TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBEB 22. 1914. "Treaties Are Made in Ink and Broken With Blood" (By William O. Shepherd.) toners, "I said a comrade of the first Antwerp, Sept. l.-( Kv courier to 1 - j if'"- " T7 . weie decent fellows tend and mail to New York). The lit-1 They told me their cl fleers foole.l them, tie Heleian soldier who . limbed into, They said the olficcrs gave them our compartment ir the railioad ear .Jreuch money on the Ijerinau frontier was dend tired. He trailed his rife be- then yelled: hind him, threw himself into a seat and '" to r ranee! fell sound asleep. j "They went on for three days and An hour later he awoke to talkative-! "t Liege before they knew they B(,9! were in llelgiuin instead of r ranee. 'Yes." he said, "1 was up all night " ' w ""'''n't want to iiuft ilolgians,' with German prisoners There were j h,.v toM 'beeaiire we are from Al only 16 of ns to handle m (iernmiis. face Lorraine ourselves. "We had four boxeart, o we divided u see, added the logical little up the prisoners amciig them, put half i K'lgian, ''it wasn t their fault, so we carload at one end and the other half;"1'1" be "Rr.v it them." carload at the other end of each earj "Why di.l you fight tho Germans f then four of us stood trutl-d with!' slc.l government offieiul. our rifles at the doorwnvs in Ilia nihi l die. 'We rode five hours that way and , re expected every minute that all those ; Germans would jump on the four of us ndiV V I. , . vi. i it yoWB"eV"tfere ' ,"V7Su2h so. dier. in Belgium to do all the work and wo have to make out the best we can That's the little Hrluui wMier h1! over. In the first place he is willing 7 r- , - , , ' to fight hen he ki.ows he must lose.j't the best we could. ' dimming, Ga.- I tell some suffer- ; i It IiikI been a cool headed, logical ' ing woman every day of Lvdia E. Pink "All I Can," tho Motto. (business with the Ilelginns from the ham's Vegetable Compound and what it j "We have to make out the best we j start. Treaties are made with ink; theyjhas done for me. I could not eat cr ' can," ia his motto. !are broken with blood. And just ns Bet.Pi had a bad stomach and was in ' la tne second place n nus piemy or , AmmnH nanuA II., i.r)ltd ..unlv flllil fmhts eoo y and in Ins herrt, cans erfoit. IUIIIIUVU 1.1-lin.-. in- I i.iiir. with no blind hatred in nig him to waste any etroit. "I really felt sorry for those pris-.tnin ROUTINE BUSINESS OF CITY COUNCIL i ; was Considerable minor luis'iness "e " ..lull... u.:ii the citv correct and warrants were night. On motion of ( 01111111111811 ( '11111- ordered dr:iwn. Several sewer refun 1 mings the council granted Mayor-,.aimg were reported on favornblv. The Steevea and Chief of Police Shedeck : ij.,t coniinittee reported 011 a petition power to employ extra police during f,ir an an- liKht ou Kairiimunt st-c't the stato fair. : ,l0 flln,s Kerp tilp ,U()KP, for In order that the fair grounds miulit tni, installing of are lights, and reeom have adequate fire protection during 'mended that action on it be postpone.!, fair week, a resolution authorizing r'ire ThP ri,,,01.t was adopted. Six sidewalks Chief Phillips to turn over to the secre- resolutions were, read and adopted tary of tho state fair board the reserve Charles Farrel and E l Wright, htn chemical wagon, nnd also the team of P1,ilovfi of the P. K. and K and '. a. horses to operate the same, was passed, j Wanner, of the Salem Til" and V.t- This chemical is to be under the direc u. im department. Councilman Minion reported on a Committee that was appointed a year ago to ooufer with the property owners on the damnges that they would incur in tho construction of