Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 12, 1914, Page THREE, Image 3

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Social and Personal Notes
By Mollie Runcorn
SCORES of snsartly attired dab and
society women filled the handsome
lining-room of the Hotel Marion
Saturday, guests at the Salem Wom
an's Club annual breakfast. Quantities
ef yellow marigolds .ami feathery white
clematis, masses of zinnias combined
also with clematis, on tables and iu
brass hanging baskets, adorned the
room, immense clusters covering the
official table in tho center. The occa
sion was also known as President's
iay, and proved in every way a bril
liant succeHS. An orchestra, composed
of Professor H. 8. Stoudenmcyer, Miss
Mllian Htego, Miss Georgia Booth, Miss
Pearl Vercler and Mr. Skinner, played
during tho serving hours. Mrs. Hichan
j'artvright, (he retired president, gave
the address of greeting, MisB Muttie
Beatty urging tho club members and
their friends to assist in making the
eoming mimical artists' course, secured
ly Miss Magcrs, a success by their lib
eral patronage. Mrs. William K. Kirk
announced the club's line of activities.
Mrs. y. K. Elliott, president, concluding
the addresses, also speaking interest
ingly on proosed work for the year.
Aa Irish sketch, "Tho Marriage," de
lightfully read by Mrs. Arthur Fish,
was tho final number.
Places at the smull tables were laid
for M. i A. Elliott, Mrs. tiichard
-'artwright, Mrs. A. N. Hush, Mrs.
P. H. Raymond, Mrs. W. E. Kirk,
MiB Mattie i Beatty, Mrs. Charles
V. Galloway, Mrs. H. J. Clements.
Mrs. 8. Hamilton, Mrs. R. S. Wal
lace, Mra. C. 8. Weller, Mrs. Helen 11
Huiuilton, Edith 0. Hazard, Mrs. Ar
thur Fish, Mrs. M. 0. Huron, Mrs. Wal
ton Van Winkle, Mrs. O. C. Locke, Mrs.
L. F. Clriffith, Mrs. William Everett
Anderson, Mrs. Oeoigo .1. l'earco, Mrs.
E. C. Small, Mrs. F. It. Brewer, Mrs.
Elizabeth Cusc, Mrs. Channeev Bisliop,
Mrs. (!. P. Bishop, Mrs. Ray T. Bishop
of Pendleton, Miss Uludys Hte-'le, Mrs.
lohn H. Lewis, Mrs. Percy A. Cnppcr(
jure, jv. r,. irisncr, Airs, r, u. Nouth
ferns, and took places under an arch
perfected with large fluffy white dah
lias and greenery. They were met by
the Rev. K. G. Hornschuch, of Salem,
who read the simple ring service.
The bride waB most attractive in a
sitnplo white frock of crepe de chine.
8he curried white carnations, which
were caught after the ceremony by
Miss Liny Nichols.
Mendelssohn's weililinir march was
played by MisB Remoh Evans, the i
bride's only sister.
Mi: Kvans lias lived near Salem all
her life. She attended school in Sa
lem ami for tho past five years has
taught school iu rjcio, where she is
very populur.
Mr. Arnold Is a prosperous young
farmer. He is the second son of Mr.
and Mrs. N. D. Arnold, of Scio, who are
pioneer residents of that locality.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold left for a trip
to Newport, after which they will take
up their residence on the bridegroom's
farm at West Scio. The bride's travel
ling costume was a beautiful tnilored
suit of blue, made with tunio and cape
I'ont. A hat was worn to match.
Tiioce present at the wedding were:
Mr Mm V n n,nl, I fr ami
Mrs. Kthil Arnold of Scio, Mr. and j Randall of finlcm.
Paris, Oct. 12. Several more
bombs were dropped in Paris
streets today from German
Taubo aeroplunes. They did not
explode, however.
Following 8imday' disastrous
aerial bombardment, they natirtf
ally caused much excitement.
Two of the Taubes participated
in the attacks, both Sunday aud
today. . Whether or not they
were the same was not known.
The bombardment Sunday
killed three persons and wound
ed 14. All were civilians. Some
property damage was done also
but it was not serious. About
20 bombs were thrown. The
Taubes were chased from Paris
by French aviators but not, ap
parently, until they had ex
hausted their ammunition.
(Capital Journal Special .Service)
Woodburn, Ore., Oct. 11. Miss Lake
Fleenor returned this week from hast
em Oregon after three months' visit
with her father.
