Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 12, 1914, Image 1

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    lint Jfflto Jilite I ffinnnmifir
Today's News
Printed Today
H 1 V i '
, ZLjI i:
tTYvfNTH PRICE TWO CENTS stand a, nva cent
4 fir Din DMT M STIll Mill J ilppi j RESULTS OF MOVES n. ntou,
lltDflHUI m MiitFiimni rug I on battlefields AUSTR AN LOSS IN
RUSSIA IS WlllNG,aiMi3" TWO DAYS AT 1 25.000
Jorspci in the west frrew more serious today:
Kman successes in the east more pronounced.
I Paris and London aimces uctidicu urc uwmau icuwi
b France general.
The retirefnent 01 ens Kaiser s rigm mug lu mc um ui-
,-ard was-becoming a rout, it was said.
r.i, RriHsh nursued hotlv. killing and wound-
-tram taking numerous prisoners and capturing much
j Position after position, town after town, was evacuated
y the retiring Germans.
lThe Germans hammered at Verdun, but the French
Vere crowding them hard in this direction as well as to
he northward. . , , , . T
The French were gaining ground aiso in Lorraine.
There wa3 more and more talk of bringing the French
inf fmuoi-nmpnf. hnck f mm Bordeaux" to Paris.
) The Belgians were re-occupying many towns which the
Germans had evacuated.
j It was believed they would shortly re-establish their
'"iflital in Brussels.
1 lung Aioert was at uie nom in ptsrsun.
1 rhe czar'sj war office insisted that the Russians' "gen-
f il odvnnpf pnnhirmps" t.n the westward.
I There was ample evidence, however, that the Germans
. ere driving them back in East Prussia,
j In fact, the Russians themselves admitted they would
'remain on the defensive in that quarter until the Austri
an? were completely crushed.
j An important German victory was claimed at Lyck,
inning the way for an extensive invasion of Russian Po
jhnd from the northwestward.
I Gmu forew were also advancing
jiitirwd from tie River Alle and ex
jvnted Hon to n a the siege of Konigs-
I News of doinei to the southeastward
more eoafluting.
I The Bussians Claimed victories in the
i!h of Russian: Poland and in Galicia,!
'mhiaf the capture of tho town of.
jltasszow ind asserted that General;
J'm Auffenburgs Austrian army was'
danger of annihiliation.
I m German purees came the asser-:
i m that Germans an.l Austrians had
Wl the Russians near Lemberg and
s'Mt the latter tere retreating.
1 Teutonic sue- 3aes in the ttouth of i
I '.wia Poland Km also claimed,
j I'owa Prince Alexander of Servia!
was capturing more towns in 'the Aus
trian province of Slavonia.
Servians were reported to have in
vaded Hungary near Belgrade. .
Servians and Montenegrins' were
threatening Serajevo.
Turkev grew more threatening.
British fleet was reported ready to
crush the sultan's naval power if the
Turks sided with Germany and Austria
Indicating that they did not think
the end of fifthting near, representa
tives of the British government talked
of having at least 1,000,000 of King
Oeorge s troops on the continent oy the
summer of 1915.
An Australian naval force occupied
the Bismarck archipelago, a German
possession in the Pacific.
run the plant will also furnish the
steam for the dryer,
Mr. Liveslev s vard is equipped witn
lectric lights and a spraving system
which is pronounced second to none in
the state. With the noD nckinz ma
Uresi7 Yard and IlicM Ma.-hf tJ chine ai1,1 ft gasoline system of hop
(V ' m .nltivof in
vwon to: Ba Shown at the
4 Maria;
cultivation which he will install next
year, his yard becomes a center of in
terest for hop men as one of the most
up to date hop yards in the country,
P lo date hop yard 0n theij
W t TS Picture'' for the1
!iT "nfairvit,itwho wiii:
"ftfrooon 1 tlme- Yester- i
is wonderful J
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J tZnrmt 0f crop1 1
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'-M bv 1J "pkl machine wa Z
'M5t j I . .A Clementsi Hnnt T
WI nf h.i..
' in th . . a- Th first
Bucharest Sept. 12. Rus
sians today were invading
Transylvania, an Austro-Hun-garian
province to the south of
Galicia, pouring through the
Carpathian mountain passes
from Galicia and Bukovina op-
The Russian occupation of t'.ie
province of Bukovina was prac
tically complete, all the chief
towns having been seized.
