Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 03, 1914, Page SIX, Image 6

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Get the
Ivanuff, the Popular Entertainer
By Gross
CandUata Cor Clt7 Reorder
jMstico Id roomier 'a court
Kronnwy in officii expanses
(P.-.i.t Adv.)
-tub YM7 IAC
i6 o'EV!Di Chbe'k:,
8&lFi' THAT the WON
A5 our on a srfciicE. fJDDBna
IP AGW wiPow Wftss 4
G(?ASS WiPOWfcr? YJOut-D Wie
M"lffifclAlffTf'Mg"t-JjJ--MJIIIMriMIM r 1 1 1
Under th direction of fhfi
Sisten of the Ho!y Naniei
Most approved methods, Pri
mary, Gramniar nnd High
School Department, Complete
Courses in Harp, Piano, Voice
Culture, Violin and Harmony.
No interference with religion
of pupils.
Scholastic year bogins second
Monday in September.
Care of
Chinese Medicine and
Tea Company
Has medicine which
will cure any known
15.1 South High Street,
Salem, Ore. Phorte Sfti.
J. Weldon Wyckoff
By A. M. Oorriim
It d McCliet ia $ i
Tlic homegrown Htt.t tlm burnt' tunic
IiiiuiiI uf everything in every hind is
rated pretty high, The farmer liken
IiIh homegrown ansa tin' l!ii'n' un un
.'.'..;'S!l1 ...nlh..1. him,...
made iit. '1' h I
lioini' -matin liniirli
hit Coniiii' Murk
some nov 'ml huso-
1 til II HI'IIHOIIH Illicit.
Ilii tried It iv llli
nueeesa. Hi niii'tn
S li 1 1 i pin k ll I a
garden spot nu'
r n I t l y i u n g
idtohora till lit' M
got a pretty oliiny
I'hIii' V p I il o ii
Bed MGKee
Wviimff, u r n il ii
ate. (r Connie
uot Ihiit vininuniir
"I rn i (j lit rnmi lliirliinll a i'iilliui at I no.
''In kid's birthplace wiin Wlllhiinspurt,
whore Hlg Mix Matty loumed tin' nptirt
mi' flirt tn'LCii li In nil t lit'. Tln birth-
plii'i', inni lu, illiln't count, hut Connie
unw H Mint nuimint uf promise In tlm
hi I, lli liroiiuhl him up I hive years
ni;n nu' wiiiIiimI hl "ii It U n tir nlnw hii
Wi'lilnii won lil it 't nkiil.
Tliin yi-iir he wiirkn lilt ri'ii'lnr ilny,
lli uni'ii riiilit In nu' flri' nwiiy wlili
nil ll vctotnn'ii HUH. In flvn u:iiim
pililii'l he'll ilrnK iliiivn Hiiimv An'
thut'ii I'lmii all In nnnw Hint hi' rnil twirl
lluil til' Iti-ni'li pill. Knr lwiiil,v twn
lie n lii'in nniiic, mk mi bnnim on him
.for .Vi'fiin In i'imiio In ht'lii i'ihi uiiiii'
n rum', llii'n li'iinii',1 n hit In l'niiiiii''
iiiIiimiI. Hi' II ntlrk, titii, If hi nln't n
fool, In tnlit' nnmi" 'Hurt ili'itri'i't.
For Ten Days
I am offering a fine $15000
jirnportybig 0-rooiu house
una corner lot, :J blocks from
jiostoffice nnd state house,
for only $3000; half cash,
balance terms to suit. Also
our beautiful country home
1 1-2 miles east of peniten
tiary, either with or without
etock and tools, etc., on good
terms, as I wish to quit
l arming.
5H your fruit quickly
( Arottf h m Journal Want Ad.
Connie Mack Not Expecting
Victory McFarland Is
After' Welsh.
(By Hal Sheridan.)
NVw York, Oct. .1. Connie Mark,
miinniii'r of tin" I'hiliiili'lphln Atlilcticn,
profi'HHon to hclii'vp tin' Boiiton Brnvi'H
v. ill iv." hid nuKri'ijntlon ll ntiffpr fiuht
for tho worhl 'n I'linuipionHliip thnn the
Noiv York (limits iliil the limt two I linen
out. He fiureK that the Hoftoninnti
fci'l, im a result of their Kenmitionnl
ipurt whirh enrrieil them from the bot
tom of the heap to the National loii'iio
I'hampiiMi.ihip for n fciv d.ciiIIih, tlr.t
the tenm in unheatahle.