Mrs. h. M. Bitney spent several days
this week as tho guest of .Mrs. . r:
Mrs. J. I). Clark, John Clark, Mr. and
.Mrs. .1. Jl. rvicliols, Miss Lucy iMchols,
Madison and Cnss Nichols, Mrs. Bon
DeLotig of Salem, Mr. E. Schweining
of Corvallis, Arthur Schultz, Miss Re
moh Evans, Mr. and Mrs. I). M. Evnns,
and Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Cook of Siilcm.
Miss Aetna and Miss Esther Emmel
were tho
ny tneir sister, sirs. r. n. Tnoinpsoi
her home on North Twenty-first street,
icllow anil white cliryBnntlicmums nin
tifed the dining room, which wnB light
ed with yellow cundlcs. The autumnal
color scheme of the remaining tooius was
carried out with curnntions and foli-
...rrt Tl.n n.n.nn ..P hit.
wick, MrB. J. A. Wroten, Mrs. Thomas!
Vi'-S"" In 4' H"rK'nt, Mr-1 comprised the invitational list, Miss
William C. Knighton, Mrs. Charles L. Alice l'agn and Miss Junia Todd being
JtcNnry, Mrs John H. McNiiry, Mrs. ,0MUcd as additional guests. Tiuno nuin
B. J. Mjlos Mrs. Don Miles, MnT. J. L. ,crs were furnished by Miss Esther
Wocktou, Mrs. .. Uehn of Ashtabula, Emmel and Miss Violet McOlain, Miss
Ohio, Mrs. 11. C. hplcy, Mrs. II. H. Van- Eugcniu Mclnturf pleiiBing with read
dovorl, Mrs. R. 1J. Fleming, Mis. Ilcnrv jngs.
U. Thiolsen, Mrs. L. K. Puke, Mrs. Carl!
11. JMIiott, Mrs. Joseph (1. I'nliner. Mrs.
Miss Nellie llinkley spent Saturday
in Portland with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Gilles, of Monitor,
motored to Woodburn Saturday and
spent the day with friends.
Alex Provost, of Portland, spent sev
eral days this week with his father
A. L. Provost, who has been quite ill
the past week
Mrs. K. wiiiteneail was surprised last
ere the inspiration for a beautifully , k v, . f M aild'Mrs- Cle0.
M.o.n ed tea Saturday afternoon, given i p f f ( 1 v b f
,' their sister, Mrs. F. H. Thompson, at , u! ...... ,..i, V wll(k
formerly lived before coming to Oregon.
.Miss Ester 1'lank returned to Corvnl
lis this week where she will attend
Fre,l Doro spent Tuesday in Albany
on husiness.
Mrs, 8. E. Brune spent Tuesday iu
Siilcm with friends.
Mrs. N. Harper spent Inst week
visiting friends in Chemawa
Miss Nelllio llnvs is visiting her
uncle at 1'nion this week.
Walter Wengenroth, of Hoiinld, spent
Siitnnlav in Woodburn on business,
Dr. C. J. Smith, democratic nominee
fur governor, spent Wednesday with
j. r., vrune, sr., iiuii imugnn-r, jiiw i)r, nn, j w. A. Chapman.
Ellen ( rowe, left Nitimluy luunnng for pr- i.',.cm,r, f Joseph, Oregon, ar
their homo in Huston, niter n stay in i tv0, here the Inter part of the week
bulcm of several weeks us the Riiesta , priictico medicine here so he
.il u i ... I Dccii eniiiusinsuc vismirs, euiiiyiiiu , ,,. . c.l f rit iirrzn. T ic ,.nnn.
n-ii Di n , .nid, jiuncri n, inn. .iirs.t,, i t .. - i -.
Mildred Kobertsuu Brooks, Miss Louise I ZYZ "Z' l C ' M"" U'U " J,i?" "V R "''('.' 1"""'h
Havs. Mrs. Jo in A llmhlsim. ll "r". " served py tne jnsscs imueys ns.
Hurry P. Minto, Mis. Xelplin V, (lullo
wuy, Mrs; Lillian I. 'artct.iii, .l i s.
Tbomus F. Hvun.
if, Agnea Harding, Mrs. Robert Eakin,
Mrs. James 11. House, Jr., Mrs. Am-
'j broso Middleton of Kiigene, Miss Mill
nottn MngerH, Mrs. J. O. (lultin, .Mrs.
Whatever She Does Almost
Certain to Arouse Enmity
of One Side
Contending that the pnrcer post law
bus cut 4'8U8trous inroads in their
revenues and has forced some express
compunies into bankruptcy since it be
came of effect and in operation, counsel
for the Wells Fargo Express rompauy,
headed by Chief Attorney Marx, of
New York City, who ia on the const in
the interests of the company's busi
ness, appeared before the state tux com
mission Saturday morning and pleaded
for a readjustment of the basis of as
sessment and taxation of the company 's
anmml gross receipts ana properties.
