THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 19H. THEEB (M Patter" W Hats The Vogue and others Direct shipment from the East ON DISPLAY NOW AT THE BONNET SHOP 315 State Street Margaret Ross Rabb Social and Personal Notes By Mollie Runcorn Society and club notioes will be received for the daily issue at The Capital Journal editorial rooms up to 2 p. m. Mnis 82. D KSP1TK the outlook for unpleas ant weather for some time to come, members of the Indiana State society are optimistic and are busily engaged perfecting arrangements for their annual picnic, to be held nt the state fairgrounds tomorrow. Should rain be the schedule for the day the large machinery exhibition buildings will be utilized and the program given as originally planned. The officials of the "Hoosier" society have introduced a new registration system for their gatherings, having issued a general let ter to be sent to all former Indiana resi- iu teaching voice culture and lays pur ticular stress on correct tone placing. ' Mr. Mciidcuhall takes much pleasure in : bringing Mrs. Mowinan before the Sa-! It'in publice. liss Aline Thompson is home from a delightful fortnight's stay with Mr.; and Mrs. Cecil Esty at their Country place near Hubbard. ' . The members of the "Oriental I). M. ('." Kmbroidery Club will meet with j Mrs. Frank E. Newberry Friday after noon. ' , PERSONALS )C Jflt 3C 9C fC f Ijt S(t fc c 36 3C 3jC 3c Half of the Kaiser's Baltic Squadron Said to Have At tacked Russian Fleet Berlin, Via Rome, Sept. l."i. That a naval battle is in progress in the Hnltic was admitted by the admirably this afternoon. It posted a bulletin announcing that fifteen of the 2!) units of the kaisers Hnltic squadron were in action. A Baltic tight would unquestionably' be between the (ieruian and Russian navies. 1 -tSi ado Mm 1 1 V I in., lit . Norman aJVew ow COLLAR closfc fitting, graceful collar with smartly cut curved front, that admit! of easy cravat tieing. CLHETT, PEABODY fc CO., Inc. Maker. Troy N. Y. ? MIA BLOSSOM STORMS NEW YORK' ftnmu Interest of It Alone. Grays" and defied the State troops to enter the city and slaughter his people, " on the eve or election when a strike was ' in progress. All of the playing of cards of Georgia i Fleecer and Cordelia Blossom were . i i: i .i iu. :ni i i l.!.. L tim to the Front from lUSl uirecieu iuaiu me suciut leaucrstiip 01 Station and Prom the intense j I)j(,kym)e( pregitlent of tnesis elnhi , From the first there was much of the ! "cattle" element of woman's politics !f in evidence iu this battle. Mrs. Picn By Beau Rialto. vne artfuny suggested that Col. Bios- 1 .Written for the United Press.) ; som lend his Blossoms Grays on his lew York, Sept. 15. A comedy so white horse to restore peace in the city, ebbing and clean, and so filled with The Colonel fell a victim to the picture simple human element that blase i she painted of him on his charger, and' York critics looking for something j went, but the appearance of State troops Itriticiw simply flounder and flop ' saved the day and the Colonel won the fail to agree on any material point Labor vote and the election by the de fck ii "Cordelia Blossom " which fensc of "his people." Intlr had its opening at the Gaiety j The lsis club election in the final act im ; is bitterly fought as Mrs. Piekynne ji m an extremely hot night on suddenly springs a trump card by an ih Cordelia Blossom formally grew nouncing that her niece is to marry a lathe magazine story character to a Lord Something or Other, and the wo- tWng in Louise iiicsser, and Burr men cannot decide whether they can I ..'.' i i,. c. ;uii .;,),a .i ... vJ l,ls marriage will bo celebrated in I'c &tm. But the coinedv swept out stands with Georgia Fleecer looking out i T StI omber 22, and he and his j . . , , .