Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 22, 1914, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Editorial Page of the Daily Capital Journal
SEPTEMBER 22, 1914
Daily, bv Carrier, nor vear 3.00 Per month
Jily, by Mail, pit year
Weekly, oy Mail, per year
The Capital Journal carrier boys are Instructed to pat tbe papers on the
porch, if the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the
paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only
way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following Instructions.
Phone Main 82.
J. S. Bache & Co. have issued a circular headed: "Buy
a Bale of Cotton." This calls attention to the particularly
hard luck the South is playing in owing to the European
war and the consequent closing of its markets. A bale
of cotton weighs approximately 500 pounds, and as the
mills in the United States cannot handle much more than
half the crop, there is a surplus of several million bales.
The cotton dealers are unable to carry this tremendous
stock and the growers cannot hold it, as they must have
money to live on and also to plant another crop.
In view of this a movement has been started, by which
every person who can afford it is asked to buy one bale
of cotton. The cotton is to
and kept until the war is over
President Wilson has given it his endorsement and has
a bale in the warehouse. Cotton does not deteriorate with
oge and the bale will cost not
otic movement, a helping of those of our fellow citizens
vho have run up against it through no fault of their own,
and whose surplus crop, made so by the war, is estimated
to be worth in the neighborhood of $400,000,000. It is to
hear part of this burden and
grower that every citizen who. can spare the amount is
asked to invest $50, or the amount necessary to buy one
hale. Basche & Co. offer to purchase the cotton for any
one sending them the price, free of charge. The ware-1
house receipt will be forwarded by them. It is supposed
the cotton can be sold directly the war ends, and while
great profits are not looked for it is thought the prices
will give the buyers a fair return on their money, and
under any circumstances except a very long continuance
of the war the loss, if any, will be trifling, while the in
dustry will be kept from wrecking.
It is pretty hard to follow the lines of reasoning when
a strongly partisan paper criticises the administration for
making a deficit in our revenues by reducing the tariff.
As a matter of fact, if the tarff had not been reduced, the
loss of revenues would have been greater than they arc.
The democrats reduced them some, but if they had not
done so, the customs duties would have fallen off just as
much more as the difference of the two tariffs would
amount to. The American people pay all the expenses
of running the government whether the money is raised
hy tariff or otherwise. It is only a question of who pays
and what they pay on.
The most disastrous shot ever fired from a pistol was
that of June 28, fired by, Gabriel Prinzip, a school boy,
and which killed Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to
the Austrian throne. What its ultimate results will be
no man can tell; but it has already cost a hundred thou
sand or more lives, and the war has only started. How
many millions of orphans it will make and how many
homes make desolate is beyond all human guessing. It is
safe to say, however, that no shot before ever caused a
fourth part of the damage this will have accomplished be
fore the end is reached.
As a bit of advice to American girls of a certain class,
we would suggest that the war may cause a big drop in
the price of European titles. Just at present, it looks as
though some from Austria would be on the bargain counter.
Senator LaFollette is said to be arranging to make the
race for the presidency again in 1916. Nothing like tak
ing time by the forelock, but in this case it might be well
for the senator to .get a grip on the mane and tail also.
The astronomers tell us that Jupiter has another satel
lite, the ninth, although it cannot be seen with a telescope.
The news is not of an exciting character, and will hardly
take the place of the news from the seat of war.
Senator Borah says he is utterly dissatisfied with the
Wilson administration. He and Teddy, however, are far
from making a majority of the American people.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1S6S
Capita! $300,000.00
Transact a general banking business
Safety Deposit Boxes
IVr m on tli.,
Six months.
be held in storage, insured
and it can be used by the
to exceed $50. It is a patri
lighten the load of the cotton
So far none of the warring nations has accused the
other of feasting on their victims. About everything else
has been charged except making each battle furnish its
own "funeral baked meats."
Germany evidently thought it had gone about the limit
in fighting for Austria, and when the latter wanted to
borrow money besides, it stretched the kaiser's friendship
almost to the breaking point.
The Oregon Journal Friday devoted considerable space
to the state fair. Among other things was a picture of
the grandstand and track and another showing a bunch
of the prize-winning cattle.
Mr. Lassen celebrated Sundav bv havinp- two emotions.
This probably because it was
the egg laying business, umna or otners.
Japan has taken the Philippines so many times that
even Hobson can no longer stir the most excitable Ameri
can to the point of thinking about it.
Whether or not a battle is decisive depends on which
side tells the story and also which gets licked.