It has been the custom of the tux
commission in the past to fix as a basis
(By J. W. T. Mason, former London cor
respondent for United Press.)
New York, Oct. 12. There is little
nrnhnhilitv tlinf fJfi-inmi v will uoiMirA
Hnllon,l'".nn,.nt n tho koi..1. nMthe linUMlllt Of tllX UpOll the CrOSS r0-
of the mouth of the Scheldt in order to! cf'l'8 ot public corporations of mis
make Antwerp a Teutonic naval port. I character six per cent of the average
From Antwerp to tho northwestward of 6' earnings for a period of five
for about 12 miles the stream flows ! 'eura I"lst-, Tll company sny8 that this
through Belgium. Thence, to the North "'" " .ijusu.o Upun ine ex-
ana i,ni Mo ,iina i. i,,,,,i. conipuincs for the reason that
Dut'ch. Acquiescence in' the stream 'si tlleir vollllc f 'u'n's h fHn off
navigation by the Germans would spell "'V Bre,,tI' "Ke ."' l",r';'1 1'"' ,-'""t
disaster for tho people of Holland. Thel " "-""
lirittuh uti.inuiitn.iiv wmii.i i.im.Lu.iA i nnssion should use 118 a basis for tllX'
their ports, which would mean the king-' ",io" ,.ho Kr0B "'''ip'" ot the five
.n..i;.,..i ,ii!., i. years since the parcel post law went in-
Should the Germans use the Scheldt's to ofreet .ru,l'er !"!" five yr"
mouth without Dutch consent, the allies P'vious thereto, the basis or reduc
almost certainlv would Insist that M10'1 wlll''h l' 1 tn
,., iu,ii,.i,;'o ,i or,,.,, n a former average of iilO,000 annuiil
in .inf..,ii liniiun.i '.I gross revenues to i.S0.00O, which is
neutrality. In case she refused thev cln'nu'd n '""ivcniKe tor the present,
might either declare war against thel. UI!'m to,Jl !nl",H' ."f "n",,'"1
Dutch or insist on the temporary -use of j '"8 Ju'lc ""' I!,1f' Vl'111.1'l."1'f;o,1''x;.
Dutch territory bv their own troops to1 l,!""?.-:0",l"",y .'l'""'' . .divulei.il ol
checkmate the kaiser's strategy.
Tho question of the entry of food
stuffs and munitions into Germany
through Holland is but just now emerg
ing from the existing critical situation.
Is Afraid of All.
The Dutch against their inclinations,
for they might have turned a pretty
1,"17,:1)2 to its stockholders during
tho past year, according to tho aiinuul
report to the railroad commission which
was received yesterday afternoon.
The only investment in rear estute
securities which the company litis made
iu Oregon, so fur as could be gleaned
from the report, is that of the liniidsi.me
office building in Portland, which is
penny by German pntronage, consented rutcd at a book value of i7fS,l)71.8l, the
to prevent the passage of contraband income from which is if!)0,8l2.1(l per
through their territory by establishing annum and the amount of tuxes paid
martial law along their eastern frontier, j upon it in I'JH was iHLUM.OO. The
In this way a precedent was created gross receipts of the company from
for dictation by the allies to the Dutch upend inn, throughout the country, for
concerning the police duties the latter tlio fiseul year IH14, were $:)l,Hii2,l);i2,
must undertake to maintain their neu-the net operating revenues were rfl,-l-.llt,-trality.
At the first sign that Germany j HS2, und the revenues outside of opcr
proposes to use their Scheldt us an out-iutiiiti nnd outside of income amounted
let to the .North s?ca, thero can he noto 1,1 1-1,211(1. I
question that the government nt Thej The revenues from domestic inoiiej 1
Hague will lie culled on to extend its orders for 'the year totalled iflHS,(l(IO,
eastern frontier patrol to the south- ( 11 ml for foreign money orders ifd.OOO.
