Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 24, 1914, Page THREE, Image 3

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    WJ &tlfY WPISp TJsW'i l ' TIP
TlTH the winter season knocking! week's nodal activity were the two! and lihriu-v ilianlave.i anlen.ti.i Mimilnn R,.inr,inv ftnnnm, n..i,n. 31 1
colored marigolds arranged in tall vaseB. I from two until five o'clock, "'hilrji
ITH tue winter season knocking! week's social activity were the two1
ror admittance, social and club afternoon affairs presided over by
life is being characteiized by Mrs. Milton L. Meyers. The first, on
Tuesday, was a Bridge, for which ten
tables were arranged, the second on
Wednesday being a complimentary
Bridge-luncheon for Miss Hita Steiner
In celebration of her birthday. Decor
ations remained the same for both days,
and were greatly admired. The card
rooms displayed a clever combination
of autumn foliage and white and yel
low chrysanthemums, the dining room
continuing the lovely color mofit, dis
playing blossoms of the nasturtium and
chrysanthemum used with greenery.
Assistants for Tuesday were Mrs.
Charles L. Dick, Mrs. Arniin Steiner,
Miss Itita Steiner, Miss Gertrude Cun
ningham, and Miss Barbara Steiner.
Card favors were awardeil to Mrs. C.
renewed activity, almost all of the so
cial clubs being reorganized during the
past two weeks. To many It is th
ushering In of a round of social
gaieties; to some it is the extension
of civic improvement 'efforts, and
others find it an initiating time for
charitable endeavors.
From a social viewpoint society is
anticipating plciisurnhly the beginning
of the dancing" season, which will hold
its customary popularity, and tho va
rious fraternal halls and Marion Hotel
ballroom will bo frequently called into
service during the season for events of
this nature.
Charity will occupy a more conspic
uous place than ever. Tho social cen
ter organization originating work in
behalf of this form of beneficence,,
which, while heretofore taken up se
riously wheuover culls for help have
been made, has never been systematic
ally undertaken until the present ef
fort. Prominent club and fraternal organi
zations as well as individuals are iden
tifying themselves with this new un
dertaking, finding in it 11 splendid
opportunity for charitable expression.
While other cities at thiB time are
inspiring temporary charitable enthus
iasm, with the Christmas Skip, tied
Cross and 1'rinco of Wales funds, all
splendid efforts in behalf of sufferers
in the war zone, Salem people will prob
ably nut be such liberal contributors
to foreign funds, but will confine their
efforis to establishing this most worthy
organization, which is to lie permanent,
and is but another ovidoucc of the Capi
tal City's metropolitan development.
Tho charming and delightful bridge
given Wednesday night by Miss Aline
and Miss Louise Thompson attracted
Ruests sufficient in number to fill nine
tables of tho game, A most artistic
decorative scheme surrounded the play
ers developed In the living rooms with
lovely yellow marigolds and Japanese
cnrysnntneiniims, winch with the yellow
and library displayed splendid copper ion Saturday afternoon, October 31,
colored marigolds arranged in tall vases.! from two until five o'clock. While
ueep red begonias ornamented the given 111 the nature of a social event, 1
dining room where twelve tables werel it will be a most informal affair, Btreet ;
placd for the refreshments which were! costume being appropriate for both cal-j
served by Miss Helen Pearee, Miss,lcrs and receiving members. All com-J
Dorothy Pearce, Miss Gertrude Cnn-I niittocs are composed of wives of poli-;
ningham and Miss Jennie Pearce. j ticiaus, the hostesses being selected!
Places were marked by dainty old' from the vniious precincts. The event 1
fashioned nosegays. During the hours! will be the first of its kind in Marion!
Mrs.. Perry H. Raymond entertained: county. Musical numbers will feature
with a most enjoyable character read-! the afternoon and a onumber of wom-j
iug, Miss Dorothy Pearce delighting en prominent in the suffrage move-!
with piano numbers. ment will speak, including Mrs. Klla
The visiting guesU all of whom are Mot.ger, president of the Dallas Wom
proininest in Albany Bociety were: an 's Club.
