Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 05, 1914, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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vnm FOR 100 WORDS.
ruum Dollar ilytery" otory
? J8 fL company it ho, been
KWT'- rAu"H"'r
FJ) torpor'""1,
C0 lO.S'IEiiT.
fl, .rfc. 0 WCOW c0, ' '
3 r cAid o tcritet tin most
tw A !' " mo"? pXCU"
&. , ,',r" tfr""n 6" tf,,r0,',
Ration, dirter Ccffo
f . vT nf " m'fa, "ier
iLuitchopttrha, betntMiihti.
A loud of thret uige$ will mn
flroU VooOrotK IJoyd Lonewan,. end"
IT. Jiierarii mmr vM b ceM-l
At moit tcee,tabl tolution to fd
1, trill .prepared ihMter
Utint Mm """ ,8fl ' ' ' p0
bN "" T "orV1 T'"'"
MMtn lie P'C'W
J, j f nncipiiperi cooWnl,' or
L M () PP'n, il"
praclicaW. TTK la
iMti wM t iiown k pictwrel c w
At of r '(r "
Km m i tior " Bar:
M UooQrotK l ! if
.1- mkJhMuL
wtk a mfttri M M ! s
jf 1 fl ! co c ! illwrF
Jf..l-Wa become f fAl tl,0OO,000f
.-Wo oc nariw arrf '
Jf.4 Wktt btoomet o th Ruui
i-fteut .
VaMy eoote etlHr Hrecttt or In-
iractl HU "Tki UUUom Dollar
. ..Mi.- -!J J m MI.IM .-
' tul7 HrsrHT, MllltoMlrc, after
' BdiMalM (ton the dm of tka
Cf ! krllllaat tklevca kitni aa Black
inaaana, urea iaa i"e oi a rceiuae lor
rkla ycara. Harsrcava aeddaatally
awtta Bnlas, leader of tk Blaek Haa
tatd, Kaenlas Bralaa will trj to set
Ub, ke eteaaea Iroat kla tun home f
' tkallaea. Bfar eaeaplaa he trtt a '
lellv the clrls' achool where elghttea
Ttani before he ayiterloaalr left o the
rt1't kla bahj daughter, Pleveaee
Onj. That day lUrcreave alee drawa -eae
atlllloa dollar from the bank, hut It
hi reterttd that tbla dropped late the
era wkea tke kalloaa ke eaeaped In itaa
rierrire arrlvea (roai tke slrla' aehool..
Cauteu Olca, Bralae'a eoatpanlua,
-. hrr aad elalna to he a relative. Tna
deieetUea call, hot tkelr plot la
fcllid Iijp .tarioa, a aemapaprr aaaa.
Mr krlblaa Ike rapiala or the Orient
ercea l.ji a trap lor Urn la, aad Ma
. " CmiateM OICa aUu Tiaila the Orl
f eapiaia aad ebe eaally (alia lata '
tte reporter- aarr. The plaa prarea
akertlr (krouah Bralae'a aood lack, aad
klraliax tall late tke hand of the
er ,,nia8 . ,fcH, , ,tt.aiat the
rh Haadred trap Ploreaee. They aak
" ' u'r. hat ahe eaeapea, asl
Ka aad the eaaateaa call ea Flor
!" "it day, eaee More aat, at
Tke vlalton ,,T, JoM
"rea a aeedoa ef floort.a a.d from
-ntj k . . pmt ,f menw
ot tke Black Haadred, he ru.h. ta .
WM, '' d aeecccda la drop.
W ke box late he aea.
Ceaate. Olga, acheulai; to break the
?Wt ett.tl.. betweea Plorenca
aad Nort.a, Mvltc, theaa
ta. . ' ""d preteada to
t la tk reporter'a arm. Ploreaee
tUn! ' k J tke
, "rh kek hi rlI(,
'!!''' ' """ ed la kid- '
WTeT . " "
.Uke '-'"' -
111717 u "kM -
r. ,. V'" kl- Flore.,,
ha. bee. .h.,.
..'rtr lWi BrHaroWM.cOr.thJ
U '.P! 'on,,."'l th. terrain
' of ,he B broU d()Wi Th
Mkcti.2 m pnnolp"1 ,ct0M ln
tZh? t.
foote j ..i',1, " 1,,,Ie mon'T, ouU
fet dil. tfc. Floret
M o, ,w. ! Sl:t 0t h" i"ed th
t J? bt,tItr mUe. Bat
" , -I'ij-Wjh.hJoB, lt ,
1 wgmmlmlm UI)-n--rT--TlM'"1"'1 i ',m .ijssijj jLiieim"1iUiinWl'Tr" LfY-w-rj"-,f jfa--. r n i mm m i ....niiia. , tm". f a-1 . -.wf -iwam
ifa of wcfiknen; inil be dared sot let crrn
Susan r ; w'gn of ircakuesa In him.