Oregon's Industrial School
for Girls Nears Completion
Thirty thousand dollars lias been ex
pended on the stt ami building of the
Oregon Slate Industrial School for
(lirls, which is ni'ii l i ii n completion,
three miles southeast of Salem, near the
sc hool for the feeble minded. It is ex
pected it will be occupied by the mid
dle of November.
The site will mark the location of n
series of buildings erected for shelter
in" delinquent girls and the present
fifty room structure is the 1"h"i n x njf of
a cot time plan of buildings for a per
manent institution.
An appropriation of ."),f)OM annually.
during the years of 1013 ami 101 t, was:
made by the Oregon legislature for the
purchase of grounds, building anil main
tenance of a permanent institution fori
the detent ion of delinquent girls be-'
tween the ages of 12 nnd -'." years. At
present the quarters are crowded, all
classes of girls are put together but as
the new institution progresses, the
younger, incorrigible-, ami honor pupils,
will be segregated. The site contains
fifty acres nnd plans have been made
for the erection of four more buildings.
A Beautiful Home.
The present institution was ere tci,
by an act passed at ho 1013 legislative
session. The school has been ncciipyiitjj
temporary quarters in the old I'ol
technic building on the grounds of III.'
Oregon State School for the deaf. Mis.
K. N. Hopkins, the matron of the si hool,
has had to refuse incorrigibly girls who
have been sent her becaiurr of of
room. It is the aim of the institution
to lio conducted in such a manner as
will give, preferably, an industrial
education to the inmate and promote
the moral, physical and mental welfare
of tile girls p; at there. Its government
is under the state bo.irl of control an I
an advisory board of three women r,p
pointed bv the governor. Airs, l.eln
Baldwin o'f rorflanl. Ai-istei.o N. Fills
of Portland, and Lottn ('. Smith -f
Salem, eompiis.i this advisoiv lonid.
In May. 10' I, the erection of the new,
)( jfc )c 3f( 9f r 3 SjC )t J$C J )(( )fc
Astoria expects to have the largest
wireless station on the I'acil'ie coast
on the south side of Young's bay.
A big membership campaign will be
inaugurated by the tirants Pass com
mercial club. The purpose is to get
the entire citizenship in sympathy
with the civic organization.
Ifusiuess is torgiig ahead in I'olk
county, says tne Observer, and there
is a growing tendency to give it an
additional boost. " fairly humming,"
is the observer's prediction for the
near future.
lioseburg's city coumil is nvked to
repeal the "suitcase" ordinance, which
makes it unlawful to ship or carry li
quor into Koseburg. The repealing or
dinance is pending in the council, to he
voted on at the next regular meet
ing. Sixteen silos were elected in Kagle
valley, linker county, within a year.
The Herald savs they are proving es-
pecially useful in
frosts come early,
farmers to use all
a section where
permitting the
tin corn crop for
The l'ugeue fruitgrowers' association
has seat a sample shipment of dried
loganberries to San frnucisco. Several
tons of the berries were dried this sea
son, and the association hopes to se
cure orders on a par with those received
when samples of loganberry juice were
sent to the California city.
The taxable value ot property in
Coos county, as fixed by Assessor
Thrift, is Vj-.it'T., 10. Coos has Sl,
S. acses of tillable and Kl 1,1(10 acres
of non-tillable land, the former as
sessed at $!,..' J.. " 00 and the totter at
j $12,41 1,1.i.i. Town and city lots are
assessed at inUHU..") I o. The county
I has 2711 horses and mi les, l",4 t0 cat
tle, (iltO sheep and goats, WA swine
and otiil dogs.
People read the. Journal Want Ads for
pleasure as well as profit. They clip a
I Want Ad advertising "a bargain in a
j house" for reference, even though they
are not quite ready to ouy ana every
Journal Waut Ad nails a customer soon
er, or later, for every article advertised.
Sunday, though it is not in
edifice was coi'iinen'e 1. Situated on a
hill near the I'ncifii highway tho build
ing commands a i'in; view- of Alt. Hood.
It is three stones u.is fifty rooirs, and
is constructed of ri !i red brick cf
especially fine qua'ity, which weie
made at the State reiiitont'nn. The
exterior of the home, will re made at
tractive by flowers in portaabM 1 oxes
which will adorn the big veranda.
To Reform, Not Punish.
Steel windows arc .1 fintun tf the
institution. These windows do away
with the old iron bar idea. Although
the windows are as see-ir as the Iron
liars, for protection against (si'ape, vet
they have the appearance of being
pretty French panels, as the frani: work
is of wood. The main floor is given
over to the reception hali, guest room,
receiving room, dmena:-y, matron's
office ami quarters, nn-1 class room. It
has been planned to have n huge fire
place in the school room. A large din
ing hall ami a smaller dining room with
a big kitchen are on the first floor.
