' it- 2 i .THE SALEM ,.,, .n.T ... THE SEVEN ........, "-UBEK 16, 1914. iJWRNALCLASSIFIED ADVESiiiS ; --- Kt i FINDING I". U possible to secure employment hv it- ggKJM need help. It is a long, teai0U8 4ack. " upon the, you hear youf.PpUeatioubefor,tao99IhelD way brings RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS ONE CENT per word tnr ii... f:-. : . . . " '"rno. ONE-HALF CENT per word for e.ch .ucceedin, .ub.equet THE CAPITAL .iniiDMAi WANT ADS work continually-they never cease antT,. v cessfully p. f rmed. Each day those littK, w. J " We- liver their menage t. the people o 8.1 m .ad 1 Z V "UhfUUr learned their value. rby 0WM who JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS 7ZTT ' 1 ""fn. H mm titihiiu,,. WALK THE STREETS SEARfHlNr; rnD ak..-.a. . ' ' ttt Ttt a . wn, a rui i it i iv nu onnif -it- ' ' ' ' T'tfffi4Atti ..... - - - - n. rvi. jivi-m i k t i Mi ri a c f trfntv .- . a ' ' ' TTTTTtttHU4iAii " " vi-rtOJir 1H1J WAY tArinii ... - T ABSTRACTS JJIJION ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts tint Protect. Our booka posted up to AAa aneTt mnrnillO- Pall Main 1QJU nnd a messenger will call for your (instruct. J. oiegmuna, president; Mux Ochlhar, secretary, 45 State ktreet. AUCTIONEER TATAn -w MEEOTOEZ (Centred)., IE8 NO T B u tRCH "UP- T. Welch Ft u T lmr'Ple' , .w.swrjr, Lot L. AUCTIONEER Snlem 's reliable seller. Farm sales solicited. Terms, I per iiy. Henry M. Voorhics, Michigan) . i:venue, first street east of the slate I DE MOLAY COMMANDEKY N fair grounds. T. Hegular conclav. (..,. I H0D80N COUNCIL NO. 1 B ft r"m nn n t. RpriTT n.i.,t. . ru.:.. ptnetic's Fountain Head, Davenport, J '.jwa. If you have tried everything nan uave gui no reuei, try uniroprac tic spinal adjustment! and got well. Office 40(1-7-8 U. 8. National Bank nuilclitifj. Phone Main 87, .Residence Main 828-B. LAUNDRY (iTjOTHES LAST LONGER With our iill-liaiij work. Established 20 years; .iu j; my street, soutu side, between uiniTiy ana mun. nop .Lee, 4- i SSSL j tula wind Mid itjr J lime m. y HAND FURNI exchanied si'coudl. rl . 'nd irooda. S.m n. Sill. Wir 1 OfltZ Knrnifiipa ' oT imniercif.l Struct. Phone 084 UfOHEST price paid for second-hand funiktnre, ranges, hnrdntoro, tents lie. We carry the most complete ftook of above articles in town at the lowest price. 0. L. MePeek. 271 ftortu Commercial st. Phone Main wanted in .,.:"". .".1.uu"u day Knights are courteously invited tn 2, w thm- F. R. DavU. E n ' lur,ler. border. JiTZZTn, , . i i-..T a small JSEaIjESTATE Buil.li.... ' ; - "t'oiml Hk --""I, "recoil, FOR SAI.K A small fw, ; roail 1 r&rm 'na n roau, i,j0 per acre. Address A n care of Journal. "u7ess A- F. 0. HEAL EST AT K T)n 'Z K2, i8 - Square shares; lr funii,. 5 CHADWIPir fniMfn . i . Regular meeting every' 0. E. third TuesHnv .t u fi.