the fill on North front street for the Oregon Klectrle Ballway track. At that time, he said, the matter of the report was deferred until the fill had been completed so the people could estimate the .lnninge done to them. IBst Wednesday he sni.l these property holders met and elected George C. Will as chairman and T. J. Cheshire, secretary, lie stated the property owners declare they are shut in one si.le of the street n ml pnrtiiilly shut in on the other and claim damages from the citv in the following sums: Thomas Clare .tl,.')00, Mrs. Kobertson 900, Mr, Oearhait 75n, H A. Pfiel 750, George C. Will $l,2."0, Mrs. An-1 derson 11000, nnd T. .1. Cheshire $1000. He moved a coniinittee of three be appointed to meet these property hold- er to try to adjust .damages without in-' volvlngthe city in a lawsuit. This mo- tion was amended so that the matter was roferred to the street committee, and passed. City Attorney !)ife ex plained thnt in this regard the city had a law suit recently over the Front street fill, which suit was to prevent the fill being mado, nnd that the ease was thrown out of court, lie advised that the city be not committed to anything regarding damages as damages really belong to the railway company. He said he believed it was an attempt to reopen tho lawsuit. Plans and specifications for Inter. al Bewem were referred 1 the sewer committeo. Resolutions tor the im- On the Steiwor farm, 11 miles south of Salem, 5 miles north of Jefferson and 4 miles from Sidney on the Salem-Jackson Hill-Jefferson road, Friday Sept. 25, '14 I will sell at public auction to the highest and best bid- . , ., , nor thn tn nwin.r . .kv..'. 1,.1 v. wv u.iu;m livestock 27 head of dairy cattle, in eluding 9 fresh COW 6 J 'f" ""I BnvinoiTliy wicf ? '"b" .".i..o pciou Years Old. 4 VPflrlinfr heifprs ;t a ' o yuw.ujUy, w juuug v.cwvi.0 nnrT n oAnnn. hull 100 A t 100 extra quality sheep (ewes). n V. i . neaa oi snoais. , SaJe begins at 11 o'clock. FREE LUNCH AT NOON Public Just Doin Their D"1?' 'Because civilization can't exist without treaties and it is a duty a n-i tion owes to e.vilmitou to fight to the ;.,wB't;e' j;'" "P8,y w nroK- ' But did vou exnect to bent the tier- ",?.' J" , " How could we? We knew that 1,,,. lre.l of would follow the ifirst invaders but wo had no right to uauirany ami eooiy ns tne neiman mp- llltlintu 11U.I.I i II Ir in uitrilllK .hilif fl.mtin. i lomats used ink in smning their treaties , with liermnny, so the ltelijiaii soldiers have siied their bloo.l in try ing to main- nave sued their lilood in trying them I . ,, : i Movement of Severn a evs were rend j and passed. ' ' . . . tr "ad.di"':!;: . . . . the r"?t' of the suliitarv inspector for that month. ! The committee on accounts and 'nr rtnt expenses foiui.1 the claims ajj-iinst cnntilo company, were appointed sp. iioiireiiien to cope witn the gaus holmes that dm; where fairs ai be held. HEALTH OFFICER NOT LEGALLY APPOINTED citv Attornev So Holds Council Con eludes to Retain Officer Balance of Mouth After That Engineers to Do j the Work. In the report of City Attorney R.dlin K. Page to the city council Inst night on the legal status of the office of sun- "ar - v i"si'Pctor, which was dune away itli August :i 011 motion of Councilmnn Southnick. it was brought nut. H,.. tl... city of Salem has never had a snnitarv ,...i.... ... , .. ,7. , ', I mniiarj !' - ,"','r l,r"ltl! oftR',',,,,11',f(, n'cord-. '"P t" np pri.visn.ns of the city char- ' " llur "r 1,10 r'ty attorney was made in response to a motion made by Co:'i'cilni::n Spnulding nsking for information ns to the legality of the council's action in removing S. P. Me Crneken before the term for which