Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 12, 1914, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Wer-hingtou portion of tlr J'acific
, Highway to show v. hut (hit adjoining
state is iluiaK to make thi gwtal roud.
(They are evidently planning to make
' it a hard surfaced road through the
( state. They are sot trying to do it all
. at once, lint ' in sections, beginning
around park town of iinitortauce. ami
anil then, as fast es oeible, the other art? only building it as fast a they ran -
rosila. Fi rat to be iicterminod in the pay for it. They evidently hav. not .
best kind of road that is, the road settled which is the best material to Mrs. As2lUi Wa Restored to
which will cost tba least money per use, out are trying many kind.
mile aid at tne same time stand up e nave also wished to compare
' Till t
I .. muk Qttrtnj
,,, f 1 , 1 .liMiiwion: the
i. - ..Z its growth has
st" fc e,iileoe of this (inior tn(1 traffic it will be eal'ed upon Washington highways with our own.!
n-Ml ' the sdvartage 01 , Wo are familiar with ours from Knuene.
a k.)hor I'ortlsad was a ; Ouarterlv's judgment, it is 'ortland only and. while Oregon '
... knnwa: i - .L.i i -.,...1.. u...t. mmrAiitltf fn !..,.;... i .....v... ... ....m .
Bl6 lllHi JJWU IVRiia twilim I I " 'J irmuii, rr-lMfrv mill,
lot od down. As a principle we the question of the best kind of couutry
not favor debts, we oeueve we rumi is semen u is oest it snouia oe so.
-ii n.l were vuicu
I 1 hor it would not
Health by Lydia EPink.
ham's Vegetable
Sive their time to it. Here w have the !
rbiiuties diviiUd iuto many road dis
tiirts and ar. district has a super- '
visor. Some of these do good work and
brng results, but there is no- runeerted
artion, and a good stwtch of road is
sure to be followed by very bad ones.
After traveling about in British t.'o-;
limil.ia everywhere ou good gravels
rotiils, to cross the line at Maine and
proceed down to Seattle, the irregulari-.
ties of the work done by various super-,
visors is forcibly set before on-: and the
inferiority of the system is evident.
A Marion county supervisor's expla- i
nation of why he puM bo little attention '
to his road whs because when lie looked ;
...la Hal""" .1.-
? T. Aini city '" '.
rVw mor than I.Ke.y i (,0 wn , 18y for.
j IK
.after the roads his own place suffered,
Minneapolis. Minn. "Aft m HU and he could ill afford to nmke cood!
wtionlil nut trv to make till the rocds at Miijenc nas eiijlit miles or first-clnss' nnu was Imrn I vm nirlr nrirk n..;n. i ' roads at tne expense of the nrosuentv '
once out eacn year no us min-u s w noni niniawt um mwut
can do welt anil pay ior. inis is vue im uiuicnoii ny iu jiu-i
. l.i...lnn.l tt,A Pm.irii. Itiirti. risbliriF the hiuhwnv I Alimir thA vivitr'
j ef the Middle ei, .g bui)t iu ,1(J 8tate 0f Wash- and not good. Linn county highway is
i" railroads formed a Th . .. pavs 0De-half the mostly a dirt road, but evide itly aas
HV" i ,,tr sprauu P- A,tt'r v . f0t and the couuties the otjer hulf. been drn(j(?ed and is in Kood summer,
i enlacel the stae ; fa 0,v a slnai Krtion is done, rhape. l)n both sides of Albany there!
I u iaeaMire the steamboat, it of Keho th(,y tre f,la,nj( for is a goot Kravel hiKhway. On the north
iV kief t,or in frovt about five miles ami plan to hard sur- Kido it extends to Jefferson. Little can
face it this season. North of Kelso for buiu tor tne roaa trom there to tUe,
, ,u biiillit!
ma.ked advance when
about ten miles some fine gravel roads
L Id mlilt "" -i.l HIIOHfc iril nunc pv....- p..-..- .
i"Z ' and fuliiom.a railroad was whi(.h wi nla,ie a
r JTCi." , jt reached tne ..." , i, u..i ...,.
trurtCl. Ul" " . I I .... rhis lOUIKiailuil i"o .'. ......
i',ii benefits derived from , xhfy ,0 it a g0(lo roa,, in
. ..i.ur rur iiiuti .
im,tli a 9," fi:...tril! i the meantime.
