SEVEN 4 HMHMHMHMtHMMMHMtHUHHHmMOMHMMMHMMMMMH jtiEPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS I FINDING A SITUATION RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL to employment by tailing personally nnon those yon hear U it bosji long, tedious tack, however. The classified way bringi J 'r. tion before' tboae who need help, quickly and easily, your app'1' '' ONE CENT per word for the first insertio. ONE-HALF CENT per word for each succeeding subsequent insertion. - WANT ADS work continually they never cease nntil their Uskt are suc cessfully pe f rmed. Each day thom littk wonder worker faithfully de liver their message to the people of Salem and nearby towns who have learned their value. r.f.T RESULTS. DON'T WALK THE STREETS SEARCHING FOR A POSITION OR A ROOM TRY THE CLASSIFIED WAY JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS TTTR DAILY OAPTTAt JOTJHNAL. SALEM. OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. 1914. Wrrr , . i isti i ' r ! ABST8ACT3 rEACTCa--dupto umrt. WT.", u.i 1249 i"2wia U for your .jrtlUf, reUr7' HTTwi reliable seller. S Terms, 1 rw lfSoB gusrsnteed or no waits. 'fcW.j . --S7.,n00IST MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP TER NO. 1, B. A. M. Begular meet ing second Friday in each month at 8 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. J. T. Welch, Ex. High Priest; Lot L. Pearce, secretary. E0DSOX COUNCIL KO. 1, B. & S. M. Stated assembly first Monday iu each mon-th, Masonic Temple. L. S. Kowland, Thrice Illustrious Master; Glenn C. Wiles, KecorJer. i r.i...lnte of Chiro- Vrwitals Head, Davenport, lhave tried everything HE MOLAY COMMANDER Y, N. 5, K. T. Regular conclave fourth Friday in each month, at 8 o'clock p. m., in Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir Kuiahts are courteously invited to maet with us. F. B. Dnvia, E. C; Frank A. Turner, .Recorder. 7o relief, try Chiroprnc- .S.i;.tn,.nts an J 2t't Wl'I!. If tA bave ;( jot no teli1 S.'TTVa ional Bank rrMsisST. Reduce 1 (JHADWICK CHAPTER NO. 37, O. E.I S. Regular meeting every first and: third Tuesday at 8 p. m. in the Mil ooaic Temple. Mrs. Ida B. Godfrey, W. M., Ida M. Bnbcock, secretary. r... rirr ri5r.' V 3 V STtAJl VI ""- -,-f "... i.r,m' and gentlemen s r .. rirjf class work, rea- ,7im OwU failed for and t 300. 461 Court St reel, LADNDBT i i!T rnT.ER With our n " . . . . 1 , work. EstaMisnetf su years; ..lrt street, south side, between V-t iiJ Hisb. Hop (iS SECO.'H) HAND GOODS rtm t,n TT 17 Un.iJ.t 1 si eicbatijed. Highest pricjs ifif wood-ban j eooda. See us W tm sell. Wir spre.'hen V-l Peetz Furniture Co., 24 ; tawrml Street. Phone CS1. i ! iriee pai'i for second-hand i -it rtnies, hardware, tents i ft (irrr the most complete f it above articles in town at i'.tdt Prise. 0. L. McPeek, 271 '; Cwmeroial st. Pkoue Main ;:m?ATHIC PHYSICUNS H. VfBITE and R. W. WAL- , OstMMthic phvsicians and h iwili!t, - Oradnate-- - of vil!(, Mo. Post eraduate and (j iliad is nerve diseases at Los 'in eolleje. Treat acute and -w disMiej. Consultation free, attendant. Office 505-506 U. S, tial Bank building. Phone 859 -iew 340 North Capitol street 8C ATS J QEB MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Oregon Cedar Camp No. 52 K, meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Masonic Hall, corner Court t;nd Liberty streets. Elevator service. If. L. Born, V. C; Ray A. Grant, clark. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 81, meets every Wednesday at 8 p. in. in Moose Hall. W. O. As- seln, M. A.; Ivan O. Martin, secre tary, Masonic Temple. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY I). D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou TiIIhom, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb auimals should be reported to tbe secretary for investigation. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Moot every Fridav night at 8 o 'clock in McCornnck block. C. O. Matlock, C. C; C. G. McElroy, clern, 519 Court street, phone 305. MISCELLANEOUS ROOM AND BOARD in modern home. ;.IH) 5.50 per week. Phone 5;i4-R. 3!l North Cottnee. Caught Bad Cold. "Last winter my son cnuuht a verv bad cold and the wnv ho eouched was something dreadful," writes Mrs. Snrnh E. Duncan, of Tipton, Iowa. "We tnougrtt sure ne was going into con sumption. We bought just one bottle of Chamberlain 's Cough Remedy and that one bottle stopped his cough and enred his cold completely." For sale by all dealers. " Petrograd " has utuirped all dateline- privileges. Diarrhoea Quickly Cured. "I wns taken with diarrhoea and Mr. Yorks, tho merchant here, persuad ed me to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After taking one dose of it I was cured. It also cured others I gave it to," writes M. E. Gebhnrt, Oriole, Pa. Thnt is not nt all unusual. An ordinary at tack of diarrhoea enn almost invariably be cured by one or two duses of this remedy, tor sale by all dealers. Pay as you t;o, but siive enough to pay for a return ticket. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR1 A Gentle spring unci stern war produce about the raine number of poets. A Lame Back Kidney Trouble Causes :. It. It don't tako long for kidney and bladder trouble to give you a lnmc back, and even worse if not checked. Mrs. H. T. Htrnynge, Gainesville, (hi., was fairly down on her back with kid ney trouble and inflamed bladder. Mie says: "1 tooK ioley lvulney nils and now my back is stronger tlinn in years, and kidney trouble mid painful bind er sensation have entirely gone. Good druggists are glad to sell Foley Kidney Puis because they always help. Ihey contain no liubit-rormiiig drugs. J. C. Terry. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people ! EUGENIC CONTEST AT THE STATE 1 Ala Late Yesterday Amsterdam. Word was received from Berlin that the German government was soon to issue $2.)0,000,000 five per cent war bonds at 97.5. Telephone 535 R. J. HER9CHBACH Blacksmithing, woodwork, automobile springs made and repaired. All work guaranteed strictly firat class. 258 Chemeketa ctreet. , , . AGENTS Sell guaranteed hosiery, 70 per cent profit; make If 10 daily. Or ders repeat regularly y best agent's seller in existence. International Mills, Wet Philadelphia, Pa. JOB BENT FOR RENT Furnished rooms, close in. desirable location. 3G5 High st i'i KAVESCER-Charles Soos rMn. Garbage and refuse of ail M on monthly contracts KxiMble rates. Yard's and cess- tinned. Office 51S State st. Phone Main 2247. Residence ,TOBEEIAKERS AX k CL0URH fl. B wfrmoitieianj and funeral di C, ',tfs modern methods e.P,r?fes9ion gloved, trtwt Main 120, Main 038. F02 RENT Two well-furnished rooms for housekeeping. Inquire nt 491 jn. Cottage. FOR RENT Five-room modern house near school. Call nt S. P. baggage room tor John Tomo., FOB RENT Nicely furnished room, walking distance. Phone 2081M, or eau 1Z3 JNorta Liberty streot. . jTOURDSON CO.-Fneral 252 North 'rwilence Main "in ! Worm .- . . - - MThe place of 1" ,t0I '"StkK to suit. .y.W. handle the best i Main 52rr'J,2?.r,a.,,'t- - - .i oimiiii. pr0p WATEB COMPANY 'i 1 ATE HTfixnrrr- nrr mm-;.. , " ; ' ahl. ' y office. -ri"'-bly in advan,. sJSSDaECTORv FOR RENT Four room house, wood shed, good woll, chicken house; on car line; 1253 South Twelfth. $3.00 per month. Inquire first house north. Oakland, Cal. Michael Gianeiarulo, aged 17, overturning his canoe in Lawe Merritt, was drowned. Critics and cranks are not nlvvays svnoiiymous, but tnoy usually are. Keeps Your Liver Healthily Active. Cleanses Your System Thoroughly. A man in Kentucky just told a f riond that Foley Cathartic Tablets were the most wonderful medicine that had ever entered his'system. Snfd he would not be without them. Neither would y u, if you had ever tried thorn for chronic constipation or for an occasional purge. Better for you than calomel. Aeeps your liver active. Mout people can t find anything to equal them for com fort. J. C. Perry. ' A harp and crown await the man who lives up to his wite s expectations. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA A ninn may lead a double life, but thnt doesn't "entitle him to a double firtoral. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Salem Abstract Company, 212-222 Salem Bank and Trust Bldg, CHIROPRACTOR AND NERVE SPECIALIST. Dr. P. H. May, 306-307 Hubbard Building Main 881 DRUGS. Opera House Pharmacy, corner Court and High streets Main 1459 Perry's Rexall Store, 115 South Commercial Main 979 EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL. Sulein Electric Co., Masouic Temple, 127 North High Main 1200 ELECTRIC WIRING AND SUPPLIES. Geo. Pettincil. 155 North Liberty street Main 187 FISH, CLAMS, OYSTERS, CRABS. Salom Fish & PouVtrv Market. 173 South Commercial street - Alain alia FURNITURE, CARPETS, DRAPERIES. Calef Bros., corner Court and High streets -., Main 593 GROCERIES. L. M. Boggs 4 Co., 197 South Commercial Main 311 HARDWARE AND PAINTS. Salem Hardware Co., Inc., 120 North Commercial Main 172 JEWELRY AND WATCH REPAIRING. John G. Barr Company, corner State aud Liberty Main 1255 LAUNDRIES. Salem Steam Laundry. 130 South Liberty Main 25 MILK AND CREAM. Cedar Bend Dairy, C. W. Dixon & Co Farmers 74 F-3 PRINTING AND LEGAL BLANKS. . Ross E. Moores & Co., 191 South Commercial street Main 218 PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING. T. M. Barr, 164 South Commercial street . Main 1S2 '"" UNDERTAKERS. Rigdon-Richardson Co., 254 North High street Duy and night, Main 183 REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Jim Willson, 141 North High street Main 474 STORAGE. TRANSFER AND DRAY AGE. Salem Truck & Dray Co., corner State and Front streets Main 74 STOVES AND BEDDING. Calef Bros., corner Court and High streots Main 593 SHOES REPAIRED WHILE YOU WAIT. M. Dolan, 130 North Liberty street WATX PAPER. PAINTS AND OILS. W J Porter 455 Court street - Main 485 Oakland, Cal. Seized with heart disease in the Y. M. C. A. swimming tank, W. B. Rickey, musician, drowned. Redding, Cal Another violent erup tion of Mount Lassen could be seen, the column of smoke and ashes being esti mated at 12,000 feet high. San Francisco. With a wallet in one of the pockets bearing tho name of Andy Huber, San Rafael, a man's body was found iu Golden Gate park, death apparently having been caused by a self intlictod bullet wound in tho head. Los 1 Angeles, Cal. Los Angeles' chamber of commerce went on record against the proposed Sunday rest law, Los Angeles, Cal. Policeman Earl Matthews admitted that he shot him self in the arm to gain notoriety. Chief Sebastian "broko" him. KAISER'S OBJECTIONS TO ' . DUMDUMS RECEIVED FOR SALE LOT FOR SALE for cash, or will trade ror good cow. Phone 314W. FOR RENT Smail dwelling in busi ness district. Phone 419, Carey F. Martin. l'UK SALE A small farm -on main road, $150 per acre. Address A,.F, O. care of Journal. FOR SALE Two A l fresh Jersey cows. Georae Moore, Boi 1S9. Route 3, Phone 3li-F-13. - FOR SALE A good single top buggy; steel tires; will take soma trad 1430 Bellevua street. Phone 331 -V. ! T x h'M-;tT1w Lod No. 2 ' A v .'p ,', Al,f ranee. ;ri P. B? recot'lcr; sal u :i,!,TerW. iSisjg. lmej W. Cox K. 1-MP- A. M. ."5?" t Fridav TENT FOR SALE 1216; also cheap buggy and hack. Phillip Gilbert, route 3, box 119, Liberty district. Dizzy Head, Fluttering Heart, Floating Specks. These ore signs of kidney and blad der trouble. You'll have headaches, too, backache and be tired all over. Don't wait longer, but begin inning Foley Kidney Pills at once. It won't be long before your miserable sick feel ing will be