Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 15, 1914, Page TWO, Image 2

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Losses 250,000 Balance of
Army in Bad Shape and
May Surrender
Vienna, Sept. 13. Via Rome. Sup
pression of rioting ami the icuttering
of parades by the unemployed was oc
cupying the authorities here today.
rood prices were advancing. The
meat mpply was Hearing exhaustion.
The government was planning to open
niwt ttenntii
Thousand of refugee were arriving'''
from tlalieia. i
Wounded aolilierg were pouring In by
the trainload. It was impossible to
care for them nroiterlv. The exneri-l
need surgeons were nearly all at the
front and only half tnfcined volunteers
were ivailuble to render medical aid,
to the sufferers here.
The last classes of laudHtiirmers had
been ealled to the colors. This meant
that the nation's entire military
strength was in the field. It had no
more reserves to summon.
However, the government insisted
that the situation at the front wns im
proving. It was said the Auntriuns
were re forming on the west linnk of
the River Han.
That the Russian artillery was far
Annjarlnr tn ihi Anutrinn wnta admitted.
"The AiiKt.riiin losses exceed "5(1,-: Attendance Will be Larger Than Ever
000 and they have sacrificed n large! and Banner Year Is Expected
part of their artillery. The position of i . Clashes Bogin Work Thursday,
the remnant of their army is precarious.
Their surrender would not lie surpris-
(By Karl H. VonWiegaud.)
LJEOK, Sept. . (Via Aix La :impelle and The Hagie, delayed by
the Hritish censor.) The battered forts of Liege, for clays the ad
miration of the entire civilized wo.ld because of their heroic defense
by tieneral Lemen, are the tomb of thousands of brave men.
Once representing maun' highest ingenuity as works of defense,
they are today great ruin of broken crcte and twisted steel.
Deep in these ruins are the bodies of many of their defenders, few
of whom survived the fire of the deadly (iennau siege guns. It is al
most impossible to approach them, so horrible is the stench from the
decomposing bodies of somo of the bravest soldiers who ever fonght
in battle.
Not one fort survived the terrible rain of explosives trom the new
42-centimetre guns which are the latest product of the Krupp fa. tory.
That Liege was able to hold out at all was due to the failure of the
German commander to have these guns brought up at once from the
The guns were mounted five miles away from the forts, but so ac
curately had the German aviators aimed them that hardly a shot miss
ed. They dropped repeatedly on the 12-fool steel turrets which pro
ject only three feet lrom the ground, finally making the m immovable
and useless.
Fort Lantin presents the most t irrible aspect. It is on a high ridgo
and looks for all the world like the crater of an extinct volcano.
Three of the ii centimetre shells drove through 12 lcet of Concrete
and earth. One of them, in exploding, set off the inaga.iue. Of the
entire fort nothing can lie seen but a gi-eat jagged hole in the ground,
30 feet deep.
Huge blocks of cement were thown great distances and the fort's
chilled steel turrets were twisted like tin.
1'arts of the bodies of the gal'aut defenders were recovered and
buried, but others could not be rca-hed, and lie lotting under the
twisted steel anil broken concrete b'ocks.
CASE of Mrs. HAffl w. BHt
Aboard compucauona ,..ua i stwk and-other securities
Declare Lydia E. Pinkham'i
Vegetable Compound
I Saved Her Life
and Sanity.
X.i. 57.
The Ladd 4 Bosh Bankers, at Salem, in the Statu 0f Orer.
business September 12, VJU- tfc
tain Uneasiness on Account of Ger- nankine house ..
man Cruisers. j Furniture and fixtures
' Other real estate owned
I Due from banks (not reserve banks
' San Francisco, Sept. 13. Carrying Jjuo from approved reserve banks . .
