EIGHT THE SALEM CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, OCTOBER C, 1914. No. 711 A Sale of Splendid Woolen Plaids in the Dress Goods Section at 39c a Yard An excellent opportunity to buy pretty plaid dress goods for the making of children's school dresses, waists and women's gar ments. Good quality fabrics in neat plaid combinations, 38 inches wide and priced regularly to 65c a yard take your choice tomorrow at 39c a yard. Sale starts at 8:30. See window display. No phone orders taken. Ml The House ot Quality All Around Town - if AMUSEMENTS. BLIOII Stato stroot, between High and l.iborty Motion picture nt "The Million Dol lar Mystery," in which the black Hundred wreck a train. Thrilling episode of great series, now to bo seen and read at the 14llu.h and la the Capital Journal. Other pictures and orchestral music. OI.OIIF, South aide uf Hlule street, between High mid Lib ertyMotion pictures of a Khiw & Krlnngor'.s fcalure in four acts, "The Hillionirre," Christy Malthi'wson In "I,ove nnd Hnschall", and Nathan Thomas In violin solus. Dr. Uttor, dentin, pnone BOB, Balera Bank of Commerce building. A marrlneo license was Issued tills morning to Knlph McAilnm, or Calis tuga, California, and Henrietta Savage. The groom to lie Is a wnodsmnn, and Miss Savage Is a well-known resilient of this city, A license wus also Irsucd to ,1 oil n Thomas Ankrnn nnd Laura Alnffnrd, both of Wacoudn, Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist In fitting gltsiea rorrjotly. U, H. bank building William Ynrnell, nu ainplojre of the Drown I'lnuing Mill cnmpniiy, evened up the ends uf the three toiigesi fin- f;ers on his left hand yesterday and Ir living off for a few days, Only the tips of his fingers wore cut off aii.t n:i none of them does the cut extend be low tho base of the nail. Older apple wonted. We pay crh on delivery, (lideou Slnls, Co., corner Mill and Summer. J'huno L'll, At a meet Lug of the hoard of gov ernors of tiie voninu'rcial club held at the Hotel Marlon yestciduy nl'lcruoon It was proposed lo draft a churl show ing the cxpctiillliircs ol' Hie public mull, cy and Hie flnaiiclal ulfiilrs uf the rum loercial club In Salem, The piupusl tiua has no political connections nnd will nltenipl to be n truthful slaleiuent of financial condllloas rcgaidlcs of po litical affiliations. Tor ilo ft few hundred tout of dam aged wheat left nt frip.mi nnd 1 7. ill per ton, f. o. Ii. I'ortlnnd. doing fust. Come quick If von need some. (I, W. I.aflcr, 4110 Huiib-nl building, tttttttttt The Store That Why Pay $15.00 for X lliVicn xtaii eon lmt Ci,lt. m! t iviivii jvu uviji uiiuti wun ,,.i.i p"oi 1 t Tables from Cnli'f Urns, for A3. 35 JL just ns This Table has 11-inch en t., I...:t. r r i u iv is mini, lruni vwariereu uaK. Others from Ut Our Fret Voir 4f Oreillt U nomeIfvrHIS11ERS Ovoa Heie A.UX L VURT& NGH5TS- Ttttttt .Vilkf.wl iin r.iUMiileeil fffff W...VM ,i.lllll.H TOMORROW i Wednesday Surprise Sale OOODXCOODS ) I The publishers of the Benedictine 1 Press, of Mount Angel, have written 1 to Hulpli D. Muores, secretary of the ' commercial club, asking fur a lowi-word descriptive article on the city of Salem for the Mount Angel uingiuine. The Mount Augel miiguine litis a wide cir culation among the residents of reliable cninmuiiiticH and Hie publication has a reputation for truth which will give the article relating to this city a good on iliirscmcut. Mr. Muori's will prcpate the arliele at oucc. The Interim tional Operatic company was advertised as being the bent that could be secured. In this our people were not