Mrs. .8. S. Train, Mrs. L. E. Blain,! The executive committee is composed
Mrs. Owen Bean, Mrs. A. W. Bowersox,i of : Ms. M. C. Smith, Turner, chair
Mrs. H. A. Nelson, Mrs. W. C. Twee-, man; Mrs. Mellaril Cnrtw right, Salem,
dale Mrs. A. .. Sanders, Mrs. Curtis secretary; Mrs. C. P.' Bishop, and Mrs.
u. iv inn, mts. v. fi. ox, Mrs. T.U. D. Elliott, of Salcin: Mrs. Oeoruc
h. Dick, and Mrs. Edonr Hartley. C Hopkins, Mrs. C. V. Littler. Mrs.! Veill'.l'flll. All'Mt-n WeCPtltinn C,.mmW,a
JVieven guests circled tne beautifully . A. isnrrett, Jllist. Flora Mason, I Mrs. Hubert A. Booth Mrs. James!
appointed luncheon table tho following Mrs. A. J. Rahm and Mrs. H. II. I Withyconibe, Mrs, TIios'b. Kay Mrs '
afternoon, finding their places by tiny Hewitt. Members of the Snlem club ' Ilenrv .1. Bean, Mrs. L. T. Harris Mis'!
place cards bearing artistically lettered ! being: Mrs. Z. P. Moody, Mrs. J. M. ! Hoiii'v L. Benson, Mis. Ueo. M. Brown,!
.., mm im.i.uhmc jciuw cauuira. ", i.. . ... ouiun, ;urs. a. J. Mrs. J. A. Churchill, .Mrs. John H. Ijew
Later additional guests cnlled, making perron, Mis. P. H. Raymond, Mrs. Hnt-lis, Mrs. O. P. iloff Mrs. Frank ,1. Mil
up several tunes lor bridge, Mrs. 11. 11. i!e "ayion, Mrs. u. it. Brown, Mrs. W.'ler, Mrs. James T. Chinnoclt Mis A
.Hi.,,.. ....1 Tin..- Al.l t Tf Mtn.tololl -f ill... n n' n -.r 1 ..'.- L ' v,,l',i,u u J-'S. A.
uing high
sisted b;
bnra Ste
The Auction Bridge given by Mrs.
William C. Knighton Monday afternoon,
was a most delightful affair compli
menting Mrs. Roy Bishop, of Pendleton,
house guest of the Charles P. and
Chauncey Bishops. Four tables were
..... niuin luuors, win- ....o.., . nni-B xi. uo.ici, jm rs. m. Lal'ollete, Mrs. C. P. Bishop, Mrs
scores. Mrs. Meyers was as- H- J. ' lements, Mrs. ('. A. Park, Mrs. ' S. IT. Brown Mrs T. liinwn M I)
by Mrs. M. H. Olinuer. Miss Geo. J. Pearce, Mrs. R. S. Wallace. Mis .' c n'i. aiL u ur w....i ... . .
Cunningham and Miss Har-:"- M Chapman, Mrs. Lot L. Pearce, II. Goulet', Mrs.' Max (ielilhar, Mrs. Win
rr(- Shipley, Mrs. E. N. (filling. : .;Bl.. Mrs. Mildred It. Brooks. Mrs. I)
......i, -un jjiiiiim Lavis ami
Miss G. Draeer. Mrs. A. M. Clnimh. Mrs. Kcv
moor Jones, Mrs. F. A. Elliott, Mrs. E.
Hofer, Mrs. Carl Abruins, Mrs. Ron.tld
(tlovi'l-: Aliutsvllle Mrs. I'Vunk l.n.
ter, Mnxine, are home from a week 'a ; thrup, Mrs. Orn Pound, Mrs. Un Spcer;
stay with friends in Portland. j Aurora Mrs. Agnes H. Bents. Mrs. A.
