SEVEN THE CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FINDING A SITUATION It Is possible to secure employment by calling personally upon those you hear need help. It U a long, tedious tack, however. The classified way brings your application before those who need help, quickly and easily. RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS ONE CENT per word for the first insertio. ONE-HALF CENT per word for each succeeding subsequent THE CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT AD8 work continually they never sease until their tasks are suc cessfully pe f ruled. Each day those littlu wonder worker faithfully de liver their message to the people of Salem and nearby towns who bare learned their value. insertion. JOURNAL WANT ADS CET RESULTS. DON'T WALK THE STREETS SEARCHING FOR A POSITION OR A ROOM-TRY THE CLASSIFIED WAY. JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS i (.WtHtltOtHHIttltMIIMtMHtmtWtmtltMMtttimHIIIMIttMtWt MM H . THE SALEM CAPITAL JOUTtKAL. RAT.FM nURrtOV Tvnrav wtaw '"" ABSTRACTS , LODGE DIEECTOEY (Continued). NTXctTo." - Abstract. MULTNOMAH HOITAL ARCH CHAP- MISCELLANEOUS that Protoct. Our books posted up to Inite each morning, (all Main 1249 nni a messenger will cnll for your distract. J. 0. Siegmund, president; Max Gehlhar, secretary, 245 State titreet. TEB NO. 1, B. A. M. Regular meet ing second t riday in each month at 8 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. J. T. Welch, Ex. High Priest; Lot L. Pearce, secretary. AUCTIONEER ATIfiTrONEEB Salem's reliable seller. JFarin sales solicited. Terms, I per cent; satisfaction guaranteed or no HODSON COUNCIL NO. 1, R. & 8. M. stated assemoiy first Monday in each morotn, Masonic Temple. L. 6. Rowland, Thrice Illustrious Master; Glenn C. Niles, Recorder. ,,ay. Henry M. Voorhlet, "bUtf" DE MOLAY COMMANDER, S. 5, K. uveiiiie. first street east of the state m . , . ',. nvmiue, first street fur grounds. DII. 0. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro- Jiractic s Fountain Head, Davenport, jjwn. If you have tried everything T. Regular conclave fourth Friday in each month, at 8 o clock p. m., in Masonio Temple. Sojourning 8ir Knights are courteously luvitcrl to meet with us. F. B. Davis, B. C; trnnn A. Turner, Kecorder, rind have got no relief, try Chiroprac- CHADWICK CHAPTER NO. 37, 0. E, tic spinal adjustments and get well Office 400-7-8 U. 8. National Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Residence Main 82S-K. 8. Regular meeting every and third Tuesday at 8 p. in. in the Mil sonic Temple. Mrs. Ida IS. (jodrroy. vv. M., Ida M. bnDcoek, secretary. LAUNDRY OT.OTIIES LAST, LONGER With our rul-baud work.. Histulmsneil au years: I.lfi Ferry street, south side, between Liberty ami limn. Hop Lee. P.ZW AND SECONDHAND GOODS "tlWOND-HAND FURNITURE bought nijld n lid exchanged. Highest prices i aid for second hand goods. See us before you sell. Wir prcvhcn Deutsch. Peats Furniture Co., 24' North Commercial Stroot. Phone 084. HIGHEST pricopnld for second-hand furiinture, rnniK's, unrdwiiro, louts. to. We carry the most complete I'tih'k of above articles in town nt the lowest price. 