Saturday Only This is to be 5c Remnant Day or 5 Cents a Yard where the pieces are more than one yard in length. Those who are acquainted with our remnant sales will be on hand early to take ad vantage. The remnants include SILKS VELVETS GINGHAMS LINENS, Etc. Sale Commences at 9 a. m. Toweling EXTRA GOOD QUAL ITY, AT THE EXTRA SPECIAL PRICE OF., THZAIEItf CATITAL JOTONOUBArEM, QREOQW, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1911 Corsets UP TO $2 IN VALUE' NOW $1.00 This is a Corset Special given by our regular corset house. These are all new models and have just been received by us. Exactly accord ing to the latest de mands. . ' $2.00 CORSETS NOW $1.00 Extra Special MEN'S WORK SWEATERS 49c each $1.25 DRESS SHIRTS 98c See our Commercial St. window MEN'S ELASTIC RIB BED UN-DERWEAR Oc values 39c ' The manager of our men's clothing shop says these are extra good garments. Prove this. MBA CRUISER ' : 1 German Submarines Did It Unly 52 Out of 554 Oa Board Were Saved Bf J 1 III ' 1 J w w A1 w RACE IS CLOSE BUI POSITIONS THE Si IE didates follow: I Huth Fngato ' I'earl Zinn .lean Mcluturff Mrs. Grace Koff llibbler Mildred Atherton iifl.rilU HH.9UM ...61,551 511,740 Interest Is Unabated and Few Votes Can Change Standing of Contestants London, Oct. 16. Torpedoed by a ucrnan submarine, the British cruiser Ha,wke was sunk in the North Sea Thursday afternoon, the admirality an nounced today. Of the vessel's crew, which ordinarily numbered 544 men, it was stated that three officers and 49 men were saved. The HjLU'ko nrflo .. . i . . . "v. aiuiusiuin ana almost entirely torn to pieces. The exact scene of the disaster was not made mihlic. The first news of the Hawkc's de- "UL reacoed London in a dispatch to a local nmuu ..juini:.. r,' -. uaovMiiuuii, wiierieu concerning it, the admiralty said the iAnni.t n . . JL. . m iiuioiiiirmeu. two hours later however, it was admitted that of ficial confirmation of the loss had been received. The PrUlRAr hn.1 tinon . - .... luring SC01U duty recently off Heligoland. nn un armoreu craft .HHO feet long, or ti feet beam and "300 tons displacement. It was built at Chatham ami went into commission in 1N91. Its armament consisted of two 0.2 Inch guns, ten 6 inch guns and twelve 6 pounders. It was equipped also with two submerged torpedo tubes. The Hawke. wjll be remembered as having rammed the steamship Olympic in the English channel in IHI1, during - uurrowiy missing sinking the liner. " No High Officers Saved. Aberdeen, .Scotland, Oct. 17. Among those saved from the British cruiser Hawke, sunk Thursday by a Herman submarine, who were landed here tn- uay, it was understood none of the ''r"",,r' "'Khcr officers were included. The naval authorities wero very re ticent but it was reported that maiiv of the rescued were in a serious condition from wounds they received when the Hnwke was blown up or from ex posure which they underwent later C'antain Tlmrh w;n;.. . , " .i.ininn lYHn RUIO 0 ; he among the missing, and it was taken Tronhlw i ....?!....... no, ng chief gunner, his assistant 'and the b. , , " LOCAL WHOLESALE MABKETS. Hsvy. timotiv Ckvr, per tin Oati and vetch heat Wheat, per bushel Bran, ter ton . 12.00 S.00 .... 8.501 .. 8.00 1 Oats, per bushel niniin nark, per lb. roiaioes, per ewt. ...