Mrs. Balph Glover and sr.-.:;:i dough-
, . r " . ixiiimm; iiuw.rutiii .11 r. .J. w. ill
nrrnngeil for the gnme, the favor com- ' . r ""'iiigton returned home Kinney; G
plimeuting Mr,. Chauncey Bishop, i Vk c ul"".m!
lovely cluster of n.inature Cecil Brim l e"!rt'"""","t y friends in P,
nors being presented to the charming
honor guest. The entertaining rooms
were redolent w(th lata roso. nnd most
artistic with an arrangement of vividly
tinted autumn foliage. Assisting Mrs.
Knighton were Mrs. George E. Waters,
Miss Nell Thhdsrn, Miss Gertrude
Meyers and Miss Althea Moores.
After n prolonged nbsenee, abroad,
shaded lights produced a pleasing of-! Mrs. William P, Lord nnd hnr daughter
feet combined with Interior finishings! Miss Elizabeth Lord are being wel
of tho same hue. Crimson carnations, coined home and although their visit
and geraniums arranged w.ith greenery j la to bo brief, their numerous friends
ornamented tho dining room. Twojn('ro a delighted to have them with
prizes were contested for, and wore;"10"1 Bgain, if only for a few days,
given to Mrs. Ashael Bush and Fritz T,1V arrived from Ran Francisco, to
Nlado, highest score holders. Assisting! ''"J' Bnfl will remain the guests of the
during tho evening were Mrs. Ashae!! A- N' Gilberts, and B. O. Schm-kings
emus Mrs, Iluult D. Mars:
week of j Jefferson, Mrs. Frank Loonev: Hub-
Portland. , bard Mrs. M. C, Crittenden. Mrs. J.
T. C-ilvort. l a , ,. r,. I.' V ll.,
Miss Elizabeth Denny and Fred Or-1 Mrs. Ben Pearson; Jlacleay Mrs. Waf.
ville McMillan, of Hiiyesvllle, were Tavler, Mrs. II. if. Kaiser, Mrs. T. H.
married at the home of the bride's par-! Pu'tton: Prntnni Mrs. Mav S. Jones;
onfu luut k:,, ....... t, : .... ... .. ' '
, !.,, ,., l , u sin-; Finney Mrs. Jiclknnp; Silverton Airs.
cessful teacher, formerly attending II
Willamette University and later gradu
ating from O. A. C. Mr. McMillan is
the sou of W. ,. McMillun and is also
a graduate of 0. A. (J.
The ceremonial rooms were decorated
with brilliant autumn leaves nnd choic
est flowers. Miss Iugersoll, previous to
tue service, sang "1 Love You Truly.
C. W. Keene, Mrs. .Mutt Small, Mrs.
Chns. llartiuan; Stiiytnn Mrs. Win.
Ilobson, Mrs. Ellen Lambert; Turner
Airs. Ken Robertson, -Mrs. Arthur Ed
wards, Mrs. Henry Thcisi-on, Mrs. Anna
Ostium; Wooilburn Mrs. F. W. Settle
meir Mrs. .1. M. Poonnan.
Decoration committee: Mrs. IS. M.
La Fore, chairman; Mrs. J. I). Sulher
m-ven-mi . nnrnscnun, or tne wilem ; hind, Mrs. H. F. West, Mrs. R. .1, Hen
; ' ,h I. . , . ' """-"""i (tricks and .Miss Calista Moore,
uiu oi-niiuiui ring ceremony, miks .Mar
Bush. Mrs. (.'hiiuncev Bishnn. Mrs.
Honalil Glover, Mrs. Melvin Plimpton,
Miss Winifred Byrd, Miss Hazel Ken
iiady and Miss Gertrude Jones.
Those bidden wore: Mr. and Mrs,
Ashaul Bush, Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey
Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bishop, of
Pendleton; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Plimpton, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Roberts,
Dr. and Mrs. Harry E. Clay, Mr. and
Mrs. R. M. Hofer, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert
itenhnin, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brown,
Mr. and Mrs. George Gray, Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Ludden, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic
Thiclson, Mr. uud Mrs. Willinm J. Ball,
Mr. and Mrs. Konnld 0. Glover, Mr.
nnd Airs, William Hurkhardt, Jr., Miss
Winifred Byrd, Miss Margery Marvin,
Miss Hazel Kennedy, Miss Althea
Moores, Miss Nell Thielsen, Miss Hitn
Stolnor, Miss Veda Cross, Miss llda
Jones, Miss Oertrudo Jones, Miss Ger
trude Meyers, Messrs. Carl Gnlirlelson,
James Young, Fritz Slnilo, Lawrence
Hofor, Prince Byrd. James Crawford,
Albert Egan, Ralph Moores, Robert
lfobcrts, Vnrnel Bcnuh.
