1 ilOHT THB PAILT CAPITA!. JOURNAL, SALEM. OREOOK. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. GOOD BUYS IN ! REAL ESTATE Get the Olde Stuffe, or Stalling the Wife "7 WOSS Ml ytiuLtT Thou lO MAITEST A LCfSKyT NOT At-CC no AT,gtTT 7 . :... .......t.l -1 ,1.- 4' t nana ju.-i uuf-mr lite riii l.iuits, all in hearing orchard, good roil: ! price twO per acre, S2."i down, balance $- per month. If you lire looking fori aii a'-re trai t come in ami see us. M( IT UOE5r "XXOrWt wipe"! ' I I dO6 -HAST THOU I ' ' YiEu..Pl40HE5r "HGMETrtAr MO MAITEST A LCrTsjSRyT PC ' .SifwMii pHOffE To Th? woi'G "T1 Tfloo A(?r SWXST. Thou LtHOPTj veiJTfesr- J j j -k nw il. i j ill 'wa b j i i i i i iii' - 1 r 1 ii ii -S x i I Well imi.roved five acre tract. 31.'. mill from Salem: will take good Salem rutuleme property up to fl.iOO a part j ayuient. price fV.OO. - j for ! lilO acres of land in Colorado to trade r Willamette valley propertv. ; ' ' ' CDnOTIHi liriifr alley pro 10 acre t Hnlein to traile in on large acreage. WVM hnrtrnvpil 111 Ai.r trfu.l tiiuA In IS TO HAVE JEWISH SYNAGOGUE 20 Birrs of Kooil fruit l.in.l nearly all uiiilor cultivation, balance timlier. i'rire (l,"('0; WH) down, balance per year, fl per cent interest. Tliii in a pood buy. ' FINAL GAMS TODAY TOR PRISON PENNANT Tliia afternnon the final game of the fiooil ilrainuii, mmill hou.e, barn, chick en lioune, well, come fruit. Price r-,Mv; fi.xi iiiiwn, t.iikmce nt (I piV ceiii interest. 6 room lioune, lure lot, hard miifnce i-tieet, close to carline. True yl.liifii; Cftil) cash, balance to nut. 3 li Sf Tfit of Infill fill ititdrtp ii If ii a ----- - - - - - :. . ',HI rfutiiH ri' . ; ' y.. . ' " i gun and the "houe team," or thor-e .. . id r 7 '"""" ' '"" employed ,ni,l... The Hitters have won juat 3 4 .. le from ,rl,ne. ,ll take f(ur ani) ,,,, two mmp, ns ,h ( houae and lot up to H,m a. part 1 ay iB,r ,iavt. ,, two'h ony nient. 1'ri.e ,, ,ht.y wi ,,lliv 1P .,, of thl,.; ,n ,,, .... , ....... i ,IV"" ,hi afternoon. The thinl tenin Js MB VI IUIKI Ull Ullllt'I Illicit fllJWlli iif flwi fi.tiiriw. .... . .1 ' ' i' iiliiv, iiiuiii' nit in in tri in ran tailor shop, in called the "Outlaws," but thia ten in in nt II. m i. (list ith one (fame won and four brnt. j The Outlaivg have a hard row to hoe I at the atnto pen, it aeema. The rotund Kimrd. W. V. Th , is tho lent? He iniii'iiHti nn.1 ho OtlV OIIC of Imm rhrn l..t. .iu l..... " , ...... ti. i iri-Hi . , ... i U"J '" pro tiMim n the countv. or in 3 acre, nearly all under rol.natio... 1 , he tte, tor that matter, ami the (W 4 .n.lc i from Snlen. and close to rail- itl J,)lirnll iH authorized to hurl hi Ml atation. I'r.ce 750; 23 ensh, chnllenKe into the camp of any L e I alnnce f, per month. ball ri.,m in t.01ln,ry th gBf. f(. ,, . . . . '"'"e to try roueliiHioua with hia wnnln. If you want lo buy, trade or aell, The teumx hnve lout Rood men from M us- I tim to time, but more keep comin) in i every 'I'"' tho prison lengue Hcouta - j are never bothered by a man jumping ix . uniuiri u,.er lie is once "niirned j up." The present erie hns been eontini.. inn fur aevernl ui-oku m,.l . ...... i.... ...... OI..M,T eonteata for ext rii I n n i ntf tin v a La. pulled off. I he gamea .ire plnved on Siitiinluy iiftermionH and the entire pri ; Hon piipiiliitinn turn out to root for their rcpresentntivea. The following is the personnel of the tennis, their poeitinna nnd lintting nv lernges: Hittors. Alt ir i M ...... . " ' I iMirnii, Klinrtstup (, 1 Miller, J right field .' 