So the rf porter had found lier, and the
was safe and found and on her wit to Nt
York? Knowing by this time loniethlng of
the reporter'a ronrnge, he wia eager to
learn liow the ereat had come about. YVheu
hs had not beard a telephone mefwaife from
Norton in forty-eight hours, he had decided
that the Black Hundred bad finally mic
reeded in getting hold of him. It had been
something of a blow; for while he looked
with dlsfnror upon the reporter'a frank re
gard for hit charge, he appreciated tbe fact
that Norton was n itnfT to lean on, and had
behind him all the power of the press, which
Included the privilege of going everywhere
: even if one could not alwayi get back.
, As he folded the telegram and put It Into
bit pocket, he observed the man with the
opera glasses over tbe way. He thrugged.
Well, let him witch till bit eyea dropped out
of hi head; b would tee only that whlrk
wfes intended for hla eyes. Still, it wut Irk
. some to (eel that no matter when or where
you moved, watching eyes observed, and
"chronicled these movements.
Suddenly, not being devoid of a oenae f
dry humor, Jones stepped over to tbt tele-
- phone and called up her highness the Frlii
cs rerlgoff. '
, "Who is it?' 1
He was forced to admit, however rein -tautly,
that the woman bad a Diarvelously
. fine speaVing voice.
"It Is Jones, madam." '
" Mr. Hargretve's bnter, madam."
" O! Too hare newt" of Florence?"
" Yts." It will be an embarrassing day
for humanity when some one iavents a pho
tographic apparatus by which two persons
at th two ends of tbe telephone may ob
serve the facial eipresshma of each other. .
" What Js It? Ten me nnlckly." '
" Florence hat been found, and she is on
her way back to New York. She was found
by Mr. Norton, the reporter."
" I am so gladl Shall I come up at once
' and have you tell me the whole amazing
story?" .
- "It would be useless, madam, for I know -Bothiog
except what I learned from a tele
' gram I bare Just received. But no doubt
- some time this evening you might risk a call."
-"Ring up the Instant she returns. Did
tlie-sny what trnln?"
N, madam," lied Jones, smiling. .
He bung up the receiver and stared at
the telephone as If he would force hi
gate in and through lt to the woman at the '
other end. Flesh and blood! Well, greed
was stronger than that, i Treacherous cat!
Let her play; let her weave her nets, dig
lur pits. The dsy would come, and it wbb
not far distant, wheu she would find that the
mild eyed mongoose was just as deadly aa
the cobra, and far more cunning.
The heads cf tbe Black Hundred most be
destroyed. Thoss were the orders. What
koikI to denounce them, to send them to a
prison from which, with the aid of money
and a tremendous secret political pull, they
might readily find their way out? They
must be terminated, as on kills off the
poisonous plague ruts of the orient. A wom
an? In the law of reprisal there was no
sex. '
Shortly after the telephone episode (which
rather puzzled the princess) she received
wire from Brniue, which aunonuced the
fact that Florence and five bad escaped and
were coming to New York on train No. 23,
. ud advising her to meet the train en route,
oiie bad to tiy about to do It
When Capt. Bannock released Bralne, be
''had been iu no enviable frame of mind.
Tricked, fooled by the girl, w hose uilud was
as unclouded at his own! She had suc
ceeded iu bribing a coal stoker, and had
taken him unawares. Tbe man bad donned
tbe disguise he had laid out for shore ap
proach, and the : blockhead Bannock had
. never suspected. He had not recognized
Norton at all. It was only when Bannock
explained the history of the shanghaied
stoker that he realized bis real danger.
Norton! He must be pushed off the bosrd.
After this episode be could no longer keep
up the pretense of being friendly. Norton,
by a rare stroke of luck, bnd forced him out
Into the open. So be it Self-preservation
is in no wise looked upon as criminal. The
law may have its ideas about it, but the in
dividual recoenizea no law but ita own. It
.was Bralne whom he loved and admired, or
Norton whom he hated as a dog with rabies
hates -water. With Norton free, he would
nerer again dare return to New York openly
This meddling reporter aimed at his ease
and elegance.
He left the freighter at soon at, a boat
exrald carry him ashore. The fugitives wonl l
make directly for the railroad, arid thither
he went at top speed, to arrive ten minotes
too late.
"Free!" said Florence, as the train began
to increase its speed.
