j ;1 six THE SALEM CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 191 j Lawleir ' IT ff 5aa I : . , DlSiFS OF JCdV WHY TOE FRENCH MAID GOT ZE RAZOO. ; . Jjj fScK FST wiimamI t ZJHZ S CZT r I P DO WITHOUT I f LISTEN, LAST NIGHT I HEARD YOUR HUBBYl - I wnN17frR WUY ) iKiTHilJ?i I rJCY;, 1 NO-O-O-O!! ) WHAT ARC CHEWING GUM L-v DOES WHISPER TO MY HUBBYDAN-SHE'S r I WONZE R,W HY THI3 vVQrUO B?YOUR I HAVE" ANEW YOU PAY INS AND MY TELEPHONE SHEno SOME FRENCH FRIED POTATOES J - . , MAO -AM. . ) HUSBAND FRENCH MAID HER RATHER THAN I 5 ThWwASH- AND CREAM-COME OVER P GIVES TO ME. mfuRFnT- pDt?E,S TWO OR LOSE hep;. H llNGTOO I WHO DID HE MEAN ? ) " . ; ' 7E RA7AO 'NSURED? J PRETTY AND THREE -SHE'S ANCHORED O r- iS AAJ I C lAAUUi 1 SWEET, AS A O HERE FOREVER 1 .., . 1 H -y LcUroFsuGAtt.l, l-aXj L ' y WHO? JUST LEAVER . (search ME ) ' J ' ' " I ' - ' . ' I r m- ; 'rnDDPCDnMnrMTe I X - . BOTH THE INNES ARE ADMITTED TO BAIL Hun Antonio, Texas, Oct. III. Victor J1,, linn's and Mm, limes, who were it r rested soviirtil weeks ago near Nugent', Or., ir connection with tho disappear- nice of Minn llcntriio Nelms umi Mm, Kloise Nolins-Donnis, sisters, of Atlnntii, tin., expected to secure their rolcuso on bn i I to. in v. An order admitting the couple, who lire charged with murder, to l)n i I was issued by the court yester day upon the recoiuiiicndiitioii of Dis trict Attorney Linden. Tho mini fixed win 1,(100 in cni-h of the four cases il!niiiK limes uml ".HO in eiii'h of the Tour raxed against Mrs, InneH. Hp to noon today InneH Hud IiIh wife wore ntlll in jnil, inuililn to obtiiin bonds. Miirshnl Nelms, a brother of the nl legcd vii'tlniH, today faced a charge of currying concealed wenpons. The mi thorltios discovered yenterdny during tho hearing of the district attorney's rcenininciidiitioii to admit the I lines to I ,u I thnl, Nelniit wuh itrniidl. DnrliiK the inKrin of the hciirinu, r. rveniiH, moilier ol the iiiihkiiik women, turned to Inuo mid erieil: "Vim (thoull You will mifl'er fur a 1 1 the iiilBery yon luive ruimed inn.'' CANCER I'lmillvely Mil. I pu in lowly removed In lnii.f time without tho liulfe or money leiiiiiue.i, AiliirfKH, lr. II, n. Honiier, llo PM, North Vnliinm, Vn., lopt, .1. POLITICAL CARDS EARL RACE Annihilate for City Roconlor Plntform l'lffieienry Juntlee In reconler'n court Koonoiny In offlea exieuMiii (1'nlil Adv.) L. M. HUM Caro of YICK SO TONG Cliinosc Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will euro any known disease. 1511 South Hijrh Street, Salem, Ore. l'hone 28;J. T NEWS Levinsky's , Bashfuliiess Re sponsible for the Fiasco in the Recent Meet NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY BUROIIARDT ft MEHEOIT H'MliUut Ajfiut. JBS 8tU BtCM Few Good Bargains By Hnl Bheridaii. N'JW Voili, (let. III. lii'luirtn neiit out to vnrioiiK pnitM of IfTe inn lit ry tlmt IliittliiiK l.i'virmky liexted (i'uiilioiil Smith ill their r i lit lll-rouud liuttle hern ure not liorne out hy the iii'rountH ol the content printed in New Vork pupei H. hi It Im nrlicle on I ho l'ilit sportnm I'.illtor, lluli Kdxien of t It Kveniiiir World Hit it): "It. wuh nut Nmitli'H 'nnl( tlmt (he limit wiih the fliilleiil, ntoHt tiri'HOiue it 1 1 it I r net ween heiivywemlilH ever pull eil ulf on ii pirxiiriiii hulilie. Ni-ither wiih it any fiiult of the promoter. 