eight THE DAILY CAPITAL JOUBNAL. SALEM. OUTGO THTESDAY. SEPTEMBER 3. 1914. 44444444-4- 4 1 SALEM'S STYLE STORE i-M XIOOODICOOD r nirin I ilin IICT If iTiimnm . " FOURTEEN RIOTERS MISS YIM.1 MB ,tmar ,1 WANTS the ARRESTED AT BUTTE1 SOME STRANGE U, iu w numiu auw ; OKEAT PEACE Dtf HOUSE OF IlllM M.ZTTxwe,.. anion CUi. Sh. Saw Millionaire Wine Mer- Thero 1 iCH. chant Shot As a Spy. and That Call- Commercial rl.il f..r .i. .... " ',.- fo'""''r M , laus Was Shot Twice. for $50 or less, and this list in ready .ii.ivor.al broth.., ?f. P"" w be published for the information of Thoosophieal society JL. . . , i4n Attractive Showing of the New Silks It is indeed wonderful how such beautiful fabrics can be wo ven from little silk threads and so deftly colored as to produce such exquisite combinations as are to be seen in this showing of Silks in our Piece Goods Section. Women who admire pretty Silks should by all means visit Salem's big store and view them. Among the newest are: Plaid Messalines, beautiful colorings $1.50 a yard Plain Taffeta Silks, 36 inches wide, at $1.75 a yard Roman Stripe, Plaid and Corded Silks at . $1.50 a yard Figured Poplins at $1.00 a yard New Crepe de Chines, 40 inches wide $1.65 a yard Figured Foulards, small designs, only $1.00 a yard Black and White Stripe Messaline, 18 inches wide. . .85c a yard Black and White Silks, 36 inche ; wide $2.50 a yard Itutte. Mont.. Sept. 3 Fourteen uniou ; nil A t FTV a"'n "'harged with inciting rioting were' (JUALi I a arretted by military officials here to ' ' Alexander McLaiu and Edward. Jones, associated with "Jluckie" Me- : IVnald, president of the new miners I union, were among those lodged iu jail. J They were caught outside the eity while 'driving in a buggy- It was believed they were en route to .dcPonald'a hid ing place, as thev were heavily armed mid rarried enough provisions to lust ..Hi davs. n Tomorrow Is Remnant Friday ... Kn ....l.i; .til n ......... .... 1 iW . iu ur ,..,,,,,,,.. .... , ........ .in. igu u( , , UOOSOphlCal SOl'ictV Wl , , " homoseeKers uil over tne tinted Mates, play to l'resideut v i ""W The lands listed can most all be secur- .lohnson mi. I it... ... ' l,OTn New York. Sept. 3. The liuer St. Paul arrived here today from Europe on terms made by the buyer, aro till- witti several nuuure.i .Aiiicri.ni.s, innuu-. ,)ra,.t,raly ,,11 fenced, are in good ing Miss Helen Vincent, the singer. i,K.atioll ami ,,, mve houses on Miss incent declared sne was in er- thfm Some of thp farms oar (j uilles Anmist 1- end saw several , ,. ohh...,a ....... Erench eavalrvuien bauilagc the eyes of I ,'nn. ... i.. tnni,t l.h...i.w a (ierman spy an, I tnen shoot him down.' yi(tv i,llvr. t,r ..l,,.,,,, i,,.l h.vn Mcl.ain rarried a letter to McPouald. l.,,ter.'' eoutimied Miss Vincent, ' k., i;.,,.,.i iron, someone in loeur l .iene noun ailvised McDonald to "go strong'' and dynamite buildings. Headquarters of the Industrial Work !ers of tiie World were raided today and seven men arrested. No charges so far "I learned that the alleged spy was WIlt,n thi i;st j, ,,i,ijshed it wiu ,e Henry De Milium, the millionaire wine ,,,,, firt of it, kin, jn 0tef,n amj nierciinnt. 1 heard ihey found copies wii mar lbe beginning of an attempt of French mobilizatiou plans Mu his to fc., u)) tle ubliention of such a pockets. 