he had been elected had expired. The mo tion of Councilmnn Spnulding was the r,,,,lt of the motion of Councilmnn muiinwicK. winch declared the off ee of sanitary inspector vacant nnd that Lis duties would end on Scprember I. j August 17. Councilman Mef rnckon introduced n resolution to rescind tl.e ni ,.'"n ,lf the council, taken August A ; which removed the sunitnrv iiwi, This resolution asked that' he be re- instated nnd doubted "the legality of the council action in dispensing ith the ot'tice. It was referred to the plumbing committee, which reported fa vorably on the reinstatement. The r,i:,t tor mo then referred to the citv at torney tor an opinion. In Ins report to the council the city Mtnniey raid that the charter provides, in n-Kn.i:it..ry language, that the coun- i cil shall elect a board of health to bt composed of five members, nnd that i. , the noiuinrtion of the lumrd of healih: the s.-iuilarv oft'icr nnd the health .-!' , ficer shell be rh., tel. The citv utn.r " ' ?.u. ..nil m .- . a ii.i .r.l Hurt .i..i-.ii ven uppoiut: d or organized and docs' ' ... in neiiner nils n ssiintuiv ot't'icr or health officer ever been nom inated or elected. In addition he de clared no ordinance governing the tc.-n. of office, its compensation or duties, has ever been passed. The Only or.ii nanee that he l find touching upon the matter was the plumbing ordinance. The attorney gave it as, his opinion that Mr. Mel'ruck-e holds under an ordinance whuh says nothing about the terr.i. method of appointment or remov al, but only about the amount of the si.lury, which is ifl-uti per year. The at torney said that, therefore, the ma tor ity vote of th. council was valid and binding, as there was no specific wnv of creating the office or no means de fine! for .lisi.eiisin.' with it. lie h.dd ,h!" ,,h, T""'1,1 '"V1 t'"- i"'"t " "''"ve him by the office .i ' . . "... re- ! nnd i '"'. me oie onAugust ,i was go... 1. iiowcvcr. as the sanitary officer h 1'T n doing Ins work ill September, he' recommends that the motion of Council. ' vn'nu' be reconsidered and the time extended until October I, after v;.n. .1.... .l . ..... ....n- im ..nice is 10 ne vacant. T'1'" mo.H'1" " curried. The work of tlu sniutarv officer .11 .l,v.,lv tl,.m ...ucer ... oevoive men !" vnK.iK-c.uii; ueparinieni linn the police off icers. w ho are nanitnrv (,f- i ,"rs b-v- of-thf8r '""iti0"!,: auantakb island, it . Sept. 22. That the Austra-,J linn navy has cantnred tlieiermnn is.; land of Nauru and destroyed the last 1 . (iermun wireless station in" the Pacific; ! was asserted in cables received from T Australia today. ; r.ins. winn's ADVICE TO WOMEN , Take LydiaLPinkham's Veg etable Compound and be Restored to Health. i Kansas City, Mo. -"The doctors told me I would never be a mother. Every "imonth the pains ;were so bn-1 that 1 j could not bear my ; weight on one loot, j I began taking Ly- I dia E. Pinlcham's j Vegetable Com-! pound and tad not I finished the first bo t- : tie when I felt greatly relieved and j I took it until it ! mnAn ma asm ml nt ' w 8nd j now have two fine bab , . ... ham'. Vegetable Compound too highly j for what it has done forme. I always j speak . word in favor of your medicine to other women who jufTerwhen I have I an opportunity. '-Mrs. H. T. WlNN, , 1225 Freomont Ave., Kansas City, Mo. j misery an the time. I could not do in . J housework orwa)k any (H8tar,ce iamJt . i . j i . Buff" ng P.3'n- tr' octo iiieinciiiea unu uiuiTvni paienr meoi ' cines but failed to get relief. My hue- ! band brought home yourVegetable Com-1 n . ,.n..n , Hnfi ... i wn WPf'lf S I ( nil fl On I nv. fttrl wn i If n Inner tatnnft wthmtt too inn a ,onS stance