Norton reached over and patted ber hanrl.
Then he tat back with a sudden shock ot
dismay. He dived a bind Into a pocket. Into
another a&d another. The price of the tele
gram be had ter.t to Jones was all be had
had In th world; and he bad borrowed thai
from a friendly stoker. In the excitement
be hsd forgotten all abont such a contingency
at the absolute need of money.
"Florence, I'm afraid we're going to have
k If 1
H Si f s
i . t V M -
4 , -
! J Jtf .. f ' V:
(r? A i Vl i "
" JfflD
trouble villi the conductor when he comes."
He pulled out his pockets suggest ivcly'. .
" Not ii postage stamp. They'll put us uk
st the uext station. And," with a ginn.-e i, .
the little mirror between tbe two windows,
"I shouldn't b'ame them a bit" He was
nnslmven, be was wearing the suit substi
tuted for bis own; and Florence, sartorially,
wis not much better off.
She Mniled, blushed, stood up, and turi.xl .
I:er back to him. Then she sat ibtru sgaiu.
In bet hand she held a atrial) dilapidated
roll of banknotes. i .
" I had them with m when they abducted
me," she said. " Besides, this ring is worth
something." ' t
"Thank the Lord!" he exclaimed, reliet; .
edly. .
So there was nothing more to do hut hs
happy; and happy they were. They were
quite oblivious to the peculiar interett tlieVi
aroused among the other pawengers. This
unxhaven young man, In his ragged coat and
soiled jersey; this beautiful young girl, In
a wrinkled homespun, her glorious blondo.
hair awry; and tbe way they looked at each
other during those lulls in conversation pe
culiar to lovers the world over, impressed
the other passengers with the idea that
something very unusual had happened to
these two,
Th Pullman conductor was not especially
polite; but money was money, anj the stock
holders, waiting for their dividends, made It
Impossible for hi to to reject it. The regular
conductor paid them no more attention than
to grumble over changing a f'JO bill.
So, while these two were hurrying on to
New York, th plotters were hurrying east to
meet them. The two trains met tod ttopped
at the same station about eighty mile from
New York. The princess, accompanied h
Vroon, who kept well In the background, en
tered tbe car occupifd by the two castaways.
In the mirror at the resr of the car Nortoa
happened to east an idle glance, and be saw
the princess. Vroon, however, escsped his
"Be careful, Florence," b ssld. "The
princess Is In th car. Th game begins tgtin.
Pretend that you suspect nothing. Pretty
quick work on their part. And that' all the
more reason why we tbould play the comedy
well. Here the come. - Sh will recognlie
you, throw her arms around you, snd show all
manner of effusiveness. Just keep your bead
. and play the game." .J-
" She li'd tbout you to int.".
"No matter."
5,4. .
v t
Iff '.i (
arm GOAL
" O !" cried the princess. She seized Flor
ence In a wild embrace. She wn an Inimitable
actress, and Nortou rould not help sdmir'ng '
her. , "Your butler te'vphoned me! I ran to
the first train' out. And here you are, lan k
safe and sound ! It is won leifi.l. Tell n.e oil
about it What an adventure! And, good
Leavens, Mr. Norton, where did you get th'itie
clothes?. Did you find her and rescue her?
What. neirap"r story you'll be able to
make out of it all! Now, tell me just whet
happened. Plie t down .n tbe arm of Flor
ence's chair, 'llie girl had steeled her nerves
easiest th touch of her. And yet she was
benutfi:l ! Hew could any one so beautiful be
"Well, it began like th!s," said Florence;
anl she described her sdventcres, omitting, to
be sure, Rralne's pert la It.
She bad reached that part wlere they laid
been rescued by t'spt. Bsnnock when a thun
dering, grinding crash struck the words from -her
lip The three of them were lung vio
lently to the side of the car amid splintering
wood, tinkling glass, and the shriek of steel
against steel. A low wail of horror rose snd
did away as the car careened over on Its side.
The three were rendered unconscious and were
huddled together on the floor, under tbe up
rooted chairs.
Vroon had escaped with only a slight 'cut on
the hand from flying glass. lie climbed over
the chairs and passengers with a single object
in view. He saw that all three he was Inter
ested In were Insensible. He quickly ensn.ined
them and ssw that tbey bad not received seri
ous injuries. He had but little time. The
princess anJ Norton would hav to take tbelr
chance with the other passengers. Resolutely
he etooped and lifted Florccc In his arm and
crawled out of the car wlih ber. It was n
difficult task, but he managed It Outside, In
the confusion, no one paid any attention to
him. So he threw the onconsdooe girl ov
bis shoulder snd staggered on toward the road.
