the daily capita journal, salem. obeoov. Saturday. September a. 9u. I IS EARLY THIS YEAR Today" to Have B!g Run Play In Which Ethel Vaienuna Leaped Into Limelight Other Sun Oosnip. By Beau Rlalto. (Written tor the l.'nited I're.) New York, N'pt. 5. Karly s it i, the theatrical euin of lull 15 1 oil ml gaining mli miiii'iitum weekly tlmt it wilt be in full wing eveml weeks curlier tliun heretofore. Bilt for irnne reason probably the same reu nun t but tlie lntclnT ami randetirk maker gave when they began boosting fund prices there in t the Hpirit ami h ul lu tn I loo in tlii new iMiin jimt springing into being. Polka atop on tin' way to the alum to ve the war bulletin, uml .it hua been rare when three-fourth of the muliences iliiln't Mtreum in faoin five miiiutea to thirty niimitea lute. On the way from the allow folk atop in to aer tliu H'lr Imlli.f inn. Xulv tllifl nniv not. to the layman, nienn nnieh. It doea ; mean a lot to the theiitriiul folk. The hitter ilnpc It thia way, ami there sense ami Ingie in the dope. They ligl ure thut one of the lieat advertising J uaaeta i for their audiences to leave the theatre tnlking nliout the show (lie' it fuvorulile or unfavorable tulk) until ufter breakfnt next niorniiiit, anyway. 1 Jt mukea other folk want to ace the ahow, argue the theMiva: manager and they are about right. There ia no; little bit of psychology in the tiling. I Aa It ia now, the audiemea leave the 1 theotrea uml run apung into a bold-fare type nniioiincemcnt of Hie killing of I some 'ateen thouanml ciniiluitiintH, not : to mention the alniu non rombutauta, over in Europe, Immediately they f ir- i get even the name of the ahow they have just seen. It atunda to reason tlint hiatory in the making, na that now i being manufactured in the hiatory fnc- I torica of Germany, Auatrin, France, Jn- ' pan, Kngluml, Russia, Herviu, Monte- i negro ami other poiuta, ia a lot more ' interesting than plny atiil'f. Therefore,: any the theatrical people, "Diirn thia war. We mn't get tip the Intereat mi- i less we gn the war neve ml better. Ifj we attempted to do thut, wo would nil , go to jail." Tho rest of the 'rountry (namely,, those section nut on Hrosilway) aoon i Under Auspieea 'i Epiicopal Dioeete of Oregon FALL TERM OPENS Sept.. 23, 1914 Grammar School and College Prepara tory coursei. School estate comprises 100 acre of 'fertile land. Complete gymnasium. Indoor and -outdoor athlotics. Library, study halls, com petent instruction in all branches. Send for rates and booklet: "Whore noys are trained to think". Address BISHOP SCOTT SCHOOL ' Yamhill, Oregon. I ill have a rhnnce to pass judgment on "Today," which went ao well on ' the Street of a Thouaaml Light. "To day" oien ita rood wfm thia evening in the Hrnnn, After flitting through ' other "dog towoa" for several weeks, ; it awny f romhnrae aenaon atarta in enrncat at the llnji'Mie theatre iu Bon- ton on October 5. 1 Miss Kthel Valentine, who literally j leaped into fume from nbwurity aa the "deapiruble wife," in "Today" lnat . aeaaon, will head the road ahow. For a time, however, it una feared Mir , Valentine might have to be replaced when the war broke out. Miaa Valen tine wn in 1'aria with her liuahnnd, a j Frenchman whom ahe (piietlv married in New York before KiMK Biirond lust pring. Tlie husband is at the front fighting for France. Miaa Valentine i hud a trying ordenl in returning home. ' When ahe reached here some day ago on l.a France he had only the clothe ane wore, and one amull reticule. In thut reticule, beside the inevitable; powder puff, were two articles