-st ami sonic Temple. Mrs!,'- ln ttt Mn W. M., Ida M. B"'" M- tJodfrey, MODERN O n Hoilflp 'a... M. en... T ii..... T. i-ourc tinu , J, ' .,' lt,H' '''ii'vutor service. A .I.!mv,miiiI(, V. (' Rnv A. (lt i..i. - woiiiu prerr 01ie witn running water. Also have good spring wagon to trade for ri,in .,' A. Sproni, Rt. 8, lix. 2, Snlem THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy peop Ie WINE AND THE WAR TAX. Wellington, Oct. Id-Several pro pOHp.J amem hiiPiii-at f. V-., " 1 ur nnr ima fill. were of orcd today when considerntion I was continued in the senate. (r vi. eel for a .-.11,0011,000 bond iMe o ' HfHttle, Wash., Oct. 10 -That Vlln. "iK-r sun r i ,'rn irriin ..i iiui - ... ' 'loalt with the totmn-o ... ion ' nf K. m u-."J " . J? :Ue opl" MAY STILL BE ALIVE i . . ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Salem Abstract Company, 2I2.2,2 Salem Ba" and Tru Bldg Dr. P. H. Mayr.KSA.,RVE CLILIST. WANTED TO SELL Or trade f, f irm property, a good general mer chandise stock, business twelve bun died per month. Inquire E. D care of Journal. UNITED ARTISA Ma , Biy Ha. 84, meets every Wednesda i o ' p. m. in Moose Hall. Mrs. i W. . ' ' lvau u- Mnrt n, secre SALEM HUMANE 80CIETY D D Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Till,.,' secretary All cases of cruelty or' neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the secretary for iavktl JJSTEOPAraio JjiysiCIANS VIA B. II. WHITE and R. W. WAt- lui usieopatme physicians and wrve spooinlists. Graduates of American School of Osteopathy Kirksyille, Mo. Post graduate and specialized In nerve diseases at Los "",,,r" cuiiega. iroat acute and .'jronie diseases. Consultntion free Lady attendant. Office 60(5-000 U 8 .National Bank building. -Phone 859' Residence 340 North Capitol streot. Phone 400. bcavewoer" HALEM Si'lVTJvntD - - naries coos proprietor. Garbage and refiuo of all kinds removed on monthly contracts ... ....u, ruCo,, V(lr( n(j (ea )iols cleaned. Office 548 Stute st. Maine22P7S)n Mai" 2247" E,idenc" WOODMEN OF THE WORLDM.. every Friday night at 8 o'clock i McUrnack block. C. 0. Matlock, C. Street ,.. .;, " UXB ,"oll FOR RENT 81'LEXHII) Kl'liMSIIIMi i .,, apartments at the Lincoln, ;; l-Vrry. ..i.m-eping ruunii, S55 N. Com niercinl street. NICELY PUBNIKHKU front rn,. singie or en suite. All modern con veniences. Mrs. E. Lamb, 4(! North High street. UNDERTAKER" LEHM AN 4 CLODOH-C. B. Webb, A. it. I lough, mortlcinus and funeral di rectors. LBte,t modern methods ;"ow,n the profession emploved. 4 Court street. Main 120, Mum 88, SIODON-RICHARDSON CO.-Fun.nl . -.... ,. uuuriiiners, ana JNOrth oireet. urrice mono Main 18.1 hu.iii reswienew main 111, F(",' i,.,KN"r Ko"" for working men, V "1'iiseneepng, rurnislied ''I111 llierry avenue, North Walem. Stomach Trouble and Constipation, 1 W IN oil' If ( hi. 1, h... . .' ' iiirierent n hvs c- lans, will, oy tcninorurv relief J i.. L T..U 11. it. .. ' .. ' t ' n ""n, Jll-t.llr f 1 1 l.i it A ... . 11 A , ., , I . ,1 i"erp, Ulllu. In in t , ,": "ei "'" ,r-v Chamber. Ullll s Tab els. n- i ,.k 1 .ii.i - . tinned iisethemfo;;;',, liov conipletely nitfll ,, -. y,n the stnninc i trnnlila l.. i i - ut -tipntio,,.'