'I'll whole trundle wiih tlui l.eviimhy wiih Hciireu iiiur out or Iiih wlt in the irnt riiiimi. "(Iiinliont Smith wiih inurv tlinn will iiitt lie wuh netnullv iiiixioiih to itiiuiili wiih Mr. I.evitiHhy uml ntltle Iiih eltiit mid ilnp him in the hIiiIh, The iinwlll IHKiiChH wiih nil on Mr, l.evini-kv 'h putt nil. I it wiih hiicii it eoiiHiHteiit iinwlllinir iii'hh thnl In- wiih ulile to hIiiII, In hue uml lnil.l n n. I dunce iihcIi-hkIv it ii i I leiul n n. I jump iiwiiv until tell riiinulH were over, h'or which he n ived ment up- plnitHi- I'riiiii hi:i I'olluwiiiK. TIiIh h follow inu, liv the wuv, Imhhi-iI viuuriniHlv whenever Smith mummed to uiiliiiiule hm Iimih nruiH from l.eviunky 'h mid clip Ii in i.ne lit'l'ure he eould et out of HI IIHC 'At vii riuim lnterviiln Li-vIiihIiv nt luclied, jnldiluu miildl.v or reiichliia fur Mniilh h body with n Hwlnirinir riuht, nut in- wiih no iiiixioiih to keep out ol' ruiiue Hint nine IiIowh nut of ten fell xliort, ' Mun.v of the Ki.eclnloiH tliuuulit Hie nlfulr wiih ii f iiiiueni. To me it liiok.-d nliinil n den'rllieil iilune. Siuilli lid whnlever fiulitiuir wuh diine which wiih not ii hi oil deul - uml held Iiih leml IIiiimiuIi nil Hie ten rmili.U, He lumled miin.i ire Idnwn thun Levlimky-nt leint Iwo for one, Levlnnky Hlnried n Hieiitiicnl huh of rally In' the lentil, I'IIiiumik liiiuxelf cheat In client aoiiiiiHt the uiiuner, where neillier mini could poKKililv Htrike on ell'eetive 1 1 low , Mini liil'I'iiiH rapidly with l-ulh luui.h, Baseball : Pacific Coast Loague Portland San Fmneinco fjoi Angeles Venice MinnioiiH Oali In nil sundlngs. W. I,. Pet. .107 7H .ion m .KW III) .1117 II;! . SO 114 74 Il'II ,57'J ..ri4Ji .!i4.-, A'M .H7U Yesterday's Results. At Sun KmnciHco I'ortlund Unl;. IiiiiiI ii. At Oiililiind I.oh AnxeleH II, Mia- HillllH .'I. At I.oh AiikcIch Venice 7, San r'nin cisco 12. KINO AT SANDRINGHJ. London, Oct. 16) King Ocorge, Quceu Mary and their children, with the exception of the Prince of Wnles, wero at Handringham today. Though it was not definitely so stated, it was generally un dnrHtood that the trnnnfer front Buckingham to Snudriugham nalace was due to the govern ment 's opinion that the latter would be a safer place in the event of a German Zeppelin raid. The Prince of Wales, in his capacity as an army officer, re mained in London. EXPERENCES (Continued from Page One,) general said, was seven miles away eiuireiy too rar to wniK "Oh, we have a ear," we explained cnejriuny. nut 1 ve reiiuifitioned it, an swered the general. "Captain, will you escort tho gentleman out; The Captain Did. The cuptnin. would and did. lie es ort.'d us out and also in. imagine a village without even a railroad station, a village consisting or Snyliii'H a Dead One. Sun .'riineiHcii, (lei. HI. - I nl right fiiii who I. ii. I.e. I over Millniin Saviors I'liuncH In Iiih '-'0 round limit lni nlghl ut Hiily City itli Kil.lic Mov were cun vlneeii lodny Hint if Snylnr ever de I'l-nli-d he-Idle Welnh, iih he cliilui-i, WeUli Hunt luive been aleep, bliiullold e.l in. I Lniiinl liiuid mi. I liml. Siiyliu went :.M exiii-ini-lv lnw iimiiuIh wiih Moy In n dniw. If he luid nnvllilng Hull enlillcl him ,i intc i,' fir, Hiring liglitnelglils he kept It . iiiTl'nllv I'liiii-eiiled. Savior's nlln.k i.in.nt, miiinly of n rmiiiil liniie Bwing uml ii right upper cut. He ihi-.c.I the Hiving ii I t nine nun SOME FIGURES ON OREGON MANUFACTURES government tobacco shop, three v, farm houses and several cow sheds, and .o" ve got me scene