which Miaa Valentine had mtiuiiged to auve ' from the wreckage. One wn a three- ; airing pearl nrrkliue which belonged ' to the famous tragedienne, Kachel, und : winch .Miaa Milentine mil wear in i "Today." The other article was the manuscript of the piny. 10 Ml n i ''Cwl's 1-ov'e and helping to optu rye Vlsions for thVpoor In our day are no of tinderstnndliiv long blinded by I s,,r rated as prir-t? charities, but tieeil. philosophies "w called." nud , public, and eveu as niere inlsnndwstnndlii;.' of the Word of fiod. ! )T jstit... for Instance, provisions for Is Godlik.n.M. the blind, for tuo, .. , ... Indeelnrltiif Beiiei-os'lvtolHjC.KllIke the mentally wenk and bospi nls Mr nes. tberaMor wished hin hearers not i the nick, nre now considered to lie a , to misunderstand bin. to mean duly of the couiuir.eitv mid are prouu gift of mouev roiild pur. hue Hlvlne el for by general taxation. i nus favor and relationship. He trusted ; benevolence Is asserting iixelf. anu flnnfKPlf tn Hhlirrh Rpffffinff ' MWug rl-el.v the rombinUig nud dividing its honors wi n UjJjJUOOU IU UllUIUli DdHIg, i K,,.ll)fllr(, linM thI wlW.t are Ju,the. Tlmt hlh previously would Pastor Russell Lauds Charity. GENEROSITY IS GODLIKE. Church Support Not Charity Mission Different Charity a Privilege Ita Godlikenesa Wi and Unwise Char ityCharity's Rawards,, Prstant and Future Must B Displeasing to Al miflhty to Have Digging Don In Hi Nam and Without His Authority. tajtl r'ASIOkl gl)5Sf.LLI "The (lirl From I'tnli, - which open ed a few day buck ut the Knicker bocker theatre, is pleasing in many par ticulars, but there i little thut mark it na new in the world of musical com edy. The book of the play is by Janu s T. Tannor. The music is by l'atil Uu ben.i and Sydney Jones, with additional numbers by Jerome U. Kern. "The (iirl" la played by Julia UnnderHon who appears ut her best, attraeta the amnr on look, of a Mormon who doesn't realize what trouble he already bus with some seven or ten bettor halve.' She run nwny to London. The M or Studies, preached today from the text: moil and some of hi brethren of tlie"ie thnt bath pltv upon the poor plural w ife doctrine follow " The Oirl " j k.lllle(ll UIlt0 tue , orU; n1(1 (hat lnXlUi..i .he 'puruing Mormon ' tiebi,tl1 US h'm ,'8alU" through I don' crowded thorough- ' rovcrus 1J:lT- fare, one of tho .Mormon loae hi hut I '''" twt ,1t 1 uave l,eel1 preaching which i npproprinted by a Herman del- 'for tlilrty-elght feat's and yet hare ieatesHi'ii me reliant who i mistaken for 'never taken up n collection nor made the Mormon when he enter the tea j any appeal for money In connection houae of one Kumpelmeyer, where " The wtu work my hare led some to il ami "Sundy Hluir " nn wtr,!,he errone,l8 conclusion that 1 am have met ufter u regu latiou uve-tit- ; , . , ,., first aight gliiace. The real Mormon j "P'T 10 ,CS; S" " ,h? 1 UStor happen into the tea house and ear. ie I N''ln toultl be further from the "The (iirl" off to hi London house. luiiug tboe thlrtylght yenra F.voryone pursues the Mormon and his j many thoiisiindH of dollnraj bare ihbs fnir captive. The pursued und pursuers i ixl tbrougb my bnnda voluntary gift end up nt the Art Bull, whatever tlmt : from grateful souls, for the Hpreod of ia, where thing end accord ling to rote, j , Go0(i T,lg of great Joy which r' ' ?',?"