west. 1 The nmount paid to other carriers fori
There is 11 chance, however, that thathe express privileges for the year wus
kaiser may not consider the stream 's , $15,81(1,15!), ami the total amount of
mouth of sufficient value to hiin to pav i tuxes paid iu the United Slates was
for the complication its use would in-; t-lo2,-l2ii, except for t-'H('0, which was
volve. necnuso ot its nearness to t!ie:pnul in .Mexico, lintisn 1 omnium, r.ng
X. t Moody Miss Str.ughto.i, Ilar.el i , .1 , ' t, 1 ,J ' ,,n wit-'' f,,,"i,v'
Kenn.-dv, Nel Thiclscn, Altlica Moores of Vl" ."i"'1 Uml,n-. 1 ''" w, H'"H """ Aletha and Hazel Bitney e
Mrs. A.'N. Moores, Mrs. K. T. Bussel e ,h."ir i"nar .lmey at Mm , tertai.ied a number of girl friends
Mrs. William Bro vn, Mrs W. 11. K-1 1 .n,'',0 , AnB,' .(,' '-'"''l their heme Mom ny. Tho evening w
clridge, Mrs. S. C. liver, Mrs. V. Vol .'",n8" f Tll0-V. 1".'v" ! spent in playing 5(10. Miss Elhel Ho
nnii ii.'n. d..i'.....' u , in ' I l'n enthusiastic visitors, en, oymg , ,,.. PO,.iVc,l first prize. The cnni
British coast it might be a better base
than Wilhelnishaven for submarine
raids, and it also would be an excellent
hind and the Yikon territory. The
percentage of gross earnings paid to
roads over which the company operated
Hulny weather preventing a "moon
light picnic" hs originally planned by
Ktudeiits of Wills ttu University, they
tt'ilh lliinil 11 rnltniMiiiitilt i I'D HllliiiK' uf 1 ...... i... i-' . xi .11 ti-.i., ' 1
- 1 II.1 , , smii'ii nv .insses -eu 11 iinn'v ainr .... 1 1 1 11 u 1 i. 1 .
fruits und iniinul'aeturc. urticles. and i.-,i,..i iL rk.. ..i,.,.i' wml1'1 '1 " blt '" "!
refuge for his torpedo bouts, but other-i were from JO to 5(1 per cent.
wise Its offensive miviil possibilities! The total mil nice over which the
are not important nt the present stage! company operated iu Oregon during the
of the wnr. I report year l!li:l-14 wus 1,221.11(1, of I
Antwerp's advantage as n dirigible; which 1,127,70 miles was stcniii rood, '
base has also been much exaggerated. 55.2(1 miles electric roads, M miles in
Brussels, which bus been in the (ier- land steamship lines and six miles of
ninns possession since eurlv In the. st.ige route.
will Display them at prominent custom ; PVcniiig were: Misses Sadie Richard,
clubs to which they bcl mg. 1 hey ex K,, nimm,v, Liln Jeriiiiin, Nettie
licet to return next spriin, Broyles, lleli'ii Seollard, Gwendolyn
Warner, Nell Binkley, Lois Bcebe, Avon
A speciul triiin Inuring Portland and I McKinney, Dcla Beck, (llndys Binkley,
nlliel i.itv's ibdeiriitcH to the Stain Fed Xnrn llnt'k. mi,1 llny.el flu. I Ati.thin
were entertuincd nt the homo of Miss1 oration (jf Women's Clubs held in En-1 Bitney.
neicn J eurce on ;surth IVinter street uc ue this week, passed through Salem. A Theatre i.nrtv was u vea Thursday
been utilized.'
b' s. . I
Pnrllniiil. Or.. Oct. 12. The nolillcal
Kirdiiy evening. After the serviim ol 1 1 hl mornimr.' Mi. K V. Cmlton. n Sn. ! I.v Mi.. Av M,.Ki,...v nrt.t th' 1 " ""'r' " I'luminent citizen of:fWM,,ajBB i Oregon indicates u consid
tho Mipuer in nic style, the remain-' i,n .i,.i.,.,t.. i,.i..,i (l.m Tl, il...r !.. ,h .,i,t . mi m.,ki..'. ''. . " "" ernliln beating ot the brush ny tne can
mg hours were spent with progressive delegates, Mrs. F. A. Elliott, Mrs. Rich- j home where the remainder of tho even-, m," , ,' '1 ,t k , , V,i . .,, ,.
fume., l utic nir thn vimlnU ri ,.,! 1 .. -i ...... .. ..:..i. i u i,...,.1! i !.. Sci retiiry of State ( llcot t t.ns return
, ----- -.. .-.v., Hill Vllliniiaill linn ,.1 1 1. Ji. inij- ni nun rirnv ill piniii .100, iiiiit
diilutes, which will likely continiiu up
to the very hour uf the election.
singing college Bonus.
Those enjoying the evening were:
Miss's Grnco Thomson, Kate Barton,
haul Elliott, Rosamond Gilbert, Kvn
ilogue, Gertrude Cuntiingliiim, Ada
mond, will leave this evening.
