Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 16, 1914, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Sataraay SI
Will find unusual money-saving offerings tomorrow in
" our different departments
$ 1 9.85
Special Sale Women's Silk and Wool Dresses
Up to $25.00 grades
Special Sale Women's Newest Stylish Suits
A large assortment, values to $48.50
See window displays. Extra special ........
Unusual Value Giving
Woodbury's 25c Facial Cream, special 16c
Woodbury's 25c Dental Cream, special 19c
Quivilla's 50c Massage Cream, special 39c
Quivilla's 50c Cleansing Cream, special 39c
Quivilla's 50c Hand Lotion, special 39c
Quivilla's 50c Hair Tonic, special 39c
Quivilla's 50c Astringent Lotion, special 39c
Jergen's 25c Talcum Powder, 1-lb. tins, special 19c
Kutch 25c Talcum Powder, special 14c
Colgate's 25c Cold Cream,
special 19c
Woodbury's Tooth Powder,
special 11c
Madeline 50c Rice Face Powder,
special 39c
Woodbury's 25c Facial Soap,
special 13c cake
Roger & Gallet :35c Fine Soaps,
special 27c cake
Jergen's 10c Tonka Talpa, Sandal
wood odor, special 6c cake
Saponisol 25c Liquid Soap,
special 14c bottle
Colgate's 75c Violet Toilet Water,
special 59c bottle
Jeroffle 25c High-grade Soaps,
special 17c cake
House of
All Around Town
Unjoin Common)), 211 Bute ntroot, nt first, time. Tin' nii'ii wore working on
7:30 o'clock tonight nt tho Commons', the water connection tn the boiler uud ;
hull, Hov, Mr. Cook will speak. A good when theiie me finished the ilunl will
song service will help miikc u cheerful lie rencly tor operation, j
time, I u 1
. o i Miu Elma Wollor will receive pupils.
Dr, Moudolsohn, upoclnllst In fitting In piano on nml ul'ler October III nt
!Mi correctly. U. 8, bunk building her studio, HUo North Liberty street,!
1 o phono MM.
Mm. George Hatch, who was oporated o
upon Wednesday nt the Salem hospital Attention, Sedgwick Number 10, O.
for abdominal trouble! by Doctor II. K.i A. K. Uogulnr mooting Saturday nt 2
Clay, htm recovered from the effects of p. in. Sandwiches mid coffee will be;
tho operation Hud I doing nicely, j m-ivi-d. Woiiiuii 'm Koliof Corps uud'
o :Suns nf 'eteriins inviteil, My (inter nt'l
Dr. Uttor, denurm, pnone 000, B&lora II. '. I In I ley, ciniiiiuiiuler. D. Webster,
Bank of C'onunerco building, adjutant,
. Mrs, F, P. Harlan, wbo rosldos In! .1. O. Smith 1h soiling out his jewolryj
Yew Pink, and who underwent n serious stuck nt 372 Slut ... Nothing but bur
t'poriitiou lit the Hnlem hospital Wed lies- Kill us,
day, iH getting along iih well an could n - j
be expected, Dr. Hurry H. Clay is the Roy Glvoil, who has spent tho past'
attending physician and surgeon, two yours in Culit'nrnin and Alaska, ur-'
o 'rived hniiie thin week nn. I is with his I
Jewelry Balel Jewelry Balel Thomp- parents, Mr. and Mrs. John (livens, on
Tliero will bo a canning domonstra-1
tiim at the Public Market building to-'
morrow, given by the gills' cunning I
tenm from Clieniinva, under the direo-i
Hon of l.nther .1. Clmpin. The liuiiaii
girls won second place in the cunning!
competition held ut the lust state fair.
R. A. Booth, republican candidate for
t'nitcd States senator, will Hpeak ut
the (Irand Theater ,Vutu iilny night, ;
Everybody invited, !
Thj matrons class of the Y. M. O. A,
was Parted today under die auspices of.
the Salem Young Women's christiuu,
association 11 n. I will be held each l-'ri- j
dny for on at 111 o'clock. No work!
was done today uud the 15 women pros- !
cut Limply listened to an outline of;
the work for the coining year,
Evory article of Jewelry to go at,
sluug'itorod prices. Thumpsnu stock, at 1
372 State,
sen S In, stock, 372 Slate. .North ( 'omiuercial street. He Is n for-
o uier employee of the lied Cross Pliur-
Th now heating plant recently in-.miicy and is well known here,
iitnlled In the county court house by i .(,
T. M. Hurr is now eouideted and tli'ej Cabbage wanted for kraut, Fhono 2(1,
boiler will be fired up today for the illideou Stolr. Co,
llttttttf Thi SinrA Thnt Sjivra Ymi Mmtnv
"TTTTTfttf - - ... - - - - " ... . . .
as illustrated
Nothing adds
If more to the
beauty of the
modern homo
than a beau
tiful Heater
like mis one,
X Free
I Automatic
with every
'k. " , " , .