:b the o'int ,ai"v ,wvinK of I This Road in Washington,
ii man-v. 'Tpie' increase in pop-j Krom there on to Toledo the highway
i .trti M jjn hni(e for more is 1((t gft0,. u is worked here ami
i ioa came- r(M.iute t;ie hene-: t;.re as many roads ere iu Oregon, but
i,l9 l' . 1 ' ,.Hniiniia nor net ninnent work
i they wubl nrn Toledo not th for many good crushed rock road
1 linos liiiei" - 1
. ... Ii
Ankeny hill. From the hill to Sulem.
ten miles, there is a crushed rock road.
Some of it has never had the surfacing
done, and many places of tiie rest need
Bad Most of Way.
As the Highway leaves the pavement
on North Cnpitol street the rond is bad
in winter very bad to the city limits;
on the north. The next four miles is a
This ends at
ji caused by in!1amrrui-
uon. i fu:crea
my suks which the 01 blB rurm- XNe tn,l,k he 18 r'nt
doctors said were thnf r0"'1 s",,orvisor!,n!l 81,0111,1 he
ousiiiess i iiseu, idbi tne supervisor'
should be eimdoved hv the vear. civen '
t . ,,,). ).....,. .,i4..i k.........
i. hiiii 'iifiiii i, miniiu uii illicit- ,
great deal every of ),iB fitm.,s for the place, and devote
monthandgrewvery ! i his time to tho roads; build good
thin. I was under the roads as fast as practicable and at all
doctor's care for two ' times keep those built in good repair. .
long ycers without i Autos Ruin Macadam,
any benefit. Finally1 The automobile seems to have un-;
none tne macminm roan, it is. claimed
that it sucks up the surface and ruins
after repeated sun-
gcstion3 to try it wo
got Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound. Aftertak-
the rond. Years ago Victoria was
Sil r.ilroa.1 mean nmcn . -tutl.
to .is another poss, bil
miicli to iis the miles there is a
! ;. h
ftbe autoiuobf'
J, m automobile.
Farmers fr"-
1 can afford to
We will venture
that no one rea i.y can
t U they are here in ever
toain(? out the horse -n many
f " , ,.Ia hut their speed per-
w "well wi.ler range. Tney arc
!;,!' to be ul for freight.ng an.
Knit to Salem the possd.ihty of
!U il ! W'VtLher
t,n.iiiig toww, reaching much larther
St tkaa etpry before.
. U present the greater use of auto
xi is for pleasure, parties ind tour
L If the roads will permit, it ia no
j k it all to travel two hundred miles
i i dav. Each year tiiis method of
LliM ia increasing All over the
Lirr hundreds of cars are moving
Vut'bringing trade to each flopping
Ve. To be on this lino of travel will
jiwmore and more profitable.
ivj are being established in
jit itate, a main one usually from
V -iuth boundary to the north and
j :n from the east to the west.
' 'i these are completed there will
l bt be many side roads built.
3"i ia not only the tourist trade that
fi sake a place, but if the country
i!i on all sides were so constructed
m they were good roads summer and
vtpr, they would contribute much to
Si tanesa of the centers,
iTheie conditions are before us today
ll it is time for Salem to seriously
fesMer the good-roads question. We
I' on tie Pacific Highway, such as it
m fa as this county is concerned a
aiier negative sort of a road. Polk,
nn and Yamhill counties have bet
it roads and there is some talk of
jwferring the main highway across
Must Build Pacific Highway.
sHi'iiwehave the capital of the
!t;f-a pretty town, second in size in
h state, and we all want, it to eon
"to be. It U surrounded by a fer
jV country, equal to any in the world.
I' do not wish to consider t'.ie ques
r'i of losing this highway. It is the
p of every citizen of Salem to take
! to 3ee that it does not happen.
l'fe must nuke the Pacific Highway
nlank rond. made of, the I.utiifh hill mid from there on to
laving loose boards along the ground. Oregon City nothing can be said in
It" miikes a rough road and it would favor of the I'acitic Highway. It is
seem a short-lived and expensive one , mud and ciinck holes in winter and un
unless lumber in that part of Washing-1 even and covered with several inches
ton is very cheap. - ' t ,'l,s summer. Near Oregon City
South of Chehalis the road is paved the road is gravelled snd good, but
with cement for five miles. The next after the bridge is crossed for some
four miles to Ceiitralia there is a gravel miles the macadam road is rough and
mud mid cpinent naveinent extends two. neglected, mere is unaiiy a ioon mac
noted for its macadam drives, but now!