"Anil when nnv team is Imlineil ivith
Hint iilen," Haiti Connie, "it in n hnnl
lunrejriiti.in to toiliiliie. I expeet the
llraven to give us a forking RiniJ fijlit,
iuil I think the Athletir,i will win nut
lieemini", In my opinion, they nre the
lient tenm linKelmll hail ever neeil."
Hettlng here on the outeume of the
wurlil's nerlen until rally fnvorn the
Alliletii'H. Hnselinll experts rla'nn thnt
Hie Anierlrnu league elulin an n whole
are tit least 'III per pent stronger than
ihohe making up the Nntinnnl league.
The llruvi's, however, lire fighter, anil
Iiiini'IiiiII ilnpe may lie upset.
Each Is a Champion.
Mnnitger Stalling has every inemln'1
of his ten in believing Hint enrh is n
'letntpioii, 1 inliviiltiiil rei'tiiifH lmve lieen
forofleu hy the playeis inul the eltibV
.tneiM'ts this yesr is Inrgely tine to thit
fiit't. In lliiilolph. .lumen ii ml Tyler,
"tti'lling linn a trio of titirlers that
'till worry liny eluli--even the Athlet
ii1'. Any nitiulii'r of liniieltnll out IiiihI
nsls here lielieve Stnlllngs' slurs are
the eipinl.t if not the superiors of Mn
'hews.in, Maripinril iirul Tesreuti, Me
.Ir.'w'n Ihree best bets. In the Inst two
tvorlil's series the Markineu hnvo been
ible to tin almost lis they pleasetl Willi
l -draw's hiirlsinilhs with the exeep
lion of Christy Muthewsou, Kuilnlph is
in Mathewson's elans, nml Tvler inul
.lutiies ontivuk .Mantuarl ami 'i'enreau.
Kvers Is the keystone of the llrnves'
i'lfi.'bl, nblv nssistetl by " Itabbit " Mn
rnitville, Kvers reeenlly sabl that Mil
rnuvllle was the bent ' ball player in
either league, not even exeepting the
Itre'it Ty Cobb, Hliilllngs also bus n
ilerllng first luiseinan In Si'limiilt, nml
thlnl I'll mi' In well I n lie n eare of by
"'niltli. His o'ttl'ielil Is only fair.
Mnek's inlii'lil Is one of the greulest
liasebnll linn eier kiionn n ml Ins out
I'iel l f ir nurpttssen thnt bonnteil by Hie
Mimes. Homier ami l'Inuk utiilmiliteil
Iv will ilo the heavy work on the mount!
for Hie Mueldti's ami the nuletuue nf
the nerien will ilepeiul on their nbllity
in hi'1,1 tin- 1 1 i'ii i. If the Konttiitlan's
it ' able to give either Kuilnlph, Tyler
or lumen a IoikI of n run or nn, the Ath-
letles will I'lm I Hie Hlnllliigites the
toughest proposition they lmve eni'nuu
lereil In years,
Ulnhliy Not Anxtoun.
Nun l''rnuelsi'0, (li t. I. - I'l'outoter
.Inition V, I 'tiff rut ll wits etinvlnt'eil tmluv
lltitl .limiiiv Clubby is not us minimis
to meet lleiu'it" t'htp Its ho nun bel'tire
'h ' littler fhiHeueil Itlllv Mm nt v in
four rnuiiils at the lliulttli HI reel menu
Weiltieniliiy nlghl, llefnre he left for
the liiisl t ling In Ciiffroth, Clnbln
'igree.l to termn I'm' ll inatfli with Chi'
hut now hln luiinngt'i' Is wiring for new
" Kvoryllilng nun nijree.l upon befnro
Cl.ibby loll Han Vniaelseo, " snitl Cof
fr llt, "inul I hnvo wire, I Hint I tlmi'l
ui'tternlnii'l wltv he nhnulil seiitl ine stit h
a 'iti'stitge."