A most delightful feat lira of tho re
vival services to be conducTCfl at the i Biuklev,
which re
Heck, Sa
cf r, hu e,; were serve ' Those ,"1 fr,lm ,(,,,r il"'l'"'',i" old.st am wisest of the politiciui
were. M sses Del hi and No a S,",,, y Engineer Bowlby of ,,,.,. , .,,, liB y.-.'.r is hui
ad er ilicl 1 r" U e and Glad vs 'old"l'ia highway, Secretary Olco.t fi(,r,., Kr,. ,,t ,l.oro w
rKniel' B'neVelir s! JI.Tl h' '''"- '!'! -." !.
llehcd it
I'v, r.inri iiiilllll'l, 1 1 1-It'll rroilll 1 l, ...i.:.t .. ' .... . '
v:,( u r..h n,i. ..,.,! uill 1,.. i 1 i. ii..i. ii.,.i .1 ii...i,: iiii ",u,m i'K'"iiT"'K " "'re en-, votes cast, II this ligiiie is lei
Ho-s, Laura Ross, Ruth Buyer, Leila ,. K. ,, f a lunior choir of fifty and hostess. ' (-mintcrcd n.ul overconie ,n the immense wlM ,, , Vl)tl, ,,V(,r in
I .. .. . 1I..I... I, I, I r- . ,
The meiiibc
held a partv
C. O. F. hall.
rs of the freshmen class "J,
I,, i,l.,vl,, . l.,..l. .,.. " jvsil-niny ibiiiiih nuirm , . ( U1 poles, HCglst I 111 lull III
i 1.. ...... 1... it , . i.r irieillll
Lent, Helen Pen rep, Dorothy 1'enrce; voices. This choir, which lifts ut pres.
Messrs. Emory I Inn no, Max Hall, Llovd,ft tliirt.v members, will be gradually
Hnignt, Arlle Walker, Joe Kaiser, llr- ntlilotl to' until it niinioers half a hun
ry Rice, Leliuid Snekctt, Fred McMil- ,r,.,)
Iln, TiiikhHin Gilbert, Roger Lyons, Their first work wns done tsst night,
Hnrokl .lory auiMCric Bolt. !,,,l enthusiastically received. Mrs.
I Fred Bynnn is selecting nn nrganlr.-
Mlss Ruth Helen Evans was milted ' Ine the members whose musical tutel-
in murringe to Marion I, (', Arnold, ol lngc is under the direction of Charles ly Miss Elisabeth Howell, ts the house
Mcio, Sunday, October 4, at the country ! Ruth, the regular choir leader. Ages guest of Miss May Tate, She will re
place of the bride's parents, Mr. and : of the young vocalists rnngo from 1J main for a fortnight.
Ms. 1). M. Kvans, east of Snlein. to 11) years. I
At half past twelve o cluck the briil- An ,,, (lf , ,ori,, )0 ,, vesienluv vlsitinu Miss Paul
ul couple entered the parlor, wl.iil'i was Mrs. 0. H. Hall, of Bullston, former-' younger people of Salem appeared iu a i,,A;
i in- tMcuiii nun pjirui
r. iiiicr nun ii Mini n nun
man nnl Mh
Bit i liu -oron
ttvity ol the " wctrt
ill niMluiililoilly hv'um
tliut otlirrwiH' vniil 1
wmtii'ii vnti'iK hiiM been hurl iciiluriv
if - kf r...i ;.. ....a .. ii... . . .
man nu.l Miss Gladys Binkley who n, ted ".". super. iiu iiiicin m nic ,CUW, and It Is estlllllltcd hut Ut lens!
" " "" ""' " 1,l"l"'.vno ' 11 Horst hop ranch, wus In Salem yester-, o-, ,,,,' , ...in i,.m, .iHtcred
day, He returned to liirtopoiuJcnco to- ' ,(,,,, t, piinuiry by the time the regis,
"lu.v. ' trillion books close October l"i. One of
J. M. Kceney, of Portland, who owns,,!,,, t:t rtlciitac devclopi its of the p:it
a farm near this city, wus hero over the j week mi Ihe Initiative bills to be voted
week-end. j on was that on the dentistry bill. Pain-
.Miss Ltta Gregg of 1'oitliinil was in ,.KH prlier chulleugcd llev. 1'oster, ol
Heed College, und Dr, Miller, of the
I'm I In ml llental College, to a olut dr
.Portland paper yesterday:
Daddy's Bedti
Attorney Grunt Corby has returned (,,,, ,, ,, miK 0f . dentistry bill.
emeu iiavo hot
"You poor tlrtd dog.