It was fortunate that the accident bad oc
curred wher it did. Five miles beyond was
the station marked for the arrest of Norton s
an abductor led the taking in charge of Flor
ence as a rebellious girl who had run awsy
from ber parents. If be could reach the
Swede's but, wher bis confederates were in
waiting, tbe game wee bis.
After struggling along for half an boor
carriag was spied by Vroon, and be bailed it
wben It reached bis sldj.
"Wbat'i the trouble, mltter?" asksd the
," A wreck on th railroad. My daughter la
btdly hurt and I must take hit to th nearest
fUhge. How far ta Iff"
w I
" About three hiH.
" 111 give joe rwey dollars for tbe use of
that rig of yours."
. "Can't do It, mister."
" But It's a eee of humanity, sir! " ludtg
nantly. " Yon are refusing to aM the unfor
tunate" Th farmer thought It over for a moment,
" AU right. Yon can have tbe buggy for
twenty dollars. When you get to tht ilbg
takt the nag to Doe Sander' livery. He'll
know what to do."
"Thtink you. Help me hi with her."
. Vroon drove awsy wltboot the least Inten
tion of going toward tbe village. A a resnlt
whsn Florenc cam to ber senses she found
herself surrounded by strung and ominous
facet. At first she thought that tbey bad
taken her from the wreck out of kindness; but
when ah saw th cold, Impassive face of th
man Vroon she e'osed her eyes snd lay bock lu
the chuir. Well, ill anl wenk at the was,
they should find that she was not without a
certain strength.
. In the meantime Norton revived and I mked
shout in vain for Florence. He searched
s:i:org the crowd of terrified passengers, th
hurtvnd the unharmed, but ' was not to be
f itnd. He ran back to the princess and helped
her ovt cf tbe broken cnr.
" Where is Florence she asked dnsedly.
" Ood knows ! l.'eie, fcome over snd sit down
hy the fence till I see if there Is a h'ell tele
traph." They had already ere, ted one, and his mes
sage went off with a hatch of others. This
t'me be was determined not to trust to chsnce.
'l i e shock may bnve brought back Florence's
recent menial disorder, ard ahe may have
wandered off without knowing whit she was
doing. On th other hand, she may have been
carried off. And againut si:cb a contingency
he must be fortified. Money! Th etirse of
(Sod wss upon it ; It was the trail of the ser
pent, spresdtng poison In Its wwke.
By snd by the princess we. able to walk;
ard, sepporting heri he led her to tbe road,
along which they walked slowly for at least
an bot.r. They might very well have waited
for the relief train. But he could not stand
the thought of inactivity. The princes bad
ber choice of staying behind or going wltbblm.
He k.ited the woman, but he could not refuse
her aid. She had cut on tbe side of her
head, and she limped besldec.
They stopped at the frst farmhouse, ex
plained what had happned, anl the mistress
urged them to enter. She, she bad seen no '
one, and certainly not a young woman. She
must hare wandered off In another direction.
She ran into th kitchen for a basin and towel
and proceeded to patch the princess' hurts.
She was extremely uneasy. That the should
be under obligation to Norton galled her.
There wit a spark of conscience left In hr
soul. She bad tried to destroy him, t1 ha
had been kind to ber. Ww be a fool or wte
be deep, playing a game at shrewd tt ber own?
She could not UU. Where wat Vroon? Hud
be carried Florence off?
An hour liter man cam In.
"Hullo I More folk from tbe wreck T"
" Where's th horse and buggy, J tke?" his
wife asked.
" Rented it to a mtn whose daughter wwe
hurt. He went to th vlllag."
" Will you describe the daughter?" asked
Th princess twisted ber fingers, -Tb
farmer rudely described Florence.
" Have you another horse and saddle? t
"What'e jour hurry 7'
u I'll tell you later. What I want now Is
tht horsed
j "What tt to btcom ef met" atktd tbe
"You will be la good banda." he aiitwei
briefly. I am going t Sue rat what au
become of Florence. la thsrt I A t4 frw
bouse hereabouts?" b asked af Vk faraver.
" Not that I recollect."
t" Why, yes, there 1. Jake. Th.'s's that M
hut (bout two miles up th fork," volunte, red
tbe wife. "Where the Swede died lust v, bi
ter." " P-y Jingo! I'm going Into lbs vlllnge sm)
s if that man brought iu the riff."
" But get my horse first. My mime Is Jaiw t
Norton, and I tim on th Star In New York,
Which way do I go?"
" First turn to the left. Come on ; I'll g t
the horse for you."