0. L. McPeek, 271 North Commercial st Phimo Main OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DPS. P.. II. WHITE and R. W. WAL TON, Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialist. Graduates of American School of Osteopathy, Kirlisvillo, Mo. Post graduate and upecinlized lu nerve diseases at Los Angeles eolleiio. Trent acute and chronic diseases. Constitution free. UHAI. K V,ady attendant. Office 003-508 U. 8. National Bunk building. Phone 8.W. Jtosidoiiee 'MQ North Capitol atrcol i none urn. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Oregon Cedar l amp No. 32 111, meets every Thursday eveuing at 8 o clock in Masonic Hull, corner Court and Liberty streets, Elevator service II. L. Born, V. C; Ray A. Grant, clerk. T. M. KAM8DKIX House mover; raising and repairing done. Estimates furnished. IWH Trade street, Salem. JF 1'OU HAVE A BUSINESS for sale or n desirable room for rent, write, giving full particulars. C. 30, care Journal. ORGANS CLEAN Ell, repaired and var nished. Work guaranteed first class. Address Polk's Exchange, 1014 Cliem olietu street, Salem, i. ' R. J. IIEHSCiflrAOn Clacksmlthing, woodwork, automobile Bprings made and repaired. All work guaranteed strictly first class. 38 Chemeketa street. PHONE your order for winter app'es. We have winter bananas, bores, northern spys, Baldwins, etc.. Price reasonable. Cull cvcniiiijs. Phone :i2F2:i. M. J. I'ernik. LOST. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people EXPLOSION ON FEREY BOAT. Telephone . 635 Main 881 UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84, meets every Wodnesduv nt 8 p. in. in Moose Half. Mrs. F. W. Cook, M A; Ivan U. Mart in, secre tary, Masonic Temple. I.I 1ST Eight colored Airdale dog; black eiillar with name plate, no mi inc. Finder call at 11-0 South I Jill street. WANTED. WANTED TO KENT A small house, dune iii, anil must be reasonable. Cnll 40(1 State street. ' 8ALE.M HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keelvr, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All cases of crucltv or neglect of dumb auimals should be reported to the secretary for Iuviiti- gallon. WOODMEN OF Til B WORLD Meet every Friday night ftt 8 o'clock in McComuck block, C, 0. Matlock, C, C.j C. G. McElroy, dork, Oil) Court street, phone aiift. REAL ESTATE rui! SAI.K A sinnll farm on main road, MO per acre. Address A, F. 0. cure of Journal. I'ATIv --I'll you want a leal bargain iu city property We lin o il to show veil. Cnnic to us also for fire and autoiuiihile insurance, Sipiaic Ileal Healtv Co. WANT El) About .1WI posts suitable fur loganberries. Address llox 110, lioute 0, (I. l Willing. WANTED TO KENT Eiiinished house, bungalow preferred, must be modern or modern furnished rooms with board for four. .1. Eeggett, Mar ion hotel. WANTED Kive-Missenger Kuril In good condition in exchange for real estcte in lo-liinyton, or on easy terms. I'hone Isllo. WANTED Woman fur general house work. Mrs. A. M. I tin I -11111 ii, Sulciu Heights, llox 1 10. BCAVEWOER H.LEM SCAVENGER Charles Sous ' proprietor. Garbage and refuso of all kinds removed on monthly contracts vt reasonable rates. Yards and cess pools cleaned. Office 548 Statu at. Office phond Main 2247. Residence Main 2272. FOB RENT FOlt RENT Furnished rooms, also housekeeping rooms. 