disappointed, Pierre (S. II.) , Capital .loiirnal, II . ar them ou Hie .Students' l.yeeuin Course nt Ihe (Iraud Opera House. Word was rocolved today from Tilln ' niiiiik by Hie ol'fieers uf the local branch of the Pacific Coast licscue su ciely that the wife uf C, H. Wayinlre 'hud died in Hint city Saturday, Oclnbcr : !l, Mr. and Mrs. Wnyinire were well known In this city, where he was um-e employed In Ihe office of the Falls City Lumber company and where he was president of this branch of the Paciric Coast, Iteseue society. In his letter , Mr. Wayiuiio suid that he would soon 'return to Ihis citv, where he has prop erty, i MIhs MoOnlloeh, the optometrist, has returned from her vacation and has renpeiied her office In Itiiums S.'1'H-iilO, j lliiiibard building, whlih -he has had ! especially fitted up lur the proper test ling of all defects ol' the eyesight. Tom Graham, who was picked up at 'the corner uf Com in err I ill and Kerry streets by the Sulem pelire tnst night In an Intoxicated condition, paid a fine of ! in the police court this morning, tlinlinin was reticent this morning, but finiillv decided to enter a plea of gulliv and .lodge Ivlgln levied a fine of fil lur three days In jnil. "I'll Iny it out," ! snvs (Indium, "Put lilm on the wuuil 'pile," snid the judge to Chief She I deck, "on the best linker's lircnit and 'the purest citv water." "(Incss I'll pay the flue,'1 suid the prisoner, after abuut in minutes wink. See Mrs, Hlldebriind for sccorillan ( plaiting, .Mil South I'niiitocnlh sited. ' Mrs. 8. 0. Pries, who w.ii so badly hint In n street enr accident lnt Fil , day, Is still In nu unconscious rendition I at tiie Willniiieltii sanitarium. She has never regained consciousness since the accident, and there seems to be bill III I tie hope uf her n very, I Dollar watches at, Stone's drugstore-. Saves You Money Imitation Oak Tables illustratcil? top and six-foot extension. 1 rv..i. T $4.95 to $C0.00. Rent Department Btorei In Ottgoa inrl WMbitigtan nr Moiiivi Bi.fnn,li..l ,n KIOII uviUIIUVU ,.,.T.."" n Salem's Style Store Three Cruisers on Way South Supreme Court Holds She to Stop German Destruc- j Owns It and City Must Pur tion of Shipping chase Right of Way I'ortliiiul, ()i tii-t. n SieiituiuK v,,lli .l.,. ..ll I II..,-.. l of the ullies' north I'lieifi,-. f t t ,,. nritisn f-ruiHer .ewtaitlef tint .lupii- ! uee eruiser IiIki nml the I-'reneli I eriiixer Mini I in I m were Keen eni'lv Hun- ilny inoriiiiiK by uiiikIi" f cniiHtwine vimwIh in port liere teilny. ' The Xewi-imtle wiih first siirhtcil by 'Hpliiin l.illilnuii of the Arrow line I'teniuer Nnvnjo lit S::t(l Mmuliy morn inn -hi miles to tile snutliwiiril of t'npe ItlllllCII, Two ImiirH Inter the iiuintcr uf nu- cither Hleiiiuer nilitcil two wHrshipn, one cnrryiiiii the .lupiiiicHc ami the . other the l-'ieiu li flnu, five iiiIIch fur ther to hch nml niilcH further Hinitli thnii wiih the Ncwcnxtle. Owiim tn the owners onlern ot silei Iiimuseil this muster when the wnr briilie out his inline is uithhelil. I No inn lit nf the iilcntilv nf tin. v.n. ,scIh exists in the luiml nf either mils- ter, however, t'upliilii l.llliliiihl luul n linuil liiuk lit the Newenstle, while the I other muster liml seen both the lil.uinu 'nnd tiie Miniti-iibii neiir Vmu-iiiiver Is 'liiml within the lu-i twn months nnd rei'iiuui.eil llirui ut once, Thnt the nllieil licet is buiiml for I south I'm-iflc wuters to remove the tier- tiinii I'liilsern wliich huve I u ileiuuiiib izliiK trade- In thnt sectloii is Ihe be lief of I'liptniii lillliliiiid, Nu nttciilloii wiih piiid the