NTSTB 4-44 fHE CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FINDING A SITUATION nble to secure employment by calling personally upon those you hear P ' H It h lnS tedion ck however Tb9 classified way brings t(ii ' Nation before those who need help, quickly and easily. jour applicant . RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS ONE CENT per word for the first iruertio. ONE-HALF CENT per word for each succeeding subsequent insertion. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT ADS work tontinuallj they nsver' eeass until their tasks are ana eessfully pe f rmed. Each day those littlw wonder workers faithfully de liver their message to the people of Salem and nearby towns who hare learned their value. I0I1IIMM'5CSTRESULTS- DON'T WALK THE STREETS SEARCHING FOR A POSITION OR A ROOM-TRY THE CLASSIFIED WAY. JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS THE DAILY CAPITA!. JOURNAL. 8ALEM. OEEGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. zZ:::I (LODGE DIRECTORY (Continued). Hope helps some if a man is a hns-!. 1 " . t ABSTBACio . I - - tier. .. ..as ZTrrCQ Abstracts MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP 'S BSIB,; books posted up to TEE NO. 1, B. A. M. Regular raeet- . itCt. I"" D0U, r.: 1"i9 n,l FriHav in each ninnth at iP"-. , T.U 'Main 1249 ''rwUleaU for your foliar, secretary, 2 Stat. "TocTioKEEa n-Sem, refiable seller. rl0HtK- j, per ing second Friday in each month at 8 d. m. ia the Masonic Temple. J. T. Welch, Ex. High Priest; Lot L. Pearce, secretary, HODSON COUNCIL NO. 1, R. b S. M Stated assembly first ilonday in each mouth. Mason w Temple. L. a. Rowland, Thrice Illustrious Master; Glenn C. Nilea, Recorder. Despondency Is often caused by indigestion and constipation, and quickly disappears when Chamberlain's Tablets ore taken. For sale by all dealers. Kven a hot-headed feet occasionally. man gets cold 7" .!!,ited. Terms, i r .n.roateed or no fi Hwry MJt o( tne gtate T. Regular conclave fourth Friday Kit, 1 '". ortTTnriluate of Chiro- SiFoTnWin Head. Davenport, Michigan DE MOLAY COMMANDEBY, N. C, K. in each month, at if o clock p. m., in Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights are courteously invited to meet with us. t a. Davis, t.. u.; Frank A. Turner, Recorder. 'lairt sot no relief, try Chiroprac- s. Regular meeting every tint and 1 . idiustments and get wel . third Tuesday at 8 p. m. in the Mn- f-'e 406-T-3 I'. S4 National Bans gonie Temple. Mrs. Ida B. Godfrey, pboDeilaiaSi. nesmeuce W- M Ida M. Babcock, secretary. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA It's a safe bet that a girl's freckles are not artificial. S3 AND CLEANERS. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5240, meets every Thursday evening at a o'clock in Masonic Hall, corner Court nml Liberty streets. Elevator service. II. Li. Born, V. U.; Kay A. Graut, clerk. BETES' lrS STEAM DTE WORKS-We ial'ize on ladies' and gentlemen s ajarmenti. First class work, rea ...L Goods called for and ' . tr Ml it.nn.intn, I t.iT i .... irv ft nrn ft vet r . i , . to 300. 464 Court street. LAUNDBY MIES LAST LONGER With our Wind work. Established 20 years; Ferry street, south side, between ,VrtT twi ilii:n. noP Bg- liSD SECONDHAND GOODS ONDHAXD FURMTL'RE bought -41 tad whanged. Highest prices il fur iMond-hand eoods. See ns tfis vol. sell. Wir sprechen tvh. Peetz Furniture to., 'Hi k Commercial Street. Fhone 034. 