Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 24, 1914, Page TEN, Image 10

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Special Sale Prices on All Women's and Misses'
Suits in Stock-None Reserved
X One cent per word each inser- T
tion. I
T Copy lor advertisements un
X der this heading should be In by
f 2 p. m.
KIHST LtKllt u t Vr'd VlghVluticJ
sale, ol'i North Church.
KOI; SALM Four cows, good milkers,
1417 Market street.
Among This Week's Arrivals
New Balmaccan
Stylish and very popular are these
Balmacaan Coats good quality Boucle
fabric, tailored in the best manner.
Black, blue or green very low in
J$13.50 to $17.50
New Accordion Plaited
Unusually chic are these new Skirts
beautifully plaited, accordeon style,
of good grade wool panama in navy
or black. Priced at
Exquisite Showing of
Evening Gowns
Very latest fashion conceptions in these
new Gowns for evening wear. Beautiful
ly finished every garment of highest
grade made up in Lace, Duchess Satin,
Chiffons, Crepe de Chines, Charmeuse,
etc. Priced
$13.50 to $50
A special good purchase
Extra value only $1.98.
A surprisingly low price
for such Petticoats as
these. Shown in the latest
and most wanted colors.
Pretty ruffle styles. Your
New Vanity Cases and
latest Handbags for Wo
men and Misses are here-
$1.00 to
A Sale of Splendid
Serpentine Crepes and Ripplette
Usual grades up to 18c.
Surprise Special Only 11c a Yard.
Here are pretty Serpentine Crepes just the thing
for kimonas in pretty patterns many dainty bor
dered designs light, medium and dark colors; U6
inches wide.
Pretty striped Ripplette that splendid fabric for
house dresses and children's wear needs no iron
ingmay be had in pink, blue, tan or grey stripe
patterns, 27 inches wide.
Take your choice of. these fabrics next Wednes
dayusual value to 18c
Surprise Price 11c Yard
W 'J. ' .XX
f. . lJ
Newest colored Silk Umbrellas in the
most wanted shades are now ready for
$5.00 Each
All Around Town
Dr. Mendelsohn. specialist In fitting
glasses correctly. U, 8. bunk building
A license was granted todoy for the
iniirnago f Archie 0. Wilkinson nnd
Army Kffie liiiUcr, both nf this city.
For ante datiingod wheat, outs and
barley, 4UI1-7 Hubbard bhlg.
Dancing school Ioshoiih given over
I'nmerny 'h Jewelry store every MiiiuIiiv
night lit S p. ni. ' M en .10 cents, indies
2,"i 'cuts, Mis. V, II. I'nrki-r.
Tlie Woman's Rolluf Corps, of tliis
cll.v, has derided to cxlcml ihi'ir rum
mage, mi lo In envor another nrli ac
cording l Mm. Lnckwoo.l, secretary of
III ii orgniii.ittinn,
Everything in high class, up to date
millinery in selling nt rust now lit The
r'lon.h Shop, Llheity, between State
ami limit.
me ptaintir won tho verdict In the
case ol' Krimk Hooves against T. V.
l'ope, tried in the justice court, yon-'
Icnlny afternoon. This wan n unit to
collect H $."iU coiiimissiim on tho kiiIo nf
an unto,
81iiOO.no stock of millinery nt the nc-'
mm mini. Till' I'li'llcli Shop, Liberty,
between Slulo n nit Court.
Elizabeth M. Frohmuilcr vnn awii-il
nl .I'liungos ill tin' kiiiii of 200 iigiiinst i
tho Ori'p.un KliTtiii' Hnilwiiy company
from Hie pry in tin' circuit' court yes
terday n I t f r ! ii . ' j
Davis for city treasurer moniui offl-,
cioii-y, i'i iniiy ninl lower "luxes, Nu !
deputies, (I'lllll inlv.) 1
Oo to Dr. Stone' ror trassoa, j
Dr. JulllflR WtthVeon.llO. Pnni.MI.fin
I'liiiiliiliio for governor, huh in llio city
tliiH in rn ix iin bin wny to HilviMtii'n '
where Iin will spend tin', ilny niceling,
llio voters nf Hint oily. I
Lout you forgot. Mooting will con-!
tillllK every 11 1 LI tl t lit till' I III III i.Hl church.!