1 also ncani that list until till tho I'hnnn linulu in Omrrun former Premier art, known and accessible. The lists have been preterrd against them, L tbiilaux, whose wife win acquitted te-'Wjl be sent to nil parts of the United U-.l- AIT .. ....... I I I 1... t.l.l. II.. .. I . . I . ,1 . .1 1 it was expected thev would l'e tried be fore a military tribunal on felony com plaints. j McDonald, it is believed here, ac companied by Joseph Itradley, vice-1 president of the new union, escaped 'yesterday iu an automobile. j entlv on charges of iiiu-lciing Uutun Calmette, the editor of ' I.c Figaro,' was shot twice in the lie.J Augiut 'J but was not killed." ', INTEEEST IN TENNIS ! TOURNAMENT INCREASES GOVERNOR SAYS OFFICE IS BROKE I Interest in the tenuis tournament for The governor's office is "broke," to , the championship of the Willamette use n familiar word, and unless some i valley, now in progress on the courts unexpected aid arrives, the telephones ! of the Salem Tennis association, on the: to the executhe offices' will be iliseon- campiis of Willamette miiversitv is nected bv the governors order. It .growing, ami a large number of inter- seems that the fund for incidentals iiites, to inquirers, to the railroads and to the Commercial elubs of the vurious cities. The Commercial club is not sell ing the lands, as they are listed-ith the nnme of tho owner and reference to a real estate agent. It w-ns announced this morning that those who want this list sent to them should send their nume to the Commer cial club. It is estimated that this plan will reach a large number of peo ple who are looking for good cheap lands, but who do not know where to find them. All Remnants At One-Half Price All Around Town AMUSEMENTS. BI.KHt Slate, between Liberty and High Motion pictures of "The Million Dollar Mys tery," Harold MacUrath'i great story. Solve tho mys- . tery and win H,(MJ0. This is tiie sixth episode. Read the story in the Capital Journal and sea it played at the Jtligb ; also Keystone comedies. GLODE State, between, Lib erty and High. Motion pic tures of "The . Trey o Hearts," with episode No. 3, "The Seaventure." Western drama "The Squatter's Unl" and the popular soprano Miss Elsie Edwards in lung. fd to traffic Sunday, the I.alourelle bridgj mucin ue. He drove over Tuesday in a Oo to Dr. Stone's for trusses. ,ested fans are watching the games each , morning ami afternoon. As the tour i nament progresses the playing is bi'- coming better and the weaker players eliminated. Hy the end of the week it is expected there will be some keen j contests played off. I It is generally conceded that tiie cup ; for the champion iu the men's singles I and the governor was obliged to dig 'will go to Richardson, who is said to' down into his own pocket for over - - be by far the strongest player hand- for his last trip to Washington, inconvenienced bv tiie proposed action linK thc racquet here. The cup is do- j D. C. of the railwav eonipanv. i nated by the liarr Jewelry company and ' The vice crusade and other increases ' u '' j is a handsome affair. ' " ! in state business have exhausted the W O. W nimnhm tili. nnt;i ti. I That there will be a warm tussle for i incidental fund. There is still some about the office has been exhausted, and it is contrary to law :o create a deficiency in this fund. The incidental fund appropriated by the Inst legisla ture included $2500 for the running of 111., i.t'fi, .. nml 1111)1) f.ir Ihe trnve ir.i i.v.i.itic.ia .if tin. iri.t'i.rinir Tin. trnv.il. I ing turn! has been exhausted long ngo 1 FLOODS IN MANILA. j struggle will be, it is