EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 1.r.. 1014. . i : .: THE HOUSE OF QUALITY w I OOOD1GOODS SALEM'S STYLE STORE: Our 70Sfi Wednesday Surprise A Sale of Embroidered Cushion Cov ers, 75c Kind for 59c Those who are thinking of holiday gifts or who want neat and unusually pretty cushions will he interested in this event. These covers are well made of good quality linen fabric, prettily em broidered in a number of artistic designs. Cov ers are oblong shape, 15x20 inches, and are fin ished at ends with fringe of self color, ready for ine piuow. special tomorrow 59c. See window. Sale starts at 8:30. 1880 1914 4 i All Around Town ---- j AMUSEMENTS. HI, Mill Mate -licet, hetw High iiml Liberty -Million pictures of Ih "Million ol- lar M.VNtory," great serial of thrilling episodes. KiMiil tin' Mory in tlin Capital Journal lit ami see, Hid pictures ii tin' llligh. Al-o comedy l i I ins. Or.hestinl niiixir. lil.ollK-Sniitli side of Stin,. street, between 1 1 i k l uud I, ill irt V M.tiou picture nl ii llroudwny star feature, "Mr. liingle's Melodiniuti," with Hugh Meek uii.l Flora Finch. liaritnne solus by Karl Karcy. Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist In fitting glares correctly. U. 8. bank building A marriage licence wan Issued yes terday to K. Allien Niotling, a plumber, nd Snlena Weinrich, both f sinvtiiu. o Dr. Utter, dentin ptione euu, Salera Bauk of Conimnr.-e building. 0. A. Biekctt was appointed guardian Of bis 1,1 year old mm, Albertine Hick U, by Judge Hushoy, yesterdnv. The property of the con in valued at $liiO(.' Try Scott's 16c mcaia. E. 0. Siecke, assistant state forester, lias gout to eastern Oregon to look over some, timber in the counties of (i runt. Wheeler, Morrow ami I'niiitilln. Super visor C. ('. Scott unil Mr. Sieeke intend ed to spend at least a week in inspect. iliR the timber in this section. Oo to Dr. Stone i for trusses. J. M. Devors, prosecuting attorney for l.ane county, and At'orucv llnwnrd M. Hrownell were in this c'itv today from Eugene, Mr. Hrownell is attorney fur the Hppelliint in the i me of the Hate vs. Hen .1. Whitman, chnrged with a statutory crime. H. N. Cockerliue, a woll known insur ance nKi'tit of Albany, was mnrrie.l a U'oo.lliorn Sunday to Miss l.ois Iddings, "f W Ilium, lor a unmoor of vears living in Cn.-iii-. They passed through Migcne uiiila v at tornooii oil a lionev. iiiioin trip.--Eugene Register. - o Tito C. L. Sperlins & Son grocery will move to its new locution at U47 North I'oiiiiiien ial street, about September 21. The county tax en.ualizatiou board is in se-sioii this week to hear nil claims of over taxation filed by property on ti ers and to make eipiituble adjustments. The hoard consists of County Judge lliishey, County Clerk (iehllmr and County Assessor Hen West. So far no .claims Inn.. 1 ii,,, wjtn the board. Tor sale a few hundred tons of dam Ked wheat left nt lu.l)(l nnd $l7.;i0 per ton, f. o. b, li.rt Itiml. (Joing fast. C 11 quick if you need some. (i. W. I.Hllei', lllli Jlubb-.rd building. 0 First chapel exercises at Willamette university will be held Thursday morn ing when the sessions of the univeisitv begins for the year, Registration "is Koing on merrily today nnd student leaders are getting the iicwcoiners lined up for the various societies and Chris tion association woik. Opening dauce of season. Armory, Saturday, September in. Ladies tree. The Portland, Eugene and Eastern has applied to the state railroad com mission for permission to put in two (jrade crossings on their line between Oswego and Oregon City. The tiiilioad company asks that the .icuiing of these cases lie held within the next 1(1 or 1:2 days us they wish to begin laying track on the lino by October 1. Last week of Mosher'a fifth annual fall opening sale. Keul reductions in prices of suits for men nnd women, (let yours now uiul save money. Com standing 10 foot high with ears I- inches long was brought to Salem recently from the llobsou farm near the reform school. A stalk of it, weigh ing eight pounds, is tickling the ceiling in the .1. YV. W'illson store. The com is n splendid vaiiet.v nil. I good stalk, al though the. crop was not expected to mi ft i inc More lhat Saves You Monev titttffttt WHAT $ 1.95 WILL BUY AT OUR STORE j j WEDNESDAY ONLY I ft 1 pair Capitol Pillows res. $7.50 val. It ; 1 Iron Bed, any finish res. $6.75 val. 1 1 No. 129 Wood Seat Rocker . . . reg. $6.50 val. 0 t I 1 1 Mahosrany Stand-. 