THE DAILY CAPIT VL JOCTBNAL. SALEM.. OREGON. r?IPAT. SEPTEMBER , i14. ilVB Saturday 'Only 'w regular 25-cent Ww Women jad Children 19c per pa ir j Also'our 15-Cent j Hosiery for I ' lie- Thisisfpr Saturday . only DRESS GOODS SM 1AM111G QUEST OF CAPITAL AT PAHAMA FAIR 111 L paid until January 1, 113. The sales checks or receipts from tlhese firms may bV exchanged for votes at this office na vote for every 5 eeU of your pur chase. . The Markets that has been on dur ing August will be off after next Satur day night. Until then the following prices hold good , $3.50 yahies .......... t. 13.15 $3.00 values $2.69 82.00 values 52.24 . $2.25 values $1.99 $2.00- values 4 . . . $1.79 81.75 values 1 68 $1.50 values $1.34 $1.25 values ., $1.10 $1.00 values .' .; .. $ .83 $ .75 values $ .67 $ .65 value .............. $ .68 $ .60 values . .... i ......... S .41 I. '. . . ; - I .. . ' i Interest in Popular Contest !vIo7etVwBark'.r' . . .. ...Mlsa Staley ......... I increases uauy, as me Voting Shows . The name and standing of the ran didotea follow: 'Jean Mclnturff Mrs. Grace Eoff Hibbler Pearl Ziaa (Milrred Atherton Ruth Fugate J...,.,. (Beryl Jieedhaui .. Renska Swart breadstuff, wer. sponsible H0W T1IE SITUATION September wheat touched $1.1!) 3-8; ' December, $1.22$ and May 11.29 3-8. j APPEARS TO CRITIC Wheat still ha an upward tendency, I SAN TRANCISCO MARKETS. I Una Fraaviseo. Cet. 4. tecs hiehcr. n i t, t.j. t. going np, according to varieties, from ' F.itrta. 3dVie: firsts, 30c; pullets, 32e: i . one to three rents. At the . es-: r.ii,w.i .,Vr : L '" Tremendous Fortification Will Mako ""i4Vio" of 1,10 "'"angr- Portland yes- Butter F.xtras 32e: prime firsts 2Sct: Entraact Almost Impossible, :.7o6o; j.a raise of three erat over fhe day be fore, but offers were refused at loss - jjl.VYlthan $1.13. Forty-fold was quoted at 07,'f ' cent rnis ovrr yesterday, and 1828' elub was np half a eeut, being; quoted at Uo. So wheat was obtainable, how- JEAN M'INTURFF LEADS MRS ffiBBm NEXT Remember There Will Be No thing Too Good for the Canital Journafs Guest I Ewiliu i'bua ... Celia AiIson ........... Margaret White ...... Marie Bolinger Violot Cory Arline Ohm Beta Byan . Myrtle Herdlein Marguerite Ostrander Eustis Davis..,... ... Kuril) Buroker Lola De Long ...... Grace Craig .... Hazel Johnson Marie Schwab - Haiel Cooley Mil Ired Cooper Beatrice Crawford Maude McLaughlin ... Luanaa Brown Bernic Sauter Ava Putnam Vivian argrove ... Orace Taylor era Oeorce , . Miss Orilla Baker .. ever, at these prices. Farmers are sit- Cheese California fanfv, 14c: firsts, 12; seeoads, lO'.je. . , PORTLAND MARKETS. Portland, Ore- Sept. 4. Wheat i;,!"" "R" "O." mills arc practically OatsNo. 1 white feed, i2.23, ira7 ' material iq worn on. Parley B nop Buyers were at llarrialiurg Thursday trying to buy fugglca, but rrrawprH AimnntiA 2l) iiit an.l m.. hue. :'J'rnn''"0M wos done. In California the mar- "" ' JnDnl'ie' ' 't111! prices at Sacramento be- i.iuu )n( rnnnrtift aa lit I'ltnta A little lni 1C47! 258(1 .1553i 1330 ! provement is reported in tho prune markets in California, but locally there is no change. The Northwestern prune crop is turning out 15 to L'O per cent larger than estimates, but is still eon .jdcrably below normal. Oregon and ,,, whc tho grnin t Rt dvan- which marks the weak spot in raris' Washington have been getting higher ec. Jf 5(,ft, tfna ovor ,Mt n;Kht.g ft. Lf-vc rig. prices than ( ahfornia for the fancy nft, (,mtution,, tiepteraber wheat! Chief reliance for the protection ct juagiiaiena juiih t't" ;ar unehnngod and poultry is in Mable Brassfield 800 i supply with rather -seak demand. Interest in the popular voting con test by which some young lady of Salem will be the guest of the Capital Journal at the Panama-Pacific exposi tion is growing daily. Many votes have been polled since the last count was printed in the paper, and there is goo reason to believe that several candidates are holding back votes in large numbers, preferring to deposit them in' the ballot box later. Large quantities of sales checks are being; Gladys Gray brought into the Capital Journal of-' Marie Evans fiee by the candidates and theirl friends for which vote coupons are be- . . ;, . . ,. . . .. .. jng issued at the rate of one vote for! Th" ' is a list of the f-rrus each 5 eeuts of tho amount o.f the! whose sales checks or receipts may be purchase. Increasing activity in this I exchanged for votes at the Capital Jour respect is more noticeable as the eon-!naj 0ffjce. test grows omer. jner irip to ma; great exixwition, with its wealth ofj woTld-wide wonders, will be the event ! .. 