Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 16, 1914, Page FOUR, Image 4

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OCTOBER 16, 1914
Editorial Page of The Daily Capital Journal
Dnily, by Carrier, per year $5.00 Per month..
Daily, by Mn.il, per year 3.00 Per month..
Weekly, oy Muil, per year 1.00 Six months.
The Capital Journal carrier boys are Instructed to put the papers on the
nrch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the
tipper to you oa time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this Is the only
way we can determine whether or sot the carriers are following Instructions,
tfnoae Main 82.
Some very learned men argue that business conducted
on enormous scale cannot he made subject to law.
"Statutes " says the President ol Columbia college,
' "will not put moral principles where they do not exist."
Maybe not.
i But there are some things that right statutes rigidly
applied can do.'
They can put some of the business violators of moral
principles in jail.
Maybe statutes can't put moral principles in a man,
but they can put the man without moral principles out of
It is quite probable that moral principles cannot be
put in the big trust grafters by statute or any other
But if the statutes are properly enforced, the big trust
grafters may cease grafting and do some plain living and
hard thinking in a place provided by statute for that pur-
This would be good for the general business, if not
pood for the big grafters.
It might not put moral principles in men, but it
would put moral principle in future methods of doing big
business. ,
Srnhiha in themselves can ticcomulish nothing. But
rigidly enforced, they can make even the manipulator of
millions humble and tractable.
Besides, it is well to remember that statutes direct and
develop public opinion.
The Oregonian is clucking over its China nest egg!
again and making itself generally ridiculous. It says
Chinese do not eat eggs having some kind of superstition
about them, and that such eggs as are not used in raising
poultry are allowed to go to waste. It also says these eggs !
can be bought in China at three cents a dozen, and yet
it tells its readers that a tariff of three cents would stop
their importation. That such China eggs as are imported
do not compete with the "made-in-Oregon" product is
shown by the price, the China eggs, so the Oregonian says,
selling at 20 cents a dozen and the Oregon product at 35
to 40 cents. As eggs are out of the reach of the working
man at 35 cents, it would seem that the Oregonian has as
its object the prevention of any but millionaires eating
eggs. It is rotten politics instead of addled eggs that is
worrying our big contemporary.
The deadliness of the present war has not yet been
told, for the dispatches have never said a word about the
hospitals other than their first aid to the wounded. The
history of all wars shows the deaths from disease as far
more numerous than from those due to battle, and while
it is estimated the deaths in battle in the present war are
above a quarter of a million for all the armies, it is prob
able this estimate is entirely too high. Yet if the killed in
battle amounts to half that, the death list when the vic
tims of disease are counted will be far above that number.
The Oregonian accuses Governor West of abusing
about everything and everybody, in his speech at Portland
Wednesday night. A careful perusal of his speech fails
to show that he did much to the Oregonian except quote
some of its editorials.
I Late Yesterday
At Los Angeles. The police eoiriniis
bion orilereil the ilestnutioti by fire of
opium worth $:55,0(KI confiacatoil in Chinatown.
At Los Amjji'Iob. A. B. Kalliueyer
wnj excused troni .jury duty after he
.hin! proved to the court by a sihtcs
fluu of sneev.es that lie had liny fever.
At Los Angeles. The day Krounil
co'inuii-'iiou instructed its representn-1
fives t.i larn whether it is possible to
secure the U)H Olympic giimes for Los
Angeles. V.
At Los AnxelesV-A resolution pro-tc-stiiiK
against starts wide prohibition
was adopted by the rectors of the
Los Alleles Sneiiuerfest, representing
MMW German-American citizens.
'' Representative Gardner, of Massachusetts, got end
' wise in congress Thursday and threw several individual
and congressional fits because this country is not pre
pared for war, and wants a committee of three senators,
three congressmen and three others to find out how
much, where and why it is unprepared.
The scrappy congressman fails to realize what must
' be apparent to anyone who ever gives his thinker exercise
that the nations of Europe have removed any reason, if
there was any, for a state of preparedness for war. When
! they get through with each other it is fair to presume
each and every one of them will have all the war its sys-
tern requires for a dozen or so years. The need of men
. to rehabilitate the destroyed industries to spread the
wings of commerce to the winds, to cultivate the farms
and rebuild the mined cities will prevent the recruiting of
vast armies; and besides, the toil of these same men will
be needed to earn the money to pay off the vast debt the
4...u,..if u'ni. Vina o.wl.lloil ilium tnt labor of the world.