1 1 set Old Hickory Chair and Rocker XI No. 116 Child's Crib 1 1 Mahogany Reception Chair Mantle Clock pair Portieres 11 1 Coil Bed Spring, guaranteed 25 years re reg. $10.00 val. $ .reg. .reg, reg. vprr ,A cs- SS.75 val. $6.50 val. i $8.00 val. $9.00 val. $7.50 val. $5.50 val. Your Credit Is Good Uer CGR. COURT & hichstI Stores Oregon and fl Waihlngton We Sell for Less Uecause We Buy for Less Uttt so good, on account of the drv sca- , son. Attention. Moose! Initiation and re tieshments alter regular meeting to night. All members re.iiested to bo present. Honald W. Miles, lo Hsh Hank building. Ed. Tallman, Jr., boys' secretary at t he V. M. C. A., ill leave this eifv Wednesday for I'ortland, where he will purchase tiie cafeteria that will be in stalled at the state fair grounds for the Salem association. He has made sev 'cial trips to I'oitlan.l during the prog ress of the negotiations and has made' tnial preparations now for tne install ing of the eating house. "Rainershine" Hoosiers will picnic tomorrow at fairgrounds under shelter. . Mrs. A. V. Kish, reader; H. Kennedv nnd daughter, Kuth, have been added to program, with .lime Reed, violinist.; About 8:30 o'clock last evening the' fire department, was called out bv what; proved to be n false alarm. The fire I was supposed to be on Liberty street! but when the department reached the I scene no fire was found. It is believed: that a shower of sparks thrown from1 the electric company's power plant nearj there caused the alarm to be sent in bv" --no- one who llioilgiu II tire Wits ill progress. Jack T. Welsh, former police officer of this city, filed his original petition this morning for city marshal and im mediately began to fill it up with signers. Dining the time ho was on the force (Iflicer Welsh was popular an, efficient nnd made maiiv friends by his careful work. It is expected bv his friends that he will make a strong bid for the nomination ut this prim aries in November. i Bring your agates home to have them polished and mounted. Gardner & : Keene, ;KS State street. ! A suit was filed In the circuit court' yesterday by M. K. I'hilips against! .lames .1. MeKvoy and Michael McKvov.i proprietors of the Chicago Store, to collect the sum of ! 1 ,.-0 alleged due fur goods sold to the defendants by Weinberg A Weiinnn. The claim was assigned to Mr. Philips. Walter Wins-1 low appears as attornov for the plaintiff, Tlve new bowling alloys are being I installed in the basement nest the Masonic Temple on Slate bv llarrv Kalph and Merle Steutsinan." The a'l-' leys will bo opened r,y September L'S and will be dedicated on the first night of the fair. The proprietors sav their alleys will be up to date in nil respects and the equipment will be second to none in the city. They have ample room for spectators and players and will have a number of individual lockers for the use of the patrons. Letters of acknowledgement from winneis of the tennis tournament cups of the receipt of the tokes of their skill, have been received by Secretary .Moore of the Sulein commercial club.1 These letters .sHak highly of the treat-1 meiit accorded the visiting plavers b 1 the people of Salem and express their! appreciation of the beauty of the enps. ! The trophic were donated bv Burr1 brothers, the Cray Hello, Haiise'r broth-1 ers nnd Watt Shipp. I Friday uight the young men of Wil-! lamotte university, under the aimpnW of the Y. W. C. A., will gather for the first meeting of the year, h will be .held in tiie uuiversity (ivimuiHinm, which has always Veu the scene of big'l booster and get together rallies for i niuy years. The event ia called a "stag mi ' and the puros is to get everv. body acquainted with each other. There will be games of all description and! At the meetlmr of th ,,.. v. the board of governors of tho 8al,.m; 'b TT V'wy aftenioou' Rev. Robert S. Hill, pastor of the1 Kpisvopal church here, who spent the summer working with the Spokane (om.i mereial club, snike of the methods pur-i mied by the .Vokane orgaaiation in' drawing immigrants to that part of the country. The plan nveutlv laid out by Secretary Moores to briug p.o- : pie here through persoual letters writ tea by satisfied people was commend.). Other routing business was transacted. Eninia Tennell was appointed admin istratrix of thr estate of Katie Hickok who died in this city yesterday. Y. II. Ui-nedict. Cn-orge A. l'ipc and f.