Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 15, 1914, Page SIX, Image 6

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Exolainin the War, by How E. Duzzit
Get the
- - , . . . . i
CF Er-uD anp "Ik'ito To tfoltVcTtV
&cfcTtit7ALWW we eve of
6ATTI& . wql i sez $o Do Th' ctiiriese
Bui vwo 7te PEVl ca; t-NPtrcirtP EM
W ITS All. BecJuSe TrJEY Mix A Kite
Candidate for Cltjr Racirder
Kf ficie nor
Jistice in recorder's court
Economy in ofricp Pip-n-c-4
'(I'aid AJv.)
"TMG -nrk The- is W IXjTGI flr'O
VrNovJ tfrl&S AiNt 6o BAD, I WlSt. I D
TOe M? of iW voTe To 7c Kfc I
All f?iGriT-
ByTl k
33. -l
1 1 i
I -c . . - -
f4'! 'I k- J-v 9
i . I
I .
1. i )
i ?
itrlant Astute, lii BtH BtrM
Under the direction of ihc
Sisters of the Holy Name
Molt approved methods, Pri
mary, Grammar and High
.School Departments, Complete
Courses in Harp, Piano, Voice
Culture, Violin and Harmony.
No interference with religion
of pupils.
Scholastic year begins second
Monday in September.
?.!) aeres of youl re.i hill Inml, 100
nerin miller (iiltivntinn, lialiuiee most
ly yoii'l tiinlier. Tiiis is a oml buy.
I'r.iee $'i0 per a 'r(.
fiJinre fit r in. Sit neies un.ler culti
vation, luilniiee timber mill pasture;
riinin water, liuiise, leirn, some fruit.
I'riee $M per aero.
.M n.-res of ni"l Ian. I, imistlv under
eultivation, Mime timber. Trice $170(1;
leilO cash, balaiii'e t-Hil per year, fl
per cent.
3 aero ranch, 1:1 acres under cultiva
tion, family orchard, some timber;
running water, youd building., close
to school, macadam road, I'j miles
out. Price $..".110(1. Half on-di, balance
tn suit,
A re tracts just outside of the city, all
in hearing orchard; goad location.
I'riee Sut) per acre; .;.' down, bal
ance $ ') per inontl . t'ome in and Mi l
us about them.
fie re of good land, I I acres under
cultivation, balance timber and pas
tire, ti acres in Italian prune trees.
Some loganberries, strawberries; good
B room house, burn, chicken house,
wrll, stock and implements nil go
Willi place; . mile from
This is a good buy. Price $ti,00l),
acres of good l.ui I all under enlti
vatiou, all set t,i fruit trees l.tst year
good .1 room lMuse. chicken iiouse
well, all inclosed wttn woven fence
Close to
stali.in on Oregon
bargain. Price
u room house and two lots, bearing
fruit trees, close to car line. Price
17,'nl. V'0 cish, balance inoitgsge
room house, hath, toilet, electric
ngnis, corner lot, east tiont, city and
wen water, tieiiring tnnt trees, close
to school and car line. Price $I0.'i0;
uo itowu, liala i, a jla per iinnith.:
Look tins up.
31A acres, close in. house, bam, chicken'
house, well, fruit, macadam road;!
ill take city propeity up to M nh.1 i
s part payment. Price J'.'OO. !
V. oil improve-! 3 sere tract lust out
side of the city limiti, !5 room Ininga-
low, barn, chicken nouse and vard: !
good family crcharj; close to tar hue
I'riee ,1'Hli).
a lot on Kair- i
Jf you are lookinjj for
mount Park, v us.
Room 2, Bush Bank Bldg.
A cent a word will tell yur
ttory in the Journal New Today
! F o SaSt "mtBtotS i s WES OF
I. SPORT NEWS i feelings in battle
: t
Tom Jones Says He Has Contract to
Manage WUIard for Three Years
from May 1913 and Will Handle
the Job.
(By Hal Sheridan.)