All mi' iin ili'il.
Dollar watches at Stono'a drugstore.
On account of lnrli nf inHm.
ngninst tin' ili-fi'inlmit, Hi,. ,.m,. iiiti,;,,,
tlnry II. Nclhrs wns tl i kiii imhi-iI l,v .Imlir..
Ki'liy yesterday u ft it m tt in tho cir
cuit court, Sollnrs wns .iur:.o,l win,
offering for kiiIi' ii buttle of Wuthlns
litiiini'iit without n license. Tlie stud
iliil not pins tlie case.
nanny iiini'iii'ii are lincoining
inure ninl inure iiipuliir,
"Our Bveclnltlos:"
0,iuility Hot Cliui'iiliiti)
Cliicken Itiinillnii
The Hpii'ii Cliicken TninnlcK
Cliicken Hiiliul
Tiinuue SiinilwiilieH
J I il ill SiiiiiIh idles
Cliicken SiiiiilwlclicH
.IS- State Street
Tho house with n twenty years'
reputation. " '
A complaint wns filed in the circui: The hop markot of this locality -ls
court today by 'I'. V. Steiuor niriiinst . shmviiiK a little Htrenntli nt the end of
It. W. Kin.; and I.olo I), Kinjj. Tl. i m is the month, but IIk' imli. ntioiis me tnutj
an ii.'tion to rei'iivi'r iiinney on n pii.in- Hie bottom bus nut been reaclied as vet
issnry iinte for if-J'-T) Kiv.'ii jointly by and liopH lire on Hie lower side of' III
Hie tli'fcnilniiK The plniiitifl mvk ten cents for. the coniinoii );ra.les. A
Wl iind ifrin n.lilitioiiiil ns attorney's few sales lire' beini; ininle and iniuiii''
fees, Two Hcpiiruto pureols of laud in them are: A. .1. Ailiiiiisou, 'J2 bales nt
mis county nuKrciiatliig aliout eiuht ,
acres were nttnclied in cnnuection witei
Hie litigation.
Home WotwuBfi laundry Under
new inunncment; all work Kuarnnteed;
wash days, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wed
nesdays and .Fridays, l'liono 2171.
Family washing, SO cents.
I Beginning next Saturday evening the
i nii'inbers of Hie class in I'liuiparativo
politics of tlii illnoietto I inversitv
will take up the tuililic, discussion of i siniiil'i's and sunuht a iiuliiiueiit in Hie
the 'iirious ineasnies to lie voted upon 'sum asked for (joinls sold mid ileliv
III Hie fiunillir election. Tlinse .lis. 1 ei-i',1 to ll.e ilcl',...,!.. .f .li..l,. lvIU
The Willaiuotte tenths departed on .Missions will be held in the clmpel of ginnled an order for the sale of prop-
'.j cellls; in.1 Kii.rsou lot ot l hull's i
in cents; into nan I. ill hales,
at III cenls; II. Stolie, K, Stolie ninl -. '
Hrewer, lull bales al il ' j cents. j
Ajntes polished and mounted. Gard
ner & Keeue, 3S) tftuto street.
A Judgment In the sum of 800.1.381
wns rendered in favor of tho plaintiff
this morning in the use of .1, A. lioeb
ling & ISons against WilLiani Malloiy.
The plaintiff is a concern selling hop
llio fni.i in im motor for Hailiis. ulic.c
(key will meet the Ihilln hih school
foot hull eleven this uftei noon. Their
in n lis have been very uuiteii illv weak
ened by the moving of lnen to the first
sipind to ri'plni'o the cripples who linve
""t I n out following the O. A ('.-
Willamette gnnie.