1 1 Conner, first bime HI Hosi, second bnso Hi Tinnier (ci.pt.), cutcher ...HI Mnmlera, third bnae I 1 Smith, II, ()., ,.ft field. ...15 Miller, (ieo., center field. . 1 1 JohnHoii, pitcher 15 uiaaiators. For the first time in the hiatorv, the city of Salem is to have a Jewish fivuaitou'ie. A number of the Jewish eriei) at the Oregon Wnte I'enitentinrv here have found it necesi-arv - Ill l. . . I . 1 I . . . .. ' I In . . . mil ie pin veil orr Del ween the Hit- I J" or me purpusH or worsnip rera ana tne "lilui nlors." the Ihihp- '"a arronnnir 10 me ancient rites utn. r.tt,p..UA..;n t. . i ! their reliuion nu.l tliuv o....r..i:.. u-ra auu me iiiuilintors, " tne base- i """"uni io me ancient rites ot hall teams repreneutinir the briekvnnl ! lhe,r religion, and they accordinizlv g:ing and the "house team." or t'lione I ""'''I hall which will be used until W.II.Orabenhorst&Co. Room 2, Bush Dank BUg. NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIET BURuHARDT MEREDITH fewlrtitnt AKfliitt. J-5 Hl itrtm ! SACRED HEART ACADEMY such time as they are able to have a i...:i.i: .t-!- . . .... . - uuiiiiiiiif ui iipir own ir t infatati tm. stairs at I2." North Commercial street. over I'omeroy' jewelry store. The eon grejintion officers are: II. Ste.inboch. pres., lent; ,u. ro0ff, secretory; I). ,am- in i, ii t-CTu tit. Rabbi Itcorish, of Portland, has been engaged to direct the services of the eoiigregntion, which in to be known a? Tiferas Zion. The synagogue will be opened September 21, which is the Jew- mi urn ji-r, oemg me rirst Uav of the mouth Tisri which is the first nionth of the year 5(17.1 according to the JewUh method of reckoning. Tho ceremonies of the new year will last three davs. llud are known as H.,h irnuho..n i uuuaua, anil i-orrmipond to tho Christmas holidavs of the (lentiles. .September 31) is also nn important event among the Jews, who call it Vom Kippur or the Uav of Atonement, when tho Fast of Expia tion is held. War Bulletins BORDEAUX, Sept 5. The govern ment today wag buying $2,000,000 wortli of wheat for sale at cost where ever dealera unduly advance prices. COPENHAGEN. Sent. A rixrrMi by the czar permitting Jews to become armjrf officers was announced by the Russian legation here today. OS TEND. Sent. A iTVoiot, a ueruan aeroplane rell near here today. The two officers it carried were cap tured Peasants demolished the ma-chine. liae Athey, of South Cottage street, left today to spend Sunday with the Kllintt family in McMinnville. Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Johnson re turned last night from a fortnight's sojourn at Newport. Mr. George Simeral arrived this aft ernoon from Pixley, Cal., to attend the Klein funeral. .:kim .11:1 .1:17 .4.17 .2stl .2(17 .1 b'l .2H0 (liiffniy. center field Simp, pitcher 'Marlowe, right field Hunt, first bnse . . , , Oriivy, catcher itofl'miin, secund bnse A.I!. If. , 4 1 : Johiiscin, shortstop ...... lit Under the direction of the Sisters of- the Holy Namei . V SALEM, OREGON BOARDING SCHOOL AND DAY SCHOOL Moat approved methods, Pri mary, Grammar nnd High n i ' t - ... . . Divitt. niteher ,-scnooi ueparimems, complete Morinritv, riht field 4 fl ir hi 12 H'ibliin.s, third base (lleiisoii (dpt.), left field. 1 1 Outlaws, l'.C .2fi() .2r.11 .2(10 .;tn:i .