gone. You will sleep well, eat well and grow strong and active nirnin. Thev are a tonic and your en tire system as well as kidneys and blad der will be benefitted by their use. Try them. J. C. Perry. ' What a glorious old world thW would be if we could only see others as we see ourselves! Cost KeDt Down Quality Kept Up. No better medicine could be made for coughs, solds, croup, hoarseness, ticklinu throat, bronchitis, etc., than VW H.inev and Tar Compound That's why they can't improve the mmlitv. and war or no war, the price remains the same. K. J. Sargent, Dallas, Tex., savs: "I believe Foley's Honey and Tar'has no equal, for it completely relieved me of all symptoms ot tuoercu- losis and my cough has entirely disnp Washington, Sept. 10. Admission that President- Wilson had received a cablegram from Emperor William of Germany protesting against the alleged use of dumdum bullets by the allied armies was forthcoming today from a high government official. Diplomats hero said the protest is a crafty move on the kaiser 's part to forestall criti cism by the Belgian commissioners of atroeities alleged to have been commit ted by German soldiers. DesponaencjT" Is often caused by indigestion and constipntion, and quickly disappears when Chamberlain's Tablets aro taken. For sale by all dealers. NO DETAILS RECEIVED OF OCEANIC WRECK London. Sent 10. Details were un obtainable today ot the manner iu which the White Star liner Oceanic, in service 'as a converted cruiser, reported wrecked off tho North Scotch coast, met its fate. The official war news bureau an nounced only that the vessel was "a totul wreck-' without explaining wheth- Vcniee, Cul. I'nion high school was destroyed by fire. Loss 15,000. Fire I hief Hubbard wns seriously but not fatally injured bv fulling timbers. Los Angeles. Cul. Charged with growing marihuana, or Indian hemp, opium s rival, in their back van's, Mrs, aria i oona and nsocion liomo were arrested. The trees were cut down and eoi f iscatod. Washington. Mrs. Amanda Weeks, the last survivor of those arrested at the time of President Lincoln's assas sination, died, aged SO, At Honolulu. Fearing capture by British, French or .lapanese warships, the North German Lloyd steamship Prinz. Waldeniar put into Honolulu har bor l'or an indefinite stay. er it was driven ashoro by a storm stranded by accident or destroyed by the enemy. The crew, however, it was said, wns saved. ' , Mother of Eighteen Children. "I am the mother of eighteen child ren and have the praise of doing more work than any young woman in my town," writes Mrs. C. J. Martin, Boone Mill, Va. "I suffered for five years with stomach trouble and Could not eat as much as a biscuit without suffering. I have taken three bottles of Cham berlain's Tablets and am now a well woman and weigh 108 pounds. I can eat anything I want to, and as much as I want, and feel better than I have at any time in ten years. I refer to any one in Boone Mill or vicinity and they will vouch for what I say." Cham berlain's Tablets are for sale by all dcalors. At San Francisco. Eugene MeCombs shot himself in the head for the third time iu three successive days Mid thon swallowed poison, but tho doctors said they thought they could save him. Just turn back to the Want Ad Columns now and see the offerings there. Miss Margaret I. Wishart, of the Salem hospital, who ia connected with the eugenic department of tho Oregon state fair, announces rules governing the contest and the premium list tor that department for the coming fair. Dr. Mary V. Aladigan, ot Portland, is superintendent of eugenics, and the ex aminations will be made under her di rection. The contest is open to all babies. Tho following is the advance copy of the premium list. The prises are for three classes, boys and girls separate, and aged 1, 2 aud 3 years. The premiums are silver cups: 1. Competition open only to children of parents who are bona fide residents of the state of Oregon. No entry tees. Entries close September "7, at 9 o'clock p. m. All 4'hildroii whose entries aro made subsequent to this date will be scored after those regularly entered, but will not be entitled to compete for a premium. 