SIX THB DAItT CAPITAL JOTONAL, BALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 2. 1911 Get the The Gun Men of Rome; Caesar Op to Date SPnon la SALr.M, OEEOON. itop at BLIGH HOTEL Btrictly Modern. Free and Private Btl. 6ATES 75c, 11.00, $1.50 PER DAT Tua only notel In th. business district vgetmeNoW?! -H.LXO . ROME C IO.W&LL. S&m r WIS rELLoWs LfcMY bAsSANiO AND QMA "fflfc I Too Much Barest to all Depots. Theatres and Capitol Balldings. n name Away iron Horn. i t. w. bwqh, rrop. Both Phones, free Auto Bus. woss I GOTCHA I I I I J.- O. . W 1 . . - . 1 T 1 1 I I 1 ' ii " ui KWHfcP;1 qX:CAKAf?,7HEfc YOToo U , PAKE AKO ' riT" I v. . ' IS A MArf riT7ird ?Vp? THat1 ITcMtA S4Lr-nri J ; - I r-' 1 1 1 NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY BOKOHARDT MEiLEDlTd VMtdrat Ant. S85 gtt Btr SPORT NEWS SflMF HRATir f AW? MVCTFDV ClIDDAlTKinC I m i irinrMv STAR RLERS ACADEMY 1 SENT TO THE DRY DOCK : Baseball : viuiwiiv liil If v IN FORCE IN ENGLAND Aa Englishman' House Just Now Is a Public Castle, and He Must Mosey Along When Told to Do So. Joe BoehUng of Washington Americans Under the direction of fhe, antl Tom eon of Brooklyn red- Sisters of the Holy Names j erals Laid Off With Injuries. NEITHER WILL PITCH i AGAIN THIS SEASON j j Pclfic Coast League Gets a Shake-up . and Sacramento Is Sidetracked for Season on Account Poor Support. Pacific Ccask League Standing. 1 . . W. L. IV t. , ortlaud SO (i ,5,;7 l.w Angeles , 7( .34 San Francisco s:j ;i) 541 . -r--ci?, iruvjsn n-uiuin n inn ruiii v, p jl) ,4 . ... inmrillo ,,7 s- 4 ); uhl0l"l 60 PO .4U0 Yesterday's Results. At Venice Oaklaml t(, Venic-e 0. At San Francisco San Francisco 4, 1.09 Anjjcli's 2. At Sacrnniento Sni riiin..i,(. o r. la.i.l 0. ' Vnl1i...Ai. w a.. IJSr Hal ShHdn4 league standings. New York. .Sent 9 t-J. 1. .... L. P' t. , ,. , ' 7 ' "v v. unnt- I VHIICUUVer ... 4 1 itlrt hllll itnr .. ir .... f i ... " ."If .1... . r ii'attie Ss -,.- Courses in Harp, Piano, Voice '' of the lin', Fl,.rals-aW TiTowa' h ! Culture, Violin and Harmony. whether either will ever pitch . , jHKaiii. No interference with religion Sentnn. it is nui.t, lnm l.een working niiuiir nvice us much as nnv pitcher fdhoul,!. He now i Imrelv hI.Im tr. his hand above hix head! The teilrw London, Aug. 22. (By mail to .New LOS ANGELES MURDER Wealthy Los Angeles Woman Taken for Auto Bide Is Murdered and Body Left by Roadside. Los Angeles, ( al., Sept. 2. Searching lork.) IV proud boast that "an ; today for the notorious man who tele Englishman s house is his castle" can- nhnn-l i.,.i o t- .. not be boasted just at present. Here widow of the late Major P. B. A Ken-' are some of the tliini. n,t ,h.. ,;iif..r,. !. ,.. . ..... . J 1 ? : . . "eci, 11 rivu war veteran, took her for or naval authorities can do. without re-1,,, -automobile ride snil mimtiM.i i!?. t SALEM, OREGON BOARDING SCHOOL AND DAY SCHOOL Moat approved methods, Pri mary, Grammar and High School Departments, Complete course to the civil courts, under the "defense of the realm act," which par- uunieiii paused in a few minutes the Police were rnnfi.lpnt that on re?t soon will be made. Airs. Kennedy's boily. Her lips and throat scared as by ... lu a irw niKiuics: ln T.. I. - - - . - I uu possession or any land, build- an fin' r ,rints V tCr"- ' , .,nL;n,L.!::r,rrk! ? -.'e bruise on the back of "her: any other vehicle of transportation. weife'r. . ri?? Em N f.' ' iD3i''e Cause the removal or destruction of .". ; " M bVP any bunding, ..tatue. or Cher property oun ' LH, L of pupila. MODERN CONVENIENCES DOMESTIC COMFORTS Victoria ftallnrd lliston St. Louis Chicago j of his right arm are strained to such a 1 decree thnf hin fri...i,u e...,. i. , : , 0 . " 0111 'never he she to nit.