The slav population were wel
coming the invaders.
V:rt but
KT TTOve,. un.il :f
, ftiT L i'
telFPHH ,h.Vi. Vh! the buggy
now, Medford. Ore.. Sept. 12. Injured
when -a Southern Pacific freight train
in which they were
on. .-.. ' iratinv 11 iarr
- r ' rrv 41.- . . . .
Ti -Picking
n hon . a.. I . . "y 1 nuine late yesterdav. Mrs. B. 1 . Van-
11 k.. ; ,11 " 19 Dyke, aeed 27. of Phoenix. Ore., is at
,roled to their ?M the point of death today nd her 7'
the enfir. 1. . .. "i year-old son. Frank, is in a serious con-
BOO nicVinnl",...
!wrf . 1 '""on.
' BPSrCh
VanDvke's skull was frac
Bhe was
mile on the en-
cowcatcher before the train could
brought to a stop,
. 1 i i .. .. .
nr. n.. r '.carnea a quarter of a
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The Weather
'Just A8our"
Fair toaight and
bunday: wanner
a I'm
Allies On the Left Outnumber
Germans It Is Claimed
Two to One
raris, .Sept. 12. Tho German right
wing's retreat in northeastern France
was reported degenerating into a rout
Tiie men's ammunition was runnine
short and their food supplies shorter.
'mat the seat of the French govern
ment would be shortly retransfcrred
from Bordeaux to Paris was geuerally
The worst of the fighting at the cen
ter was in the Argonne district.
the Germans had retired from Se
zanne and Vitry-Le-Francois. They had
been reinforced but to'ind themselves
unable to resume the offensive anywhere.
To the northeast of Paris tho first
and second British cavalry divisions,
assisted by French cavalry and artil
lery, had cut a large German force off
trom its base, killed or wounded half
its number, taken 0,000 prisoners and
captured 15 cannon.
Prisoners Nearly Starved.
The prisoners were said to be fairly
starving when they fell into the allies'
hands and devoured the British beef
and biscuits ravenously. "
As a result of tne general retreat of
the German right, the kaiser's forces
were badly separated. Generals Von
Kluk s and Von Buelow s armies were
split into detachments and retreating in
different directions.
British bicyclists surprised a German
battalion isolated in the woods, killed
loO of them and captured the rest.
It was said the allies' losses were less
than the Germans' in the ratio of oue
to three.
Learning a lesson from German
transportation methods, the French
were commandeering automobiles whole
sale. They were greatly facilitating
the forwarding of supplies and ammu
nition to the fighting lines.
A heavy rainstorm in the fighting
zone was hampering operations which
still, however, progressed despite all
difieulties. The Germans were especial
ly handicapped by the miring ot their
cannon in the marshes.
Scotch and Irish Rivals.
Now reported that the kaiser's gen
eral staff had been at the actual front
at the center and left, looking over the
ground with a view to changing the
German plans.
General Gallieui, military governor of
Paris, was so confident that danger of
an attack on the city was over that he
had sent a considerable part of the gar
rison into the field. The gunners, how-'
ever, still manned the forts. j
Tue allies' left outnumbered the Ger
mans today by 2 to 1.
A majority of tho wounded Germans
captured in that field of fighting were
suffering from bayonet thrusts. They
declared the British relied upon the
bayonet almost entirely, referred to
them as "wild men," and asserted that
not even shrapnel checked thein.
The Irish and Scotch regiments were
spoken of as especially terrifying. The
two nationalists have shown a keen
rivalry throughout toll the fighting, and
whenever cither has conspicuously dis
tinguished itself, the other has invar
iably attempted to eclipse its exploits.
William Philip Sim' Story.
Paris, Sept. 12. I have just seeu
General Gallieui, the military governor
of Parts. ;
Ho predicted that tho battle of the
Marno would prov to have beon the
high tide of the German offensive. He
said he did not think the kaiser's forces
would recover the ground they had lost
and expressed the opinion that the
dauger to Paris was over.
It was his belief that, by sending the
city's defensive army into the field to
help the allies' left wing, he changed
the entire situation.
Observing that the left under Gen
eral Von Kluk had outdistanced the
supporting German center and reacheff
j Proving and that the French center was
I holding its ground, tho Paris command
I or hurled his entire available force
Haiupi i lie Kaiser s rigni.