Aineriinii stcniiier by the , Newenstle uiul from the speed of the cruiser II win evblcnl tuiil her mission ileuinmled lit r presei In the south ul the eiirllcsl opportunity, j Trances Kyte, tho II year old girl whu win inn over nt the fiiiru.tuund-' .Saturday uftciuonii by an enliiiuuhil. I Is reeuverlntf fiom iier woiinds and bruises. Nninluy nfteri 11 she wn re- , iiiuvcd tu her I. nine In I'ulli eiuiiily. ! Try Bcott'i loc mean, (! With the locating of the Nortllecraft I soup 111 tiie new mien Much on statu street, Unit n, curlier, which wiih for merly ciiiisldcrcil n "sore IiiiiiiiIi" to Sulem mercliniils, b uu niq.li li cit Ii liii.di clii-s .toreii, 'I'hc Necdleeiiilt shop Is now iiicii tor business In its new locution there, I, V, McAdoo, of the Capital Jounml force, who has been in rut her poor health for some time, wiih tnlien m oriiuudy III Snn,nv that his reuiuvnl tu the uuspltal beeiime neeosiirv, His troiilde was .llimini.e.l as ulcer ul' the stuinncli ami nu operation wns per formed .Monday nl'teinouii by Dr, V, H. Thoiiipsun, It was fo iml the ul atlnii had pleri'i'd the walls of the slumncli, n lai'e Hectlun uf which wiih ri"iiiied. Mr, McAdno Is bearing up well and there is a (inn, f i Ii 1 1 n u cliniue fur Inn to pull through, i Oo to Vt. 8ton'i for tnisset, A suit for divorce was filed In tho circuit court tndav bv Katie Heifer nuiilllHt Anion Seller . ,,.1 .1 It lir - ' , ' , , I was iniide a codefetulant In the suit fur the division uf the propertv. 1 he j on.pl .in recites Hint Anton S, Iter ,i. , l.o , V K, ... I"'",""!7.'"'1"''1' .vestonlay evening anil Wnlk- lit July, llil.l, and reiiinlneil In that In- r!1'"','"," " Wheit lie gut nut: the plaintiff cluiins that she hml sowed a crop on the place, which the defend ant harvested, nml kept the proceeds. 1 it ,,,, , n , : ! i " ",,;r,C..",'0,r"r "" on the umlivldeil one halt uterest of " ' ""' ""? I""1""" i""1" that the payment of n former iintlgn- i !'.?.;ll.V,!,i1".:,,"."nyir wm,7'!" ',,:,n .ii. ..... .. .i .. .i . . . 1 i mniilcn name of Katie Dietrich, I Do suro to hssr Mn. Amhres Mid illeton, ilismatle iiicuru soprano, at the Julio Heed coiicert, First Methodist church next Friday night, x..irrn..r urn lon.y pouorsa tn ipil.ilb.in nf the goeriior of Idaho rei: Cur lleoige Martin, itudei strv.l In I'ott land, is being the man who held up the Spokane stite bank by threatening the I'S-hier with a hot I In of iillroglycet. i Inc. He sivuie.l I. lion in guld, locked , the cashier ill the vault nd esciiped. CLAUD OATCH APPOINTED Xews was received at the gov ernor's office this morning an nouncing the appointment of Claud liatch, for the past several years a National linnk Examin er, as one of the directors of the Western Federal Unserve Bank. This news will he of especial interest and delight to the citi zenship of Salem for the double reason that the position to which Mr. (latch bns been raised is a most exalted one, nml one that has been much coveted by a small army of aspirants through out the country, and the fact that II r. (Jatch is essentially a Salem product. Mr. (latch needs no introduction to the majority of the people of Salem, lie was cashier of the I.add & Hush hank of this city when (lovernor West was paying teller and was appointed I'nited States Hank Kxaminer for this district from the Hush bank and was later transferred to the California district. EXPECT HOUSE TO AGREE. Washington, (let. (I. The house today was expected to accept the conl'erence report on the Clayton anti-trust bill as passed last night by the senate by a vole of Ju