53E3T orice paid for second-hand araihir, ranges, hardware, tents, . We carrv the most complete bly No. 84, meets every Wednesday at 8 p. m. in Moose Hall. w. u. As- seln, M. A.; Ivan G. Martin, secre tary, Masonic Temple. Caught a Bad Cold. "Last winter my son caught a very bad cold and the way he coughed was something dreadful," writes Mrs. ISnrnli E. Duncan, of Tipton, Iowa. " We thought sure he wns going into con sumption. We bought just one bottle of Cliauiberlnin's Cough Remedy and that one bottle stopped his cough and cured his cold completely. " For sale by all dealers. And many a good from bad to worse. physician goes THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business . Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people Telephone 633 SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou TillAon, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should bi reported to the secretary for investigation. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meet every Friday night ai 8 o'clock in McCornack block. C. 0. Matlock, C. C; C. G. McElroy, clerx, 519 Court street, phone 30a. MISCELLANEOUS Kvk of above articles in town at THE Grand Union Tea Co. again has lit loteit mice. O. L McPeek, 271 forth Commercial 8t. Phone Main m. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS an agency in Satam. Old and new patrons are solicited. C. M. Bovee, i4j South Fifteenth street, R. J. HERSCHBACH Blaeksmithing, woodwork, automobile springs made and repaired. All work guaranteed strictly first elnss. 258 Cheuieketo street. FOR RENT S.B.1THITE and R. W. WAL TON, Osteopathic physicians and utrro iweiilists. Graduates of twin School of Osteopathy, tokjTille, Mo. Post Graduate and VWifllizild in AArvA- iJUaatiaa of T.na Aigelfli college. Treat acute and BENT Furnished rooms, close in, miit (meases. Consultation free. uesinuu iwauvn, ooo mgn si, adr attendant. Office 505-506 U. 8. s.tionil Bank building. Phone 839. iidme 340 North Capitol street. FOR RENT Small dwelling in busi ness district, i'hone 41, Carey i, Martin. 8CAVENOEB FOR RENT Two well-turnished rooina for housekeeping. Inquire at 49i N. Cottage. MM 8CAVE0ER-fhi. (r Bn Mfntft all kinds rtmoved on monthly contracts F0R BENT Five-room modern house ' naw rates. Yards and cess m Office 54S State at. f Phpw Main 2247. Residence near school. Call at S. P. baggage room tor jolin Tomo, WDI5BTAKEB3 FOB RENT Nicely furnished room, warning distance, rnone ZOSlil, or cau iZA nortn liberty street.. EMAXCL0UGH-C. R W.hi i FOR BENT Four room house, wood I lanoli -.-i' . .V.J -3 ii -v.-i i. ' e") iMi'Bs ana luneral di-l ' ""c"t kuu wen, coickch uouse, on f1"-, latest modern methods ear line; 1255 South. Twelfth. $3.00 - it tie profession cmnlovefl I PeT oth. Inquire first house north, !"""r Main 120, Main 988. UJnSflV in t. .1 ..j "."TV 'w.-miie.rii roD s.tp i u n nnnertakers. f-41"' ttu i"Kie top uusgy ? tret. Off!,. Pfc. nr.:. ioo I tires; will take tome trade. . 1JOO Tll... i ft Ti nti .17 ftiow ijtuoUB Btfmi. ATllUiie ftlOl.!!, FOB SALE ... -.v.. vrmfB rnone s. JSLND COAL Ohiiaron'Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A The mil n who blames it oil a woma one kind of jelly fish. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Salem Abstract Company, 212-222 Salem Bank and Trust Bldg. CHIROPRACTOR AND NERVE SPECIALIST. Dr. P. H. May, 309-307 Hubbard Building Main 881 DRliQS. Opera House Pharmacy, corner Court and High streets - Main 1459 Perry's Bexall Store, 115 South Commercial j... Main 979 EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL. Salem Electric Co.. Masonic Temple, 127 North High - Main 1200 ELECTRIC WIRING AND SUPPLIES. Geo. PettineiL 155 North Liberty stieet Main 187 FISH. CLAMS, OYSTERS. CRABS, Salem Fish & Poultry Market, 173 South Commercial street Main 2125 FURNITURE. CARPETS. DRAPERIES. Calef Bros., corner Court and High streets - - ............. Main 593 GROCERIES. L. M. Bobbs & Co.. 197 South Commercial Main 311 HARDWARE AND PAINTS. Salem Hardware Co.. Inc.. 120 North Commercial Main 172 JEWELRY AND WATCH REPAIRING. John G. Barr Company, corner State and Liberty . Main 1255 LAUNDRIES. Salem Steam -Laundry, 130 South Liberty - Maia 25 MILK AND CREAM, Late Yesterday STAYTON ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST (Capital Journal Special Service.) Stayton, Ore., Kept. 4. Joe Miller, who haa been on the sick list for some At Rome. The new pope named Car- S tin"1. ' now able to be about again. .. ... ... ". - j. . . i IV... JI.I..L. ...1 .If. t tlnial r errata tin secretary or siate. At Tangier. Rainuli, the noted bri gand, was reported diad, up-country near Tetuan. At San Francisco. W. G. Burke, ex it y attorney aud ex-bond and warrant clerk, died of heart distase. Wroix, France. A German girl of 17 was arrested as a Jy, with plans in her possession of all roads aud bridgec about Paris. At San Francisco. Charles Faulson, better known as Jim Post, ex prize tigiiter and trainer of liritt, Rulilin and Kennedy, dropped dead. At London. The admiralty having suddenly commandeered the Teutonic, I, DUO Americans who wore liookca to nail on her found themselves stranded. VICTOR POINT NOTES. (Capital Journal Special Service.) Rov Kox is in Itiowusville on busi ness for a few days. Jos Doerfler bought Jake Docrfler's lord. ('has. McElhaney is hauling lumber Diarrhoea Quickly Cured. I was tnke'n with dinrrhoea and Mr. Yorks, the merchant here, persuad ed me to try n bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea .Remedy. After taking one dose of it I was cured. It also cured others I gave it to,' writes M. E. Gebhart, Oriole, Pa. That is not at all unusual. An ordinary at tack of diarrhoea can almost invariably be cured by one or two doses of this remedy. For sale by all dealers. If the allies are victorious, should we be justified iu calling their act Germicide? Dizzy Head, Fluttering Heart, Floating Specks. These are aisns of kidney and bind der trouble. You '11 have headaches, too, backache and be tired all over. Don't wait longer, but begin taking Fob? v Kidney Pills at once. It won't be long before yonr miserable siCk feel ing will be gone. to repair his burn. Frank Doerfler is shimiinir some fine Cedar Bend Dairy, C. W. Dixon & Co iarmers lin n rams to different parts of the state PRINTING AND LEGAL BLANKS. oy .lones wus in amyion mommy T?na. V. Mnnrp ft To.. 191 South Commercial street Main 218 on business. ' I f r I. CI l I I 1. . - ftl. tt mnmrn cmv Mut rTTiprvn wt TTWWTWfl MHi'iin I'ocruer kuiu win-Hi iu me f UWWAU1V, HAUA1U J.4.AA1T n.l A I. .,, ft 'II. .4. T. M. Barr, 104 South Commercial street . Main ma . " k T UflUIittlAlUifiS, . f.;- ft.,..