By this move the allies wero given a
force which outnumbered General Von
Kluk 's army and threatened its destruc
tion. Its retreat was so procipitate that
it was compelled to abandon quantities
of supplies. It was not safe yet.
Military Governor Talks.
Gallieui explained' the success of the
German crown prince's army on the
ground that the kaiser detailed his best
strategists to advise his son and gave
him the flower of Ihe fatherlaud's
Reports that the crown prince had
been aent to east Prussia he discredited.
Tho change from offensive to defen
sive tactics had affected the morale of
the German army badly, the general
added, while the chango from the de
fensive to the offensive had exactly the
opposite effect on the French.
"Tho German war machine," he con
cluded, "was constructed entirely for
offensive running. It works poorly
since it has been reversed and sent to
running backwards."
f i J sjs c ic sfc
London, Sept. 12. Austrian
troops are rushing from Prague
to the aid of the Germans in
France, it was asserted in a
Rome dispatch received here
this afternoon by the Stai.
sjc sc 5(c fc sjc sc s(c sc sjc jjc ?jc sfs Jc
By J. W. T. Mason,
(Former London Correspondent for the
United Press.)
New York, Sept. 12. It was apparent
today that the outrunning by the Ger
man right wing of the rest of the kai
ser's advance iuto France was primar
ily responsible for the confusion into
which the Teutonic campaign against
Paris has been thrown.
News that tho German right had
reached Provius before its repulse gives
the key to the mystery.
Provius is 50 miles southeast of Pi'.Ks
and dominates the highways which the
German center and left would have to
use in enveloping Paris from the south
ward. Driving down from the northward
the right reached it too soon.
Unchecked to tho east of Taris the
wing crossed the River JUarne to join
the Germans coming from the eastward.
But the Germans from the eastward
failed to arrive. They were held in the
Cataluuniau fields district, where Attila
and his guns wore defeated in the fifth
Right Was Isolated.
The speedy German right was there
fore isolated. The Paris garrison emerg
ed and fell on its flank and during the
past week it has be-n forced backward
until today it was 50 miles northeast of
Paris, near Soissons.
That the defeat of the German right
was duo to deep strategy on the allies'
part is refuted by frank admission in
London and Paris official reports ear
lier in the week that tho Germans'
movements were puzzling.
They were, puzzling because thoy
were due to a serious error in calcula
tions of tho time necessary for the Ger
man center and left to swing around
Someone among the higher German
military authorities seems to have blun
dered badly anil German strategy is
now seriously affected, for it must now
rearrange its objectives.
Tho German attack on Verdun was
an attempt to open the door into France
from tho east, an alternative to the un
fortunately-chosen route through Bel
Verdun is the northernmost point of
tho eastern French frontier fortifica
tions, which extending along tho Mouse
40 miles to Tonl, after tho strategic 40
mile opening between Toul and Epinal,
continue along the Moselle to the Swiss
Would Worry Trench.
The German capture of Verdun, if
followed by the occupation of the other
defenses between there and Toul, might
seriously interfere with a French in
vasion of Lorraine and greatly benefit
German lines of communication, since
the most direct approach from Germany
by rail to the present field of military
operations is by way of Verdun.
The Russians' attempt to resume their
march on Berlin met with a fresh re
Tho Germans were shoving tho Rus
sians out of Fast Prussia at about the
same rate that they themselves are re
tiring from France.
The battle of Lyck, rcportod as an
important German victory, occurred 13
miles within the East Prussian frontier
and Russian Poland is again in danger
(Continued on page 8.)
is ID
(By Karl It Von Wiegand.)
Aix-La-Chapelle, Germany, Aug. 29.
(By courier to New York via Rotterdam
to escape British censorship.) America
has not the faintest realization of the
terrible carnage going on in Europe.
She cannot realize the determination
of Germany, all Germany men, women
and children in the war. The German
empire is like one man. And that man's
motto ia "Vaterland Oder tod!"
(Fatherland or death!)
English news sources are reported
here as telling of the masterly.retreat of
the allies. Here in the German field
headquarters, where every move on the
great chessboard of Belgium and France
is analyzed, the war to date is referred
to as the greatest offensive movement
in the history of modern warfare.
This eity is just behind the apex of a
wonderful triangle.
This triangle is formed by the Ger
man offensive lines, closing In on the
British-French-Bclgian lines. It is mov
ing with relentless swiftness, hammer
ing at every point. It is driving the
allied armies south and west toward
The German Plans.