to '24. The measure probably will be ready for President Wilson's ignnturo either Tliutsdiiy or Friday. IS. CHASE GE1S In hii opiniuti written by ,Tuwtiri ,Y Mr' ""' ""I'l'-""' '" tlim iiii.iiiii.K u" 11,1 ,l,,M unp ui iiiuu niuiiueu tilime the tun of the bluff furmerlv a pint of the nrl;iiiiil entiite of Dr. ,lohn .Mi'l.iniKlilin, in Orcjjon City, in the property of Mm. Hiinih I'Iiiihc uiul thnt, if tiie city ilcnireil to eniiHtrnct ti piinn cujier lift with n liinilinfr upon these! ureiiiiseH, it iuuhI fii'Ht piifchuHe n ri(rht-of-wiiy from the owner. Vliix is the ciihc wliich wiih nppeiilrd from the circuit court of CIih-Iuiiiiuh ciiuntv, in which Mrs. Cliime wiih the iippcllnnt nml in which the city wiih cii- I joined ti'iim trespnsH upon her prrtniscH 1,1 llui in. ,,,.1 i-n..li,.li i.r ii .,nU....i,ir..i. i'.i-i to ubvlntu the .-limb of the .1. en bluff )if r ri mi tiie luwer or liusiiiess sectii tie city to the upper rcsiilcntlnl iu-i tloii uiul the public boiilevnril. I'll chief point for decision hinged upon th ownci-ihip of the strip of In nil nt tie tup nf the bluff, which the uppclliiti1 court held rested In Mrs. Chiise, but 'hut the slope of the bluff wiih the property ol the city. Mix other opiniuiiH were humleil down by the supreme court thin inorniii(, none of which nils nf locnl interest or impni't, nml motions were ulso pussed lip-Hi us follows: mings were denied in Hevler vs. Mitchell; Chnpmiin vs. First Xnti ii Iiuuii of Hosebinm Fart'o vs. Wmlci IIUI'IICHH vs. I onevninn llardunre Co.: Smith & Urns. Typewriter Co., vs. ..." ' ' Me t i'pc; Hiiheck vs. tleviirt.. Motion to correct opinion wiih de nied in .McCnuu vs. II 111 us. I'ctition to recull 111 Into wns denied in llnber vs, Caple, and petition fur irli.-iii inc wiih "runted III Oregon I ilu-r it Fuel Cn. vs. Nolan. The titles of llic coses in w hlcli .opin ions were itlven follntv; JniucH Iv Stncey, et, nl., vs. did Chan nel Mining Co., ct. nl appelliiiitH: up. pealed from .losepliine county: suit to letermine tiie leceiverHlilu fur com 'oy: tuutiou tu dismiss appcnl denied bv .Indue Iiuuii T. I Wllletts Hi W. T. Scmlder. ai- pellantH! nppculeil from Mult ,uh county; a-tiui to recover ilumngi-H for libel, nffiimed bv Judge Hnnisey, F. A. Smith vs, I.. D, Kinney, uppel- bitill nppculeil fr Cons count v; tun. 'ion I tux costs lilhmrd, per curiam, Dun lllnckford, iippcllnnt, vs, Ousle M, llnult, et. nl.; appealed from Doug- Ills eiilltlt.VI liroecedillUH Hlllildeliielitiil In ''"edition In Hiirieiider of tiromisHiiiv Hole, nfl'lnned bv Judee Moore K. .1. I'age vs. W. II. Sherman, et. al lippclbintsi lippenleil frnin JoHephlue county I motion to dismiss appeal allow ed; per curium, Hiinih A, Chase vs. Oregon Citv, et. ul. lippellatitH! nppcalcil from Cl'aelta miis county! suit to eiijnlti ilefetiilnnts from iiiiiliitnluliiK a liespuss, nmillfied by Judge Me N'n iv. O'elln llndlcv,' iippellmit, vs, C, V llinllcy, ct, nl. appealed from Tilln- K eoiinty; suit for an n anting, reversed by Judco Kiihln, Hubert Cnrriithers, nppcllmit, vs. City nf ANtnrlnt i f. i'i. ....... .... ... .i.i .. . ' . ". ' '"""P .. 