-u We;it!.errcd wric a p.'iutr.l aopruisers. T.iere aie no mur relatives in thi state. Judge Hiisluy m i le the a) p. i:. fluent s this miming. Camp & Du Puy. incorporated, are suing .1. H. I.autcrman of this city tor 'the sum of ifl.'is.p). which is u c minis- ion of $5"U less .-i.l.ro which it is nl 1 leged was overpaid on Vnti.-licis. The plaintiffs const reeled a house f"i' Mr. I.aiiteiman and tie suit grew out of jthe srttlenicnt "f the pro e for . on- strm tion. A tour of Alas'ra was the pleasant vacation trip of Mis Corn Small, su pervisor i.r music of the Salem puLMc schools, who is expe.-tcd home tomor row. Miss Small spent the summer in whcie she recently has been visiting. Miss Small was re-elected as musical supervisor this year. T. Ji'. Pirby was 'oday appointed ad n ii isfri t.c of the clTHe ii lilcita Ih Long by Judge lii'shev. The heirs to the estate, which is valued at .iiii. lire Marian lie Long, of Siilnti: V. L. De Long, of Snleni: Kli l'e Long, of S.-io. and Minnie Watson, of Salem. John H. McNary. K. M. l'age nnd V. M. brown were appointed appraisers. ! A plant, valued at $.75,000, has been installed at Ma'iiui by the Cas.-aue Con struction company, which has a con tiaet for sujiplying crushed ro.-k for ;balasting the Southern I'acit'ic triok between Albany and Portland. More than Inn men arc employed and the 'monthly payroll is about ii".h. The plant is said to be the largest in the slate and a member of the firm is au thority for the statement that liuil.iiliil cubic yards of rock will be distributed from it. Voters are registering slowly for the coming city primary election in Nov ember, said Kcorder Klgin this morn ing. At the prccnt rate of enrolling there will be only about half the pos sible registration get on the books be fore tho time comes for them to close. Duly about I-'imi have signed so far and there are T.ddli electors eligible, to reg ister. It will require marly -"in reg istrations per day to get (i.inni voters, which is the estimate placed by the recorder, registered. The rainfall in this city for the 24 hours ending at "j o'clock tonight will be more than an inch, according to the local weather observer. The rainfall from 5 o'clock lust night to S o'clock this morning was .i inch nnd from s o'clock this morning until 2 o'clock this afternoon .:IT inch. This totals .!5 inch and another sprinkle before 5 o'clock will l.iiug the rainfall in 2t hours u to one inch. The two dry months ot ! July nnd Auj.ust. however, have left the soil in pf.rtieulnrly thirsty coiidi-j tion and f aimers rep., it that the ground is not yet wet down to anv depth as Vet. Football practice at Willamette uni versity began .vester.iay with the nu cleus of a squad. On account of the fact that yesterdnv was the tirst dav of school the number out was consider ed good. It is expected that double the number will be out tonight whether it rains or not and that by Saturday there will be at lea.-;t ."i0 aspiring foot ball stars working out tor the first team. Manager Irvine is outfitting the new men this afternoon and will be able to put the first team men in an entirely new outfit shortly. The old suits have been repaired during the summer and the new ones ready to be unpacked from their shipping eases. Practice be begins each day at 3 o'clock. M. L. Covan. of this city, and Mrs. May Al.lcn. wife of the night cook at the White House restaurant, were ar rested on a charge of disorderly con duct by Officers Woolery and Hicker son. The couple were caught in the Keith rooming house about 11 o'clock last night and taken to jail. They were given a hearing in the police court this morning and fined. Cowan wasj assessed flit for hi part in the affair and Mrs. Ald.a ifL'o, the fines based on the corrcspon ling guilf 0f the two.; cowan paid his fine and was released: while Mrs. Allien went to jail until her! husband could pay her fine. The voting' inn n told the police judge that 'if he! had known the woman was married