$29.50 ouiteriai, per id. 35e to 37c ... 45c 1.50; .34c1 35c! 35c ieamerv butter, ner lii. ' t'Klis ...Z"""Z PftHlfVW Hens, per lb ji,. Koostere, per lb. .. 8C Fryers ......'.7"lle Bteen, ..2 for 26c -3 for 25c OBANGE8 Large Small ,40c .26c APPLES Northern Spy Mixed Greanlngi Jtananaj . Sweet Potatoes.. 85c 85c 5fi 20c .9 llav, 2fic . SPECIAL TOR SATTJKDAT ONLY TRESH RANCH EGGS Per dozen 3 WESTACOTT-THIELSEN COMPANY (INCOEPOKATED) SucceasorB to ThieUwn Cash Grocery t A. Wertwott fc Co. : : TELEPHONE 830 151 NOETH HIGH STREET : ; Steera Cows, tier ewt. ' ' - - iU uoge, fat, per lb 70 Stock hogs, per lb " (Jc Ewes, per lb. jy e Spring lambs, per lb 6C Veal, first class jic ten. Dry, per lb gc salted country pelts, ch 65cl Umb pehs, each ........ 25c SAN HIANCISCO MARKETS. I IIMIIH IIIIIHIIIIIIIHMIIIWIIIIIIIIUll PI 60 ' " " W i I - -Kggs Ex t iilil'orniu San Krancisco, Oct. Id. tns, 4Sc: huillcts. H:ti..,.i storage extras. 0c. liilttcr Extras, 31 ; prime firsts, '"c: lirsts. "H,- aiv.m.ia 01. heese California fiincy l ie; firsts, 12c; seconds, 10c. Wh.'at-8pot California club and HussiHii Red .(I71,(,; Koi'tv Fold 1.7flfnl.72'.i Turkey Hcd. il.SSft) 1.90; Hlucstcm, l.90f(i 1.95 per ell Barley-Keed, l.05frf 1. 10; some of the choice higher; shiping and brewing, 1 . 1 .1(11. 1 .M. SEATTLE MARKETS. SPECIAL ROUND TRIP FARES to the Manufacturers and Land Products Show to be held In Weak Lungs Often Lead to Serious Illness Margaret White !!Z".!!!!!s!h!oi' Hcrvl Necdliam 24,485 Kanaka Hwart 12IW7 Vil-t I'ory 7 W Trouble. " 1 . " J Hcattle, Wash., 0,.t, i:K(,s rreu.'h ranch, 4K(..-J,.; Orieulals, lc Ullttcr IHi'lil I'lih.. '1J... (...:..!.- lil.jc; Oregon cubes. ;ILY Il.'lc. Cheese l.iuiliniL'i.i- in,.. oi.. I!V; Pwiss (dumestic), L'Jc; Wasliiuu ton, I7".(.(u)!c. ()uii)ns-(lrecn, 2!("a'2.V .icr dozen; eastern Washington, Jta lV per pound; uhloiniu, I ( I ic. l'otntocs Winter, t24(i 2ii per tun. PORTLAND MARKETS. 11. ! - I ... . ; 7 ' . B '""""""IB 3,7,3. Awrauve is a 1 licine for the throat i the tin.. . k ,," " "" Celia Wilson Marguerite Ostrander Beth Ryan Lunnna Brown Myrtle llordlnin And still there was no chain- I., tli-; ?UBti9. 1)B .v'8-- relative position, of the leaders in the i yieve KrLr Capita! Journals exposition contest' Grace Craiir when tho votes wero counted today, i Hnrcl Johnson Kuth Fugate was leading with I'eurl Zinn, Jean Mclntnrff. nn.l M nilihln. following closely in the order nnnied.l Marie Schwab cox oral other candidates, however, ai e mrn GeorRe securing very steady nnd consistent! "nzel Coolcy Boatrico Oawford 10(15 Mnble Brnssficld 1047 1 climiltji mi. I nl.... . ..... 1 . ..K. . r: ,- - ""'-i u.iMiiieiits railed to 1,45 ,M,,,K ranei. Head of this case: lSflOl -" S. Atlantic Ave., Iladdiinfield X ,T 1315! "Gentlemen: In the fall of 1905 1 Kino! contracted a very sovere cold which set 0IO tl"! on my lungs. At Inst 1 began to J0N0I raise sputum, and my phvsieiau then 1075 -""i '" go to California inimcdi jiti'lv if 4l.;u 1 . . . ... .... . ,,,t. , was auviacd to im r.cKinan s Alterative. 1 stuvel at CnniiAi Maude McLaughlin Burnicg Hauler Vivian nargrove ... Oraco Tnylor Mngdalcna Tuffli . aiary unyer Alma Vera Martin Lotta Perm Silvia Miller Hall II.".".. 750 ' (A'V dnrtin 7r.n V.