. K,r s,ile bv 1 ;M- Stop Those Early Bronchial Coughs. Thev linnir nn nil . . . ,.,1 -. " "" miner ir not c neck ed, nml inva tl,rt an ! ln, l ".. . ".""" ,l,rt - .... s uet u pottle of Fo ley a Honey and Tar Comnonml ...1 ,", 'f fr,,,.'ly;, HU'l ,I"K1" 'l colds, lienlH rnu' ...PI n.i .1 . . . ' I ; .....U....-U uiroat, loosens the I. 11 I it 1-,1 l.'.w... .... n i. , . i i i i i"""i v uiuieinin, inu., ....u , trouble, got very hoarse, coughed constantly fr,, .'.:..,.' lievei-. Wants others to know of Foley's Hntleir ami 'I'... Telephone 535 .-"I'" Main 881 Balem Electric Co., X?,?S5?g , Maitt Jm n BLECTRIO WIRING AUD STJPPLraii """ Geo. Pettingil, 155 North Liberty hZJTZ. T. ' Main 187 Salem Fish ft HMrumVJ3' EB8- wmwrJifriU i.l?th Comm"' 'treet . Main 2125 Cilef n. ---""viwi, vAttl-iaTS, DRAPERIE8. Calef Bros., corner Court and High streets ,,, ,0, R . , HARDWARE AND PAINTS. " Salem Hardware Co, Inc., 120 North Con.niercfal . . . Mai j72 Salem Steam Laundry, 130 SoHktS. ... . ' ules. Under the pagne will be taxed 25 cents a ouart- ear wimtcd wine, 10 cents a quart; cor 'linls 24 cents nei- ,m, II,,,,. .tin ........ i own nines o , 7..?"""; "' Ifapo brandy, used in fortifying sweet wines, i5 cents n gallon. Chronic Dvsoenaia The fn.. i. "v"1""" !'vri i, Vi . i" """"iBo testimonial I me exiieilition k. , uo "uiiicient to give is certain rlteruusaon is ulivn hope and courage to person, affiled because the exploier had Z days' r! with chrome dyspepsia: "I have been visions and two rifle, carrvieVIoO chronic dyspeptic for vnnrs. nrf .ii mnn.l. nl larrying wo the medicine I have taken. (!k.mw. "si,.F :.. ... am s Tablets have done me more irood " ion of E. M. JsK'onnell. Nte. I privute .secretary, who is a guest at the Artie club here today, having ar rived from Nome on the liner Victoria last night, McConnell is probably the lust man who saw the Artie explorer bclio he was lost to communication by the ice jam at Mcrsehel Island last April McConnell i, to make a report to the I nun, In,,, government, which fin. 1M 8TE "TiNolNTiNNIN'o;' . M. Barr. 1(14 Hni.th '.... .. . WVH.U vuuiiuun;iui sireet UNDERTAKERS. Main 192 Hlgdon-RlchardsonCNorlp Day and night, Main 183 Willson, 141 kJSK&S" sf Salem Truck ft Dray0,02, TEAJfSrEB AND DAYAGe'.' oaiem Truck ft Dray Co., corner State and Front streets Main 74 (-',! n : " STOVES AND BEDDING "' Clef Bros., corner Court and High streets Mala m W. J. Porter, 455 Cre'ef.!!:... AN 0ILS" MJUIU OiJ Overstate Printers, PattoilZ, 'I'V girl wlni is n good cook usually "'"r a liclter ins l.im.l .1,,,.. .,. FOR SALE Fine llolstcin bull, 4 venrs old, registered, located one mile north east Sidney station on Oregon Elec tric, Also one full blooded Poland China boar, one year old. ,1. O. Farr R.nite I, Jefferson, Oregon. -- - - WgggANP" COAX.' SALEM FUEL VAnnaTi,. ..i 3"'i,y- A'l1kl'1. of dry wood, four- --. -.. ... .vuvb iengtns to suit. Ihi nipt delivery. We handle the he.l n",r,.t,,S..rBt'. TV our King to. ' "est. uc i rnne streot Main 521). Mark Siddall, prop. BaTEst water nnupmr WATEi. c01rAN'Y-.)ft,oe "rncr Commercial and Trade streets. or wnttif i. .... , i.iiniuiiy m govs ace. ATTORNEVS. ipi..,.. " " --,---",. ' WHt'KIIKL i- IIKSHMA, ,'i'?7,u "''"tsdier Advokat, Kl,lwny Exchnnue bldg. -i'""" w'' ''Til. I'orllniid. (Irc.n,, lodue Directory 4Mc,,..!!,.r.',,,,'c!lon No- in .1. i V7 "'"""".v evening at 8 '- he McConmck Hall, rome? Court it u 'J- E- Aufraiire, A- ti. Brown, P. ' r'";i'rdUr '''NTIIAL 1,00013 No. 1M. IT n P Oil... V" ' '-''"i w. if . 0( H and 8. ' .'nines W. Cox, K . HbIwii r W1IH3E NO. I i D 1 i ii muted coinmiiiilcallon. fi'r.t v.i.i'.v Sn!3.'ie T'"h, 8t 7:;1 P- "' 1" tlio R. M a 1'"'! !'' Wright, ""er, secretary, ',m"'hu,L(1,U0K no- m a- a. d.'v f'nl,'l1Cl"n,n"'ilclon third Fri th. v ""1'h n,0,1,n nt 7:30 p. m. In S.I Etne"i ir'""'1'''' J-8.Wj.nt W. -iLLr!!". t'ht Mcrotary. intio 0r',m n"pe C.mp,' 'trtr ,,r,n'k h,,'ll,lin' l'0,,rt nml Oriel." U , orlh trollt "feet, tZ l Price. Imperial Vornl. t ' " M'.'"'.I-.T 'silur. D-!0' ,1,,,wf"i' 'nan lias bad '""nw "long the line, for sale FOR HALE Horse 3'i years, senile, in good order. Further i lit urinut inn 1 1 U-W. At home evening. 'llf SALE A fresh cow: good milker. ... i.i'iiii i uiiiiiiercini. A Marvelous F.nm,, "Mv lilll, linir i,,i . .' . . ...... w iniirveious es- cape," writes P. F, Hsti, f princt ..' i, line iir hum iii.n. n t. ,. ... . . : - --"i'. ii oc rurreii in tne middle of the night. Ho K"i n very severe attack of croup. As e of Chnniberlnin 's Cough Remedy In His linuiia Afi... Jttl . . . r ...... ."iioniuK mo mnw' tiotm for nn liour mut twonty minutes no wim tJirongh ult iluiigor.'' Sold by ll'llll a Wiltllflll w ut-,n,...ll... ...I .1 , .., , , - iiihi me nnine is nn r won. flOO PIANO FOR rALE for l 2.1.00. also other hiniseheld furniture for sale cheap, Jloviug account sichuess, -t "i r.uii hi rt-ct. I'OR SALE CIIKAP-Ternn reasonable small tract, nlmiit SLj acres- g.ioil house mid hnrn; nil In fruit. Hum re !....! 11 I... 1 i 'i-ii I im-ii n y ii, FOR SALE Oil TRADE for Snlem ..mi erty, equity of SOO In 2U. acres near i.' i.i . . i. . ... . .. i.iiKi-in-, i mums irom car imp, IL' niinnle. ride to center of town; will trade fur lot or on house and lot In cu, em. Allures, "it. l, ii,," ,.flrc ilourniil, MISCELLANEOUS EASTKHX IHIKSSM AKI'U - Expert woik at eastern priien Will work by day or hour, 1710 Mission street. T. M. ilAMSDKLL House mover: rnising ami repairing dune. Estimates furnished. IHMI Trade street, Hnleni. IP YOU 11 AVE A lll'SINEMS for sale or n deslinble rooii, for rent, ivri'e, giving hill particulars, C, 3D, rare Journal, YOI'NU .MAN 24, stranger, pood char acter, i, n in r h, n ii-) iniiiisinoiis, would like to get a start in .ome firm In ti, e oiy unit woum ne pcrmnnciif M L'fi, care Journal. PERSON A L Will you write met Wonted quirk, name and permanent nddress (no general deliveries) el hniinriilile, ambitions innn wlin would inirty nllrnitlve, refined, honnrnble riini-lier wivilthv widow of highest ehailicter. Htricllv confidential. Large handsoiiie photos and full particulars sent any mail Interested enough to nnswer nl once enclosing postage. Ad dress Sincere, II. 4.1.1, Earmiiigdulr Hoi'lli On Until. CHICHESTFR PM i c They Make You Feel Oood. wi.. ..i . . .i... ..T ..... Ilie lin-IIS'llll IMUKIlll.r i-iii.i i.ii. .1 I 'i ,-.1 1. ..!:. T.I.,.... ...I llliceij itv V limniwriiiiii . miu.