855 N. Com merciul street. KENT l-'HEE Eur n rcw more fa mi lies. Impure 21211 N. Iliniidivuy Jacob lilli'winc. UNDERTAKERS LEHMAN CLOUOII-C, B, Webb. A. M. Clough, montlcinns and funeral Hi- lectors. Latest modern methods rmnM foi. rent In tirivntii fnmllv. hoard II.. I I . - . . .. . '. NEW MODERN house to rent, near school and car hue; cheap 11 taken at once, Square Den! Heulty Co. I WANT TO KENT a small much, II) or 13 acres; would prefer one with running water. Also have good spring wagon to trade for riding pony. 1 A. Sproul, lit. 8, llx. 2, Salem. WANTED TO SEI.L Or trade for I a i in property, a good general mer chandise stock, business twelve hun dred per mouth. Impiire P. 1)., euro (if .lolll-lltll. Sun Francisco, Oct. 0. Fireman A. Elias was severely burned ny escaping steam today as the result of an explo sion on tiie ferryboat Garden City. The explosion was caused by a loose bearing ia the walking licam, which caused the piston to knock off a cylin der head. Tlie boat was badly damaged and will be laid up for a montn for re pairs. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Salem Abstract Company 212-222 Salem Bank and T.ust Bldg, CHIROPRACTOR AND NERVE SPECIALIST. Dr. P. H. May, 306-307 Hubbard Building -- rvr.n.vTTrTNa electrical. Salem Electric Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High Main 1200 ELECTRIC WIRING AND SUPPLIES. nn Pettlnoil 1.1S North Lihertv stieat Main 187 risbr f!T.AMa"nvsTERa crabs. Salem Fish & Poultry Market, 173 South Commercial street Main 2125 ' FURNITURE, CARPETS, DRAPERIES. , Calef Bros., corner Court and High streets - - Man 59J HARDWARE AND PAINTS. Salom Hardware Co., Inc., 120 North Commercial Main Hi LAUNDRIES. Salom Stoam Laundry, 130 South Liboity UalI 2j FLUMBINU, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING. T. M. Barr, 104 South Commercial street Ulim 1J" UNDERTAKERS. , Rigdon-Rlchardson Co., 234 North High street Day and night, Main 183 Pr.AT. TtaTATB AND INSURANCE. Jim Willson, 141 North High street - Wain 474 Truismi TPANnrrrt AND DRAYAOE. Salem Truck & Dray Co., corner State and Front streets Maia 74 STOVES AND BEDDING. , Calcf Bros., corner Court and High streets Mttin wi WALL PAPER, PAINTS AND OJ.1,8. W. J. Porter, 455 Court street . ' JOB PRINTING. Heaver State Printers, I'utlou Block. Chronic Dyspepsia. The following unsolicited testimonial should certainly be sufficient to give hope mid couruge to persons afflicted with chronic dyspepsia: "I have been a chronic dyspeptic for years, and of nil the medicine I have taken, Chamber- Main's Tablets hn'e done me more good than anything else," says w. u. Mat tison, No. 7 Sherman street, Hornolls ville, N. Y. For snle by all dealers. The logical place for the em ployers' appeal for workers to lie made is in the Journal Want Columns, ik Main 483 ni2 Stop Those Early Bronchial Coughs. They imng on all winter if not check ed, and pave the way for serious throat and lung diseases. Get a bottle of Fo ley's Honey nnd Tar Compound, nnd take it ireely. Stops coughs and colds, heals raw Intlnnied throat, loosens the phlegm and is mildly laxative, ('has. T. Miller. Ed, Enquirer, Cniincltnn, Iiid., had liroacliial trouble, got very lionrse, coughed constantly from a tickling throat, lie used only (nicy's