... .I,'.:., i ....i. i i.. i'
li 1 i t 1 ,y a nar, surfa,.e taov are rough anil
was oble to do my housework t.nd txlay wolls aill, ll(1RKios R ilinli.,K (ver
I am strong and healthy again. I will them as well as automobiles. 1
answer letters if anyone wishes to know; t i stated that New York stnte has'
about my case." Mrs. Joskmi Aseijn, spent fifty millions of dollars on mac-i
623 Monroe St, N.E.,Minncapoii3,Minn. adam roads and now it is all n waste
i and they nre looking for some road that
Lydia E. Pinkhntn'a Vogetablo Com- will meet the needs of country traffic
pound, txado from nativo roots and 1 and ono the automobile will" not de-1
herbs, contuins no nrjrotica or harmful st roy. If they are covered with some
and one-half miles north of Centralis.
Krom there on through a gravelly coun
try the road is more or less nglcctod
ad urn road leading into Portland. On
the whole route, except within the lim
its of the various cities, and a short
At Tenino some hard pavement has distance out of Kugene, there is not a
'jcen laid, but this is not yet open to . foot of paved highway.
...feu The rnnd from theie on to The clay soil on wlucn tho greater
Olvmpia is mostly a gravel road and l'rt of our roads must bo made cuts up
. . m i i- i ' nifst ttttiil rliiiMiirv rha 1 r ri r teat n-InTaru
much ot the way goon, netween viym
nia and Tacoma there is a first-class
drugs, and today holds the record cf
being tho most Ruccesslul remedy wo
knaw for woman's i'x I f you need such
t rr.odicino vyhy doi't you try it?
If you have ho slightest doubt
that Lydia K. Plnkham'c Voprota
Mc Conipoiintl will help yoti.write
(confidential) LynnIass., for nd-
vice. Your letter Will lo Opened,
gravel rond. This is repaired yearly
and it is no doubt in fine shape the
year round.
Tacoma anil Seattle are neany con
nected by a hard surface road. There
is a breuk midway of a number of miles
and here the road is not good. Several
pavements are being tried cement
first, which seems a much finer surface
than that on our streets; next, a brick
pavement, which Seattle people use
much and claim is the best, but it is a
very expensive pavenientcqniring a
cement foundation and, further, we
thing it has been tried in Portland and
has not proven satisfactory. Next is
Warrenito pavement and, as the road
draws near Scattl macadam which the
autos by sucking off the top surface
have made rough. North of Seattle a
brick pavement hignway continues for
miles along Lake Washington.
Gravel Road Is Fine.
There is a high-class gravelled road
from the King county line to near
Kverett. Tho eravel must be ten or
twelve inches deep, with a fine gravel
top surface. It is almost as smooth and
even ns a pavement. On both sides of
Everett tho road is hard surfaced for
some miles. On the north side about
five miles of cement road is not yet
hard enough to use. Prom East Stan
wood to Stanwood there is another
stretch of a mile of hard surface high
way. The remaining road to the Brit
ish line is good and bad as they hap
pen to have an industrious or an indif
ferent supervisor. -We
have gone into details about the
into mud during the long wet winters! read and answered bv a woman.
ami into deep dust in the dry summer.) d ia strict confidence
Some sort of hard surface for the roads
subject to tho heaviest loads will bej
necessary. m unpaved road
To find the best and cheapest hard, :rown to give good
surface which will endure in this cli- of the opinion that
mate is the problem. Bitulithic, cement eon ctry road for Oregon is a gravel
and briek pavements are all expensive. j road, but it must be well crowned, an,'
On the market are a number ot rond wherever water stands, it will wear out. i
oils. One known as the Richmond Bond Whatever may bo said for dragged dirt!
material such as the Richmond Koad
Oil is claimed to be they will again be- j
come jjood roads.