believed, between! budget, it can only be used for ; : : , this i institution. The railroad commission Issued an or der this morning requiring the l'ncific ! Kailway & Navigation company to' erect a station nt cr near Idavi'lle in! wl 72 oermltt? i "'l "r'' ' There t examlna- o- W. O. W. members, take notice! trict Munag with us t (Hanquet.) Iric t Manager J. 11. Dennett will be j l'owca'on or the women s singles ; money iivhiiuimc ior cm-i k niie, uui as with us Eridav eveiiing. September 4 ""P already an assured lat. fhOi'nis tuiiii is mane op in ine lorm or a (Hanquet.) C. (i. Me Kirov, clerk. UIKmliu u - 1 .l . Salem eity jail are holv or not is a j Pl , ' Hr,la,"l'T1w" 19 question, but yesterdav' when a man ! f jtate champion Tins cup who had escaped from the insane nsy- "Jtvd by the l'r!,-vl,',,k' '''"lU" I" in was captured and was about to be j ,., ." ' . ., . ... placed inside the odd. white washed 1 ..,L ' P, f''r .the ch..mp,ons ,n the . v uuii.iivn la viiiioiicii vi. iinuser brothers and will be fouuht lor bv Mrs. K i Noi thrup and Itutler against Miss Ford ! ,lli9 "mount was cut dow n 500. s,iiiL' and Callahan. available fund by being nppoil Washington, Sept. 3. Eight persons were drowned, thousands of ohters were rendered homeless and heavy damage was wrought as tho result of heavy floods iu Manila, according to a cable- grtini received this afternoon by the war department from Oovemor (ionoral Harrison. Lower sections of the eity, the dispatch stated, were flooded in five feet of water al'tr 10 inches of raiu had fallen. I Miss Fording, who was the state chain- : pion iu women s singles in ll'l.'i. and walls he reverently took off his shoes. He said his name was John Patrick purpose, there is no -money available for stationery and office supplies, nnd when the .present supply is exhausted (lovernor West says people desiring a reply to their letters will have to en close a stamped envelope and a sheet or two of paper. The governor asked the legislature for 1(1(10 for the incidental fund, but The DETECTIVES PREVENT JEWELRY STORE RAID Z ' , ,K " . ,U and Callahan. available fund by being nppoitioned ,uLLi.,... ,'...! .. .. i .1 .V! . ."l The eup for the men's doubles chain- ""t m the form of a budget is now Itioiiship is offeml by Watt Siiipp. Thia slu,rt on toloplion nnl ti'Iraph m' 1 t!H4. Ai'rri I i mr in un uimniiiinniiiiint nt igor J. H. Dennett will be Z iZ VoHHh'Vu" ih t KTfoi " Ml''" a,ui B-Vr'' Mis riday evening; .epteiiiber t'Z? The' age , ,i Ty ,t . ' ! ". f K , (.. McKlroy, clerk. ilt .,,' ,,, t(J ' , . ; in he ladies' singles iT,sS North- 0 . , , , , run defeated Miss Thompson. 6-2. 6-2: morning the Albanv players came down ami were disposed of. They returned home this afternoon. This morning Dyrd and P.euhKiu do mi..!.. u. ....... . . ioi tne ... .r: 'U""J0 " caurcn8 m:with the requirements. Informal oil "'.'. at me rirst l ongrega-' .. , fr... .!' tional church for their first get-together iu" . . r-"..-...-. n. . Cited State, who eau aomulv I a, -j in inn men h Miiiirin i nnpnn ntootoii Ueeson, B-4, 6-1, and Hyrd defeated Flo assembly of the season. A short busl ness session was hcl.l ami nfi n.o :k'.mi;.,A j . . a . . -J", 7" ' :, 1 L T ! st groceries is the goods themselves, K. I.. House. After the ,l.l,n. . t.. " " " . ".. '" .""KK This afternoon at 2 o'clock in the House. Dr.'Mendebohn, specialist In flttltul , ilu1t. ",Bt wn' b glasses correctly. U. 8. bank building ' '" waH served. .i O I o Ths Christian Board of Missions will 1 Th css of the Pnciflc Livestock meet Friday afternoon with Mrs. J. A. eonipanv ngHinst Joiui 11. Lewis et al Todd, 710 South Thirteenth street. Mrs. " i" the federal court in Portland D. A. White, leader. , , today. The others in this ease besides ; ine The best argument In favor of the ' ,T" '? W'wurt '"' 'lo l'layod ....in., (iii.i ..i.