? r j-"1 Ull yet bo unto all people. More- ing man nt the (luietv theatre, nud Jo- L . ...... V ' iirnp I r In lnu kaimi nl Iitu IKitt ha mA August 30. Fua tur O. T. Kiixsoll. widely known throimli b!x I'UO 'ruUKAM.V OK CKKATIOX, w h I c b ! U belug I seen by thousands , every w here wide ly known, also, by hi st-rrson In buudreds of news P a p e r 8, by bis books and by bis w e k I y B I b I o rli1tl v L- itiivii tift iiiatl i- Hint there Is : have been left to n few of generous ; only one way Into Hie Father's favor ; disposition hi now provided for by the . ! end Into Ills fatnily-ihe way of re- ! n bole couiniunity-geiiei-oiis mid aelf liouncenient of sin and turning to right- sh. Who ran question that this is an I cnn-iies-, of acceptance of Christ's re- .; advanced step: mid. If so. luat nil ! deinpllve work and of full consecni- should co-labor along those lines aud ; tlou through Him to do t lie Father' cease to encourage inciidieaney. the j will, even unto death. Only such spirit solicitation of alms, the appeal to ; begotten ones ure m kiio-vledu'ed in Ihe sympatliy through the eye? J Bible us children of Cod. All others if our Stcl:i I arrangement bus pro ! nre Script urally ileserlbcd to be "aliens ' vided for such cases. It should be con i etninpcra and forclgjipw" from Cod sidered a inisdeninaiior to Ignore such ! n nd His promises. provision, if our public charities, bos- Kut the speaker wished all to (lis ; pimis. city Homes, etc, be not upon rem that there are noide-mlnded souls , ,R., u Sl-ale as bave the npptovnl of who have not entered this "narrow generous, reasonable minds, then the f gate" and who are not. therefore. ehil- entire system calls for reorganization, (lien of Cod. but who. nevertheless, by that it may be made rir lit. proper, suit nature ossess traits of Codlikeness. jL. for the use of miy having need ; notwlthstauillng Ihelr sliate In Hie fall, thereof. The community should lie Renevolcure. tfcnrrosity. charity In Its asliaiued t provide fur otliers what true sense, wherever found Is a trace ihey would not be willing to n-eept for of the Codlikeness In which our first I thmnselves under the same cliciim jinrents were created. Noble-minded i Ktances. The Tnstor expressed a hope people of tlie world in practising char! that these reasonable scntlmeuts might , ly nre Iniitntlii); one of the highest . thioiigli the publl'.1 press be brought ipialitles of the Divine eharacler, and . cITccllvely to the attention of Poor forthwith they experience n blessing j Boards, Charity Committee, etc. whenever Ihey exen-lse' their charita- i q0j ovea Cheerful Givers. ! b!e Instiiirts. . , 0o,r8 gifts ulp given cheerfully. The As for Christian, we find, as the j ame les M (t,.,t ue appreciates u . Apostle declines, (lint they nre intu- fitoeiful glver-nte who enters into rnlly n vniled assoitment: for they (be spirit of bis Kl.t. wlio accompnules ' imssess. some more and some less, of tle cu witu n cheerful word, a kind Ihe Codlike quiiliiles. nud some more 'look, helpful advice, or wlint not If and some less, of the depraved traits, i these cheerful givers belong to Cod's ' But following thrlr liecettlng of the j Funilly, the Father will love them and j noly Spirit, these become more mid j manifest His love for them. Their cub : more KPiierons. lnevoleiit. charitable. tivutlou of nisSplrlt will bring them lu- '. ruder thp Inst ruction and dlselpllnp tc closcrrelatlonship with theAlmlgbty. of the School of Christ, the Spirit of j How generously shall we give? some T.ovp, flip Spirit of Cod. the Holy Splr- may ash. The answer Is: God has i II. Is more nud more shed abroad In ' given us our minds, our Judgments, j their hearts. For them the great les- ! wherewith to decide nil questions. Tbo j sou of life Is ibis Ipssoii of love, churl- j need of