L THB PAILT CAPITAL JOtntNAL, SALEM, OBJOON, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 12, 1914. i f & j? j&y' BT MOLLIE RUNCORN. KO ALIC9 IRENE SKIFF, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Will Skiff, mnt nrnmisiner of Salem's younger vocalists. Miss .I! Skiff accompanied by her mother, returned from Portland Wed Jr where they went to secure the professional opinion of Franr, iZ'm of the greatest of contemporary vocal teachers of New York 'who ia mending the summer in Portland, Mr. Arnz was delighted ' JVik the range and tonal quality of her voice and predicted a very bril lit future for her. . . . ' iHrt wal instructions have been under the supervision of Dan F. 'nKibere, and although they have covered only a period of a few tithi her natural talent hns asserted itself, her progress during that me being exceptionally rupid. Miss Skiff's voice is a high soprano, I'd wording to Mr. Arnz's prediction, will with proper training and 5ae develop into a dramatic soprano of splendid quality and strength, k- besides possessing a voice of unusual sweetness, she' has also been en-l-ides possessing s voice of us to a successful career musical un-i-tdin and intelligence combined with a remarkable physique, i The public at yet has had but few opportunities of hearing this young j yt, her time and attention bring devoted to her studio and school j rk, 'those who attended the annunl pioneers' picnic held this year in innsville being especially favored, Miss Skiff having appeared there ts several days' programs. Her numbers, which included difficult classi slu well as newer compositions, were enthusiastically received, many V nd personal compliments being passed on her work at that time. lis Miff, owing to her school work and youthfulness, will spend the ;i:if two years studying in Salem, devoting her summers' vacations to jisj with Mr. Arnz, who is delighted with Oregon and plans to spend 'amers here. . i- it is the plan of Dr. and Mrs. Skiff to send their daughter . t.w York, where she will have the desired musical atmosphere and jmonal services of -Mr. Arenz. . , I : i'.RDEXS of nodding multi-colored j i uitsmnal floers and slowly j ! tinting park and forest trees re 1 gently that summer, with its S' iiat revelings and recreations is, it nend. Displaying their bril-; I olorings, suggestive of wonderful! titive poreibilitieB, they subtly ii the inauguration of the love-; of all wedding seasons. Rumors ij events of this mature are being iM, in which the names of sev ff the Capital City's loveliest art mentioned, for which every y anxiously awaiting confirmation ""ements. i;k the approach of cooler weather, C-n it beach and mountain resorts faring home, the past two weeks f -sag a general exodus, impressing M forcibly 0 the swiftly op isng winter socit. season, ptonditions, no doubt, have their "oeial as well as business af- ny who have relations or of friends Thursday and Friday after-! t noons, entertaining very informally with Kensingtons. Miss Paul will not ', return home until late in October. j Miss GertnuL' Jones ia expected home ' today after an extended visit with ' friends in Seattle. . Mr. and Mrs. William Brown, who j have heen summering at their Seal ; Ho-k cottage, will arrive home the first ! of the week and will open their beau- tiful home on State street for the win. ' ter season. this line was learned with genuine re-: , gret her efforts having been partieu-! Mrs- Thol,,B', K- Campbell was at larly successful, her classes nlwavs h"",e ? the !,,,,,e of st- Monica's Al maintaining an atmosphere of refine- tur sH'iet.v Thursday afternoon, assist ment and certain exclusiveness. b-v nr daughter, Miss Gertrude Miss Sehrman, who formerly resided """I'bell, "d Miss Kuth Cooper, in Salem with her parents, conducted - Tne K"'8' were received amid pretty classes in dnncing, Mrs. Benjamin, then decorations of dahlias, sweet peas and Miss Cronise, continuing Miss Sher- lovey totta. man's work upon her removul to Port-j Those who enjoyed this pleasantly in land. Miss Sherman is a very compe-! 