-, i ,i . i . i i . n i h t1 ha rifi ti wrr vp nurfl nn ir i n. jf i wresmiig oreew, even tnougn upon me nignt tne long waw or a cat ,,,,,. wIl " .7 7 , , " " h"-r stay with Dr. F. L. Pound im toe morning atter criticisms am tne nnai worn. l, , , " . , . rr n,i -r Knows Nothtnsr Of It. London, Sept. 1."). News this after noon that a naval engagement was progressing in the Baltic was tnken here Mrs. K. P. Athey, of Sxmth Cottage as meaning that the German squadron street, is spending the week in Port- there ha, rounded up and attacked the i dents, requesting them to record their (Covert. Mrs. Coovert spent some According to latest accounts from name, present and original location pre- weeKs at the Athey home tliTs summer.! Stockholm, Admiral Prince llenrv was , vious to the picnic. Those who have Theodore Burkhart has returned from: in command of the kaiser's Baltic' naval not responded to this request will be week-end trip to Portland. ; force. : asked to register at the grounds, and in Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Barnes, were It was believed he was staking everv ithis way it is thought that aa authen-, Portland visitors over Sunday. , thing on a dash into the Gulf of Fin-' ! tic record can be secured. ! Mr. and Mrs. Asahel Bush'snent th land, in the hone of lestrovinir Russia'' A special feature of tomorrow's pro-' week-end in Portland. j coast defenses and opening the wav for gram will be the appearance of June F. S. Stewart is in Portland on busi- au invasion of Russia by that route. Reed Babcock, world-renowned violin- ness. i The only word of the fight received ist, who has consented to render sev-' Lloyd M. Grover, a mining engineer, here, however, was from Gcrttuiiij eral numbers. Mrs. Babcock is a na-' from Melbourne, Australia, is in Salem, i sources. The British admiialtv had not i tive of Kokomo, Indiana, ami nas many looking into business conditions. Mr. heard anything of it at first hand, personal friends here who are delighted Grover is at the Maples on Liberty: When last heard from here the German to have the opportunity of meeting her street. ! squadron in that locality reinforce. I, again in this pleasantly informal way. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mulney and child presumably by ships brought from the have returned from Portland where Aorta ea by way or the Kiel canal, they have been visiting since Friday, was eruisiug off the entrance to the Miss Euriell Buroker is spending the Gulf of Bothnia, week in Portland, visiting with Mr. .fisr Wi,liams at their h0,,e SCHOOL BOARD HAS Frederick 8. Lamport, a local attor- 11TDV DIICV OCOOIfM ney, has returned from a short stay in VtAl uUui uCuMvll Portland. j J. h. Crowe went to Portland this morning to meet his father, .1. K. Crowe, Sr., and his sister. Miss Helen Crowe, of Hostoii. They will accompany Mr. Crowe buck to Salem this evening. C. K. Lowe, of Portland, is registered GOOD FOR 25 VOTES For Address This coupon may be exchanged for votes in the con test for a trip to San Francisco in 1915, at the Capital Journal office. Not good after September 19, 1914. Mrs. Babcock will arrive tonight, and while in Salem will be the guest of Mr. ami Mrs. .1. L. Peetz. Assisting on the program will be Mrs. P. T. Porter, wife of the pastor of the First Christian church, a well-known reader, who will give selections from .James Whitcombe Siley; Miss Lucile Kuntz, pianisto, and Colonel A. J. Bald win, who will render a vocal solo. Sev eral young women have also been pre-' paring vocal numbers. I Announcements have been received by friends here of tho engagement of Most Interesting Feature to pupils Was Action Making Salem Day and j drens Day at State Pair, Holidays. Miss Anna Mnrv Kiischgcssner, of Pe- "'fi'1- ..... ' . . . . 