JIV'V.lll TIU1 til... puiuiv V- ' -' - - - -
Preparedness for war did not delay or prevent war
in Europe, but rather hastened ana caused it. r-acn oi
the nations, with its big army, was like a boy with a new
rn in 1 1 n hiitmv until it wna ti-iod on something.
If there ever was a time when getting ready to scrap
our neighbor was excusable, me present is not ii. uui
.friends across tho pond have made it absolutely unneces
sary for us to even think about needing an army. As to
the need of a navy, maybe if the time ever comes when one
m needed, we can borrow England's or Germany's if we
can provide a safe place to intern them.
Pniri,OLimnn I '! ti1nt tionila til h.'lVH t ill hindsifflltS
of his imagination fixed and a real new foresight attached
i ! l . II...I !.. I I.!.. ...... ,4-W
u) ma muzzic, uuu is 10 iut muuwi.
The Belgian government, like Noah's dove, is having
difficulty in finding a resting place. It reminds one of
our own war, when a certain union cavuiry general wru li
ft series of articles for Harpers, which were dated from
"Headquarters in the Saddle." This caused some carping
critic to remark that you "could not expect much from a
(Tenerul who kept his headquarters where his hindquarters
.hould be."
The English government has instructed its citizens to
ftot their women folks out of Turkey. This Is about the
name as saying Turkey is ready to join the Germans and
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 18G3
Capital $300,000.00
Transact a general blinking business
Safety Deposit Boxes
About the only thing Belgium had to do with getting
into this war was that she got caught on the track just
when a through limited claimed the right-of-way. The re
sults are especially applicable to the comparison.
The Germans now have guns with a range of 25 miles.
If this improvement in range can be carried much fur
ther, Germany can recall her armies and fight her battles
from Berlin.
Food speculation is an ancient and dishonorable pur
suit at which the world has connived until it nas come to
be considered respectable and all right.
Mnph has Iwen said about Dreparine for war in time
of peace, but it strikes us it is better in Europe just now
to prepare for peace in time of war.
i viofrn.r. frnm tflkinc nart in the
war with entirely new game in the shape of great Zeppe
lins and swift aeroplanes in sight for the wing shooters.
in Vnrrlnrwl iiiot nmv nnp would not have to take out
a license to shoot Zeppelins. Besides, the open season will
last until the war ends.
Wasted Men
. . f
Albany nnd Oorvnltis printers have The war noes on, there is no Sinn of
nnrfected teniimrnrv oruanir.ntiou and iiewe: no seer can say when miry strife
lima Hi irno.l n iietition uskiuir for a shall I'll hp : no L'it'lcd iirnphet, in his
chrtiir fur the Allinnv-i'orvnllis Tpo- sniiuiled rone, can souil a dove around
ttrnphlcnl union, from the. head orgnii-
There were 2,32 registered at Port
land Wednesday, of whom 1,304 were
women, nnd they outnumbered the men
who only showed up to the number of
linker City has just completed build
Inn ft new pipe line for her water works,
nnd mnde a saving of 2l,"lll by lining
the work herself instead of having it
done bv contract, The lowest bid was
K'LTOO nnd the work cost iM'J.TKO.Wl.
Hood Itlver Is holding Its nnnunl
: VY
V 'l
1 V, y . . I
nuns still roar, the
t l.o weary glolH-j the
captains inarch and
slay, men lives.
like threshed out
chaff, are thrown
nwny. The younn
men die ,in battle
siege nnd rout! who
I hows Willi t geiiiiin
1:iis been blotted
rut I I 'ei hill's I
rhiikespearc lies
umoiig the slain,
born to the buys,
nnd born, alas, in
nln! Full ninny
K. K. E.
Hiil.lnnu. t'nriiiiM'lv nf 111,. M.WlOlllst
church at Salinas, was sentence to ,
three veins in the McNeil's Island fel'
eral prison for writing an improper letV
ter to Miss fcdna liogers,
At Reduced Prices
Now! Is the time for bargains in this popu
lar department. Despite our former low
prices, we will give you liberal reductions.
Nothing reserved, all new up-to-date hats,
shapes and fancy feathers at
At Richmond, Va. After deciding to
meet next year at Seattle, electing W.