- Tl,...rt'l.. l.na ,aIii,iiJ n Rigdon-Richardson Co., 254 North High street Day and night, Main 183 mmm; vacation at REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Jim Willson. 141 North Hieh street .. Main 474 STORAGE. TRANSFER AND DRAYAOE. Salem Truck k Dray Co., corner State and Front atreeti Main 74 STOVES AND BEDDING. Talpf Bros., corner Court and Hieh atreeta ... Main 093 , - - " home. The Miller Jersey salo will have sov eral from here attending. BANK MESSENGER SHORT. SHOES REPAIRED WHILE YOU WAIT. M. Dolan, 130 North Liberty street . ,. WALL PAPER, PAINTS AND OILS. W. J. Porter, 455 Court street Main 485 EUROPEAN NATIONS ! V WILL TAKE PART IN FAIR New York, Sept. Si. Commissioner You will sleep well,! General Moore, of the Panama-Pacific eat well and grow strong and active exposition, returned to New York today again. They are a tonic and yonr en- from E He gai(1 that forei(,D tire system as well as kidneys ana blad- . ' .. . . . ,, dcr ill be benefitted by their use. Try ''"turns intended to participate in the If some scientific sharp show us how to grow wool ou dogs the northwest will speedily solve the "moro wool problem. them. J. C. Perry. Many a man who paints the town1 red would object if Ins wife painted her cheeks. exposition despite the war, "Firms heretofore competing with Germans," he said, "arc now most anx ious to exhibit. This is especially true of pottery, dye and chemical manufacturers. "English exhibitors also are prepar "HEM pitt V.V1 ' """ Mtr . The place of (lt! ,K?r7Mld'tMr- tej u T"11"!. Try oar Kina -i: p"p WWMPANY TENT FOR SALE 12x16; also cheap Duggy and hck. - Phillip . Gilbert, j route 3, box 119, Liberty district. FOR SALE At hard times prices, eity pruprty and tarm land. Square Deal Really Co., 30-4 U. 8, Bank buUding. FOR SALE One of the best auburban homes, ly miles south of Salem. Come and see it. Price right; terms. E. M. Law. Phone 250V J-3. - 8 l'lll-i- TTTr tu . CTv' apnlv t lXR SALE 50 .White 1 ; j-ols aionthil rtwe? Whi,e. ,ly.moutn Roek V "DGEDDiECTonT 1 0. r o- - i. - n.-tafan'iT.. w mt (,-.- . " Loa?e No. 2. Leghorn and millets. Will be laying in a few weeks. 855 North Commercial St. rri WITT n , . n, i "Wl (Vfr y " i-oage Io. 2.1 '-.n.r. u-room nouse, z inrge lots, ' rly" ? (la-T venintr at 8 bearing fruit trees, close to ear line. ... v..J,awraack u.n b t.:. j.,om. . iiiw inuu; isiiuo oown. vv. n. tira- benhorst & Co., Room 2, Bush Bank Bldg. ?Waack win K " 8 H I - K corner rn,,rt -. ii itrM, . - . i A M f.?;.1- Ance, M. SalemFehce Works R. B. FLEMING Proprietor. Do you use hop bas kets? Morley's best made. Don't delay or ders. Stop worry. Or der now. Bottom prices. 250 Court street Phone 124. Back of Chicago store. a, recorder; , aniatk lm;iT' Ja of P. Tuesday even- r. ii 'ovt . K1K)4 - W. Cox., K. FOR SALE 38 Brown Leghorn hens, 2 xuii urpington roosters, 100 little chicks, some quite large; cheap 5f ta ken soon. G. W. Fisher, Route 4 Box 30, Salem. - 'irmrr--- N fil. - . "A. F. t vl T..i 'l' P. m. in 1 ir-r .11 I TO w . w.Temnf. T'-" V- m. in tfai. t . r- at. n w - n-lHTa,. FOR SALE 7-room house, bath, toilet. eiectric lights, paved street, one block to ear line; good location; price 000; $S0 cash, balance 7 per cent interest. W. H. Grabenhorst 4 Co.. Boom 2. Bush Bank Bldg. t. r 1.