1320 1313 : 1203 I0?x r 10H0 1075 1010 'TOO trade, but this has been iirettv well 10pup,iid and the demand haa ceased for IMS , this feature. ' , - 10(10 1 B0tn dealers and growers are up in 1000; the air as to the effect the war will -- 1000! have on the crop. If the markets can - 1000' bo1 reached, the demand would over- 1000 j reach tho supply, but if some of the 1000 markets aro cut off thero might be a ... 1000 1 surplus. The egg market is firm, with i prices tending upward, umry prouueta By J. W. T. Mason. (Former London Correspondent of thr Uuited Tress.) New York Sept. 4. Two dnys ag the Germans were within 15 miles of the nurthertnost forts of Paris' outer defenses. Senlis and Chantilly are this dis tance from the Montignon, Pomont an t Kcouen forts, whica will be tho first ; important outposts to see the invaders as thoy approach the city. Doubtless German skirmishers aro now in the suburbs of Paris, examin- Rarley Brewing, 25; feed, 24. Hogs Best live, 0.25. Prime steers, $7; fancy eows, ti; 1 best calves, S.25. Spring lambs, Butter City creamery, 35c. Fees Selected loeal extras, 32c. Hens, 13e: broilers, J3ie: gecso, 10c. !inc the territory about the northeastern . town of Genesse. This village, just off Wheat Jumps Tiva Cents. the main highway from Senlis, is at Chicago, .Sept. 4. All previous ree- the nortii end of a Hue running sontb- ords for high wheat prices were broken 'east to Six, half a milo from Vaujour, big Mary Guyer Alma Hall Vera Marti)! Iotta PenB Silvia Miller ". 800! 750 1 750 j 750 730 i (50 j 750 LOCAL WHOLESALE MAEKET3. jumped to $1.20Si; December to $l.SJ'Hi thia area has been placed on sever) and May tQ $1.30,t. , small streams, only temporarily fort'- Corn also swung upward. It started j tied. '. is power out later prices enniDea iiniu i These outer works probably will aeo a Moderate general gain whs rccoraeo. Juo tactions for vats held within a narrow margin. On account of lower prices for live hogs, provisions were easy. RULING WILL FORCE THE USE OF METERS j aOVB AWAY DIRIGIBLE. . j jlilmrp, Sept. 4. A German Zepx .1 tried today to surprise the-Ant- phnv . .; . 'Appearing st soflie tlistanee from the ij, it attempted to drift over it with ; h wind from the direction of the I n Scheldt, that the noise of its pro- Wm night be noticed. ' f iWittkBi on the outlying forts . pled it, iowevcr, and hundreds of ; riflemen on rooftops and several aero guns in the cathedral spire opened fire on it. , ' r . v.; . .. The dirigible made" ' an , attempt to msh the wireless station but the fusil lade directed ag&imft ittvas to hot that it was forced to ascend to a higher level "and finally disappeared. , - It wae believed it 'Was hit." Iv . Th fireless cooker having been gen erally adopted, the farmer is now look ing for a fireless hired man. . . of a life time for the fortunate win ner, and the Capital Journal guaran tees that no expense will be sfjed in marking it a pleasant one. First class railroad fare.-the best of hotel ac commodations, and facilities for seeing the great fair at its best will be pro-1 vide 1 free of all charge by this paper. I It will be a prize well worth working! for..