Honey and Tar Compound. Was entirely re lieved. Wauls others to know of Foley's Honey and Tar, UNVEIL STATUE IN HONOR OF KEARNY Washington, Oct. 8. With imposing military pomp an equestrian Btutute to Major General Pliiliy Kearny, hero of the Mexican and civil wars, the gift of his iintul state of Now Jersey, was un veiled today in Arlington National cemetery. It win the first equestrian statute permitted to be raised in tha famous burial ground. Secretary of War Harrison, also New Jersey citinen, grunted a ipecial dispensation to permit the Keurny sta tue. The statute, the work of Sculpture Edward C Potter, of llrecnwich, Co., wus contributed to by Now Jersey citi zens generally, through the Kearny Monument commission, created by the last state legislature. Many prominent ol'ticials participated iu the dedication ceremonies today. New Jersey militia, including crack cavalry troops aui many army troops, participated. Gen eral Kenruy was killed during the civil war at the battle of Chantilly, Va., in 18(12. His body was first interred in Trinity Church cemetery, New York, nod re interred 50 years later among ivnr heroes of Arlinuton, As long as a man is able to keep cul of jail lie thinks no other chap has, anything on him in the way of good- lless. Avoid Sedative Cough Medicines. ! JQfj Reward, $100 If you want to contribute directly to , The renders of this paper will be the occurrence of capillary bronchitis S'S Mlrll and pneumonia, uso cough medicines Bl)le tl) cur n IH uiKi., and (hat Is that coiituin codiae, morphine, heroin catarrh. Hall's C'uiuirli Cure Is the only and other sedative, when you have a fct'rXT.. cough or cold, An expectorant like (H(.Mi reiiulres a constitutional treat. Chambcrlaiii's Cough Remedy is what nicnt. Hull's Catarrh Curo Is taken In i, needed That clean, out the cul.ure X beds or breeding places for the germs by dtroylnit (he foundation of the (lis. of mieiimonin and other germ diseases, ease, and Hiving- the pailciit alrciutlh I" That is why pneumonia never results ffiT from n cold when liniiiiieritiin s i. uugu nnv. . murh flltn in n curullvn pnw. vSkinot beamy is a Joy Forevet Dlt. T. Ft'LlX GOURALD'S ORIENT Al CREAM OR MAGICAL BEAUTIHEI Remedy Is used. It has a world-wide reputation for its cures. Tor sale by all dealers. known to the profession employed. 45 Court street. Main 120, Main BS.1.1 Kl HON R IC 1 1 A H DSON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 252 North High street. Officii Phono Main 1SJ. Rigdon residence Main 111. f i WOOD AND COAL HALKM FUEL VARUS The place of quality, All kinds of dry wood, four foot or cut In stovo lenuths o suit I'hompt delivery. We handle the best coals on tho market, Try our King sv evil; It Is the best. 752 'I'rade street, ' to m.i.. . ...... nice ill oiiiiii ni,. 