New York, Sept. 15. Tom
manager of Ail Wolgnst, is out
with a
denial of reoorts thnt .lark furlv nf
( liic niio linn miiilautt'c him as iiiuiinm'r
oi .loss vt iiinni. 1 1
innc.y, .niiios torn ncwxiapprni(n
lion', "is nut Willard's nianaL'fr ami
never will ln. About two weeks ngo
Clirlcy iiiforiiie.l the publie thnt he wns
nun Williiril'n nianriL'er, was liaeked l.v
"onielinilv with plentv of inoiiev nml
prvpoHpil to 'hnmlle' Willunl in sueh n
ivav as to make him worl I s ehainpion
ami eleiin up .(, 0.
"t'urlev went to ChicHKo recently to
4 j; nili' Willanl. lie (jot big .less in tow
ami i it v it I'll liini urounil to i-ee some
shows, luiiilit him ilinuers ami liquiil
refreshments ami tobl him that if he'il
only trail iironn, with I'nrley he coul
have any little thing he hnppcnpil to
ilesire. At this iuneture bin .less, who
hinl been silentlv aeeeptinir Curlev's
hospitality, opeueil his month anil sabl
oinethiiiK worth while.
44 'I have a three vears eoutrart
with Tom Jones,' .less tel. I Curtev
41 After Curlev hinl reeovereil from
I several fnintiiiK spells he hurrieil nrouni
i to see nit. He trieil to buv Willanl
'eoiitrnet with me but I turned him
ilown rint. I onsemientlv ( nrlev, in
spite of his rerent press nueut stuff, has
not iinytliini; to ilo with .less Willanl,
ami is nut likely to have in the future.
44 My contract with Willanl is a brass
bmiinl, unbreakable affair, suf fieiently
sii(iiei ami witnessed bv a notary. Ac-
coi dinn to its terms, Willanl for certain
financial considerations (I paid him
-,.i;o) nave me full power to make
mutches and sin nrticles for liini am
In handle all of his biisine-s affairs for
a period of throe years. Our onutrai t
was si I May !!, HH.'t."
( Kugcne Kegistcr.)
That the good roads advocates who
demand nothing but a hard surface
higliway are making a mistake in dis
couraging the road building efforts of
the communities which cannot afford to
haidsurface or even macadamize the
great bulk of its roads, is the couten
lion of llelnins W. Tiininpson, county
judge, lie takes exception to the criti
cism of the Oregon roads in the report
of Henry I.. Ilowlby, state highway en
gineer, who ileicribed the Pacific High
nay in the September bulletin of the
Pacific Highway association. The bul
letin does mention favorably the several
miles of macadam about Kugcne, us
ipioted in The (Junid several days ago,
but the judge does not teel tnat this is
"I have just received the bulletin of
the Pacific Highway association, and
notice what it says about the Pacific
Highway in l.nue county," said Judge
TI. . I . .. '
"""T"" ""'a..
ii is innominate that 1,-ine county
is not given the proper credit for the
condition of its north and south road.
T vie is a stretch of water bound ma
cadam extending from the city limits
of Kugcne north seven miles; there is
another sticlih extendins? from the . ilv
limits of Kngene south to lloshen, which
; is aliout tour nulcs, and there is another
j st retch of three iiiartei.s of a mile near
l ottage Grove. These roads are entire
Iv outside of toe cities, ami ,(u mil in.
elude any city pavement. They are
constructed of water bound macadam
which is iirovini! itself entirely sol'fi-
cient to carry the traffic to which it is
ub jci ted.
I tie ten.leucy of this bulletin to
di-aige all county roads which are
not hard "Ui fuce. I consider .leti iioen.
; tal to the cause of good roads tnrough
nut inn vallev. What t.ie imblie is in.
! teiote,l in is a good smooth roa.l mi, I
not the particular names and not the
a'I'ular kin, I of road.
"Kane county is building macadam
' a cost of consideiably less
'''n the cot of hard surface, and niain-
mining them in first class condition, at
, an expense or not more than I -'0
' i mile per vear.
- I Tk.., .I.;. ... i. . i
i " " ' . V . " . ' ul ' i
i of the money exociutc.l on ...o. o.u,,,
i run, i stays in .am county. A
run, i involv es the payment of a consid
"''w''' amount of money for cement
j which g.ies out of t.ie county. Almost
an ioi ins ot t. numinous road involves!
an expenditure for bituminous material
and tor the right to use patents of all
whiili goes mil of the county.