Orwlil Ii
Coo4 Here
m 9
Htoret in
Orvion and
WaahlBiton It
.itKf.ir tlan CiUM,mtMA nr Mnnnv Befnn,le,
. wmiviivii VHUI1IVIH VI I'lV'tVJ lltil wmivw
T' '
John A. Joffroys, democratic candi
date for attorney neiierul, was in the
city yesterday, en route to his home in
I'oitlanil. lie hus visited every county
in tho state uud feels that his chance
of election is as leant an even one. Mr,
Jeffreys Is well known in Snlein, linv
itf piacticed luw here for u number of
R, A. Booth will discuss the issues of
the ciimpaln nt the (Irand Thenter
Miiturdiiy ni(;ht. Come and hear him,
Myrtle (Mills, who was arrested yes
terday but released upon lionds of if'm,
uppc.ired in police court this inoniinc
and took the !M houis nllowed to ideal
to 11 chui-.M of nelliui; whiskey, It is
iillecd III the complaint that 'she oli;
11 bottle of whiskey to l.anse M v
In 11 rnomlni; house in this city,
Don't fall to hoar Noah Ballhau. He
will be on the Htudeuts' Lyceum
Course at (Irand opera house.
Autone Fisher, an employe of one of
the garaecs, appeared in police court
this 'nornine; to explain a burst of
speed reported by one of the Hnlem po
lice officers in the vicinity of Mars
11 nd Jefferson streets 11 Unit Kli 1(1 last
nikdit. Fisher said that ho lost his
speedometer but that lie ilid not think
he whs Koine over 2(1 miles per hour.
Ho took SI hours to plead.
Doctor of Ohtles, 1!I0 211 I'. 8. Hunk
llullding, Snlcin, Oregon,
The Jury brought In a verdict for the
defendants in the case of John (I. N'a
ilinnuin against the firm of l, A. White
Hons, of this city, This was an ac
tion brought o recover damages 011
neeo.int of the alleged failure of cer
tain seed wheat to produce a suitable
Horn Wet-wash Laundry Under
I new management; all work guaranteed!
wash days, Mondays, Tuesdnyi, Wed
nesday! anil l'ridnys. 1'hone 2471.
Fsmily washing, 60 cents.
I Tli Orand opera house waa filled to
caiclty Inst evening by a representa
i the Hnlem audience to hear the lecture
I of Trof. Herman 8, Herring of Huston,
upon Christian Helenee. Prof, Herring
was Inlro.hiceil hv .Tames II. Hwearingen,
ef Han Francisco and his address was
listened to with rapt attention through
out. He Is a quiet, unostentatious
speaker and preseute.1 the principles of
the Christian 8elene fnitb In a direct
and plrasHiit manner enjoyed by all.
, , 1
Tllqn)tvt th. orofnlrnr nf the F.ICC-i
trie bowling alleys, bowled the high
score of 2til in competition last night,
on the Kleetrie. alleys. This is the high
scoro of the venr for the city. Blnn-1
chard is not a member of the regular
Kleetrie team On account of his em
ployment in the alleys. He lead ot
with six straight strikes, got two spares
and then finished with three strikes.
For sale damaged wheat, oats and
barley. 406-7 Hubbard bldg.
There was no case in the circuit court
this afternoon and the court was ad
journed until tomorrow morning at !l
o'clock, ut which time Judge Kelly will
impose sentence on Andrew J. Ander
son, who was convicted of a statutory
crime against his U-year old daughter.
The sentence for conviction on this
charge may be from 20 years to life
R. A. Booth, republican candidate for
senator, will address the people of i?a
lem ut the Grand Thentro Saturday
The case of V. A. Vincent against the
llluck Kagle jillling and Mining com
pany was rushed through the circuit
court this morning. This was an action
brought to recover money and the jury
rendered a verdict tor the plaintiff in
the sum of .fl57..'l7 with interest at i
per cent and nn additional $7," for
attorney's fees.