7 . tl Seven periods of work will be ex- oria, Illinois, to .1. A. Wickman, of this 1 no A" sues M. and Ji. nastie, ot .lt. pected from the teachers in the Salem city. Mr. Wickman left for the east in July and has been stopping with his sister in Uubiqne, Iowa, and friends in Illinois Angel, are guests at the Bligh. .1. It. Lockmun is at the Bligh from Dallas. Walter IT. Hart, rf Kiigene, is regis tered at the Bligh. Dr. G. 0. Gaunt, of Hardinan, re turned to his home todav after a short iadicate that all of the critics were r io get the range. The best incidents of the magazine' The two-a-dav" varietv the legiti i of George Randolph Chester from '"e portion of that branch of the pro-j whom the announcement of his ap- sl,or i;fh the nlav .stake,, ire preserved iu f68?'00-'? K and more mils-, preaching marriage comes as a genuine ! 11 production of "Cordelia Blossom." " u " ; T surprise. ,Ki, ti. , . , . , , ,., , .. musical comedv tavonte who has' j-tv.i mm. uiut if nut riui-iv null . .it i i, i, some plots have been, bat the storv l"m'.,ei1 the. v"'leville stage the .pimp, Ami.I lovely decorations of pink as k of the feminine hand in framing' tliw-enientfi i Miss Elizabeth Mayne. politio of the middle-western citv. far the Mason and Bison line. Vain, Clever both as a singer and-dancer, f i) proud, "the Blossoms of Virginia ' Miss Mayne, with Joe Koilo as a danc- liome. Mr. Wicknimi hi l.eei. with f,.o ' a"1' w- A, MlllKe, of 1'Ol t- T. M. liarr company for the past seven ' ,an,l arrivl1 ,,lst "'.Hj1 Mlrio" years and has mnnv friends here to ,,ul11' ?"rlr lur " snort nme. C. Thompson, of Brownsville, is registered nt the Marion. Julia Crowlev, a demonstrator from Boston, Mass., is nt the Marion. fl. Watterson Blossom is carried alongi 'nK partner, whirled into popular favor f the social ambitious of his wife a n,sn hpr vaudeville debut. om he adores. 'iShe is billed for several weeks at a .!te tdmittedlv corrunt. but irood ' Broadway vaudeville house and later ... i . . . . . . " " ana winnimr ters and greenery in artistic profusion, the n w menibeis of the faculty of Wil- j lamette University nnd their wives were received by Miss Alice Page, in structor of history, nnd the older mem bers of the university faculty last night High school this term. Six periods wil! be devoted to recitation work and one to assembly, library or building duties, according to the plans made bv the Board of Education lust night at it.) special meeting. It hns become necessary to increase the duties of the teachers, because of a linger attendance of high school pu pils. Financial conditions have pre vented the board hiring extra teachers and the present teaching corps will car ry on tho work, providing the increased attendance docs not mount above pres ent expectations. It was also the general sentiment of Fred Herman, of Seattle, is at the ' the board that although teaching duties win lie increased tne maximum numrier i Marion Creamery & Produce Co. ICE CREAM AND SHERBET Made by the latest and most improved methods of manufacture. Try it. Orders filled for one gallon and upwards. Phone Main 2488. Mil I! Marion. Mrs. Karl Pruitt and her two sons have returned from a fortnight's so journ at Tillamook. Miss Ethel I. Kigdon arrived homo this week only mi I at the F. J. Page home in Kingwood I lsat mKht trom n summers vacation , Park. The affair, which was planned ; visit in Ashland. 'informally, augmented several similar A- E- Holeombe, of the Marion hotel will tour the nrincinal cities throughout events wMeli liuvo boon e von recently ' offl('e staff, is expected home today m JVcor" is admirnhlv Tortravel , the AVest. j introducing ti fmtcrnnl spirit among the j fr0,n Francisco, where he went for ji !; v.. DiuwiiH witn (tamtV Jane I t'uurwuns nun uiv iu iirt-.c juriMUMHinu . " i..r. IS "fifffn-niQ VlAn.1A, ) 1,:' .. -x- i T Mi!... t- vi f in .li I nvnr tn itoatlnv Milium ' uv,r.,t .,,1. ' M rS. M)r M. AllstlH IN R PUCHt f mill , . iircn. him iif.i jjiiimn ipn dip ooner. jw vears o . v,v ''""' " "fa'-oi w.-, v- - -- -.- W'it'p ! Trillion TCrtniVtlti ( ' 1Q vnavii nlil l shares thp it rv """i".