'ciiiion inr reiiem tig i en ii , - -T, K Three hoys from th Oregon Stat Trnlnlng School took Frenel, leave nt ed mer n, I, in i .i worn euptureil ,u returiie',1 t the In- stitiition toilnv, Three liovs escaped Inst week when the officers were lit the state fair, anil two of them ore still at .,,, u,i I,,,, i oii'in are si I nt ''"X"' " ' ""' runaway, ret,.r,.l ,ly, but tho other two have eluded all effoits to capture them, J . u f th. t.timo..y m th. case ot (lust Carlson against II. II. r'nlon was concluded this afternoon In the clh'tilt court ilcinrtuient number I ami the attotnevs finished their nr in- metit in time for the court to iHuoru for Ihe ,lav. This cse Is an action to rccoxcr hiohcv fur services which the plaintiff alleges lis performed for 'hi ill. fa.ti.lH .. s In It... 1.. u.. a.. I Tiie case nns appealed from the ,1ns I e cmrt w here the M-rdlct of the lurv w -i. for H.'ili.VH ilaiiiaueii for the pialutlf sad court cost, of lu, ;. w,,rP a...... c to the defeiidsut also, ' The tiisulc Influence of the plow will tliitke a dewrt bloom and blossom, , ; French War Office Says Gains 'l Are Dae to Heavy Rein forcements l'uris, (K-t, rt. trdntftlMMu-d by tin urrivtil of reinfurt'ctiicntH, the (icnimiiH were gaining slightly iiguiiiHt the u 11 ion ut Home points, it wits mlmittt'd nt mil i tu ry hciul'iimrtcrii hen- toituy, but nt otlit'r points it wiih uMtwrtril they luul boon repulsed. Between the (ierntnn right winy nixl tin' titties' left, it wiih mi id fighting continued with undiminished violence. That the ullies' line luul been pM-reeil iiiiywhere was denied. In the extreme north, hendqiinrteni oft'ieiuls stated, the Kruneo-Hritish foreea were eon tinning tlieit- flunking movement, trend troops tti'ing hurried up tct witlistnnd the Teutonie pressure nt the spots where, it was, most sovere. KeportH were reeeived from the front of a (iermnn attempt to develop a new offensive ia the Artfuiine region and along the Ah'iise, where niht and tiny fighting continued. The (Jermiin hom bnnlment of tin" allies' riht had stnek ened, however, it was annouured, the Teutonic duns having been worn out by prolonged mo. It was understood fresh ennnon were being forwarded from Aix .n Clinpello. $ $ CITY NEWS June Roed, tho wonderful violiniBt, whor-e remiukiilde play i ay eu ruptured imisie lovers nt the Christian church re cently, has consented to reappear in concert at tiie Kirt .Methodist church next I'Viday niyht. Musician of note will assist her. June Rocd, ' America 'ft greatest vio linist," in concert at the Kirst Method ist church next Friday niht. The ruling out, of the demurrer of me ueieiuiuiitH ny -Hiiiue iiiirri, mi me circuit court for l.uue county, in the celcbri.teil liiml l'riiuil cum1 of the St, it vs. HenHon nml Hyile, in wliii-h the Htute hci'Iih to n ver title tu tipprnxi- mutely ncres uf vuliiiible tiinber In ml i n v ill vol in the friiiuliileiit opera tlullH of the ilefelKlnutH. estiibliiilieH tile rilit of the Htute to tiring Kllit tu re cover title to the IiiiiiIh nml it is mm up to the ilcfemluutii to file mi mucin! eil miswer to the oii?inul cuinpliiint when the ense will i-oine up fur iln-iiion on the ev'iilence mill its merits. I Soa, 110w ""-'"'"K """k ""''' , stores for the .lime Heed concert, l-'irst .Mi-iiioiiihi cniircn, next i-iuiuy iukiii. Warren Quick who wss struck by the Kit I Is I'ity t in t ii neiir IIiiIIiih ycstenl-iy nu ir n i n if cviilently died shurlly ni'ter th iieciilent ns the illsputehcs from there in the nl'tcriioou spoke of both he mill Mn nu ns IiiivIiik been lillled. lie luul n liirirc cli-eli- nf friends here In Sulem, whose henrtfclt syiupntliy uues nut tn his berenved wife. The grand Jury rcturncrl threo In dictments lit iiuuii lodiiv, two iiuniust ''hnrles C. Smith mid ( mnlnst John ' s''Oi is cliiited Willi nssniilt onitery iiueuon to anve hem com .... I.'.l.-.l I.'.., ..J iiimicii 1111 iiioei eoner oil .