or our arrest. . , i Imagine also one cf the farm Iiuiihch rw. ... .... mli't ot "e '" u "'' " shnps, with a WII I AMFTTF Pf AYS atono 'ffi""" '-"aa 'i the " u, A A r TniWADDAWi'1") I'lace of our iinprisopment. V. n. ,. IVillUlUWII I Add to this, in the Inside of the "U" a tubleiund of liny and stable Hikings, the whole thing very wet nnd smelly under the cold drizzle, mid your sketch will be prncticully complete. Through a gate in the stone wall our smiling captain conducted us. On Hi right was a door leading into the col onel's quarters. At the back, across The Willamette L'niversitv footbnll I ten in is resting tudny preparatory to the I big contest nt O. A. C. tomorrow, wher they ore scheduled to face Dr, Stew art s IniHky Heavers. Having given up hope of being able in ii-hi victory rroin ine iierenners or i ii,a i-.,..,ii:.... ,.i.. . . I the orange and black, Hie ,,,. ,, is ZrTl i Z .,' o w e, 7 " '" i . . . . . . .... ie ions iro n n rni i nr 4,4 md-pnn tile, niainifiictiiring and niiscellnneoiis ' ,Ik' Bllll,,t" dow" t.ll rriiiui, luiHiness uml professional firms " I'uhsiiiic, nnu enen wini nnd estnblishmentH of the state, from I""' 1,"livil,unl resiilutiun to put up the which data is obtained for the 'report ' "'"' of ''''' ntfniiiMt the Corvnllis of State l.nbor Commissi r iioff nn I ,l'"m- the liieunlal iieriod HH.'l Illl l. show Hint I Although tlio team is somewlmt weak- during tho year these coinbineil !fr "lllf '"lV1' represented the iniiiistrlni institulioiiH gave employment two cows, one lying down nnd chewing iter i i.d ami t In- other standing. Th.) hccoiuI dour wuh also open, It was labeled in eliulli: "Prison.' Next Cows' Bedchamber. The i-nptuin ushered us in, Our qttitr ters were identical with the cows' bed to an uggregute of p, !) people in vu ruins ciipiieitiea trom nuiiiugers iliiw. to coininoii InborerH, uml paid out wages ami snlaries for the year u total or iri,LM2,S;i0, These figures do nut cover nil of the separate industries of the state, for there were hundreds of them which (nude partial reports to the liibor bureau which did not give all of the' until reiplired, and these were not in cluded in the tiibiiliitioii from which the above statistics, were obtained. o'clock tomorrow morning will tnke all Hie students that can possibly get awny irom tiieir worn to l orvaiiis to support the team. A one-way fare has been secured for the round trip and many of the townspeople and high school stu dents are plunniuu to tnke advantage When a widow tries to flirt with a of the rates nnd see the iranie. married man all the other women in I A rully will be held on the university rumpus this evening with n big bonfire on the athletic field. The freshmen .. .1. i .V "I r chamber. Uennuii prisoners, French ret,,,., the old fighting spirit mid gnnie- ,twrt , nnd pillagers atood oi nesH of their predeccHsors and will put , ,liy 1)ullt 01 , ,, , up n good spiirtfliiiuulike scrni. t1(, j.n)r The entire university student body Tl ' t , IH rfi' it lie nil t in tun m nml lu.M.timr 1 ' ' 1 . ii it i a ul H I Ii. " , , ft Tnn wav. jdi'v tuk our wont tor it uuni, j "Hi'i-ini ( Ai tiiniuil ii-iiviim in t BrKfast in a warm yooia V3 for B,,l Kalt$ I'm Ptmrl Oil It gives the day a cheer ful start. The PERFEGTIOU oilheater quickly chasei the chill from bed-room, bath room, dining-room, nursery. Easily carried from room to room. Dealers everywhere tm i. ml4 