Poulsbo', Wash., Sept. IVPoulsbo's
entire business section was wipJ out, I
causing loss of 2;,0iH by fire which '
swept the village earlv tod.iv. Two
ki.u.1,. h,.ii.i,. i .
arrival of
-s.rr,i. i
h rim itABr rnia k.xm
saved the towa
rom total destruction.
By A. M. Corrlgan.
Red McGhee saytt
When old-time fans start in a bee
an' try hard not to disagree 'tore nam
in' what they'll
take, an ' you hear
Oibson mentioned,
it can't be
only just one guy
there can't be no
mistake. They're
tnlkin ' 'bout the Pi
rate star. Its ninety-nine
to one they
are. All other Gib
sons scratch. They
're ull for George.
They should be. too.
There's darn few
livin ' who can do a
better job nt catch.
birth Gib start-
out Canuck. In
Oaseball, though, to change his luck he
went to Huifalo. His one year there
in iiiiioteen-four hp made the fans sit
up an' roar to watch him catch nil
throw. Next year 'twas Pittsburg fans
who raved about the way that George
behaved down there behind the bat.
lie s Deen their idol since that dnv
ir the ol hoy went away they'd
their sleeves an ' hat.
Gib's work was not all with the mitt.
He knew iiovv to get up an' hit to
paste 'em on the nose. When pitchers
start to aviate they see ol ' Gib behind
the plate an' keep earth near their
iocs, it s i,in s tenth year an still
he's good. He catches, throws an'
swings the wood in pretty fair form
vet. The Pirates this year haven't
unsseii. lint tout don t cover Gibson's
past. It s too bright to forget.
Coast League Standings.
i on la mi
!niii Francisco l2
Venice s;i
I .ns Angeles si
.Missions -.
1 1 Id
Yesterday's Results.
Traveling day.
Late Yesterday
Uockawuv. Luilwig
composer, died.
Sun Francisco. H i: (Wri- i
business man, ende 1 his lif, ','v ptun,.
ing six stories down a li-.W shaft
Tokio. Vice Admiral Koichi Puiii
was sentenced to four years iin.l si
months in prison in connection with the
inpnni'si' naval graft case.
l.os Angeles. After swallowing half
a hottlc ot nnt Miste. Adelu Wt.vt.-i.
;ed ;t. was saved by rromnt action of
attending physicians.
Areata, t al. Hans Kier. Jr.. If., shot
and killed his father and mother and
wounded his two brothers, later giving
the authorities hard struggle before
he was tnrested.
l.os Angeles.
-William T. (Taxi.ab)
name given her lusty
Mrs. Virginia Ouncau.
I'liman was the
1 1 pound son by
He was born n
the hospital.
a taxi on the way to
Kos Angeles. Holding that he had
no right to overrule a majority vote of
the people, Supeiior Judg.v Tat't decided
that Watts would stay 41 wet''. Antis
will appeal.
l.os Angeles. l'.eliev ing that the
various warring nationalities are well
represented in l.o Angeles ami will
contribute, the city council refused to
appropriate money for lied ('ros work.
l.os Angeles. Advice were riwivel
from Omaha, where this vear's con
vention of the fnited National Ai
ciation of Postoffice Clerk was hell,
that the P'M convention will be held'
in l.os Angeles.
Paris The ltritish government hav
ing failed, in the ex. itenicut of the war.
to nay his i, ...,;.,., .v.. . ...i.. 1
,, V.'.i.' , ' """" or
T" J. lenmiess, appeale.t to
the I nite.l States eniba.-sv for finsn
. cial aid.
Woo Hand, Oal. Mrs. t.ina Diggs was
granted a divorce from Maurv I.
I'iggs. with 0 monthly alimony.
'""'Oliver. IV C Definite news was
received that armed ,,, un'ifurnied
men, presumably German marines, had
rapitirei the tanning Islau.i eahle
i Washington. The house, passed the
" ipuiisning asningon
a...,. kill .v.ll.v: t. . , .
slums. measure in which the Ut M
. ..... ---
lhlrt mi,h h wt rth.