Hear R. A, Booth, at the Grand The
' utre, Saturday night. Kverybody in
vited. Free piano at fcppley's store about
November 1. Come in and have us ex
plain this wonderful free offer. We
jure going to give away a iflOO piano to
i one of our customers, Watcji our ad
vertisements in The Journal, uud be
sure to nsk about the free piano when
you come to the store. C. M. Kppley,
grocer uud bulling ponder mauufactur
ier, State and Nineteenth.
At yosterday's meeting of the North
Hnlem Womun's Club a petition was
originated which will be circulated
among tho residents of the northern
part of the city, later to be submitted
to the city council, to secure sign posts
for erection on the streets which have
recently been chauL'cd in name in that
section of Salem. The street formerly
known us North Sixth is now North
Church, being nil irregular continuation
of thnt street. The street lor years
known as Broadway, willed is really
North High street. ' w ill henceforth be
icgistered ns such. The other change
is iu North Fifth street, which is to be
called Hope iivenue.
Hon. T. J. Lafky, Salem's old-tlmo
cti,cn and councilman, who is now the
business manager for the city of l.a
Oraude under its commission form of
government, is iu tho city on business,
disposing of his hops ami slinking hands
with old friends, lie has had charge of
Lulirunde's business at'l'uirs I'or nearly
a year, beginning his work December
1, 10IJ. He is much pleased with this
form of government, and says that tin
' dec it iu II months Lndrande has re
Iduced her indebtedness from 1111.0011
to iir7,0IIU, anil iu April will be out of
debt. Asked about politics up his way,
he Hiuiled ami answered thnt people dis
agreed iilmiit it and the situation was
largely guess work. He thought Cham
horlain and Withycoinbe were rather
favorites iu his county, and that Cham
berluin seemed to be pretty strong in
the Columbia river counties of eastern
Oregon, lie visited his sons iu Corvallis
yesterday and will probably return to
Lullruude tomorrow,
Alt of tho countios containing rail
road land involved iu the suit now
pending in the I', 8. district court be
tween the government nud the South
ern Pacific company will be treated
alike, according to the statement of
one of the tux and right ol' way men
who culled upon County Assessor Hen
Wet this morning. The men appeared
before the Ins equalization boards of
the other counties of tho valley nud Iu
ench instance the proposition of the
ruilr.iad was rejected and they will not
present the same proposition to the
Marion county bonrd. The railroad
nslieil that the usual penalty for delin
quent tnxes be remitted and that they
be allowed to pay a penalty of six per
cent in case the I', S. district court held
that , the title of the bind was vested
iu the railroad company Instead of tin'
government, as Judge Wolvorton decided.
Trade With Other Countries Labor Commissioner Hoff
Shows Important
Steady Gains
Washington, (let. HI. The commer
cial situation throughout the entire
country was referred to as "promis
ing" by Secretary of Commerce Ued
field today in a letter to Senator Sim
mons of North Carolina, chairman of
the senate finance committee. While
admitting that business had suffered
from shock during the first few weeks
of the Kuropean war, he declared both
neutral and belligerent nations were
now turning to, America for supplies,
principally textile products, shoes and
"It is clear," wrote Secretary Hed
field, "that our imports reached a low
point tho last of August. Since then,
however, they have gone up again,. Tho
tendency now is for a heavy increase,
and this, lor obvious reasons, should be
so. It may be expected that imports
will not fall off anything like tho full
amount hitherto received from (lor
many and Austria. Our revenues from
these sources probably will not bo as
sharply reduced as was thought prob
able at first."
Statistics of imports published today
by the commerce department will be
used by Secretary Heilfield as demo
cratic, campaign material. The balance
of trade shifted mnrply in favor of
America iu September, according to the
figures, exports during the month ex
ceeding imports by ifl(l,!W4,")2;t, as com
pared with a surplus of imports of $111,
Iil0,.'l.") during August, when tho wur
situation in Kurnpe was regarded us
acute here.
Secretary Hedfield declared tho in
creased purchase abroad of American
products was largely due to the reopen
ing of foreign traffic lines, tho new
registration law and the war risk bu
reau. September imports were $ I 'tl',
2(14,2(17 as against if 1 71 , OS l,S l;i for
September last year.
j ! -1
f 4..
With actual war scenes.
Shown at (Hobo exclusively.
It si 11.11,- ! nl.i, , li.,i, ,..(;,.., i-..,, ......
in two reels
Some Comedy, featuring
Coming Sunday Only
Vitugraph Kent 11 re Program
Animated Weekly with all the
latest events.