' the German consul from Tahiti with his Checks and other cash items
' wif and family and scores of other Kxchanges for clearing house
! iiasseiiL'ers, i.,e liritish I'nion liner Cas-h on hand
Slaitai is sate in this port today after Kxpenses
1 a thrilling
' ' flci
across the l.ieifie. other resources
Shamnvlr AIn "I feel it mv Hut
a. ai i 1 a tli ri Hit 15 trip
lo urn Uie jmuav. u iwhuum vu "J ,. ., ror.- ,:i.l the Maitai 300
i health Moretwnf- , . ll,t.P8sflll
your medicine, inaa ..f M ,;; t.riljs,.rs. After, LIABILITIES.
ioiiiiiB, i.m.o... -1 1 p,l(t,I1(, ,,it0 port at san viego, me Capital stocR paiu in .
tion and congestion, xiiti crept up the coast aud finally ' Surplus fund
female weakness, I docked at her pier here at o:'M o'clock Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid
pains in both sides, ! vesterday afternoon. , Dividends unpaid
backaches and bear- " "I cared little for the Oanger from Duo to banks and bankers
ing down pains, was tiorman cruisers," said ( aptain (arson postal savings bank deposits
short of memory 'today. "I have the inborn belief of Deposits due State Treasurer
nervous ImnatienL i tnp British that " Brittany rules the -ndividuul deposits subject to check
t , 'i.i.i,., waves" and even if a Gorman vessel; Demand certificates of deposit
.... r ... -
J0I-JB-, I
1 3.tfc
Snjj ' 1
.. 1
. . . .
To tiie Salem Commercial (!luli:
ieiitleiien: -Myself and a number of
: other la iniers arc contemplating the
j plausibility of joining the club. Hut
before takini: the sten we, would like
l. 1 4..-.. 1 ..... I 4..U lUat ...a-.-J 1.
... , , J llttll Ifll'lUirU HIT 01111 I 11.-11 OIUV limfc ClllIICU KIlThS
nignts, ana naa : British or Japauese cruiser would Cashier checks outstanding
' i . I neither strengtn nor j,ave cen on nall)j ?oon 0 lep m out. Time certificates of deposit
There was always fear and .rint I was bringing the accredited Savings deposits
mn mi'nj f L. J ulj MurVAiia f , ,...!.... I ' f ...... . . 1 i 1 1 I . .
.Noies anu inns reuisi:uuiiieu
dread in my mind, I had cold, nervous,
representative of Germany from
weak spells, hot flashes over my body. French port to a neutral port and the gjis payable for money borrowed
' 3Koi;.t
. Sow. "
"We are nilministeriiig the territory!
we have eaptuieil from Austin but will
not annex any of u forcibly. Such
questions will await the end of the
mimmetto unlversitv. the idnneur I
institution of learning 'on the Pacific
coast, which tiegan its session jn t,
1 to have vou answer the i'nllmvinir list:
oi l uesuoiis, in ronuli tno co unins of 1 C,I,"J uie uan t-ymnroms i nnu i
the Salem Capital Journal: i before taking your remedies, and all is ;
pleasure and happiness in my home."-
Los Angeles, tab, Sept. 13.--Attorney
Kugenn K. Hewlett, clulunaii and
automobile dealer, is at liberty today
on KiUOO bail, following his arrest at
Kincon, N. M., on a swiinlling charge.
Hewlett returned last niglit in cus
tody of New Mexican officers. Bonds
hud been arranged by his attorney, Karl
Kognrs, before, hw arrival, and lie wns
immediately freed,
lteginald II. demon, retired Hritisli
rmy offii'er, charges that Hewlett ob
tained front him .fll.oni) by framluleu't
I I i' ...1.... I ; . . ...
y -' ...a, s, ,;., ; ;
men living can now recall, opened its: .. ,. nr lviM ' , '
..,.,: i, .,".. ' "" upre,eiii:inii; ity-product of an
, .ii ' 1 r . '"'""''.etlort to help the commercial man?
i uau b (iiacu in my ngni. Slue iiiai who wi u""'r -hih neserveu lor iuat-
so sore that I could hardly bear the ; with safe conduct. If tho German Liabilities other than those above stated jjom'
weightof my clothes. I tried medicines ; ''misers, including the I.eipsic, Nuern.-;
and doctors, but they did me little good, ' the Scbarnhorst, had threatened Total
and I never exrjected to tret out aain i thc Maitai 1 womI'' llavc bcon 1,1 8 fl"fi of r''Con. - ounty of Marion, ss.