-i ui . unieim iius ueeu engaged vy viiver inuiscu ut ; - pm. When it comes to politics the plav the title role in "hadv Kileen," A buffet luncheon was served nnd nn show Fleecer tricks he never the' American comedv bv Ueraldine Bon-1 impromptu program given, in which 'med of and he tells them he wishes ner and Hueheson Bovd, which was the. vocal number were furni.-.ed by Profes 1 7 w members of his gang. i winner in the Morosco play contest. j or Walsh, Professor Mcllurrny plens- 1 ,e unwspeeting Colonel is led to ae- In choosin? Miss Cnoner for the im. ing with piano selections. ,, i ue nayorality nomination, for th ; nnrtnnt min "rnuf, tVii.-o,i ,,t tiia! Miss lienevieve Alison and Miss nomination, for the " though he is con- nrrnt.t.t .ua L,K,r,.7 '""fted with it. As make her debut on the American stage iUiY.P-rty'' tll0"fih hp is eon-'policy of giving youthful aspirants the Florence Page were additional guests, i Mission street . . ... vuilll MIL ii II T nH T HO , Til Nnufr ni 1 1 Art mi , t V lluo llAllllF TO 111 ZlUUtll I i.cltl I I I f "I'lC im-BI'Ill, Portland at the A. A. Undcriiill home on South Twelfth street. Mrs. Austin is a niece of Mr. Underbill. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jlelbush have returned to their home in Portland lifter sevc -al days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Asa Bovver at their home, 3M" I -Jnii.l.l. v. ... " ii,7rc , ''Khttnlly hopeless.! in "Ladv Eileen." She is tie f t really .!, i . i0" ot ms P?rty,! ter of Frank Kemble Cooper, Vt i ciei, no is ot i known English plaver now appearing the Gfrmatt Irish a,l .PW vote in i : l'W .CrM'lSr,'h-'' aftor M ' Court a woman and sne will worship h-zz: hutmany her u,id she win ,1,,f- Carl RmmoiiH, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Emmons, has arrived in Seattle to laugh-! Governor and .Mrs. Oswald West ami . enter the I'niversity et Washington, well i daughter, Helen, arrived home Sunday He is a graduate ot' Salem high school from Cannon Bendi, where .Mis. West and will take the pre-medical course in and Helen have been spending the sum mer at their cottage. Miss Helen will resume her studies at the (iaifield school. i Daddy's Bedtime the Washington institution. Later he intends to continue his medical studies in one of the leading medical schools of the east. Miss Anna Plliiiskv of the Willamette sanatorium is expected home tomorroiv in Astoria Mr. nnd Mrs. C. B. Webb ore enter tniuing Mr. Webb's parents, Mr. and from a two weeks vacation Mrs. I. A. Webb, of Portland. Arriv- an,l Washington state, ing Friday, thev will remain until the; , - latter part of the week. A few tables were arranged for cards last night, Mr. nnd Mrs. Webb asking in a few friends to meet their guests informally. of pupils under each teacher will be decreased. Formerly as many as sixty i pupils were assembled in one class but' forty pupils will be the maximum this j year, wherever possible. In outlying! districts, where the physical conditions I increase the numbers in oue place, it will be necessary to take in extra pupils iu that district, but according to plans taudarilization overv effort will be made to group the students, so that no teacher will need have the care of more than forty pupils. , The new principal of the Salem High school, J. C. Nelson, was one of the t tctndaiits at the board meeting last night. In co-operation with Superin tendent Klliott he is working out the system of grading and class adjustment. Policies were outlined which will en courage, the teachers and aid in making efficient instruction a possibility. Declaring that 111 school children should have a holiday at Slate Fair! time. Director K. T. Humes nunle. a motion that Children's day and Salem day should be set aside as holidays this year for the pupils. The motion car-j ried and the meeting closed for thei evening. cut it out worth 20 "'81 it's I Hand I hit couoon to your Igroceryman at your door 's or at hi Hor: iff vonr croccr hns no FOL Cf!R'S Golden Gate Tea In tins, he run Ket fnr you tho Special Viilue offered, at we cheerfully forward him a nn k'le package at our reiiolar price, through any cnan net ne desncnatea, and we pay him ht reirulur profit in addition. Buy the flavor you usually use. It you have no choice wo recommend Ulack and Green. Thin l Ihe new :oil sealed tin of FOLGER'S GOLDEN GATE TEA WILL MAKE CHANCES OF WAR VERY REMOTE AN INSTANTANEOUS WRINKLE REMOVER r" fen th. Alliga. j Yawned. Story K How a Naughty Bird Fed a Park 'Gator. 