''hip aiel his tnniiiigoT lmve ilebnetl
their ilepnrtuie In I, on Ancelos nml re
ie hi n here until the tuuli ll tilth Clnbbv
l t lont'il or I'ltlleil off enllielv,
Causing tho Champion.
Ntn Fr'tmin'o, Oel, ll, I'm Iter Me
I'nibiitil .vim hot on tho trull totl'ir "f
bfldl" nUi, tho lightweight rim in
pit n, lie lint nutiuuiti'i il his willlt't
nt'M to meet tho Wi'IsIiuiiiii for a slot
net of Vn.ii'in nml If Krivltllo nioniii.
Ininluenn, Mel'itrliiiid will Rlno ton lie lilfi
1'iiiiiiiln nt II n flot'k for him, Hilly
Nolan, who formerlv linutlletl WllllV
Iflltiile'a alfnlrs, la now MeFaiinuil '
in nn ii tier,
'Through llnirv Vitlltiek." nnbl Me
Favbiiul here Itt'lny, " W'elnh hits snitl
that he wnntn a nble bet of K'fi.OOP ll
nnvlitiily wnntn to box hi in for the
llghtivelght rlinniplonshlp, I mill take
Unit net ami 1 will hunt thf monor
real iimaey, not the conversation! klnil
the nilaitte W'elnh In ready to sign
il net of mlli'lon.
"I have flushed with W'elnh three
limes nml I have bented lilm on eth
nreunloa, I'm nlniiilutolv ertaln that
I an dn It again and if Welsh's an
nount'emei t of III" wllllnguenn to mnkr
S nl.le hot of JA.OtHi In on the level
and the lightweight rhamplonM.lp Is tit
tine, I win win it tn mirtt a may that
mere win up no rnanre for an srgu
"Now If Welsh meann business, let
him roine to I lie- rout and ny no,"
: Baseball :
Pacific Coast League Standings.
W. I.. IVt.
I'ortiumi hii 7:1 sm
.un Kruiieisi-o KM St .551
Venieii 100 84 ,54.1
Ios Angeles UN S7 ,52!
Missions HII 1011 ,4:10
Oakland 71 114 .:.4
Yesterday's Results.
At l'ortlini'l No game with I.os An
geles, wet grounds.
At San Frnneiseo San Frant'isi-o o,
(liiklaml 4 (15 innings).
At Venit'O Venieo 5, Missious 1.
Pennant Dope.
I'ortliintl is but two games in the leutl.
I'ortlaud lias 25 more sanies celled
ule.l. Sun Kraiteiseo is still one and one
half gumes ahead of Voniee.
Two ami one half gunios separate I.os
Angeles form the first division.
Free-for-all pnee, Oregon imiuufiii'tur
ers' purse, thieo heals onlv, purse
Don I'ronlo (Ditrfeo) I 1 1
llallamont (Chiltls) 2 2"
Kiln renrose (Marnes) It ,'l
Time, 2:24'., i!:'JM' !i:(t.
2:20 trot, editor's im rue, three lioitts
only, purse $700
I''. S. Whitney (l)urfee) 1 1 1
llallle H. (Kirkluntl) 2 4
MeAl.o (Kirkluntl) 5 H 2
St ea Hoy (Harm's) 4 4 II
Iji Corona (Wnllnce) 7 ll d
Zotuilell (Tiltleii) (1 S d
Hluiieho l''it',',simuioiiH (I'.rwin) .... M 7 d
Wild (lirl (Kevt) 2 5 dr
Sunset Hell (llowitl) d
Time, 2:2K 14; 2:110, 2:27'a.
2:20 tiat'i', three heats oalv, i.tirse
Hal Itoy (t)url'ee) ' I 1 I
May Havis (Krwiu) 2 2
Hnl I'nsloa (Woodtoek) 4 , 2
Miijestn ( Hiirnos) II 4 4
Hell Smith (Sunfonl) I
Time, 2:21 I I. 2:21'.... 2:27 11.
I'Mflh heiil relav rut-e First, lie
Young; set'oud, Slimier: third Ann-
strong. Time, 4:111, 4:li:i 11-4, 4:51, To
tal time to date, Armstrong 21 :27'-j; He
lining. 2l:li't,; Stanley, 22:21.