Klve ads
4.44 4f f
Compares Values of Farm
Products in Report
State Labor Commissioner (I. P. Huff
luu compiled for use iu his biennial re
port for the l!ll;l-l!H4 period a com
plete list of the wholesale prices quot
ed in Portland, Juno 30 of this year,
upon the principal household commodi
ties, together with lists of wholesale
iiriccs for tho same commodities fin-
the corresponding periods for the past
10 years, in which it is shown that,
with but few exceptions, tho wholesale
juices of these commodities worn but a
trifle higher early iu tho year than
they were. 10 years ago and", in some
iisiaaces, the wholesale prices were
higher two years ago.
1 his would seem to indicate thut. the
ci. use for the general complaint of the
ingli cost ot living" is not nUrilnit
..II I. IL. ,i. 1 . . .
tunc 10 me ursi, or proiiucers , price,
nor to the wholesalers' price, but fa
ther that the great increase iu the cost
or sucn proiiucts to tno consumer is
tacked on between the wholesaler ami
the. lousumer. In other words, whil
the furmer does not receive any more
today uud iu many instances not so
much for his products than he did 10
I years ago or two years ago, the retail
j market of today is far and uwuy above
jthe producers' nud wholesulers' prices.
I The most notable instances iu which
j the wholesale prices of staple commodi
ties have shown an increase over III and
jtwo years ago, respectively, are: Hut
Iter, 1 'eamery, which June MO, I tit) t, was
quof'il at HVj to 'JO cents per pound;
iu l!M2, ut 27 cents; and in 11114 ut 27
to 27 ',. ecntB. Store butter (country),
in 1004 whs 12 inul LI cents per pound;
liHU, 22 cents, uud lul l, 22 to 2.) cents,
Kggs iu 1 1104 were quoted nt 1 H ij cents
I to -o cents per ilo.en; llll, cents;
lM, 2.") to 2tl cents. Hogs, on foot, in
IHMII. brought if.) to !).5( per hundred;
in 1012, 7.2,r) to 7..ri0; iu Hilt, tf.'.K,
to it per-huudred. Hogs, dressed, were
.quoted nt .til to if7 in 1004, 10 to iflO.oO
jin l!M2, and i!l..")0 tn !0 this year.
I Dressed veal was quuled at. ') to 7
ill 1004, 1J in 11112, and I2..HI to -t I :t
1 1 his year.
I August I, 1011, Hccordiug to reports
'received in the department of Labor
I Commissioner llol'f, tho prices paid to
producers of farm products iu Oregon
iwerc as follows; Hogs, if7.H0 per linn
jdred; beef cattle, 1RI1I per hundred;
'sheep, tLWl per hundred; milch cows,
jiflW per head; horses, 0H per head; and
on September I, Hill, tho producer re
.ceived XI cents per pound for butter,
37 cents per dnen for eggs, 13.7 cents
.tier pound for chickens, and IN. 30 per
1 hundred for veal calves.
The r wival meetings at tho Bunga
low 011 Seventeenth street near Con it
are intruding good audience uud the
interest is increasing daily, Von will
be pleased and entertained by Hie stir
ring i.crnions by Mr, Hossett, The sub
ject lonight will be "The Providence
jof tlod," illustrated by the most in
teresting story of nil i.iiue. His sub
'ject, Sunday morning will be: " Lie
Clients of Success in Church Life," 01
I'Mliw to Mold Out Kaithful." Sun
day evening the subject will be, "Why
jArt! There So Many I 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 h . ' ' j
The llngne, Oct. Id. A (Ier-
man force from (Ihent bin lug ijtj
1 occupied lllnukenborgho Thurs- He
' clay practically all of llelglum
was in the kaiser 's hands today,
llhiukenberghe was taken al- )
most, without resistance and
lifter its fall, the (lenuiius pro-
ceded immediately toward
(The foregoing dispatch was
cut off abruptly at this point
by the Hritlsh censor but It j
seemed likely that the message k .
originally! told of a Herman or-
. eupution of Ostend.)
"ne cent
dor this headi
" p. m.
Pr Worj
rr dtBt,-.
i: -'."."Bent.
"K UonM 1. :
li : t
'"''i chcu p. 2S4-W
!OLD PAl'EiiifoTr - J
! Ir hundred8 jlyI
l.'f lt tllnm, ...
