THB DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8AXEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1014. TFTREB Social and Personal Notes By Mollie Society and club notices Trill be received for the daily issue at The Capital Journal editorial rooms up to 2 p. m. Main 82. Mrs. Hum Brow n Snvuge tind daugh ter, Dorothy Odt'll. are home from Seal Works, where they have been spending the summer. Members of the Philoduriun I.iterury society, the oldest boys' society in Wil lamette university, will hold its first meeting of the year Wednesday night, September 2,"!, in their rooms in Waller Hall. An opening program will be giv en, which consists of the following am- bers: Cornet solo; discussion of the ! benefits of a liternrv society, by Chas. P. Ohling; Home of Walter Uleiser's' stories; vocal solo, poetry by James R. ''Unin; instrumental sido by F. .s. Fran-1 ids. Many names of statewide and na- tional repute nre enrolled on the rec-; ords of the society as members of by-1 gone years. ' The following article taken from a' Portland paper will be of interest here, where Miss Fisher played in stock sev-i era! years ago: "A stranded theatre company in Sil- i verton, Ore., guve Margarita Fischer' her first opportunity to busk in the; limelight, where she has remained ever ' since. It wns back in ism when John Fischer and his family ran the Com mercial hotel in Silverton, and Mar garita in her early teens, -.nown then as "Babe," waited on table. One of the stranded actors remained to wash dishes nnd work for his board around the establishment. i An amateur thentricul company was the result of a desire on his part to get out of town and Margarita was forced into service. Without previous training and with only a few rehears-j ills she showed a talent for acting that was remarkable. Mr. Fischer sold his hotel and went on the road with his wife, his two daughters ti one or more real actors, according to circum stances. Posters announced rfint Margarita was the youngest lending woman in America and for two years or more the family appeared through Oregon in a variety of plays.. "Dot" Fischer, Margarita's sister, was not considered so much of an nctress, but she has since proved that she, too, is possessed of considerable histrionic talent. In Kureku, Cnl., the "Fischer slny, " us it was culled by the Silverton people, was so popular that the aggregation remained a year in stock. j Later Margarita was in vaudeville on Fnntnges circuit. She was then a real actress and the Silverton people who had seen her first appearance on their little stage, began to be proud of "Babe" and to hang her pictures in prominent places. rr.e. :s now mnr-, ried to Harry Pollard, with whom she was associated in her vaudeville days. But Miss Fischer has deserted the stage for motion pictures and is now the featured member of the Beauty Film company. It is r jianrcularly ap propriate name for her organization, as lust April she won the prize nwaro ed to the most beautiful motion picture actress in the I'nited States. The Fischer family now makes its home in Santa Barbara, v.-.cre the stu dios nf the Beauty company are locat ed. Silverton and Oregon are proud of their Homer Davenport and they have reason for just pride in their young actress who is now a favorite with audiences nil over the country where the Beauty films are exhibited.' ' Coming as a distinct shock to her friends here was the news of toe death' of Miss .Icau Sherman of Ocean View, who was drowned Sunday afternoon nt Florence while on a pleasure trip with friends. She was an ussistuut teacher, in the high school at, Hip latter place. Miss Sherman was n beautiful and Daddy's Bedtime Story The Fairy That Lived In a Seashell. I nnv ,. i.n Mint tikUp night ns she and Jack inn to their Uaiiay. I-vciyn wmi u ms ciuk u shell in ber tinnd that she and .Lick bud found ut tlie seashore. "Tlmf linittT !KL'P(1 rinridr. takinir the shell and placing it to his ear. "Whv. that must be the voice of the fairy that used to live in it!" "But. daddy, bow can that be her voice if she isn't tlieruV" asked Jack. "Pei Imps-just perhnps-thiit noise is only the echo,'' said daddy. "How did she lose her home';" asked Evelyn. "I ll tell you about it," said daddy. "You see, this fairy lived nt tlie bottom ef the sea in the most beautiful coral srrove Imaginable. There were many jtber shells there, enrb Inhabited by other fairies. Of course there was the l i-iest shell of nil. w hich was the palace of the fairy queen. This fairy was called Fairy Silver Spray, and she was given this beautiful shell of her own Vj live in because she h::d done n great service for tlie fairy queen. 