-iiiiMifuu, in ine uiiAeu doubles, Miss Xorthrup and Dutler play, ed against -Mrs. Hush and Thielsen. At 3 o'clock in tho men's doubles, Heeson and Moores tdaveil acainst ANTHONY KLEIN PASSED AWAY TODAY! Dr. Utter, dentist pnone 00B. Salem ' esns oi l.ommere building. j valley of the Silvias river. The live -o stock company, winch is a Inriro -nr. selves, o An Albanv tow th0 old tug "Hattie," the boat mat was dragged into court last sum mer and sold by (be sheriff, un the' attempt was mads recently by ths ana '(!"' y Hardwood Lumber eompaV to, ftT,'. ViT'te! tlo ami Hyrd. At 5 o'clock a match is on betweei: Henhnm and Butler. siate ure niembi rs or tho ..i.ir . .. . . ' . "-t: ......i . i a........o . . ... ., . 'board nml .i,..m,, .1 ....i .V ,r 10 rt,n.v. oi sne was taken no i """' r,oiwj, imiicauug tnat ' ami a numoer ot settlers in th.. r....i .i . . Ii ...... ..... i:.i. i-, . ""uui iiinu IIIU ..CCV rUIuni O.ir Oil t v ..nir linn lliaurr HIUIICU 111 account of tho low water. At that ' "ns ,''HS!I outside of the election pampli- . : & ! ... . t I..... m. ... i . .. i . . . A IIcsiim ws. l..n.t r. .k. onmtW.n . e; ,1,,; v. . . s tmpossioM to get any . s.amp saies ior lan uioiitn marriage of Hi.rvVy W. KZCl meat It the dbufon of Z "" ! I' L 1. T',ht b!'k io. i Jl T ! V. L,.h' ? settlers und the shipped'to Albanv. When ),.. n iiisnnfactnrer of Forest Urovo, and Miss 1 of the river among th Uael I, McLean, a teacher of this city. : oompany Attorney doners. Crawford rises she will bo tike, k Ii. 'i . -o is naudling the ease for the state .. . 1 uuo was issued today by ths Brlnf your uates boma to have them ! o ' i win. .v.. .v... . I . , ., . . ' eoi.nty clerk for the marriage of John polish and mounted. Gardner W. O. W. members, ta noUc.l Di by-products inXstrie J,h.3 , .. .7 ': vm t!". !"' iveeno, .is, street. I m'"' Manager J. II. Itennett will h i v..t-t,l i.i...... " ' . . i ''o-ieu, wno cr resiuence. 4 u.:.k . - l. . . jiii.u.i , un u peri uaneiu 1 h : With US ! riitnv ..v-nnini. i I i :.. .. a . . V. . . . n .11..... .Y 7" .. ;. ..!" '" i'"'""cr imaiit mu. 10 eneci organi.ation look San Fraucisco, Sept. 3. The vobberv in broad daylight of a downtown jewelry store by a gang of five rnxicnl) bandits was balked by the police today with the capture of the entire gang. The five men. all of nhmn apr. ev. counts and the office is officially de- eonvicts, had hired a taxicab in which dared "short." " i to escape. Two of the party, however. were not lodged in prison until oue of them, Jack Smith, had shattered Df.tee-. tive Miles Jackson's arm with a bullet. The police, learning the quintet hud planned to rob the jewelry store of W. " . . ; '. llesthall, prepared early iu tho duy ; to capture tho entire gang. Thnuj of Anthony Klein, a prominent Salem , them, Andrew rreseott, James V. As resident, passed quietly away at hisjpinall and Clarence Fitz, wpix arrestol home on 1118 Oak street this morning us they were about to start for the at 7 o'clock, aged "X years. All of his; jewelry store iu the taxicab. DeVvlivea family