I crnt I vdia IP Plnlhom" Vnlfl U i JiIcn,a- To ,fsi"1 wc ""'V Q"m!ln : I, Wm. S. Walton, Assistant Cashier of thc above-named bank, da i0)m),
c, .. . ni p WU consul' would have been a pie. To ruu s.vea'r that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and Mi'i
Compound ami Blood Purifier, and I cer- ; an, dodge for the cover of darkness i WM. S. WALTON, Assistant CsMw
tainly would have been in grave or in an ; would have placed the representative! Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1-Sth-day of Sept., 19U.
asylum if your medicines had not saved of Germany in danger and thus have L. T. ALDE1CH, Notary TiiMk '
me. But now I can work all day, sleep endangered the international pledge of CORRECT Attest: ' .
well at night, eat anything! want, have' safety given to all consular representa-
no hot flashes or weak, nervoui spells. tiY(,s- ,hc Maitai crept its way
All pains, aches, fears and dreads arc : h? unfrequented sea lanes with'
gone, my house, children and husband j n t?1''1 i " hrMt n
ore no longer neglected, ns I am almoft i t0 San Fraiicisco.'' '
' ""I' ersuii. . Dciieveii I nit t ie 1 'L,.
Mrs. Josib Ham, R. F, D, 1, Fox 22
Shamrock, Missouri.
If you want special ntlvict' xrrU
Lydla E.Pinkliam 3Iclicim C;
(cunlidontiitl) Lynn, Plass.
Children Cry for Fletcher's
percent of the Salem com
mercial cluli members, that are k(
up ineir ilues, live on a farm J
I, What has tho Salem commercial
dub done in the last Ii! months that
nas tieen beneficial to its laiiiiimr i,.m.
' . ""I iic"iniiiiii- wi I he in evi.iv
I nay more siieccssful than any of the
mat nave passed into historv. New
students are coming in large numbers
to begin tiieir college courses here mid
many old ones, many more than were 1 1...... i
'xi ted when school closed last iiine ' U'l,t n. , , L . .
Jason Lee "u "-4 '" iti. I'ortland prices
v ,, ; , , . sometime in the near future.'
iu inree vears in tin
vears in Hi nn iw.;ii
Washngtou. Sent. I'resident Wil-' !"!', . ',,r 0,,u'1' h,',,0"1h' true, 'me
of the past
son returned to W (Islington at n. in.
today from Cornih, N. II. He was ex
pected to receive thc Belgian commis
sion, which has come to the United
States to protest against alleged (icr
mnn atrocities, at tho White House
Wednesday afternoon.
reasons than the clashes,
There la more Catarrh In this section ol
the country than all other dlsouses put
toft-ether, and until the last fow yean
supposed to be Incurable. For a
ICTt many years doctors pronounced It a
local disease and prescribed local rcnie
tlicn, and by constantly fallliiK to curt
with lixl trvntmeiit, pronoiincrd It Incur
Hble. Atenen has proven Catarrh to be a
constitution! dlsensx, and therefore i
nulrrs constltullonal treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, nmnufiu lined by K .1
Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is tho on!)
Constttiitlonnl cure on the market. It If
taken Intarnully. It acii directly on the
Hood and mucous surfaces of the svsteni,
They offur on hundred dollnrs for any
rasn It fait to cure. Hend for circular!
and testimonials.
Ariilraaa: r. J. CHENEY CO., Tolfin, O,
Del by Iimaslaia, llo.
Tk Hall's Kamlly Pills tor cnnatlpatlnn
What is the reusoii the Salem com
ial club sent out such liniicfnl it.
ters to the loganberry growers for a
Indication, indicate ti - i. I '" ' . ' " ";ms 11 I'"""'1 ,or thoir
.... , I'l l I 1 is .
Voins siiicerelv,
Salem, Ore., Uoute 7.
Mfxico of Naval Battle iu Which 68
of Loipsic's Crow Were Killed.
Lloyd Williams and John Arthur Pen-;
der, However, Will Be Reprieved Un-I
til People Vote on Question of Cap-!
ital Punishment. !
Governor West said this morning that
he positively would not commute the
death sentences of l.loyd Williams and
John Arthur Pender, the two men con-i
vide I of inn rdor in tho first floirrnp ,
i motion for a rtlitarinir in tho
"Srtioollna In vnnlH ihnuM Inrli1l. K.
iirv1rl Ui i!(-iinr jitunn In tlx- b,-( w
to graduate next Juno will be the larg
est in tne History of the institution.'