1'aii v Queen Xiitllie made only one request when she gave this beautiful satiny sh'inv shell to I'airv Silver Spray, and that was that Fairy Silver Spray jshoiiid never yu awav from home without leaving some one there to kee. tio.ise for her. Queen Nutilie didn't explain that If the shell lost Its tenant ven for n moment the bouse would float nwny and never be heard of ajrniu. "Fairy Silver Spray obeyed her queen's directions for ever and ever so lone. She kept ber home bright and shining, and It grew to look more like a tig Jewel every day, and every time she went to a ball or a party she would leave n little brown gnome to keep bouse for her. "But one tbiy Fairy Silver Spray's curiosity got the better of her. A school of singing flshes was forming just outside her house, and the fairy, tearing the peculiar noises, wag wild to bear what was going on. "But the little brown gnome was away that day. Silver Spray listened and listened to the noise for a long time and then ventured to the edge of the "Vhen when she saw the singing Bsh she clapped ber bands and swam out where tbey were and left her beautiful shell, and when she swam back it was gone. , , . "Sobbing and crying, sbe went all around the forest of coral and at last swam to the palace of the queen. The queen was Tery sorry for Fairy Silver Spray but you see, sbe had no other house to give her, so Fairy Sliver Spray tind to remain In the queen's palace and do all over again the work that she had to do before she was given the beautiful shell to live in. And the sound yon hear in the shell to perhaps-Just perhaps-the echo of Fairy Silver Sprays voice crylng-always crying-for ber lost home,' Runcorn unusually preporfessing young woman, and made many friends here during her frequent visits at the I). A. Hodge home, where she was entertained as the guest of Miss liuth and Miss Margaret Hodge. Mr. and Mi. Hodge left for Florence this morning to attend the funeral, which will be lid. I at that place. o - Mr. and Mis. Wan en Pohle have re turned home after a Inrtuight's stay in Portland as the guests of friends. ! I The ladies of the Bethel sewing cir-' cle gave a surprise shower for Missi : Ruth Kvans at tne home of her parents east or Salem oil sat unlay afternoon. Miss Kvans is to be married to Mnr I ion Arnold October 4. The young con I pie will reside near Scio, where Mr. ' Arnold is engaged in farming. That i Miss Kvans has the good wishes of many friends in the Bethel ncighbor I hood was hown w hen a large basket of presents was presented to her. : The guests of the afternoon, besides the honor guest ami her mot Ik r, were: ! Mrs. Walter Taylor nnd Mrs. Charles linmsden, of Mjicleay; Mrs. Brunnker, Mrs. J. M. Nichols, Mrs. Ilnlinsoa, Mrs. I-. A. Rantenbcrg, Mr.i. Bovea, Mrs. Fiiestmnn, Mrs. Sundbeig, Mrs. .1. I). Clark, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. 11. B. Hoffman, Mrs. (?. O. Swales, Mrs. K. K. Mutton. Mrs. 11. R. Curtis, Miss Lena Mntten, Miss Alta Mntten, Miss Lucy Nichols, Miss May Brubaker, Miss Harriette Wolfe, Donald and r'uoln Johnston. Mrs. Harriett McArthnr and Miss Genevieve Thompson, who have been making a tour of the world and whose plans for travel were upset by the F.uropean war, returned to the I'nited States last Friday. Mrs. McArthnr will visit her sister, Mrs. W. M. Molson, in Montreal, and will reach Portland with in a few weeks. Mrs. W. T. Rigdon, daughter Miss Lelia Higdon, and grandson Win field Clark, left for San Diego last night, where Mrs. higdon will join her hus band who has taken up his residence there, engaging in business lust fall. Mrs. Rigdon has spent two winters in California, returning to Salem to spend her summers. Miss Rigdon and Mas ter Clnrk will remain several months hefore returning to Salem. A number of close friends, Mrs. W. H. Cook, Mrs. I. (i. Holt, Mrs. Martha Belilnger, Mrs. F. H. Snuthwick, Mrs. K. J. Swafford, Mis. Richard Avisnn, nnd Mrs. I'. (1. Hover, called unan nounced at the Rigiion home Saturday afternoon, occasioning a pleasant fare well surprise. Friends learn with re gret of Mr. and Mrs. Rigdon ' inten tion of locating permanently in another 'ate, as toey have long been two of Salem's most prominent residents. n Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Winter enter tained the members of the Sunday school hoard, Sunday school teachers, and young men and women of the classes of tho I'nited Evangelical church last night at their homo on Cbomeketa street. Following the business session a pleasant social hour was enjoyed. About fifty were present. Miss Mabel Cooper,-of