Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 05, 1914, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    mm t- -" " "
as Chosen
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mf' ' ;Tc"J
r The New Pope f
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i Vt tr'5 & ; r 1 I il1 " vct Ji
TMrat Church of Christ. Scieutigt.
Service Snmlay at II . in.; suhjtvt
of Bible Icssou, "Man." Sui.la v
n.hool at M" . Welnlay even
ng twtimonial iiicotin at S oVlwk. j
South Salem mnd Church.
H. K. IVmluTtou, pMtor. iSmnlnyi
srhool at 10 a. m., Kmnifr Nowby super
iutfmlfiit. MiHtinir for worship at 1 1 .
a. m. an.l 7:;i0 p. m. At 11 a. m. l'ns
i.lent U T. Peimiimton will prcm-h.
I l'rayer niM'tinn Tlmr?lay, 7::!i p. m.'
" Welfoine to this house of Ooil nit
strangers and tho poor.'1
First M. E. Church.
Church and State streets, liirhnnl X.
Aviaoii, minister. 9:1") a. in. Pnlilmtli
school, Mr. 11. C. Tillman, snpeiinteiul
eut. 11:00 a. in. sermon, "Korivo l's
Our Debts." 12:110 p. m. class meet
ings. : p. iii. Kpworth T.c:i;iie, Mr.'
Howar.l .leweth, president. 7:.0 p. in.
' Nermou, "The Siyns of the Times in
the l.iubt of History." Thorn lav, at
7::!rt p. in. mill-week service of praise, ;
prayer- and Tiibie study.
Internatioual Biblo Studants' Associa
iiou. ; The liter-national Rible Students of
Snleiu will hold their regular iveelily
. study nt i" Court street, upstnirs, Sun
, clay, 10 a. m.' All Bible students wel
come. No collections.
. r - i -
t;.??'"'"""'! . -T.')r.v'.
g 1 r. -T " H': 'i, .'.i , l-v, i ,
, j Hie oleviMitb day "fler the
i fcitb of a We. tlu" tl'lltl'
I m oruluarv calculations, but
ill eleventh if Iho day of the
his duties are bo' much more varied ' Thou they take this ontli: "1 cull upon
ttiau those or ub ordinary 'bishop, was Uod. who will be my Jmlso. to witness
vlioseu at Brut bv the people of the 1 ibut I .choose the. person whom before
,., Ttiau lmvw on. littlo bv little. ; Uod I J'.uU;e to be elected mid that I
KW"",n. I ; f the : ill do the same on tl necesslon,-
to elect IH censor. riEl,t of .uffrnee In cbwH.lns.the pope ml. having wont, they drop ti e r bab
Itrt, the eouclave are j Tbe Itomaun for ...any ynv retained ; Iota Into lie vase. Ibe bl lo ts are
l H The general course tl,e rit of objeclinB lo the choice , ' prepared thus: At one d wrdtnM
"ooclare Is irt forth here. j Then, after the risht 'of the people j w rites 1,1 nanie. He n tolia tho
As soon as he Is dead 1 hlld llecouie obsolete, tbe ewperor of , ballot- so Hint i s name sha 1 no ap
fil ,h. n.n.1 ennrt leave ; ,h. i.ni nnmnn -moire asserted his i I'oar as the ballot is examined flint and
411 1 I " f r " - j I " - " - ' .
j!act; noiradaya tbey will simply ! ,-ij-ht to a controlling voice In the elec
'.lit tlwniber of the dead pope, j toa. Three outside powers still assert
jaiust nut be forgotten that the R right to Interfere. These powers are
I still, together with his officials, j France, Austria and Spain..
mtr. M outside of the Vatican j ,
MBciala. cannot go except In- ! Fo.d Brouflht to Conol.v...
ally. Tli cnrdinal ciimerlenKO, Tho conclave begins on m eveninn
of the eleventh day nrter tue pon
tllTs death, or else at some other time.
The door Is closed and locked .with two
keys, one of which Is kept by the car-
.imberlalo, announces to the peo-
$ it court that bis holiness is
1 uti thfD breaks with a ltnmmer
'ce of the fisherman and the seal
seals: the fold. The name of his candi
date he writes In these words: "1
choose for supreme pontiff the Most
Rev. ," and seals this part of th
bnllot When all the cardinals present
have voted tbe tellers begin the couut.
4. Now Pop Saluttd.
When a pope Is chosen by o two
thirds vote the cardinal-dean nska him
what name he will take, and the secre
! ' First Christian Church.
Corner High and Center, F, T. Torter,
' minister. fl:-l3 a. m. Bible school, Dr.
; II. (J. Kpley, director. 11 a. in. worship
and sermon; subject, "The Revoeablo
ll'ast.'' H::tO p.'m. C, K. 7:30 p. in. ser
moil subject, "Tha Second Coming of
' Lutheran Church.
Kast and State and Eighteenth
streets, (leor(,'e Koehler, pastor. Sun-!
day school at i):30. Oivine service at;
10::i0, There will be no evening serv-; . .
.1...: h ,i, ,.f ..,a..,l.n- ! The reiminna of the outlet into the
1 lllll.. ... ikn uttfv fl-l.llk till.
-n Vlliuiuciie m ci ui yuv
W. C. V. i Oregon State Hospital for the. Insaiui
There will be a meeting at ::!(, nt . aiui tno buibllng of the sidewalk along
Ramp .Memorial hall, Suiiduy. Speak-: t)ie property of the Stato school for tho
ing oy uirrerent ones, songs aim a reci- i ,,,, 01l mission win nave 10 wmi
tation. All arc welcome. j il the legislature meets aud appro
priates funds according to the insinua
tion supplied by the Secretary of the.
State Board of Control which met yes
terday, in the matter of the sidewalk
JLuli' a pap--cimm A I
Tirst Congregatioiial Church.
Pi-rtrt nf t iVArtv nnd Ci'iitcr. Vrrrv
Frederick Shrock, minister. Bible school
at 10 a. m. Morning worship nt u
a. in. Special Labor Bay sermon, sub
ject, "Jesus and the Laboring Man."
No evening ' service. Npecial business
meeting, of church on Monday at 8
p. m. - .
Central Congregational Church.
the secretary was authorized to inform
tbe citv of waloin tniu tne want wunm
be buiit provided the owners of other
property along this street would com
ply with the- city ordinances. The
funds for the lepairing of tho sewer
are exhausted but tho members- of the
will be the subject of an address at
St. Paul's Church, corner Church and Cheme
keta Sts., at the mid-day service tomorrow.
Hours of Service: 7:30 a. mM II a. m., 7:30 p. m.
1 Vs 4, yf ; Y,,.,l,,tAjttP ,'.:
board stated that they woni.i use uieir . h) um) fof the (,nf tht,' ,,mil,ellsBtin for the. building of
Corner of 8. Wth and Ferry. Bible ' nt'.',os.t t:aV0,r 1" .! . " .!.! i l ", State school for the blind or tho State granary ut the feeble ii.imUd home iKd
school, .10 a. m. Christian Kndeavor nt I P"1"" 11 f"" institution tor tho feeble minded, us all his claim reterr.M to . .... jMi.g.uo..,
7 p.m. Song service and evening wor- n mii, of these institutions aim tcil to tueir tne siate ;
7:45 p. m. Hev. Uel.ong will - " v. . .. full cupueily at present, l lie, maiier
. J ,d.o presented a neti tu;'" J'1' "' whs .rI...K1.t l.y th mMm i,.tei..1.Mt
. - for tho custody of W .1.1 osey ho is Warn. Sprim-s l.idiua a-eiicy.
Rural Chapel. " nowrau inniaio oi tm. ' WRlt lnfornie,i tiat as the Indian
ship at
No matter how particular you may
be there's some reader of the Journal
Want Ads -who has vacant the exact
Rural Chapel. I "Z " !,.. informed niforn.cl tnav as me imi.a. - m(Mt,m.nUA .nd . a,.
11 ! S tiio Vter had been referred to J locaUty you always preferred.,
t U. Lilt VllHOUHII .iuviT. . u. ...... , niiiVAVIIITnni III T III Llltt H.1VIIIIII,
such action as the case pense oot caro for them.
: KlOtO
9yrhjht by AmHri, d .
and tk ' Bemor carainal
dinal canicrlengo, the other by the ; tary takes note of all that Is happen
governor of the conclave, a prelate lug. Two cardinnl dencons men ie.ui
A turning ; the new pope behind tne nign num.
passed; the keys are ! ments. Ue then seats himself before
tbe high nltur and receives tue saumi
tlous of all tbe cardinals, who kiss him
't3kechar-nr.li,Cardillal dencon chosen by the cardinals. A turning ; the new poH behind the high
ttalr of ti i Inl8tratlon ' 18 built lnt0 tlw door- througU ; where be puts on the poniincul
to an i, me,CUUrcn and send ' which food is passed; the keys are ! ments. Ue then seats himself I
p.m. I'rcaclnng service at 8 p.m. !wouM uko
Perry Frederick Kb rock will preach the , n..f. ,i
"-'"vn. -ilt -was orougnt iu uiu ui.n.-it-..., -. (
, itho board that a span of horses was
Tirst Presbyterian. needed at the State industrial school
Rev. Carl H. Klliott, pastor, will t for girls and Superiiitcndent Steiner, of
peak in the I'resbyteriaii church both : the asylum, offered to furnish the team
Sunday morning and evening at 11 aud (ieo 0f charge. His offer was ac
7 '10 o'clock. The morning subject is , cepted. Whether or not the employees
"The Call to Our Task," and in tho at the asylum will come under tho pro
evening he will speak on "The Fiht of I visions of the workmen's compensation
Labor and the Kights-of- Man.'? i act will be settled by tho legislature at
Miss Marie C. Hrehm, a woman lec-. its next meeting. ' The (piest.ioii v.' is
1 hv I.uther Mevers, a tinsiuitn, nt
tation, will speak in the Presbyterian ' the asylum who wanted to come under,
church Monday evening nt 8 o'clock, the piotection of the act.
r.veryoiie is cordianv iuvn.ni iu uvai ! iuv -
this gifted woman's appeal for a sober State industrial school for girls recoui
state and nation. ! mernlcd that P. K. Storm be employed
- - ' as, engineer, tanner, aim general uiu. i.v
Jason Lee Mqnorial Methodist Epiaco- man at the girls' school. Mr. Storm
I-i t ,uoa amnlnved in this capacity and will
North Winter and Jefferson streets, begin service on October 1. Ilnrr.it.
J. II. Irvine, pastor. ID n. in., Sunday-! E Strom and Kather.ne Doan were nls)
school, C M. Roberts, superintendent; employed as teachers lit tho schoji.
.. . ' i. nr. i- r a..t Th ulnrv at (Catherine Doan was tixeit
u a. m., sermon, micro xc c i'v-iiii j - , , i..:u f
the intervening Years Between Death , at 0 per' month but the salaries of
and the Final Judgment l ; o;-w p. m. ""fu u. ....
Kpworth League; 7:30' p. ,., sermon, ! were to be fixed by tho superintendent
" P"ni"T ,',;S';'i ' jlTThomon, superintendent
ireeting, Thnrsilay, , .W p. m. , mti o t,e feeble
St. Paul's Episcopal Church. ! minded was authorized to e luy one
Roinert S. Oil., rector. Service for. more teacher l a
Labor Sunday, September 6. Celebra-1 torncy J. ( - f ' Vn ' ',, ' .
Uon of the Holy Kucharist, 7::i0 a. , ijeare.1 lfore the bok d f or th, , n
choral celebration with ad.h-ess, 1 1 a f tLuZ rl'r
. t ii nan nir with flt(lrP9. i :MI O ('IlK't: '""- 1U ',. -
subject .for Labor Sunday ian .-hiMr,,, may not be admitte! MBBMBBB
i a. III., inc uuncn ,i-iM.--K
Ail ounce of intention is better thtiH
I W. II. Dulrymplo, wlio wanted extra, poiin.l of indif ference. (
Diamond Sque I
Automobile ..Tires
SET iig;,va
In Stock by
f, These cardl r, 3 not ln tlle ' kelt l-v nn outside gunrd and by the
WbfDtom. T ot som' tua'r hinster of fereuiouiea on the In-
XClled, t-0 at onw without be- ; side. .The room Is guarded closely.'
,re held dan i funeral selT ! Tlere nre niuny more persons In the
SMiiMM r. 10 St- Teter'a I conclave than the cardinals. Ench car-
Men. , (1 J 18 P'aced lu j dinul Is entitled to two servants and
J resting place, a tuwn if f,i,i Tho,,
lucre are two 'nerlstniis. two musters
coufessions. one secrotarv. who has
;-.iuii on in. . -
t in e la In fact, servant; three surgeons, four bar
tan -Irs' ttlng fixed bv tho bcrs oue Tenter, one trnson aud
tiST1 iwwntag the Icon 6evenl general servnuts.
llie conclave J-nvliis begun ln the
Tirst. Earjtist Church,
rorning sermon subject, "IJiight An
gel Trail"; evening subject, "Thny'vfl.
kfr.ofIJ1a is tlroH !, iof ceremonies, one religious to hear
"at mat h 1, 6 100 wn-
vn,.3 so
r Kin Within f....
Rn. UJJS. It all div
- Bit m ,y ' 'I an do
'Hti;;1 daj the
'trawl.- . to In.
m tk.. .
The cnrdiiKil-cnnierleugo then places
Ibe ring of the U.-diermnn on Uis nnger.
wbl Ii' the pope-gives back that bis
name may be engraved on It. Then
the senior cardinal-deacon, preceded
by musicians aud the elmir singing
"Kcco Sitcerdos Mngnus," goes to tbe
b:ilcony :ind nniioiinccs tho election to
tbe people: "I announce to you a great
i Joy. We have As pope the most eon
l . ..n.-Ai.n.wl r-arrttli:lt
, v j u , ma utriu iu luc Iteill mill iiium icvu-ihi , - -
evening of the eleventh d:iy, tbe cur- r thv holv noinnn chiin h. who has
t!n.,lu A ai i .. it. i , n,i I ... .
uuia n- tueir .ci'iim. Auirse are
wooden boot hit nrmnged in tho largest
hall of the conclave; there Is one .
booth for ench cardinal.
Excommunication No Bar,
In the morning the onrdlnal-donn
ays a low mass of the rioly Ghost, at
which nil tbe cardinals receive the
oinmunion. This Is said In the Sistlne
tions or o i tue cnruinuis, iiu r " . 7 ",, ' ; "
on the foot, the hand and tbe month Got ta Quit K.cluii My I
"c m th ...
k .r. 1111 ItCA
lh ii. " l-. . ...
iu ' teu qui i iiiinne ciiapei. Tnen a scroti-
!i waT r10"""! ' govern' D!um- or Tote- taken. Only the car
4 ,t,k'!tlito u"5 ,be Clr ' d'nals ttle nn$ 'n the chapel ot this
' o tk. . th'.?m. Iiri.,.. i time, but no cnrillnnl r.m lio kent our.
? fru1t(, lb r,rdiiw! rx ' A Cftrdinal arriving late may be ndrclt-
- (v inr rr '"'ciu-j w: ui tuivt; iu. c.cii
r "'-'nv,. ihw,, ; -u Mcomrouiitcntea cardinal may vote tl.r
PPU. i 11 tner should be such n one.
'" Ponai, ,.p '' lbre wrdmnls, one from each order.
iZ im,.k " 1 are c,,osen to net ns tellers. In turn
"Srri. '"'I'll mor. ' tfc . . ..
'-wit i . i vur"i"ais opproaeti tbe inse on tne
lakeri the- mime of .'
If the mrdinnl-donii himself i chocn
pope, the carilinnl-canierlpii'.'o acts In
hw idace the conclave after the
election. Tho biirniiiK of the bal'ol
formerly win fl very Important flgnal
to the- waitine crowds In Home, as
tt meant that the election had not been
made ' . .
The resuln tlous prescribed tnar
II. K. Marshal), pastor. Male quartet. !
Comer Marion and Liberty streets.
Highland Friends Church,
Corner of Highland' ad Kim, Joe
idiiiip Hockett, pastor, phono 1-485, Rum.
2255 X. Elm. Snbbath school at 10 a.
m., Kiirl Pruitt, suierintendent. Preach-1
in;; 11 a. iu. and 8 p. m. Kev. Lerois.
of Whittier, Ca)., will probably occupy1
the pulpit in the morning and President i
Pennington of Pacific College in !b
evening. Christian Endeavor 6:45 p. in.
ivavKi- niiietiiio- Thursday at 8 p. in.
r - . - i
TJoitarian Church. ' .' I
Corner of Chemeketa and CoffaKO
streets, Richard F. Fisher, ini'iit.!r.
Regular service at II o'clock (no oven-l
ing service). Rev. Tiseher will occupy!
the pulpit and will be pleased to meet
every member and friend of the con
nreuation after the glimmer vacation.
ir Let every one be present. '
' ' 1 ' 'th
-'.', f lit ' tt , ! ' i-i
y . i
7tti ri.-,iim, K cardinal arriving late may be admit- mj ir thev do not make n choice in
, lH, when evei.. i ted, but only n sick person may leave flve davs thereafter, their single meal
"'Ni-t ;, ; the conclave after he Is once in. Even s,:ilt consist of bread and wine or wit
1 ' niiwi-r.. i. ; an ptm.i, . I ... Inter mid no
the cnrdiiiuls cannot make n choice In casthj Chapel United Brethern. j
three da vs. thereafter until tbey do ( orn,.r Seventeenth and Nebraska
. ... 1 n rlnv. ii n Hnrba minuter: VV. W.
thev KIUUI nave uui " - sirevin, ii. ... . - ,
.i.wl ir thev do nut make n choice in I Kosebraugh Sunday School superintend-,
unu ii nn . , fu'hool 10 a. m.. morning.
' , I v i i'. v. -3n n I
n consist of bread and wine or w- worsn , . " -
These were changed biter aim n i - -i- - . . , ,
. T1i ron- sermons uj mc --
.cli rule holds ?o"w- v?T in 'I tation to all. j
elnre which elected Gregory XVI. In , , ,
IK't lasted fifty days. The cardinals A mfl may have reasons for trying j
.i,i not have to live on bread nnd wa- ( t0 ,eree other, but why ne siiotim .
v 1
' I ! f " 1 4 H
' -AJW Is" ' i
j -.ui.mis uiiiruucu uie xnise on ui rijsi noi nave i - n . . - .
j altar aud. kneeling, pray for guidance, j ter or wine for those Ofty days. try to deceive himself is a mystery.
I'hoto by American Treaa Aasoclatlon.