- A-J.A ft l FOB SALE 5 room house, bath, toilet. eiectne lights, city and well water, close to school and ear line: orice 11050; 200 down, balance $15 per month. W. H. Grabenhorst I Co.. Boom 2. Bush Bank Bide. Keeps Yonr Liver Healthily Active. niaimiM Tour Svstem Thoroughly. A man in Kentucky iust told a friend ed to stand by obligations made before that Foley Cathartic Tablets were tbeitne war, most wonderful medicine mat naa ever entered his system. Said he would not be without them. Neither would y n, if yon had ever tried them for chronic constipation or for an occasional purge. Better for you thaa calomel. Keeps I your liver active. Stout people can't I find anything to equal them for com fort. J. C. Perry. Before marrying a living picture a I man should have enough saved up to I purchase a suitable frame. Cost Kent Down Quality Kept Up. No better medicine coold be made j for coughs, solds. croup, noarseaess, I tickling throat, . bronchitis, etc., than I Folev's Honev and lar nraipuou. That's why they can't improve the I quality, and war or no war, toe pncei remains the same. E. J. Sargent, Dallas, Tex., says: "I believe Foley's Honey and Tar'has no equal, for it completely relieved me of all symptoms of tubercu-- Win and mv eoueh has entirely disap peared." Don't accept any substitute,! for Foley 's Honey and Tar is the best. 1 J. C. Perry. The best thing a knocker can do for Kin hnmn town is to purchase a rail way ticket one way and use it. A Lame Back Kidney Trouble Causes It. Tt don't take Ions for kidney and hi., ,1,1 r trnulile to trive you a lame hunk, nml even worse if not enecKeo. Mrs. H. T. Straynge, Gainesville, Ga., fairlv down on her back wittt Kid- nev trouble and inflamed bladder. She savs: "I took Foley Kidney Pills and krk ia stroneer than in years, and kidney trouble and painful blad der sensation have entirely gone." Good druggists are glad to sell Foley Kidnev Pills because they always help. Thev contain no habit-forming drugs. J. C. Perry. The world is charitable enough to forsrive the man who writes poetry onlv because he needs the money. Santa Barbara, Cat., Sept. 5. Robert Funk, 19, a bank messenger, who has been quietly sought by Los Angeles detectives tor several days, is unde arrest here today. Funk, it is alleged, disappeared short' :ii ly after collecting 4300 while actin ... vV .. ..,, . ,!.. MS B nitrnavuKrr iui tun mui ui jiuij He-wns taken in custody here last night while trying to dispose of a mo torcvcle. A $1,140 shortage in his ae counts was admitted by Funk. He claimed the money bad been lost. ' Wm. Cladek and wife were over from cbaiion Sunday. Mrs. Arthur hitler nud children spent the past week visiting with her sister near Jordan. Miss Edith Witr.el was over from Sa lem for a visit with friends iu and round Staytou. Dr. Urewer and wife were Snlem vis itors Saturdnv. Mrs. Jns Wndswnrth aud daughter cut Monday in Albany. Mrs. C'uus. Cladek is home from a sit in Portland. W. K. Thomas and wife wore over from Salem this week. Mi KB Gladys Hill, of Mill City, was isituig friends here the first of the eek. Mrs. Esther Stamp is here from Pen dleton for a visit with rclativee. Mrs. J. ('. Mayo returned Thursday to her home iu Spokane, Wush., after visit with her