Contributing most enjoynbly to the
for the week-end.
Mrs. '.. F, Moody opened her bennti-
tha Denny attended as bridesmaid, Roy
Boals, an instructor at O, A. C, stand
ing with the bridegroom, to whom he is
a fraternity brother, each being a Gam
ma ueita ( hi. Miss Lottie .McAfee
played Lohengrin's wedding march as
ful homo on Court street, Wednesday ; tll! wedding party came down the stair
afternoon to the members of the
"Leisure Hour,'' Social Club, who en
tertained as honor guests fifteen mem
bers of the "Leisure Hour" Club of
Tho visiting women wore met at the
depot by members of tho Snlem club,
who furnished numerous nutos, taking
their guests on a sight-seeing tour
about tho city. To many who had not
been in Snlem for a number of yenrB
the trip was especially delightful, re
vealing many new and most attractive
improvements. At the Moody rest
Mr. and Mis. Walter .leaks, diiugh-1
ter, nnd Mrs. James Wiiistaiiley reached
Salem yesterday after an extensive so-1
journ in England and Wales, where
they enjoyed numerous motor sightsee-:
ing tours despite the unsettled eondi- j
The dnuciiig season promises to be
particularly gay this season anil devo
tees of the ait are anticipating wifti
way and took their places beneath n
I" lit i floral arch, and little Marguerite
Hailey was the riiigbearer.
The bride was beautiful in a gown
of white erene ill. rhim with HlimTnw
lace, and carried white carnations. The i keenest pleasure the approaching events
bnilcsmuid was attractively gowned in!1" 1118 naiure. , i no ..isyenjiy organized
pink silk with chiffon drapings, and ''adics' Dancing Club, which includes
carried pink carnations. j about one hundred of tho fashionalilu
After the ceremony a three-course t Hot w'11 K'e their initial daaco at the
luncheon wub served by Miss Newmver, ! Moose hall Monday evening, November
Miss Morits, Miss Ida Denny and Miss '"th. It will be unite informal, as
Annii Denny. wi'l all the dances given by this club,
The cuests were eomnnsed fur the which will probably number not less
deuce they were received by Mrs. greutcr part of relatives and close -"'"a five.
Moody, Mrs. E, ('. Small nnii Mrs. friends. Among them were Mr. and
James Martin. The beauty of the Mrs. Jacob Denny, .Mr. W. L. McMillen, ' Miss Forenco Houston, bride-elect or
spacious rooms were enhni I by Mr. and Mrs. E, M. Bnilcy and daugh-1 Milium M. Hoggs, was complimented
quantities of autumnal blossoms and ter Mnrguerito, Mr. mid .Mrs. W. Pruitt, with a most chiiiiiiingly arranged mis-
foliage brought In from the handsome Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson, the Misses i cellancons shower Wednesday evening,
grounds surrounding tho residence and Ingersoll, Mr. and Mrs. George Bin-1 given by a large number of her girl
gathered from the garilens of several shaw, Miss .McAfee, Miss Moiitz, Miss friends. Their arrlviil at the Houston
oi tne uiemners. me largo parlors Ida Louise Denny, .Miss Anna Denny, residence occurred while Miss lions
were aglow with colorful foliage ami ! Miss Kuth Newmyer, Miss Martha Den
vivid red dnhlias; the reception hall ny, Miss Pauline Denny, .Miss Ida Den
ny ami Messrs. John It, Denny, Kay
Minnetta Magers
The Musical Artists Course
Armory, Salem, Ore.