-h T,..,. ! stopped over at Youngstown. Ohio, and Philadelnhia , had Hiinrsetter Ree.o vi.m;.,.. 1.1 'l""a i.v,i 1. "'? 'iicinnati a 1 .. , ' , "uv rest ami I'itNlmro .ShoIaiti Villi- korrlr.. i.mJ lllll I reil t me n " . ..... .. ,, I B.. h ...... "in 1 Urooklyii IMOnday in September. .Manager Bradley of the Brooklyn Philadelphia Federn Is sain h.. iirl...l.i.- ,.:n . 'n I 'I "ia l..n T... ... . ' . . . " " 1 "" Boston Addre... SISTER SUPERIOR also" admitted the missiliUity''? ' i ton 's pitchin' ilnvs I tninrr mop rTTTTTTTTTTTTTWtttmttt i I,,,,,,, : , UIIC . I has pitched his las ,Z! 7,;:! Vrk -. , ,,,, Kmt, (lepemts left knee l,""',,"n "n tU r.lia..a.oli. Mor than a month a?o Boehlinir in- i.'uK ' . :ired his k,... .ii.ii8:... .I i Haltunore date. A XL l,""",'"'" . "P B,,,np Vfioi, hn, W " , . ru "I'"8- Kansas Cltv : " St. Louis Sacramento SldetrsrkH 1'ittsburg ti'l t2 .423 ."5 H" .3l3 STANDINO OF THE TEAMS. National. v .. , W. L. ret. .New Aork go 4!) fi3 51 .r.a3 04 i)6 .0.1:1 63 57 .52.3 53 (il .41m 54 04 .45S 52 02 .4511 American. 52 02 .45(1 Washington , . . . U I I'eiruit Chieago GOOD BUYS IN REAL ESTATE federal. S3 .'is .0S6 0!t 4!l .5S.1 517 i .01 .504 AO 03 .4SH 50 00 .459 55 00 W S5 .314 or order the inhabitants to leave any place needed for naval or military uses. Close saloons entirely or during speci fied hours. Knter. bv force If neert ha nnv h mi tin or snip suspected or being used to the prejudice of the state. Arrest any suspected person without warrant. AISO. nnlH'itlllln!nn 1. ,.f. .... , . .. .......,,, Ul-gllll declaration that "Britons never shall oe slaves," here are some of the things free-born Britons may not do: Loiter near a railroad bridge. tSell or (rive intoTimntu a u..ii;. or sailor on duty. Spread ( v..vuv.v'i nivu i( rui ia calculated to create alarm amjng the "uul' "r '"e civilian population. Light fires or display lights on hill tops or other high ground or buildings. Tamper with or lnitr ....a- ,.,i...,...i. or telephone lines. Civilians who do any of these things mar tie punished hv those who disregard" militarv commands to "halt" mav he slmt a;iunt i liallenge. Accordintr to the nnl ipA .To Vn ...... an amateur boxer, was well known to Mrs. Kennedy. They were looking for him today ia the hope that he mav be able to give some lead that will 'help them solve the mystery. That death was caused by fumes of a volatile poi son, such as chloroform, which had been forced into j)pr nmiir h hnt n.h:l. - -'W.-H1, uuv nuiuu he (Jul not swallow, was the finding todav of Dr. A. V Wo dena, surgeon. Death was due iv suauiguiHllon. Mrs. Kennedy was a verv attractive woman and was well known in Los An geles. Her late husband was a former prosecuting attorney of Marion countv, Indiana, and said to be the youngest nan I i - 1 it ...... ciruieu to in state senate. INNES AND WIFE ARRIVE IN TEXAS Bananas Bananas o Large, ripe Bananas, special now at Fancy large Lemons Large Oranges Extra Urge Grape Truit ' Pine Malaga Grapes Large Cantaloupes Casabes '.'.'.'.". Tomatoes Sweet Potatoes Irish, Potatoes. Onions 2oc for 21 25c per dozen 15c per dozen 3 for 25c ...25c per lt. 6 for 25c ..15c and 20c .7 lbs. for 9V 8 lbs. for 25c , - o ios. ior 25c ..1.05 per bushel or 14 lbs. for 25c 12 IDs. for 25c WOHL'S FUIT MARKET, 383 State St. Free Delivery l 07 52 .503 07 53 .55! 