Independence, left recently for New York City to complete her special library course. Miss Cooper is the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cooper. She is a graduate of the University of Oregon,! and is entering on her second year's work in the eastern college. Her sis ter, Miss Genevieve Cooper, is a senior at the University of Oregon. She is prominently identified with soroity on 1 student body affairs, being selected to represent the Kappa Gappa Gamma Chapter of the University at the Na tional conclave held in Estes Park, Colorado, this summer. Both Misses Cooper nre well-known here having been entertained at the Richard Cartwright and R. J. Hendrick homes. Miss (jenevieve Cooper and And Swam Out Where They Were. in the seasholl?" asked Evelyn o:ie 51 Miss Constance Cartwright are both members of the same sorority. A delegation of members of Capital Assembly of United Artisans were guests of the Dallas lodge of Artisans Monday night. Salem party was com posed of Mrs. J. A. Bernardi, Mrs. M. E. Rogers, Mrs. Ella Watt supreme in-' structor. Miss Peterson of Oakland, Cal ifornia, an I Ivan G. Martin who made the trip by motor in the Bc.runrdi car. Mrs. W: W. AUingham, of Albany, has returned to her home after being enter tained ns. the guest of Mrs. Charles E. Know land. 11. PERSONALS Maurice Winters, of Portland, a the Marion county schools can bring prominent coinnn rcial traveller, is visit- in their exhibits for their fair, ing in Salem. Mr. Winters is well Working hard to make the fair a known here and his trip here combines , .,.,.,, f,.r the school children. Walter pleasure and business. M. Smith, county school superintendent, A. G. llolden, a hop man nf Port-isllvs: land, is at the Marion. 1 "Let us nil get bi..-y. Let us put Fre.l P. Gilbert, of Ottnninri, Iowa, this county on the map ns the corn is registered at the Marion. county, ns" the potf to county, as the S. 1). King, an oil man of Portland, best garden county, as tlie county is at the Marion. where the girls hake the best cake and Percy F. Gamett, secretary of the. bread, and the rom-ty where the boys industrial accident commission, is in1 raise the best pigs and chickens nnd Bilker on business. therefore the best county in which to Charles A. Hall, a prominent nttor- live, ney in Washington, is isiting Rev. F. "The public is invited to visit and T. Porter. inspect the exhibits t the armory. .No Rev. Juiucs Moore has gone to Port-, admission will be charged and no col land to attend the annual Methodist lection taken. The exhibits will be di conference. vided into two classes, as follows: W. Curtis Rapp. millinery salesman j Class A includes those who have pass of San Francisco, is a recent arrival nt.ed their fourteenth birthday; class B the Marion. : those who are under fourteen. Dee Farrar, of Portland, is registered "The Salem merchants have donated at the Marion. liberally to make the fair a success. A. Hockstraser, of Salt Lake, is a The prizes vary in value from $1.00 to guest at the Marion. .flrt.oo. .Many a boy and girl will go A. C. Herrick, county surveyor, left home from the fair the possessor id' i: this morning for Pendleton, to attend splendid piize. And the best part of the round-up. i it is that -very boy nnd girl who brings Harry Smith, a Northern tyicit'ie an exhibit will get a prize this year, representative, visited ill Salem this Achievement emiificntes will be issued morning. ; to nil exhibitors, which will entitle Mr. and Mrs. Harry Minton, of Port-; them to an achievement button. These land, are guests at tlie Illigh. ! will be prized highly by the boys and R. E. Winters, a telephone represcnta- girls who receive them, tive from Portland, is at the Bligh. 1 "It is not necessary to belong to nn D. ('. White., of Albany, was a Salem industrial club to be eligible to enter visitor yesterday. ' this contest. Any boy or girl who has C. P. French and '. W, French, of attended school during the ;e.-,r Seattle, are at the Bligh. in Marion county and has raised rv J. R. Fnriss, of Eugene, is a recent made his own exhibit is eligible lo in arrival at the Bligh. ter. Mr. an, Mrs. F. M. Ronnt and dnugh-; "Prices nre offered for exirlnri -if ter, of Monument, are guests at the 'he follow.' jj: Field earn, ivtt irn. Bligh. 1P eorn, tomatoes, water niebn n csk Rev. Richard X. Avison will leave1 melon, tnbli- squash, pie pumpkin, po for Portland tomorrow to nttend the tatoes, cabbage, onions (1(1), celery (.'