SEASON 1914-1915
EVAN WILLIAMS, Great Welsh Tenor
Friday, November 6
ALMA GLUCK, Frima Donna, Metropolitan, N. Y.
One of the World's Greatest Violinists
In Joint Recital, Friday, February 12
Negotiations for Grand Opera Quartet in Costume
in March. If impossible to secure this, an
artist of equal merit will be secured.
THE BARRERE ENSEMBLE of wood-wind in
struments, under direction George Barrere,
the World's Greatest Flute Virtuoso.
One Season Ticket to Entire Course, $3.00
Season Tickets Reserved 9 a. m., Saturday, Oct. 31.
All holding season tickets are entitled to any extra
concert that might be given at reduced rates.
ton was attending a complimentary
dinner given by Mis. Paul L. Schmidt,
ami before her nppcnnrtieo the rooms
Duals, Chester Armstrong and Roland was most artistically transformed with
Armstrong. I decorations bearing out the pre-niiplial
Mr, and Mrs, .McMillen left StiJcin by j suggestion, Garlands in red, inter
wny of the Shasta limited for Schenec- , sperscd with strands of hearts latticed
tiidy, N. Y., where Mr. McMillan is i the toiling of the living-room, and ulsu
employed ns designer in the General festooned the iliningrooin. "Hearts"
i.iectrie w oiks of mat city. 'were pla.veil ilurinu the evouinu. red
Suits Coats
At Amazingly Low Prices
Every Dress, Suit
and Coat
In Our Entire Store
Included in This
You who are familiar with the quality
of garments handled by Shipleys will ap
preciate the opportunity now offered.
pParfy Dresses, Silk Dresses, Serge Dresses,
in all the new fall styles.
Suits, made of Serges, Diagonals, Gabar
dine and Broadcloth.
Coats, made of Zibeline, Novelty Mixtures
and Sergesmedium and long models.
Raincoats, made of Gabardine and Rubber
Lined Mixtures.
In many cases the price is less than half.
They will bent home lifter November . hearts fashioninir tlm score emits. IMS
1st at 114 Willet street, Schenectady, emblem nlso being noted In the refresh-'
New York, Inients, which were served by Mrs, Ar-!
mill Slei - ami Mis. Albert Million, I)!) 'winter
. in ,:... .. . . . I
l"l",fn npiiny, who loured the Pacific I importance than their chef, such embno
Hi coast last sciimiii, playing the role ol orchestras flourished, and ottcii played
;An,..,i..ris In "Al.ll." It Is ,uite I ,lie,ices of but one, In small
siblii Hint the Apollo Club will give a 'hut princely chambers,
couch in mucin somen lining tne Today i ustonied as we are to tin.
I modern nugi itcil orchestras with the
( entral ( (invocation of the r.pis-'of Albany, Gills were of unusual at-
copal church, Including flie contiguous mctiveness and wee sent by the fl-!C" j " !" " t In.,,, S, . Miss Minolta '""' .V Wagner or a Strauss, wn
seven counties which compose his d,s; lowing tr ends who were bidden . J ( nurse w! I lie iileitseil tn Imve the ag.'rs, Mrs, Willi,,,,, Kverelt And,,,,,,, tail s, II,,,,.. to be Impress,
trie , will be hob next Tuesday and guests: Mrs. ,, Keinlmrt, Mrs. ' ! 1 1 '! v' H. II, Ku.er and Mis, Inc. i.,by II, e vol,,,,,,, of sound, Vs
Wednesday at St. Paul s Kpiscopnl Hurry Wenileroth, Mrs. Aiiuiii Steiner, ! I""lllm. " '" lll"l"" 1 '" Uou. liiiin!i,., and cvmbnls lis It we ,. Tl,