'iinrH ninonil, prop WATER COMPANY tU.LEM W AT I'll COM TAN Y-t iiTT.y corner Commercial and Trade streets. for water servlco npply at office. "is payniile monthly In advance. if desired; all modern conveniences terms verv reasonable. HID Union St. FOB SALE EOKCEI) TO SKI, I, In order In liinlie H quick sale fur cath will sell at n real sacrifice, six choice meant lots, four houses, one of them striitly mod' em mid up-to-diite, close in, tivu Itn w iness lols, I 'or in 1 1 1 c-1 1 1 a i is call on my agents, Kcchlcl A llvaoii, 31 Slate street. wo fine large lots for Hie price ill line, s , . , worui iai, tins week only. Also have a goo, I 7 rooiu house, ncll built, to be milled off lot . only two blocks from the above lot's, Price it.l.'iii, l.iinli tins up tinlay, He, Ii tel llvaoii, 1117 Ml tit m street, Hat many a mini who has a red nose is not gullly. A Marvelous Escape, "Mv little hoy hnd a marvelous es cape," writes P. F. Haslians, of l'rinco Albert, Cnpe of (lood Hope. "It oc eiiired In the middle of the night. Ho got a very severe attack of croup, As luck would have it, I had a large but-' He of Chnmbetlaiii 's Cough Remedy in the house. After following the direc tions for mi hour nnd twenty minutes, he was through nil danger.' Sold by all dealers, II' n soldier In this European war prel'eis denlli to saturation, it is nt leasl soiiietliiiiu that he has bis choice. Ami I here lire lots of people who wool I rather be dead than drenched. LODGE DIRECTORY O. U. W. Protection Lodge No. Meets every Monday evening nt N in the McCnriiacIt Hull, corner Court end Idinnty streets, A. K, Aufrance, M. W.i 8, A. McFaddon, recurler; n, i, it in wn, i. CCNTHAIi I.ODIIE N.i. M K of P- McCornack ball. ling. Tuesday evsn- qi ecQ wmiK at Ti.ui; w. II. Vinson, c. .'lines W. Cut., K. ui u aim ci. HM.KM LODOE NO. 4. A. P. A. M Wluted commuuiintlons first Friday lu ench moulh at 7;30 p, m. In the Masonic TempM. ;avld A. Wright, " '. rj. r i.uiver, seernlnry, 'icil'ic I.OIJIIE NO. BO, A. P. A M. Slated communication third Frl 'iny in ench month at 7:30 p. in. la the Masonic Temple, J, 8, Wynnt, W, ' i criiesi ii. innate ecretnry, " N. of A. "Orcjnil flrnim t'lmn ' No, l.lfin, meets every Thurs.hy even' 1"J in Mi't'orinck building, Court nnd Iiilinrly streets. Elevator, Hmbi larmenter, TS1 North Front street. "racliij llurel PtUe, Imperial Furnl- ' ., reennlef. RECEIVER AITOINTED. Ssn Ftniiciscii, Oil. O.Attoriici I lin P, ( ojahin was npi'ii'nlc l In li.dge Pooling to lay ns recener for the Aoriiieiu I.leeliic liallwav eonipaiiv 'icniling icvuul ;.ioi out oi Siuia uiouio. Poll M.l, K -Acre lincls, ut outside of Hie clly limits, nil In bearing fruit, good anil, dlaillllge good; price Sllll per ucre, f2'i doiiti, luilaace fo per iiiolilh, 0 per cent Interest, W, II. Drain1 iilinrst X l u., Kooin 2, Hush Hank llldg. Poll SALE 2d 'iciv. of soil, s acres under cull ii iitlnn, luilnnce tlui ber, located ' miles from Salem; price Al'lui, s:l down, luilaiice ,.'uo per year at 0 per cent interest tltnlieiiliiit'.t A I 0., Koioii Hank llldg. - Check Kidney Trouble at Once, There Is such ready net Inn In Foley Kidney Pills, yuu feel their healing from the very first dose, Hacknc.he, weak, sore kidneys, painful Idailder ami irregular action disappear with their use. O. Pal me r, (Ireen Hay, Wis., snvs: Mv wife Is rapidly r ivertng her health mid strength, due solely to Pnley KidneV Pills.'' AIM IV, T. IllltenellS, Nicholson, (la., saysi "Just a few doses uiiide me feel better, and uoiv my pains ami rheumatism are nil gone anil 1 sleep nil night long." A Iiciii lied liusluind reminds us of ii lieeii rooster. Poll SAI,E-,1 ncit's under I'lilllinlioa; iniill