-) .iij oiiii i-uiiTiinirni, support which gives proinisa that they "... U..D 1,0 oe recaoned with before the final outcome is decided. Another feature of the contest ii the fact that many coupons issued in exchongo for trade checks are being held back, indi cating that later on a veritable, valanche of votes may be expected. me inp 10 tne great exposition with Its wealth of world wide wonders, will be the event of a lifetime for tho fortunate winner, and the Capitnl Journal guarantees that no expense will be spared in making it a pleasant one. First dnss railroad fare, the best of hotel cnnmmn.liitit'ia b.i.i f..:tii:.. . , ...... .0, a... iut.uiiii-i .in . exciiangcil seeing the crent fair at ) K..t will l.n ...I provided free of all chargo by this Rtm,i,,nn.. Th. 7.1.. 1 . j 1. . . Salem hleetrie Co. irivin.fhn tA H1 ed b? Pn.,er fr fi8,cm W" tor C?' tr, P d."0t "S,in 1,con'. Imporlnl Furniture Company Hto iillMjH,r. The only thing Salem Laundry (0. ' ' necessary to secure votes being to pa- Witoy M. Allen Co. . I. u " " mo"t I'0P"'nf The Globe Theatre iuii , . - "'. 1 siuyei at mm home am fnm.iioii.ii.i . i .1.. . luiui . . - 'i .ihk 11 me last 1000 , . .'" "'". 1 iiegan to improve, 1000 th t,nt W,M 'a January, vfiro ' O00lr,'".","l,(l y wK' 'ar nee ipntio'n, having lOOo! """ 2;' .!"'"' K l'.illy ic.tored to 1000 ! Il,'"l,1' It ' now s vn years ,in,-v. my 1000 1 r,:r",pry lias oeen effe-le.l, and 1 run. looo : ". , e r-,,K'ii, Aliovative loo nrai liiglilv. ' (Siunedl W l titcm I (Above ablirevinlivli. n,. 750, " ...... 7511 . " """ 1 has been proven ,,n by many years' test to be most effic. r... ,n ''' 'or severe Throat and At. Mario Evans i;::::;:"""::i:""ir im 17t' ,?ro"ohitis m Athn,a, T.. ,.,-..... . .,. h,,"lH"n. oUI". '"' i" "id'Hilding the y. ... '"' sysiem. i ontaiim no narcotics, poisons whose sales checks or receipts may be or habit-forming drugs. Ask for hook exchanged for votes nt the Capital Jour- let telling of recoveries Vnd write te r.citinnn Lnnni-utni-v as. u.i..i..i.i. ., .r,llal ,.-,,,, , for evidence. Accent nn .,A,;,..i. IVtluml. Or.. Oct. lit Wl..,..(.i mv; Hlucstcm, if 1.05; Walla Walla Onts-No. 1 white f01,d, 2.",,75; ,. v. if2.").5(l, Harley-llrewlng, 22.511; feed, if2l.50. Hogs Host live, if7.."i0. I'nme steers, 7.( 7.25; f, v ,.,v 111; nest, calves, H, Hpring liiinbs, $5(fi (I, Huttor City creninery, 5l(S,:i,'ic ! Hons, lliilli!'i broilers, li.fc; geese, I tie. DRUNKENNESS ccordance with the admiralty's ,'ui'a,,' disease, which requires 1 that warshirw attaeliJ h .f.i..Ltreatinent, The OlflflXK ir.,ui.....i ninriiies are to consider their own ' UI",J witl' l'ulute ennridnnr. safety first, the Theseus and Gibraltar 11 ''""'"'.V" " dosiio for whlskcv, beer, made no imiiKuliuto attempt to help thei"r 01 her intoxicants. Can be given In ! llswke's crew, hut steamed awnv and""' '"" 'N sanitarium expense. No remained at a distance until convinced nf '"'" 'mm work, an be given tnev were In no further danger. I H'cretly. If after a trial vnu fail to Then the Theseus steered up to tho ""'it from Its' ue your1 lost vessel's wreckage and rescued those! "I,"l,,.v 'H b' refunded. r"'i ""r.rr, xiihi ai nni., irrsimfnr, a nowi cr: i majority had sunk. Nearlv all , OHRINK NO. 2. t I . .. TJ... ""I'P"1 iW,'"l ihri- Mf"" t who dMlir to uk, voluntary treat, . 