church ami will be attended by r e-jMis, A ,, Mintou of Albany, Mr. : '"' hl,,h .I"'1'1'"1'!- ' '" "'V !,l i t 1 ,'
sct.itivo clergy and Inymen, many of Karl Mc.Meche,,, Mr,. ' Schinldl, : '. ! , ! ' (.vl...,-lv ,..,.( , " 0 c, ", , 1,1,1
whom will take part on tho prog,,,,,,. ! Mrs. Merlin Harding, .Mrs. C ter Co, !" "' '! ,"!"T'"" -h'""i , '!' '"' n''0 J,"1" " '"'J'"1 " f v i, "a it a the , 'l
V:.,I(,M .....I i I I u ...II t... ii.... him . ,. . .. t('ltl (if liUlt till Ulil'I'i'Mt. r. Wl iiiiiin 1 llltll 111 lllll till tint Mmunii AH uty' 1 UM 'H'"" HI lllllllll
I.,. ..: : .1..,. n ' .... m t , . '.W in tin Iwnt iiiIim! In J n r. urn I iiiii-hp. in mum link- lm,u-n i,u nm. , WIUI ,,IM'
u lll ii iv jp run u i u.-r.i i rir , ,u in, II , J , lUlVIU,
'.Mrs. I.ouis ,losVWil1 ir' "'V," 1,1 V'"' V"U'"
ing, .Mrs. Se.vino,,;11" ""h111'"1 '"' '."'"V- .'vcmlier i en
sixth, Sein sales fi.r the entire con- his li,t visit to the I'licific Ninlhwct,
Musical Arlists
". l-l """"" " """"'',.. h... i..,- .....i. ., i
urea I'S cm I , r. tin. I . " " in
ing at eight o'clock at tl,c II. II. Thiol-..Mrs. Walter Spanning,
sou lesi.enen inn n iiiicheon wi 1 a soiHI.h'i' l,u . I ...... .1. It..,.; I,. ,iuu..u
be given In their honor nt noon the hit. steiner. Kslher Cnrson Catherine. , ,v '' :i I . t will give the people ,, .,i....i tniiily ,,fi
mine iluv. Annum the notable outol'- Cii,,u. 1 ... I Hlnicr. r..,,. 'l'..Ni.. , "'viaK '"H "r more weeli in w I, , en loving n voice tlml evolicil Ihe wild
of Ihe llarrere Kiisciuiile.
The work of the junior choir during
town ntientliints will be lb A. V,.Mnri,' Holinger, (truce Lilly, Gem! I i"""- Tickets lor sin. t et enthusiasm fniin every a, nliencc. Ilm revival of the I'lrst llaplint church
uriiiiu, recior oi ft. iinraatias cniircn, Melle Lucille llelle, I mine Craig, Mnblit ? " " n is ill l lie realm ol sacred song, " t"'1',, euiiiui,isi,ciy r...
of Alc.Minnvillo; Key. C. II, Hunnnlls, lle.,g, .lessie Keitun, Margaret, I'oisal, "". "I'l'bcanl,, will I '""inHv ! H, lnpre, music uf llnii.lcl i,i Men- l,'"lv',l' "rguuUt'd by Mrs, Fred M.
of Curvnllis; anil II. I . cm ers, ol Izohcl MrGib lnlsl, l.eta lliuto of An-1 , , ' '"' 'ic'iiiiiuc .ici,,,,!,,,, tl. gmuil and uplifting nun,. 'Vumi, aim direeietl by I luirles lltill.
I'ortland, all of whom will speak, as rurn, Klnieiice Hofer, Miiriau Gould,
sent,. Valley citic, am planning mi licis IVini,
will ulst) Walton Van Winkle of this .'nc,h, Hoover, Alone I'awk, .Mul.lt
city. 'Smith, Mary Viintis, Velma Hoover,
i l.cnoie Stnley, ,lov Turner, Zee Slock-
Mrs. S. M. Knilicotl ami Mr,. George titi, Margaret (1,11, llorolhy I'lerce,
A. W'ootl entertained must doighl fully Helen 1'irice, Mttllic Ituncorn.
with u large Hiidge Tuesday evening
nt tho home of (he former, which was I Mi,, ,ce He Witt Is I, w k- I
beautified with a lovely arrangement t guest of the Kiauli W, Walois ol1 rv
of brighl hneil sciimiiiiiI flowers. I'lnine-1 i,,,,,, Adilititi,,, i'liitlnml.
coloretl salvia ami iliililins ornamented .