2. Entries must bo made on blanks especially prepared, which will be sent upon application to Dr. Mary V. Madi gan, superintendent, Steveus building, Portland, Oregon, who will also .furnish jany other information with reference, to inn (lepiiriiuein. II. Parents aro requested to make their entries as eaily na possible, in order that tho management may have sufficient time to tabulate ami arrange appointments for same. Parents will be notified of the day and hour set for the examination of their children, and, while it will not bo absolutely com pulsory that they bo presented nt that time, it is earnestly requested that tho dates so assigned bo adhered to as much ns possible, in order that there may bo no congestion and all children re ceive tho proper attention. Children not presented for examination at tlu time assigned, will have to wait until such a time as will suit the convenience of the'ninnagement. 4. In furtherance of the educational value of this contest, all prize winning children wilt be expected to be pre sented for exhibition at a date and ho in to bo fixed by tho management. Silver. cups will be presented at this tune. Every local grange and every commer cial club in the stuto of Oregon should hold a local contest and the winning babies, with their mothers, should bo, sent to the stnto fair, as auch epresen tatives of such grange nnd commer cial clubs. Concerted effort on the part of tho peoplo of Oregon will make this feature of the fair ono of great educa tional value. Contest open to all. A Journal Want Ad will get the prune pickers you need. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind YouKw Always Bought Bears the Signature GOLD DUST FLOUR Made by tut SYDNEY POWER COMPANY Sydney, Oregon Made for Family M. T Ask your grocer for It. Bran and ahorta always on hnd. P. B. WALLACE, Agent ITRen, Schuebel & Hesse ATTORNEYS AT LAW Deuttcher Advokat 518, 519, 520 Railway Exchange Building; Phone Main 6376 Portland, Oregon TRAVELERS' GUIDE RAILROADS. . Southbound. Lv. Portland Ar. Ble 6:10 a.m 1 8:3a a. 7:30 a.m 3 9:57 a. 8:20 a.m fi Limited 10:10 ajn. . 5:00 a.m. 10:40 a.m 7 12:55 p.m. . 7:24 a.m.i 2:10 p.m . 9 4:33 pjn. - 927 a.m.i 3:4S pm n 6:05 p.m. .12:35 p.m.j 4.45 j,m 13 Limited 6:35 p.m. 2:00 p.m.i n-nn n m 17 Local 8:15 run. CLIP THIS COUPON FOR SALE At hard times prices, city j peared." Don't accept any substitute, property and farm land. Square DeaU f or Foley's Honey and Tar is the best. Realty 'Co., 304 U. S. Bank building. i?tn.i a'4 7:30 i. r ndav n. m ;.. .l - Site Wright, r7 - rettty. tNC' 1 '0p. a. in r-lfMcretarv. A--jn.r ; FOR SALE One of the best suburban home3, 111 miles south of Salem. Coaie and seo it. Price right; terms. E. M. Law. Phone 2o01-J-3. FOR SALE 33 Brown Leghorn hens, 2 liuff Orpington roosters, 100 little chicks, some quite larje; cheap ?f ta ken joon. G. W. Fisher, Route -1 Box 30, Salem. J. C. Perry. After n girl gets to be about so old sue m,i'es a bonfire of the baby pic ture of herself taken in a washbowl. Children-Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA V SNAP (),, account of leaving state. W'U sell my "i acres, O-romn house, j-arn. Luggy shed. 3 acres fine logan berries, good orchard and all kinds of small fru'ts; 3 miles out on Silver ton read. Will sell for $200 if sold in .n dnvs: AltilWl --, Ml .,,.1. irn y-?u T TV. ,Cmn' 'lth i,1:u'e- Address "Owner," care yrVl k'i' i, ; la7 even- f.I".rrial. -. . 7;. Court and ::SkrZ Sl'LWA-TED. - iu ti font t- f "' -1, .