1 Z V , ' "Hturtroa, and' " only fl.oo ,nI. comc lllV'Mm00'n. thl"n ht ",i Ulk ov"' "- "ttfr with us 1 thrown overboard tnr i. .ir n.. 4.1. f... i. : men to cling to. l J. C. PER&y' linn 1.,.. 1 ' HUI(I 01, PORTLAND, OCT. 26 to NOV. 14 Round Trip Fare From Salem $2.00 Corresponding low fares fmm 11 other points, main line SALE DATES From Kugcne and all points smith, including C. & E 'ii' "H,,K V:,Wi' '' "' N- P, October 27,' :, ' ' V . '' ', '1- nc'urq limit two J" '""" '". in Blue. rd'Jrr.; t ,n,in M iinii,s- u- u SOUTHERN PACIFIC J.din ,f Scott, Gcneial Piisscugcr Agent, VuitluiMl, Oregon. - - ; -no di i n i(uni ns r itivcd. and ihn criin..i-a k.. i. ing its reappearance. Whether or not it was also sighted from the Uawke was not known, but it was evident that it was close up, for the second torpedo it discharged did Us work well, com slctely shuttering the cruiser. A previous torpedo was said to have been directed against the Theseus but 10 nave misseii its target ii arconiance with order COMPLAINS Or MANILA. tores. The nilv..ri;.n.,.,.i .!,.,., firms is run in each Friday's Capital Journal. These firms have agreed to give sal's check or receipt to every purchaser for ensb or for monthly bills I'i(l nntil January , 1H15, The sales checks or receipts from these firms may , be exchanged for votes nt this office1 one vote for every 5 conts of your pur chase. 1 The names and standing of the can The Hovnl llalicry (bread wrappers) A. (,'. Ocvoo Klines Tho Hpa 11 miner itros. Trover i Welgel, Photographers Yokohama Crockery ft Tea Co. Vick Hros. Gnrsgo Salem Fish and I'oultrv Market Independent Meat Market C. M. Huberts Grocery I'oisal and rdiaw Grocery small size IM: rem l- J.. .)7U. i. 1 1 . Washington, Oct. Ifl. - Nir Cecil I sale by all lending druggist, "I'ri.ig liice the Hrltlst. siubsssndor i "K ' here, eomiilnindd tn k ..... j . ! ment today that ships of neutral t. I tions were using the iinrt of Mnniln o. base lor supplying (jermsn cruisers with cool and provisions. The depart ment promised an immediate Invest ics-' Hon. h If a rim n has no friends deserve them. he docsn 'I ' PENNANT BREAD "It's Different" To make bread cleaner than Pennant brand Bread would be absolutely impossible. If Pennant Bread were made right in your kitchen, under your own eyes, it could not be made cleaner, its ingredients could not be purer and the care taken could not be greater. Absolute cleanliness is a habit in our bak ery. Pennant Bread is daintily wrapped in waxed paper and dispatched to your grocer. Its clean, wholesome goodness cannot possibly become con taminated from our bakery to your table. If your grocer can't supply you, call 2486; we'll deliver. Yours for quality, SALEM BAKERY WHEN YOU BUY CLOTHES aim to get something more than a mere covering. Get Some Style to Them You will not find this a difficult matter here. Our store is one of the' main stations of The L System CLOTHES FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN They are different from any other clothes you ever wore. They are in a class by themselves and will Place you among the "top notchers." The fabrics are "all wool" and the patterns, while striking in design, are genteel in appearance. And best of all, the wear is in them. G. W. Johnson & Co. 141 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET FARM AUCTION SALE AROUSED INTEREST There was an auction sale of liirm '"i'l cuts, stock, grain, etc., at. the l.i.kcl place, about three miles north "i .in- iiinKrouiuis on the Nilveiton k.u.I yesterday. About 1110 persons at tended and the bidding spirited, cxrcllcut piii'cs being leeched for al most evcr.vlhing put up for sale by Ihr auctioneer, W. V. Wright, of Turner, Wheat, iinclciiiicd, sidd fur 1.10 a bush el, nn.i onts for 4.T ami 50 cents. An ordinary work team, with harness and wagon, brought (..ISTi, Cows, pigs, n, almost everything else put up for sale lire reported ( have brought guoil prices. GERMAN FLEET MAY (Continued from I'aga One.) uf the Hritish fleet, One heavy weight prizefighter attacked by two others, when all are in first clnss condition, hn ! fur less than one chain's in three, of winning. j At the same time the iwmibilitv nf si ess does exist. This possibility undoubtedly will be Increased In ImagliiHl ion among German sailors by the f.ists of their submarines. 1 If the Teutonic warships do emerge from their hsibors of safety to attempt the destruction of the British navy per haps the most lniM)rtnnl factor In de- elding the result will be the psychology , cnl effect of these submarine raids, The five Hritish warships which the subuisrinns have sunk were rrulseis of uo fiist line strength. The llermsn naval strategists' chief aim Is to work destruction smong the Hritish first line units, And huw effective the sub marines will prov is an open fight only time can tell. Besides th Hritish sniimsriiMs sre miira more numinous than the German. Thus liuprri'edeiited exploits mar result. I The women who wants her own y enn't understand why her husband doesn 't, Corns Comes Off as Easy as You Please ''Wit" Being Used by Millions!. It Is the first time that a real, sure as fstu corn eur hss ever been diteor ered. "GKTHIT" is the new corn- tit ft I C. M. Kpplev Grocery. Th llighlsnd Grocery Keddawav's ssh Grocery .1. I.. Hoslck ft Hon Grncrv Hr. Murk Khiff Gonial (rffic .1. K. Ilockctf, I'iano Tuner Nulem Ice Co, rm jtn flulrb.U4 Wfc. thn W..M-. V I' . I- 'V-.t it ir n ender, tisscd on nn entirely new princi ple, It Is a new, different formula. never successfully imitated, It mnkes corns shrivel and then vsnlsh. Two amps no me work. You don't bundle up your toe any more with sticky taps nd piasters thnl press itnwn tin the poor corn no mors flcshenting salves that don't "stsy put," no mors hsck iug at corns with knives or rssors, no mors bleeding or danger of blond poi son. No more limping around for days nlth sure corns, no mora corn pnins "tICTHIT" Is bow the biggest s'..)). Ing corn enr In th world, li.e It on ny hard or soft corn, callus or bunion Tonight 's the night, "UKTM IT" is sold l, druggist, everywhere, 215 cents a buttle, or sent diioct by K. Lawrence, Co., Chicago, am going to rttire from the Millinery butinett. In order to diipoi of my Block at quickly a$ pouible, I have re. duced the price of every hat in the store. Every one must be told within a thort time without regard to corn. The ttock includei the latest and most popular thapts and trimming that have made The Hat Shop the leader in fashionable millinery. Every lady in Salem should attend this sale. 387 Court St. Mrs. (Lange) Johnson THE HA T SHOP;