Friday, November B, at 10:30 a. in.,
ir IT lr...n..A r- . 1 Mn" .'"'i'i. sci l.v ine laillinni .'OIIIIIIIS-
w.'l known barber ol Haiom. has opeued re,p,ire the Southern Pacific , Ore
a shop " Im mvn at I.,, siato street, : ,', .;,.,ric railroads to establish i'o-
." r .1, ,.,iKii iiieiner, wueie ne win lie
glad to meet all
Hie university am! all ar welcome. lertv attiichcd to satisfy Hie liuluiiient
May Wing Tye Restaurant, 130 Forry , Try Scott'a lfto meaia.
street, Everything new and cleiin; new ! n
niiin.'igeinent. The best of noodles ninl ' Elwood Orace, the 11 year old Al
chop sney, Short outers at all hours. ""'' boy who ran away fiom his homo
o Thursday evening, was found bv Of
ficer Jack White at Ward (lillinin's
D-m't full to got a sonsoti ticket for
the Students' Lyceum Course. I'lv..
eiiti'iliiiiinients I'or the price of two.
barn on Kerry street, vester.lnv even
ing and taken to the police station to
await the arrival of nu officer from
Albany. Young (Irace took the bay
"in in 1 1 oni his home and started out oil
horseback. To the officers hero he
said ho took tho hoiso because lie
wanted to raise nioey to go bnek east
Flvo entertainments bv the host tnl.i (lombMiiva llrich Cmnnnnv. nf nniml.i ,."..vl'"1 hisniuther, The othcer from
ent on the l.vceuin platlorm for rj.oil. who ilemmld lu'lter transfer facilities', R"Wi'11 n nmni to,lay-to re-
Students' Lyceum Course. for shlpmenls of the point's products. ""' '""".v Imme.
o i.oi you forget. Moctilng will con-1
The Capital Business
"Sny, l; want a stenogiapher to.
day must bo n good one, can
you send in o one?"
Many of our students have, thus
been placed in good positions,
Unroll today, study hard mid
your opportunity will come and
a good Hillary with it if you are
is old customers mi. I
new ones us well. Iluireutting, i'i ints,
nections In this city so ns to penult
nf the liitcrcx.'hiiugc of cars between
the two traffic systems, The mutter
nines up upon he complaint of the
him if HUH) per your to accept tho Ore
gon J est at itJiiiill.
I r.Al Mlt.M.MI UUI'..n.UAIt.lC wunts
work by day. si;i Front street.
FOB KKXT .Modern four-room bunga
low. Cull at Hilt Trade street.
FOU SALK Young fresh cow, with
calf. liniO South Commercial.
OLD PAPKHS for carpetsj 10 cents
per hundred. Journal office.
KOK IiKN'T I'pper flat, 7 rooms, close
in and modem. Phone 0- uud l-l.
FOH HKNT llppor flat, 7 rooms, e.loso
in and modern, l'hone 1)2 and 124.
FOU RUNT Two neatly furnished
bedrooms. Inquire 332 N. Church.
FOIi HUNT Two well furnished rooms
for houaekooping. inquire at 4111 N'
FOB RENT Small three-room eottago
in North Halem, l'hone 410, Curoy
F, Murtin,
KOR SALK I lliiroe .lersei' mule pis,
3'j miles west ol Siilem, l.'outo i.
A. C. Siiuon.ls.
Wanted. Student to help In porter
work evenings uud week-end. .Model
Shaving I'm lor.
.M()l)i:i (I IIOO.M IIOCSK for salo--For
particulars inipiirii ."KI4 Hulo.iu
Hunk of Coiiiinei'ce Ithlg.
KOU KKXT Modern Ill-room house,
III Choinoliotii street, iflli per i Hi.
See llechtel & llynoii.
KUU l.MNT "i-rooni luo.lern house, $1
per month. W. II. (Irulicnh.irst 4i Co.,
Room 2, Hush Hank Ithlg.
FOR HUNT Small three-room eot
tago in suburbs. Address Rchcecii
U. Anderson, 87 N. Front street.
KOU SALK HY OWN Kit I.") lines lino
Imid; fenced ami clear; rock ion. I.
llnrgiiiii if taken soon, l'liono 121,
residence phone 02.
LfJNr On Commercial between Stale
nu. I Mission, lady's small purse con
tailing money. Return to Journal
office, llcwanl.
l-'Oli SALK It V OWNKH 1.1 acres lino
imid; t'enci'd mid cleur; rock road.
Hiigiiin it' taken soon, l'hone 121,
re.-ii.leuce pboii.. 02.