-xiiimt -'s ami nil the same daV he Is churned with 11 statutory crime nuiiinst l.ula Kosicr, the mother of Kthel Koster, Not a iriir bill was reliirned by the "iniul pury after an Invest i(inl inn nnd examluutiiiii of witnesses in 11 charite of forgery ntiaiust Chnrlen Smith. Jnhn Mush Is indicted nil a chui'Ue uf burliiry nlluucd tu have been committed In jefferyon on September Id. Tell applicants Tor admission to the bar of Ot-euuii took the preliminary lit erary examiniitliin before the exnmiiilug eiimmiltee ul the State I'm asHoeiiitliiu lit the state house yestenlny nftcrtiuuii, end this miirnlnu abuut Jo law grad uates will telle the Icyinnr cxiiiniuatloii for admlsslun to piuctlce law within the stale. The llteiarc course is re quited 'uf such law students uhu hnve no) previously passed a hiuii school ev nmlnalloii to iletirinlne their literary fitness fur legal practice. The exam inations are being tnlien under the ill tecllon of Attnriicys Oscar llnyter, ul' IIiiIIiih, mid 1 1 unison II, I'lutt, uf Port laud, and Mrs. M. II, Putter, iil-o of Dorl liiml, secretary of the ns.uclalliia, Dr. luul Mrs, II, K, Sclnul.lt, uf lluiuer, W'ashliigtiiu, retiirneil home lodiiv after a weeks visit at the home of Mr, Schmidt's mother oil t'liion slreet, I BASEBALL TODAY 44)ttiiititi)il)iD, id American. n. Wuslilligtoit 4 11, ..tin S II. K. S 7 i :i Shaw, Harper pud llenryi Foster uiul Thuiiii's. II. 11. V.. .1 4 I il ii r, l'liiiik, Km. Vi.,1, I'lilhulclphin ' Cole n nil Scliwert; Ileml ".vcKoff and l.nup. National, First game I'hllndelphla New York Mayer nml Huoln, Ilunis; Hitter ami Smith, II. 11. v.. i n t , B s it 0 Toole, First game n. it. k. . . , !l 7 !' , . . il 1) I fvlor, ttow- Huston Brooklyn ,nv'. (Vhernit ami F, ''VI I'feffer and .MeCmty -s "tul gnme R. II. K I'hilmlolphin H 8 I 'N,'w Vmi " rt 11 I4iiiiniititri1lii,v unit K 111 i fi.i-1 t-'i t,,L ...n l Johnson H'nlW r end sevenlhl darkness.) Second giinm II, II. K. ""stun , 7 n : UrooKlyn .1 T II Stiniid nml Tyler; Hm ker Mil Mil lor. j i fulled eed sewiith; darkness.) BOIXET HIT AMERICAN Naco, Ariz., Oct. o I.eroy Ifrudford, private of Troop (i, Tenth United States cavalry, was ilangerously wounded today by a Mexican bullet. J!e was shot ' through the right breast and it was stated that he might not recover. It was reported that tteneral Hon. jam in Mill, commanding the t'arranista troops, at Naeo, Sonora, had re pudiated a truce arranged by both factions. ' Occasional fir ing was heard during the morn ing, and it was during one of these exchanges that liradford, who occupied an observation trench near the bonier, was wounded. Citizens of Na o, Arizona, as serted today that Mexican sol diers have fired repeatedly upon the American trench. They aluo claimed that a machine gun was pointed aeross the bonier late vesterdav and several shots fired. :t j :) ! NO PENALTIES ATTACH ! TO FOREST PATROL TAX Whether or not the i-ounty t:ix eol lectors have I'.jc lepul niithority tu nt tach to and collect the interest and penalty tur delinquency in the forest patrol tax, in the siiine Dimmer as pro vided for in tiie ease of other property Inxcs, is the question that has arise! and was passed up to Attorney lleneriil Crawford for n decision. Attorney (ieiiernl Crawford is uf the opinion that the delinqm ney and penalty dn not apply to the forest patrol tax. other wise it should have been specifically ?o stilted in u separate section of tiie net which nuthorizcH the levy nnd col lection of such lux. The question cnine up directly tn the state tax entiiniission yesterday through tho mail. The net providing for the forest put rol tax, which 1111tl10ri7.es the. levyinc. of a special