(I.S7 .2riii :hi,s Gilbert, catcher ...... v (Inllowny, second bnse'. . Ftlondy (cunt.), left field "v. first buse Mann, center field Kemp, shortsto.i I'nulsnn, third iinse A.B..H. I! 2 .in: r.c. . 7J .214 .15 .4ii2 .4(i2 .400 .41(1 .2110 1 1 .11 . is .ft ...l.i .I.T .12 .1(1 0 Courses in Harp, Piano,-. Voice RICHARDSON orVoRTLAisrn - Culture, Violin and Harmony.) A !BLE WINNEa No interference with r.liflonl.h.'X'S vnUev Mni'W: I arternimn on the courts nt the Wil .Inniclte university. In the men's sin glcs the winner will probnblv be Rich ardson, of twtlnud, who won the first et this afternoon by creating Hen i Jimn, of Salem, by the score of (i 2, 01 other sets nre now in progress! j ..I n.e niHicnes nelil yesterday after- c , , . . j'?!'0"' VM"n- "f Kl'k''''. on over K Scholastic year begins second Moo.es, of si..m. i.y the score of ti l i . c . i " '! ,,'',"" nn.1 Hvrd, of Snlem won Monday in September. -over h. Moores ,.,i n;i,.r V,Zm Z the ( score of (1,1. Mi Thompson i M. .. nisTrn eimrnmn nnl Mr. llenhnni won mer w. vaoress, OIOt.n OUruuUK ,, ,, (.nvrd by the seore .f of pupils. MODERN CONVENIENCES DOMESTIC COMFORTS ' , 'i,;l,,1-;Ul: i1- ""'""p'won over Miss L. M. HUM Care of YICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has v. medicine which will cure any known .' disease. y 15.1 South High Street, aiem, ure. rnone i "gley, Salem, by the senre of fi 2, : Baseball : I i CITY NEWS Ooorge W. Gearhart, an attorney, of I'oitlnnd, whs in the citv today on le gal business. Hayden Kerchner, a graduate of the Friends University of Wichita, Kansas, will upeak tomorrow night on "Dry Oregon" at the Mouth Siilem Friends' cnurch at 7:30. John StolUuan, manager of the Sa- .1.1 ice worxs, ami .Mrs. iStellmnii have left for Moscow, Idaho, where thev will visit several weeks with Mrs. '.Stell niiin's daughter, Mrs. Joseph ll.-niien. JollU Bush, who is rh.lnrtwl .ullV, v. glari.ing a house belonging to the Mil- i.r i-s.uie .n .lertursou. m i.-,.w,l,f TOKO, Sept. 8. Answering a query in parliament. Foreforn Mtnfetm- TCatn Stated today that China. h,A nirrooH in waive its neutralit:v rtcrhto at t,. Kow, the Chinese port 100 miles from the German concession of Klao Chau where Jaoanena iiig for operations against the Kiaa Chau colony. LOTION, Sept. 5. Fifteen British fishing vessels have been captured by iwo werman cruisers and a number of destrflyers in the North Sea, it was an-1 nounced by the official war nem hi.r. eau tjday. It had been supposed the North Sea was cleared of German ships. CLAIM LOSS IN TWO BATTLES WAS 55,000 Hone, Sept, 5. Orders for an Italian ueiie.nl mnhiii'ntin,, .,. ....i. . c... luunni i in here oilay at any hour. Froiki Austrian sources came news mat the Kussians' defeat of the Aus trians in Kastem Galicia was over whelming. It was said the losers left 2.1,000 killed und wounded on tho bat tlefield. According to Xisdi ndviccs. the vic tory the Servinus won over tin Aus trians at Jadar was even more complete than his, the assertion being male that more than .10,000 Austrinns were killed alone. . 