son, J. Vv. ilayo, of this place, and her sister, Mrs. Muttie llruce, at Ijyons. r ( . Perry, wife and dnuuhter, Dr. Kverette llobson and wife, of Scio, and Mrs, Davis, of Salem, visited Wednes day and Thursday at tne W. II. llobson , home. Dr. It. A. Beanchainp and fnmily, J. W. Mavo and family, Dr. G. F. Korinck nml wife, ('. A. Hoauehnnip and wife, J. M. Kingo ami wite, Miss Alta llobson, -Dr. W. N. l'intler and S. h. Stewart motored up to Niagara Sunday for a ' lay s ontiug. Mrs. aLinerva Downing, who had been a resident of Stnytou and vicinity since lNi;, passed awny at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Millie Kerr, on August 27. Mrs. Downing was born iu Indiana in 1847. In 180(1 she was married to Alexander Downing. Ten children were born to the couple, three of whom are living, Mrs. Kerr, of Stayton; Alex, Downing, of Mill City, and John Down ing, who is a forest ranger atatioued near ( aseadia. Horn To the wife of W. C. Oauntt, on Saturday, AugiiBt 20, a son. Dr. Ileniicnantp in attendance. Mrs. Roy Hall and baby are here from Portland visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr. J. P. Wilbur. Chas. Luthy and family and Jaa. Fisher and family motored to Cascadla Saturday, returning Sunday, Sell your fruit quickly Mother of Eighteen Children. "I am the mother of eighteen child' ren and have the praise of doing more nrl thnn unv vountr woman in my town," writes Mrs. C. J. Martin, Boone through a Journal front Ad. Mill, Va. "X sutrerea tor live years with stomach trouble and could not eat as much as a biscuit without suffering, have taken three bottles of Cham' berlain's Tablets and am now a well woman and weieh 103 pounds. I can eat anything I want to, and as much as I want, and feel Detter taan z nave i any time in ten years. I refer to any one in Boone Mill or vicinity and they will vouch for what I say."- Iham berlain's Tablets are for sale by all dealers. Thn nrotee-tionist theory that some-l how government can be had for noth-j ing is hard to understand, and equally hard to kill.- . When you would find a new dwellnig place, look to the Journal Want Ada for assuN anc. U'Ren, Schuebel & Hesse ATTORNEYS AT LAW Deubcher Advokit 518. 519, 520 Railway Excitant Build in f Phone Main 6376 Portland, Oregon TRAVELERS' GUIDE MM IM M GOLD DUST FLODR Made by tfca STD2TCY POWE4 COMPANY lylney, Oregon Hide for Famny is. Ask you grocer fot 11 and shorts always on Bra P. B. WALLACE, Altai. CUP THIS COUPON WANTED. ? ewTrrr fTi nmtt -p',""n. vour and bWltw- 8l KtT.tor- Susie "ANTED Girl for general houseworlc. flC WI L laundrr- Permanent. 645 S. 12tb. WANTED TO RENT By hign achool teacher, furnished bouse or suite of 4 or 5 rooms. Phone 4S7 morning:s. The rut, 0f fujijon, an(j fonvenience frequently get so deep that wagon and "ver alike are lost in the mire. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A 1 3 1 CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. Ths Kind Yoa Kna Alwajs Bought Bears tM TT JjSJ-jl-Siiroature of JU7WZCSute MONEY TO LOAN On Good Baal Ertats aeennty, rso3 k. roxo TTindicats yon re a regular reader yon must present Four Coupon, like this one. The National Embroidery Outfit ia guaranteed to be the greatest collection and biggest bargain in patterns ever offered The 200 patterns have a retail value of 10 cents each! Bring FOUR Coupons and 68 cents to this of f tee and vou will be presented with One Complete Outfit including Bookof Instructions and one All Wood Leaded Hoop and fo 8keins of silk. The 68 cents is to cover duty, express, handling and the numerous overhead expenses of getting, the package from the factory to you. N BsOatof town reader add S cents for pottage and expense of mailing. BAXL20ASS. 8C77HSBN TACinO COMTANT. Tim Table, Portland Dirislon. Northbound. 