'or",al affair were: Mrs. Theodore M. tent instructor, and as a resilient nf I Nrr,.Mr. . Breitenstein. Mrs. .lames the metropolis has had an opportunity i Heenan, Miss Hart, Mrs. Joseph heboid, J oi icitrnmir an ine wrer uuiices. nnn i ,IIB 'iiinu i.ruuiu, .ui ucooiu. .ura. should she decide to teach the terpsi-; Tressa Schoettle, Mrs. Mary McOrath, choreun art in Salem this winter, it will not be surprising if the popular "Dan sante" would be introduced, as partial plans were suggested ana considered for it last year. A very charming informal afternoon affair Thursday was presided over by Mrs. F. S. Stewart and Mrs. William C. Knighton at tie residence of the latter, honoring Mrs. Kobert A. Frey, of Pasadena, California, house guest of the Z. F. Moodya, Mrs. Charles A. Oiny of Eugene, and Mrs. Spencer C. Shnefer of Los Angeles, bouse guest of the John , D. Sutherlands. Lovely autumnal flowers, asters, co lonial flocks zinnias and snap-dragons , intermingled with greenery made a col orful Betting for the entertaining rooms. Brilliant yellow zinnias filled a great basket, centering the table in the din ing room festoons of yellow, maline perfecting the color motif of this room, where Mrs. E. E. Waters poured tea, nssisted in serving by Mrs. ueorge L. Waters. Those who were asked to meet the complimented guests were: Mrs. J. D. Sutherland, Mrs. Z. F. Moody, Miss Stoughton, Mrs. George W. Gray, Mrs. John Roberts, Mrs. A. M. Crawford, Mrs. "M. E.' Breymnn, Mrs. R. P. Boise, Mrs. William J. Ball, Mrs. Charles I.. Mrs. McFarland, Mrs. John Noud, Mrs. V. Nadstanck, Mrs. Albert O'Brien,! .Miss Anna U Bricn, Mrs. E. A. Pruit, Mrs. Edward Ouinn, Mrs. Martin Petzel, Mrs. Walsh and Mrs. Thompson. I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson (Miss! Mamie Durbin) have taken up their residence at 223 Cooper street in Peora, 111. Miss Durbin 's romantic marriage occurred recently while she was travel ing in the ent. She is the yonnst daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dur bin and was one of the most attractive girls of the younger social set. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Brown and son, Keith, are home from Pendleton, where they have beed tho past two weeks the guests of Mrs. Brown's brother, Captain C. A. Murphy. While there they attended the marriage of Miss Mabel Bickers to Otho Smith. which was a conspicuous event in Pen dleton society. Miss dickers, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Bick ers, formerly resided here, Mr. Bickers being at one time superintendent of the boys' training school. . . Friends here of Miss Ianthn Irvine, laughter of Hey. J. II. Irvine, were please. I to learn -of her appointment, You Will Find in our show rooms the smartest Mil linery, in all the latest . authentic styles. Correct reproductions of original French models. Also the very newest American ideas produced in New York City. EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS FOR PEOPLE WHO CARE The French Shop MLLE. M BUFFE On Liberty, bet. State and Court McNnry; Mrs. E. TwZZ, o " ' M friends residing on tho continent neces sarily feeling its sobering effect. How ever, America's, neutrality" and the characteristic spirit jf hospitality, buoyancy and gladness of the West re fuses to be supressed for any great length o time, and barring a few func tions which had been planned, it is ex pected that the nearby social sea son will be merrier ad more active than ever. The members of the younger contin gent are mode especially happy by the announcement that dancing classes will probably be resumed again shortly. The difficulty of securing a competent in structor for this form of amusement has been forcibly impressed this year, no one having been found who would take up this work until very recently, when Miss Vina Sherman, of Portland, partially consented to give her assist ance. Mrs. Louise Cronise Benjamin's de cision to discontinue her activities in the ensuing year. . Dr. and Mr. George H, Alden receiv ed the faculty members of Willamette university and their wives at their home last night. The early part of the evening was devoted to discussion of business matters, a pleasant social hour rol lowing, The university has been especially fortunate in its selection of its faculty this year, several of its more loval and the charming house guest of Mrs. Henry I progressive members of past year's ser- iw. iieyers, was againt the inspiration ) ,,lc un.iS rcmura, wno, anmiiicn wira for a delightful affair given vesterdnv ! the recently appointed members all of i afternoon, when Mrs. Charles" A. Grnv wh' ar well known educators, it is ex- ami Mrs. George Oiav entertained with ! l,etB" lnnt Willamette will witness one an informal tea in her iionor. I ot ,ts nit,i,t successful year Rainbow bnerl jLinnins hriirhtened the Those present last night were: Pro- Ipnnms of the flrnv resilience on Chem-. fessor Matthews, Professor and Mrs. E. Waters, Mrs. Bowen, Mrs. 0. 