5 Thesjn figures wee..imofficiiil. A liicssui'n from r-nit;.,;., .u. , onte ifgnns now eofffrollcd the coast the arrival of officers from Snlein. A siUt to foreclose a mortgage on property near Aurora was filed in the circuit court this afternoon by Andrew Kriksou niruiust I' .1 si., .,.i " " 1 - t.WK.1 Mil 411111 wife nnd about a doen others, includ ing the state land bou rd. lvhiili niWfl.f hnv an iuterest in the itl t, H.n propertv. The i.rm.eitv .. ...l.l rnr i fl.'HIU, , 1 1, ,.. m.:.. .. . . . HieHff K..h VhY.: " mt?' the Austrian pro'vlhce of 0am U cbiiu it l.v th,. All " ,ull,r'a to (.'atta-o nttenioon ami held in Hint city puiuliug TFJBuTE FROM SALEM III.) Iii'i'ii-nl , nft.. t.. i . i MINISTERIAL UNION Inasmuch as our m.nnrn.1 li,ii. n... l ... . ,, . . . : : " '"l iv. ii. ivntL'hr. hjin h...n i,r........i i.uui u s service on earth to the hiirher si-iMce in tne Kingitoni of (iod, be it re s.nveii tnat we. 1 1. mnn, ,.t n, ratein lAtinistenul I n ion, express our highestj appreciation of his long life 0f liini.r in me vt iiiamette valley ll,llt .. I.1.K..I ..- .ui.i. ma, orgniiizniions and biiildinits stand as mouuinents to his ef- A PhotoaraDh of a. ramllv Brn . . ""l,rs- lllt 8'ater moniuneiit -how., the writer est..f.lH.. Zm..Z .7"! ? ,m ' 'rt of the people, rather out of the nsn-l .i iht , li,"... .,ov ' ot. thousands to whom he has ed four generations. They were (i'. Jl '.,uu"itt'fll,,n V t'""' "f thcir Kreatest P Schrff,,k. g" 77; a5 W S. l m l " f" ''r''l .80rrtws- 4.1; Walter Schrunk.' . ' v, ' ' , 1 "trt '"'.'t. "'tercsf in the king- Kchrunk, 8 mouti.s. Thev ea.ne to Ore . 1 , .,0-1,m,.rcas. rn" gon from ,ow U years' agl VlZ ZV Robert Pnulua. Mlsia..t. mi,,,... r of .'"9 0""'- ' the Salem Fruit Union, is scheduled to L,, L'!7 ''"''V ". return today from a 'week's vncatieV " lf' ' hcn,81?- H si'eut lit Newnort. Wnl.t beach resorts. It whs thought he would 1 Zm ZfZ .' W"i- 'V- "'"K ti i.... i ... .. .. . tioni the field of action. Thi i..i,n. ihe c;. er; i we b; worhv h.. ii,..,....i ... i. . . . ..'i and as et ticieut. ihe sirens of thea. UZ Z b ' ,T. nf to ho.. I, t l,; .1...... i.. . -! ...... ... I inr Northwestern League Standinga W. I,, ivt ' ; tineouver nm (m) i,",trl S! .17 .(110 f!'"1"' M) ,1 .iitiO H'toria (i(i S4 .417 Tvon ;o K.1 .403 l?Hr.l J." M 1n2 Pacific Coast League Standings. v. i,. ivt. Poitlaud um Francisco I.os Angeles .. Venice Sacramento .... Oakland SI (W .8(52 S.i 71 .r.i.'S x 72 .r:m SI ..119 HV ss .4(13 ci us ..ma 98 Acre Farm The bent buy ia the valley, very fine Testerdav ' Rm,if. J At Venice Veuice 2, tiakland 3. ! At Sju.aniento Sacramento 4. Port land il. At Sun Francisco San Francisco T, l.o Angeles 0. ..,v .. v- 1 - I. 1- Pratt aere farm on the famous Howell, Watt Shlpp, Salem bicycle dealer '2,5.vl. ' J'raiiie; rich, deep, blaok loain soil, in!.wi,s """"'-I this morning for not park'! " maia road, beautiful view, Price 100; tdi..?'1- , ,U in 18 ' ..,-.. 1. police court and was fined 10 n,r aere: term. Th ad 101 11 111 r .'r'irf,, .u.. .. back at Ins deck iii I,!.', fruit .i.; atii'iioon. The funeral snrvlrm nf Atn,, tri.: . v. . ... . w 1, J K,OlU were held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the fmnily residence at 111 Oak street, The services, siuiide ami innirs five, were rend bv Mrs. A. S. Flint rust rn,er ot the Christian Sciu. hnnh. Mrs. V. farleton Sn.itk ft 11 1 "A Perfect Hay," family favorite. 