Him is especially gratifying (, account j
of the number who intimated thev
would not return. Another bright feii-;
tore is the forge incoming freshman'
'lass. Up to Saturday the office had
received neiuly ,,,, m:lv ,.ttlr(l
young people who expected to enter,
the freshman class as there were stu- j
dents in last year's class. So far there'
-iu -i.i who nave decided to enter
lr. Alden
ernl arts
Mr. and Mrs. Osburn
San Francisco, Sept. I"i. Naval offi
cers here were skeptical today over the
reported sinking of an unnamed Russian
cruiser by the German cruiser Ueipsie
in mi engagement off the Pacific coast
of America as told by Joseph Von
j I'witeet of the Leipsic in a letter to
I Chief Steward Thomas Uowu of the
steamship Vale. Von Ihvucet claimed ishnieiit shall continue in this state the:
miii on men were Kiueil and many men will he hanged.
wounded. Von Owueet, a German re-, "A ropo has alwavs proven of foe-'
jj, Isei-vist. was employed as second cook tive," said the governor this morning,'
jj,;oii the Vale, up to the time the I.eipsic i "and a rope costs but 2 while it.
$ cuiue mio tins port on Augiibt 17 to! would cost .n,(!n0 to install an electric
siiociiie court nas oeen denied after
this body once upheld the decisiun of
th lower court in both cases. Their
hanging will be deferred, however, un
til after the elections this fall when the
people will vote upon the question of
capital punishment and then the legis
lature will be civen a chaiico to pass
upon the intention before the mnn are
hanged. If both the people and the
legislators decree that the capital pun-
! coal.
lean of the eolleuo of lib.
and Professors Vnn l-V.l.n..
mid Matthews, members of the execu
tivo committee in charge of the univer
sity, were busy all dav registering stu
dents and looking after university busj.
ness. Old students were busy giving
out information to the new arrivals
wiiile the Christian associations had a
table where the association handbook
containing infoi ination of value to the
new student were distributed.
Kegistratioit will continue the great
er part of the week and bv Thursday
it is expected t!u oreater uri.... ,.e .1...
w ..v,.,v a iri'vn in inc o.-l WHV , I , -ii i 1 " l"l
war nr uri (hi Mini, nil inclination lot which 1 ' "" "" e enrolled nn, assigned
-,vvi. , ,, . uui. ii, ruisscs. rtt UlllMltS Wi
Mr. aud Mrs. W. V.
Henrietta Pomerov.
lives ot Attorney Ki est Uluo and ram
n, have been their house guests for a
chair." If the neenle of the stu
I The letter was posted at Guaymas, ; fer a chair thev can have it hut a rone
, iu i-ini-iiiinr, mo exaci uaie " "ore nicinou. :
Ot Illinois, and I beillir llllileiMnher:ibl Al't..i- .i;..,L..i,..r On ucoinut n( 11,., i:... i ..... i. ......
i oineroy and .Mrs. i various nersoual and business mutter . . their execution w niumlv i i!
nt l...l I ...l.. 'i- .- . -. . . 1 "" I'i'.irii mill
. in muni, rem- i i iiii i;v ii-cr suui- : ill er in imv.uii,w. ii
I ni still alive. Prettv near was sentence lie
the death
hanged to life imprison-i
li.i .....I ..H -..' .. ... . ., ; ..i.i..l ...... i:.. - .1
l,. ii . .. ,. " " o ' i 'in m mi- unci an I'ligiigeuieni witn nciuninijf to tne governor
mis. Henrietta Pomerov will re-1 a Kussia.i cruiser, which resulted iu the!
sinking ofuir enemy and on our own j ITT IIP n I I rrv imiu
e,i. imo tftuxu mmi
"r an exteiided v s t.
i ii i... ...... , . ... ft
ii. r. u tin lemi mil-!.,.. .... l..,.. .. i i... .. .
I'l-i. in l,l,.. I . : , . ' I ' 1,1 "" 11 y ueini aim woilliiie
... , 7 "I'r m "'i'l.We got ;W shots iu the bow, masts,
II . . hi , V Ku V"K ",',t"' ""kestack ami deck. I am cut up on
ll.Pd .king is tiii.sh.M ,,, the Mm- my body by a couple of grenades.
lie , m , ; I U' V, f "' " A't0'' h, ordered ;
"..t ui e is' lare, JVli'-i- ! St' i ' ,''"V th'" ""tion"1 0"- Wfl John A' JeffrCys" Can(lidate for Attor-1
..;,, Me" ,,.esi , ihJ S " to Cancel Salent!
o-rtn quarterly conference of the I cart , in cried, to, Z' Z sementS-WUl Come Later.
.ii'u. S....HII i, . . .