-i. .i.. i i.'i... - ii. i.. ..j ...I :...l I tllC neilllOY conilllliin Ul iieui mm iiiimii ...l.t.l. .1. .'u 1. ,.. ... ..l l..H. wnicil inc. Creole inline eur im J",' fill. For sale by nil denier.. Check Kidney Trouble at Once. TllCrc i. Sllell ren.lv i.lU. 1.. T....I... ... , ,,,,, J l" "i roiey Kidney Pills, you feel their healing ' "' very tirst dose, Hncknchc, weak, sore kidneys, painful Madder nnd irregular action disuppenr with their use. (). Palmer, (Ireen Bay, Wis., says: "My wife is rapidly rerovertng iier health nml strength, due solely to Foley Kidney Pills." Am! V T ui.,i Nichoison, (In v.: "Just n few doses made me feel better, and now my pnins and rlieumitli.m nre nil i t sleep all night long." Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A At I'oi'is. Mine. .Vni.mhI.i lti,,-il.l.l. l.iiloll of Ilie i.retil,.,. !' .l!l ' " vii Mul toning the world," died. Positively Masters Cioup. V,,lv. II..,,.,,. n.,.1 'P... f 1 ....... I,,, a iiiiiiuonu cut. the thick choking mucii. nnd clears HIVIIV the lilil, .inn llnitna II.. .1. I r -. ,.n ,,, ihv nn passages nnd slop, the hoar.e cough, Till en.niliir. .Iriin.rliiirr riirl,! P.. 1,..,..1. LfiveS WnV 111 Unlet brellllllorr nml linn,.,,. fill sleep, Harold llerg, Muss, Mich., ivrne.. .'vn itiv.i ..i .. ir u....u ....I ' - .v..,. n ii, ,11... null Tar to our chlldrca for croup and it al way. acts quickly." No wonoter a mnn in Texns walked Hi miles to the store to get n nome nt roiey s Honey nnd Tar Compound. Every user is n rVlond. 1112 Avoid Sedative Oough Medicines. If you want to contributo directly to I the occurrence of capillary bronchitis Wl,?$! .m". M&: Poison OA RpmJ, vmh AVAllVUjr Dr. Stone's ailri Otlli-'r RPitntivnii .(,.... t eoiiRh or cold. An exijcctnniiifc likn Uuunbcrl.un Cough BommJy is whnt' IB neeili.it Tl.,.t .1 .... . ,,; , viriuia uut tne culture beds or breeding places for the germs or rineiimnnin nti.l il... i. H Ti,', , , germ oiseuses. mat is why pneumonia,, never results from a cold when Cliumborlnin 's Cough Remedy is used It has a world-wide all dealers. " xor 'u' Valpilicitnrv nf V.IU. t ti I'LT i"':"10 Tril'""P: '"With"ihisr IH8H6 tho Illfpminiintn.n - ..i.. it. publication in Sweet Home, be ' '""-iio,b uiioiu, Uetolier 1.1 nt Scio mi, ei- ii, . .-. . .' , v "iaiih. ui tne ncio 'I ri- biine. Our reason fnr m.i .1.:. ... nnuivn i,,.t-A l.. .... .. .. . .. . V rA Scio nnd v.emity will be more re munerative than that of Sweet Home." Foley. Cathartic Tablet,. You will like h: . .. ti, ... 1 V , 1 i""""v ct on. They hnvo a tun e ff.,i .1.. 1 , 1 ! .....,v ,,,1 inn uuweis, and give, a wholesome, thorough iienns- ino" tn 11.. !..,!... 