withoutfeeli tired. I can highly recommend your cgotoblo Compound to women who ; suffer n I did, and you are at Wierty to this letter. "-Mrs. Charlie bag- i LFY, R. 3, Cumminr. Ca. I German Correspondent De scribes Devastation When Cruisers Have Passed The Hague, Sept. .'i ( I!v mail to .New V01U). A story of the fierman operations in Kast Prussia, telling of lint of the fiirhtiiii! in which Herman official reports dec in re SO.nno Russians j were annihilated ajul Mi'.ihK captured. ; appears in a cepy ot tne Jierliner age I l.lntt received here today. ! The article was by Paul Linderberg, the Tngeblatt s special correspondent. "As we reached village after vil 'Inge,' he wrote, "from which our niur- dermis artillery lire had forced the Rus. I sians to retire, we met old jieasnnt 1 women who came whiimierinu to 11s. saving: .. MV lmvo )ivfil h,rp V( ani, I1W all our dear ones are killed and .,n nr ,.,,!,, a,.0 0,1C . "As we rode on we saw streets full of .flipses, lying among dead hoises and rattle an 1 poultry. Kvervthing had been destroyed. Nothing was left j of the village of lloiienstein after the troops had finished with it. Every-! thing Was ruined and in flames." .leclaie.l that in trout of one house lie saw a Russian lame stick- : ing in the ground with a poster, in (.'ermaii, itta'-hcd (J it. on which was, written: ' " Here we lu-ried -" Russians, August i 2 l!il4." Tor sale a few hundred tons of dam aged wheat left at $10.00 and $17.50 per ton, f. o. b. Portland, t.nitig fast. Come quick if vou need some. 0. W. I.nfler, 4IH5 Hubb-'d building. We have & complete stock of Field and Fsrm seeds, including Grey Oata, Wheat, Rye, Vetch, Grass Se;ds, Clover Seeds, etc. Our reeds have beon cleaned in first class shape and are ready to sow. Yen will find our paces right on Uio quality of seeds we offer. t . ; J. I t ; GRAIN ROLLING We have the best roller in the valley and ran take care of your roiling iu first class shape at the usual prices. Wo inae a specialty of SEED CLEANING clc.mins grain and seeds and ' hsvo the lutest cleaning ma- X ' crunery. nng in your seeas (J and grain and have thein cleaned before you seed. Charges rea- ij .. 0 Tt T cnanie. I I y t till If rnp T T II A VlLll I Li I U 1, 11 111 1 " t & Sons 251 -261 St.ite St. Fhone M. 160 Salem, Oregon FARM SEEDS REVENUE GUTTER 1U1FI Tl Struck Sunday Night but Says in No Danger While Sea Is Smooth SEVENTY-TWO IN CREW SHIPS RUSH TO RESCUE Steamer Senator On Way to Nome and Tahoma Mam, Jap Liner Go to Aid Seattle, Wash., Sept. 22. tint of the usual course of ships, the 1'nited States revenue cutter Tahoma is held a virtual prisoner on a dangerous uncharted reef !") miles west of Kiska Island in the far western Aleutian group of islands off the Alaskan coast, and 72 members of the crew are imperiled. Vor hundreds of miles around the, place the distress messages of the Ta homa have been reported to ships at sen, but it will be .lays before relief can be brought. Eight days out of Seattle, on her way to Voliohnma, the Japanese liner Ta. o ma Mnru reported that It will take her two days to reach the Tahoma. The Pacific Const Steamship com pany liner Senator, nine days out of Seattle on her way to Nome, reported it will take her three days to get to the distressed vessel. First to Ecacli Her. These will be the first vessels, prob ably, to reach the Tahoma. Others rushing to her rescue are tip' Aluskn Steamship company's liner Cordova, which left Nome Sunday night for Se attle, the I'nite.l States' coast and goo letic survey steamer Patterson, and the I'nite.l States revenue cutter Hear. The Tahoma struck the reef Sunday but news of her plight did not roaeii. Seattle