the large reception hull, iliililins nnd M,. tl,..,vMe (lniv rctiinied IukI ui,.!,!
chrysanthemum perfecting a pink C, I'ortland. wliere she In, .1 iiiinh.' a
motif fur the spacmu caul ruoms, the ,ri,.f visit to her ulster, Mr,. A. M. "
same blossoms in yellow being em- Cn,,,,,,,,, Miss I'nid e Giav also cntne
ployed In the dining-room. Thirteen linn, , In. I night I'm,,, Kugene, where
tobies were used, award, falling to ,, ,. ,.,, ..,ck ' unesi f Lef ''
nciitliiig large numbein to the different j (i
events, and it is liupeil lmt Snlem w
lie iloielly rciresentl'i,
Mr. Willinui,' niinibei's will lie:
I'Iowim Song, finiu Cannon Illcf
it. The I'ritle of Vmilli Cluis. Sccgor, ,lr.
b. , Mvery K,, I, Song Ih-cc
c. The Von Ik's Hepnituie to the War
i Sitl, icy 1 1 ,,,-r
The Messiah," "The Cre,,. 1,1 ' regular choir, Ike oigiiui.iilliii,
UlijitU," tthil1, so few 11 V,,.V Ureal ere. lit to them. It h
Mrs, K. W. Il,iii,,l and l(. M, liowning. gnindiuolhei', Mrs, hailes A, Gray.
voice, tlnre nttciuiil. Hint Mr. W illitiiii, hoped by Hiosu nhti have kml lit.. ,,rlv
i" at. hi, greatest, i, ii, I for the pi me "'' heui'lug them tknl tkey will not
nf wele,n iiiulienceB In.. ,inci singer 'I'sli'i'ul, but will beiouie a regiilur fen-
hn, added f Ici.'ion, of this cnlHiie loi'""' H"ii'tn,v services,
his latest piiigiatn, j Tli .se who made nil this elmlr n
I'linecil nttiiilier two, given bv Ainu, Swnrtltoilt, r,,e Swili I llnnl,
Glitelt and I'.l'iein Zlinbnllst, I'Vliiiiuiv , Hyiitui. Miiivclln llynim, (llh.i
l, Hill it- it two nt' the wiui. I ' Cal'll'i'ih. Kuth iil,l It, liinelh.
I'e.liup,, In nil the hlsltiiv up Ainetl. Il(,alli. Inn l'i nctur, Minnie I'licili'ii.
Clin slliu.'l's. Alum Clink iv lis III., mile 'migi l-Nlllrl 1 1 vies. I -. , l ,, . I lleinin..
., ,, , , ' , , , tine lo iitluln to first ninli within file Muigucot Iviiapp, l.itlu llelgliin, Mut
I-1 mil the l.lin.1 of the Sliy lllue vc,,,, of her debut, Thee Is mi !ne. ' llmglnii, Kalkciine llnrhyle. 1 1 1, v
et ii'r "i .' ' 'I111'11' n rciiiril where sin I, i, tiling win lt'el. Vliii,,, Klniiih, ' K,i,. ),M.
'lie "'." ""l' Low "'!i ' i lie.- ;,lil,eil wilhi.itt the Glu.i, utiec '"(ill, Ter r'owlc, Miiijuil,. K,.
Iiear, When I tlue IK"I I fr-nimlllv -Iwi, fuelxr needed In Aiuetla Iknlletle, ' rioreu.'.i
, fspiay ol littse, lit .1 Siiiidel'Md, ,( king of , I ureal sinner. Mo ...Hiuwil, K,l lll.llch, llml. v Se,iler.