"' '""'i i. c. c nun Ii ntnr-1 luiiin .if .u.i-
This Is the Mission of the
Forty-iJvth School Year Opens
SnPTEriUER i8th, 1914
Write for illustrated too-page Book
let. "I'HK l.ll:E CAKK1K," and lor Cata
Ion contaltilng full Information.
Vfxrtt CoHtsfx AGRICULTURE :
Attotiomy, Animal Hitsbandrv.Ualry litis
bandry. Poultry Husbandry, Hortkultiire.
gTK.ut:ure tor l earners. rOKLSTKY,
lill contiim.1 1.,
"T ne next three weeks but it
is expected next Monday morning wiu
L I find the university in full swin- fm- the
L winter sessions. I h.ss.-s will .,.t
I llinrsilay tor the first time
Saturday th,. trustees of the
'ty. with G. J. Johnson, of I
laud Sena'or llooth, f Kueue
'were entertained at Lausanne'
"'neiieon ami an hour of sin
I A 1 11. .. . . . ..
mm tune a co ivti.m
; which
'lor. M,ss
mnve r-oitlaiid,
. present,
hall for
was taken.
used to Inrnisi the .....
Juiiiii 'r.i.1,1 1.. .,
:''":. Mr. Clark, superintendent
lOC.GING UNC.INIU KINU. HOMH I: CO- 1 """"!H,i "d Mrs. Ktainer, tl l ,
KOMICS: DomestkSvietu'e, l)otnetif Art. w,r" ,,u' h"s,s 0' '"'asion. At that
INGINIIIM-,; Hlciltiril, Irrk'atlon. !'"" a ''l""'t of Ilr. Alden conceriiin..
Highway, Mcih:i,iLal, C.lic ink 'al, . Mining. ; !"' ,''"l"''ng ot 1
Crramlis. COAlMliKCU. PlIAKAWCV B!' ;l l"fiu i tor
rtu'(mtf"ii;,M,-(.Rra,t,ire, Oairv-1 1 '' N,'v,'r ,,',f,,r'." "aid IV. Alden in
k g, Home Al.ikcrs' Course, InduMituI i r,'l"",.t. "has the need of a new d,,i-
iiiMl ior Ollls been i.......
than now. The executii-., ,
lay moni'iiir.
The reports for the years work were
quite encouraging.
Messrs Gibson and Hrophv, ho have
had son-e line t locks of chickens, have
been losing large numbers lately, and
I'l'efoy night the thieves, two of them
in i mm n..K tirove, Were caught
unlay they were arraigned before
nee r. I,. i ood. Hdwnrd I Vi
guilty, was sentenced to
jail mid paiolcd. Prank
oilier one, p,., guilty
teueed to three mouths
too. - Tomorrow is the i
dead heroes on the sea. (is 1
in number. The dead included about1
six officers."
1 Will
inch pled
one year in
and was sen
in jail.
Kditor Capital Journal: '
.iie.ise express -tli rough your paper mv:
regret at not being able to meet the
oeople of Salem on mv scheduled date.i
September 1.. 1014. liav. l,,.,. ..i.,''.
!" date to be aiiPounced. Am making a!
iuioiougn campaign et Oregon for the
o.tice of attorney general on the theorv
.that tilt laws of the state should be
j mpartiaHv i ..forced tluotigh the legal
, lid constitutional ihjinnels onlv. ' he-'
; lieve tiiRt progress can come onlv j
i rhrouyh toil, education and triumph :
: .V, 1- nlw-t i..l..e .-l,n..l .V. ..... i
oei- leiblisl,..,- I , .: . . '. ""' " growtn
" , ; e oiutl
The Kind You Have Always Boeglst, and which has lcea
In use iov over 30-years, has borne the signature ot
and has been made under his per
rs s jfty-ff2- sonal supervision since its infancy.
WtafTX -CUCUAS, AHow no one to deceive yon in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but
Kxperinicnts that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
poric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other JJtircotio
substance. Its ago 1 ts guarantee. It destroys AVorms
and allays Fcverishncss. Vox more tlian thirty years it
IiiiS been in constant use, lor the relief ol Constipation,
Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
y2 Bears the Signature of
he Kind Yoa Have Always
In Use For Over 30 Years
r "
..... t-.. rt .., --i,um m m n""
fur the
iris was
Arts, rotesttv, niisnievs Slnnt t:oure.
f .Vari.wpia.,0. Stilii.'. Hand.
tlie (acuity, together with the Imildiim
oiniuittee. a, executive eo.nuiittee .
the honrd f trustee., tried to find a
Nit,i,,,tr,v sul.-titute fr Uusa,,,,,.