0, Brown, Mis. ltollin K. Page, Mrs, Eliz abeth R. Case, Mrs. Ada Strong, Mrs. Henry W. Meyers, Mrs, J. H. McNnry, '.Mrs. George Mack of Los' Angeles, Mrs. ;M. M. Chapman, Mrs. Russell Catlin, ! Mrs. Thomas B. Kay, Mrs. B. O. Shuck , ing, Miss Margaret Jasper, Miss Geit rude Meyers of Baltimore, nnd Mrs. S. , R. Jessup of Eugene. 9 Miss Oertrnde Meyers, of Baltimore, Dr. Orison Sweet Harden, famous American author and editor, says: "Make a business of trying to estab lish a model home where every member of your family will be happy, bright and cheerful. Fill it with bright, cheer ful music. Physicians are employing music more and more because of its wonderful healing properties. "If there are no musicians in your femily, get a graphophone, a piano Player' or sme other kind of automatic jwaical instrument. There is nothing music to cheer up and enliven the borne and drive dull care, the blues and melancholy away. "Music tends to restore and preserve mental harmony. Nervous diseases wonderfully helped by good music. eepsone's mind of f his troubles and nature a chance to heal all sorts -Dr.Oriwn Sweet i eketa street, forming an effeitlre' al-: cove for the serving table in one end of the drawing room, where Mrs. Henry W. Meyers and Mrs. William C Knight on presided at the tea and coffee urns. Thev were assisted by Mrs. Charles H. j MeXary, Miss Ibla Jones and Miss Ma ! bel Smith. Small Lois Smith, the pret- ty daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. X. Smith, let the guests in, about JU calling dur ing the receiving hours. Mrs. Gray, who is one of the most attractive of younger matrons, has af- I forded much pleasure by the various affairs over which she has presided as j hostess, which while seldom elaborately ! planned, have been characterized by a . prtnin nir of ttmnrtm-KS. Spveml enter- Wainments are being planned by her to tertained by Mrs. Armin Steinor as her ibe given later in tne season, towards j ho,,sc Kest tor several days, 'which society is looking with happy' ; anticipation. I Members of the Eastern Star lodge ' enjoyed a pleasant social afternoon in ' Mr. and Mrs. J. JI. Baker received , their rooms Tuesday, Mrs. Paul Hauser, the members of the official board of ' Mrs. Emma McCarter and Mrs. Clara the First Methodist Episcopal church Olson presiding as hostesses. Von Eschcn, Professor and Mrs. M. E. Peck, Professor and Mrs. Robert Walsh, Mrs. Stella Chnppel, Miss Alice Page, Professor Wallace McMurray, Professor and Mrs. Ira Morton, Profe?sor" and Mrs. Thompson, Professor Shermifn, Aliss Elliott, Dr. and Mrs.' Richard Avi son, Mr. and Mrs. Swaithout nnd Miss Juiiia Todd. Mrs. J. B. Craig and daughter, Mlsi Bernice Craig, are home from a delight ful week of shopping and entertainment in Portland. They were guests at the Imperial. Mrs. II. L. Stndlev, of-. Eugene, will arrive in Salem tonight and will be en- C9BB3JSB9t These Pictures Show You Why I Can Make Such Prices as These $25.00 FOR. $30.00 SUITS $30.00 FOR. . $35.00 SUITS Your measuremeatM ire corncllyUkea $35.00 FOR $40.00 SUITS $40.00 FOR $45.00 SUITS IT'S MOSHERS SYSTEM Tin pattern U tfrauft frtf 1 from Hit cloth by an tx- I Pri cutttr 1 to- I Thea tklllfully put I tether by a practlitl tailor Comprising KNOWLEDGE and KNACK which the men and women of Salem appreciate, and to show them my appreciation of their patronage I am making these reductions during our FIFTH ANNUAL FALL OPENING SALE D. H. M0SHER "fiSSS Phone 1267 . 344 STATE STREET and their wives last night at their home on Court street Beautifying the residence were quan tities of brilliant hued blossoms grace-' room. Brilliant red dahlias were arranged with greenery in decorating, adding a lovely touch of color to the reception Readings from James Wnitcomlte Riley, "An Old Sweetheart of Mine,'' and "Countryman Prom Philosophy," gave much pleasure. A large number were present. fully arranged throughout the reception rooms. Pink sweet peas adorned the i dining room; nasturtiums nnd dahlias festooning library and living rooms. ! Assisting in entertaining and serv '. intr were Mrs. W. E. Kirk. Mrs. A. A. ;Lce, Mrs. J. A. Mills, Mrs. H. II. Van-, One of Jason Lee Memorial Sunday 'dcrvort and Harry Mills. 'school's most popular classes is the I The invitational list included: Dr. and ! Mizpahs, composed of young married Mrs. Richard Avison, Mr. and Mrs. U. people, with Mrs. M. B. Paronganagion 0. Holt, Mrs. E. II. Anderson, Mr. and; as teacher. Mrs. W. E. Kirk, Mr. ami MYs. Janles They are invited to spend the evening Graham, Mr. and Mis. S. V. De Long, 1 Wednesday, the loth, at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. C. I). Cooksev, Mr. and'thier teacher, 3-H5 South Twenty-third I Mrs. W. C. Young, Mr. and "Mrs. R. K. street. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. D. II. White, Mr.: and Mrs. H. H. Vandervort, Mr. and: Mrs. A. A. Eee is entertaining her Mrs. F. Von Eschcn, Mr. and Mrs. E. sister, Miss Helen Atwood, and Miss i II. l.uthv, Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Swafford. i Anna Nelson, of Spokane. Both are Mr. and Mrs. George Hatch, Mr. and ; graduates of the Deaconess' hospital of Mrs. J. A. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Spokane, and leave in a few days to Kuntz, Mr. and Mrs. George I.iteh-' enter a training school of Seattle, where field, Mr. end Mrs. A. A. I.ee, Mr. D. they will finish their courses. Miss At T. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. I'. G. Hover,: wood js well known here, being the Mr. and Mrs. I. H. .Van Winkle, and daughter of Mrs. M. J. Atwood, fnr Harry Mills. nierly residing in Salem. Seventeen members of tho King's Herald class of tho First Methodist church were guests of Mrs. A. A. Lee yesterday afternoon, who entertained for them in Willson pnrk. Miss Elliott assisted her in serving refreshments and in supervising the games. The girls of the E. T. Humes ' store spent an enjoyable evening this week at the home of Miss nLneJ,'ialMny-475 South Fourteenth street, who entertain in honor of Miss Mildred. Hawthorne, who has accepted a position ns book keeper in the office of Mark iSiddall. .Miss Hawthorne has been with the Barnes store for the piist five years. The evening was spent in vocal and .instrumental music, after which dainty refreshments were served. Those pres ent were: Miss Hawthorne, Emma Muths, Alyee Ilollister,' Geneva Knos, Mahlo Gurdner, Etta Mulvey, Harriet Swieniuk, Muriel Staley, Florence Cun ningham, Florence Smith, Elizabeth Bnyley, lone Fisher, Marie Hoydebo, Delia Spuuhling, Ethel llixson, .Wary Henningsen, Viola Fisher, Mrs. S. B. Combs, Airs. W. H. Fisher. fc ;t Mrs. Charles A. Gray will return to Eugene Monday, after a summer's stay in Snlcm as the guest of her son, George W. Gray. Tlio opening of the college year at the University of Ore gon claims Mrs. Gray's attention at this time, she being n chiiperoue at the Chi Omega sorority house.' Mrs. Gray resided in Salem for many years, occupying a prominent place in society. A chnrming and gracious wo man, she has hosts of friends here, who have appropriated her for many pleas ant nnd attractive affairs given during her stay. In celebration of the third birthday of her son, James W., jr., Mrs. J. W. f'Uurch presided at one of the prettiest of recent children's parties Tuesday afternoon. Assisting in entertaining were Miss Margaret Goodin and Mies Mary Tal- mndge, Miss Goodin presiding at the piano as the small guests miirchcd to their places nt tho daintily appointed table which wns Centered by the birth day Hike bearing three twinkling can dles in tiny rosebud holders. A pink parasol suspended above, held the at tractive favors, pink roses decking the table, completing the pink color mo tif. ... Juvenilt games and pastimes filled a delightful afternoon which wns enjoyed by the following small folk: Rosalind Vun Winkle, Mnxino Glover, Bernice and Kutherine Mulvey, Ktliehvynn Kel ly, Murg;iret Goodin, Mary Talmadge, Ellis and Elton Von Eschcn, Dick Good in, Howard Baker, Linden Harris, Don ald and Dorothy Church, Elmer Kelly. As the wife of the resident dean of the Theological Seminary of Willamette university, Mrs. H. J. Talbot will oc cupy an attractive place in local social ami educational circle.i, Dr. and Mrs. Talbot arrived in Salem Thursday, Dr. and Mrs. Kimball leaving then for their new home in Pasadena, California. They are delighted with their new locution, finding Salem's streets, beautiful homes and gardens a source of genuine inspiration. Mrs. Talbot is a member of a well known southern fuiiury and received her education in an exclusive girls' school in Louisville, Kentucky. She is a charming example of the woman of the southland, cultured, intellectual und gracious, with ideas and standards hap pily combining those of the old fash ioned and modern woman. Taking a sincere personal interest in young peo ple and their activities, she will un doubtedly endear herself to the stu dents of the university. She is an ar dent advocate of sororities and frater nities