until late Monday when the 1'nited States revenue cutter .Manning arrived from the Itering sea. The Tahoma 's "S. O. S. '' call was received Sunday night by the I'nite.l States cruiser Huffnio wliile the latter was lying at Sitka. The message said: "Struck a reef nt tt::i(t. Send assistance.'' The Buffalo, equipped with the most powerful wireless system on the north Pacific, wirelessed the Tahoma 's mes sage to the goverrfitient at Tattosh Is land. The Manning received the mes sage fiom Tattosh. Safe Temporarily. In coiiinipiiicntion with the govern ment wireless station at St. Paul Is land, the Tahoma reports: "Ship is O. K., unless rough s.-ns jam her. "' The exact position given by the Ta homa is longitude I7" degrees'? minutes east, latitude ol degrees 37 minutes north. This brings it west of Kiska Island, one of the principal islands in the Rat group of the Aloutims, and viitually means the Tahoma struck n reef in the open sea. The Tahoma was in command of Cap tain Richard O. Crisp. She was bound for Seattle on a homeward trip from the most remote northern possession of the I'nite.l States. The Tahoma called a Hul.lir Island, where the government seal rookery is located. Shortly utter thnt she struck the reef. The Tiihoma left Scuttle May 1 lor the Itering sea. Th.' Manning, which brought news of the Tahoma here, is the sec ond revenue cutter of the llering sea patrol fleet to return this e.r having been preceded by the l"nnli;a. It b possible the Manning will he s.-.nt to ihe Tahoma s assistance. JUBGESAND CLERKS FOR CITY ELECTION In the ma'.ter ol providing judges an. I el. rks for the i ity election in No vember and l-v, inber tiie committee on ways and means of the city council. response to n coinmunicaru'ii from the itv rtcor,! cr. Inst night report e. lie Iolrov.-ine name: Ward No. I .l.t.lges, A. T. Moffitt. 1 A. I.. Yaton. 1'. K. Wagner; clerks. A. A. Winttr, Miss M. Coper. Mrs. S.-li i! a!le; polling place. Cm-tie! I school. Ward No., E. H. An.le, -on. II. 11. Valid, rvo.-t; .-lei's. End Pal mer, Oliver Meyers. W. I. Staley; poll r.g pla.-e. ( ity Hall. 4 Wind No. -J.i.lgos, Dave E. Dm cr. R. Denhain. Mis. John Siegmiiu.1: clerks. Mrs. W., Ida .... I:...a sell. Os.-ar P.owe.s; polling pla. e. Ward No. 4 Judges. Ii. U. (ianz, lieo. Di:n!o:.l. D. .1. Ki; ei.rks, J. It. Ash by. Alice Potter, Mis. S. Urav; pulling place. . Wind No. .1 Judges. En os PresmiH. los. Smith. Miss ti. Ratliff; clerks, W. D. Pisoer; Bessie Shinn, Mrs. R. (. Itoy.l; polling place. Highland schorl. Ward No. 0 Judges, R. C. Hallev. Hugh .lory, A. W. Yeut-h; clerks, Ade line Andregg. Esther Funnel; polling: place, Asylum Ave. Hurler Shop. Ward No. 7 Judges, Fred Mclntvre. Mrs. J. W. Roberts, A. J. I.owrv; clerks. Ueorgo H. Sellnrs, Mrs. J. l lri.-h, H. I. Clark; polling place, Dane's groeerv store. BORN. SAMP To Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Samp. of 4-4 Noith Winter street. Tuesday, j September I.'., 1!1 1,, a son, weight 0 i pounds. tOM1LSOX To MrTand Mrs. Chts. K. j Tomilson. 222 Bellevue street. Men-' day, September 21, 1WM, a on. ! ALEUTIAN ISLANDS PS INTELLIGENCE E Supreme Court So Holds Lower Courts Affirmed in Nine Cases The di.g hud his day in the supreme court today and even though ho be a dead dog he was held to be worth i2"0 and the costs of three trials in addi tion. Moreover, the value of a dog was held to be fixed by its "traits, habits and intelligence" and not by the market value of sausage. Intelli gence is therefore an asset nnd can be capitalized in a dog, though the sinne is not nlnavR true of his masters. Nine decisions wre handed down and in all the decision of the lower court was