the needy, the amount of our ty, sympathy for the Truth, for one ' surplus, the claims of others upon thnt another nd Tor the world. surplus-all these things should, proi- Bl..H in' Qluina M'y enough, enter into our calculations Cod Is th ereat Civer. of whom the I ""d help US to decide how much should aepa i iiwtimrne as Kumpelmeyer, are both at their beat. There ore no ex cruciatingly funny situations, nor nre there any of the tuae that you whistle involuntarily when you leave, but nil in nil "The Oirl From Utah" is a en joy ii hie n unything else of it kind that we HroaduBvfnreis have heard and aeen in tho pust two years. Of course Mis Sanderson and Don ald Hraiu Are given numerous occasion to dunce, and Donald Hrniti is as good a dancer a he ever wa in the famous old "Merry Widow' Mis Sanderson make nn excellent partner for Donald Hmin in their terpsielio'rean turn. The piee is put' on by the frogman and i the same that made .such a hit in London tit the Adclplii, then tie, before the war mude everyone 'forget theatres. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. over. It Is my conviction that no one could be nn acceptable Chrlstlau un less be possessed the spirit of charity, benevolence, utiles bo really loved to give for good purposes for the glory of Cod, for the benefit of bis fellows. The I'nstor declared thnt from bis viewpoint missionary ctiterprlsoa might properly bo considered charities but not ro Church enterprises. The Church, be claimed, Is not ft mission ary society for the world' benetlt. but an arrangement for the benefit of tho Church member. Heuce each mem ber of this) brotherhood should Qohfdder himself lu duty bound to co-operate to the exteut of bis ability lu providing the necessary excuses connected with j the inectlng place light jaultornge, : etc. the blessings and comforts of which be enjoys. ' Yet eveu In this there should be nothing nklu to coer 1 clon or demand. If the sum-total were j found InsiilUcicnt, moro humble qunr j tors nt less expense should be engaged us aoou us possible. it 1st wrong, snld the Tnstor, for a congregation to aspire to n tine, ex pensive Auditorium and general estab lishment beyond their own means. It THE LIFE CAREER "UrttMtlaf I yaiitk ihl UtirUhly b 4trfct t ptrpar piinn I lut bit way Inr Ik kt MiainM rctipatlna for waicn at I capablt. ' ritinlHiC w. HUot. This Is th Mission of th OREGOM AGRfCULTURALCQLLEGE Forly-slxth Scheel Ytir Open SEPTEflBER i8th, 1914 Writ for Illustrated ioo-rg Book Ut, "THB LIFE CAREER," and lor Cata leg containing full Information. Dfgri Courses AORICULTURE : Agronomy, Animal Husbandry.Dalry Hus bandry, Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture. Agriculture for .Teachers. FORESTRY, LtXH'.INQ ENGINEFRING. HOME ECO NOMICS: DomeMicSvlencf, Domestic Art, LNGlNfcERING: blectrkal, Irrigation, Highway, MechanUal, Chemical, Mining. Ctiamks. CO.WWLRCE. PHARMACY. Industrial arts. I Weiontl Coiinrs-Agriculture, Dairy ing, Home M.iUtrs' Course, Induttrbl Art. HoreMrv, Husinss Short Course. Sihoitl of .:ijfV-.piano, String. Band, Voke Culuite. Farmtrt Bminta Couri by Mail Fr. All. ,eu Tlltt RKCIM'MAR, rtwl. I !-) Comllia. rrca J V Deptsch et nx to A M Han sen, lot 8 it M.-4."2.1. .1 llawgood to ,1 M Mischief .."i2 acre in (i Htreet, Hiibbnrd. l. K Vnudeibeek to W A Kwiug, hind on Hroadway street, Kuleni. $;I00. . W A Kwlug et tiv to K Vnnderheek, .'I.VtlO acres in see SO 4 27 T 7 8 K 'J W. I0. ('till I.uiihoiii et ii v In I) .Inlm. on et al, part of lot 8 H 11' Murri- 1 ,a Tong for them to go outside and field Add to Aumsvillo. aoucit money rroru t no worm, tue nesn K M M Manning to V A Manning, "nd the Devil, lu the name of God! L'liO acre in see 5 T 0 8 K 2 W. j Surely God never nnthorlxed ucb a IW. proceedlmr: for lust as surety as It a r. iiniiiwin to .M v liuldwin, lot j would be offensive to auy right minded lrt Kwnld Fruit Karill. 1. ihmnoii in km ollellntlon for nni I) A Smitii to 1) II Smith et nx, 100 acres in see 13 T V IS R 3 E. L Smith Gillinghaui Co. tn W T Gard ner, 50x10(1 feet la 11 7 SV Add to So- Apostle says. "Kvery good and per fect glft.couieth down from the Fa ther of Lights." The Lord Jesus Christ exemplified to mankind God's great I.ove. und showed that He niui self possewed the same Spirit, the same loving, generous, kind nature so much so that He laid down Ills life on be- ! properly be given to charity. . In order to get n great blessing out of our charities, we should give until ' wo feel It. The person who gives one I coin out of n thousand which be would never miss Is not likely to get ! therefrom a greut blessiug. He must j continue In the exercise of this God like disposition until his gifts shall ... , . nav Ul.-inirniuu Ulltll Ilia UI1I3 DU.III half of our slnner-iiice. It Is required ,., ,,, , of the Church that each one shall be , or poru nIs own comforts. Imbued with this same loving dlsposl- ! Thpn he ,,eK,us o ,)e renl c,larltal,e. , Hon as their Kirlor hiv.l: for ",f any ; t0 rc!l,y ppt.cdn,e 8ome of ,ue hinn have not (he Spirit of Christ, he ijo,s wUlcb tlie lj0xA t,cs)(.ng slltlI be Is none of Ills.' l'hat love not only j guntea to genertius souls, left the Heavenly glory and riches on ! behalf of th,.lnner. but addltloanlly 0iv,n? Relited t0 ForB'vna. endured the Cross, rind Its shame.-. tvery ndva"e8 in true cbai'lty has n ! The Apostle .lob n urges all Christ's ! oe"1'"1 "I'ou the clmracter..!Mioercr followers (hat. cultivating tho Master's noble, generous, loving Spirit, they ought also to lay down their lives for the brethren. Thev oinrht also to be I Charity, love, benevolence, affects the j entire being. It tends to make its possessor more kind and gentle In word, action and Judgment. It de- velops his sympathy. All this Is a de- I velopment of Godllkeuess. The Apos- ! ties point this out In order, associating ' meekness, gentleness, faithfulness. long - suffering, brotherly kindness, ..i.nt,M ii ..i ... ... ready to count nil things but loss and dross, gladly to bo renouueed In the In terest of the Lord's Cause. With every Hiicrltlee. these receive more than com pensation of Divine favor, besides the Master's promise of eternal life on the Heavenly plane. Mark 10:30. And now let us think of the world lem. I0. L 1) Mngers to W 11 Holmes, 2 7 acres iu Silverton. 10O. I. D llellinger et ux, C. A Bellinger et ux, K I Bellinger, G M llellinger, C .1 llellinger et ux, (1 V llellinger to M A llelliuger, U Id Capital Park Add ami other lauds. 1. CALIFORNIA EXPECTS RECORD MELON CROP fcWu Francisco, Sept. 3. Three mil ion dollnrs is the estiemte pluced by the California Development board on the value of the slate's melon crop this year. The Imperial valley, aerording to the board, will alone furnish RlHH) eurloi.d of the melons, of which 0 earUnd will be rantuloupe. This will be more, by LttlO carload, than the valley prod uct last year. The board gives the val ley two third of the state's entire crop. PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD. person to bare solicitation for money mudo In bis name, so It must be to the Almighty to hare begglug done In His name without HI authority. The Bible distinctly tells thnt God U very rich. No rlchinan would approve of begging done lu bis name, especial ly from the poor. Aud for us to prom ise God's special blessing nud favor In return for filthy lucre Is nn outrage against Divine Justice, Wisdom, Love nod Power. The Lord's own Word Is that all the gold ami allrer are Ills. But, we are told. If solicitations, col lections, pew rents, fairs, festivals, etc., were abaudoned, all the churches especially, of jhose noble, generous charity nil elements of the one greut souls who, possessing something of the ! Quality of I.ove. original Godlikeness, take pleasure, not I ,J,,e Knther's Holy Spirit of Love is In cheating tlu'lr fellow tuen. not In j als" !" Spirit of His' Son, our Re doing everything lujnrlous to tbe Inter-, I deemer; and nil who w ill be accepted ests of others, but fretpicntly lu con- u members of the Bride, the Lamb's tribotlng to the- relief of suffering, to ! Wife, we ure nssurcd, must be copies Ihe maintenance and education of ! of God's dear Son. They must all have orphans, the protection and comfort this kind, generous, charitable quality. of widows, as well as to hospitals, In firmaries, etc. Is there any provision of btemdug for these7 These uoble-mlnded, charitable peo ple nre being blessed by their generous course; for there U n Law of Itetrl- We nro not meaning to say that such n quality would be acceptable to God without Christ, our Redeemer; for the Bible clearly sets forth thnt no man cometh to the Father but by Him (Joliu 14:0.) But the Son's method generous, they nre developing char acters which In the future will be helpful to them. If they do not come would be closed, except such ns nre '?t0 Jr,,a' ''tlohlp with God beneficially endowed. If this were the ! ,'ro."f ' ' ,,rl!i, ,he ,rwen' tUn iuv iiu,v hoi me ueiiring ear ami tne responslv heart now, nevertheless the time is coming wuen they will share In the world's blealng. It will be ft great blesxlug. eveu though far In ferior tn that of the Church, as bumau restitution Is Inferior to spirit perfec tion through the First Resurrection. When Messiah's Kingdom shall have case, we believe that, nevertheless, tbe Church would gain respect and Influ ence with tbe world which would more thnn couipensnta If one-half the churches disorganized, the other half, rightly supported In accordance with the Divine precepts and the example of Jesus nnd His Apostles, would no- Ask your grocer for ajpzCtjys Tea England" favorite for over 7U years ll comntlsh mora irrwxl thn tronht tnle the niimlwr under nresent I bvn Inaugurated nnd the whole world In which they hare considerable of the1 'lml1 eu,t'r BPn lls rl"l for life or world' scorn. That scorn directly and I ?l""th. fluting, noble souls that Indirectly reflect against the Divine 1 u,ve xercisea benevolence. Godlike- If you suffer from bleedinir. itcliinc. r-iiomxt.. .! h. Turin. wmI will be In advance of others who. blind or protruding Pile, send me your In ttlustrMtloa of this couvktlon the ;'Ten wltl) simllnr ,wo1 heritage, hare I Word and there to note our natural address, and I ui II te II vou how .i mm - . fn ll.i.l .....i .i . u.iiiiuu vourself at home bv ihncV . , . , ! ?' rot . ! 1 7" , . ."""7. ,n." r"nues, .nnu "trariness to Cod's treatment; and will also wd some of w bB" "T.w,t "ta biltlon coiiiluually In operation. Tbe j of preparing us for the eternal glory, principle, 'it Is more blessed to give! after we have become His disciples tbnu to receive." applies to them ns I Is by instructing us along the lines of well as to the Church. As these uoble the development of this Divine Chnr souls dally become more loving, more jacter-llkeness. If Christians could re alize this more fully, how kind and ' charitable they would be! The Lord would hare nis people wholehearted In tbelr sympathies broad, deep, generous. To give either money, forgiveness, sympathy or any other good thing grudgingly, half heart wily. Is to spoil the matter. True, many of the Lord's people are by nature Tery narrow, mean, spiteful, contrary to what the Lord would approve. But He Is willing to overlook all the natu ral defects If He sees the right heart- 1 condition-sees that we are endeavor ing to the extent of our ability to over come our natural weaknesses aud to put on Christ. ' j With us the first lesson Is to learn ' to look Into the mirror of Ihe Lord's Children Cry foTFh7; The Kind You Have Always Bcnglit, nml ul.i i. v i ia use for over SO years, m8 LornotUo hhiW ,,t. , asd hag been tnatlqxuK'i i AU Cotintcrfclta, Imitations and ",llMI,i!. Expcriiuciits that trlfla with and endanger th i mu I lnlunts and CMldren-Exrlcnce agaSibt iSpcJ What is CASTORIPi Castoria U a )t.iriiiles snLstltnto for Custo? Oil gorle, Drops and Soothing Syrnps. It U iii"!.!1 i contains neither OpH: n, Jllorphluo n.w C'l 5 H I subsfance. . Its age I' ts gnnranteo. Jt lU-strors w nnd allays Feverlshiess. Tor move than tbirtw has been in constant tiso for tlie reiki of fnii ?1 Flatulency, AViud Colic, all Teething iWiS'U Diarrhoea. It reprulatcs the Stoinaih aud l'L . nssimilatea the Food, giving healthy and nntnnd The CUUdrcu's ranacear-Tho mother's rriend. GEHuifiE CASTORIA Aiwa r Bears the Signature of SI ' ' ' I . 17 A V II it n me mm iuu nave a wavs mv : v . In Use For Over 30 Years Everybody Admires a (Beautiful Complaion- DR. T. FELIX GOURAUD'S ? Oriental Gre is generous with his fellows will Dud it more nnd more easy to bo forgiving ', toward those who do him injury. ! ronTwrmwal'noiiBliUiiiuli mSummawmOmug.. am OR MAGICAL BEAUT1F1ER Jin Indispensable and Beltyhfi Toilet Requhili for Fashionable Woman. A dally necessity for the lailW tt Whether-at home or while traveling. It protects the' kln from, injurimii eltco of the elements, Rive a wonde-fully ?! fective beauty to the complexion. Hbi perfect non-greasy Toilet Cream ml -Itlvely will not cauae or oncogiaie ft growth of hair wlilrh all ladio linwH guard against when selecting 'toilet pw uaratlon. When daneiwr. bowltn or oil er exertions heat the skin. U pwveuu i uF.dTorl.rtifil hfRhly recommended y phy&iciinis. w resses, singers and women of la" over halt a century and cannot By passed when preparing for daily r rv . Gouraud'S oriemai "K. . ui Patches. Rash, Freckles and Vulgar Redness, Yellow and Muddy Skin & a oeucaieiy Clear ana rennea complexion wnicn every un j Vn 11 ITn aula hu nt-nvcrlaf. art I fc'unctf ftnAri Dealers. . Ferd. T.Hopkins, Prop., 37 Great Jonei Street, New York. Interstate Fair and Pioneer Days' Stampede I nun with tbe Irniu Brothers' Original Cheyenne Wild West .show, Vwrnwiwr, - Sept. 7-12. - ;' l'nio,iie celebration of the 90th Aniversary of Famous Fort Vts,fr- EXCURSION FARES via - - -; " t - i j i i Oregon Electric Railway Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Round Trips to Vancouver from ' . Salem . . . , Woodburn Albany .., tuineby . , .$2.35 . 2.00 . 3.150 . 