Once th horse wa sudd led, Norton set o:!
at a run. He was unarmed ; he forgot ret
nbont this fact. His on tbouibt was to find
tb woman he loved. He was not afvald ?
meeting a dmen men, not while his present
fury lasted.
And he fell Into an vmhush within a him
,red yards of his goal. They drajtgel hli i'
the horse and buffeted and mishandled bim
fnto the but. '
" Both of them !" said Vroon, rubbing hi
" I know yon, yon Russian rat !" erltd Nov
ion. And if I ever get out of this I'll kUf
jou out of hand! Damn yoe!"
" O, yea; talk, talk ; bat It sever hurts anv;
n,",Jered Vroon. "Yeu'll never have tli.i
hence to kill me out of bind, vis you se
Itefcldcs, do you know my facet"
"I do. Tbe mnsk doesn't matter. You'
th man who had m shanghaied. Th vole-,
is euough." ,"
" Very good. That's whet I wUhed to know.
V "it's your death warrant. ,W'H do It Ilk..
tby nsed to do it at th eld Aedmy t tie jn
to th railroad track. W shall not hurt yoir ,
at all. If some tiln run over yen heaven '
la witness we did not guide the engine. Re
member the ttory of th boy and th eat?"
with sinister amiability. "Th boy said ho
wasn't pulling th cat's tail, he was enly hold '
Ing It; tb rat dlj th pulling. Bring btnj
along, men. Tim la precious, and w have iy
good deal to do before wight settles downi
Comsion with him. Tb track Is only a thorf
d!stsnrt.n -
" Jim, Jim 1" cried Florene In ingwlsh.
"Never you mind, girt; they're ny bluff
Ing. They won't dare."
" You think to?" said Vroon. "Wlttu.(
see." He turned upon Florence. " He It yeuc
lover. Do you wish htm to die Y
"No, no!" "
" We promts to glv him his freedom twelv
hour from now on corlitlon fhat you tell
wher that money Is."
"Florence!" asrned Norton.
Vroon struck him on the mouth. Be silent,
you scum!"
" It is iu th chest Jones, tb butler, threw
Into th sound," she sold bravely. Anj so it
might he, for sll sht kntw.
Vroon laughed. " W know about whero
that Is."
"Florence, sny nothing m ' toy account.
They wre not the kind of men who keep their,
"Eh?" snarled Vroon. "We'll ae about,
that." lit glanced at his watvb. " In half an,
hour the freight conies along. It moy become"
stulled at the wreck. But It will serve."
Norton knew very well that If need sold
must the; would not hesitate to eiecut n.
mclodramatio plan of thin chsuscter. It wan.
th way of the Slav t they had to snake crlmei
sbnormnl In order to enjoy It Tbey eouhlj
very sell have knocked bUe on th head theii
and there and hav done wltb him.'' But th, j
time used in conveying him to the ra)lroa,
might prove bis salvation. Nearly four boowt
bed passed since the sending ef the telegitio'
to Jones.
They bound Florence and left her seated In
the chair. As soon as they were gone swot
rolled to the floor. She wat able to right her
self to ber knees, end after torturous fivo
minute reached the fireplace. She burnt her!
hands and wrists, but the blase was the only)
knlfs obtainable. She was free.
Ji -is arrived wltb hulf a dotea policemen.
Vroon alone escaped.
Tbe butler caught Florence In bis a am an.t
nearly crushed tbe breath out oi her. And uho
wat o glad to see bim tbot the kisoed Mj
half a doten times, frhat If he wa ber fV'
tier's butler? He wis brave and loyvt) nod
"They tied bim to the tratk," lb erW
" Look at my wristt 1" Tbt boiler did eo, and
kissed them tenderly. " And I eavtd bW
Jones strtohd out .and tjvjr FJonj',
shoulder. " Wbtn tbt time eotse," n tuj-Tj
when tb tight tltni come (DO ifil t)6l.,r J
enemies are confounded. But always iM)
rooks, never the hawl do we cateb,. 01
-V , ' " H- -v - ' 1 Xl
blest you, Norton t lot't know what r
abould hav done without Jou.
"Wben chap'e in love, began Norton,
1 know, 1 know," Interrupted. Jone. " Th,)'
Dnd rll .train la waltlol. kt ok';V5'
i. I tli'n't M eure llll e are tfr
more in tbt house.'!
' Bg. arm in arm. t!,t three of th.eu)
down the tracks (o tie bund car which hn.l
brougbl tbt police
. And bow fot tne Iron louufl ohwt ii tho
boilom f tbt q. -