S3 '"fiwm Mt?."r,
Boys Joked as Bullets Wilis
tied, but Stopped This as
Comrades Began to Fall
London. Scot 7lt- mnil tn enr
Vnrk I Una tt Ilia ..,r -i.-i.l ul,irlid
of actual fighting on the continent has
reneheil llpra ill o lntt.ti fo, .i K-itiin.l.
pit French soldier to a iriend in London.
"I am in the field hospital, wrote
the WOlllllle.l nmn "u-itli a nicn litrt..
hole in my left shoulder. Jt feels as
it someone had touched my shoulder
with a lighted cigar."
or the lighting the writer said:
44 For Soma lima Iha rlt!ln,T ett
leys has been audible. Then at a dis
tance a heavy detonation is ii.-ard. Ar
rived at thft crcxt nf a kill urn (Irrm Ait p.
selves and right in front of uf, on an
opposite Jim, is me enemy, engaged in
a fight with a division of the allies'
44 1 can distinctly see the German ar
tillerymen moving about their guns. I
see a flash and the repor( is re echoed
from the surrounding hills. It is strange
but, in the faco of death, 1 cateii my
self trying to make out where the shell
has fallen, as if 1 am an interested
spectator at a rifle competition.
41 1 am not the only one. 1 see many
curious faces nrnmnl im f-...,. u, ii.
expressions just as if their owners
f.......i i: . . i . .
'""""i i"e niiuieuce at a niguiy enter
taining theatrical perfotmance, without
having anything to do with the plav
itself. 1 '
44 In the midst of the fiercest fight
ing Inter I heard jocular remarks and
inniiv expressions used n round me
which proved the speakers' thoughts
were far from the terrible happenings
about them,
"It is not heartlcssness or anything
likp that. 1 don't know what it is.
44 We fired volley after vollev at the
enemy. The German shells and bullets
passed over our heads. The Germans
may be und in fact are our superiors
at execution parade steps but they are
infernally poor shots.
"Instinctively we stooped as the bul
lets passed, though when ouc hears a
bullet it has passed already.
"It is a queer sensation the first
time you hear a hail of bullets. It is
like a fever, but this soon passes.
"The earth was shaken by the in
cessnnt cannonadi1 und tiie air was torn
by the rifle fire. A comm. I., on mv
right stumbled, dropped forward with
out a word, and lay dead, killed by a
bullet in the breast. A mu i frt
of mo threw his arms up, fell, struggled
io ins icer nmt tell again.
"A shell extdoiled near uu nn.l tlir..
was a terrible cry. Five of ns were
Iving in a little sonnre. One on... I,... I
both legs blown away and was still
aiive, conscious, and begging us to kill
" An ofticer onene.l his mourn A oii-a
a comniauil and at the same moment
got a luillet in the mouth. lie turned
around twice and tell heavily close bv
44 A good distance liehin.l p.l
Cross soldiers and trinrs were stooping
o.ci u.e wounitoii. a shell exploded
and only two of the Red Cross men
were left.
"In the iiieiintinia i?.
- - ,m,.iv v.i-ioiiin
troops had been advancing. They had
' """ V losses, hut on our side
the casualties had he.-n n.,n. .,......,..
and our position seemed to be very
inn. ii. we i.egiin to retreat. Our
meii showed remarkable self control.
Notwithstanding the terrible scenes J
now felt perfectly calm.
"The tetreat vv;i ,.,irl...i ..... ..i....
didlv. spiru-
I had ,iut readied the crest of a
"11 when 1 felt a slight shock in my
eft shoulder, nothing else. 1 did not
heed it, but so, no ,,,,,,.,..,.( i .... i
a burning pain. I saw that I was
"oun.to.i. i no ,,-eight of mv arm seem
ed to increase.
"Xome time afterward 1 f,ound mv
seit neatly installed in field hos
'.ikersfietil. Cal., Sept. l.". A rich
old strike is reported todav in the
nam ledge of the old abandoned Santa
bosa mine in the mountains near here.