house, good road, 3'. miles south of Salem. This Is n good buy: price 1 1 (inn ; t.iuu iluwii, lialiiiire l" per nioiith, II per out Interest, V, II (Irulieiiliorst a Co,, Kouiii 2, HikIi I In nk llldg. Positively Masters Croup. Foley's llonev nnd Tar Compound cuts the thick clinking mucus and clears tinny the phlegm, Opens up the alt iinss'iiites and slims the hoarse couuli. The irasiilnu, slriiiigliug fight for lireath u- ii Itives unv to quiet breallilng ami pence- ,', Vlfiil sleep. Harold llerg, Mass, Mich., " Inrllcsi "We give Foley's Honey nnd Tar In nur children lor croup and It 111 ivavs nets quickly," N'n woii.ter a mnn In Testis wnlkcii 1,1 miles to the store to get a buttle of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, Every user is a friend, SUNK BY OWN MINES. Home, Oct. 7. Four Austrian tor iieilo boats and two destroyers have boon sunk by mines which the Austrians themselves planted, sincn mine laying in the Adriatic began, according to a mes sage received today by Hie Messngero I rum Aiicona. . en that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case Hint It folia u cure, Bcndi for list of testimonials. ' i . Aititri'ss: r. J. 1'IIKNKY A CO., Tolrllo. O. 'Hold v nil llniKKlsts. ISO. Tk. Hall's I'snill fills for oonitlpitto Foley'! Cathartic Tablets. You will like their positive nclloii. They have a tunic effect on the bowels, and give a wholesome, thorough cleans ing to the entire liowei trncr. rstir ine liver to healthy activity and keep Hie stomach sweet. Constlpiition, headache, lull, tired feeling never nlflu-t those who use Foley Calhnrtic Tablets. Only 25c. Specially comforting to stout per sons who enjoy the light and free feel ing they give. COLD DUST FLOUR Uadt by th SYDNEY FOWER COMPACT Sydney, Oregon Had for family is. Ask your trocar for It and thorta always on Bran P. B. WALLACE, Af 'nt WAR ON STREET CARS. Los Anueles. Cal.. Oct. 7. Antonio bile bus owners nnd drivers of Inde pendent passenger-currying cars, who TOOK HIM ON THE WING. Paris, Oct. 7, A sharp shooter brought down a Herman aeroplane fly ing over n village near Troyes Tua-iilay, according to a message received here from Troves todnv. 8URFRISES MANY IN SALEM. I R'Miiiiv Tun, Ptnplim,' Kr".-kl, M'ltii IMrJiiK,, ,ti,. Miln I'i.'via lini vsrr oifini m oil twutity, Ktitl tlv li4 IcIttlloD. tt tus loei tli Uflt nt tw T"'tr, Hn4 !. ko harniliiM wi Innlt It hiiHiHiuetl flt of UlitlMf 1 1 unit. Or L, , H.whj Mlrt to U.fjf of LbH hunt, lull I, A IMltlftll'I "A yi.u Iwlli will u' llinia, I rnrjotnnitiiJ Isntirittitr f!rw'm, M th l-Mt harmful f ll tht kklu )ireinriioni." tir ul tiy U -lniiti Rod tif ttoodi IK'ftlin Id tbi UulUU MUlM, CaiihiIr ui-l Emiv Tin 0!'1(K not. un of simplo buck thorn Imrk, (jlycjoriiw, cti;., tin mixei in HQ, T. HOPUHS PrOlk 37 Gldt km 3W AilU'ri kn, tho Tcini'dy which linoumo turtutuH by cunii npiionilictttH, in mir priHiiij? Snlpin ipo1(, Mmty have fouml J that thin (timi'li1 n-im-dy dmitis ho much foul matter from the nyntnin that a HINOLH DOHK rclicvoH conHtipatlon, I mmr Htomiich nnl fjnH on tho ntomacli 1 almoMt IMMKIrtATKLY. Adlt-r i kft m thn moxt ttintoiih Ijowcl clcanrn'r ever noli!. J. C. Terry. I THC OLD R CLIAHLE 1 mtmin I i mem w ffww mwm .iMf'Jf'i',!,;- REMKDYforMEN "(ti, AT DHUGOilUTO OHTIIIAU BOX BV MAIL S'Ji IROMeiANTtN 93 HnmYtlT, BnOOKl.VN.Hr. II IWSHI OF ICAITATIONH-- aro waging war iigainst the street ear ? companies hero, nave iigieeu 10 accepi. transfers Issued by any auto enrrliir ill the citv, according to an iinuoiiiicenimit by their represenlatii es this tiftern i, They Make You Tool flood. Tho plensiint purgntive effect pro duced by I'liaiiiberlaiil'a Tablets ami the healthy condition of uuiiy ami minu which they create muliu one feel joy ful. For sale by all dealers. The modern wuiiuin Is trylnif In fol low ill I lie fool steps of II. VV, Hhe wants to be first In war, first iu pea -e, ami first lu the heart of at least one of her countrymen, U'Ren, Schuebel & Hesse ATTORNEYS AT LAW J r fl Deuticher Advokat ' ' 518, 519, 520 Railway Exchange Building Phono Main 6376 Portland, Oregon f4s)-f4-fss) LOCAL DRUOQIBT MAKES MANY ri iBNua J. C. Perrv reports they lire mailing many friends through the tJl'ICK bene fit which Halem peupln r Ivn f ruin tho simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycetlne, etc., known lis Adlcr l-ka. This remedy became famous by curing appendicitis and it is the most thorough lioivel cleanser known, acting on HOT II tho lower and upper bowel. .IL'HT ONE IH1HH of Adler l kn relieves con stlpation and gns on tha stoiiiach al most IMMKDIATKl.Y. TRAVELERS' IGUIDE CLIP THIS COUPON RAILROADS, SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. SALEM CtEER LINE. 7:i Ar. Salem Hi IS a. in "il-.'l.v. Halem Ar. Halem (mixed) 71- l.v. Halem -I:-.! p. in (No conned Ion south tif lleer.) Southbound, Lt. Portland 81 10 i.m 1 7:.'l() i.m I 8:'J0 i.m 6 Limited ......lUilO i.m. 10:40 a m 18:11 ln:im a.m. 2:10 p.m 4:81 y.aa, ;i;in p.m 11 :u y.m. Ar. Um . 8:BI, :S7 ., 4:43 p.m l.'l I.lmitiid ..... 6:88, n.,,it .. it 1 fl.ia a. I ii mo ii. in ii uviu h.wh i . i .. ... i ii II . III l.lll A V Hi'.! a ss. SALEM, TALLS CITY ft WESTERN. p.,,, m Qwl 1:01 ., I llll 1 111 -llil) III.V 107 . l,v, Sulciu (motor) Li'. Hiilfin (motor) - l.v, Halem ( in 1 1 i ) I, v. Hiilem ( iiiulnr) -I, v. Salem (ii'iiliit) Kllll HAI.K-o ioiiiii hoii.e, bath, toilet, elect iii lights, iviinlailll nail ttinli, barn, l.ol M by I ,'ni feet; bearing fruil, i'Iii-" to school and car line; priip (il'iui), run down, baliiae lliri.- years at " per i t Interest. W. II. ilrabenluiKt hi, Itoom Hush I mi nli lllilir. IKIiiMINll Hill HI-; for sine or trade for house an I lot or acreage. Phone III7M. I'Olt HAI.K Household fiitnllU'e: steel range, Mrs. M, .1. Itinwn, near Pra Hire's Hlor', West Hnieia. rP FRCrtCH FEfflftLt It P I L L &. 4C l)wi m Mnwii Hit-W, R'V'i IKftW T( 1t . Hr-I Bf-. I - ' H I ,iiiB! u Wm H.rin-!, t-n( M-rl'l H in rm t Win t I ikwM tr M p i tm hf1 rll.t4 4tinl. l'fMrtri4Ml4MMl hkr th tow t iNrra k (fee -111011 titii t, flbonl lMij flrrr-' U"ul honixt nnd luirtit nil In ftuit. imr" H ...CHESTER S PILLS yj .'.'r.j.-.f xm rit.w t't )" "si r.