affirmed. The dog case was that of M. D. McCullister against Hen ry Sappingficld, appealed by the de fendant from the decision of Judge Percy R. Kelly of the circuit court of Marlon county, awarding a judgment of $200 and costs in favor of the plaintiff. Mr. McCullister, who is an employe of the state engineer's office, owned n Scotch collie dog which he kept on his farm a few miles from this city. In October. If 12, the dog was shot and killed by Henry Sappingficld. Mr. appingfiel.l alleged that the dog was vicious and that as he was passing along the highway on horseback the dog attacked a dog that was following him and thnt h was forced to shoot the collie to protect his dog. All of these allegations were denied bv the plain tiff. The decision, which was written by Justice M. Nary, states that the single question of law hinged on whether or not the evidence showing the trVning and intelligence of the dog should have been admitted to the jury by the judge as the basis of computing the vnlue of the dog. The dr'ense argued that the dog was worth lint one could bo purchased for in the open market. This conception, according to the decision ot I he supreme -ourt, is based upon the eom.iii n law, wl i. h is technical in the extreme. "It is not larceny to steal a dog while living, but it is larceny to steel his hide after he is dead." savs the common law. In reciting a similar decision, the opinio- quotes: "The poor man's friend and tiie rich man's companion, nnd the protection of wo. men and children, hearthstones and hen roosts. In earlier law it was said that 'dog law' was as hnr: to define as 'dog Latin.' P.ut that day hns passed, and dogs now have a distinct and well established status in the eyes of the ln.v." The above in defense of the animal who has been accused of having no actual value. Justice MeXary held thnt in ense the dog had no actual lnnrUet value its owner may prove a special value and recover dnir.nges for the destruction of his property. Chief Justice McHride and Justices KaVin and Bonn concur red. This case was first tiied iu the justice court, where the decision was n i'ldgmei t for $200 nnd costs in favor of the pleiiitiff. Mr. Sappingficld ap pealed to the circuit court, where tiie decision of the justice court was af firmed and the additional costs tacked on. An appeal to :he supreme court was then taken by Atto. (irnnt Cor by, who appeared for the defendant ap pellant. Ony O. Smith handled the ease for Mr. McCullister. The other decisions handed were as follows: State vs. Kbni J. Whitcumb, hint, convicted of assaun with ilon ii j aprl-! I II t oi t tmn to commit rape, appealed from I I. line county; affirmed: Moore, J. Margaret J. Fleming i ;. al. vs. John R. Pi.tti.-on. appellrrt, appealed from l.ane county; motion to .'.ismiss appeal allowed, per curim. State vs. I.ou Torhet. nppejlant, con-vi-ted of murder in the second degree, appealed from Multnomah county; af firmed. Ramsey, J. Oscar J. Oregi ire, ::pj ollnnt, s. Port land Rail-.ay. Light and Power Co., ap pealed from Multnomah county, suit for damages; aifiimcd. Takin. J. Theodore Suks.l.irf ot. al.. appellants, vs. Spouaue, Port html and Seattle Rail way Company, appealed from Multno mah county, suit to correct mistake in contract; r.f firmed: Burnett. J, P. H. Smith vs. L. O. Kinney, appel lant, rppenled from Coos county, peti tion for rehearing: denied; Burnett, J. K..y Fisher vs. Portland Railway. Light and Power Co.. appellant, appeal ed from Mnltuoma'n county, suit for ! .v.