairs, eujilioaid and lounge
made train dry floods hoxes neatly eov
eied hy ten-eent netoane hy my tfirl
wite. We rented eighty aeies. Jieiiiu
a hoy of ood habits I jut all aeedeo
mai'l,ti:eiy and j;roroiies of unr home
men-itants on i-redit until tall i-rois
were sohl. The first year was u wet
rM-aMiii and I did not make citough lo
1 ay creditors. -I went to each on date
of iioiuite iiikI explained eumlitionst
paying as mtn-li as possihle, and they
all -airicd ihe haloio-e over aniMhei
vear. They t-oatiniod to at-cinnmodal"
me until I was aide lo hoy a toity an-c
piece of my own.
As soon a I owned these few acref
the mail order houses bcunn sending
nie atalones, and gradually f liegnu
M'i)ting my loose tliangc to iheia, let
ting my accouiils stand in my home
town, where I had gotten my accom
modaiioa when I needed it. j
We then had one ot the thriftiest ;
little villages in tlie ntate--good line1
of hiiHiicsh in all the hrain-lies, mer
chants who were willing to help an
honest fellow over a had year and a,
town full of people who came twice I
a week to trade and visit. Our little!
i-oiMitiy town supported it lihiaty, high
seho'd, hand, hall team, and we liadj
hig i-elelj rations ev ery year. A farm I
near a live town soon doubles in value,
I sold my forty acres at a big advance
and bought an eighty, giadoally adding
lo it until I I i:id two hundred in-rc oi'
the best laud in Iowa. I then felt no'
net d of asking favors and found it
ensv to put ionise the mail older agents
that came almost weeMy to our door.
1 regift to ay that I was the lirst ill
the roitnty to nuihe up a ueighhoi liool
bill ami Mend it to a mail aider hoihc,
i Though we go hit e cry om-e in a
. while, we got in the hnhit of NCinlini
' luwiv lor stuff.
; ir?idually our menhauts lessened
iheir stocU ot goods Tor lack of patron
age, l-'iualiy we heaa to realize that
when we needed a holt ipiiekly for nia-
i chinery or clot Inug for icknesst or
Henth we had lo wait ami .-end nwa
tor it, which wiimi'i so ph'Haut. (hie
by :tue our mercliaals moved lo places
whe.e they were appreciated, and men
of less energy moved in, (iradually our
town Iiuh gone ilowa, our husiuesH
lioiiscs are "tacky" in appearance, a
number are empty, our schools., churches
and walks tire going down, we have no
band, no library nor ball team, There 1
is no him hi cnn done in the town, ami
tlieirloio no taxes lo keep things up.
Hotel is closed for lack ot travel, do
down to the depot when the freight. ,
pulls in and von see the seipiel in mail
oidic- packagcH.
Nine years ago my farm whs worth
4lli"i an aire; loday I'd hao a haul
mutter hi mdl it for lfHIT an acre. It is
"loo far from h live town, sa every
tanner hat said that wants to hoy. He
wanlri place neat schools a ndchincln's
where hin children ea 1 ha e. advan
tage!. I have awakened to tho fact
that in helping to pull the town down
it has cost mo if .'i til if I In nine years,
hike the ronjoiilv of farmer, I didn't
liguie far enough ahead,
This sort nf business means the do
ing away with country towns. What
will 't mean to farmers to hae nnly '
a tew large cilics at u distance of ."am j
or IIMHI miles f What are we going
to do with our children who are dc
miiudiug even better adwiiitngon than
we hail
'Prise cities we help to huthl return
no tavors; they take our money hut
offei no credit in time of need. It
we want high schools, etc., we mut
raise the money and huihl near our
farm homes or send our hoys and girls
to t he c it ies at gient ex pen ho, nmnl
teruplatioim of which tlie limn has no
cipuil. Neither inn I the only awaken
ing laimer. These mail order agents
that come to our homo eety week arc
becoming a nuisance ami making it an
Hile to lcnc women and children alone
on the In rhi. Willi liirm cmdialty we
lake I bene si i ll ngei into mil homes
olteu as one of the laiuily, and we on'
ometifiics paid In haing them entice
our ;iils lo the eiM .