! annual conference of the Methodist bunches!, woodwork, bread, cuke, can Episcopal church for the western part ning CI pints of fruit nnd :i of vego of the State, which is in session until tablesi, jelly (:i glasses), hnndniudo next Monday. Hans Schroder will also apron, mnchine-made dress, darning (J attend leaving for Portland yesterday, pieces i, best display of flowers, poultry G. O. Swales, prominent breeder of of any breed. Duroc Jersey swine, was in the city to- "There is n prize of :f2.".00 for the ilny making arrangements for his an- best exhibit by a one-room school, nual display of blooded hogs at tho "The Capital National Bank has State Fair next week. again offered three cash prizes amount- Max J. heboid, of McMinnville, is in ing to $20.00 for the most and best the city looking after the repairing of popcorn raised on nn urea not to ex a house. reed 1000 square feet. This promises Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Morton and child, to be nn interesting exhibit, there being who have been camping at the state fair over 00 entries. grounds for the past three weeks, left. "Last year the boys nnd girls of for their home in Portland today. Mr. Marion county carried off the second Morton put the roof on the state fair prize for the best industrinl exhibit nt pavilion. the state fair. This year they nre i working harder than ever for the first Twenty-eight pupils enrolled yester- ,iize. day at the Oregon State School for the ..y cannot wjn Un individual prize blind. There were seven new pupils nor cnuntv priy,,, if V011 1(,av0 vnlr on the opening duy. The advantages PXhibit nt home. Bring it to the" nr of this institution arc free to the blind ,,.,- Ihursdav afternoon or enrlv Fri youth of the state and those whose ,iv morning. If von cannot exhibit sight is so defective that they cannot t ti. ar v. take vour exhibit to the receive nn education in the public , Ml r,ln)iM 'next Saturday or schools. Miss Nellie ('rout, of Portland, Sundnv. is the new instructor in the primary, .;:,.' c..s wj10 .; j ti1P cluTj department. Superintendent Moores i.ji,;. , ti .,,-,,- ..-ill ,,,, ;,. said this morning that an elaborate ,.; ,.lllltv llt t; sttl. fair as mem caiituta will be given ut the State Fair, hl.r tho (.l(ml ,.,,, T), tJVH by the children, Tuesday evening, Sop-j frm ,.,.), muntv will be entertained tember 29. Besides the feature enter-: bv th(, stut(1 fair"boanl the entire week tniiiineut, demonstrations of reading, (),,. f.'iir " music nnd industrial work, will be given , m , each afternoon from 2 to .t:.IO by the pupils. Work on the new Exhibition pavilion at the State fair grounds is progressing rapidly. Departments are being separ ated, and decorators, are already com mencing putting up embellishments of cereals, etc. K. V. Lytic., the student decorator, has the contract for the principal interior decorations and has planned for most elaborate results. Those in charge nf the various county exhibits are arriving daily to begin initial work at the various booths, ami actively engaged in finishing their part ot the building, lhe art depart ment has been spaced and will be located in the western portion of the st riicture. o This afternoon the funeral of Lowell Wellington Potter, three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. ('. A. Potter, of .North Salem, was held from the Lehman .('lough undertaking parloils on ("on it i street, itcv. lli'-hard N. Avison. of the First Methodist church, officiated. The 'little one was scalded to death yester- ! day. The mother was washing Mon 'day while at a much about nine miles north of tliis city and a tub of water was on the ground. IJttte t.owcll back i ed against the tub an." .". ;i Into the I almost boiling water. lr. O. )i. Miles i was called but his aid was unavailing 'and the little one died in the after- ; noon. I,. V. thick ley, one of the maiiajters .of the Muiuit'act urers ' and Land Prod ucts show to be he,d ill Portland soon. : was in Salem today to confer with the executive committee of the Willamette j Valley Kxpo.-ition association, which met this morning in the rooms of the Salem commercial club with ntiout ten nebers present. It was decided ut tills (meeting that the association would ex i libit at the Land Products show with i -nine of the material that will be shown jut the Panama-Pacific exposition. Justice Webster's court this after noon was the scene of the trial of the damage suit brought by F. A Turner against G. W. Tobin, a wood dealer of Polk county. The damage alleged on account of the wood not being up to specifications is stated as 13. The jury went out to view the wood, returned to the courtroom and listened to argu ments. hTe fashionable ball gown represents one kind of weather strip School Children Will