1DDIF.S do you rememl.or tl... nn: .i . !..:. Ion -I,,, .miniums ou saw in ius uiuiii ii ne stniiuoil in shore';' "Yes. "fketl ihuMv. New York city on our way the sen- And how cunnins the littlu baby alligators were," said "n ,! Anlnlii".1'1!", tUat tll01'e " ere many sigus. 'Do Not Feed or Annoy "Of wu M over MOV Hwwthv ' thi S'S"S' Kut r" te" 'ou tonight about a little a ve i. 1110 S!!JS i,uJ fed one of the alligators.. ""s of (be i., , ; sl)l,n'w "1 was dellhted with all the furrow ,;, n "l , lll(1i"'t "eve in signs or else be was an iguorant itoaeaMe loo'tM t1" 'i'rnt(1 t0 "d- Anyhow, he cooked his samy 150 " the thin... ,!? ., n! of llle s'Sns for a minute aud tbeu proceeded H "Bt outs! K Sli,'nS nUv,8wl blm ,10t t0 d0- 3tterel away at them s,case wl,ere the birds are kept and sneered and " freedom. y as Possible, telling them nil about the de took -'J'iUS around in the hi mic. tils message of ,. ,t K,.i..m f,ivn,U in- Mr. and Mrs. Milton .Meyers and the Dr. K. Iu. Steiners have ith them ; as their guests T. F. Steiner, of Dallas, i Texas, who is making nis annual visit to Salem. He is un uncle of Dr. Mein- er and Mrs. Movers. ' Miss Willa Huckesteln, who has been sojourning in t he Kast for several weeks, is at present visiting relatives in Pittsburg. She is expected home in two weeks. i Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dayton and small : daughter, Barbara, of Astoria, left yea terdav for their home, after an extend ed visit to Mrs. Dnyton .-, mother, Mrs. ! H. Davton. 1 Miss Ada Dayton, who has been spending her summer vacation with j friends in Glenwood, TTashington,. has 'returned home and will resume her duties as instructor at the Kast Salem school. Washington, Sept. 15. Secretary Bryan thinks the peace treaties signed today with America by England, China, Spain and France will make vn.- wit'i those countries almost 8n impossibility so fur as the I'nited States is concerned. Treaties with 20 foreign nations have been signed so far, but there lire several more yet to fie ratified by the senate. The signing of the treaties took l.n-e in the presence of the membprs of the cabinet. Kaifu Shah's signature to tli '"hinesi treaty resembled Chinese bungalow. the picture of a The average woman is always surpiis- j ed to learn, after experimenting with nil stilts of patent so :i;lcd "wrinkle removers," that the most effective rem edy iu the word is a simple face wash which she can make herself at home in a jiffy. ) She has only to get an mince of pure1 powdered sax'dite from her nearest druggist and dbsidvc it in half a pint ivitch hazel. -Apply this refreshing so- ; iiition to the face every da; for ewliilc The result is chnrniing marvelous.' Kven after the very first treatment the wrinkles show less plainly nnd the face has a nice, firm, ciunfnitalilc feeling that is thoroughly delightful and lends self-confidence ill one's iippeniitiice. This harmless home remedy is used by 1 thousands of women to obliterate the! unwelcome traces of time. UMWWJT This coupon is worth 20 cents to you L A HALF POUND f FOIL SEALED TIN F i FOLGER Sggaten TEA rnltir rvrirp 4ft rpntu 11 vi'-." - a - nil K y &?Pccm Pnce cenrs Afk At alt irrocera if accompanied M 'Jn -" by thla coupon. SEP. H to 31. 19H t JkMaj. A. FOLGER & CO. f I I A' , WS3 TH-M,.e ( ,7 ' i vfA 1 from be- . 7 nrk"e7,hek A )' 1 & j H V Wil tea trejh ami I sSwj'itl.- Mrj0itrrr v.-k. -.