. These aie miiho IioH thai need cou
-idet ilion, ami I hiie decided thai Ihe
safest piopu-ition all aiound Is lor Ihe
country people o look aller their hum
intererls and huihl up their own conn
try iii.vii- thnt bring ulue to lliett
i n i tits. I,e tlio'e who want lo pulton
i'c the city mail order hnuo l" Iheie
to live, petting lln-ii living vhete they
their palionnpc. The leomiiolei
of mv ble will be giv en lo bnildini:
up Ihe liotoe (own tluil I helped n pull
down, lliolher rniioers, yen inn Inkc
my eiWico or get your knowledge Ihe
way I gut mine. MANS C Kill's.
1 N 1 1 a m E ( . as &
il mum mw 1
!:;rTiJ For Infants and Mnlflren.
ID l i
r (, Li
..... j r,.,K cKnr,
A cfJplaMc PreparalinnrorAs
ling Uh- SuittKtrhs amlDcnwIsar
AQTRJ?I others Know That
ucuuinc uiuitd
licss niTcl Ifesi.Conlalnsttpiilur
Opiwu.Morphine norMucral
Ay.SamH e
him Srrtt
Ancrferl Rcmprtv for Cntrt)m-
Voi-ias jToMVHlsions.rcvcrisU-
lac Simile Signnture of J
The Centaur Compass
Bears the
Guaranteed un&flicPooil nn
For Over
Thirty Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
thi ninTAun owmnv uiw vomi rrv.
Everybody Admires a Beautiful Complexion-
Oriental Cream
Indispensable and Delightful
Toilet Requisite
for Fashionable Women
A dully nocrnnltv for I he ladle fnl,t
Who(lieaat liniiio ur Willie tl'ilVelhiR:. M.
protects tin skin from ialurlous elVei (s
of the pb'iiicntM, kIvcm n wondrrfiillv ef
fective heiiuly lo Ihe complexion. It Ik il
perfect nnu-pri'iiny 'I'ollet Cretuo and mn
lllvclv will not. chmhh ur oiictoiriiK" the
K'"'W' III of hnlr which nil luillen should
hOiinl Haailisl when Helcetloir it (otlcL pre
iiuolli'ti. WIh-o dMiicinif, how-llim r oth
er i xerilmis hcjit thu shin, It prcvenu a
Kieusy Mopciiriilice,
Uournuri'a Orlnntsl Craam has turn
highly I'ccooiioi'iid' il hy piivHtc lun, nct-M-ssi'M.
sloaciH uml wotoeii of fiishlon for
over hall ii onliiry nod monoi tu- mn
rnoiKcd when prcpiuhiK for dully or even
liiu iilllrc
. Ooiiiriiid'a CHntnl Cream riired Hit in
Phonff-H nrift rftleVf Runhurn. TIpioovch Tan. lMmphn. Hhi-'Uh-iols, Moili
I'liteltofi. TdiHh. Krci-ldcH ,wu Volmir It. din-Hs, Vellow nod Moddv Skin, rflvlng
a delicately clenr nod rellnoil i -omplexani wldi ti cverv viuniiii letr-n.
Nn. It For sale hy UrUKKiMtN uml l-'inu'-y (Jooda Dealcrfi.
37 Great Jones Street, New York.
Ferd. T. Hopkins, Prop.
SISTER : REfto tw Free Offejii
1 um woman.
I hnow n woman 'a trlfila.