-, ,. .. . . y, -""ferial ',:.; Delivery bov; also voting Apply Sfi5 Jv. !lta. '-w9 I I --ail m : "'.in ri wnrlc in store. Commercial. VANTF.D P,Y WOMAN Kmplovment i't ny kmd during fair week. In- re VMute Swan Bakerv. MONEY TO LOAN On C004 Real Estate Security, T203 K. r02D SalemFence Works R. B. FLEMING Proprietor. Do you use hop bas kets? Morley's best made. Don't delay or ders. Stop worry. Or der now. Bottom prices. 250 Court street. Phone 124. Back of Chicago 9:15 p.m 19 11:25 p.m. 11:45 p.m 21 Owl 2:05 a.m, Northbound Lv. Corvallia j 6:30 a.m , 4:4.1 p.m Lv. Eugene 7:3. a.m . n.d.nnt FnUi r'rtlirmhS Taindicate you are a regular reaaer jou .. like this one. Tl- N.tinnal Embroiderv Outfit is guaranteed to be the greatest collection and biggest bargain in patterns ever 3rJtA Tho 200 Datterns have a retail value of 10 cents each Bring FOUR Coupons and 63 cents to this off ice and vou will be presented with One Complete Outfit including Book of "Instructions and one All Wood Leaded Hoop and T . . t ;tt, Thu r,s cpnts ia to cover amy, exyiesa, handling and the numerous overhead expenses of getting the package from the factory to you. up Out of town readers add S cents for postage SOUTHERN PACinO COMPANY, Time Table, Portland Division. Northbound. 16 Oregon Express 10 Albany Passenger .... 28 Willamette Limited 12 Shasta Limited 1ft Portland Passcngor 20 Portland Passonger 5:43 p.m. HPortland Express 8:00 p.m. 226 Local Way Freight 10:30 a.m. 222 Portland Through Frt....l0:38 p.m. Southbound. 15 California Express 3:32 a.m. 17 Rosuburg Passengor 11:10 a.m. 19 CottaL'e Orove Pass 4:40 p.m. " .. : l 11.11 nn. I ' ' Zi Willamette i.imucu ' '11:10 a.m... 11-bliasta Limned o: p.m.' , M 19 Ltd 9 Albany Passenger 8:45 p.m., g.u0 22 13 Saa Francisco r.xpress..iu:ao p.m.i.,. - - 225 Local Way Freight 9:27 a.m.i 221 ban Fran. Thro' Frt....l2:ui a.m. Salem Gear Eranco. 73 Passenger Ar. Sulom 9:25 a.m. 70 Mixed, Leave Salem 10:00 a.m. 73 Mixed, Arrivo rialem.... 3:00 p..m. 74I'a9seiiger, Leave Salem 5:00 p.m. Salem, Falls City & Western. Motor leaves 161 Salem for Fall City 7:00 a.m. 103 Halcm for P-lack Rock....9:45 a.m. nr. .,. tr.r FnlU ( itv 1-40 D.m. 107-Salem for raits City 3:25 p.m. 10:13 inn Knl,m fnr Dallns 6:15 o.m.,JjV- aietn 2:ii Dly frt. Salem BIk Rock .6:00 a.m.: 1:00 p.m .Motor leaves Ar. Balena .. 8 8:30 a.m. .. 20 5:50 p.m. Ar. Balera , 10 Ltd 9:45 a.m. .. 14 1:50 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 7:50 p.m. .. 2 Owl Southbound. 3:10 a.m. Lv. Salem ! 4:33 p.m.. . Lv. Salem ! 8:20 p.m. Lv. Salem 2:15 a.m ' 8:33 a.m 9 Ar. Albany 6:35 p.m. Ar. Eugena 7:05 p.m. Ar. Albany 9:15 p.mi Stops at Albany Ar. Eugene 21 Owl 7:50 a.m. ... 1 11:05 a.m. 5 Ltd 12:25 p.m. . 17 102 Falls City.... 7:30 a.m. 164 Falls City.... 9:30 a.m. 100 Mack Rock. 1:05 p.m. 168 Falls City.... 3:45 p.m. 170 Falls Citv.... 5:40 p.m. 210 Black Rock 6:00 a.m. Ar. Salem 8:40 a.m 11:25 a.m. Lv. Salem 3.15 p.m. 640 P-- K .OA 1 7 :45 p.m Ar. Albany 7 .. 8:05 p.m. Stops at Cxrvallis 20 p.m. Ar. Kugeoa 13 8:45, 1:35 p.m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. Nortbhound. Leaves Salem Arrives Portland Train No. 4:25 a.m. 2 Owl . 6:30 a.m 6 .. ... 8:00 a.m.- 8, Local . 9:43 a.m....... 10 Limited 1:50 p.m 14 11:20 a.m.. 12 4:00 p.m 15 Limited 6:30 a.m. 8:27 a.m. 12:12 p.m. 6:55 V m .... 8:45 a.m.' 4:23 p.m. .10:20 a.m. 6:03 P-m-..11:33 a.m.i 4:10 p.m.fLv. Salem 1:45 p.m.i 8:35 a.m. 5:50 p.m.j 10:13 a.m. CORVALL1S CONNECTIONS. Northbound. Lv. Corvallis Ar. 8alm 8:00 a.m. 9:45 a.a, 1:50 p .bv 4:00 pjn. Southbound. . 5:50 p.m, 7:50 p.. Ar. Corvallis -10.-05 a.a -11:34 a.m. 6:03 pja. 2:30 p.m, 7:57 pja. 4:1;) p.m.. 5:50 p.m.. 7:50 p.m. 18 6:40 p.m. 4:35 p.m. 20 8:15 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 23 10:00 P.m. I 6:40 p.m. and expense of mailing. store. : Utw Ledd Bo- b Bai k, Salem, Orejoa tt T