were at his bedside. ' Jackson and Gallagher met Smith and Residing in Salem for twenty three Charles Mack as they were coming down years Authony Klein leaves a wide-the steps of their rooming house to circle of friends. He toon his place enter tho taxicab. Hoth submitted among business meu in Salem when he, quietly to arrest and handed over two started me iviein shoe store. lie is al-: revolvers. Smith, however, whirlej so well known on the coast, as he has j suddenly on his eaptors and drawing oeen me coast representative or tnei another revolver, fired pointblank at Ferris Shoe company, travelling iu that Uiallagher's head. The bullet missed capacity tor 1 years. ami and shattered Jackson's arm. Jack- Mr. Klein has been ill at his home for son wrested tho revolver from the i 1 I .1 ... lIM.t. T..i,. I ., . . ... ... .. . . ' annul mree moniiis. un l oriiaiid , tnug sv band, relied him with the buit specialists, and loving solicitude of his and placed all five men under arrest, family, he has had constant attention - a -since his illness. !,.,. . l:-::.,'is ri'i- ! INVESTIGATING DEATH , .-i.i, iuiii iitiiiiiiri3, ...in. -ii.ii x ui- I lette, of I'ixley, California; Mrs. Clyde I'hilliber, of Portland; Mrs. George Sinieral, of ixley, and iuiss Kniinaline Klein; and two grandchiblreu, .daxine Folletto and George Anthony Sinieral. The funeral services will bt held and the state in the Fiiio,, ,lrKiu. S,.pte.nher 2S. be set J.U M .red eaee day for the aatiou .J the war in Kiirnna .. :.. l ' "' me Ting.ey urg'e, ,h;t- before- day i ...,;,. ,ti..u" all nationalities in this co.,ntv7ri! ' llltit, b'ss of I heir religion join. it's for sole, q Want Ad will sell it. ioornj LAST CHANCE TONIfjHT t To See tie Sixth ifiyfo THE MILLION DOLLAR MYSTERY .4. . AND EJtt'iug Good ComwlT Program. TOMORROW AND SATURDAY THE HOUSE OF I BONDAGE In Six Reels. From the book of thc ssm name, that has aroused tho whole world. Over three million copies sold. The clergy says: "THE GREATEST OF FILMS." No Eaise in Prics. BLIGH ; THEATRE 10c ONE DIME 10c OF MILITIAMAN Governor West is investigating the report that the lack of provision for NEWJ0DAY One cent per word eaoh ituer tion. Copy for advertisements ai der this heading should be is 2 p. m. PHONE MAIN 8L FKKS1I COW for sale at '-l VtrrjA FOR RENT Housekeeping Twmi, V High, l'hone i. ' ( C. I). McKlroy, clerk. o- J ing to the extension of tho markets for inese ny-products, a -call has oeen is- The case relative to tbe $75,000 issue Stata Labor Commissioner Hlff will ' (Hanquet.) leave for Portland tomorrow t' irsve. I t gate mnor eomlitions on the Columbia An order suspending the new tariff sued bv the Fruit ..) v...,..t..i,i.. n.'. 1 "f rod bonds in Hood River county Highway, It is repo.ted thut the eight , '"" I'ortland Railway, Light products Industries in the Northwest ' w'" a:uo,' the supreme court to hour law is being violated iu some in. lower company until September . for a conferenco in Pnrtlnn.1 s,.,,i.....i.... morrow morning at 10:30. The suit was He will return Tuesday. i pending an investigation by the ..