' " 'r,.,i-Two .,,
"c'uouins, jmujiwjm
-"'T .s.r,:,;-
veuicnce. J'hoiie Kt H" "
' i!"i'tn,e
Houth ('.un,a i'rWl,lt
Coctage. 0 1
1 ia North Malum. ' ll."' '
i Martin. ""-'m
VANTKl)-Ai,l,ne,1nmrr j.
wa,t on sick ltd,
housework. Phoile a;.F.5U i"
' K'kea coop ami yard, cil?,;
Phone toil. 0. A. J1 ,""
h'lllt IfKM'l' u 11 7T -!
tiige 111 suburbs. Adilrm fcU
"""ci sun, on 1 jy, r-ront IW
1.1 iM-lliursduy, h brow,,
r nider please return to 72j (
street, Phone Minn ;,41, t,r
FOIt SALK-Au 1H all-wool jm l..'
soy overcoat, size 38, iiu.l, , t,
and never worn. Price u, tkm'
KOH SALK- HIuck mare 1 yeu S
weight 1475 lbs., sound indn, I
Also second-growth fir trod, kiv
at 735 Hellevue street, - j.
KOli UK NT One five-room wr t
bungalow uud one four-room It. ,'
with city water. (1, W. Ul ti j
llnbliiird building, .
KOl'XH Iu Norlli Salem, in mtml !'
purse eonluiiiimr alia mmm. i
Inquire Turner State Hint. m,
property, and pay fur a.l.
M 1 1,1,1 NKItY Closiiijj nut ml nor-'
line of trimmed liars, velvet. .hw
etc., nt a great re.lii.'liii, "ft
Maples," one hhiek nurlk M"f. I
STli.WKD- (lac yellow Jean w f,
heavy with calf if not frnl i ,
horns, Anyone knowing ut thole- ;
about of swh a row, irntilr 1.1 .'.
Clciirwatcr, 555 Kerry (beet i
Ore., or Hell phone Salem, llwitj I
Itcwanl. I
methods ia cleaning noil .wj( 5
Work called for and iMss j
Cheapest rate i'iniit(iit ili I .
service, -IIII Court flwl. Hi" I
21S0, f.
Make the World
Look Natural
Wearem of Toric
Lenses see the
world as it Is
they neither look
around their lenses,
over them or at them
but nt every visual
migle objects tire
clearly and shnrplv
there is no reflec
tion nud the eye
lnshe do not rub the
Tories mean satis
faction comfort nud
accurate vision,
1 giiiiinntce tiiem
I I UHblW1 to comfort and
10 1 ue icsi 1
I do not use drops nor drugs, ns thev
are dnngVroun.
Thirty two years nf practical experi
ence lit your service.
1 guarantee sntlrfnctlon in everv respect.
Dr. M. P. J
Doctor of Opttci
810 211 V. . Kink BulldtuB
j Sjlem, Orcjcn
" 'V
I I HtNiitichiin,.i ifihn' 1
Boys' Overcoats
Ibilinucnaii Overcont, ulv tl, newest stvles for bolt
lis well bj men. They sre .tyllsh, eomf'ortable red
I iticticiu for boys because they are cut very full and
roomy and cm. be Used for two or threo iensons.
Price $5.00 and $6.00
Special wool Sweater Coot, for bevs,
KOH IIKN'I' Mu'lwn t-k
dniiy route, tnnr tnwo, mi.l vi
from railroad slati
sciiool. Ideal pl'icf for "
poultrv. Slock nml iiii'l"
sale at Mire ImrKiiin. Ki--hel t
S'I'I'AUT--At the Inline of Mr. nl J""
llovce Allen, Wi.nona ''" J,"'
,v, October II, II'M, M-'''
Miller Stuart, wife of. I.
Sua Jose, Ciillfernia, ittnl J""
Deceased was the only to11 '
the late William I'. '"lr"1 I
Ier, for I,V litonecr n'.!t,
cltv, uud a nci.'C of lr. t - H 1
David Ifnl'tVrty, of I'ortlaiiJ.
mains were shipped Is Hull Jw
dny for interment.
i. .1,,lv reriiw'l
from tvphoid fever.
vi r. nno
l.l nw 1-ii't '
v e. nno ,ois.
c,l hv relatives from ('iin'l
. i . ... t u.ll meet
'I'l.ti l.inlies
day, October
Mrs. J. A
Aid will ' '
i, with Ji'
M.Clain rt'tmnod n-
sb.'.rt 'visit' I'n'Alhmir. , ,,J
Mrs. Ki i ntl.r.H.k lie ' 1
,, all suininer's vbi. in ,
cpons " -.. II'
HV Shot IU" '
'Hi- "f'"'', ,, le, Mrs f1'
Compliincaling ,. M
He, of Cnrvnlli-, .e '
entertiil.icd with
one..Ur-.Nc'W T
V II.' nntt" "a
Con ; iHrtM