Ham Williams, a (rospeetor, uncover
ed the find bv .i,... I v.,,.,..i.w
brought into Pakersfield assayed $l;!00
- on, in, ntaong the biggest strike in
Williams says the heavy raius of last
wiuter uncovered the pav streak and
that it has lain exposed for mouths ni
til he stumbled into ,t
Machinery for the development of the
nunc is beinc i,,m,k......i
"is I ".-vu.
Seattle, Wash.. Sept. l.-.Edwar.l
isovery, H years of agerwas burned to
death and his mother and s-vear-old
orotner so badly burned thev are ex
I't'cted to di in fir.. k;..:. '.I ...
- ...t.vM ursion HI
the family home at 13t West Fjftr-
wveutn street todav. The bov's fa
ther, Ole Bevery. was severely 'burned
wane reemug bis three vounger cfail
drvn. "
The tire was the result of Mrs. Bev
ery using eoaloil to start a fire.
E3 ,,.L !3JEa,is,ja 1 ,
Schools Open Monday With Everything
in. First Class Shape for Pupils, Par
ents, Principals and Preceptors.
City schools of .Salem will open Mon
day, September 21. Preparations and
arrangements for the opening of school
are bring made and all will be in readi
ness for high school and grade pupils
Monday next, when school doors swing
open for the fall term.
Welcoming the pupils back to their
school home, the schools have been put
in tip-toji shape. Kvery effort has been
made to contribute to the convenience
and comfort of the teachers and pupils.
All buildings will be scrubbed complete
ly, the woodwork washed and varnish
ed, and windows will be 44 shiny" clean
on both sides. In all the buildings the
blackboards have been painted, and
many feet of fine new slate have been
placed. The janitors have boen busy
in making the premises as neat, attrac
tive and homelike as possible.
Announcement has been made of the
boundary lines of the school districts
and the conditions governing the en
trance of pupils.
Pupils are expected to assemble in
the rooms to which thev have been as
signed in their respective buildings.
Ihe boundary lines will be the same
as last year and are as follows:
Lincoln school All south of Mission
street and west of Fifth street; Park
school All between Mission and Fifth
streets on south and west, to Trade
street on north ns far as Seventeenth
street, and following Seventeenth street
south to Turner road between Depot
and Meyer's additions; East school
Trade and Stntc on south, Summer
street on west and 1! street on north;
Knglewood school li street on south
and the S. P. R. R. on west; GarrJeld
school The boundaries here shall be
Trade street on south, Mill creek on
north and Summer street on thp east;
Grant si hool Mill creek on sotith, S. P.
I!. R. on east ami South street on north;
Highland school South street on south,
and S. p. R. R, 011 cast; Richmond
school All from Seventeenth street ou
the west, nml Turner road between the
I'epot and Meyer's additions on the
south, to State street on the north.
Pupils shall attend the school in the
district in wh eh they reside, except
there be some physical reason why thy
should attend a nearer school, or "except
in case of pupils who are repeating the
work, and would be required to take
the fame work under a teacher for the
second time, or except for some other
cause which makes a transfer impera
tive. Beginning pupils will assemble ill the
first primary rooms in the various
schools. All pupils who are past six
years old, and nil who will be six years
old October Hist, will be received in
school if they enter ou or before Oc
tober o.
The principals will be in ilieir re
spective buildings on Thursday and Fri
day, September 17th and ls'th, in the
afternoons from 1 to 4 o'clock, for con
sultation with parents or pupil;. Book
lists will be ready nt that time.
The directors have decided Mint the
tuition charge in the high school shall
be -f-0 for each semester, to be paid
strictly in advance. The tuition for
the grades has been fixed at $10 for
each semester, to be paid strictly in ad
vance. The rules of the board make it
impossible for the high school pri-ipal
or grade principals to admit pupils to
registration until their present a re
ceipt for tuition. The tuition shall be
paid at the superintendent's office in
'.he high school building.
. . .