-omi- 10. It will be the aim of the conference ,,r,,"Knt "gainst the couuty by W. U missiou, was issued tins morning. It to standardise, the park, to reduce the "rK- t- ''" 1 "vcrt " appearing for appears that in the new s- hednln of rate, and strain of pmo..tiii..., u...i ..i.. I Clark and A.J. Herbv for the county. i ne iunerai services win ot neid "i1"1 lN"1 ,a 14 ul provision ior , - - , - from the familv residence, Saturday, at thp ''(""fort of the state troops at the n rrKRS for carpets; 10 tetH '2 p. in. The Christian Science service encampment at Fort Stevens was re- ,,,,,,,',.'" i.iurn-.l office. ! will bo read at the homo and the B. P. spoi.siblo or the death of W. A. Ritter.' l)Cr huudrtd. jounu : H. loili'P. will nuvn s'hiirtrn nf of Portland, a member of the Oreiron 1 7 O. h. lodge, will have charge of the services at the Odd Fellows eemeterv. Interment will be in tho 1. O. O. F. or i'ortland, a member of the Uregou i r ,-,ciT rni,i ..hatelaine l'in, Coast Artillery Band. The encamp-, -" Leavo JVt Journal office. ineiii nuicn was neid at ron Stevens . Stnuces. . . .... ... 1 cemetery. i oegan on July ll' of this year and eon-1 STAUTF.D NOW hoiesaie s"" i . . . . . . i . a L'-.i.i a,"- oo chicken tamaie ai " " Try Scott's loe meais. stit. T7": , , . TMf l'"P'd by the company that it. tiie cost of handling ami transportation., SUto Highway Commissioner H. L. , ' planned to absu.lou a spur track ! ..u.i... rc.nrucu last nir.ut irom an ii.. "at runs into an industrial district. The Miller Hayden. who ATTORNEY GENERAL SAYS TUESDAY IS LAST DAY tinned until July 23. It is reported', that Ritter died on July 19 of eonipli-. cations which followed a cold eon- Lunch. traded on the night of bis arrival at: WILL buy Italian prunes io u. ... . It has been reported at tbe office of the .ort. The letter from tho wife of the dead Attorney-General Crawford vesterdav r .. vi-. muii iv mi' viicci inai wa j ine siaie iisn ami eame eomunssion tnat c. ......!.... a :.. .i... ... .. man .tutt.. ik.t thA .t.i. , ......... n.AVa I 11.. Vi 1 . . . (0,"1",bltt ;r,'ro''.'""""''on will conduct an in- Tuesday for riding his motorcycle with "Hms W ,,,,,,v 0ra,'t MeElhiney certificates of nomination 'in the eon- 'Oiupelled to sleep on the wet ground ln l L rrl' ! v,'"!1n.,l,,n to. f"'d out whether or not the muffler cut oft open, was given a , worc rr(,s'l Corvallis by C. C. te8t between Justice Charles L. MeXary o straw or cots had been provided. ianu to Miepncrd s Dell it will be open- shippers in this district are to be hearing in the police court vesterdav 1 ,,'-?u lnc warden who found two an,l Judge llenrv U Benson for the Th? reports from the fort state that , afternoon. He stated that the cut off 11h,",'!ie pheasants in their possession. Republican nomination for Supreme straw was "t provided until the see- . . . . - - - -r -r I n A 'l'K . I l' - A r It AXAAtii ... A 'S UTIitml.l in., ii. .. ...4 .L . . i .VUI I nil (I H ITS 11110,1. OlUMl lltM'ltlimtiill ir Ihe blOre That S.1VIS Ynil Mnnov . attempting to adjust the stand ' Ttttt OI SPECIALS THIS WEEK ONLY tne machine, which had .1 from its fastenim-. but admitt...! tl. muffler was open but not for more than f i.l fet. llis story was corroborated bv the arn-sfing officer. Spencer, and as 4. the case showed ueither willnilness nor carelessness he was dismissed. Ilia, miy iianac - - quantity to HH)0 bushels, rhone z.i. rue uu i'-, ,v A. Townseud. - WOMEN WANTKP.at the j ilv l torv, H.V, Oak street, for work, which if taken now wM yoi employment all winter. The opinion is in nccoril with an in. ' or's office are meager, however, and .-... 1 of CaprU I terpretntion put on thc law bv Secre- ,ai1 to fix the responsibility for the i , ' .. 