I ' f. C. .1, Smith, Dciiinc rntii- ciiudiilu'e
for governor, ill an open letter to C, 11.
aloores, cliuliiiinu nl the Republican
Inlit r ii hi in it t i'i' , tillers to discuss tho
issues of tho fitniiiulgii before the peo
ple on the nunc pint I'm in with )r,
Vt llh.voonibo, Hi,. Reiuiblieuu cum In Inti
Dr. Smith deiinren his reiiiliiicr.it to cove
the state if the proposal is aeceplol.
nr. .-"mini mivs poiutedlv Hint in hi
experience in politics he has obscri.-d
Hint It is not Hie i n ti 1 1 n lull niliiin.' -I
l rum wiioiii tlto people wish to lien r,
but from the ciiiididutt' hlmsolf. His
open letter in lis follows:
onornlile I Initios II. Mooron, ( linlr-
man Republican Stule Central Comniil
too, Portland, Or,, September 110, ll'll.
Dear Sir: llnvlntr just rcnehod Port
land Iniin a Ihree weeks Hip thriun'h
custom Oregon, whore I discussed pub-
iiiinsttuim holoro litliiieriuts an II
cures, I note Hint in divers Intcrviotfs,
letters mill million In the public prens
ynii hnvo inlilit'FM'd tpterios to mo and
rotpiostod that I "tlinousn oertnin "am
paigu Inniion Itcfnio the public,
III my snuiowhut Hunted expe'iei re
III politics I have observe, 1 Hint it l
not I lie usual practice for a riiin, itiij'i
uinunger lu seek to engiige In p'thli
discussion Willi iipponing cundiihit. ,
Hie piosuiiipl Ion ulwtivs being Hint not
the iiiniiager, bill Ills onudblnle, in best
ipinlilioil to conduct Hie ilincusUon;
Hint not the iiinttnuor but the liiinlldiito
If olocloil, In tit be tlm gmernor, ,iml
Hint not the manager hut the cmiilltltitt'
Is Hie pci sun fruiii whom tho pt'iplo
wish to hour public dlsciinnlniin of
pending tptestloiin.
Asnumiug Hint vim are perfectly sin
cere la your iiiblressen tu me, nnd pre
sinning Hint for obvloun reasons you
would prefer to have hr, Wlthviiinilie
nppear In person rather than by proxy,
I propose in response to vinir wishes
lluil hr, YVIthvi'iiinhii nml I engage be
fore the poitplit on Hie mime platform
In a public tllnciinnlon. of pending Is
sues, ciinductliig the pii'sciitatlon of
our views In Hint neemlv and tlluiilflod
iimiiner liofittliig the high nftice for
which Hr, Wlthyconibe ami I have boon
If thin nioetn with your appro" si
siiiiii lie glml to I'liulor with Dr, llliv
I'ombe s once for the iiurpone of ar
ranging the Itinerary nnd fixing tortus
nntt pinun or tne iiriiiionoil tnlut discus
ntnn nf these pitldle ipioattona In which
you desire me to engage. I think the
principal points In western Oregon and
I ho chief districts In Portlninl should
be liti'linlcil, nnd though t have .Inst
completed a npcaKIng canvnsn of rant
em Oregon I would be willing, an nn
secomnioiUtliin lo hr, Wlthyconibe, to
tne little principal points fast of the
iiieiitiiniiin in tn ttlncnrr.
Very sincerely yours,
0. .1, PMITII.
Journal Want Adt art m bit
hlp to tho larmart whon thoy
arc to bu$y to corn to town.
Bucharest, Oct. 3. The Austio Hun
guriun provinces of t'ukovinn nuti Trui:
sylvania have been offered by 3iiisB'u
to Ilouniunia, it was officially nnnoum
oil here today, if tho Roumnninns will
join tho allies immediately with their
entire active army i,nd compter Tran
sylvania for themselves.
The Russians have already oeeupiei!
ninth of Hnkoviiia but are nu; yet in
" It was sn id the Hounianin'i t row.,
council would meet next week I ) Jecitie
whether or not to accept Kussia's prop
osition. Public sentiment was itlmo.l
unirersully strongly for war.