Curntrt. " Standard Oil Company (CALIFORNIA) Portland ttSHMI m ia.i WlilllLlZ "! nun . ipii. l IB SMMMfi tnwn are iiiixIouh to ilroii in and svm- piitliize with his wife. Sume people, thirst even if it is dry, fur knowledge, hnve been working Industriously this iiftcrnuon preparing the bonfire, auto trucks hauling boxes mid barrels from all ever the city. In any kind of n punch. The bout wan one uf the poorest staged at I'aly City in yen is. lied Wiitson Mm d Hick llvlmiil in Hie I:. Hi round ol' n Hcheduled twvutv roiind bunt. In the twelfth Watson un set Hie veteran with a right cross lo the jaw, the bell saving him from n knockout. 1 1 .v In in I mine up tired mid weak fur the thirteenth, and alter Wat sun tin tl In n. led hard left, and right to Dick', hcii, I I,,, l.,..,.l ,, , i',,,. ii.,.- ....... II .1 -.-.ii . . . ... inn imiiumh ml inn ur , , ' , . nui'i'-um rwuii, nil! lUMM'Uftliry CAUSED A CHANGE i IN ORDER OF NAMES' Owing to n slluht misinteriiretntion of Hie law regarding the manner of grouping of mindldutes upon the uffi- mi nniiots lor tun general election, OARDNER STILL TALKING. that we would not run away, but tliev also stationed a sentry ut the gate wit ii orders to shoot if we gave anv iiuli-1 catione of nbHCiitiiiiiidcdiicsH concerning St our promise. j riving late in the evening, we dined in I lhey wero very, very tinlite nnd kind the inrrid.i,- nt n... iK.,..i,..tii.ii ...:n nhout it, assuring us over mid over thai , tury prison. We narrowly missed sleep-1 Washington, Oct. !i.-Kmiresentatlv HHed"to lratZ7wl'il"h''m'r" M "if"", ""'""" ll ""'" ' K .X K a I. V n t)i l- w"' ""l' ! ";,,rlll"K some mysterious Infliieiii'ii ' housn today in support of his resolu- H nllv diil netmi'll'v'' ')'? 'V""T 'W' V" t","'"1i"v'lli'1"' '""I ! l'i.lli.K for a commission o J. Uv'ut.'weHe' r,! ' " Z ! ILI th '"K''t-1 vestigute ,e lilted States 'prepared- . ' " ' "nr innincu, IUHm or U' ir. IIO itnn nrfiil thn imnr . nli'op on. l 1Z t0 .- ''"' ""' ''"""l'"'l""t'ccnpa- cm, navy now ranked third among th Sleep 0,1. lnM ,n onne In. I l ii. It ......I ... I... I i i :.. , , .... , The Lid Is On. I .".. ...ii .,'. '..... . ,, ""; '""" " ,u"''"i" rupuuy smaing m. . , . . " ""' ' ""vsi'Dii'ii'iiis leu gen- Hie morning of the second dny minerals how to fight their battles, and c.nr wiih returned to us, an nrined guaid jiilso, perhaps, no more will the generals ncco'iipnnyiiig us back to Paris. AKhave fine battle cries put into their to fourth or fifth place uiiiulliH nml become famous for having utternl them. land lii wit mid out. (Irill'in then culled essnry for Ihe style of ballot to be changed in i,.. . ii-.. ii.i , umi, iiiiifliui i e ii-ii ii ii in cl .i . " . i .....! ,lvei- v nn. l .. i,;.,.' ... I.,. .. . . uis respeci in nruer Hint ine several ! enndliliites for the four vacancies to be filled lie arranged in alphabetical order by names rather thin, by political party Kay OluiHtead mid ,liui Homer boxed -..,l I ... .. .1. !.. ., ... . ........ ,,. -ii ii ii in ine miiy pie-; delgiii,tlon. "i. i oi ine evening. m-i,,, ,i.(,.l. n .i i.. 1WU jw. A.i.ir.ii. .enuiigli to make the correction before s i ,A Tl u" '" l'r'M,,"li t'.ue no ailill fan Maiieisco, Oct. III.-.-Three inure i .' ' .... .,.,..; .... i, . , . , ,. , iiiMiiii i-t ii-iiHi- nun iiiciirri-ii, .Mlieili niixeiH hnve relm-iie, lr.ir.ii . '.. . . .... ,,,.,, , - i ne Illinois sent out nv Pecretarv o H , , i , ti " ,!,-,m'I", '"Icott In the county clerks were arranged Sat, r,i ihco, Thcv are K.ldte Mi- ... .t.'