1 .ih to di'l su 10 recover money was Brought (lUy of state Oleott several davs ago. "PPaionf lack of provision for the wel-l r-'"r i" ' vu,nni eoinpany but contrary to the views held bv Oov- far' of the soldiers. Tbe governor will; ,'a."'c ' I""" . , y;... ; ftook N"' criiur csv ami !iaie 1 reasurer Kav. , """"kic tne uiaii'-r luriner ana take. ' . , ,.i,,iIPf street. I . u. ----- - The reports at the gover- ' of by the Dreynmn Leather against K. .1. Stanard todav iu the cir- c.ni coon. 11 is alleged in me com- The State Cauvassing Hoard will plaint that of 13,M1. 23 worth of goods meet Saturday and the question of sold and delivered to the defendant whether an extension of time is to be I since May 2) lOOti, ihe sum of $1,119.99 granted to allow the contestants to Sues Precinct. ill be thr..hu.l oral nop Yard iiil f nullv l,...uti.. ;.. '""'r me costs 01 me sun. a out. the Salem police slaii..,'. i l.i..f -n ,0t in Woodburn was attached by the action as the ease i., Aner tracing a stolen bicyclo from ""puu ine piainiut bsks ior recount the vote in Si t ' Corvallis throiiLdi In. I..11..11.I..1...., n.... ...... the recovery of this sum and interest Cnrry Countv. then will sin-h necessary merits. Fitter was employed iu the offi.-e of, the O. W. K. & X. eoinpany. of Tortlaud, where he heJd a responsible position.. He been iu the employ of the com-: pany for five years. LINOLEUM Ttt Squars Yard. Best A Grads Ialsid ji.33 Best B Grids lul&ld. Best 0 Oradt Inlaid.. Print D Si, Inlaid.... Print E 8-4, Inlaid... Print E 14, Remnant,, Ws bar a fins assortment if all tbsss lines and can SAVE YOU MONEY. -U5 .$ .9". .1 .ii .i .39 . .33 CARPETS Per Y.rd. Bigelow Body BroscU $1.60 Bigslow Axmiustsr jj.gj Bijalow Uwtll Ax3dnster..i.58 Standard Axminster $1.30 Saxony Axminster ....$1.19 Bst Imp. Brussels $1.03 Standard Brusssb $ .93 Medium Brussels .75 All Wool IntnUn.... ..$ ,78 Half Wool In train $ '1,; . .K ..... 11:. ...... . lttnilititf. i 1 lur lui.HHis iK.nce, iook i.ack yes-;' J4 ;terdy evening the wheel I .tat was iak-j vl. . ' en from an old Oern.ai. in th. rnr Dlds h,v I named Stutts. When the t.l.el . 'ter Spaulding, old Oern.ai. in that citv ' ...onr Dlas .Mv 6n rfcve1 Stutts. When ih.. .i ...' "alter nauMing, chairman of the .found here. Chief Shedock said that it ; rri",in 'omniittv of the Salon, eoun- m uoi iieiong in Salem, and iimi...li. " r""""; " " " t--iu ately got to work to l.u ui ,1. v eomin.ssiou charter drafts by the eon. town, lie sent a iiitl inr.l ...... land to the dealer and the dealer said jm" was ownej in Corvallis. The next day the Corvallis chief arrived, lie IT 'said the whvl was the first one that h liermso had ever owned and that Jt;h was heartbroken over its loss. 11 ' ,5Ul of W.WI.18. an. increase. ,wEKNKv.pS??oxwed,,e8. PARDONED MAN MUST PiWrZXiSfcZ phere; BE GOOD ALL HIS LIFE net ton, on IVIIevue street, Josephine' Phemetton and Arthur Sweenev. " The young couple left for h ii.irtK . A t.rioner iur.lnnn.1 .... . the eouueil last on a short bouevuioon trio an.l ;n nenitentisrv ..nn.i;t;...u - .1 U, . . ..... . ----- - u. . . . -....i.vii.ii. iiitir ousvrve is exieed that two more bids at home, upon their rntnm in joi... th tm. nf 1.;. .v . . will be received hefor anv re..ort is .h,.,. M, s.,. : ' ... " ' k:. Z . , : r iorrsr or .... ., " :, . B lw, t-ui-iiier. .""" me according to an opin made to the council bv the i.nntinir 1 0 i 1 1 " .. "I mitlee appointed by year, 3,tHM.I over W mcnth, the postal! the largest ever collected In committee. The chairman said this Jis Arrived is too heading orer eral at the reouest Tt r 1 ' ' V morning that the bidders were slow in poster picture of an handsome Sa- warden of the Orwon cj., putting in their bids and that as soon Wm baby boy. in the window of the tiarv Th opfnior nt!!!" a. all were i a r,Tort would bc ui.de, rand opera bouse pharmacy. 