01 54 .530 59 00 .513 ENGLISH OBJECT TO AIRSHIP ATTACKS limits, all in bearing price jfiou per acre, t per month. Hti acre tract come Sbb Antonio, Tciax, Sept. 2. Vietrr K. Innes and his wife ..l,Mr.,..,i the murder of Mrs. Eloise Nclms Dwnis I ana ner sister, .VIiss Beatrice Nelms, of Atlanta, Oa., were awaiting prelim inary hearing here today. Both were confined in the Dodge county jail, where Mrs. Innes was reported on the verge of a nervous breakdown. More than 4(100 persons met the pri soners on their arrival at the station here. Innes refused to discuss the charge against him, but said, he had been hounded hv Rnrm ,loto.,t . - " unvviutOj nuu had represented themselves as report- . i felt that the former would not be at 4 50 .627! ........i i.;: I viill'trili .I-IIIHIIN NIIPiA4.rilBV '0.10.576, v..o i . .. v..,l( miirrii-i,u amuassauor London. Sent . Cm-nn, .-c: t.llu A V I.e........ I Al. I .... I ! . . 57 in idc ' : " i"e uwiitwi resentment s,l 'j-, i!"!ro t0,lav t the bomb, throwing activ- 53 OS Jt 1 "erman aviators who have tos- .;. ... . ' explosives i'rom ftlC hesven. inn . . . .. : ti... v."."""w 'OUBcKoa. "u "'. French and Belin.n eitl... p. Acre tacts just outside or the city ,7" "nc,sco, wept. 2.-.V gigantic 1 n,,;.,.;,.; ociauon. nt-intlWli wi7h B, .iv represented themselves as report- nits a U in bc.riag orchard, good soil; : J Cons, Lseball " ' ' IU , Z ' if I'.fit I 'JOl, ,ln also. denied h & he ivr 9tm nr a it rinwn iiBinrio 1 " iiiviur was fitinmini'twi i.,.-.. i . " 1 i.t .".u j;n " " ..... nuuju uroourp trip miuamrr aina t 75 64 -to mll",(', l'01ss","1,-v- b0 0,W 88 i,e Ger- J proper time. 6 73 65 .529 "T,, ZZhVtvL fr0m the iaa Mall Nelms, a brother of Mrs -., .:. Bd northern rreiich coasts it . n...:. ...i m:. ' . ,r ". iurs- Well Improve,! fiv. ,e f ia ih. n.i i.! . V ' ' f" Kansas (if 11' ?f ? i that this danaer was ,mh. u ... . ! . 1U,.8S i,e'ms! Dgl.t t0 mile, from 8alen : will k a,A LI.,?, n lukZ U? "'" Kn'"-' Min.,e 1 ii '1!? e,t, since the North se nih . "mi! " V. n"8e - - - .... on iivn, I . u-.itji ii. - . ' '... . a km ...... . t At a conference of tl,,. ..: Sioux City "o wri oi in mi in to trade' rectors Tnn.,l. i. i- ,St Jo,,.,,!, r Willamette Valley orooertv. I "m. IV "B"? 8.",,, "l n LI 1 , , . iwiiiii, i.os An-1 n -r 5-room Krvu.A i . 1 gi'lcs and Sacrnmento wer n,......4...i I ur Jioini's In'aring fruit, close to school and ear-'!, Mlurc of sTmento to support A'""'.01" i;,i Tl.i. u . ...... i!.i. u. i. i the club representing ti,,. i lOmaha ! fussed, and it was the 1 " nhita Well Imnroved 1ft iim tr.., i directors tlm i.. v . . . .r , . . .--' - t - .-ui-Kiiiienro gatues f-tleiu to trade in on lare acreage. fr the remainder of the season he 20 acres of Rood fruit land nearlv M IZZT. ! wi, 'e under eultivatbu, balance timber. Price San Francisco OakZid i. 'T"' 1.700; 30O down, balsnc. - 1 akl,"'' to have ear. fl per cent i.,l,re TM. l' . i ierf. noin' grounds. Iv hov' . ",p mo' " PIroved by the lea . ' nue as n. wh.ii., i k. i .. r . "r in me wav of JU nt .11 .... ..i.i... !" rl'eriinent, with t ie v xtr .ion; j.lenty fruit, hot barn, chicken ''-'"V 'lul" in n Francisco, houe. Located oa macadam road n, ?, ! , s Unkl1"1 f"U share of games oh a.a .;i. the home crounds." . iin,7 aiuiii 'uiuur, nui iiiKe house and lot up to H00O as part uav-i , - meut. Price $2,200. Venice at San Tranclsco. ?' Micramento and Venice VGA Pure Cane . . $7.50 Beet ... . . 7.35 Per IOO pound sack WESTACOTT-THIELSON COMPANY (INCOEPOEATED) Successors to Thlelsen Cash Grocery 151 N0ETH HIGH STEEET ' L. A. Westacott Co. : TELEPHONE 830 I I tlU .Oi if . L- . . . " 6Q fi rft.i;" "" "a" cauien a protest to Wash 0: TS ,; .i'!11K'on SRainst Oermau bomb-throwing (!l 71 4fi '"V? 