tux uf u cents per Here, per nullum upon the owners ul timber lumls wituiu the state who do not otherwise provide for tho protection of their property iijriiinst tire, to help defray the expenses uf the fire patrol, provides that such tax is collectible iic the sunie milliner us n'her taxes mid shall upply as 11 lieu iipuu the land uftVrtcd. , It also prnvidcH that "Ihe pnu-cdine provided by lew for the colli ctinii ut tuxes nud delinquent tuxes shall be ap plicable thereto," but tiie attorney gen-'i ernl nol.ls us uliove stilted, Unit if it1 were intended tn collect the peunlty! and interest, as in the case of other delinquent, luxes, it would have In be1 expres,ly slated in a scpmuti' sectinn of Ihe stntnle. BOBN, TI,STIX--To Mi-. Mrs. orvnl Tns tin, Seple, liber L'", lli4, seven miles nortiienst tif Salem, a iliiiicjitor, to be 11. lined Vej'lill Kllell. HKCK To Mr. and Mrs. Homer N. Heck ol Hubbard. September Dil l, a run, (ieorge l-Mwiii. WAI.i KAWS1HK-T,, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wiileliliw-Jlie. of llllldiaid. Septeiiibi i- Ii, IPl I, 11 uaiihler. McTIl I N M A N DS- Tn Mr. and Mrs. Kb mer McTritimaiiiis, of llublianl, Sep tember In, IPl I, a sun, FliANC To Mr, mid Mrs. Milan Krone of Hubbard, September In, 111 I, 11 dauehter. DIED. CA1.DWKI.I,- At the 1 le of !ii pur- eiitH, Mr, uiul Mrs. I'rcdeiick Cubl well of Sulem Heights, Monday, Oeto. her "i, lull, at J p. in.. (Icorge I-'. I'uldwill, hi t it nt sou, uu'cd II months nml three iluys. The body wns shipped this luornlng by Kifl'.ii ,V 1 ( i ,-1 in 1 1 1 -1 1 11 . iiinlertatii'iH, lo Albany lor liineral sculeet nnd lu ll i nit-lit. THE COUNTRY CU'B. The country club association h"ld u iiiietlug lust nicjit nnd utter the elec- II if a buard of iliiv.'tiii-H adopted the constitution and by-laws uf tho Waver lev club or I'nitlnul iih far as npplie able lo Ihe local conditions at Sulem. ilooriie Hodgers, eiiiiii liuni nf the inein lurship comuilttce reported cul iro gross in Hie mutter ot new members and Mild Hint Hie proposition was tak ing well ainoiig the Salem people to whom he had tnllied. Tlmmiis ft, K ty, Fred Sleiisloi'f, tleo." liodgi rs, William lln wn, K, 1', Met'or niicli, ltulli Moore", 1'iinl Wallace, tv ID liuni S, S niton uiul Asnhel Hu-li were elcctuil on the luuirl of directors, the hitler four to hold office us ex oll'leio members. j Delicious Gray-Belle Lunches . Satisfying Special New Korean City ttestaurant Spanish Chiikm. Hot, Tamalos, CblH Cou Csrnr. Chop Bury Noodle H!t retry Street NEW TODAY One cf nt per ivorr each inser tion. f topy for advertisements on- cier tine neaaicg scouia oe in bj 2 f. m. PHONE MAIN 8L It KM KM HKIi Fred s nllit lunch. HAI.KM Clll.MNKY SWKKl, paouo 19. WANTKD A mun for farm woil. I'hoiie 0-1''-1.1. CAI'AHliK WOMAN wants day worl, any liiml. I'lione litoO-M, OLD PAPKR8 for carpets; 10 code per hundred. Journal office. l-'t)lt UKNT Upper flat, T rooms, clone in and modern. J'houo 02 and 124. I'HIU liKNT I'ppcr flat, 7 rooms, elo-io in and modern. 1 'hones III! and l. SIX-HtiOM I'UJliNlHH KIJ HOUSE--inoilcrn i-onvenicnces, 1745 Court ."I. l-'KKSH ami boiled cider and appleadi ut Farmer 'b Cider Works, i'hruio JtIO". WANTKD li'nucli of nny hind wailful on shares; lurxo fninily. ." 7 North Kir st, WANTKD To buy, a 1 llltl tu l'H'O 'b. horse from 4 to 7 wars old. I'ho.io 1-1 I'M. ' V AT' I ,T''1 iTTTi-'t'l.'NI.sliKD ho 11 se Ii e c p i 1 1 1 ; iipartinentH nt tin liincoln, till."