Kvcn the roads built by Julius Caesur
two thousand years ago, which iuive
been in use evor since, arc at Inst giving
iiwuy, owing to the action of the uuto
mooilc, ami they too will have to be
If we use a top surfaco a gravel foub
diition is as good ns ono of macadam
and, ns it costs less, it is the base to
Benton, Polk and Yamhill counties
are all in advance rf our county, in
i j milking gravel roads, their work is
! beinir ilnnp cmmcciifivnl V. From Kit-
There must be mdro i ,,,. . v'Wvallis tho road is rood near-
service. We are ; y n) tne way- j p0k aml ymiillt
tho practical)!) fmiiitlfi miltm nf thft ltiiiin rniiilu ni-
Yes! You Are
Provided he is addicted to liquor
332 1 YES
enness has decreased
in ratio of six to one
since the town went
IN SALEM Business
is far better than when
the town was wet,
three leading mer
chants say.
Paid Advertisement hy Committee uf On Hundred
748 Murttaa building, Portland, Orcgoo
Any time you
feel tired drink
a cup of
Refreshing, invigorating and
of a paved street is
Two neighbors on the same street who are not connected with
the same telephone system are practically far apart.
The telephone users in the community who can be reached
by one are inaccessible to the other.
To reach them all means the inconvenience and added ex
pense of two telephones.
A community gets the best service from one good telephone
Astern which is linked up by toll and long distance lines with
rest of the country.
Every BeIl Telephone is a Long Distance Station
Vp The Pacific Telephone & Tele
Oil No. 3 is being tried in S.ilem on roads, and they are better than ncg
Fourteenth street near Knglewood and ; lectcd ones, the unusual water fall of j
also at the beginning of the slough ' Oregon winters and the deep dust of j
road, by Mr. Hutch, chairman of the. tho summers make them good roads
street committee. These experiments only for a short season each Bpring and !
are being watched with interest. fall. I
On the surface of a gravel road, after! It will take from six to twelve inches
the dust is swept off, one-half an inch of gravel to hold up the year around,
of the Hiehmond Koad Uil is spread depending upon the amount of use re
while hot, and covered with screenings, j quired of the road. The road should
It is then rolled and ready for use. It' not be less than sixteen feet wide. Our
is claimed this surface will wear for: road builders make tne gravelled por
three years, then it will be necessary to ' tion of the road but eight feet wide,
add another half-inch layer of oil and This does not give room to pass. A
screenings. At the end of six years a sixteen foot road will permit passing,
third application will be required, and but automobiles will have to slow down
then there- will be an' inch and a half i to do it safely.' Wiien the roads are
wearing surface, the same as our paved wet an automobile is helpless off the j 44 t tttt4444 ,n
streets, except the Daso win De gravm 1 gravel; it one meets a wagon or a hug-l f 1 1 tt
instead of crushed rock. If this is gy it is compelled to stay 011 an eight;
found to be sufficient, as it will cost; foot road, for to attempt to leave it
about one-fourth as much as the regit-1 means to get stuck. Automobiles do
lnr pavements, it will make a hard sur-: not like to do this, for it seems selfish
face road wo can afford. ! not to give the half of th ro-td every;
Must Crown Roads. ' man is entitled to and, wose still, scree'
The first thing in hilding a road is timi's n ,lli.vpr
to crown it and provide for drainage, compelled 0 require her 0 dnv, out
Manv of our En .ervi.or mke their ,f the mt.l is far from pleasant e
t :u .... ..i:..!. . ,,,, l)0p6 tliitt fill ll til 11 roU'Is Uili't Will rt? 1
f.nt r,v nn v,e.,r flat. The ,niU ! wel1 crowwl ,I",IC,, a"'1 sl!t '-" teet i
not Fiitii.-ieut fori : . , - . .. ,
! First of all we need a substantial
i i i Pacific Highway; then like roads to the
1 in imi-tu nf nu.'nu in tliia and Tn1l pnnTi.
jr " IcJiJMl . ), i .). H,.,n1,i i?u,l flit
V -" -
1 surface prove a success, such roads
would cost for the first three years. 4-
about three thousand dollars a m:ie.
If the OU Is Success.