On the second floor are the dormi
tories. There are thirty-two individual
sleeping rooms for the girls and th'ir
attendnnts with lavatories, bath tinl
showers. The third floor will I e used
as an industrial workroom. "This is
the part 1 love."' said Matron Hopkins
"as here the girls are taught the. arts
of home keeping." l.aee making, sew
ing, weaving ami domestic arts will be
taught to the young women who gen-
erullv know little of these finer arts.
Around the home a stockade will be
built. This will give to the girls a rec
reation court, where they will ho free
to enjoy the outdoors without an at
tendant. To add to the social features
of the institution a large part of th'
basement will be fitted up as a modern
gymnasium. With fresh air, spacious
grounds home made nn-1 home i;rovn
food, and modern dwellings this home
for delinquent girls will aid inn eiially
in dealing properly with those sent
The Warrior's Lament
The glory and the pomp of war are
mostly in the poet's song. Ah, what
was I enlisted for?
To dig a ditch some
ten miles long. My
dreams were all of
dress parade, ot
tlauhting p I u in e 9
and banners gay,
and here I labor
with a spade, and
dig for Bixteen cents
a day. When first
I heard my couu-t'-y's
cry, her call
for men to guard
her shore, I said 1 M
gladly bleed and die
and steep my mar
1 always loved the
rowbones in gore.
soldier s trade, 1 ever yearned to join
the fray, and here I struggle with a
spade, and dig for sixteen cents a day.
I saw myself returning home, all scar
red and wounded, vet superb, a cap
tured helmet on my dome, and trophies
torn troni Hun or Serb; in dreams a
conqueror I strode ndown niv native
village street, while women kneeled
along the road and threw bright bios
sums at inv feet. Hut if to hat dear
town I go, that town of noble sons be
reft, the onlv m-ars I'll have to show
are those the doggone shovel left. Ah.
not for me the shining blade, it is not
mine to charge or slay, tor must la
bor with a spade, and pull down six
teen cents a day.
rVirrtl.TM. nuhr
lierlin, via Rome, Sept. 22.
Wire comniiiiiicatioii with llres
Inn suddenly teased today and it
was feared the Russian center,
sit having advanced suddenly, was
attacking the city.
That the Russians have reached
Hreslau seems incredible despite
the above dispatch. It is the sec
ond city In Prussia and an im
portant link in the German chain
of eastern foitificatious. Its gftr
risou is very strong.
An appeal for renewed energy and
far reaching eutcrptise on the part of
American merchants ami manufacturer
in order to meet the extraordinary de
mands that are being made on this na
tion because of the Knropeiiii war is
made a striking hill page advertise
ment in the ( hicago Tribune. It is an
appeal that carries an admonition which
Americans must Heed if we are to se
cure the full advantage of the remark
able opportunities that are being
thrown within our grasp as a result of
economic conditions in war-torn Ku
rope. It follows:
It is time for a new declaration of
economic and industrial independence.
Kach year we import, chiefly from
!leriiiany, chemical, drugs, dyes and
medicines to the value of neailv .Mini,
0110,1100. .Many of our factories have become
dependent on this C.eiinaii supply. Now
that trade with (iermauy is entirely
stopped, some of these factories have
begun to close; retail prices of drugs
I medicines have multiplied uianv
Is the American eh 'mist, scientist
ami inventor so impotent that he will
see thousunds of workmen thrown into
idleness because he cannot or will not
make the needed compounds?
Are there no great American manu
facturing chemists who can duplicate
the (Ionium drugs and medicines.'
Kach year we Fend 'to France, which
is now calling its last man to the bat
tle line, nearly $100,01111,01 Mi to pay for
flowers, feathers, bonnets, jewelry and
silks for the adornment of our women.
Are there no artists, no designers, no
silk mills, no lace and ribbon factories
in the I'nited States which can supply
all this vast demand mid keep this
$100,000,00(1 at home.'
May not one safely call on the pa
triotism of American women to encour
age our artists ami our artisans.' Will
they not patronize them, if given a fair
Why shall we not make our own fine
qualities of cotton cloth, which have
been coining fiom the looms of devas
tated Helgiuin ami struggling Frame.'
Are there not plenty of inineial
springs in the I'nited States.'