A. Law of I'liiladelphia president, an I
choosing other officers, the Ainericnii
Hankers' eouveiitiou ended its fourth
annual convention.
At Hoston. Addressing the Ihisiness
Women's club, t'resiilent-r'meritiis Kl
liot of Harvard university declined
America would huve to help the Kuro
pean allies if they should become ex
linusted in their war with (lerniniiy.
At .Sun Iterniii'diiio, Oil. A coroner's
jury returned, without comment, a ver
dict to the effect that Heujamin Knier
son "came to death of a gunshot
wound lit the hands of ii. K. Davis, "
managing editor of the imi Bernardino
nigh, mitl It will be kept up unti. late H -- - ; j,
Hatuiday nighty their mists arise, a. d spread . veil of
, ., i . i... i.. red across the skies. The youth and
Hn- lUIMII,! T.1,1 II,,, V I. I-M1.i"i. II.
Its county treasury this year, nnd the
tax lexy iiext year It Is thought will be
five mills less than this. ,
g n I tm of the waning lands, with fool
ish weapons in tluir artist hands, arc
caning flesh, uhu should be curving
stone, ate wielding swiirds, when brush
The teachers Institute held at Med ". -, their own. Alas, what wri.tc,
ford closed Its three day session wl'" ,'.'" 1,1 ""' ' ''' O'1"
Wed iln.v with It resolution Indorsing """"" - ""K" "' i
the ri or in ti I sclinols nt Ashlnud and
WnttlM. tin !
Ailnm. iNiNiM-r MrW
To the Kditor:
With the absolute certainty tliut the
"Water Front" constitutional iiiuentl
incut Xo, 1124 nnd its companion bill,
ao. IlitO on the ballot, proposed for
adoption nt the next state election, will
deprive the state of authority to sell
any tide hinds or any submerged lauds
on the iiuvignble streams ami buys of
Oregon, the stnte Is confronted with
the prospect that all industrial dovcl
opuiert requiring access to the water
will speedily mine to an end. This is
the iiplnlon of practically every attor
ney who has miido a careful examina
tion of the proponed amendment and
Well known luwyeis in Port lit ml and
other cities in the state have pointcl
out that the proposed amendment con
taiiM n provision that title hinds limy
he lenst'il by the state only as sites on
which to build dorks. This means that
the slate hind board will not be per
mitted to grunt uny permit to dike or
reclaim any overflow lands or tide
lands, or niiy right to utilize tide lands
for booming purposes, fishery purposes
or as sites lor industries or for any
other Industrial development purpose.
In an address recently delivered In
1'orthiutl by ex-Heniitor F. W, Mulkey,
who with ('. H. .luck son of the Journal
proposed the amendment and the bill,
Mr. Mulkey used this expression: " I'll
sold tide Innds nnd foreshore of iiuvig
n bio ,t ten ins will remain the property
of the state. They will be analogous
to timber lauds in the national forest
reserves. They will be a heritage for
future generations. "
Those who hnve made a study of the
niiieiiiiinent Slid the hill give Mr. Mill
key credit, since he is one nf the au
thors of the measure, with knowing
what they menu ami when he says that
the unsold tide lands ami loreshore ran
only he lensed for dock purposes, It be
nnies perfectly clear that the vast
logging interests, fishing interests and
other Industries that retpiirn access to
the water iu their nperiilions are to
be practically put out of the game su
far as future d"vehipnient Is concerned
If these incnsiircs become laws.
Another serious objection to both ol
these measures, which is urged by a
great tunny people iu nil sections of
the Mate, Is the fact that the school
In ml which now derives considerable
revenue from the snle of title liimlx
ami the foreshore of the mivignble
waters nf the state will lie deprived of
n very large sum of money that Is now
btiitlv needed for the niHintenniice of
the public school system of Oregon,
Hcnltle, Vn-di., ret, Id. Culniliinl
The Portland Hallway Light and
Power company will on or before next
Moudiiv pnv the city of P(irtUd IM,.