- . I Miss Jean Mclnturff is the leader in j the count todav. having displaced Mrs, Graco Eoff Hibbler. , .Several other j. candidates have made decided gains. I The 'plan adopted by thie paper forj fiving the trip does not require the eon-1 tostant to sell anything. The only thing' necessary to secure votes being to na-j tronize some of Salem's most popnlap, stores.' The advertisements or these; firms is run y in each Friday's Capital. Journal. These firms have agreed to give a gales check or receipt to every purchaser for cash or for monthly bills Stockton's The Toggery . Salem Electric Co. Salem Cigar Factory Imperial Furniture Company. Salem Laundry Co. Wiley B. Allen Co. The Globe Theatre. The Royal Bakery (bread wrappers) ' A. C. Devoe Shoes 1 The Spa Hauser riros. Trover & Weigel, Photographers Yokohama Crockery k Tea Co. , Vick Bros. Garage Salem Fish and Ponltrv Market Independent Meat Market (V M. Roberts Grocery Poisal and Shaw Grocery C. M. Eppley Grocery. The Highland Grocery Reddaway 's Cash Grocery J. L. iJusiek & .Son Grocerv ,Dr. Mark Skiff Dental Office VJ.; E. Hockett, Piano .JTuncr Salem Ice Co. "--. Hay. timothy Clover, per ton I Ml aad vatch ... (heat Wheat, per bushel I Bran, per I Oats, per I Chittim bark, per lb, j Potatoes, per cwt. .... Baxter ana xiggs. Nuttcrfat, per lb Creamery butter, per lb. ........ Eggs ... . Poultry. Hens, per lb , Roosters, per lb ,...... Fryers Steers. Steers much hand to hand fighting if the Ger mans attack between Genesse and Van jours. A Big Contract. Once they fall, however, tiie heavily fortified inner positions between tho entreuched camps of Saint Denis aint Vinceniies will make the work of get ting inside the city . wall a far moro serious problem. The reported capture of La Fere, if true, mimf ntrenltr on minniiv fontiiiu- $11.00 That by irricatiutr any part of a lot anionir Frenchnien concorniiiirthn nhil "('-8 the property owner is obligated to pay ity of Paris itself to hold out Indefi- 8.00 for the irrigation of the entire lot isinitely. The LaFere fortifications are It 8-00 i the oninioa expressed by Frank J. Mil-'miniature reproduction of those uf L...-L-1 n.- i . - . . . . .i i . . . . . ... . ... r uusui-i .Hier, or ine siate rauroatt eouuiiission, j raris, and their fall, af ter so brief a too - $'-8.00 j wnen asked about the new rates in the resistance, must have beeu highly en- ,,unCl 40c order applying to the Salem Water .couraging to the German. Mi5e company. Some property owners who i.uuihave large lots have inquired at the Capital Journal office from time to time if it were possible to irrigate ouly 35e 1 ti1(t front pnrt 0f their lots and pay by 23e j fi.e smiare vard. Mr. Miller said that , -if it were desired to water only part of j ,,,t- tha lot that the company could install .DU a meter, lie company ci 'Measured service is the most just, !eqnitiiblc and economical, anyway,' ....5Vj6c ; , tti i Mr Miner." and it is only a dues- tOWS, per CWt. .. "j(Sue : f time until all mililic, services Hogs, fat, per lb. 7 Ho(!)8 'jc wiu be 1, on a measured basis. Stack hogs, per lb J i Telephones, water and other services fcwes, per lb .:. 3 Vjc wi) bo vw&ed according to a regular Spring lambs, per lb. ... 44efe5e, - , te witn flM(1 rnto. M th0 electric Veal, lirtt class ..... 13a Pens. Dry, per lb 8e Salted country pelts, each 65c$l Lamb peVts, each 25o . Paints and. M$mx iar Your (l f fw?Ki? 4 Is N Imlsi ,, Y, rr& Imxm " - If f sH ' WufjH y im plac lights are on a meter and tho telegraph eompimy charges by tho message. In this way, as in the case of water, the man who has a flat rnto has no in centive to be economical with the wa ter and he uses all he can whether it is needed or not. If it were on a me ter ho would use what was required and no more. Thus it would be cheaper tha fninnanv anil I'hnaitnv fni1 tllA terday's close here today. Reports that: mer in'tha , nl ' , he wolllJ foreign governments were soeknig Am- pay ony.for wliat ho usoa.M WHEAT ADVANCES. Chicago, Sept. 4. Wheat prices ltd vanccd between 4 and a cents over ye' with LaFere eliminated as a pives for the unfortunute Franco-British left wing, the sorely harasred allied arnry must operato as if it were based on Paris. It has beeu forced to become: the advance guard of Paris' defender.!. This accomplishment within a week is a great tribute to the majs forma tion of tho German generals. SEATTLE