Make It -And All Salem Will Go to See It School chiUrcn of Marion county will hold their second industrial school fair at the Salem imnoiv Friday afternoon and evening. Fine prizes will be given for exhibits a no every bov tind girl of TIGHTENS HER SKIN LOSES HER WRINKLES "I want to tell you how easily I got rid of my wrinkles," writes Luolln Marsh. "While in Loudon a friend, much envied because of her youthful looks, gave nie a formula for a home made preparation which has the effect of instantly tightening the skin, thus -mix. thing out wrinkles ami furrows. "Tho principal ingredient is pow dered saxolite, which can be had at drug stores here. Ah ounce of saxolite is dissolved in a half pint witch hazel. After bathing my face in this hut once the transformation was so marvelous f looked years younger. Kveu the deep crow 's feet were affected, and the an noying creases about my neck. It seems difficult to believe anything could fro duee such results. Several to whom I rcfounuon led the lecipe have ben sim ilarly helped, one an elderly lady whose cheek tind become quite, baggy. ' Social Mirror. MRS. GEORGE J. BATTEY. ('destine A. Oriswohl. daughter of Lester and Fanny (iriswold,, was bom at Heaver, Pennsylvania. June 2H, 1M5. In IsS-" slic cniue to Minnesota with her parents, where in ni'.; she wns mar ried to (li'orge .1. Ilnttey. To this union was lir.rn ei'lit children, seven i f whom wild her husband live to mourn her loss. Clarence A. Hsittev, of Spiing Valley. Minn.: Mrs. Mnld'e M. Lynn, of Canowi. S. I).: Mr. Mary P. Sm.w. i.f Cliadron. Ncbr.j Mrs, llnttie L. Conner, of Marshfield. Ore.; (ie(,rge X. Matt, -v. of Sali in, Ore.; Mrs. Fanny L. Walker, of (irand View, Wash.: .Mrs. Lois '. Schwartz, of Chadron, .Nebr.. fine son having died in infancy. Mis. Kattey also leave three sisters and a brother. In 17:1 she gave hei heart to Christ and united with the Friends church at llesper. lown, and was a devout Chris tian ull her life. In lH.Mi he, with her husband, united with the Congregation ul church, of which he wus a minister. She was a sympathetic and helpful co laborer with her husband during his en tire ministerial life. She was greatly interested in the missionary and V. C. T. I', work. She died in the triumph of the Christian faith at her home, 211(5 Laurel avenue, Salem. Oregon, age 1)9 years, two months and 23 days. A woman seldom talks while doing up her hair possibly because her mouth is apt to be filled with hair pins at ti nt st lgc of the game. DALLAS NEWS AND PERSONAL MENTION, s (Capital Journal Special Service.) ' Dallas, Sept. 11. the large plant that furnishes heat ami water for the business houses of IJalias has been re modeled and is giving good satisfaction to the users. The plant was of the old wood-burning kin I nn, it was hard to keep the steam flowing to all the buildings. Oil burners have hcou installed and are giving tho best of results. The ex-; pense is cut in half and tlie labor is a1 great deal less. A huge tank has been installed which will take care of enough fuel to run the plant for about one month. Waste steam is piped through the tank to keep the oil warm so thati it will flow. The oil is pumped to a smaller tank where it is again heated and is then forced to the burners. Hefore the returning water was cold and returned directly to the boiler, wliich reduced the pressure. This has been changed so the returning water passes through a heater ami is then pumped into the boiler thus taking a great deal less heat. A large well has been dug to furnish water for the boiler as the city water was found expensive. i F.lton lilake has returned from a few weeks stay in Kustern Oregon where he has been working with u large com bine. 1 Harold Miller was in lliillas Friday and Saturday where he was saving his last good bys to his friends and reli tions. He intends to attend the Wil lamette ln i versify this year. ', Mr. and Mrs. Will lirouson from Me-1 Timmins Valley was in Dallas Satur-1 day attending the fair. i -Mr. an I Mrs. Chester (lurdiier ami daughter were Dallas visitors Saturday Mr. (iarduer is a prosperous farmer from the Luckemiite. Foot bull practice of the Dallas High school will start next week, many new men arc signed up and it is thought that Dallas will have a good show on the gridiron this season. Mrs. Arthur Moore, of Independence, was a Dallas visitor Friday where shn attended the fair. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Itngley of Lewis ville were in Dallas Friday looking after their exhibits at the fair Mrs. Cliff Pugh, of Fulls City, was in Dallas Friday where she was visiting friends and relations. ' John Orr nnd wife and little daugh ter made a business trip to Dallas Fri day. He. is the re). ul. lii an candidate for sheriff of Polk County. Mrs. Jasper Siiiiington. of Independ ence, is visiting at the home of Willis, Siiniiigtou of this city. Mr. and Mrs. 1!. C. Craven returned to their home in Allianil.ra, Cat., Sat urday illuming. Mr. Craven lias been visiting with his sons for several weeks. Mrs. Homer Poster, of Portland, is visiting at the home of her mother in law Mrs. John Foster, of Salt Creel;. 1 Mrs. Hobbins of the O. A. C attend 1 ed the Polk comity fair with many other instructors from that school They! acted as judges of flic displays, ! Mr. (ira-dinm. one of the best ama teur singers' Tn Oret'on, sang at the fair grounds every afternoon and evening. Mr. Cre-ham is from the 1'. of O. nnl surely pleased the people of Poll; count v. COUNCIL REFUSES TO PERMIT BANNER i A petition is presented bv a number of citizens asking permission tn stretch a banner across the intcrse tiou of : State and Liberty streets hearing the, legend, "For Congress. Fred Mollis- j ter." The petition was read but on ! motion it wns denied. The signers of the request are ns follows: A. M. Dal rvmple, IJnn W. Nesm'nh, W. II. Park, T f Wherrv W. A. List (ill. J. F.I Crowe, K. V. Springer, H. O. Doedig heimer, H. M. Iloedigheinier. W. It. Kane, P. L. Fra.ier, II. H. Page, Percy R. Cotter. F. W. Steusioff. D. J. Fry, , A. E. Ifuckestein. Aug. Huckcstein, Os wald West, .1. W. Ferguson, R. A. Har ris, Krnest It. Kingo, J. K. IJnn. CJ P Farorvt Advertising will not make you see the actual value in MODART front laced Cor sets. The most it can ac complish is to induce you to see and examine them. If you are not already familiar with them, you have a pleas ant surprise in store. The workmanship is as near perfection as it is pos sible to come. You can see for yourselves. The quality of the materials cannot be questioned. Their style is evident when you try them on. We know of no better front laced Corset than the Modart. U.(i.5HIPLEYGQ. ""JP LIBERTY THE FAIR GROUNDS BULLETIN SUNDAY A thousand people thronged the groumls yesterday and the number of persons registering for ramping space exceeded expectations. Ashcr Hansom and wife, Salem, pitched tent today. Mr. 'Hansom will lie one of the assistants in the tented city, living of a pleasant disposition, the mayor has designated him as. the trouble man. Young und old may tell .Mr. hansoni their troubles. 1 lien Mrs. Kausnin can cheer" Ashcr. ('. M. Itobinsou, Autnsville, put up tent today, he and wife returning home this evening The Persian sheep that will form a portion of the free attractions on the grounds were entertaining the people yesterday and today. Weather indications are that the com ing week will bless lis with goodj weather. No rain today. Win. Moores, Silverton. has written for camping space and will be at home to his friends at No. JJ Calloway. , The Coo. W. Yeargcn cottage was finished yesterday and Mr. and Mrs. Yeargcn returned to Aurora this even IRETIRING CLOTHING SALE Now on The Plymouth COR. STATE GRAND OPERA HOUSE! WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 23rd GAS KILL & MacYTTTY (INC.) ANNOUNCE The most popular American book made into the most popular American play. , First time at popular prices. Lower floor, 75c and $1 ; balcony, 50c and 75c. Seat sale this morning at the box office at 9 o'clock. The opening of the theatrical season. A play of merit at popular prices. Laced STREET ing. They have bad an exceedingly disagreeable time in erecting their tented city borne. Oregon weather hi been at its worst, I. W. Sutton, Portland, has touted at No. 30 .Moody. Ex-Covernor Z. F. Moody and wife are visitors to the grounds today.' Cld timers who were guards and assistant oil the fair grounds a quarter of a ecu tury ago recall the many kindnesses of Mrs. Moody in sending out luncheon with her compliments when the weather was disagreeable. FAMILY NEEDS HELP Mere ft and sick a family at .170 Fer ry street in destitute circumstances-am in need of help. The youngest child, a two months old baby, died Sunday. Four other children ranging from two to ten years are ill and the father in without work. A mouth ago the futhcr, mother and children went to the hop yards to work. Sickness came upon them there. I'pou their return the in fant child wus lifke.ii .orious!y ill and died. Food and cloiliin.r will be wel comed by tho fain. I.. Further detail- can be learned from liev. J!. N. Avison or by phoning 10"l. The auto truck is the friend as will as rival of the big drafter. AND LIBERTY E.TMI hi r