'ilin'lt him wiui uient Ilium,. In a,,, is1'-"" rseattisler, inn .Mnsui,
. .i a,
Scores of smartly clad high school, t',,r ,. i,!,..,,,,, of .r sister. M'. I r nu Mi,.',i,lvi, j .......i . .,,, ..,., , , '.Iderson. iiiei.in It.,.,.,.,.. ,., .
gills accompanied their football I n to Herbert lluiber, of Portland, who has, '' Vour Kir Helnved .chmies HmmiIi,,,,, I ,.,., f ,, ,.,, Mu.l'inie1 , Weiulel Newman, lleiahl New-
Albany this iiiornlng on their special been ,er house guest for I, week, M rs. " A Sung uf Hie Sea It, Iter , , I In. It mhsi " I have time I'm nothing '"an, .luliuuie Muir, William Gieen
trnui, many uf whom will lie enter- rv,e Ginlu itirtniiied with lour,'1' '"'I"'' I'm 's M't, ,, ,v r( ,( ,,p. lm, ,yH W11M1 1( Ih.lii ,.....,i Hioi.lts, Samuel .1 i,ur.
tallied ns guestsof niemls for the day. tM,,., ' bridge Tuesilny nlternnon., 11 1 1 seems tlnre aie nut euiiugli hour, ley Sii(.,, Harry Mni,hull, Jr., l
,, I'rl'c were won bv Mrs. Heing,. Gray I V. icciiMipl.., I lie tusk, l,l I . . . . , I , like hl A Is,
Mr. William I. Knighton returned., ,,i, Mi Altlien .lnotfs. Mr,. Hmber f.ie ms Hititiet U are ; f,ilri,,.,l, Art I, Iml I lung, n, . - T - ,
i. nil-, 1. 1, imkiii " ; reiurnt'ii to ncr nnnie inursiiav, - ihiiiih iiunii iiigi,,., an iirti.t a,.iie,, Mie huiger It
on Wednesday nfternoon she assisted ' c Invit'tus Ilntuo lliih" will ,e,p,, , iittaiu l.enee "
Mrs. I. W. Sherman nt her large lea. Mrs. S. 1', Kimbnll entertained Willi! " ' A i I, New York iiniiniil critic
whlch was one of the most conspicuous . i a, f , r ii t I iliitaer last night nt h'- The Apollo club til' I'liitlnml, consist. 1 lui, culled the Hnnere Kiisemble, whiil,
events, socially, of the week in I'ort- l.citiit i f ii I cniintiy Imme, aero,, the rlv- lag of ln male vol , will him 'heir lies to Snlem Tuesday, May's), "a
.,, ...TF. niMTMHIl ' 1 I .'Nil. II t .V ,,,, .rhl,l 11 I CIV ffl Is ftir t 1,0 1 1 ll'B , ' ' I "I CUIICeit lf 11,0 SPIISOl, III tlie l I i i g I ,1, lisil'lt I I'llltiC," lll C U t ilT SUV"
Hut the young find Is not excusable
on the grtiiiiid that there is mi fi.nl like
an old ftiol.
been entertained here ns Mrs, knigh
ton guest.
A general Invitation I being sent
out to the Women voter of Marion
county by the executive committee of
the Woman' Auxiliary of the H. pub
lican Central committee for a lea nnd
reception to be held arthe Hotel Mar-
lire of her sister, Mrs, II. M. Giimes, ' thcntie tonight w ith Madam .lulu, i " These little brother s to MimiM miuht
or . oliiinliii,, lllue, who leaves neit liiusscn, (lie woild fiimou, Swedish have been playing for iiriiibihiips ami
week for her homo after nil extended conlnilto, a snloist, lemperor, instead of the huge in. "In it
visit here. 1 This i s ,eenth season for the 1 audience which clime In automobile,. '
1 I Apollo Club uud their associate mem. I And indeed this Mil,, baud nf the reed
If nne lialf of mnn ' scheme turn- berliip has been increased to Huh. With- uud plpn Is n reincarnation, for la
etl out i.ceortliiig to his preliminary out tioiibt, Madame ( , ,,,. Is the thosn iireorehcstiHl dttv,, when Ike
figures, he would have nothing to tin , greatest ni list ever seen red by the cluh. I king, and prince of Kuiope cuisld
but spend Ins money. She iippenreil with Ihe Chicago Ginml en tl their " Kapellmeister " of morel 4X44444444a4a aaaI
Beaver StatePrinters i
Society and Commercial
rhon lma.
Boom. 13, Pntton Block