Xothillir is SO n nimt-iit,i n sl
needless, as to lose something of
xaiue. Annoying tor ofivious
reasons, but whv lllmeceMsnri st.
yon ask ? " '
Because, with the Journal
Want Ads always nt vnor st.
posal, it is. indeed, absolutely
iiiiiiece.-sary ror anyone ever to
give no anvthini' ns nrninmnK su
ly lost. ' si.
Just read this interesting col-
0 inn for a few- ,lnv. nn.l i..., k.,..- a.
well patronized it is, which
proves iioyomt a douht, the high
value the uenernl t,uM;. ,i.,...,. .
---- - I'l," s 1
upon the Journal Want Ads.
Constantinople. Sent. 3. A finnl ,tu.
cision to remain neutral was reported
in oinciai circles uere todav to have
been reached by the Turkish nnv-vrn.
The sultan's determination was said
to have been reached as a sequel to the
British threat that Ottoman i,,.i.,r..i
ence w ould be lost forever if the Turks
lent their aid to Germany, a it was a
foregone conclusion they' would do in
case they took part in the war at all.
As the price of his neutrality, how
ever, it was nnderstood the sultan would
iusist on the powers' recognition of his
decree abolishing their extra territorial
rigats in his dominions.
Yes. there are special messages by
ths thousand, for families - who must
hsrt new homes and for men and wo
men of business who must hare new
places of business, la that eomprehetuv
irt directory of dosens of racaaciev
the Want Columns.
State aid will be given to settlers
who are members of the Willow Creek
Water I sers association if such a pro
ceedure is possible through the usual
legal channels, according to a state
ment given out by Governor West this
morning, harry Flynn, of Brogan, was
iu Salem Monday representing the water
users association and soliciting aid
from the state to protect the settlers in
a foreclosure suit brought against them.
It appears that along Willow creek,
which is in Malhuer county, a number
of settlers were induced to buy land
and water riwhts from the Willow Creek
Irrigation company. The company pro
posed to dam the river to store the flood
waters for irrigation purposes. The
company went short on funds and was
obliged to abandon the project. The
settlers stayed with the land though
they received no water. The creditors
of the company formed the Willow
River Purchase, and proposed to oust the
settlers on the grounds that they had
not paid their assessments for maintain
anee or for interest.
The settlers claim that they have al
lowed their payments to lapse because
they received no water. Nevertheless
the company has brought suit to fore
close. The settlers have brought their
claims to the attention of the State
authorities. Governor West is of the
opinion that some of the lands are held
under school mortgages. If such is the
case a test case can be brought by the
State to clear title to the lan's and
thus aid the people of this district.
Many of the settlers are in hard circum
stances and it is said that it would be
impossible for them to continue any
long sustained litigation.
London, Sept. 5. (By mail to
N'ew York.) Not to be outdone
by 14 Tommy Atkins", who has
adopted 4 4 It's a Long Way to
Tipperary" as their war song,
British sailornien have chosen as
their favorite lyric 4 All the Nice
Girl Lovp a Sailor."
The chorus of the tars' song
is as follows:
All the nice girls love a sailor,
All the nice girls love a tar,
For there's something about a
Well, i-ou know what sailors are!
Bright and breezy,
Free and easy, if
He's the ladies pride and joy.
Jack a hov! Naughty bov!' '
The soldiers song runs:
44 It 's a long way to Tipperary,
, It's a long way to go.
It's a long way to Tipperary,
To the sweetest girl I know.
Goodbye Ificcadilly,
Farewell Leicester Square!
It 's a long, long way to Tipper-
ary, '
But my heart's right there."
The song promises to become
Sure Indications
of Lung Troubles
Among the indications of threaten
ed I. ung trouble are a continued
cough, fever and nTglit sweats. A
change of climate often helps, but it
seems thnt something more is needt'd
to stop thp cough and sweats nnd ar
rest the progress of disease. Eckman's
Alterative, after many years of use,
is known to be the nost beneficial in
bringing about relief, in many cases
complete recoveries. Investigate this
case: Schell Citr. Mo. -
44 Gentlemen: I had a terrible cough,
night sweats and pleurisy in my lungs.