- g es foi- p.vsina! injuries: affirm c.l; Lakie. J. i'.titioi-s for rehearing were denied in Kohlcr vs. IU'nnison, Pelton vs. ;.ld Hill Co.. Karris vs. t. Helens. THE FRENCH CLAIMS DELAY EVACUATION in.'on. Sept. 22. That French I :im fer a i-; 't of the customs col ic to. i bv i.ei.. ';.! l" were delay ing 'e 1 c, ui.tioa f ''ra Cre b Aa.eric;! trc.js lea: ne I from a reliable s.-urc.1 here today. The tl. -s v i'd not leave V. re. Cru. it w as said, umi! tl.e '.latter i settled. French fi-ti:-,!ici. ri claim -art of the collections as sve nty for ti'.' b au ::o..i" former Pro- i-ioi.;. :. sidoitt P'.iett;:. ti.- n . ffi.ials here ii. Honied it potts of an uprising in Sonora, led by Oeuernl Villa. American consuls in Mevico report that perfect harmony ex-1 ists between Villa t.n.1 Provisional Pros i.lent Carrai.zu. The Huertistit junta at El Paso, government officials said, was responsible for the false reports. There Is more Catarrh In this section ol Die country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few yeart was supposed to be Incurable. Fot great many years doctors pronounced H a local disease and prescribed local reme dies, and by consiantly failing to eur with local treatment, pronounced It Incur able. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore re quires constitutional treatment. HalPi Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo. Ohio, Is the onl Constitutional cure on the market. It It taken Internally. It acts directly on tin blood and mucous surfaces of the system, They offer one hundred dollars for any ease It tails to cure. Send lor circular! and testimonial. Addrew: F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. Q Seld 9 Pnifgistm, 7&& 1 Take Hall's Fwullr Pills (or eontlptlsa 1 NOTICE Or REVIEW AND EQUAL- i IZATION Or ASSESSMENT ROLL. The State Tax Commission will at tend ns u board of equilizntion at the Capitol in Salem, Oregon, on the third Monday in October, 1PM, and publicly examine the assessment roii "oy it made, and review the same, and correct all errors in valuations, descriptions, quan tities or qualities of property by it ! assessable, and in appoitioninents of assessments made by it; and it shall I be the duty of the persons and corpora- . tions interested to appear nt the time j and place appointed. , Petitions or applications for the re- i du. tioii of change of appointment of a i particular assessment shall be made in j writing, verified by the oath of the applicant, its president, secretary, ninu-j aging agent or attorney in fact, and he tiled with the board during the first week it is by law required to be in session, and any petition or applied- I tion not so made, verified and filed i shall not be considcre'3 or acted upon I hv the board. " STATK TAX COMMISSION, By Frank K. I.ovoll, Secretary. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank all who in kindness j and sympathy assisted us during the sickness nnd death of our wife and mother, and also extend our grateful : appreciation for the beautiful floral1 offerings received. i RKV. OKO. J. BATTKY. ! MR. & MRS. C. N. BATTKY. I - NEW TODAY tion. Copy for advertisements un- j der this heading thould be id by J FKONX MAIN SI. - -h FRED'S MOliT U'NCH. WANTKD Shinglers at Yew Park school, by Kbert & Hannan. FOR KKNT Four furnished and throe unfurnished looms. 71 D street. POIND At West Salem, gray row boat. J. J. Russell, West Salem.' WANTKD By young man, indoor work. Address K. A., care Journal. OLD PAPERS for carpets; 10 cents j per hundred. Journal office. j FOR KENT I'pper flat, 7 rooms, close i in and modem. Phone 02 and 124. I FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, modern, 32o South Fourteenth street. 