Must mercury, for instance, jump
from $:i."i to $lou n flask, while there
are great undeveloped mines of mercury
neie at nonie;
Is there any reason why the woolen
mills of Massachusetts ' should not
weave as fine cloth as any F.nglish or
Scotch loom
New markets wanted,' The greatest
ami most profitable market in the
world is the Ironic market, from the
supply of which Kurope has been al
most cut off. There is right here at
home u trade of at least half a billion
dollars annually, which it remains for
the American inaiiiit'.ict.n er to capture.
It is more than a trade opportunity
it is a patriotic duty to keep he mill's
ami factories of the I'nited Slates rim
ing ami to vastly increase their output.
With all Kuropo engaged in destruc
tion, it is time for this country to push
constructive work to the utmost.
f.et us by all menus increase our
foreign trade; let lis do everything we
can to supply the growing' needs ot
South America. Hut that will necessar
ily be a slow business. Some arrange
ment for a mutual interchange of cred
its seems to be necessary before we can
lo business at all with South America.
The home market is all around ns.
The demand is immediate and pressing.
We have the necessary financial ma
chinery. The call on the patriotism, the cour
age and the vision of the American
manufacturer and business man is in
The call upon the patriotic nntronaee
of the American housewife is even more
To offset the destructive influences
of the European war upon the indus
trial and economic lite ot th.' United
States, the business men of the countrv
should speedily nnd courageously take
the necessarv action.
Corns Comes Off as
Easy as You Please
"Gets-It" Being Used by Millions!
It is the first time that a real, sure
as-fate corn cure has ever been discov
ered. "UETS-IT" is tho new corn-
find the Udr Who Um the World'i C-'atM
Corn-Cure, "GETS-IT."
ender. based on an entirely new princi
ple. It is a new, different formula,
never successfully imitated. It makes
corns shrivel and then vanish. Two
drops do the work. You don't bundle
up your toe any more with sticky tape
and plasters that press down on the
poor com no more flesh-eating salves
that don't "stay put,'' no more hack
ing at corns with knives or razors, no
more bleeding or danger of blood poi
son. No more limping around for days
with sore corns, no more corn pains.
"GETS-IT" is now the biggest-selling
corn cure in the world. I se it on
any hard or soft corn, callus or bunion.
Tonight 's the night.
"GETS-IT" is sold by druggists
everywhere, 25 cents a bottle, or sent
direct by K. Lawrence & Co., Chicago.
The new course of study in agricul
ture for the public schools, edited and
issued under the supervision of J. A.
Churchill, superintendent' cf public in-
".; " ;
ALf'lllMll. 1 PL-II rL.ir.
A cgelable Prcparalion Tor
Hie Siomafhs andlkwlsof
Proraoles DirfcstionOf erf J-
npssnnrl IWrnntnlntncilhir
Opium.Morphine rwrMaeral
Not Nahc otic.
Anorfprl Rfnidv forrrmsflni
t Ion , Sour Storaach.Dtarrhoca
Worms .CoirvulsKHis.tevensn-
ness and LOSS OF MxER
ticSiraile Signature of
The Centaur Compass,
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
EtiimiKKMMilix i mill i I".
Keeps he
'lyf'.lWj 1
r 1 - . A cr sir 4i Eft A
Dealers everyw'rtsie. Aslt our near
est agsncy ib'oui icHvery to bulk.
Standard Oil Company
For ....
This coupon may be exchanged for votes in the con
test for a trip to San Francisco in 1915, at the Capital
Journal office. Not good after September 26, 1914.
House of Half a Million Bargains
We carry thelargest stock of Sacks and
Fruit Jars. '
H. Steinbock Junk CoJ
233 State Street. Salem, Oregon. ' Phone Main SM
strnetion, is ready for distribution. The
new course of study contains a com-j
plete outline of the subject for the iisej
of the teacher and has the work of j
each week in the year in definite shape.;
Heretofore all eonrses in agriculture in '
use in the publie schools have been text
books to be used as supplementary read
ing and no regular course has been
available except of the teaehor's own!
devising. j
The new course of study contains ex-
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
yi ;v
ft ,V In
j . -'
m WBjj1 jj.:.l''Aitaiti,Ul,i mil' mftT'tT
perimeuU suitable for any part of the
state and the tenclier will find no trou
ble in selecting suitable experiments
during any part of the year. The book
will be given out to all of the teachers
of the publie schools of the state.
The public never forgets the Journal
Want Ad and never will, because every
Journal Want Ad Is the expression of
some man's need and the direct answer
to another man's question of "Where
shall I buy?"- -