KOR HUNT Olio fiverooin iiiimIoiii
buugulow ami one four-room house
with city water. (I. W. Lafler, 100
lliilibiir.l building,
INSI'IIANCK- Money to loan. See us
nt once. We can help yon us we
have helped innnv others.' .Liil'lnr it
II. linger, lllll lliiiiluir.l building.
Tl... Hi WI..10
Only $13
-Money Back If
Not Satisfied
This cart is a ptiniliin.'ition utvi.i ot..,,t:,..
noss, durability and comfort, built rijiht from the
rilbllOr til'OS t() Hilt CHVi'finir nf tlw i
nnilL'U if hllil 1 rvlt i-
(Joints of superior
ity: 1. Htool wheol with m
spokos In ea. h.
2. Heavy nickeled nitid
3. Large foot hnoil with
nickel trimmings.
4. Htool frame, which In
5. Comlortalile spring
Willi upholstered sent.
0. Large adjustable 1 bow
7. Upholstered, adjustable
8. Beautiful nickel
Made in Ilrown, Mack and Green.
' j
tt Tour
Credit la
11 Good Here
Btores In
Oregon and
Mr Edith Darr, Mrs, Llr.zlo Roed.i ,ln"" ,'v"'.v "'i1'1 t Ihe Maplist c
Mrs, Melvlna Sb.per and Mrs, .icnnio I A" '"'" lnvitf-1.
uiller lelt nils inoriiliig lor their home
III Salem alter utleii.ling the Macca
ben rally, They were loud in their
the entertainment accorded
the local bulge. Albany
praise of
them bv
Sdlisfdcllon Guiirantcd or Money RefunJoJ UUU;
j R.-ailjiistinent of train schedules ef
fective Siimlny, Octiibei 2."i. For timo
nf nrrlvHls ami ilepnitiires at Miilein, se
biillvllns nnd folders at local agent's
j office, Saturday, October "L
Painless rarkor, tho famous exponont
of Hie dental bill, delivered n talk nt
1 the .'inner of Stale and Coiiiinercliil
'streets this morning. One of Parker's
iissislniils was iu this city earlier In
I Ike year and performed the novel stunt
of pulling the teeth of the bv. Hinders
j while he discussed the dentiil bill.
I Dnvls as city treasurer will NOT ask
like city council I'or help to do the work
Hie treasurer Is paid to do, vl'ai.l a.iv.')
j Tomorrow Is the last Sunday nf the
I open season for Chinese pheasants this
year, ami Snlein hunters are preparing
: lo be In at the finish, The wily roosters
ate reported scarce and local sportsmen
say there hns been more hunting this
I your than usual, With n good bird
dog It is still possible to bag Ihe limit
J If other condition, are favorable, but
IllOlt of the b(l',l iln.tu .rn tt.tM- .
I.'ied. Within a few days the pointer i No. 209-210 Illlbbaril Dldfi'.
an, setter will cense to rule ns klm.j
i of the canine tribe, but right now good
I bird dogs are in great demand.
I Dr. Otter, atm, pnon 608, Salem
Bank of Commor 't building.
' .'" .
VAu ' " '
Now located at
Phone 10!)
Tcrfcct Fitting of Eye
glasses Guaranteed.
1 The fine lull piano which Is to be
given away by C, M. Kppley, Hie gro
cer, arrived In Salem this morning nf-
iter its long journey from the Last.
Monday It will bo taken oii to Mr.
r.pplcy s store at the corner of Last
Stale and Nineteenth streets and will
be placed on exhibition Tuesday, Then!
the well Ii link n iiicn'hiint will ask In bis:
many friends ami customers to Inspect
Ihe instrument and see for themselves
that it is nil that he claims for It, 1
The piiiim is strictly high class ami1
up to date in every way ami Is to be:
given away by Mr, Lppiey as an n.lvcr-,
tising stunt. K very one of bis custom-:
ers will Im vo nu opportunity t
in ileiiiling who its owner will be. nnd
he wnnls them all to drop in ami let
him i xplain how it is done.