and mny possibly lend her assist ance in inaugurating them in Salem's historical institution, as suggestions to that end were considered last year. The Tnlbots come to Hnlem from Salt Luke City, where for the past ten years Dr. Talbot was superintendent of mis sions for the state of I" tub, going there from Portland, Oregon, where he oo-" ; copied the pulpit of the First Metho dist Episcopal church. Both he n.i.l ' Mrs.' Talbot are interested in church ; nnd civic improvement work. They have one daughter, Mrs. L. F. Steeh-, 'of Portland, who like her father is ft j graduate, of Depeau university. ) While not a suffragist, believing that I desired results could be accomplish d with women occupying a less conspicu ous place, Mrs. Talbot believes that . huviug the privilege thrust upon them, jus it were, they should utilize their voting privileges in ussistiug in secur ing luws for the country's bettermei.t. i Dr. und Mrs. Tulbot will occupy tho , handsome, apartments occupied by tho I Kimlmlls at the college. Mrs. U. A. Harris, daughter, Misti 1 Averil Harris, ami on, Koss, have ro : turned iioine after spending the summer in the Middle West, visiting several : states. Returning homo Thursday, after un : absence of several years, James MoU, -I son of Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Mott, in j being welcomed by hosts of friend i here. ! I'pon leaving Stanford university, where he was a popular Sigma Chi man, Mr. Mott lett for New York City to enter Columbia university. Receiving his degree from that institution he at tended the American Academy of Dra j inatie Art, tho second foremost school of acting. Graduating from there ht i entered upon his chosen life's work, i the past four years recording many sue 'cesses. His first year of acting wan with a large New York company. Play ing with them in a long run in New i York City, ho also accompanied them oo a tour through tho New England states. Later he plnye 1 a leading part at the Liberty theater in Savannah, Georgia, where critics proclaimed him the great est chnraeter actor who had ever visiteit that city. He afterwards toured in (Coi tinued on rage 8.) G eo. r wiji ns Oldest Music Dealer. Sel1 all the best makes. 132 STATE An attractively . appointed luncheon was the entertainment furnished by Mrs. Curtis Cross, Thursday, as a fare well compliment for Miss Mildred Bag ley of . Eugene, who has been spending the summer in Snlem. Soft-tinted pink geraniums ornament ed the center of the table, lovely flow ers of the same color, combined with grenery, being used elsewhere about the rooms. Besides the honor guest, places were arranged for Mrs. Frank Spears, Mrs. Connell Dyer, Miss VarieHofcr and Miss Veda Cross. Miss Bagley has been a most inter esting and appreciated addition to the social eolony remaining In town during the summer, brightening with her pres ence numerous informal gatherings which have marked the passing season. She returned to Eugene yesterday to resume her work as physical instructor in the high scliooi, 8 ponuion .. filled with unusual satisfaction the past ; twa years, since her graduation from ' the L'niversitv of Oregon. , j . . . .. Miss Anna M. PauJ of Buffnlo, New ! York, who is the guest of. her sister,, Mrs. H. K. Merwin. is being made the, motif for many pleasant informal f- j fairs Mrs. Merwin asked la a number i I Mrs. S. M. Frey and daughter, Miss ; Margaret Frey, who have been the house guests of the '.. F. Moody's at 1 their beautiful Court street home, leave tonight for their home in I'asndemi. : Mr. and Mrs. Moody have now with 'them their son's wife, Mrs. Z. A. Moody and grandson, Zenas, of Ashland. They' will return home next week. Mrs. Frey and her daughter have been popular guests, Miss Frey making scores of friends among the ;-ounger "ocial set, who sincerely hope to have ! the pleasure of having her among them again. ! The George E. Waters have Miss jLeore Cass Baer, the well known dra 1 matic critic of the Oregonian, and I George L. Simonds, of Portland, as their 'weekend guests. . ' 1 4MMM44' I BeaverStatePrinters Society and Commercial Printing. ' ' Pdom 151Z . Boom 1-3, Patton Block j The Baby Has Arrived The 1915 Maxwell K25" BEAUTIFUL STREAMLINE BODY WEIGHT, READY TO RUN, 1850 ELECTRICALLY LIGHTED AND STARTED ELECTRIC HOIIN 25 HORSE POWER 10-INCH WHEEL BASE COMPLETELY EQUIPPED WITH SILK MOHAIR TOP, CLEAR VISION WINDSHIELD, STEWART SPEEDO METER AND TIRE BRACKET. F. O. B. SALEM, $$50.00. Rees & Elgin Auto Co, 560 FERRY STREET PHONE 95J BSit 1