1 no pnnnearei's were five brothers in law and a nephew, Messrs. Otto and John Kraime, Willie Moore, and 1.. C. iuci.ny, ot t'ortliind, and J. W. Willsnn and Harry -Willson of Salem. Fnder the auspices of the Klk lodge, inter ment was in the Odd Fellows' cemetery. The contract for the steam heatiug plant at the court house was bt today to T. M. Inrr, who will install the en tire plant for 2,IIS. The lotted bid, tnat of the Pacific Heating company, for $I,X20.,N0, was not eonsideie.l. . the references furnished bv Mr Wii liaills were mil unt'1 ....,.,1 ' Tl... tract culls for a gravity steam heating point ami tne enure cost or the remodel iug at the court house will cost about 2,100. Tin includes the rhimnev, preparation of the tunmee room, drain age, eeinent floor, etc. The plant if tniijw enoiign so tnat the attic mav be heated if necessary. The otiier bi.U were a follows: Spinning Cornell fo., j, "., r. j. rage, .,J4. tisxer Pratt. 2,40; W. U. McPheroii Co. e . . - 1 men. Is. wnose i.nn.i. 1.. we ext. nil our deepest sympathy in their sorrow. Hut tvith ... joice, nlLo, and otter thanksgiving for ... .1 K'aiiy enriched theirs .-.vi.c .i .vii.MM t;niAL I'MO.N, nv the Committee. ., .'. . . , 1 -raw pouoe court ami was fined p.?r aere; term. Tho adjoining for. violating the vehicle onlinance, c.t I nt Afil) rtr A.'rrt T ll.il u-itl tA! - oM at $:0 per aore flee tlib, farm call on Jiynon, 347 State strfet. EAEL P.ACE C.'.!t!!ldite for City BsvordJr Flat form J-:f ficiency .Tostii-f In rercrder'n court l,r,,i)V,'V in office nert r . i J Ady.J Bwbtel. l S"1' 1U pracUcally be a closed I ...n .Monuay. tor a large majority of I the laboring population will ro to the Labor Pay picnic near Riekreall to eel ebrate the day. The Sal,m banks will be elis.Hl; as the day is a legal holi day. While it hns not been fully de terniiue.l by the merchants to "chute their stores, ninny proprietor are al lowing their help a vacation. It is eer tairt that number of the shops of the city will be hut up in honor of the dny. , OOLT CHAMPION, Manchester. Vt.. Sei.t. 3 Tl. tin. of national amateur golf chauipiou changed here thia afternoon when Francis Otiimer of llostou defeated J. 1. Travers f Fpper Moatclair, X. J in the fiual round of play at tho l.'kwa aok eouutry club. Trave'r had held the title threu year. The morning round was tubbomlv eouteste.l but Ou'ui.ct was In brilliant form during the afternoon u, won the final round 6 up ami five to play. K. H. Stickley, of Tangent, is at the Marion. ' PERSONALS Irs. louis Tillsi.n spent Thursday in r.ugene. Airs. l:nv l..-..v n..n.,,..i : : n land tor the dav. II. H. Wilson Si.... I.....: .1 , , 1 mm ihu unit; salesman is at the Marion. Mrs. A. I .oder f s;.i,i.. :.. ...... l t th Marion 1 ' " "8,M"- W, .. Strinirer and little Mi Stringer ire guests at the .Marion. Thev arrived esterday afternoon from Sail rraneiscii to nttend ih ,,..,.,i ces or l ev. r. .s. Knight, which were held, today,.-. Mrs. .Mice Dausener, of Fnvivater. is a Until Marion gtisst. John .V. liennie, of Eugene, is nt the Marion. J. K. Hiilley. of Kausas Citv, is retr istered al the Marion. Dr.-O. L. Seott. last eveting for a week's outing at the Ogle creek mines. The doctor ev- p.H-t., to lie back about Friday next. Miss F. sie A. R,l.l...,t nt int.... - "--- .-.iviii, IS guest at tne Pdigh. Mrs. J. II. Stanton, of Wood Ruest at the llligh. L Sherman, of New York, M at the Bligh. Hartley and Stella Hartley, '..are at th ln,..h . ' W, (!. Ilurnette. Hlivth. ami Mr, .r. n n... ....1 Mr. am burn, ate Charles registered Arthur of Athnn Mr. their gueit. Miss Amia Smith, of St. Peter. Mi a visit m K. W. 1 incsota, left this moraine. for I...ll... 1 " K. ' K. lJriir!44in. nf lArtUu.) a lem to a tend the Klein funeral ser vices. Miss Florence Elliott and Miss Er- SOCIETY NOTES Miss Elene Fawk, Miss Mavme Bab- eock, and