he: never would have gone to the room; with her. The register at tho rooming ; lions,, shows they registered as man aud! wife. Because a crop of grain was not thtashed before the recent rains for the alleged reason that the farmer was away with his family at the hop yard, Horace W. Thielson and wife have brought suit against A. J. Kissick in' th circuit court. It is stated in the complaint that the Thielsens own a farm of -M acres near this city which they leased with all of their fiirm im plements to A. J. Kissick aud were to receive one-half of the products of the farm. It is further alleged that Mr. Kissick entrusted too much of the farming to his son and that not a full crop was realized. Also the plaintiffs aver that he moved away more than half of the grain from oue piece that was thrashed. They ask for an injunc tion restraining the defendant from taking away guv more grain and for damages of '.Vi, and for the cancel lation of the lease. o Secretary Ralph Moorea, of tiie pro motion department of the Salem com mercial club, is sending ont a letter to the uew comers iu this vicinity asking them if they are satisfied with condi tons here to write letters back east to their friends and tell them of the op portunities here. They are asked to write to the right kind of people, pro fessional and skill.-d mechanics, and give thetn light on conditions liere. He asks them to tell what a good place this "'" is in wiinii to live, to speak or the uniform prosperity and that the people are neither very' poor nor exceed ingly rich, that here" is a diversity of crops which prevent absolute failure, to tell them of the good elinute and tae social conditions schools, churches, no bad factory conditions, nd to ini res on them that this is a land of opportunity for those who will hustle. It is exited that much good will re sult from this campaign to let eastern people know from satisfied people just what to expect. KILLED BLIND WIFE AND THEN HIMSELF Portland. Ore.. September 1-V The bodies of A.rs. Mary Harris, totally blind with her throat cut. and that of her husband 1,'oseoe Harris, a black smith, with the arteries of both wristsj severed, were found iu a rooming house at L'l North Ninth street this afternoon. A razor whs the weapon used. The wo-' man's body, found lying on a bed. was nude, and terribly gashed. The hus band had apparently killed his wife nnd then himself. AMERICAN TROOPS LEAVE Washington. Sept. I.I. Amer- i.an troops this afternoon were ordered withdrawn from Vera Crii7.. .Vexico. The withdrawal order was an- nnuhced iiy Presidential Private Secretary Tumulty. "The action was taken,'' ho said, "because of the entire re- moval of the circumstance causing the troops to go there at first." War Bulletins LONDON. Sept. 13. The sinking by1 a British submarine of the German pro tected cruiser Hela was anuouueed here today. It was understood the Incident oc curred off Heligoland aud that the Hela sank 10 minutes after it was struck. The crew was said to have been saved. Otherwise details were lacking. ANTWERP, Sept. 15. The Belgians were attacking the Germans again to day. Fighting was In progress at Malinfj and in the vicinity of Leuvain. It was not of the proportions of a general en gagement but the skirmishing was hot. The Scheldt dikes wero cut and the lowlands about Antwerp flooded in an ticipation of another German movement against the city. GRAY-BEU; lunches Business 11 a' m-t2p,K GRAY-BEIU LUNCHES x c I i' Completing a course of nursing two and a half years. Miss Minn Cook graduated from the Willamette sana torium yesterday. Honors will be giv en her at formal graduation exercises, which will be held the firs of the month upon the return of Dr. K. V"..' Fisher from his eastern visit. Miss Cook is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cook, of Hi South Cottage street. She will not take the state board examinations until January, and in the meantime lias accepted a posi tion in the office of Mr. K. K. Fisher. James D. Hartwell, at present deputy health officer and deputy state daiffy and food commissioner, filed his orig inal petition today lor the nomination for city marshal ut the pritnuriios iu November. Mr. Hartwell believes that he can give the city an efficient ad ministration