-- i i v-.cVi WetrA 11 M nt Lvosa CEYLON (LACK) ENGLISH BREAKFAST (LCK) OOLONG (BLACK) J. A. FOLGER & COMPANY San Francisco enough for Uie hand- JAPAN (guccn) GUNPOWDER (anicN) BLACK & GREEN (undid) Mrs. Seymour .Tones, of Kaiser, was a lmto' vesterdav afternoon, enter- . "Il ho U.i..., . . i? a the b!s .-, b'SOns and 8torks- flew nto the snake bouse and i;!it at m. Ul Wakes craw ni-n., ... ... . .., ma L" ow nbiiitv n "f . T"u u,e 01 caes nu assise ' lama i.. .. "uuutr ma n-i..i.n.i it- ..i..:.a.i Vw. ii....- . . . ......n. nri i "Sers -iTiii n-ii wmiicu. ne tiMi iul- iiu.i-i ' formnnv. tier gncni.i -i.. ....... ZJir. inouirir, ... w"dents regarded the blppopota muses with ! James W. Willson. Mrs. Stanley J.. Mor- W,??8 b KM! over T , San- Mr- Frank Flint Mr"- S' tLZ yt nm.tJ. W ere tlle alligators were lazily sunning tbetn- , Woodruff and daughter. GERMAN SALLY EEPULSED. Shanghai, Sept. l"i. A German sally from Kiao Cbau against the Japanese in the vicinity was repulsed .Sunday after a fierce skirmish, it was learned here todav. The (ierninns were said to have been HARHIMAN HOLDS BIO . BUSINESS RESPONSIBLE ' .w 111 w ror - HttCP"- .....TO' athfiiit..:. JIDen8 about thn. ,1.,.,.. ,' ' . tll , l alli-ator ' bUilt nroun(1 tl,e Sor pond to protect 'Wtant, of h,- ' ?roediles and snappina turtles and also to pro- - "me ue public. "ud chh-ped and chirped nnd pecked and Countv Siiperiiitendent and Mrs. Wal ter M. Smith arc home after a enjoy able visit to relatives in Harrisbu'. Thcv were accompanied on the trip by their daughters Veva and Margaret. I.os Angeles, Cal., Sept. I.1). .lob llarriinan, an attorney and former so cialist candidate for mayor of I.os An geles, was the main witness at today's assisted by aviators who tossed bombs hearing by the federal industrial rein- intn th llitkftfln's ranks. tinnu fMimmiunimi Mil I'li until liitil Mrs. i riti.Urt the flooils. the .latinnee have li f.i.iiitiiiMmiui-M fiml numt of the vin. landed siege guns near the German lence resulting from strikes could be colony. laid at the doors of big business. Tes . i tifving on "open shop" conditions here, the witness said employers pre ferred it because "n bundle, of sticks FRANK CHANCE RETIRES. H'i. '"oimI he "pest alligators waked up. sparrow didn't almost burst blmself with glee ! Australia, has been engaged by Mr. .. .,.. i- v i . , seiinriited breaks ensily. New "fork. Sept. "-. frank hance' L.. i u i i i .in iui., i . . . . R,.ss,,s Jinip nilVe been iiiurkei forma II v retired this afternoon as man- . , . , . . . . . . . ... . , ,. ' , . , .. . . large y by technical anil detai i d trsti- aizer of the -New Y ork e ub of the Ainer- , . ., . , . " r , 1 .. . ... . moiiv in regard to the wages paid union can league. He pans to leave for . . .7. . ..: .: . . .1 : . :.. Uli'l liuii-liiiiini winner, tin- riiiiiiiiirr.inii Sara Glance Bowman, of Melbourne, ; California tonight, making the trip " ,.,., it)(, ,,, ,)ata ' ,,, ,.,. -), '"'oefonM i. uiuui a most "th..r?'t Von see, be was very sleepy even yet ,, , .,,..... . turns. - . . . t b nfiii i i. qui i narwo'u uuinrv Mendeuhall, dean of the sehoo ol-: - "I, "', ler , the season. wV "" eoticluded the mm- in Culifornia. The! - -u0. nn n;: -tnu, ' ."rrparrow' i members will leave tomorrow for Chi , 'BgO. t . . - ' -" v nnn li.l . i. . i . . c v. 'fTiTh wtn:, alligator u ,ue u,UBl ""iwrwui. it 2,Cl1 b kiddies. Z'n? Mrs' Bowm. h h.,1 s e'ndid personally announced his resignati ment. irs. uownia" i . . . Iilm,i. uamp advantages from several years' training, "".- . " i .1.. u.n.A,,rn nnnnervntnrv under ' Madame' Wiedemann, who herself ws Hostesses in Washington next win- Journal Want Adt are a big a pupil of Marehesi, and who in turn ter will have to study the map of tu- h f t ft farmer when they E? neS : ,at"nst;l;re arAoo bu.y to come to toWn. ' ' - I COL1 A In. i ttA it Wff Wff I ' HAND TO OUR t- ......1! UIW SOLICITOR OR DELIVERYMAN Roth Grocery Co.