1 Z "ZlSS . - " r . . . . " f'"'"".'! "uuo lime 01 ni nricrmal ..ml...... .kn quick. ' .- v-i J..n?tcf,i', room; also barn if blocks from good stores. 0e ( J well. On Inglewood ear lw& at 8S0 North Seveuteentn. iI3.W-10-ACBE fruit ranch, , filberts, bearings 4 sort' peache? arrfffuncs, !.?' iere timber, balance m lU" 'rf . no buildings; 3,. on es out, : ' road. Fart cash balance J- os ; , See owner. Low & PjemckVJ , PERSONS offering to or rooms with or with .tho;, ' or place, where st"'1''?". nt part or all of their W P' w full particulars to t.fc, IS I lamette Vniversity. A H 11: .indents for rVL-. WAS I receipt, for the month of Vu.t T r'?. ,U eu'?, l.,ll0UKtt I'M rew.irjmjj 10 sua at a u. i . "... mr rn. wMiinep K.tf n..n aii.-ii thut cow iiimm..i Ave It had Your Credit Is Good liars tile J3ro4. "ffVMsfm Stores in Washington Oregon and 1 at the moon which the expired that be is bound to keep 1 . ' ? ,,hot0" ,,rvin" the conditions an.l if he t been learned tnat it is v e iv. 1 . . ... i;m ti. . .k.. 1 : . .....11.. k... . .t ..... "'.' r'iurne.i ait ....... ... m,Tiiui u u... uiu- - .v... ,.nuiu aim ie mUc Tel-, length of tim has exni Hd the past few days has begun to low is Olen Albert Weigel, son of the the remainder of his ie use and tho barometer shows the needl Salem Photographer. It u i.u. k., .-. n . J - . w ...i. ii. r uiunins oitt. and will forme, r that am h z' v month at the Salem net ffi. i , i rrH'l"'ton was expeetml at most any graph. ,mg to tue monthly tateineut of lwt master llucke.lein. The jHistal re- .eeiptt for the mouth of August, 1913 w,te t.Wti.O.'V. ami fur th month 0f. July, 191. were 3,:tM.02. . The ea.n for ths partuularly heavy increases in lsai rweipts last month was that ap StlLn like wld " Y f,ct'.t ft famous wan ol imr. ' J on ob- U.h1 ioi , Au ii,p breaks -AtfZ?.Ti turned after any- AYrX ,i m.nal st pired to serve out pni.ihl. trybc0r K sentence. . bdy bnymt;; farmers. ta-wti, "fll. uivr. BKMiun, j ior - , - . . ..-lil ..... 1 'c Sell for Less Because We Buy for Less 1: 'ortlaud, was made bv a morA I Kin o that are secure.1 tht nn nn ."- 1 per cent interest mar h.-. ..:i.t.i.i prox.ni.tely S3I..HM) jmphlets contain- Z . 0"tet ' . Li V ifc.' f . .x7T, U th "wer assign, saUrr mg .astro. tion, to voter, were mailed i weeks mJ bow V.nU a, on. VJ Joarnal Wont Ad, arc a big rity for the loan the loatTiw " by rVereUry of State tM. ott at a. ex- 1.2 Tw I TTl hlo to the farmer, u,h,n thJ. 'ered to be- th ,,h i . K.. n ,a lnl folumn the w mark. art too busy to come to town. ? no rorn'1 !,,!.'"mett wki. h ba ri h-h.-,, ,-ir. 1 ' 1 ' t . ' .n Worde,l in tbe usual way. tw.. 1-cuu.t. Xi.ch. for seyenil uas yet, although weather Temple of Childhood at the San Fran .....I, niy .tnapgo suddenly and e.aco exposition, break the drouth. The river has droiv-. pr copy. .-vrtn' " . orice JJ emu. potlJ. SI. 30. I dolrn tori ICO'. C O. IK onVr or mere nnt K SI 00 to thou vouf onKr - for n Vo '.h- start it !"" ll-X- v. -: AN Peti iiivin iCilici; . The "I'in I It . hm Wthi i their I'M I visio T tai i(ir. 1 Tl fie M, 1 T fverj 1 T t I day I VI sot i 1 1 u u 1 till! l I fl4 if.; t; t u ; v i 1