as chief of police and would inaugurate a greater campaign for sanitary conditions than lias hither to been made. W. 1. Miles l.lso filed his original petition for marshal, lie is the seventh man to get into the race. John K. Davis, of J!U High street, filed his petition for city treasurer to suc ceed K. A. Crossan, incumbent. Whether it shines or whether it rains, Indiana people to the number of about Mil) are expected to gather at the Ore gon state fair grounds tomorrow for their annual picnic. Although there, are 'more than ildu of them here that j number is placed as a eonservnt i ve i timiite. There will be music and a gocpl ; .miner ior tneir rntertiiiiiinint. The feature of the afternoon will he music by June Moid, violinist, from Kokoreo Indiana, who bus beer, spending the slimmer at Newport. She has studied under a number of noted Kuioan vio lin teachers and it is expected rtlat nil Indiana people will give her a royal welcome. The first time a man is called upon to make an after-dinner speech he! can t think of anything; to say until he has finished. LONDON, Sept. 15. That 14,000 of General VonKlnk's troops, including the general himself and the members of his staff, had been surrounded aud captui ed in northeastern Trance was reported in a Central News dispatch received here today from Dieppe. The war office had no confirmation cf the report. The story was not generally believed, though it was known as a fact that many stragglers had been taken pris oners. WASHINGTON, Sept. 15. A cable gram here today by the Trench embassy from Gordeaux said: ' "The Germans have completely evac uated Trench Lorraine and are with drawing towards Sarrebourg. Head quarters for one of tho Trench armiei have been established at Rheims." NEW TODAY , MKsT( .ASS..rf. Ni ; l"'r "th. Then, u -V I COW FOR S.! V Trade streets. V'1!W j FOR RFTi . !"-4 ""em Kim ti em eunvenie Keen with b..ts; i "ieiu-es. J'hoM:ii:V TRIESTE, Austria, Sept. 15. (via Rome.) The Trieste and Trient regi ments sent to Galicia to aid in resisting the Russian invasion have suffered hor rible losses, it was admitted here today. Tho soldiers, coming as they did from Austria's Italian provinces, were mostly Italians, though Austrian subjects. Italian losses, it was said, would foot 15,000 at the lowest estimate. FOI! liKNT-Fonr f;ZT untarnished looms, ', rj,vt WANTKD-Prune CrjinfjJ penenced dryer mas. phi-w ;; ; l' LOS IXC Oil entire stotkrfXj al supplies, act ( htmrtm OLD I'ArF.RS for farPets;Tj per hundred. Journal offi 1 FOR SAI.K Hoa,ltr u ... .... , ,. i condition. Price rcastnullf. ; 1M.1. 1'OIi KKXT J'lirnisM km rooms, new. !)10 X. churl, i 7-15J. 1 I BERLIN, Sept. 15 (via The Hague.) Germany's western campaign continues, the war office announced today, with cnt a decisive result. Trench efforts to break through the German line and isolate a part of the kaiser's forces were declared to have failed. It was stated that the German ad vance in East Prussia continues and that tho main Russian body has been driven back across the frontier. C. Ii. C, student Hart typm-tl do forenoons, i 'all ,WB( K . j, O 'clock. b'KMoVAl, .s.l.r-l ,N I Vet 7. Furniture Co., 1)17 v increink J C1IIXKSK boys wish to mi i family; have time to go tort, Ferrv street. OSTEND, Sept, 15. A German divis ion which has been holding Alost evac uated it today. The troops moved southward, evident. ly to help tho 5r,aisor"s main army. Alost is about 20 miles souTheast of Ghent, 30 soutliwest of Antwerp and 15 northwest of Brussels. The evacuation of Brussels was ex pected here soon. TWO-CHAll! barber flier, for j or write .1. It. Alliriht, 1M street, Salem, Oregon. NISH, Servia, Sept. 15. One hun dred and fifty thousands Servians were ! cu the offensive In Humrarv todnv. Th I war office said they were meeting with Hula opposition. MUiiaimtjiiMtfaMaagiB BLIGH THEATRE Tonight, Wednesday, Thursday Eighth Episode of "THE MILLION DOLLAR MYSTERY" Two Reels. Do not Miss It It's Sensational. See what efforts the conspira tors are making to jet ri,l of Norton, the newspaper reporter. Learn what part Countess Olga is taking in the battle for tho mil lion. Obtain every possible clew that will help yon solve the mystery and win the lo.OuO. "A MAN'S WAY" In Two Parts Teaturing William Garwood and