1 1 . b .... ' '' V """" lrn". Mir the i.i'i 111 ni'iiir IV nctiv tv H...1 1. .1 .. . , "ll.l IYIM'1, I,, I. stomach sweet. Con.ti,.,tio, headache, dull, tired feeling never afflict those who use Foley Cathartic Tablets. Only ,. iv ...Hie nel sons who enii.u II, a !!..!.. I 1- . . . ... ,,, . . ' ' 14 """ lrpe fee mg they give, mm A snow white medicine, soft and soothing to the skin, appliod every hour at once relieves and soon euros POISON OAK. Price 2oc and 50 For sale by all druggis'j and DR. STONE'S Drug Store AAA . . . - ' . v TiiTT? "TTf If tf GOLD DUST FLOUR i: ir tn 8YDNET FOWEB COM? ANT Byduey, Orsgon Mde for Family u. Ask your grocer for 11 nd shorts always 9a Bran 4 and. j P. B. WALLACB. Aitnt. The only cash nr.nr 1. n. ...... . . III W, ,.jr.l Sua Show CMNAM sr. Ina.ln.l .111. A - - I.IIIA uriius. atedtcinos. notion., tniii. .1.11.1.. .i 1 ........ bit.ivn, n-iui-t and liquors of all kinds for modicinal a.u.,,uo.. i,r, otont is a regular gradu m in mouicine and has had mani n r . ... , .. ' ua u.puneuce in me practice Consultations are froe. Prcscrlptioni are free and only rogular price fot """"""i J-"r. Dtone can be found at oia timo- .tnr. H.inm ri. ...... e n I ---....n v.,(.,u, Arum 8:40 in the morning until 8 at night A..ii.iir7 10 mi pans of tn, cit, and within 1 radius of 100 miles. Trado In rnrl n., ....... - - --- .---.. VUM111.11U11, Jn foreiirii i.ntiiiti-i..M 1..... .... " , , ,n A"ioe nit u vii...-uiion wnn tne host goods from every Hml. An article mu.t have merit 01 ino niunest order to win esteem. Ii many nf ilie.n ,...,,,,1.1... i-i 1 . . ,, ".......Tn v iiiiiiini-riiiiiri ough Remedy is the most Poiuilii, medicine in use for coughs and colds be .. . . ' "v '"'"i. i-or snio all dealers. by f'ldflki. It-i'iin mi 1, 1 1 ,1 strike, ' " " ""'v MONEY TO LOAIV On Oood Real Estate Security, TltOS, I. rOHD W.r l.sd Hie h M.i Hsl.m, flreiro 5010 8y DRU(iGI3IS LVIKVHKLKE Childrcn'Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A And there are some men bo are so conceited they Imagine they are the whole parade every time they go for a walk. SalemFence Works R. B. Fleming, Prop. America Fence In all heights and grades, For stock, hogi and poultry. Firm gates, wood and Iron. Plain and barb wire. Hoy hooka and cedar posts, Paints, oils and varnish. Rubber roofing and cement. 2.-h3 COURT ST. PHONB 121 Back of Chicago Store. CLIP THIS COUPON " u vi ii 1 p ): ! 1 r. win nw 1 7 " Capital JournaT 1 (( . Jl Trnrdlc.t.yeu.r..r.gnA.,M., yu must p,.nt M, ais tat. Coupons 10 skeins of Bilk, The 68 cent. U to cover duty SrW bandlinr and the numerous overhead expei.se Vf gottTni the pacriago from the factory to you. ummg N. B.Oui ( town rtadert add 8 cm, for po,tat. txpenst of mmiting. " than anything eluo " anv. va rt Vi.a I1."nn No. 7 Sherman street. Hornells illc, N. , for sale by nil iealorB. LOOKS LIKE MURDER. Los Angeles,-Cal., Oct. 10. Grand J...J. iii.i-sugution or tile death of Mrs. (-arrio Klopp Lang. Ion, wife of a real estnle ilenler, seemed certain today. - It