'hP Fr"m'h paPital wtl9 'Waived Topeka 5" 8 w'.",'fl. ",terest- bt ' was not thought' O- !. ..INS I.K .. . ,,,,14 , a- the practice. Walt Maranvilli By A. M. Corrlgan. ?erf McGhe tayti ! , ' ."' ""amento and Venice JO acres of land all uuder cultivation, i h the attraction in San Vrm...i oo.t draluagft, small home, barn, chick- 'h originally scheduled as the . i w "' mmw ,rluI- r,,' ; , ' "m 10 '1,n F rancisco with the $730 down, balance at 0 per s',n'". play on their own cronnds -'t Interest. aer..M the .ny. The week following room house, lare lot, hard HHrfaee';'"; RZue,'"W -tree,. ci;.se to carline. Price aitlM; ' will be c , r i ed . it i JSC s. ,P 'i00 cash, balance, to suit, - .'j., s iCl A 5 acres nearly all under cultivation, ,1 u ,"u,e,at fortlaml. During 4 miles f'rom Saleui and close to rail-: 'ii , Z "l'''k of tho 8"ul,on ""'re ad station. Price 75. 25 cash, bal l " V . l'""tl1'1"""' hasidinll ou both rt'ice. $5 per month. 7 N,n 1 miicisco Imv. l lf ,lu ''xporiment of having three If you-want to buy, trade ur sell,: ,,'"'us "round Siln Frtinrisco proves a i success, the system win ,e ia efftvt . next ,eur. . .. - '. . iuuuQO. Los Angeles, Sept. '-Forfeit, were Inimpiohs i n : i.... , , i , i.rmrrn jonnnv -MfaiH. nn.i .loliiiny Dundee. The two J.vliiiuvs'will g OVer the 0 ( round route at Vernon on September I--. Killiniie is so confident of win ZVJi;1' planning on Maranvilli ain't L-;. -m sixty is his reg'iar trot with that or wuiow braueh. But w.n.uraonorst cc lo.'jr;;:V: ?V T.OOM 2, BUSH BANK BLDG, L. M. HUM i Care of YICKSOTONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any nown disease. South High Street, &!em, Ore. Phone 233. - UHURrt AND CITY ':;iDNCE3 ARE to be had in the best localities 1Y FOLLOWING rilfi WANT'ADi. . ..;' BURNS AND AZEVEDO. : Oakland (!.. Sept. 2.-Frakie Burn, a, Joe A.evedo were innteheH today to box 13 rounds here on either , September 2i or 29. Ji,n Oriff'a of San Jranci.,c will referee, and the weight will be 133 pound, at 0 oVIih'k. Burns holds a 10 round decision over Atevedo, game.1 more than a year ag i . INSURES LARGE HOP CROP. , (Woodbura Independent.) ( John r. Hunt yesterdav wrote the tugge hop insurance policv over writ ' ," Woo,lliiira. H it 00.100 risk on the Jerman Brothers hop fr0p ,j covers the hops up to the time until they reacn the shipping point. The premium was 579.7,3. Ju$t turn back to th Want Ad Columns now ondf tho offtringg thtro. iced M once JAPANESE HAVE , NO INTEREST IN WAR it," ' " .....a vmiuicu had been sent to TWtlnn.l n. v.. Innes as "books." Nelms asserted that he had unearthed evidence which would result in the conviction of both Innes and his wife. SURVIVING MEMBERS OF EXPEDITION SAFE rnaimiiami GOOD FOR 25 VOTES For Address Thi coupon may be exchanged for votes in the contest for a trip to San Francisco in 1915, at the Capital Journal office. Not good after September 5, 1914. London, Sept. 2. That the surviving members of the Arctic expedition head ed by Lieutenant Sedoff, which left for the north in 1912, have arrived at Archangel, was the news contained in a message received here from St Pe tersburg. Lieutenant Sedoff, the dis patch stated, died in a vain attempt to reach the aorth pole. "In 1912 and 1913, the expedition wintered in newly discovered terri- ,he "Patch stated. "Later ciedoff proceeded to Prnn Shanghai, Sept. 2.