I knrv her nrett of nympathy nnd iVlp,
If you, uy l-ier, are aohnppy hceiiono of HI
hfulih, If yon rwl until for )ioui-holu dotlm,
nitcliil pleiiHiircs, or lmly etiiiiloynient, wiliw
and 111 Joe Jimt Imw yon atiifer, nnd nnk Tor nif
fro ten dnya' trial of a home treatment aoltul
to your iiiiiilN, Men cannot umlrtanri wumrn
auffor(no What w Women know from ex
puilciici. wn know heitnr than any men. 1 wit
to tell yeti how to rm yiniiHuU at houm m
VoNt nf alinui jj cent a week.
If ynti suDor from Wftinen'ii ciilhrr ttllniMilft
numthrf pAin In th head, baok, fr bnwel, Tf-l-Inn
of wolqht and rtriaaino-drtwn t ton,
fftlllpfl or riliplncitmunt of pelvic org una, oMU'doq
kidney and bladder wakneaa or cnnatlpiilimi
nnd pllB. painful rr lrroulat' partarla, catarrh
conditions and dlohm'on, cMtrama nncvuiivnr
Qiprrftfn apirna, meiancnniy, rtealrt to crv9
frnr of fomathlnn avll about to happen, civeplng frohng alenp tha aplna, palpitation,
hot fl.inhffa, wearlnact, aallow complfxinn with dark are Ire under the eyei, pain In
tht loft breaet, or geoorjl feeling that lift la not worth living,
'itul Intirn how tliene nllmenlN ctin lie eiiHlly luift utterly enntiticrefl ut limne wlthmit
Ihn da n w-t m uml i'Xieni-n of en un i m 1 1 i . When you art tuieil, uml nhln 1,1 i niny
lite II u Jt I J, ynll run intfrt Ihe Knixl s ..rrl umn Ut euiiHi ntllrr Ftlllfrer. Mv hillliu IiiimI
iim HI l rnr young or old. 'J o Mothira of O.iualitnri, I will .xiilnni Imw in nvrri'iimn
lli'ill ili'lineen (i:h.iiiiii-l, h n itnliu M lea, I Ini'liea. ami luiialhlile In ynuiiK lvnim n
ml r'i'tiilo Iheiti to iiliiiiipniKa uml hinlth. Tell inn II y.m nn. wmili'il ulimil y(,ur
ilntiKliter. Mginamhitr, It coati you nothing In dive mv hiinie IrmiliiM til 11 li n iiuva'
iiliil. ami ilnea imt Inl . i f. r.. hh ilnlly wm-k. If health la worth aaklna tor, ilien
Bee. il my Reneimia ffi r ihhI write Inr tha frea trcntniint, ihWil'lll.p; mv lllndliulid
'"'Kiel, "Woman a Own Modlcal Advl.ar." I will aenrl nil In Inl,, wnu rn i t-
C" J "v y"" ' "n ,M" ",fl'r' ll""h V"1"' feeii, uuil r. uiiii I, me.
Send torlny, ,ia jnu inny i.ut aeo tlila offer usulii. Ad.ln aa, '
" A Prince of India,' a four pail Ke
h'ctile feature drama, and one of the
leallv hiu ol'I'ei loy ' of the i iinoi, l
to he "ecu at the (Hlh Hunda;- and
M lav, Hcpie its inline, the dinma
ii Ameiican in Mitiv, action ami cn-l,
Made in Ithacit, , V It prrservea in
a liinciniitiiit; vav Ihe enlvei-itv a I
iniiHphcie of I hut heaulil'ul city. It I
crniunied villi action from wtart to
I'ini-di. It tiaccN ihe vaiitds m7h.
tildes nf h niiit'nifii ent jcto n Il
from the loiiuU of Im owner Into the
toiupninry possrinn of a tvpoiler,
-ei'tal crmdis and an alx cat ik.-m. The
toi v leads up to n upiih lima x
where n tudlcy cr lulls Into a deep
yot'i:f, TIiimIow lh-iy-ii i the hit ftr
of the -ii si,
Automobile Tires
In Slock by
amanunaaaaa aajn
Journal Want Ads Bring Results