Yet no one here knows whether Paris
really is the objective.
The French offensive is to be crushed.
The British are to be driven away
from their seseoast bases.
After that Paris will be taken but
before then there will be fought the
greatest battle the world has ever wit
nessed. ,
Tonight the German patrols are
threatening Ostend.
Part of the right wing has been
pushed southward beyond Lille.
The combined Brtish and French
forces have been defeated with heavy
losses at Maubeuge.
The army of the crown prince has
taken the fortress of Longwy by as
sault, after demolishing it by bombard
ment. And by this movement and the cap
ture of Lunevillc, near Nancy, the
French center has been pierced.
From Lille to Belfort the French
lines have been thrown back in utter
confusion and the Germans are in force
on French soil.
French Outgeneralled.
French and Belgian prisoner admit
that the French have been outgeneral
led. Up to tonight there has not been
a real French victory. The French
forces were trapped in Alsace-Lorraine.
Realizing that the French temperament
was more likely to be swayed by senti
ment than by stern adherenee to the
rules of actual warfare, the German
staff selected its own battle line and
The French did not disappoint.
Thev rushed across the border. They
took Altkirch with littla opposition.
Then they rushed on to Mulhausen.
Through the passes in the Vosges they
poured horse, artillery and foot, all
branches of the service. 8trassburg was
to fall, and so swift was the French
movement that lines of communication
were not guarded.
Then the German general staff struck.
Oerman troops from Paarburg, from
Strassburg and from Metz under the
command of General Von Heeringen,
attacked the French all along the line.
Thev were utterly crushed.
The' Germans took 10,000 French
prisoners and more than 100 guns.
Petrograd, Sept. 12. riaving failed to reorganize his
shattered Austrian forces, General Von Auff enburg, who
has been fighting the Russians in northern Galicia and
the south of Russian Poland, was retreating today, ac
cording to the Petrograd war office.
Total Austrian losses in the past two days were placed
at 125,000, including 80,000 captured.
The prisoners were being sent to concentration camps
in the Russian interior.
It was stated that the Austrians and their German re
inforcements fought desperately but the Russians charg
ed them irresistibly and they finally began retiring. Cos
sacks were in pursuit.
The prisoners included two division generals.
The Austro-German center in Galicia, near the junc
tion of the Vistula and San rivers, was reinforced Friday
and 600,000 Russian reinforcements were on their way to
join in attacking them.
In Russian Poland and Galicia the czar had 1,250,000
troops operating.
As the Danes See It.
Copenhagen, Sept. 12 Almost unbroken German suc
cesses against the Russians in East Prussia were indicat
ed by all advices received here today.
The Russian version was that the czar's troops were
merely acting temporarily on the defensive but accounts
of the fighting read much more like Russian defeats.
Having concentrated on the River Alle, the Germans
certainly were advancing, the Russians retiring before
A Russian army corps was also stated definitely to have
been beaten by the German troops when it attempted an
East Prussian invasion, from the southeast at Lyck.
An early German attempt was expected to raise the
Russian siege of the Konigsberg citadel.
Change in Russian Plans.
Petrograd, Sept. 12. Russian suc
cesses in Galicia and Russian Poland
wore reported by the war office today.
The left wing, it was stated, had been
cut off from the Austrian force operat
ing under General Uankl in northorn
Galicia and southern Russian Poland,
and it was declared its annihilation
was imminent.
The reported Russian capture or
Toniaszow was confirmed.
The unofficial admission was made
that there would be no further opera
tions on an important scale in East
Prutiisa until the Austrians had boon
crushed completely.
Instead, it was said the Russians in
the north proposed to remain largely
on tiie defensive for the time, engaging
the Germans' attention, however, while
another Russian force inarched on Ber
lin from a different quarter, presum
ably from Galicia through Silesia and
to the northwestward.
Berlin, via The Hague, Sept. 12. Tha
Germans were repulsing the Russians la
East Prussia today, the war office an
nounced. Tho czar's troops wore retreating in
disorder from German territory toward
tho frontier, it wag stated. The speedy
raising of the Russian siege or the
oast Prussian city of Kouigsborg was
Combined German and Austrian
forces were said to have checked the
Russians near Lcmberg, and to be driv
ing them backward. Strong German
and Austrian bodies were reported op
erating again in Russian Polaud.
In general, the eastern situation was
declared to bo much improved.