Hall. Kiteillv. with il. i .
. .ijiiu.iiii i i hi m ..v , .. . .,i inc.
It SMn'of Esaaty is a Joy Forev 'lZl
1 ii i aiM, . "ii ctinsi nil nil. .iiith.. ....1
Vokt Culture
Fwmcri Bu.c...,i Court by M.mI Fir.
4ilii.n TUH KH'.hni.MI,
fl.1 lie-i) Corai;u, iirtk-..n
1'eKin, 8ed. 1). Skiiuiishiiic; be
tween .la'iiiie!.e ti'00! ilu.l (Jerniuu out
pojts nbout Iviao Cliau was reporteil
here tmiav.
.I:ianese landings on the Shnntuuu1
coast have, hitherto been at some dis
tance from the tiermau iissession of
Kiau ( hmi nnd aiiroach to the colony
has l.eeu I'levented by floods. It was
i oue,uemiy assumed here ttmt more
tiooi mut knve been put ashore in
the settlements immediate vicinity.
This theory seemed to he borne out
by rumors that .laianese cnvnlrv had
(Vutinlia, Wash.. Sept. lo. Advices
tending to confir ill :l reonrt tlmt l.nw.
tno i siati tioons l.!iv. i.,.v...i ti,, ,i. v....
, . v ' i.n.-iiu i. up
land on then- way to Hel)iiiiu was te-ce-;ed
here today in a letter Miss Nel
lie Diinckley. of Manchester. KiisjIhihI,
w rote to her brother Thomas 11. Punek-
ley, a t entialin uevpa
I here is a rumor that Hussinn hnva
landed iu :he north 0i' Gotland," Miss
Pumkley w-ote. "aud trains loaded
, .... 1 L. . I : ... . .1 . .
Km. i luneve inai what we
".cod to brine this r.bout is the protec
tion ot' the liberty of each citizen the
with trooi's have bee, ... '?m" " 11 9 "B"! I'.v the law and
"ni hi limn, unen we tirst
n.yijnnmiM)i'g nw'tiiiUlti'Mi J3.
House of Half a Million Bargains
We carry the.Iargest stock of Sacks and
Fruit Jars.
H. Steinbock Junk Co.
m State Street. Salem, Oregon. ytere M
hear,! ot it. we conl.l l.nt-.llv lu.i:..-. it
and since then it has been deuie.l in
the Guardian (a Manchester newspaper
but it i true nevei theless.
" A friend in Washington said he was,
13 honrs coiuini; from Newcastle to
Manchester and had to wait nt lluide
Hi nine tit .1 a. m. f,ir two honrs.-ilurinu
which time he counted :S7 trains poina
by. They were full of stroll);, dark
bearded men. No newspaper statement
is believed in the fa,e of all this."
iMitorcine; imc hi'nery 0f th;
Rem.. T in, Tlri'i .
txilr. M ih I'ji.ii
HU, k'mI ski r.Mw.fx
V -vrT H unl
it bviilr. i,J
. :'inli I
t.f W ?.-rs lb
T IT tt T Bi.
AyiXt V Ct'lllitt
It-li vt Mtt.ll.
U T (i
i .i . i
to pio. ecl with the re opeuinS of l.au
"R1 , f"r "iK'ther year. Some floor
have been repaired, a Kreat deal of the
.....' nuouworii iuih neeii repainted, ;
ne- fu;:ni:;;r;,,;1:rb:::Tm:::,,:,,:.!r all rARTiEi
I'U. e. the old. The furniture in of a . -"Vi. ilUNS (.lw,.d today by most of the hop n.Vn
'ttiniity jiuitublo to be used in the new' . ,' '""1,,"'w 1 ' 'T'- ' - ltuudieds of the city. Krank .Mirbin, a well
lormitory, which we hope some uener- atulidatea of all known hopiium, said he estimated that
oiu friend will donate to the nniv... r"''- were gathered here today to at ever !H per cent of the Minion fount v
been seen at Kiao t hau I'ity, about five
iniles outside the concession's limits. ; RAINS WILL HURT
'ic'inait aviator was said to have. HOP CROP BUT LITTLE
en spying out the Japanese positions.