King Charles, whose sympathies ate
all Cierninu, hns been so worried that
he was ill today in his Bummer palme
it Sinnja. It was expected he would
indicate if the council decided to tight
in the allies' side.
Antwerp, Oct. 2. Bombardment of
Antwerp's southern defenses continued
uninterruptedly today.
During the night the Oeimnns moved'
a number of their batteries closer to
the city. They were not using their
lli.H inch mortars, however, nnd Bel
gian aviators, after Inspecting their po- j
sitions, suit! none had yet been mount-1
Dan F. Langenberg
Diaphragmatic breathing
nasal resonance.
Margaret Fisher
Beginners a specialty.
Phone 20'11-M.
Ralph Harr
Progressive Teacher of
Music Taught as Written.
Transposition and Composi
tion a Specialty.
1:5(57 North Twelfth Street.
Phone 107.
Tonclit't' of Tlnno nnd Theory
of Music
GowdBky ProRrcusive
Sorlea Used
18 North 12th St. Phone
With a fine Line of
High Grade Pianos
on hand, new steak coming, I find
myself nhnrt of room and sm sinking
Some exceptional prices In both new and
seen ml hnntl planus. Her are snnts of
the bargains! On 1 .nil wig, nimnat new,
MO; one Klngabury, slightly used,
tlilO) one Nomlhani, Rtwil an new, M'Sj
one R, 8. Howard, in good rendition,
1 nt. W. M. Cherrington, 440 Mill
street, Palrm, Oregoa.
The besieging forces had destroyed
most of the villages constituting Ant
werp's suburbs. They were conducting
their bombardment from, Heyntopden
berg, Thiazelt, Louilerzel and other fa
vorable positions. The inhabitants of
the villages had either fled into Ant
werp or across tile frontier into Holland.
(Continued from Page Oue.)
Germans Stake All.
For this reason ;iu importance was
seen in the grout eastern engagement
which eveu the fighting on the Aln'iie
nnd the Aisne have not possessed
All obtainable mforniatien indicati .
that the (lenunas had staked evirv
thing on the mighty struggle.
Besides the forces oi'igiunllr held in
the eastern field, every man who could
be spared from Fiance and Belgium nail
been rushed to the Itussian frontier.
The fortresses nf interior (lermnnv hail
been denuded of their gnvrisonp for the
same service. The best even of the
land had been requistioiied to 'ii;ht
the slnvs.
Practically the whole of the Aimtro
Hungarian army was drawn up nloug
the tilt me line.
Tiic liaisor was in supreme conininiul
of the eastern defensive enmpnign. A'd
ing him were (lenornls Von Moltke and
Von Der (loltz.
The battle line today in this eastern
zone wns the longest in history.
3,100,000 Russians.
Continuous fighting will not, indeed,
take place along its entire front, since
Salem 's
Minnetta Magers, Contralto
Just returned from Chicago, where she received daily lessons from
ll number of fnmotis teachers, including Charles W. Cl'ark, nf Paris,
one of the world's greatest instructors; mid her former toucher, Her
bert Miller, exponent of tone production, nnd ulso llermnn heVries,
who wan for many yours hend of the Vucal Depart nt of the Chicugo
Musical College, and is now engaged In eonehitur touchers and pro
fessioniils only.
During her stuy In the Kast, Miss Magorn had the rare privilege
of hearing ninny lessons given by these eminent instructors.
Her Classes In Voice will begin Monday, Oclobor 5.
Phone 1205 Mornings Only,
Corner Commercial and Chemeketa
Complete Stock of Pianos and Organs
And Musical Instruments of All Kinds in
All the Leading Standard Makes.
Largest Assortment of New and Popular
Sheet Music and Music Studies in Oregon.
The Leading Text Books and Hand Books
on the Subject of Music.
Musical Supplies for Every Need.
Geo. C. Will
Oregon's Oldest and Most Reliable
132 State Street
William Wallace Graham
Pupil of Royal High School, Berlin, Germany,
under Joachim, Marteau, Halir and Markes.
Letters of highest commendation from them.
Nine and one-half years European experience.