was intimated that six subpoenas would bo iHsned before night, but tho author ities refused to divulgo who would bo iKiioed. Doctors who exnniineH th. I man's exhumed body fu, traces of ii as reported, in her slouinch lining. Most Dangerous of Minor AlhmintB Of the minor nilnimii. . i :. i... he most dangerous, not in itself but .u 1.11111111. uisenses it so often lend to iii'iiiiiouin a, i.l start with n enld old you are much nioro likely to eon tion Mtefanssou is u good shot," McCou- mi.vs, umi dnesn t wuste uminiini- 'AN UNGRATEFUL CUSS. I pon the requisition of (lovciiior .lohnion of California, a warrant for the extradition of Francis .1. Martin, who is under arrest at Eugene, dr., and if wanted at Montague, Cal., upon the chlll-JC Of imill.l I.,, .- ...... : i ' " nn inniit-11 1 1 mu tho governor', officii thL moru- According to the complniiit attached' to th requisition jiupcrs, Martin is ac- eiisei or robbing his rooimualo, Lee Hiiig.-'iiin, in a lodging house in Mon tague, on the night of October I), by tailing iimu-, (,ash from under the luttiv s pnllow and nlso of stealing his shoes ill I nr I ii m, I , i... i : . , . ,. ,, , ...i.i ueii-ieiiiieii him on the iluv nrevlnn. ui.v. . i.., i ot a dollar. Martin nnd Bingham oc- consumption always1 ' . .""""! ro,"m D'"1 be'' on When you havl " V Z ."f W "nham nl mil, nnriiiiv hi n shoes were all gonei E. .1, Donahue is ..... i. mc iiiiectio is disnn.es such as h. m ' i" dintheria. scarlet ... . J .""l '".'"ticer who came to tako Martin i.niuil. I-..1,,.. ... .... . . -.----r. uni'A, r.-- - iiiai run iv e ire.i. in ri.i ...... ...i-i nun s i.ougn nemcdy ,s famous ."I nn iMiifri iir iiiiu mniit iii.ii,.n ;i iiient, nnd l pleasunt and snfo to take. Whv ta n. kio.li ,l.iu.....i.. ..i , : '..",.,'mi i-iiiiiii-oB wnon o re inble nnd trust worthy a medicine may he. nbtnl I i .. ' quiiriur, ror "iilo by all dealers. ' Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Do YOU TlTKaA Vnni. 1W.,. 1 filir tnr.it iliuiu i.,... iiui. t i w . ,0,! wnftn VOtI IttVfl lin 1. ...i dread meal lime. What ynu need is ( hnmberluln's Tablets. They will .harneii vriiir fliituiiii.. .i. .i' .. - HMV (JU n.,,Mn ,or .1)ur ninula li'n- un I ii i H (IUI ttv Jill iliiu I ii in $100 Reward, $100 ,Th readers of this paper will he pleased I to .learn that thore Is at least on. '."I"" .!".Ht aelenc."l.a. bSS! S'SrA."H.BW.ffrrV! I ' . I i UiU CATARRH of llin BLADDER rt'llnvm) In 24 HOURS fult'rH'i!i(MOY tmiuo ittr V J Pr,."ii.l.v.e.Ju.? .now. h',own o the medical h,...o.. .'. . i ' ' llM" eojislltutlonal .",'t,',?."'r" conslltutlonal tro.t. En""" ? Catarrh Cure Is taken In. .... j, uviiiiK uireciiy upon the blond and mucous surfaces of the .ystem, there" by deatmyliiK tho foiindntlon of tne ill., en.!, ami xlvlnir tin p,,tlent .irenith by "S !h0 con.il niion i d Sli f i . ii" wora. i nn pnipr etors ir. ti.".. mu"h '"lth curative pow jr. that lliuy error One Hundrml Dollars Xaks Hill s F.miiy Plu, for oun.iip.ilos, CASTOR I A Tar TnfutiTH muA rv,n.i-. ' -mvf, .ii4 vtU4 0H Ttia Kind You Hva Always Bought sv, ST Bean the Blgnaturi t ttMMMM4 TRAVELERS' 'GUIDE vvr.v. J SlttDAina Southbound. BAXLBOADS. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANT. SALEM OEER LINE, Ar' H!,,, 0:13 a.m. Lv. MH.I.I i, i.,.,. . ... ... , .., , i'l.l.O 11 , III , ( i Ar, Hnlem (mixe.l) At.mi . 7,-l.v. Si 4,,5 ' (No connection south of Goer.) SALEM, FALLS CITY a) WESTERN. Iilli Lv. Hnlem (motor) m.i iv. mucin onoHir) I U.I Ly. Siilem (ih.iIm.i 1 115 Lv. Hnlem (motor) 107 Lv. Snlem Iniuliirl a:ill Way Freiuht. lv. H,.l,,n,' III'-' Ar.'Snleui (motor) nn Ar. isnieni '(motor) I'l'l Ar. Hnlem (motor) I on A p. Hal,.,,, (molor) 170 Ar, Hnlem imnturi illO-Wny Freiuht. ar. Kn I I'm 0:1(1 a. m 7:00 a.m. I: tJ a.m. 1:10 p.m. pill. Ui'lO a.m. H:40 a.m. 11:11.1 a.m. 3:1.1 p.m. HM p.m. 7:4.1 p.m. 1:35 p.m. Lv. Portland 6:10 a.m 7:30 a.m. 8:20 am 10:40 a m 8:10 p.m. H:4fl p.m :45 p.m 0:00 p.ni. D.lfl n.in 11:45 p.m Ar, kits - 8.11 - DitT ajs, ...10:10 ijsa, JH.II p.sa. - .U r.aa, - :0 - 6:31 pan, - Sill fM, -11:38 r as. -. 1:01 lua, SOUTHERN PACIFIC 00. I Northbound. I III flretron Fvnres. R.nn . I 2H Wlllnmelli Limited"!"." o.'a !ni.' IL1- Shasta Limited (noon) l!l:.'lii p,m, IS Portland Passenger .... li.-UOptn SO Portland Pas.enger .... 5:00 p.ni! 14 Portlnml Kxiire.. nam p.m. !-U Lociil Way Freiuht in. in . ... iiL'2 Portland lu l.',-.,..i.i in. -in - - ' .....ma iuin ..in, Southbound. 1ft California. Kxprcss 8;.'I2 s in. 17 lloscliiirg Passenger .... 11:10 a.m. lD-Cottnge drove Pass 4:30 pin I II Sliasia Limited ft. 43 !,, 1!7 Wlll.meltn l.linli.,1 n.in "l 13 Hti Fr.nei.ro Hi pre as 10:.'W p.m '21 Hsll Fr.liel.i.n in.nl L ... ,. r . ... '-"-'- I A. I. Hll ..in J-l.iLo.nl Way Freight 10 M a.m 8 Limited 7 .. . 11 13 Limited 17 Local ....... ID 1 Owl . Northbound J'J B m 8: t,sa, lP -80 i( t2 Lv. Lugon. Ar "? 1 :' -- 1 - 1:M p.i P" 1 Ud 4,00 p.J lam, ;m : i r. . witi Southbound. Lv, Salem :3S p.m... 0 .... 8 1 If a av Lv, Snlem 8:20 p.m.. . 17 Ar. Albany, Ar, Kng(ui 7:08 p.ta, Ar. Allvani 0:18 ,.C Stops a Albany . Ar "ent 81 Owl T:M..av ... J m. . 8 Ltd p.m Am .11 . " ' . AA, Ll.H 1:w n n - T - 8:08 r m, Stojis at CorvalUa :0 p.m 18 , 1 44 jlfJ Lv. Sslem 8: IS a.m... i-M a.m... 10:15 a.m. Lv. Snlem C0BVALLI8 CONNEOTIOin. - ZT I. .. ... woru.boi.iHl. v.Luvn jAiAnuiBig BAILWAY 00. torvallls it avaiaM NllH Kl.n,.. A 1 ..nn . "-.UV.UUIA, v...,., ..111. Leaves Salem Arrive Portland 1 8:87 a.m. Train No. 18:11 p.m. M am 8 Owl 0:fl5 8:.'m p.m. J:.0 a m g.4rJ , :S!5 p.m. 8:00 a.m. g. In,-. I loco.- BllSnm B'45 a.m 10 Limited "ll.n 1:80 n.m. 11 ..m J' t a. . 11 01. " - .m Li m. iT, oaitaj 11:80 a.m.- . , .... ' , ,, . i00 p.m 18 Limited 5:B0 p.'aa.', 10:15 a.m. !lo D.m . 1. a. .n L 1 . . . Soulibouna, . 8:00 a. at, . 9:$ k.m, . 1.88 fjm, . 4:00 p at, .8:88 p.sa, . Ti8 p sa. Ar. Oervalllt -10:0 a. -11:84 , : l as. ttettee--v-ttl - - -mt-wrf w.m.i . ,.n p.m, :50 p.m 8 .;1S , T:50p. .j) I0.0U. 1:10 p.m! . IH pr . T:W pj, 4 "WAWWWnAA, wii,i 11 iim.in