1'1'ESII and boiled cider and nppleade at Farmer's Cider Woiks. Phone 2007. FOR RENT Modern 5-rooin house, close in, cheap. Ask for Lou, Hotel Marion. BRED DC ROC JERSEY SOWS for sale. R. F. D. 0. Box 2:1. Phone 07 F l. WANTED Position as janitor or other work. Will work cheap. Address J. care Journal. W NTED Waiter for restaurant at Fair (.rounds. Apply !15 ChenieUe ta street. CARBON burned from your auto cylin ders. C. R. Hammond. 200 North High. Phone 2409. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, new. 910' N". Church, phone 745J. 1 For Another Week THE SPENCER HARDWARE CO. On ;i count l' the had weal her tin tin-' the last week, wliidi pirvontcd many taking ad vantage of the -real reductions in our Hard ware Sale, we have decided to continue this bargain opportunity ft.r OXK WKKK. SPENCER HARDWARE CO. MUI-72 State Street . IV 11 SAl.h Two nice young, fresh Jersey cows with eulves. litis Leslie street. FOR KKNT Small place of 20 acres, ' d miles from Bush's Dunk. Inquire for John Simon lit West Salem store ALL PARTS of broken machinery weld ed by latest process. C. R. Ham mond", 2t:ti North High. Phone 2100. WANTKU Team of horses for farm work, for their keep. Apply F. D., care of L. H. Williuins, oM Centei. WANTKU to RK.NT Small ranch, 40 - to 50 acres, stocked preferred. G. . Witte, 104.3 Oaines avenue, "aletn. l-'Olt SALK Pair four-step cones, 12 10, for three inch belt. C. R. Ham inoiid, 20H North High. Phone 2100. WANTKO Carpenter job, country or town. Will take in puyment good work team. Call or write i:!7lt N. I .St h street. FOR KKNT it-room furnished house, bam, chicken house and garden, $H per month if taken lit once. Phono 2olil-R. WANTKD Lady or school girl to board and room. Can work morning', end nights for part payment. Call 11 5o State. FOR SALK Two-Inch centiifinal pump direct connected to steam engine. C. R. Hammond, 200 North High. Phone 2lo!i. FOR SALK by owner, 13 acres fint land, fenced and clear, rock road, flnrgain if taken soon. Phone 124, residence phone 92. WANTKD For their keep, one or two horses, to help plow anil do general farm work. L. A. Pavis, Rt. 1, l!o. 2, Salem. Phone 2,140-J. j FOR SALK THIS WEEK ONLY Splendid building lot on Twentieth street, near Court street. Rare bat gain. Square Deal Realty Co. MOTORCYCLE FOR SALK 5 h. p. llarley-Diivi.lson, tandem attachment, Presto tank and light and exliuuwt whistle. A bargain. Inquire 141 North High street. ( I.dSINli out sale of Klectlical goodu. Shades. 1 up to .fl.'iO; fixtures, $1 to .-f7..")(l; electric toys at '-j price. Will close shop Saturday, Sept. 20. P. N. Andresen,,;llil Chemeketii street FOR RENT Furnished housckeeping. rorm; also lam if wanted. Two blocks from good stores. Oood dcop well. On Inglewood car line. Call at fcSO North Seventeenth. 13.-.0 10-ACRE fruit ranch, 2 acres filberts, bearing; i acres cherriei-, peaches and prunes, 1 year old; IVi acre timber, balance in cultivation; no buildings; ilLj miles out, gravel road. Part cash, balance monthly. Sec owner, Low & Derricks, 371 State. PERSONS offering to students board ( or rooms with or with without board, ( or pkiceg where students can earn 1 part or all of their board' please write- full particulars to the office of WiJ- i lamette University. After the 12th 1 phone 317 for students for short jobu. SNAP Beautiful IQ-ncre tract, all uii ! dcr cultivation; deep, rich, black ' loam soil; price $125 per acre; smull ! payment down, balance easy terms; I to school nnd electric station. Fine large lot on State street, close in, all assessments paid; price $1500, terms. Well improved farm on j Howell Prairie, $100 per acre. Co.y i 5-rooni house, huge lot, $250 down, price it-Mlti. Money to loan; houses for rent; write insurance. Bvchtcl ' & By nun, 347 State street.