A specialty made of beginners.
Studio on Saturdays of each week at Hotel
Marion. For appointment, phone Hotel or in
quire of Miss Mary Sehultz, Assistant, 1160
Center Street. Phone 2;5B7-M.
iiutural obstacles lik lakes ami swa.nps
make this impossible, but on the map,
it extends S0O miles, from north of the
Niemen river to the Carpathians.
In the far north the fighting will be
chiefly skirmishing in force, the greater
part of northern Iliissian Poland being
a vast quagmire nt prujtfnt. Yet it ea"
the general opinion that the c.ar would
have to use 1,200,000 men to hold his
line there and in east Prussia.
The central Russiun army, operating
in the south of Itus.tinn Poland to pre
vent the flanking of Nicholas' Oalician
forces, was estimated nt 900,000 strong.
Another l.nno.noo troops constitu ed
the line along the Nida and Donnjec
rivers and in occupation of the I'nr
pat'nian pusses.
German Loss 60 000.
Petrograd, Oct. 3. The battle of Cra
cow was beginning to reach great pro
portions today.
The Austra-lierinnn outer line of de
feases parallel the Donajcc river, be
tween Turnoiv and Cracow. Here the
i Teutonic forces were engaged with the
, The battle friat extends from the
Vistuln river to the Carpathian t'.iot
hills. More Russians were .'Oiiilag up con
stantly nml it cecmeil certain that the
; fight would develop into a mightier
conflict, probnbly for days, as it pro-
North of t'ne Vistula and not so 'ur
jadvnnced to the eastward an the Dona
Joet river defenses, there wns drawn up
Uhe Oerinnn line which will attempt to
hold buck the mn in Russian ailvn'.ee
from Russian Poland into Silesia.
I This line roughly follows tho Wnrthn
Salem, Oregon
river and extends from Poseti to Cra
cow, where it is in touch with the Aim
triuus. Along tins front it was estimated
750,000 (iermuns had been concent rnted
ami nil n'i't'ouutn iudieuteil that hey
were arriving constantly.
The wnr office, reviewing the opera
tions of the czar's forces in Poland dur
ing the past two weeks, asserted that
the Hermans hail been compelled to re
treat everywhere. It was estimated
thnt in the same length of time the Cer
mans had lost 110,000 kilted, wounded
nml ruptured, besides which the Jtus
sinns claimed to have taken a nu nber
of (iermun guns.
Would Force Peave.
Petrograd, Oct. . Witi. the Oeri.'ans
retreating before the Kussi.VnT; in the
Niemen river district and the Austii.-i
retiring in llaliciu, it was officially lc
elnretl here today that the Petrograd
general stuff's piuns were working oat
These plans contemplated h defeat of
the Hermans by the Russian right, a
tlcfeut of the Austriuns bv the RiiBs'an
left nml then a comblnntiru of the two
I Russian forces to compel the Germans
I to accept n decisive battle on the south-
west Russiun Polish frontier.
! Accordingly a body of 1,000,000 Tlus
; sinus hitherto held in readiness at War
(saw to nee if the earlier part of the
i program went through satisfactorily,
j hail already begun to advance, it was
j snitl. They were reported to be aheinly
i driving the (lermnns out ol the vicnity
of Lodz.
! In official circles hen) It was astcrt
i ed n derisive Russian victory in the
I battle of Cracow will compel the ka'ser
, to seek peace immediately.
Conservatory of Music
Representative Suloin brunch.
Complete course in pinna and neeoin
pnnying theoretirnl blanches. Diplomas
granted upon completion of course.
Studios, n is 1-2 Opern House bldg.
Resilience phone 1100. Pupils enrolled
at any time,
Beatrice Shelton
Teacher of Piano
Studio :U3 Marion Street
Phone 1290
Bertha Junk Darby
Teacher of Tiano
070 Cottage Street
Phone 1050-W
Gowdsky Progressive Series
used if desired, embracing
the regular Conservatory
H. D.
PiunoH and Onrnns Tuned and
Rea. Thone 1005.
RpHidtmce 230 Court Street,
Salem, Oregon
Instructor of Prano and
Classes now being organized
Residence 859 Center
Phone 2016-R