--Arrivals here to day trom Japan said there was not a spark of enthusiasm for war against Uermany among the mikado's subjects. , ' ' t." ' " ; J " lne'r opinion that someone given hlra the Japanese would maintain a perfuno the dope that he can torr blocksd v;. :1 ck the . .whitest nce to the wishes of their allv-iw i. PJ'oceeded t0 Joseph land, hope ol' man Ten- Britain-but that n ieriou effort whe.novhe "'" for the pole, accom! or's ranch. He would be made to capture the Bosses! panAfd by tw0, 8ailors- Sedoff f swats .400 with hia sion. 1 ' ,lle po88e , he way and died. The Russian gov- fists regardless of That any complications would de- ,-rn.m?i ftn Pedion to the re- the pitcher', twists velop from the situation was dec ared l"A , Lieul?nt ff early in 1914, -his tempers dy : unlikely, since there seemed no likeli- tL ? beheved " expedition ef- miinie. ui just as1 nooa or any atepa n Japan's part like i or " party, lung as Walter, ly to lead to them. l...'' . . shiues an has the Germans in Tok-in vv..k. --1 kale to pay his fines other Japanese cities were said to be the Braves 'II let him fiulit. es, Walt "II stick with Stalling'? .ravin n in.... . .. just half behaves because lie's got the stuff. He shortstops like a second Wag. an' bl.H-ks thieves at that second Pag like some big mountain bluff. He g little but he's built on spring au' sel dom errs on scoops nr fl,,,,.- ... ........ Texas flies. He's riaht there whea it comes to seel an' when he slips it's due to greed most everything he tries. We said .200 was hu"uit at swin- tu bats across the plate an' banin win me pan. r mi . n..h -r ... . hat the dope hook allows, but all o' Boston faiidom knows that that don't tell it U, They bat him iu the cleanup place an stake their chance on his mace hk no one else would fit. An' " alt brings home inn h...n,. . ... n . - .-m, ,vw, hi: soMom tnii to amble through with ol' h . imri lilt, AMITY LAUNDRY PROSPEROUS. (Amity Standard.) On account nf k., ..i . ti-nsive reiair and putting in new ma chinery, the William Wall.n.. ..... laundry will ahut down from September 1 to th Slst. After tnat .late thev will begia oprntioas ou a larger ih.. exer. , ---- ....... ., . , MIU U Off much safer than in Berlin, where they NO ELECTION OF POPE. The college students will soon be here. Now is the time to rent that room through a Journal Want Ad. A large store began with the newspaper ad vertising habit NOW IT HAS THE SUCCESS HABIT. YANKEES' CRACK BASE RUNNER, (By Henry Wood.) Tfomc, 2. The conclave of cardinals was still shut up iu the Vatican today, voting for a new pope. t'ardiiial Maffi, it was rum Pte.1, was being stronglv (ip pottetl. ' ' The Piloting ti.lav and to morrow was thought' likelv to reveal Cardinal Merrv IV! Val's real strength. It was reported he made a good showing Tues day but some thought thi was merely complimentary Its advertising manager says .- "This store hns the news paper advertising habit. Our views may be regarded as partisaa, but that partisan ship has been purchased in the hard market of experi ence. We spend little money in publicity other than news paper publicity." Join me in a. cup of refreshing England's favorite for over 70 years . !$ i i i " GERMAN COMMANDER , SAYS MN0 SURRENDER" lTll1"'.' : breath- ftetweea the German cruiser Nurnberg and the Australian warships Austral f the Germ., th three-mile limit The Nurnberg pt iBto Honolulu h.r bor nex,,edlv Tu6S), ,W, 1 .a the hope of gaining the ,dvaat,je V III I TM103 'BAjEMAIM -Frltj- Mabel, of the Van!:eef U sradtMlly Pai!lnS away tnm -Eddi- and Clyde alilan, bis rtrcngest rivals for the base running honors I ke American Leagne. -Friu" and Charley" Henog are leading their r Ptlre leagues, wh having twenty seven ateala (a tha latest figure. da' S' " ,,Ut 10 se" ' Tues- J The fOmniflniUr .a.s ' ' rniN. VV r mo Hoiea as savin? ; TH OLD RELIABLE' H9 -ffin for himseif and T r onuse,sTa.oTwii. so B Fftonitiiirr" 9SH'iovr ey.: