THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM. OSXOOII, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 5. 1011. THREE WW , j ( .with tlio group as boat man. The ser- stood with the party as best man. ; delightful place In which to tav. (.view was read by Key, Mr. St. Johns, Preceding the ceremony Mini Mar-; Miss Miller and I went out to the ; of Portland. . , .., I gsret Hodge snug " I l.ove You Truly," .' Midway " last week.' The arvhiteetia member of tho faculty for several . Following a trip to Newport, Mr. and ' anil also sang selections during the is the ono who is notorious through years, has taught this special music for ' enthusiastic applause. The harp instructor, who haa been the rast 27 years. .Miss llerudorlner, who is a -gradual BY MOLLIS RUNCORN ' "'"Jfln.r the tennis tournament tw a ehampionhip. f0nspicuous place in the various .U Pfrth ' Asahel BiU, Miss Mildred Bngley ,...i nthusiats, " Ti,nn.n,nn mntehincr their skill and " i ..J A ss i.ouisc i"r--.v . 7, 1 ..... Herwiwi ,.,,. raenuet wiciuers or ine mu-. A. jEJiti ,iainst Lt sooifty matrons, .r.. Asahel Bush, Mrs. William Burg-1 Thomas, all of Portland, and Mrs. Boris i, m " v.r. Mrs. beorgC ' "t. J M T P Kmlth ir.. Uvmi,. f Si.ilnii. ; Mr. Emiuerou will taae up tiieir rvsi- j evening. Miss Beatrice Shelton played tho dreadful tragedy of the " I.ovc Cdt deuce in Forest drove, - (the wedding 'imisie from Lohengrin as tage." lie eertainlv perfected a beau- The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. V. 0.1 the participants assembled, playing tiful ideee of art when he constructed i of the class of 191-4 of the school, will , Kininersoii, Mr. ami Mr. K. F. Kiiiincrxj rtrains of the same while the ceremony this building. It is like a wonderful j graduate in piano in another year, and .son, Miss Ciladys Kinmorson, of Forest i was taking place, afterwards rendering dream. j beside being a brilliant player on thai drove; Mr. and Mrs, A. 1. ('oodfellow, j selections from Mendelssohn's nuptial- At Kavina Park they are giving ! instrument is ulso an accomplished Mr. and Mrs. Howard tioodfellow, of j music. " grand operas every nigat. We expect ' relloist. McCoy; Mrs. 11. II. Jenkins, Mr. audi The rooms were beautiful wit!) a pro-' to get out there this week. It is 33 j Miss Barnes is the daughter of Mr. Mrs. V. B. Jones, L. 0. Joues, of Ku-. fusion of lovely blossoms and greenery, miles an hour's ride. and Mrs. L. S. Barnes, and although gene; Mrs. Lillian .irmst'ong, of An- ('lusters of pink and white aster and' Miss Miller gave a successful musical only 11 years old is a very promising .burn, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. (5. K. John-1 roses intermingled with greenery, and af Lisbon Saturday evening. musician, playing the piano as well ) so far as any large on hengrin was sung hv Misses Marguerite 8V. 8 n5 f-wT-,, woro him-.I m. amrornimK ; " u ,?"rP;1 , ... , , , . ..... 15 " . . . . ... .....l.liir.t 111 II II.Mll.iV 111. VHP h.v .......... lit-.... .........a ..ln.ii.., . I . m .III U ftf lh.l 101 1 K UdH .t fit., 4ll. ' Ml.. I 'am t .li.ill will .ra.llinfd frAlll auklin lleisler, Miller Cooper, Del-lis and white tulle forming a bower in leui high school show a diversity of) the academy with the class of 1013. . . . i - il: i .1. , . . r . , t.. - ... . . i ... i . . 1 . . i .... i .. .. 4 .. I who were gowned in white and carried v.ooht, jiisb cnwinn uum-s, iuu me inner room ior ine nupnai group- sciccnou in aununucuiK iue umn 01 one is an nuvauccu puuio amucin armsful of lavender asters. Mrs Julia -N,Hr.v ,0"os Iiss (lo,,,a McFarlaml, ' ing. Bowls of pink geraniums and , the universities and colleges which they j is particularly effective as a harpist, Bross Piniiell sanir "1 Love" You ,iss lla (-'00ler' ,'ou'!,c ''ooper, nmiilen hair fern were effective deco-,will attend this winter. Willamette playing with grace and brilliancy. Triiiv ' l ....liin K,,t, ,.luv!n. nil Maude Stiffler, Miss Katherine! rations for the dining room, these same , university will claim a large number, Harp playing is rapKiiy gaining tho iruiv, -Uls IJUIIHI IUU12 pitlllll), all ,, .. , .... l-l ,,.,: II IVll,,,, Kl. .......K:..,..l ;:. H,..,.,,. .,.,. ,U !,., I'inv,.r.;iv n Ilr..,-,. .i.i.l llr ual .n..i.,tv I'.dl, nr t)n lur.lf ' ' ' decking the stairway and hall. Agricultural college occupying first and ; cities. Instructors of this instrument be- Miss McCleau was honor guest at a Small tables for refreshments were third places. i ing in great demand, pro-nuptial surprise shower given by a arranged ou tho porch, whie.i was Many wiio have not planned a col- i Many in Snlom have shown consider number of her friends. The guests ; screened with natural vines, greenery, lego course have accepted positions in i able interest and it is expected that were: Miss Flossie Foloii, Miss Coldie ! and. red astors, and lighted with Japa- business offices or appointments as j Salem music lovers will have opportun- i- , . ,,...!, .ml aormanev, so far as any large or nengnn was sung hy .Misses .Marguerite W of Slrm.edSo,'iety has enjoyed a week of delightful Mers, Angio Ma'nlloch and Margaret ? i ,.!afl"s Br .'".. ,nnis tournament wnicn is ueing nrm ..ere .v , xiouge, ...u.naie ir.emis or lnc urnie, . . - ... . , - ,.:,. attire consisting of suits of entire white for the accompaniments. lees, in tno decorative colors, pink, some or ui I'j-riM faslnoi" ble ten m evidence, devotees of the game as well j lavemler and white, were served by : J somen have been mn n in e Miss Cora Sullivan, Miss Helen Ooman, ' . .. .tfwtine tins st " ,.. 1 ivovlov At;.o nri..if k'..,.. i. iriii., rl.. I'hnunccv', jho- u""10-1 ... ...... v , Mrvfrs, Mrs. teorj,i vj , . und Mt8 T c smith, jr., ; Evans Pewthercr, of Salem. Beniiam, . tt u..t:ve improvised tea booth und Dr. Pierce is a prominent T :in maids. Miss Nell Thielsen, Miss Alino tZ different afternoons at resisted by V? pVon in dispensing tea, punch and wafers. U wd Mi ttW'.lh0, tin J local enthusiasts in watching tho i ,r(, of iutofdown vi. . circling the courts and stationed in auto- She is a charming aud clever : ts of th' various days (?' ev(,ry jptaii 0f the plays, cheering andiwomau aud has been su i-j, they ba ienf J in nll,,robntion of their favorites' work. iful as a teacher in both Salem and prominent phvsician of Portland, and a member of the state board of health well -known in Portland and Salem young success- McFarlaml, Miss Kdith McFarlaml, neso lanterns. Mis. Kdith Stifler. Misses Blanch and The bride was admired in a lovely teachers in schools throughout the state, , ities in the future of attending iiarii i Miss Beulah Woods will attend the ; recitals ami musicales as well as tho Kim Hici. Miss Catherine McClelland. I uown of white crene de chine, entrain I mversity of (alitorma at Berkeley ; i ever enjoyable piano and vocal recituK lilt BIBIC ' ... , . . . , , -I 1 ...Ml .,. I !,., ,.,.., I! Mrs Pierce is equally -"li"s- ' ooper ami miss veri i nurs- chimciiishcu nun vim-mm in- hum n . i n uiriuiiuuu m ivm i l I .... l l..i. ton uariiuiires. jut iv.ii; inn ivi. lium neuein ni .inni'vus, vin-iiu ,,un m. ui iiitim ntiit p'aniii. , ,. , . .a , i i " J H .II1IICI, cup UHIIUCII IIH I'l'Hl.s, Mrs. S. 0. Wall left this morning for carried an arm bnmpi She will enter the .poli Northwest Peutal eol- Miss Aline Thompson left yesterday' nlteruoon for Hubbard, to be tho ten , .iitn norns in r" . . .i... .j v... ''' u . itown participants have been guesis oi , f the out-uf " ajmh-ing persnal friends. Mrs. W . I. Northup, ""'"rTld. I Son elub championship and the second highest Jcrtod, who i holds a I" n of u olinger; Miss .fa state V cvoniu champion and Junior champion of Oregon, F t ohampbm of the Irvington club of Portland. Mic ella Forumr, , p Bennett. 011 Court street. ' made tonight, too late for announcement in this column, be found, havj-ver, on another page. 'L v i.,st ended has been home of the bride's mother, Mrs. L. If. mJ i ' of diii'-S dem- Bowerman, on Leslie street. Kev. Curl ,j :J,her prol , ths t0 F. Elliott, of the First Presbyterian i wtntia, the ear fa dl no . 0ch,inted before the assembled KS-Mf May relatives and close friend. The bri.le has belli : wa9 given away Dy ner uroiner, j.uu. wermai: bride's ioui'.iet of brides roses, lege, of Portland; Chalmer Oeorge will j ,ivs' j10H0 K,10st of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil t later by Miss Althea attend the Philadelphia dental college yjtv ,vh0 )iavs a 9plendid country plaeo Mr. Abrniiis, of Port-' of Philadelphia, Pa.; (ail Kinmons will mla"r t,nt j,iao. Mr. and Mrs. Esty 's only ornament was nttend the I'niversity of Washington at ftra ontertniniiiir a Inrce house partv. n more romantic flM!MT. 1 in nf the ! Jay Bowerman, of Portland. was a nandsoine satiu elaboratcil She woie a long .i,v !. Wn very The s gown f;,Tte l ot that. The marriage 'creation of Duchess . . n. Pierce, of .with exquisite lace. S Xre 1 in bridal" affairs for j weil. fashioned most becomingly in cap flVS idaee last Sunday, i effect, held in place with orange blos- jy witnessed the uniting of 11isssoms seni iroin me orange ul Port- Newport to close tier urancn neeniccraii : " cmnniu , . . Mnn ui'tini at tiirtt mace, wnicn sne .at. n ruusi.i m . v" .:' r... t:..... niiniw each suiiimer for several mouths, land. Tne bride's only ornament was attend the 1'niversity of Washingt ! . ,K M" V.h ,. ..! si. will return Wednesday or Thursday ' a handsome pendant necklace of dia- Seattle: Jo Minton, I'niversity of Wash- wore u naiiusome lauoreu sun oi u.uc - , - . .... ,, ., , .. :..,. i;m... i.-,.,., m:., I !,.,,. .Minis null j'lni ia, - tin- in in, m vmii a iuiuh, ...i.,.. , ...i,., gitt. The bridesmaid was gowned in . Lloyd Lee, lionaid Hynl, Dorotliy Hurd broadcloth, with hat of too same shade, evening. Ppon their return from a trip to Vancouver, B. 0., Dr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mrs, Virgil Lloyd (Winona Savage) will take up their residence at East has returned to her Spokane home aft-Tweutv-eiuhth ami Tibbcts streets, er spending the summer in Salem the ITortland, being at home to their friends guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11.; are entertaining a large house party, several of their guests being from Portland. Mr. Esty is a Kappa Sigma man, :v former I mversity ot Oregon student. after October 13. I It. Savage. pink crepe de chine elaborated with sail, Kuth Spoor, Alfred Oliver, Mabel lace, and her bouquet was of pink car-; Boughey, Allen Hynoii,- Harold Eakin, i i ja won ),own j Salem. nations and asparagus fern. The little will register at Willamette university. I ringbearer wore a pretty frock of white The University of Oregon will claim: M and Mrs I C McFlrov and son ..,.1 l... . .... ;,. . I.,,.... 'M TU.I...,. l(..i l ..r.) I'.,nin,. Swn... 1 W r- 011,1 rS" J' V Al, r'lroy Bllil SOU, niiii 1,11 in-1 iiiv in k i,i a v..,.. , . .. .. - ...... aauthemuin. . son, who won a -Uti sc 1 . . ! (lifts were iiiimeions and especially . that institution; Homer Kga For the pleasure of Miss Gertrude' Mr. and .Mrs. Many emlerntli, .Mr. ,,,-,,, ... . li,,.,,,!,,. liviinn Turner. .Miss . In Oris Meyers, of Baltimore, who is the house . and Mrs. (ieorgo Riches left by motor j Mr aiu) yir Abiams left the snme!co!i and her sister, Agnes Driscoll, a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyers, i this morning for Tillninook, expecting ! CV(,iK tor Bellingham, Wash. Two graduate of 1H12. O. A. C. will have Miss Veda Cross entertained very in- to bo gone several days. Tney will j WC0KS wjn he spent in Mr. Abiams' ; (.iiacc Howell and Marion Oonld. Helen formally yesterday afternoon. She was spend most of their tune in .Neskowm j 9iatl.r,s summer cottage on nn island ' Deckabach and Mary Clark will enter assisted by ner mother, .Mrs. rJ. C. cross,, us tne guesis or .urs. and Miss Marie Hofer. Guests number- Mr. and Mrs. J. II. .Mcloikie, who liaveiw:n ( located in an attractive resi- stable will attend Monmouth normal ed about 30, mostly intimate friends of the Meyers. XZ i oi,,urt0"' ret,m,tftl Tlir'"1y itom Ncw- Mill, uiiiaiu W(lc,.g, outil .n Uie.r tfotUatfi Dr. and Mrs. Seth M. Kerron, of San Francisco, who have been the guests 1 , I ji ) ! 1 i 'ff f I ! I , 111' ' r Ml f . j m - i 1 i V U - I "' hiencs parents,;- p,,,,.,. snun.l 4ttnr their ret urn thev . the Capital Business enlleire. Ora Coft- .1l. 1 II AI..1 I- 1.. ...I... 1. .... " - .. . . ... nr. aim .irs , located in an attractive resi- stable will a snminer residence there. j donee, coi ner of Wilson and Fir streets. school. ' jThey will receive tiieir friends after j Among the students who have posi Carroll Byrd, a clever tennis player, j October 13. ft ions iu offices or who have appoint- of Spokane, a University of Washing-! ments in schools lire: Charles lloldeinaii ton man, who lias been n participant ! Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Arenz anrt '; private secretary of superintendent of I j son, Norinail, leave Siindny for Suther-jSilet. Indian reservation; Beatrice! li u, jsoutlicrii niegon, wnere tney win I ruwioru, sienngrupner in me inw o.-j renuiiii until the completion of Mr. ! f ieo ot Charles McNary; Angeline; Arenz 'a construction contract. Later Carver, stenographer in the Capital i thev will go to Situ Francisco und other :( ity .Nurseries otrieu; tiiancne Appie- .Southern California points to spend the gate, stenographer in City School Su winter. . ; peruiten.lent Elliott s oltice. ! h-f ) MV 1 ;: 'i 1 ; -. 'i I -i i ; , . -l i ' .. I II -':( '. v I -I ! , to-' i. . Miss Gertrude Campbell, Misg Willa Barnes and Miss Louise Berndorfner, first harp students of-Sacred Heart academy, '-and' incidentally the. first resident players of Salem. .-. , . - Over 230 former Iowa tesidents, all members of the Iowa association, cele brated tiieir annual pieuie Tuesday at the State fair grounds. A picnic dinner was served in one oC the exhibition pavilions, a business hour following, presided over by Q. W, Laf lar, L. II. Roberts, of Salem, was elect ed president, and r. C. Wygand secre tary treasurer for the coming year. A committee on resolution was appointed, consisting of Joseph Barber, H. E. Bolinger and Mrs. Lafler, who proposed resolutions for establishing n perma nent organization. During the deliberations of the com ; mit.tee .an impromptu progvnm was giv en. B. J. Miles proposed a messngo oi solicitude to be sent ti) the relatives of Kev. P. S.' Knight, a fonnei Iowa rebi dent, who was ill at that time. He also made, nn interesting address, dwell'imf on the natural beauties of the stat'i Those who will teach will be: Miss Mrs. L. I'. Josse accompanied her . Vesta liurdner, who will teach at Kola; granddaughter, Cleo Jlaaek, of Port-1 Alma Baker, at Turner; Laura liiirn- land, to her homo todnv. .Miss llaaclc ' jobst, near Piingle; Jennie McVieker, lias been in Salem the past )0 days, i lower grades lit Florence; Letn Waters, . . .'j i i. 1 i ! ' n..: i... ....... i i....... v. .:.. Slopping Oir nil ner why inline nun. iiuiie, uenii inms, .inn nn, ; nrnio i j iildptioii .Newport wmi ner parents, wnere inev , . ones, pr.ucip,,. ni 4 n.uuu ; .ic.. . e,.- A( ,.Husion of his address. spent- incir uiitiu. greatly nppreei.'itiid. H'r niiniliers weru tolloiYcd by an address hy John Cnrn forth. ' Mr. Bnrtlett, of Portliiud, also spoUo, tiikijig lis his subject the "East-- f ,' , . , ... eruer's Views' ol "Oregon." V,. C. A( here who have not vet heard from her' in schools, of Minion enmity are; Mary . . . .. i , . i'i....t. v..: l a...... person. ill v: i i i '. -ii ine .nun s, iMtiu: .ni.i-, .Minn .. .. . u . , 1 ", . . , . , . , i , -, ,, , ,, , . ,i ' , ! tun ot a periiianttnt orgitnuatlon. And -i I'll ..ii.rn iu ii wmi. mii-li 1 i ei (nrnlvn Hriiliety.. Iheoiliinn . . . . r j... .. -I, tin .excellent lilnco to ln'iir- tfodd' music, ; Teel," Lulu . li i .M l.iie 1 inn ill? mil til inn iiuiin i " 'v S.lveiton; Alma Baker. 1 , .... ., ,,,,, . a 11 iii'iii I in mil t 1 1 .in l'liir t il n rev llCfir . The following exenpts from n letter j-ltubburd; Beitlin Clarke mid Cntherine written by Miss Miiinetta Magcis, who Fowle, Clovenlnle school, near Turner; recently went to Chicago to take spe; Mary liollier, Mission Bottom, and Dmn a' in I vocal work with Charles W. Clark, (ira.y, tiates. win lie or inutll lliiercsr iu iter irieuiin viuu-in inu nini- n-i-ini-.u 'unimmn ., , ... . ...11. Mr. Cavhl'ortli. pioposed the fornui llrulictiv OlllplUIIS. the ltiilvisiibi;lity"'i)t' ..g.-f i'tl 1 i sh i nji -lija-1 -o, I drier foidlri-i)i'ani)'Hlioii duriil tho state' i jiiir. fi "Jiieurdanee with , thi i seiitinieufi''1ii, e.teiiHtive, committee wai nppoiiitcd, cooijttsnd f 'dull I 'orh-forth,' Mrs. .1. H.'-MeKntguV'ol' Isjiisef,' ami e Mattento Marble Orabtree, of W. A. Sprague, a childhood friend of I for the week of Mrs. Kerrcti 's parents, : in the touinajuiit,fi.s ino gui :f i.lirni.;..ll'... i: t ..... T.. .' u .;.. !,., I V, ' ...I M, ll.nii v Fiiwk.' at Nob of Dr. . .11. H.VM aim vr, i c,: . . mi.. .iiinaLiic- uriiiK, mil. au cai.icn a imi; .i.. m.i ...... .....-' - - - . - f an i marriage to Mr. Ahranis; ' shower bouoiiet of bride's, roses and Hill, ."left this morning for- Eugene, - Hyr.fc ... I. r Iwtma the bride of ' sweet peas. , 1 where they .will locate permanently,!-- -, , ;. i' -e Emmeriin nf tv. i . 1 .. .. .. . , .u -n. v . .i.: i... t.i Miss Eiinane ( rattf will be the weelt- i.-.u-.i -i""i"n'n"t, ni: a reception touowea rnc ceremony. ur..-n.cnr,ii iuniK i,ii, j.i. mv. .. .. . .'.,,,-.,,.,. I h! n'i3-'' ,,hc wcr"K i Miss ! Miss Cora Sullivan, of Portland, who ! nis profession at .that place. - ; end guest of Mrs ( arrie taw and . 4 t i U"' t0 Geor ". of had ciiarge of the decorations, received ! Mrs. Kerron, as Miss Lizzette Fawk, Mrs. (.race Stanford -w I oitland.. ,,lwe 0n Thursday. 1 many compliments upon her work. The 1 was popular in younger social circles,, . ' ; , itlTr'''8,1 ev"ltH' J,aCe 0Pl "tood uiiatten.led in a bower of 'and friends here will be delighted to, Out-of.tow.i a M nt he 1 W i If tti ir , Ul'ng the WPk vvhioh lovely flowers an.l greenerv. Multi-col-learn of the Kerron ' decision to lo- man-Pierce weddii g W, F l""'ipants have nnt ...n v... - '. i.i ..t , ii,,, ,.hv ,.it.v ,,.r Mrs.. Loonus and Charles Robertson, .Miss, wr uiusaui. l'';;' -v " 7 nihitii, Kr,,s. Miss (ora Sullivan. Miss ' Helen Coinan and Miss Jlallio Jhoinas, of Portland. j 'and receive musical hints and helps. In theione short 'week I -have" gotten so'! On. tixhryV.. social page appears the : much inl'oiiiiiitioii. Mr. Clark has given pictures of Miss Louise Berndorfner, iine.the great privilege of ' heni ing him Miss Will;) Barnes and Mios Gertrude .... . . it. t . .i .ii i :. . : i.... :..i.i . ...o. ,wi...... "",' ', . , .' : Mr. and -Mrs. W. lvUer.' reiijarkable teacner, and his pupils are of Salem, and the first harp students ' . . . 'v.n-'i. untliiiuifidli.i rii-.ii liim 1 him nt nf' llie Snere.) 1 1 fi.t i-t iicmlcinv. . . . . . !.' ..' 41. . .,..,,.,,-1-., t.i.-v V. All lniv.1 1. 1. mi ut.i.lvimr tllia iimlrll IIM.IIUIIIIIIVI III li". 1If.nil.11ll,.., .V) .... .v ...... ........... ...... ...u..m. ,S(i7; Dearborn street. The place is on ment since February last, but owing to the'Auierican plan, and it it now filleil" itheir previous musical- ; studies have '. with the summer school boarders, "mo-tC- tnade remiirkable' irogress; as was dem- ly jnusic teachers -a very interesting oiiftrated by their work at the com- ,' grojlp. They . aro. here from nil over nienoenioiit exercises of the academy j ithe I'nited States. Four of the most held at the Grand opera house iu Juno. haTuiing girls from Florida, and- '-Texas Several difficult and brilliant numbers are 'next door to ine".; A '.homelike afmos-, were executed at that, time, the. ex.-1 here pervades tiie-pliice'ina'king-Jt' U celleucy of each rendition calling forth BeayerStatePrinterV Society and Commercial Printing. Phone 1513.. . Booms 1-3, Fatton Block 1 . 1 : from narrow strands of self-colored rib- I" J rharmin i, . . . ; n"r, tailing in alternate lengths trom fev Mi l fi, d"B 8""''le t,ere- tho ,;eilinK 'loorwavs and chandeliers, 'i-kriileofB. Pi rmilu ,,','ame l'fHcing a beautiful effect. Wlaul simi '' A!len r''ler,,e' The bridal music was unusually im ' at nnnn. nt tho iu.ii- ti, k.;,ui tn... T.. of Daddy Kerren available for functions winter's social season.' ; Mrs. Barr G. Lee, of Portland, who ; - ,, , " .... ' has been the house guest of the A. M. WiMr.1 Island a crater within n Crawfords and William Slaters, left.for -''ter, was the objective point ot the her home todav trip to Crater Lake iinade tars' week t.V her home today. .. ; . i N Bm hei. I Tarpl 9 lS '1 i Mr.' and Mrs. Henry Leo Vt the'.guwt Dr. EiiKene F.nller, of New York. C KoHflfna week end with Mr. and Mrs.' L. H. .Cinding the -hike a 3o-m, c l"V he Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Turner -lientv. which has been' likened to a ,.,.,.:' miiiia'turc Sicilian blue grotto. .Oregon, f "Europe At War," v A New Book Just Out A complete Atlas of Europe. A complete Compendium of all im portant facts involved in this greatest struggle of history. A com- plete series of brilliant pictures showing the armament on land, on : sea and in the air of the fiercely contending European: Powers, i Would 8 uivji y Girls' Aid ' To the Golly jOOS. IP Golly G,sw?, i"S' ',lullly'' m ,ack- "sint v.-e boys formed the "Well , bilsn ' got nny cIub 'cept an old sewing club." to the V,lw r ,y' "why shollllu t the glvls form an auxiliary "A hat d .ifewHerst'ani' askd ,a'k rr tbat was a pretty big word for the ehii- . 'wu'tten panied by their daughter, Miss Joy " "oast ot a " iL C. rp.,.,..' ,i,, m v as blue as sapphires and more to be E Inn an, and Miss Madge - Cook ins valued than the opals and garnets have returned -from Bay . after . which are foun, in 'l'" .--occupving their cottage, "Overlook," tain ides Fhe par v ascen led the fnr rhP .im,er . - mountain To the neight of 7,000 feet, '.e i.. .... and Dr. Fuller, who has traveled . iu i, ji.u ...... ... u, ....,..., ,,,.. ,,r.-.mi. ' wonder- has beauties greater than Iia win liim... un.l n-EiM pntiirf mnetl ns .i a .n '... .i u ii.. .k u..rt. ful . lake me guest ot ...r. .. . .it,,.rlnd. In eoinir ut) the man. Miss Turner will resume ner moi n ; ' , he tlv,.,.M. advise that nltwcaa ut VVihiinntte ...i.vprsitv Sen- . IIIOlllllBI " aim , my " .. . JT iJ J,,Lnrl i.CLfl tember 14. all climbers should provide themselves f GallJ Goos- saiit , , ,, n'Sht a,,0Ht t!ie e,ub tfae girls formed to help., mid-weel Uta. t . "l WOmk'r how 1 cam to forget that? Well. ! Melu '.''ilut(J thn , U aft(ir y011 torm''1 S"r oy J" club, so eon- . u 'WUU, ;"f Goo,;- ' Another interesting wedding of the week was that of Miss Hazel Lucy and Harvey William Finmer was solciiiiiizel Wednesday at the home of the bride's 1 .1.1.,.. .. .... .. . . . evenini? t.tok she nntned r "1 ZZ I parents, Mr. and Mr, R. V. McLean, on c i ;iorth Fourth street. 'itn . eed "ny Bid"' erlB,i tn,i .m, 1 The residence was beautified with a winbers of a boy- 111 - "hnt 800(1 would Klr,a be as nltU ' profusion of late .summer flowers and with sniked staffs ami siioes. . l lie. party found that its rocky formation were wonderfully like tiiose of the his toric " Lake Lucerne, with clinging lichens of yellow and blue. The color;, ing of the" panorama of natural beau ties in the Crater lake region is an inspiration to the nature lover or artist,, Jt has been learned that the govern ment hopes to hard-surface a- road around the lake and mountain. H may not be completed ior five years, but will be an added pleasure to tourists his bride are well known, having;"1''"'-; , v. nh. ftccom- friends throughout the state, - - - ; , . Mrs many i. . , , . , ....:A Asanel nun, .expwi i";"-"'" "vi in !. .' .:.. ... III....l..,ln,l,.l 'lbZ I.0, " fJ,p'.hn1 Peenllar k,E, When they would meet to !. The eeremoni.l ,na e w. furmsho, . , "i iu a h ti .. . - i nv miss r.nzaoem .iimr, . 7mu 6rst e would f . 7Z 0"! 0n0ther r'sht 0D th! ! which Mrs. S. Ktta Heisley, of Wo.-1 v tm. answer in .. .u ?ly A,a spelling the name, rou see. and ! k. ... i.i-. Yah Tmlv." Dur-i Miss am lfaM S"t mlxel nrt s'im . bnt'kwi,rJ. you see. And some of i mx the evening vocal numbers were Msn i. s!rl S"ttwWterl i . nS, boekward. and It used to be lots of fnrnishe.1 by Mrs. Lillian Armstrong, ' "Isd n trwar(.r leu m ing to spell u backward she had to pay : of Auburn, Wash; Rev. M. H. St. f.Wi tirtwet. . . . I Johns and Mr. Johnson, of I'jrtlaud, 1 iit u Mkil tb. . 10- When we would have wars and cet ' n-l Miaa Flossie oland. 'Vn .-. "u"l hn w Anni r . ar k... 1 KnTr ' greenery. "Walt till I tell you about H ! Mr. Emiiierson is a prominent busK. i ness man of Forest Orove, and both ne 10 Waa nr a u"i ih behiDd Lr h ' remembei' how we boys used to make 'and his ron- , , ' bnt we n't Jare do It to ner fare, for ; many f rS 3 Could flS"t as well aifl! "agrin.hnrt. as any of us If It came to ts at the welding ilium uni'ui-i"""' Mabel timith, of Portland, will be the week-end guest of the K. li. lloustons. :n .. '' ours -k. " " oe anriT m, . u..u The br dal rooe was Tasuionen . uv . - npr. rim l.i.i . - . . v . v u -j . v ...-. . - . . . .. ' ik. . i, i. .... . . .... iwhita ereoe - uim K, .. .. . " i 'i';.. .k. ipm t. . - uu 1 1 M 1 L 1 fia bh.i . 1. , . . . At a charming 6 o'clock Wedding Wednesday evening, Miss Myrtle Dim pan became the bride of W. Carlton dechTne with chiffon and ;Abrams at; the hame of h Her on V Mr. ami Jirs. n. u. of iparagus (Miss Kmmerson, the ' e Ptrtr. . 0 ,s Terr rihi . 1 KJ 0,1 the work Jl 'booted jZk h ,nd PPer way to do nerhans.' i "UVu.. iH ion ... ,art Rettlne tin n f!lri" iu h r.nWt i r who wore a daiuty art- the boys all abont It and they will all tume of pink ailk and earned pink nations ami icro. x .m ........ ; r-- . 1Pn,kp, Seattle. I Alonzo Adam Jones, of Eugene, stoou , roe Ur....vv... . , bride cos-car- The bride's cousin,. bride was attended by acr sister, Miss Lehtra Duncan, as uri.iesinai.i, ami llael Abrams. small sister of the bride- irroom. as ringbearer. Chester Abrams, ! The latest and most important publication upon the present terri ble situation in Europe. ; - 7 More Than An Atlas C It contains all of the Maps of the European Powers and a great "Map of Europe, all in colors. But it is more than an Atlas. It is a great collection of famous pictures showing the terrible-Armament of Europe. It shows pictures of England's famous Dreadnaughts of the Sea. It shows Germany's great dreadnaughts of the Air with which : she is striking from the clouds. It shows all of the famous Leaders of Europe who are back of this War. It has other pages of all the im portant facts pertaining to this War and written by noted men. Given Free to Subscribers ; This handy and useful Atlas will be given free to subscribers (old j or new) of the Daily Capital Journal; who pay for three months' sub: ; scription at one time at the regular rates, delivered by carrier. Mail Subscribers (old or new) of the Daily Capital Journal who pay one year's subscription at the special rate of $3.00 will be given a copy of - the Atlas free.