Dr, John I. McKolwny, formerly em-
ploved us physician In the New York
1 stale hospital for the Insane at the
bend of the deportiition department,
passed through Salem yesterday nnd
j stopped off to get llc.piuinte.l with Sll
, periiiti'iulent Steincr of the state in
sane asylum ninl Hie state officers nt
like eapit.il building, lie whs recently
I appointed tlrt ssslstnnt to Snpcriii
, l.'inli'iit McNnry of the I'eiiilleton
branch Insane asvluin lln.l was on his
was lo lissome his new post of .luly.
llr, MeKclwiiy resigned a position st
the New York institution whlih paid
Special New Korean
City Restaurant
Bpanlsh Chicken, Hot Tamalea, Chill
Cou Came, Chop Buoy Noodle
420 l'erry Street
Is ill session nnd the ipiostinn
arises, are your child's eves all
right 'I'ho best way to determine
is to liuve a tin. lough cMiiuiua
(bin of their eves to see just
what condition (hoy are la,
llon't start them off by being
liiiiiilicnp.eil with defective vis
ion uud the resulting iici'viiiihicss,
Hive them nt least ns near eipini
chances with tho rest of the chil
dren. You can do it, ami It i, up
to you.
Reincinber that. I am i'..'. inllv
0'iiipo, for the proper eniimiiiii
tion of children's eyes uud guar
antee all my work. I am nl.le to
rcter yon to nearly seven Hums
uud people, mining them uver nine
hundred children, In Marion nil. I
I'ulk counties whose eves 1 Imve
eoriectnl, since locating In this
city, No extra charge lor exam
ination. I do not use drops nor drugs of
any kind as they are dangerous.
My examinations of Hie eves
are iiiiide by n modern, safer liud
more accurate means measure
ment by scientific methods Hint
give the exact defects t.f vision
and enable one to fit. with glns.es
that will give you eomfort and
perfect sight.
Office, SIO-'JI I Knit,,,! stales
.National Hunk Uniting,
HILLY Expert window cleaner. AK.
cleans wallpaper, woodwork, liui li urn.
Cleans nnd oils floors. In tact, liny
kind of house or ui'fiee rlt'iiiiine
I'h.ine 218.
WANTKD An elderly (ieriiiiiu lady,
yet capable of doing general house
work, desires a position with a tier
ni nl family. Address, .1, M., euro of
I on mill.
KOU SALK IIY OWN Kit New .1 -room
bungalow; firepli , I . n 1 1 . . I h-ciisci,
bus it, cupboards. Siunll payment,
l'ii linn niouHily. Call ut liulii Soiitl.
Co iiiiiercinl.
Ati KNTS Sell guaranteed hosiery ; W
per cent profit', ii.iike tilt diiily, Oi
'ders repent regularly j best n'gcul 's
teller In existence. Inlernattonul
Mills, West I'hila.lelplilii, l'a.
AtiKXTS Sell guaranteed hosiery; 7U
per cent profit; make IH daily, Or
ders repeat regularly; best agent's
seller in existence. Iiitermitioiiul
Mills, West I'hila.l.'lpliia, hi.
WILL KXCIIANHI.; Snlem resideac..,
one or two l.uil.linj lots, ceiitrnl, and
,.,,ul. I... ... ,1..-:.... .
iii. .or e.v.osivo snoe siiicu, gro
cery or geneial uierchau,lie Snlem.
mix inn,
WA TLIl Two-room upurtmenls, lino
I sle'plng room, one for l.iichelor ipinr
! tersi furnished for light buns. 'keeping;
i Willi beat and bath, Address .1. W, J .
i fare .louruul.
'I WANT TO TUAHrTsIx iicres of llio
best orcliiir.l laud In Hie liinmus Sao
tiniii bottom planted (,, ,)i . walnut
and apple trees, with line new bunga
low, for Hood house nnd lot In So-
! b'ui u.it too tin- out. t), ', X., en,,,
j llMlllllll,
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn
Doetor of Optica
I'nK HALK-5 acres of fine bind, 4
miles no, tl, of ,li.fer n Halem
.lelferson iiiu.I; 1 acres young pruncn,
1 Hire garden; house mid bum, deep,
drilled well; team and nil Implements,
ha.' mid green feed; for a few duvs
Hie entire outfit tor i;ii(l, f j,
S.pmre Heal llealt y ( n,
If Yon Want A Country Horn
I am leaving here Monday fur
Arizona and will sell my U acre farm
willi new house, fine bum, nPW out
buildings all In the bout of ('million at
a bargain If taken by that time,
fall mid Inspect the pi,n,.e, louilrd
four miles oast of th Asylum auil VI
mile oust of the Kruitlain) si lieol hrnse.
sM B. T. D, No. 6.
riion ay r