Miss Grace Fawk, were guests at a recent miscellaneous shower given by Mrs. Herbert Fawk (Miss Edna Montgomery) at her country place near Oak Grove complimenting Miss Blanch Fawk, daughter of Mrs. Isabelle Fawk, of Eickreal, whose marriage to Frank Farmer of Dallas will be an event of autumn. The invitational list included nbout fifty friends from Dallas, Salem, Oak Grove and Rickreal. Twenty ad- ditional guests from these places! motored to the Fawk residence for the! evening, and were entertained in formally. T11 a lovely setting of aiitiininul , flowers and folin&e. Miss .Tnsm.hinp Hibbard, became the bride of George' Hall of Portland, Thursday, at the! ; splendid country home of the bride's mother, Mrs. K. !. Hibbard, in the j Waldo Hills. j The bride is a member of one of Ore 1 gon's pioneer families, and is. well j known throughout the state, she is re Mated to many of Oregon's prominent families, being a cousin of Dr. J. C. Griffith and L. F. Griffith of Salem. j Mr. Hall is a young business mau of j the Metropolis. ! The ceremony took place at high noon, Rev. E. M. Sharp, of Albany, j reading the services before an assem j Wage of relatives and close friends. . Miss Adelaide Scriber played Lohen ' grin's wedding march as " the bridal , party entered playing sdftly while con gratulations were being extended. The only attendants were Julia Alice Currie, nieee of the bride, as flower j girl, and John Currie as groomsman.! Dr. L. E. Hibbard, of Burns, a brother , or tne Drme, gave her into the bride' groom's keeping. Decorations were much admired. Clematis and pink sweet peas formed aj canopy for the bridal group. Autumn 1 leaves decked the mantle, white and pink astors forming attractive floral arrangements for this room. Ferns and pink astors festooned the dining room. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Hall left for a short honey moon at the Beach after which they will be at I home to friends at Kose City Park, ReaTRelief from Buffering means tree W pinesa. The trouble duo to geation and biliousness, h removal qutckly, certainly and aa&Py b? BDKHAPI mm J LargtMSal of Ann Ihdicii in tlu WU Sold -Tnrwhr. Ia bain, lot, JJfc x-ortland. Among the guests were: The J r Griffiths, L. i Griffiths, if 8ft A W. Geisys, of Portland; Dr. L t Hubbard, of Burns; Inaz Bozorth f Bay City; Mrs. E. O. Durham, PortlJ. J ??d MTr8, GeorK-R'ches and Mr' and Mrs. J C. Currie and family 0f Salem; Walter Perkins, Boch.t,, Washington; Mr. and Mrs. E. Hall J Portland; J. W. Scriber, Mis, Adelaide and Leonard Scriber, of the Waldo Hills. Mrs. Duncan Ross, who has been ill t the Willamette Saiiitarium for several weeks, is improving rapidly. PIANOS SE.LIj the CHEAPEST NO W at WO WILL 432 State Street I Vigilance For Good Service Every Bell Telephone exchange has its wire chief . He is unknown to the subscriber, but his important task is to see that the talk tracks, both inside and outside the exchange, are kept constantly in good working order. Day and night, the work of testing the lines and ap paratus goes on. Complaints are promptly followed up and breaks are often repaired before the subscribsr knows of the troubles m'con venienced. The constant vigilance of the wire chiefs keeps the 14,000,000 miles of talk tracks and the intricate central of f ice equipment of the BeU system in readiness for instant service. Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station