18 Oregon Express ... 8:00 a.m. 10 Albany Passenger T:24 a.m. 23 Willamette Limited 9:27 a.m. 12 Shasta Limited 12:33 pan. 18 Portland Passenger 2:00 p.m. 20 Portland Passenger 6:43 p.m. 14 Portland Express SsOO p.m. 226 Local Wat FrL2ht10:30 a.m. 22a Portland Tarough -r.i0:38 pjn. Southbound. 13 California Express 8:33 ajn, 17 Boseborg Paasenjer.. -11:10 iji 19 CotUge Grove Pass - 4:40 p.m. 27 Willamette Limited . 6:11 p.m, 11 fchast Limited 5:43 p.m. Albany Passenger..- 8:45 p.m. 13 San Francisco Express..lO:3J p.m. 225 Local Way Freight 9:27 a.m. 221 Saa Fran. Thro' Frt12:01 a.m. Salem Gear Branca. 73 Passenger Ar. Salem 9:25 a.m. 70 Mixed, Leave Halem .10:00 a-m. 75 Mixed, Arrive Salem.- 3:00 p,.m. 74 Passenger, Leave Salem 5:00 p.m. Salem, rails City Western. Motor leaves 161 Halem for Fall City 7:00 sun, 103 Salem for iilack Kock:4o a.m. 165 8alem for Falls City 1'40 p.m. 157 Salem for Fans City .3:25 p.m. 169 Salem for DaUas 6:15 pjs, 239 D!y f rt. Salem Blk Bock .6:00 a.m. Motor leaves 162 Falls City..- 7:30 a.m. I Falls City..- 9:30 a.m. 160 Brack Bock. 1:03 p.m. 168 Falls City 3:45 p.m. 170 Falls City 5:40 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 240 Black Bock 0.-00 a.m. 1:35 pjn. Lv. Portland 6:10 am. 7:30 am. 8:20 a.m. 10:40 a.m. 2:10 p.m, Ar. Ethan . 8:32 9:57 3:45 p.m. 4:45 p.m... 6:00 p.m... 9:15 p.m 11:43 p.m.. Lv. Corvallis 6:30 a.m.. Soathoouad. 1 8 5 Limited 10:10 1 7 12:56 pja, 9 433 fjm. 11 t:0a poa, , 13 Limited 6:35 pjss. - 17 Loeal 8:1S pJH. 19 11:25 pja, - 21 Uwl 1:0 North bo and 4:43 p.m. Lv. Eugene 7:35 a.m. 11:10 a.m 1:50 p.m 5:00 pjn. 12:03 am Lv. Salem 4:35 p.m 8 20 Ar. Balem . 8:30 avsa. 6: Aft pja. Ar. Bolt , 9 .43 ass. 1:60 pja. 4:00 p.OU 7:50 p.m. 8:16 Lv. Salem 8:20 p.m... Lv. Salem 2:13 a.m. 8:35 a.m.., 10:15 am. JtV. Salem 1:00 p.m- Ar. Salem 8-4(1 m ' 11:25 .m.I. Blen 3J5 pjn. : P 5:30 p.m.; -10 Ltd. 14 -16 Ltd 22 - 2 Owl Southbound. Ar. Albany 9 6:35 p.a. Ar. Eogeaa 7:05 p.m. Ar. Albany 17 9:15 p.m. Stops al Albany Ar. Eugene , 21 Owl 7:50 ass. 1 11:05 am. 0 Ltd 12:23 p.m. Ar. Albany 2:05 p.i Stops at GorvaUi 2:30 p.ak Ar. Eugene 13 8:45 pja, OBSGOH ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. Northbound. Leaves Salem Arrives Portland Train No, - 2 Owl 6:53 am. 6 ,,., ,.. 8:45 am. 8, Local 10:20 am. 10 Limited 11:35 am. 14 4:10 pan. j Lv. Salem 4:25 a.m.. 6:30 a.m 8:00 am. 9:45 a.m. 1:50 p.m. 11:20 a.m. 4:00 p.m... 4:15 p.m 5:50 pjn-. 7:50 pjn- COHVALU3 CONNECTIONS. Northbound. Lv. CorvalUs Ar. Balwsi 6:30 a.m. 8:27 a.m. 12:12 p.m. , 2:36 p.m. 4:25 p.m. 6:05 j.m. 8:0 9:45 1:50 pja, 4:00 pja. 6:50 p.m. 7:50 pja, Southbound. 12 ; 1:43 pj.j 8:35 a.m. Ar. Corvallis .10.05 asa 15 Limited 5:50 pjn. 10:13 a.m. . 18 6:40 p.m. 4:33 pjn. . 20 8:15 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 23 10:00 pja. 6:40 p. - -11:34 - 6:02 pja, - 2:30 pjav, . 7:57 pja. Owr Udd Bu-h Bk, 6le, Oref