Vivian Rich "LAUGHING GAS" A Keystone Comedy. Coming FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TANTOMAS" In Tour Parts BLIGH THEATRE Salem's Model phot Play House Admission 10c LONDON, Sept. 15. The official war information bureau this afternoon, for mally announced tho Tranco-Biitish at. lies' reeceupation of Rheims. The news j was much belated, the city, it was un , derstood, having been taken by the al- lies Juuiuiay. DIED. I1.ICKOK At the Willamette sanator ium, Monday, September .14, 1!M4, Cntherine II. Hickok, aged 75 years. The body is at Kigdou & Kit-hard-son's parlors. Funeral announcement will be made later. The funeral services will be hold to morrow, Wednesday, morning, at 7 o'clock, from St. .Joseph's' Catholic church. Keqiiiem mass for the repose of her soul will be said by Father Scherbring. Interment will bo in the Catholic ceineterv. FOIf KF.XT-Furnished him.!' Liberty street. W. II. lint. & Co., room 2, Hash tmnk Hit j SICK FlItXtsHKD HOl'sHt' I apartments at The i.inroln. ( ry St. ! Fl'KXlsHKD WH'sK Ml l Twentv-t'irst r.ed Trailf Cj lho'ne"2:!iil-R. j KOH SALK Three nice Jm?" one fresh; two will I Leslie street. WAXTF.Ii to KF NT Mo.if ni k , low, close in, or apartment, i or unfurnished. Phone S4F!" lour mil. CI' ST KB At his home. 14.10 North' Court street. Monday, September 14, 1!)14, at !l::sn p. n'i., Joseph Lytic Custer, aged " years The body is at the Cottage undertak ing parlors. The funeral services wil be held Wednesday at 2 p. m., from the' Highland Frieuds' church. Interment will be in Odd Fellows' cemetery. MINERS ACCEPT IT. Washington. Sept. 15. President Wilson was notified tr.ts afternoon by 1 the convention of the I'nifed Mine Workers of America that his three year truce plan between the miners and operators of Colorado was acceptable to the miners. The convention met to day nt Trinidad. Colorado. .lAl'AX'KSF, rlmnffe-ir, f 'l'itT several high-grade car". .toi! j sition in private famirf. If., 321 'j Water street, PoAm y WILL buv Italian prima to drj. ;f quantity to 1000 bushels. Pte - ; 23. Write box 152, roufei A. Townseud. J NOTICE I will not be rest I anv debts or accounts fontrt I an'vone other than myself l J ,1. 'T. Johnson, Hreokj ve I HALL'S FF.IiliY Nearest H1 j'j roan to im'm .'!-. ... erv five minutes. Anton1" cents. Hall's Fetry lomp WAX'TKI-To trade, a 'iaM .'' ' vices of good tfirl; w ,H,5;,, perience not necessary j tl ; i part cash and rest to aWC Call State, l'iller lleaJ FOK SALK-!""" mortal 3 vears. on 24 ' aer.' imi'W'. . . i ui f i-Bit.' 1 ' discount so as io .- ,,..,. SeeJ.ineer A- Hvill.U. .'1. i-intr CARD OT THANKS. We desire to thank friends and ac quaintances wiio so kindly gave us of their sympathy ami also for the beauti ful floral expressions sent us during Our recent bereavement in the departure of our husband an.l father. MRS. ANTONY KLIJIX, MISS KMMAL1NK KLEIN. BORN. OIl.l. To Mr. and Mrs. Cnvill F. C.ill. of Mills City. September ,'t. 1914. a daughter, named K'ditu. nORNF.K To Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Horner, at Gate's, September fi. 1'.'14. a daughter. WAXTEDSome property oj i...:i.i .;.i.t,... for nie on ' . : in location. Want a H am willing- to li n ft , k vears, paying good wfA , Address 11, eareeM5ii ' FOR BEXT-Fnrnisked room; also barn if v f ' blocks from good storey (-, well. On luglewood at SS0 North s.cveinj- wlLL build for yen "Vi 0( a motlern house ou . t I on one of those " lc! f : j ter and Marion streets. . FOR SALE-At a h ful modern home at r. , Salem, two blocks it J- i ' ..,., tn suit TVT Ut- ' tn owner. i'r. field, Oregon. IT SOUNDS GOOD Chicken Salad. Fresh Chicken Bouillon. Chicken Broth. Clam Broth. 1'hicken Sandwich. Ham Sandwich. Tongue Sandwich. Coffee, Oreen and Black Tea. Special Chicken Tamale. ; Oyster Cocktail. . , Delicious Hot Chocolate and Cake. Beef Tea. Other gevd things too numerous to mention. : THE SPA 02 SMate Mreet. i ,1330-10-ACKE fruit l' ' V lance ! ;t am f I, ID" Bill peaches and acrr ti'"" - , K:i.liiics: Jl2 road. Fart "fJi S owner. Low 'JT j PERSONS offerim? M J; ; ! or rooms wU or -.0. , or ria'" VtV;ir board. F.t. part or H oi their o rf ( full particulars ,Kjft4f t lamette FniverKt f ' rhone 317 iJf:. "juit turn bach Ad Columns " offering lAert. i