! A roan sixteen ieei wine, wen nm-u
j piked, drained and graveled with ten
inches of gravel, packed with clay for i
a binder, will cost about sixteen Min-
dred dollars a mile. If this is used as
a foundation, for a wearing surface
the Richmond Road Oil one-half an
' inch thick, with screenings rolled :n,
; can be placed on the same rond for
fourteen hundred dollars and we will
j have a good road for three thousan l
dollars a mile. At the end of three
'years another half inch of this wearing
i surface will need to oe placed on top
and at the end of six years a third, then ;
at the cost of five or six thousand dol- i
1 lars a mile there will be the same roi l j
we have on our streets, but tje tny.es'
iof six years instead of one will pay the
bill. I
This, to be sure, is speculation, fori
we have to demonstrate that the Kirh-j
mond Koad Oil will do that which isj
claimed for it, but while waiting thej
graveling should re done. We w:ll j
then have good roads and a foundation
for whatever hard surface .road wej
finally decide upon. Where the traffic j
is heavy tne gravei gnouiu oe ten ioi
twelve inches thick, but six inches will j
be sufficient gravel for the usual eoua-
try roads. In making the base it isj
well to use clay as a binder, but to get
'. a smooth surface largely free from mud
and dust there should be a top dresn
of fine gravel.
! All roads, whatever they are built of,
!miiHt have repairs. Even if we paved
our highways they would require con
stant attention. Otherwise in a few
vears they would be ruined.
. . I M. 1 I. ii
! road once properly ouni ran ue acpi in
, repair at a minimum cost, but it must
; have annual atteution. Each spring
'just before the dry weather begins
roads should be gone over and the
holes, made by the winter, filled and
the surface leveled again.
' Vancouver Island Boads.
j On Vancouver Island the country
roads are everywhere made of gravel,
anil they are fine roads. While their
soil is such that the maintaining of a
road ia not so mucb of a problem as:
with us, these roads are kept in
good condition by care. A wagon
loaded with gravel, in charge of two
men, goes over the roads each spring,
filling and repairing all places that
need it. The cost is light because they
can cover some miles each day.
There the roads sre made and eared
for by the government. Men expert in
road building are employed, and they
graveled ami level. Marion county ; to wno track. Tho result is that soou
graveling is sort uf u patch work, good , furrows are cut and a rough rond re
in spots, but in many cases neglected, suits no mnltor how much foundation
For s'l example tho Wheatland road, there is, and it happeus as quickly to a
built of gravel several years ago, is one' itiucadiim road as any other. If . the
of the best county rotidM we have, but roads wore sixteen feet wide it would
beyond the Painter.- hill there has not be necessary to always go in the
been nothing done to the road for same groove and tiie keeping of the
several years. There are many hoh' surface even would be much less dif
in which water stands when it ruins , ficnlt.
land each vehicle, as it bumps through, Light oil oil a road keeps the dust
mukes the holes larger. A few wagon 'down and in a measure protects ttie
loads of gravel would make a level load. No dust makes thorn much more
road nil tiie way to Missiou Bottom hill satisfactory to travel on, but othciwise
and muke it a'fiue roud. it adds but little. It is well to consider
A Record Bad One. the comfort of the users, but tho first
On tho Turner road from tho end of importance is a smooth and permanent
the macadam beyund the lioforinHchool road.
there is one of tho worst roads in the; Whatever his business, every man is
country, on ground that Is largely benefited by prosperity. Uood roads
urni If tf wen titrmilkitil untl w ill contribute more prosperity thau
dragged, nt a limited cost it could cas
ily bo one of the best
Tho Hilvorton road, one of the most
used roads and one that brings much
travel to tSiilem, is a good road where .
Mr. Jefferson has charge of it, but tiie I
rest is almost impassable in the winter!
and rough in the summer. j
The eight foot road limits all vehicles'
anv one thiiiir. so all should work iu the
roads in the cause and hurry too building or goon
toads in every district of this country.
the loser uses and the finder
Fifty-third Annual
A travel
graph Co.
September 28 to October 3
In Cash Premiums for Agricultural, Live Stock, Poultry, Textile
and Other Exhibits. Horse Races, Band Concerts, Eugenics Ex
position, Evening Musical Entertainments and Other Free Attrac
tions. Free Camp Grounds.
For Particulars Address
Frank Meredith, Secretary,
ttltttl tttttt tttttt tttttt
IT Ti Q444-t4"44