1 glel" said htp maitir,
The Dog Who
Wouldn't Leave
" At the Vernon Pnrent-Teaclier asso- lf,.r H),n,M(( a ,lurt ti. j porllaud s fin the latter ucutl
cintion meeting Tuesday afternoon, i,-.- I . i .i I. n
Miss Vera Kitchei, gracloisly cun.rlbu-' , " J'" ,', f Sulen, ,,,lu "'" , I","""W' '
ilAAV amlunt, fin lie from " I uc ia m I am '. ii" 1""i'"'i i " . '." , I i' euusiug Knglund much fear ol us,,.uit
M'The Rosary;-nrrungement by Whche ''7ov ". Kl. !i f'l,'. uer Sale, n. """I1!1'!, "ZTZ. u"ZJ!
? "Ii ? y K.. ," i""w AsMieluted Press eone.p. t. " ."i", ,, . ,i, , . I he
I marked ability nnd her rem it on of .1i thro,,,,!, iln, v lt cveniint on 1 ' V I""1""""
icse selections -shows much ndeptnes, ;!7w!,y 7o tw Voik t rum Vhere Z h'" '""
i uf
tli esc
Mil the
art. The Hiulihuiil
Her Pupph. I Teacher iissncintloii ineetlng was honor-
'ed Fildav nfternoon when Miss Kitchen
I aretit-; .ii I,,,,,.,,,,.. . .,,in. Mr. Kills'
liiini" Is ill Tiiciiuiii und he has licen
....lln.l ...in,,... ii, . I Iln. lil'lH,. tini'i.llll ill
..1 .1 I'. ....II I. 1 1 111... .1.11.. 1 1 I... I ' .... I I I
W ACK ami Evelyn both wcro devoted to dogs, oml daddy nlwnyi was sure 1H ,, K,,,r,pi) ,v -,,,! , n tl. ' ' ' , ''"'"!"' . ,
Jtuat a story nliout n (log Mould plcusa llio elillilreu. jnM Kitchen with her pnrents for-
"Minro to tell you tills vvniiliig," inld dnildy, "n story nliolit a dog , mcrly resided here, nnd although ut
who hnd five most heiiiilirul little puppies. Tbe.V v.eie very tiny, blin k , tlint'time a very young girl, her must-
lid white puppies, nnd their mother wns su proud of tliciu, Now, her luustel cul tnlent wus prnmn ed, end she was
was muring nwny to another place, and n new mail bail bought Ills homo freipient contributer to musical and
'Xlils person seeinoil, to tho dogs muster, like n very nlco kind limn, linnied!- jf"'""! programs,
tely he seemed to take n great fancy to tbv puppies mid their mother. So
! IIVAN In Los Angeles,
John N. b'viin. liiniierly
of this i
change dining the paid neck.
The Mill minis siiiioiineo Unit (heir
In-. I ii i'ii n i Ii 1 1 Hue between Ailoilu nn.l
Sun I'niiicisco will open fur business by
the time the cupoNiliuii opens in Kele
iiiary. The emits will be the fastest
bouts Hint have eier been built and, it
1. cliiiiucd, Kill luiilie Hie mil on pin."
tii'iillv flu. .nun. lino. Iiv ustcr a. is
I ininl.i bv mil lielweeii I'oitliind mi. I Sun
their Dinstur suggested Unit he should keep tho dogs, for lie wua moving to a
rlllngo ten miles nwny nnd liml to go over very rough romls. Ho decided
Hint the trip would bo very IkiiI for Hie mother dog and the puppies.
"Ilugs aro very loyul to the Hist poison lliey love nnd who cures for I hem
! Mrs. Ambrose Middlelon, of Lugene,
who assisted Mine. Juno Reed Bubeock
iu conecrt Friday night, sang "O Lov
ing Father," as till offertory solo, lit
the morning services nt the Hist .Me-
umMflW MAY BP. RTTtONtl.
It Is very seldom Clint a dog la tiuppy with inmUier muster when the llml thodist chureh yesterday, delighting thel Bi v jt ,,.r the hinne or
Ii-ii inu the following relatives:
wile, Kiln A. Ryu ii I daughters, Mr. , .'inn,.m.i. Wink on the ducks and tcl
Arthur Moore, Snlein. Mrs. Art lllller 1 niiiril facilities at AnIoiIii Is progress.
mil Mr". G, W. WiHi.ll'uiiL I'lirtliiiul: hg i,i,i,ly und the shipbuilding con-
mil suns Henry D., A. I... F. W., .lohn having tin nlnnts fur the new
M. it I Alger Itvun nf Portland. bonis iiniioiiuee Hint thev will be fin
I mi schedule time,
, ,, ..,.( , " t . "Uil cilOV nic n i
urge audience with the sweetness nf Mw w.,., f ,h,
her interpretation of
While Iu Snlein Mrs.
this n ii in lie r.