A man who lienrd me coughing advised
me to take your Alterative. I paid
no attention to him then. I got so bnd
the doctor said I sIk.iiIiI go to Wyom
ing. I did, and when I got there I
steadily grew worse. Then I remem
bered what had been told me about
your medicine. I began taking it, with
no faith whatever, but T)pfore I had ta
ken three bottles, I coul.T eat anything.
rever and night sweats stopped nnd
for a year I have been well nnd in
better health than I ever was."
(Affidavit!. W. F. BOMAR.
(Above abbreviated; more on re
Kckmnn s Alterative has been prov
en by many years' test to be most ef
ficacious for severe Throat and Lung
t factions, Bronchitis, Bronehinl Ast!i
ca, Stubborn Colds nnd in upbuilding
the system. Contains no narcotics,
poisons or hahit-fortiing drugs. Ash
for booklet telling of recoveries, snd
write to Eckman Laboratory. Philadel
phia. Pa., for evidence, -.ccept no sub
stitute. Small size, 1.00; regular size.
S-.uti. tor sale by all leading druir-
Portland. Ore. Sen S TV, .I.!.,
railroad commission has todav protected
against a 3 per cent tax on freight ship
ments as a means of raising govern
mental revenue to offset the effects of
the European war.
In a telegram to Congressman X. J.
Stnnott. the commission points out that
many Oregon industries are alreadv
compelled to operate on narrow mar
em due to the hiirh fulcrV,,
th eat. and that a flat percentage
... vuia unve mem ont of the markets.
Vi "V sT .I I I k.t
, 1 P ?
dry Mil en be mwl j, ,15 I
on. qu.htr; .bief7 I
WMte; no ,l,t r d,tl. V I
gi jour nvMiuj a wurtli. Ja
131 -s.l fii
othir Boli.h. Bl-,7k STj'iiSu,
rub off it (our :!V" hi, a :in
Wotiu. Sudani.,
Iron tmm.lonpjt,
tta Blitfc life Uhi
brilliant nirlm. It su J
equal tat WMiauJJ
Man or woman in splendid t
physical condition needi u f
' tonic.
But every now and then the $
best physique reaches s point t
where it needs toning up.
And so it is with business.
No matter how strong the foun-
dation, there are times duo to t
local, national, atmospheric, or $
other conditions when it mint t
stimulate trade. t
Advertising is to lagging busi- t
ness what a tonic is to a run-
down body. It gives new life, $
new vigor, new opportunities, t $
new outlook! t
It is as necessary to Invigorate t
your store and your stock with t
the tonic of advertising, as it ii t
necessary for us to renew onr t
failing strength with herbs and t
tea. i
Advertising is the impetus t
that sets the business whirl of t
activity in motion! t
Only Sure Corn
Cure Ever Know
4 4 Gets-If the New Way, 2 Drops Bo n
To endure the pains and tortures
caused by a little thing like s eori
ridiculous, simply because it is unn
sary. The new-plan corn cure, 4'Gti
II,, "GETSJT'4 for
Corn and You
Won't " Holler"
When You Put en
Your Shoes.
IT," is the first one ever knoirs
remove corns without fail "
pain and without trouble. This u J
it is the biggest-selling cora ..
existence today. It is now ujco i -lions,
because it does away witn i
tape, witn piasters - , .
inni snirc turn piismi . (i ;
onto the corn, with salves that I
.. .;,!. "harnesses' M I
cause pressure and pain. wa ,
razors and files, clawing and puiwg
s corn.
44 GETS-IT" is applied in
onds. Two drops applied with tM I
rod do the work. Fain go"-
shrivels, vanishes. Accept no
tute. Try it on any corn, i
or bunion tonight. Am!P-'
4 "GETS-IT" is 1 b-TJrL
everywhere, 23c a bottle, or seat
bv E. Lawrence & Co.. ih.cago.
Care of
Chinese Memcine ana
Tea Company .
Has medicine
will cure any kn
153 South High SWA
Salem, Ore. of
0 u
I u
Read The Journal
and learn of haTl ia1
are displayed there ft
to day.
i 1 jriMvft'-r im mrfr w CTwwuf : Mmmm 'Wi mi '.mm