2.30 Corvallis Donald Independence Kugeoe ' .. I. " . t From other peints in proportion. -t , Tickets Sold Daily Kept. 6 to 12, good for return till Sept. 11.... E. H. Crotler. A. O. P. A., J. W. f" Portland. Orenon. SaKm, Oregon (hi home treatment free for trial, with references from your own lwuhly if requested. Immediate relief and "per manent eure assured. Send no money, but tell other of this offer. Write to day to Mr. XI. Summers, Box 1', Notre Dame, lml. TIKE CHIEFS' CONVENTION IN SAN TRANCISCO 1914 "THE OLD RELIABLE" M i.uu.,, i; l'Jrt IN'Al BO r MAII.SO. .(.i-iA-llt !lHrNIV8r H'iOOKlVN.Hr. Sn Fraiu'isro. Sept, 5. Pacific coast fire chiefs will hold their ll" conven tion ia Jaa Francisco. Word to thi effect n received here totlsy from Fire Chief .Murphy, ho is at Victoria, 1L C, sttcodin th in vention of Pacific Coast Fire Chief. Th vote Reletting San Framiwo 4 the UH3 meeting place a practically uattuimous. work. n I QMallir of benevolence, or charity. In I Cbarncter-llkeness. a. .,.,- i admitted that tbe money passing iolber wor,u l,lro, 80,ll only ex- bold In God's Word the true standard through but band Is rently aa nothing j J)l'lem 0 blessing present time, j of character, contrast with It our own compared with the large sum arajnt i bu thTOl prepare themselves for j and aeek to copy the Lord, we shall annually by the various Christian de-: creator blessings by and by. jas the Apostle declares, be changed nomination. He admitted that thai Wise and Unwis Charitias. j from slo; to clurr. Step by step the International Hible students Assocla I &ince too blessing of charity conies tloa owns no valuable real estate and : t the Individual as a result of the cannot boast of large bauk accounts. , excreta of that uualitr. It follows that They bare followed th plan of using !tn glfer gets a blcsslmr whether tho !ml ,0o,t which we desire; for our de- actlvely and economically in Coda girt Is wisely bestowed or not and ',,IV!, nr Perfect, copied from the transforming work will proceed. We ahull never be able to bring onr bodies to thnt perfection of word, act lenrk'e whatever money baa voluntary j whether tlie receiver It profited or not )y come to them not seeking to build I nence, even though we may aubse- teniplea made with bands, bat to pre- jquenlly know that some of our gifts pare the Hvliig atouea for the glorious were onwlnely or nnworthily bestowed. Temple of Christ Ueyond tbe Tell t need not mourn, but rather renllxe Under thia arrangement, they never that according to tbo Divine arninge pend more than what l In hand. God I ment w have had a blessing, never has blessed tbe work, and tbe uusollo jtheleaa. However, no one will dispute Ifed donations Increase Tar by year. (hat the spirit of a aonnd mind should The activities Incidental to the use of : be need In connection with onr charl- A llttl JAiim.1 W. A A i these funda extend now to all parte ot i Itiee, ai well aa In all onr other affaira will find you room for lhei,b "rtb rracbhl Mensagt of, Ver freqoenUy many of the pro winter. i j ' crand Kxample of our Heavenlv Fa. ther and onr Ileavenly Lord, while our bodies nre Imperfect through the fall We are encouraged, however, by tbe Scriptural nssnrance that Cod will look en the keart. and note our efforts to conform to tbe Heavenly rattern. Wo abatl lie Judged, pot according to the Oosh, but nct-ordiug to the Inten tion. Thus alone can we have the rtghteonsness of the !.aw fulfilled in aa while walking, not after the flesh, but after the Spirit Marion Creamery & Produce Co. ICE CREAM AND SHERBET Made .by the latest and most improved meJJL, manufacture. Try it. Orders filled for one gj ana upwards. ruu House of Half a MiUion Bargacj We carry the largest stock of Sack Fruit Jars. H. Steinbock Junk Co. ti 133 State Street Salem, Oregon. Fiaa cess