I hat the rams of the last two days
will spoil few hois is the oiunlen ex-
iSincerelv vours.
ifilN A. .1 K1TRKY.
!.. -ndon. Sept. 1,"). Vremier As,piitli
tod.i.v introduced in parliament a bill
s':spe:,:ii, Irish ho'iio rule for a year,
"r Mtitil the end of the war." "The
reir.ier a.id.e: that the British K,.vern
rc.ent wr.s preparing to inestii;ute
hartes of lu'riiuin atrocities in He.
tin m.
i the near future.
; (Continued from pan cue.)
, front ot their ranks, that they have
upcd white and Ked t'ro flaes fjr the
len.i tno -tate conventions of the reops were already taken care of. and
'publican, democratic, pruKreasne and' u yards not alreadv finished there re-
swialists wtieu state plationiis will be mined but a few "dav.," pickinjr. am)
.made. The iieioociats nad scheduled ; only in one or two instances would it
theirs tor 10 o'clock, but postponed it: ah" a week to finish.
until 2 p. in. All the other convention Though the rain have been heavv
;ie to meet at that hour. N.nily all for the la-t two .lav it i not believed
the state candidates nominated at the. that any of the hoi have yet bejion to of
t ""'"' me aere. mot.i and the most (eioos ineoiiveil
ine democrat had decide, lii.on T). leiice i Tor the iii.kr lu
IllllliIH'll, ill
Survivors of Exploring
Shi? Karhilt Reach
Expedition ia
Koujo Eight
Missing Suppose to te Bead.
rrikcvl In
1 purine of approacbiui: hostile tie.., ; V, ' L J ..." ... "A . r "- . "V" K""w" ? Mv rrtr tte revenue cutter H,'ar.
with impniiitv. that taev have fitel on k." , i . i '"'"?"' " i rinmp a icaa u. most unexpeet- who made their wav to the island the'
. . ' ' ' ; .. .-. "ln kerstield. lor ekaiiman of the i-oiiveu. e,l ldaeo. an. I I lnn. J .,,11 .....i J... ; , ..: , ..- " "" i
( M.f.n., ,7 v,.,, uu,, iuvj dr.v "'a' lion
No-re. Alaska, S-pt. IS. That 12
meinlwrs of the ftefausson explorina
ship karluk 's crew were either dead or
missini; was the declaration here t.idav
the 11 aurvivor. res.ne.1 fr.,.i.
WranKll Islaud. and who i,,.,..k.
yard to this port
treated ami evea hilled the wounhsl,
''' r-'-v. "n ."r ivnir nrr sjvii ma.ie survivor at,l, i;,orue S. Madloek
tne ihvi ic careless in the matter nf fi. .e.il.,..; .,f ... ... , - '
Tk.,.. ,. ;ii ....I....... .u. u-:i. . . - i-. ......,, ,.,.. nu ianie
"There ahMi abwlut evid, nee 'hat i. . .t ......... -i ...,-.y.. .-,.,. .Mamcu, assistant photouraiher and
thev have u,. dmndum bolle a.'' Tlxu " m-,J.:,,,",1? h,,,,, of I hristiania. Norwav, Xd
m xonnt! laUr quip is. Matioa couutr and in thi district will of Svtirv-v acj C.eer!.e Hrettv a fireman
A woman who is romilar with niei, ! Man . .i.. -i.,.. V? uK,f- V. .,ml'l h:V k,J1 bv ,n'' idoutol discharw
v. ini.sis im uia uoii'i u. iv ami heavv
. j . ... ,
Westinghouse Matda Lamps
More light, bitter light, cheaper light for everybody
Sold by the stores that sell electrical goods to g
"If it's electric, come to us.
Salem Electric Co.
Phofte 1200
Masonic Temple
i --
AH thiv wore burittl ou the
Wt the wmrk of the Karluk for'F. Mirto Ji
Wraull Islaott anJ never reached it Beuchate J Thom
inovare: ine usi , i
CSV rv4n i-nvn m f. .iu.i tla nf t!tii " . ...vir
tirst Mate Alexander Anderson, brought up to 1- ;0 b111 11
s-.m.t M.,a I'l.-.l.,.. u .i vra,an. WHO
Mvht member cf the ex-H-ditioB who; John r.rwiy, banian H. Kir., Ali-ter from expur wh"