,112. fur rental of city bridges during ,, ,, nt iililxirn flulit between Seattle
the year. lico, Han Kraiielseo, Mllwankte
and l her cities. Henttle was award.-. I
Tim Wheeler Reporter tells of the e' , ,xt convention of the Amer .u i
pliiit of Htnith hlllott, who recently in,,.,,-iissocialion, to be hebl In l'H.-,
killed a '.'yenr-old bear with a club, as ),,. convention which closed lest
it was entiling down the trunk of ,lltiU t Richmond. Va.
tree. Hue blow did the business, .., IIHMItint ion Is the largest nf lis
" kind in the world. It is ex ted 3,oou
The Me.lford council has divided to ,,, ,.,ies will be In atlten.lanre.
discontinue the ni'iiroiuintlon for snaii ,
and towels for fire department use. range a reunion of old soldiers of the
The Mall Tribune Ironically observes world fails to see snv glory wnrth moa
that the saving will Insure a lower tat the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary
levy. ; nf the close of the war. There are
'about 2.1 of the old soldiers, of north
The !fherwon, News Hheel has en- and south. The Idea of n reunion is
tercd Its fourth veur, and Kditor Shep- meeting much cneoiimgement,
herd snvs: "It means that there has
lueu three yenrs of battle. Despite our Neighborly sentiment Inspires the
atliersltles, we have never failed to get Uahcr Herald, which sayst "llnlnes
out. an Issue. We are In new quarter, has the hustling habit mnre than ever
Where the bank was we are." ; In trying to secure a lO.liou race track.
1 Kvery ersnn .wan wishes the country
The fcdenfl reelnmatloii service at tn grow will wish that busy city the
llennislon Is to cover tho entire project heel of success."
with a telephone system, in order that-
ditch riders mnv be kept In close (ouch County School Superintendent K. J.
with henihpiarters. The Herald Mig- Monro reports 41,1' teacher employed
gests Hint protect settlers would do well In l.sne county and a salary roll of
to get In on the new ytein. 11,1:13. The great majority of these
teachers have had college training and
,t. W. White, of dohn 1'av, the ' .nearly all hake had special pedagngt-
yea City Kagle reports, Is trying to sr- cal work.
I DROP" t -
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ttatUfclH.ilbafcuU J
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r.titt(rrrl. It tWr nt
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urn WTpt htjuiii a ti.l nnla
Mi tiiltr nlrliilHr nti
W .-! iHitlt nr ititl, Vutt I
Black Silk
Stove Polish
nt. nilkvlnMro "lit r1..n.s. ..(.(, .,.( mihant
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rib tT l( UH ,.Wf Hm4 M Uir r f.irNrt
k-n mum irusj t worti ma mmw f, '
rcrri wt ire. ,h, iv, ,
I MintFajfnw,, UIHtrTt
-sjV-.l (V. H-t.tH.ir..liah vitMiT-f
iVt ,
" Sw.ll... Ul.u.
r nhtt si AitniKi
TWMI S Mmrl in, fftAtr4,
W- ,-, M.ti. f..t- .,i,i
wMIr tanrii.,.. Imi.u
rwnm. Tit ii.
v i.. suk mmi m.
r";. Iri ""t '"
kutlUMt m,,I.K. hh um
I 13 11. Ill
Fur Sets at Reduced Prices
Nice laiKse Fur Muff and Collar,
$15.00 seow
Nice large FuiWf and Collar,
$10.00 set now.7-
Nice large Fur Muff antTollar,
$7.50 set now .V
Nice large Fur Muff and Collaiy" nr
$6.50 set now
Economy in Painting
Your House
does not mean buying the paint sold at the lowest prlc
per gallon. It means getting the paint that covers tho
most surface per gallon and gives the greatest number
of years of servicein other words, tho best vaJut lot
your dollar.
casts less because it takes less and lasts longer. Let us shovr
you pleasing color combinations, esti-
yrfZX matc luantity needed, or be of any other
Tf service we can, whether you buy r not.
Com in and ft an Aetna QuaHty Pointing
Cutdt Boot and torn color rtiggtiHonjk I J
Willamette Hardware Co.
jV .":i-w;. :
For . . .
This coupon may bo exchanged for votes in the con
test for a trip to San Francisco in 1915, at the Capital
Journal office. Not good after October 24, 1914.
House of Half a Million Bargains
We carry the largest tock of Sacks and
Fruit Jars.
H. Steinbock Junk Co.
1M mats Btraat Balsm, Oroa. I'hpaa Mala l 1
Journal Advertising Pays Big
"n HT frr pPy sV jp pi (VI1 sjii saint kss'ts