Middleton has
M'llltnl - h.l i t ill M a di r tlnim unnl llllil
HII fit 1 wlh'lll I'tilltilllH- rMIllili TIM- llltl'ilfM
i tlimo (tiliin-nlK nviiliiir to llti-ir ocx. i .,,iiiit el' wnul,
l-.iiini'i'iiii v;it, wnilt'
It vrtiv ttnn.yn Mll i llflUf I.Vl III I'.. L ., .1.... I., tl...
Ihtii XhP liiiii-K i;Kt j.r .Mm. J. u. ' ii,thHiii 'n WkMiiI.Ip ' I'miiii.1, Hint l,, , ,rkH in v,-.v ''it in .l..ltn ll.r
In. I..u.'.iiir li.nl ii , r lit Tor .,r Ii.,,.... . . . , .... . ' . . 1 . .
.... miiipio reinniy iiiipic immm nuns n . fn.-t Hint Id slides will volu no prolil
I , ... , ,, . ,, herbs, goes to the loot of the trouble l.it i I lis a result Ihe en. tern blew-
' Mf nn, Mr"' V"r'' 1M,,- """",11101 nvcrconic, .uch .vuiptoins as k-!rB , Vl,,v ir ',,u buviuit. Ho-
'ver, H. (,., were week-enrt guests of ,.,, ,,,, ,,,, ncrvon-ne-. and lr-, ti,, iMw nil me slowly
Mr. and .Mrs. I. A. I.ivesley. ritnbil.tv, they would be healthier, hup- j , jn,tlng thein.elves In the r ut di-
me Inn been good to lilin.
"The muster pretended to tho dog Hint lie win Just gulng fur it wnlk nm
nkl goiHlby ns ustiul, or, rathor, ho lileil to.
"Hut tlio dog knew tlmt her iiinster was sail, nnd she hml noticed llio otliel
man about the pine. She knew something was the multi-r, ami ns sous xr
ber Iiinster itnrtisl off she set up (he must pntbellc Willi.
"The next dny toward evening ns (be muster w:is slllliig In Ills new bouse
little whimper which sounded most funillliir greeted his viirs,
"'Where could It come fromr ho thought, lie opened Hie ilmir, nml tlierc i .,,, n t l,1,'l' stronger, If you surfer Iromi t I - due to the war, inch
itood bis dog looking so Hml and worn. She snuggled down by hltn, for she , rvJiJ" "J ' ULA , nny funn of fcmalo III. why dim t you, ,ln,Vin(j per.-epiible .1 ein.o Iu
was so Und h. couldn't jumn lip. ns wn. her custom. Hut nrter n tiuinienl R )n C(mlltlon ,,, CwaM" " "'" '
or two of pcltlin she gave nil the signs, which mount h wus lo follow her f o( BaitcUy Not Known, OVtW EXI'LODKU.
nml outKldo under a vine on the stoop or llio house were (he live little pup
pies, for she hnd not been nble to lour. IHem behind. ' According to repoits coininif In frnuii ( Won.lhntii Imb peudeiil.
"'Ifoil poor, loyal, tired doggie! sold her Iiinster. 'Yon nnd ,,-our precious vsrinus sections or Polk countv. the ap i The new oven ut the II e Bakery
...,i... .111 iu. i..f n,.Mh. Ilia don ii intent ml twcrll l hut h was fin cron Is.not np to tho stsndnid this iiiot complele.l by Dullois 4 Ol e
welcomed with ber fnmllf and Hint sh would never be given to nnotlict '". Iu many coses there Is only hlf p,n, l.t Th.irdsv evening about 7
crop, although the iron is larger , n chick. I lie even iisui iu.i iiccii com.
t.... ......i ... ....... r... n. .i......u.ti i i vi. iii.... k..i ...in r..H I..
..... ....... .. ..... . .. lllM in.nl... I 111 .nt.-i. ....... ,,....' HUH ,,,. ,'."... n.. m ....