--' V fW !'rtl'"l- A' I I Hl.'ll' 'TIS lm iih i" I'll I M-. a I SnlM ' am. .. Sl-ii" S 'I " ' SUlOErDRLu&lbIStVLK)HLRf MONEY TO LOAN On Oood Real EiUta scurlfy, Tnos S. rOBD lyttt I '.ld s Uii'h Mai k, Halem, Oregni SalemFence Works R. B. Fleming, Prop. American Fence In all hslshlt and grsdes. Pot sloi k, hogs and poultry, rami gatmi, wood and Iron. Plain and bsrmi wlrs. Hop hooka and csdar posts, ratnta, nils and varulali. BubhsT rooflni and canant. J50 COURT ST. rifONB 124 Back of Chicago Storo, Capital Journal J TTTndlcaU you ar rogurar madsr yutt must prtsaut rnur Coupon! Ukt Ibis on., Thsi National Embroidnry Outfit l gunranlccd to be tho Krrntost collccUon nd biRKwut bBTBHin In pnttorriB ever offered. Tho 200 patterns have a retail valuo of 10 cents ench Brlntf FOUH Coupons and 08 crntu to this office and you will be presented with One Complete Outfit Including took of Inmructiiins and one All Wood Loaded Hoop and lOBkelnsof aUk.. The 08 rents In to cover duty, fxpreHU, handling and the numerous overhead expenses of getting the package from tht factory to you. JY, B.Oul of town radr add 5 tnt$ for poitaf and xptn$ of mailing. 2:ii Way Kroiuht, lv. Halem I "I'J --Ar. Halem ( imilor) Idl Ar. Halem (motor) Iiid Ar, Halem (inotiii) llll Ar, Halem (innlor) 1 7U - Ar. Halem I iiiotor I HIO- Way Kieinhl, iii.Huleiii II: l.i II. m. 1 7:iiii a. 111.! II: l.'i a.m. I: ID p in. H:W l-.ii.. ll:iii) a. K, HI a. 111. . II:!!."! 11.111. .'1, 1.1 ..n,. r,;:iii ,,.,., 7:11 ,.,n. J : .l.-i i.mJ Northbound I,v. ('orvallll 0 : :i0 am 4:15 p.m Lv, Kuucn. 7:!l.- 11:10 am 1:111) i,m 11:110 p.m Ill: Uu t.11 Lv, Halem 4:M i.m.. .... ... 80 , , 10 Ltd. , 14 . 19 Ltd , At. Hal. . 8;B a.m. ..... (:IS p.n, Ar. BsJ.n ..... U:a a., 1:(0, 4:00 T:HU f at, 17 H0UT1IEHN TAOiriO 00. i Nurthhoiind, i - (Ircuon l;Uess rnllll a III. I Willaiiiclt" l.linlted .. . i.i."i a.m. IiT. Btilein I'J-Hluiitii l.linited ( in) I-': 'I" I'.ni. 11:110 p.m, Is-- pnrtliind I'a-senuer .... 'J:0l' p.m. iio- I'liitlaiid I'lissenner .... 5:00 ; I.r. Halem 1 1 - I'orlliind i:iiress H:Oilp.m.! 11:111 i. in St Owl o'Jil-l al Win- I'reiKliI .. I "I : .'HI a.m. HM a.m.... .. 1 ... ""2 - I'oitliiiid fust Preiuhl ii::is a.m. 10:15 a. in I LU Roiithhotind. II- ( lilifiinns llspiess .. ... i'l:T.l n.ui, 17-lloseliiirit Passcuuer .... 11:10 a.ui, III- ( oltiiK lliuve I'a 4:1111 p.m. I1-HIiiiIii Limited 5:i:i p.m. I!7 Wlllamelto Muilled . .. II: I " p.m. 1:1 Han l-'iiiaciscii i:iress Hl.IlS i.m. Ul-Han Kriuielsen Past Krt, l'J:Ol a.m. M- I.m nl Wav I'rVluhl Uli.'IO a.m. .... I Owl ........ 1:11 t,sv Bouthbouiid, Ar. Albany l:l psa. Ar, KKna 7.01, Ar. Albany 9:11, Btopt al Albany Ar, Eiikii 1-M a .sa, 11:01 a-ss. ...... 18 :l!l p.m. Ar, Albany 7 1:01 paa. Btopt at Oorvalll I: DO Ar. Kn.a II 1:41 f.m, OREOON ELP.OTTtlO RAILWAY 00. NortWiound. Leave! Bulcra Arrlvot Portland Train No. II Owl II Lv, Halem 1:1)0 p.m... I,v. Halem 0:40 p.m... CORVAIXIS CONNEOTIOM. NoiUibound. Lt. ('orvallll 4M a.m.... OuiO in..., 1:00 am... 0:45 I.m..., 1:50 p.m..., 11:20 sm- 4:00 p.m... 4:15 p.m. 6:50 p.m. n:H(l I.m .7 a.m. ... 18:11 p.m M ..m.i P 4:45 .m.; P'- -' o.uo p.m. ... It. Ucal 10:110 a.m.' Ill Limited 11:115 a.m.1 14 ........... 4:10 p.m. Lr. Ralsm ID ...1:45 p.m. H:S5 a.m. IS Llmltad .. 8:50 p.m.'lOilS a.m. . . IS. S:40, 4:113 p.m. ,... tO .......... 1:15 p.m. 1:00 p.m. ., Southbound. Ar. Msa . S:00 .m, , 9:41 ta, , 1:110 p.m. , 4:00 p.m. . 1:40 p.m, . 7: m. Ar. Oernallls 10:0 a.m .11 :M l.av n p.m, l it f m, , t.m. 7:40 p.m..-. It ..-10:00 p.m.i 1:40 p.m,