! Kerry. I 'hone li'p'i. WANTKD To buy well establish, d business. Address V. ;til, care Capi tal Join-mil. WANTKD Woman for (,'enenil house wnrli. Mis. A. M. Chapman, Hulrm lleiulits, I.lox HII. CI'T DA H IJ AS KOi: SAI.K At Stale Kair (Ir.innds. Kurther itiforn..itit.ii, phone iTiil-W eveiiins. W'ANTI'!D Cuiupetcut woman to st;iy witii old ludv, for her bourd. It'ix '.'II, If. :!, I 'liuni- 7ll-l''-i. KOIt b'KNT Kniiiisheil rooms fee wurhiumeii, by week or month. Very reasonable rates. 4."il) State. T. M. i;AMSIII-;i,l, House nu.r; raising nnd repiiirni done. Kstiiuate.i fitruisheil. lij'ti Triule street, Sub in. l-'Olt SAIiK-.l 1. ml 1 i. prune tr-ni. Write J. W. liimliin, Ut. 7, Mux 7iA; three miles nortiienst of Sulem. Eoi-s Crane, tht. wi?ard of the crnyim and clay, will appeal ou the Student-i ' l.yceiun Ciinrse ut. the (Irani! dpi in House. I.OST-IJghl. ei, lined Ainlale doic " bliicli collar with iimiio plate, an inline. Kinder call at 11-0 Sonlh lth strei t. Foil SALK-Tciiin of inures, weight ll'ili; ulso one Jersey cow, I'm- p.-ir-tienliirs inquire lit I'd Stute strei I or phone I lull. if;i7."i.i0--l'IANO Ft Hi .flVUIll if tnl'.ca at oiice; mint be sold by Wednesday night. Comer D and I'nrli street:, (ti'eeiivviioil place. WANTKD--To interest piivate party in mn uiifii' liii iug ciincerti, Moiii-y well sec. mil. Ker interview, adilrc'it .N, en i n of ,loiiriul. Koll SAI.K ly owner, 15 in-rcH fine laud, fenced and clear, rucli road. Hi igiiiu if tnlien siMiii. I'iione Kt, residence ii,ctm P'J. K"ll SAI.K DV OWNKII-l.-ia.'ies t I.. ...I. f I I ..I....H. H....l, .... me rock rei.d. Dai'tiiiin if tnlien soon, resilience idione I'iione V. I, W ANTKD Kiv e passengei' Kind ia good condition in excliauge for real nosti'tc lu Waihingliiii, or on caiy (eriiis. I'iione ispu. KOH SAI.K-Two line large yellm Jersey cows, five years old. "no Iresh, one in few day. J.'il Noilii Twenty, first slriel. I'OH IIKNT- lo-ncie latin in Wnblu IHIIh; ill) acriH lu eiiltivntluii; good K'liioui house, ami ontbuililings. II, K, lliiwkliis, I hone I .'il II, MAN WITH TKAM- Wants work In town or 11,1111 mid wife will tuku eiiu'-ge el' tarui; references. ,t. Itlaiicliuril, Turner, tit, I.OST -- North eiitraiiee fnirgiuiiiul gnuidstiinil, emvnl gold biaceiet w-Jh ciigiuiug inside, Uberal reward 'i;r retuili to Jcuriinl uftice LAST I'll ANf K THIS SKASiiN If vull liiixn uuy old carpets yon wi dl womii into rinl fy rugs, notify S, A, Dobner, nt once. I'linue Silsu.W, I WANT TO liKNT n siiiull ratico, lit or 1.1 acres; would prefer one with 1 luiniiiig wati r, Also him ipinil spiimi wauoti to triule for riding pony, T. A. Spm.il, ;t. s, Dx, , Sulem, KOII SAI.K Acre tracts, lust outsliln 1 ot Ihe city limits, all In bearing fruit, good soil, dininage good; ptice ftS'i'l per acre, V.1.! down, bulaiice per month, II per cent interest, W. II. Hiabeiihitst Co., liooiii 2, lludi Mil li K lll.lg, Foil SAt.K SID ucreti of good soil, It acres iinilei ciilthatliiit, baluace tim ber, locntcd miles from Sulemi price eiron, :li'lt down, biiliince f.'Otl per i yinr nt ti per cent iiitcrost, W, II. Ilrabenliorst & Co,, liooni '1, llii-Ji Dsnk Hldg. Folt SAI.H 5 ncres under cultivation; j small house, good road, iD.j unlet south of Sulem. This Is n good lur,' price liii'll; .IKI down, bulaiice 'i) per month, II per cent Interest. W, II. iiobciihuist 4 I'd., liiinm i, lludi . I hi nil HIiIk. I'OII SAI.K-.1 loom house, bath, toil. I. rleetiie linhts, wnt.linill and tail, Inirn. Lot il by lilo feet; bcatint fiuit, close tn school nud ear line, prlie fl.-mo, ;o down, balance tlir-'e years nt 7 p, i cent interest, W. II. lirsbciihnrsl Co., Ilnoiu i, lln.h, i Dunk I'lilg,