"Illit in Hi meantime in. leiepnone nuiit, aim me oiner man lei-pnoneu , n() ,.,j(1r,. T,, ,,,,, ( ,,, n ,, holor,, Th0 ,r w
to sny that aflef her muster hnd left the night before the dog hnd commenced :.iriy es applied sad the absence nf Inpen nn.l Mr. nl.oii was looking into the
her Journey arter bltn, each trip tnklntf n puppy with her. The poopla nlong onns and other pests Is noted. New firebox and admiring the way the pipes
III rond bsd seen this from their windows and didn't know whnl It could .acrcsges have mndn a good showing in were drnwing, when suddenly It en
mean until the tnnn iplnlned Hint sh mnst hnv gone hack to her master. soms of the districts, and the success of pM-d, blowing out the south sml csst
"When the master heard this b wne mor loticlied than vr and toldjth ne varieties Is being watched wall., the roof dropping In nnd the
(ht rusa thst, after all, lit would keep his dona.- elo.cly.-D.lla, Observer. rod. and f.ste.il.ig. being broke., off.
Iililiit I'li'iit iiiyn, it 1 1 1 1 tu ychi'tnl iih nl'
I'Hfl It I ImIOIIII'MI IIMMt Nl'l'ltl! Ill III1 lllll!
Uriitlniilly Ahm'IM'H will rniui' I'tfl 111
IIiiMMUl t'lilltlilinlif, t'Vt'll llhniyll tllM Will'
cofi'iMiii'n for wiiiii1 tlim'. 'I'lit' Krculcil
iltlli' iiltv n In u'lv crrtiiln liiiHirtif
KioU Ikmm IIitiihihv - littlv i)tf
nt ii r iv.
Bigger Business
is attracted to those who
seize opportunity vigor
ously. Western Union
Day and Night Letters
show business vigor and"
are expressions of modern
methods. Their cost is
Full information gladly given at any Western Union effica
IM i 1 a V ylJJSssysssassssls,lofJsllSlllM'll'l smsesis.sri.
Standard Syrup, 10-lb. cans.. .,50c
Golden Syrup, 10-lb. cans 6!ic
Red Karo Syrup, 10-lb. cans....60c
Blue Karo Syrup, 10-lb. cans .BSc
Saratogo Drips, 1011). cans 85c
Tea Garden Syrup, 10-lb cans Oflc
Tcwle'B Log Cabin, fiUl gal. II. JO
Everfroth Apple Syrup, 10-lb
cans 75c
Pure Maple Syiup, 5-lb, cans 11.30
Mngnolla Molasees, 61b. cans 35c,
Oala Molasses, 5-lb, cans 45c
Aunt Dinah Molasses, 2 lb.
cans 10c
Strained Honey, jar 25c
Comb Houey, i for 35c
Succescors to Thlelsen Cash Grocery
L. A. Weatacott A Co.
Poultry Supplies
We carry the largest line of up-to-date Poultry
Supplies in the valley. We mention a few of the
different feeds suitabler this season.
Scratch Food Cracked Corn
Laying Mash Wheat
Beef Scraps Corn Meal
Blood Meal' Oats
Charcoal Ground Bone
Grit Shells
We deliver.
You will find our prices the lowest in the city,
251-261 Stale Sired, Salem, Oregon
Phone lfiO .
V V .
2S Ti- - V-'V I .Mm "
T 'tiji "'L SU H
i Ya
k' I 1 . I .11
, f "His N'".'ri Sn"
tinnvr two
iOt,mT. 1V.
rUNi euCKLt -
Priced $4.50 to $10.00
Wo do not neglect the school hoy. Look over the
many features in our Boys' School Suits. Besides,
they fit, have the style and wearing qualities.
Knicker Suits, ages 7 to 18 years
Lsrii Bum Asked from Dorrss Bros, by
DiFnppoluteit Workers.
Aiirfi'liiil IVters luis li'ooulit suit
h uii i lift l'nrrs Hrii., hutrorers, sk
i i,K jinljiuipiit for IILT. Tills Is a rase
wlii'in Iliu ' i nt iff ii.HT'ijtK I Hi i M'ii Hui liopvitiil it wim fiiiiml u lni (ili'liln
I'le who allien tln'.y wi'ie i..ii.lii,M.l dy ins. Iiluu lut ( Imvii in-tnl li-.t, sul tlm
llnr'H 1 Iron, to I -U 1h'" si a vnnl ill i luill. uf llio lui, t as stnti'.l, l
tjuliisliy in An"t. It Is "Inti'il Hint ' ustlirri'il he tins iiuylii.uli.il ilevhe.,
worli wms proiiiini'il fur a 'i'iii"l ofl'limo reiuaiiii .1 lor linn.ii'klut(, It II
twenty ilnvs ami Hint filly oenls a Inn stsle., only the smiiller elusteis of hoes,
was lo he ni. I fur irliiiK llio liu'S. nn.l .onrriiii i.tlv little uioiii'V I'oulil Im
It la ullitfi'l Hint 11 1 . tlii'ir S.rivul ntlnisile hy the ii.'krrs. Ilullm' tlh.rMr,