No announrcment was made concern
ing the progress of fighting in the west.
The Terrible Krupp Guns.
Alsace-Lorraine is now reported
cleared of Ifrench troops.
The Oerman offensive plans were well
laid. No army that ever took the field
wag so mobile. Thousands of army
automobiles have been in use. Each
regiment has its supply. The highways
were mapped in advance. There was
not a cross road that was not known.
Even the trifling brooks was accom
panied by enormous automobiles filled
with corps of sappers who carried
bridge and road building materials.
How well this worked out was shown
when Namur, which it was boasted
would resist for months, fell in two
the terrible work of these great
Krupp weapons, whose existence had;
been kept secret, is hard to realize.!
One shot from one of them went
through what was considered an im
pregnable wall of concrete and armored
steel at Namur, exploded and killed
150 men.
And aside from the effectiveness of
these terrible weapons, Belgian prison
ers with whom I have talked here men
who were in the Namur forts declare
their fire absolutely shatters the nerve
of the defender, whose gun have not
sufficient range to reach tbem.
The armies of Crown Ifinee Frederick
William and of Crown Prince Rtip
precht of Bavaria, are reported here as
moving in an irresistible manner on to
Losses Are Appalling.
In a three days battle before Metz
it is declared the French were terribly
cut op and forced to retreat In almost
)Jt )c s(c sc sc sjc sjc sjc sjc ))t s(c s(i )Jc ic )Jc )(c
)C)(i(C9C(9fC3(S( 5jc s6 )C )(( )c 3( ))C )(C
First gamo R. H. E.
New York 00000000 00 4 1
Philadelphia.. 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 x 1 7 1
Marquari, O 'Toole and Meyers; Alex
ander and Killifer.
First game
Lavender, JTagorman and
Adam's and Coleman.
Second aame
New York 2 10 2 10 11 08 12 0
Philadelphia.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 00 2 3j
Fromme and McLean; iviayer, war
shall and Killifer, Burns.
R. IT. E.
Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 14 7 2,
Boston 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 5 2,
Aitchison and McCarthy; Tyler,
James and Gowdy,
Second game R. H. E.
Chicago 0 3 1
Pittsburg .. 4 9 0
Humphreys and Bresnaban; Kantlc
haner and Coleman.
St. Louis 3 9 2
Cincinnati 18 2
Griner and Snyder; Fittory and Clark.
Hendrix and Wilson; Ford, Moran and
R. H. E,
.. 4 11 2;
..5 2
R. H. E.
Boston-Washington game postponed;
R. II. E.
Philadelphia 1 6 1
New York 2 7 5
Bender and Schang; Keating and
R. H. E.
Detroit 4 7 2
Chicngo 2 10 3
Reynolds and Stanage; Wolfgang and
r. n. e.
Cleveland 3 9 1
St. Louis 5 6 3
Hagerman and O'Neill; Weilman and
Agnew. -mi
'Continued pa page 8.)
R. H. E.
St. Loui 3 8 3
Brooklyn... 5 9 1
Keupper and Simon; Chappelle. and
First game R. II. E.
Kansas City 7 13 2
IJittsburg . 4 10 1
Cullop and Easterly; Walker and
First game R. H. E.
Indianapolis - 4 7 5
Baltimore . 6 8 2
Kaiserling, Billiard, Mullen and
Riiriden; Bailey and Jacklitsch.
First game B. II. E.
Chicago , 6 13 2
buffalo 14 1
San Diego, Cal, Sept. 12. Driven
hundreds of miles out of her course
to evade capture by the German cruiser
Leipsio and with her officers, crew and ,
passengers in a state of nervous anx
iety, the British steamship Maitai,
which sailed from Wellington, N. Z.
August 20 last, bound for San Fran
cisco, arrived here today and anchored.
Captain Carson changed his course
several days ago and headed for San
Dingo harbor because of failure to re
.oIva wiralou nipHMnffcn from the steam
er Moana, out of San Francisco, inform
ing him that the coast was clear. He
feared that he had sailed almost into
the mouth of the enemy, as the Oerman
cruiser Leipsic waa reported to have
been sighted off San Diego early today.
If this is true, the Maitai has been
bottled up in this harbor and may be
forced to remain here indefinitely.
Butte, Mont., Sept. 12. The first
snow of the season is falling in Butte
n1 vu'lnitv. H beiran at 8:30 o'clock
jlast night and continued this s'tcuwi'