MARKETS. Seattle, Wash., Sopt. 4. Eggs Fresh, ranch, 3940e Orientals, 18c Butter Local, cubes, 34c; bricks 35c, Oregon cubes, 32(5?33e. Cheese Llmburger, 19c; Wisconsin, 19cj Swiss (domestic), 24c; Washing ton, 17i18c. Onions Green, 20fii 25e per dor..; casl ern Washington, l(ri)l'j; Cnlit'ornl.i, 1 V(T2c. Potatoes Local, 1(o)lVe per pound, eastern Washington, l((iJl'jC. AEROPLANE A DIVER. for 1- imsiies ome If there is s shabby surface in your home to be painted, enameled, stained, varnished or finished in any way, we have just what you need for producing the exact finish desired in the line of ME QUALITY PAINTS AND FINISHES Let us show you colors for painting your house or barn; samples of finishes for floors, woodwork, walls, ceilings or furniture. Let us help you make shabby es look new and attractive. COME IN and get a copy of THE ACME QUALITY PAINTING GUIDE BOOK. It tells what Acme Quality Paint, Enamel, Stain or Varnish to use, how much will be required and how it should be put on. It not only enables you to tell your painter or decorator exactly what you want, but it makes it easy for YOU to refinish the many surfaces about the home that do not require the skill of the expert the jobs that a painter would not bother with Ask for a copy. IT'S FREE. London, Sept. 4. A German aero plane reconnoitering over a British war fleet fell into the water today near Harwich. The aviutor and an officer" who accompanied him were captured. The aeroplane sank. THE DAYS WAR (Continued from page one.) Half Million Russians. London, Sept. 4. Half a million Rus sians were rumored today to bo iu Eng In ml in readiness for a landing on the continent at the rear of German 'j forces in northern France. Tho oaar s troops, mostly eossacku, were said to have landed at Aberdeen, Scotland, from Archangel, and to havo beeu transported to southern English ports, whence it was understood tiny, would bo ferried across the channel to Intend to cut the line of tho kaiser '.i communications through Belgium. These reports could not be verified, ns tho war office had withhold all new since Thursday, but it was known tlmU all foreigners had been ordered to leavo Ostend, which was considered signil't cant of some important enterprise on foot there. C3. MX -i - ElTE HAEDWAIRE ate Street Phone 217 Don't Be Misled If You Have Lung Troublo If you have Lung Trouble, do not bo misled by reports of discoveries of spo eifics to relieve that affection. .No specific, hns as yet been found. Kci man's Alterative, however, is a medi cine fur Throat k and Lung troubles which has been successfully used itt many cases. If you are sick, it might be wise for you to investigate its mec- j its and its use may be of lasting beuo I fit to you. Iti'Bd of thit case: I 3li:t Seventh Ave., New York. 1 "Gentlemen: Five yours ago last August I was taken to St. Francis' bon j pital to lie treated for Bronchitis and : congested lungs. After several week' treatment I was advised by the doctor to go to a convalescent sanitarium, but could not be admitted becauso the do tor at tho hospital, after a thorough examination, declared my case Lung Trouble, and gave me a certificate to that effect. I showed the certificate to Father Stark, and be advised me to take Kck man's AHcintlve. I took tho Alterative faithfully as directed, and soon found myself free from niglk sweats and fever, and gradually get better. I have not taken the Alteta- tivo now for two years, and can truth fully .say I am well. I feel better anil am stronger than before my sickness," (Affidavit) MARY KORHAMER. (Above abbreviated; more on re quest.) Lckman's Alterative has been prov en by many years' test to be most ef ficacious for severe Throat and Lung' Affections, Bronchitis, Bronchial AstJi raa, Stubborn Colds and in upbuilding the system. Contains no narcotic, poisons or habit forming drugs. Ask for booklet telling of recoveries, and write to Eckman Laboratory, Philadelphia, Pa., for evidence. Accept no substi tute. Small size, 1.00; regular nir.0, 2.00. For stile by all leading drug-gists,