.i .. (ieoll.v, Hie niiddleweiulit of Onlikosh. . . ? . .. ' state iifficeiH, with the republican parly Mourn, New Ytitk lightwolglit. .McHoortv I cattdiilittes first, the ili-nn it-rut ic sectind Plans in leuve tmnuiniwi i ..... ... ... ... , . r ... I,;, i. . . . it ,, , , . ti'i'i i riiuicHHivi'H in rn, in ii n oruer or lor Iiih Iiu i e, but natd he won .1 ike to . , . .... ... , , .,,, t . ! .. '., ' , ' parly ibimliinii.-e. I he in slake Iniv ng retilllt Itete it id i tetd the wintter nt-Ihe . . . .of 1 1'll, nml wits ni-M'i .nr.. II v I l,.,,l... II rl.u. I vi.J"""" ''" 1 ' "'lellllun I.V .lunge I.. i . ! .N .1 . (Ill tiwtlv. one of Ihe . .-linii-rlilii the lit , I l luittse, net tpiilu I'ini.hed, "I",'!'' hi" "I'l"""" " "i""' 1 1 : (' "Sii-l '! c "rSJ.'r.T.M " I "ut ' in.Hnc e,l'' ,'h" Jiiiiie lot, , l , pve, Hlie.'l Pile, '''' ""' "" U"' I'"'"1 bonis In Australia nnd .ui seven ! ' r, "? ' "'' " , i i! nee on 1-nHv pi rr '"V";";';' ,r r r :,,f "" """ - ; i,;iwT: I- ' ' 'Hie. I lv I, well '' ' '"'"'' 1-n.i.l. !u lonl , riubby. Shuuri , M ! V.ir,.. V, I .lm l.t-V 1 r , It- worth sHoWi, will Hiicliic . fur a .ml, k ' "'' ""' 111 lft','' "I auv wlll remitin in Sun l-'inuci-ci n t It . 1 T.-i ni aiptiiiiietii.nl abv Ho,..m, ., ,e g, L,K i M'. ' I,- t-ly lacking Ii,,,,,- of geeting in the loci ,.. , '". "r,r"":,,,':,h 1'':."": ' 5 or 10 Acre Tract Close In elecliie Under cllltlwtliiin, o l es.v teritiM, nir line, hcIuuiI, all I'tioo l:!,1 per acie,1 Snap (loud It nmii, Ii.i...... 1,,,,, l,, (t, 1 nil lire uml winter wuu.l in, fur ll.'iO, ' terms, this week only, ' (.'lllll.'ll vnciint li. f .ii M, (i We wrlle lli.iiiii.i.-ii. Muiiey u Inn h. lliiuseH for rent, BECRTEL & BYNON !M7 Hlnln Street lloniilily Is virtue we nil aduilie In 41 Illll'S. siri-wi..- r.0ii.w,-wi..w.tH ri 'ii-mwii ..... 2 (or It 1 Norman aJVeiv ARROW COLLAR cloit rutins, graceful collar with itmrtly cut curved front, that dmiti of easy cravat tieing. CUTRrT, PKAnODY A CO., Inc. Mit.n. Tm N. . dates' nniiies as they would liavn ni. petired under the paity nnl i-.n pliiu nml the nlphiibeilriil i.Ihii, r.-n---. tivelv, ts slmwn by the following; P'diliiiil pnrty diHignnli-.il, Kepulilicaii purly . n n l 1. 1 n l - , mi, HeiiHon, llnrris, M' Hii-le. Ili'inoeilitle party Mindi'liile - f riw fur. I, (liill.iwnv, Kninx-y, Mlnifr. liohibilion pntly i nii.tidtiti - ll-ilit, Socialist luirty r i, n-ll lnt. - II -,u It kiss, Otten, IdiliiiiHiin. l(y itlphiilM-ticnl trrnngi'iiieiit, r-gnrd . lens of pBrty- llenn, llciiunn, llnglit, Criiwfo.il, (lallowny, Harris, II.. I. hkiM. Mcllride, Otteu, lliimsey, Uoblnson and Sinter. VILMBTAB V(U1T. Mexien City, Oct. HI. Owing to the mure peacetul nspect of the MeticsiC sltuatliin, It was leaiueil tn-lny that the furce of Villlstas who rix-eutly sailed ' fro'ti HunviiutH to uti.ri-rtnke the con-; iiiiet of i.ower ( alil'ornlt, had nl-jii iloii'd their cmiipalgn, It was said small for.-f would remain to pullee ' Sanla Hosnlln and the ret would re ! t vj. THE WORLD OWES YOU A LIVING BUT YOU STILL HAVE TO BUY YOUR OWN CLOTHING. THEN WHY NOT GET THE BEST. THAT MEANS, GET TOGGERY READY MADE SUITS THEY ARE BUILT TO FIT. THEY LEAD IN STYLE. THEY OUTWEAR THE FASHIONS. THEY ARE THE CHOICE OF THE BEST DRESSERS. PRICED $15 TO $25 THE TOGGERY Incorporated i 7 torn to Hnavniss.