TOT DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER a, 1914. nvu The Markets GEI.KHliSJOFlDlll( ACCUSE RUSSIANS ! OF ATR0G0U5 ACTS; T Z .oJ Not only win i j, Mtrw7 ;,Ut upon to supply Jsr.fVworldU-u.and for J??tif expected the i for beer in outh America ?"iIrtriM tht heretofore got Humors in tb blood ems inter, cat derangements that affect the whole system, as. weir as pimples, boils airti other eruptions. They affect all the organs and functions, wera- J brancs and tissues, and are directly responsible for the readiness with which some people contract disease. i otbw t " wnie f the warring por for(y years Hood's Sarsaparilla fttiiWFF?1.. ,uake au unusually, nas been more 8UCcessful than any entries- ..... i..nv. to the j ::.. .Tnoli;n hnmnr. and removing their inward and out ward effects. It is distinguished for its thoroughness in purifying the blood, which it enriches and invigor ates. No other medicine acts like it, for no other medicine is like it. Get Hood's Sarsaparilla today. Insist on having Hood's. "? .'7r hot lc-aiiy. n the " Tended America imported tons of Cermaa an.l An but "a?, vear home brewer. lL American hops or none, will Z Thome use of about. jtMO " ;Vork crop ia so light rf tl" i!i little figure an.l the mam to rut but mtie iK nnj must to pi(1.i(f Jnnfl barrel, as ,P !f S50 "07 barrels. 'fJaVr,u the top .--elf. Blue , - iJportcl at Walla Walla h, although the price there is U1 w ,k.ToB session of the exchange at "ff'Henlav 30,000 bushels :5SS..S hrV-told selling at Me IK t 95c, an advance of half a Mat sver Monday. " j.nH from Seattle, presum- .Mr for AUska, ha. sent eggs up with jmP .ndti..y are quoted at 32 cent. Hop-piling i. fairly under way and tic nop U generaUy good. Pmne picking has also begun and the Tield if very spotted, some orchards Srisg out well, while others have - SSd tit!p' i. little loft. Trice in pod, th canneries and dryers pay iie W cents a bushel. Dairy products and poultry are nn clanged "d in 800'1 sl,PP1.v- 10CAL WHOLESALE MARKETS. AS EITHER SIDE VIEWS RESULTS (By WtUiam Phili? 8inu.) Taris, rV-pt. 2. "We are slowly ad vancing ia the region of the Yosges and on the Lorraine frontier, where a regular siege of the Germans' en trenched pcition ia in progress," the French war office announced today. ' Washington. Stpt. 2. Blood curdling stories of allege! Russian atrocities were told iu a dispatch received tol:.y the tier matt embassy here fro'n Berlin. 'The paper here are filled with tals of atrocities eominittel bv tho Kumians in East Prussia, the, message said.: "At oue place, cessacks cut off a mother's breast an.l impaled het five children ou a fence. , "Four cossaeks hand cuffed a Prut- liau wooiau and then ravished bet, while ber husband, helpless, was forced to witness the crime. " The dispatch also stated that. Aus- i. - i : . i i . i .. .i... . i . "Vn. I.. ,l.v. h.v K..n '" '. ! mill I"1' -I'.i.. i . battle to the norlh of Li Hi;, tlmotly Clsvtr, per toa ... Oati and vetch ... Cleat $11.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 WkMt wr bushel 2c Bnn, per toa 823.00 Oats, per bushel 40c Ciittia bark, per lb 43t Petatoea, per cwt, 1.00 Butter and Egga. Butterfat, per lb., f. o. b. Salem 33e CiMuery butter, per lb 33c Egga 23c Poultry. Hens, per lb lie Boosters, per lb 7c Frjen Steers. Steers 5Vj6c Cw!, per cwt. - 4''ji'((j5c flogs, fat, per lb , 7c(7i8!ic : Stock hogs, per lb ' 7c Eitcs, per lb 3'4c Spring lambs, per ;b 4'tc'5c Vl, first class 13c Feiia, , Dry, Der lb 8c 8!t(i country pelts, each 63c$l j Ub peHs, each 25c HESST CLEWS' WEEKLY f FINANCIAL LETTEE ablo for banking purposes being esti mated at over $1,500,000,000. The. business community in New York and elsewhere has met the shock fai bottrr than cntieipatcd. Of course, there is much confusion, especially in import and export circles arising from the demoraliKRtion of the foreign ex change market. This is abating some what each day and the financing of imports and exports i becoming less and less difficult, though the end of tri-nulc is by no means in eight. There is now no longer a lack of transporta tion to countries with which interna commerce is possible. Exports ( t. Iieat have been upnu - more lioern' scnln, end are likely to continue at high prices, this staple having already sh-iwft very violent fluctuutiuns. The cotton situation is still serious and re quires most judicious handling. Of course, the four million bales which Germany usually takes will be carried or consumed in other markets, on tni problem of financing the coming crop it one now that is receiving the seiiour ittention of the bankers and cotton merchants, efficiently aided by tha gov ernment at Washington, . The effect of war upon the British eport trade of cotton goods will nov ie as severe as at first expected; provided Fngland keeps the nontes to I Inns, end mm; open, and provided too many of her op etatives are not thrown into the army. Our own exports of cotton goods should materia II v increase, the conditions oe ing very favorable to American eotton mills running on export fabrics. Our steal trade is also beginning to feci the effocts of foreign inquiiica for steel products to fill vtieancies caused by vet sation of German exports. Even lish buyers are in tins market makiuL active inquiries; and, though no large business has yet been accomplished there is a very fair reason to hope foi a considerably larger inquiry from foi cign sources. There is also much in terest displayed" in Houth Amcricau trade. Germany bad developed an enor mous commerce with taint ,t America, which is entirely suspended. There if no other nation at present able to fill this .vacancy hotter.-than the United States. This fact is ? appreciated by our manufacturers nnd exporters Ample American banking tacilitios nave been estamisueu wita cioutn Lemberg wiu Mill in progress. "Reports that French soldiers ab ducted 14 women en I 23 .bildiei from the German front have beet eou- , firmed,' the message added. ' - A second cable received at the Ger man embassy referred to I.on.lou as the "lie factory," an.l denied London re- "We suffered partial checks in the Xeufchateau-raliseul district, obliging us to withdraw to lines near the Meuse, where a general engagement is now in progress. ' "The Franco-British wing, attacked by a greatly superior force in the iiiriiu-. puiiiifti iiiowii-i, rtrtircu Buinn-t . .i.-.. iu- . . f . ward to Leini overwhelmed 0 por i that "ti.e had complete eilt off : ly investe-I Roulgsiierg." "Our" forces drove the Prussian' "Th Buasiaas have never eovered, guard, of the Tenth German corps, '"or th,u U1a'' V,t " between: hack at the Oise with heavy losses, but u,r " . ' ""-r-'s " ' because right, cou and were I hA nlfiA.I linaa knl.l fnut ivarr where. At no point have the Genua ns ' eK .expansioo iu toutn America ap- been able to break through, and our ,pr s a ,",.,,x 10 una.nipuious general movements continue exactly oa '",f o ""cue tnen.iiy nations in; plaiineil. ( .vnn lull nii nill PKilli?l uw , i mail v. vu inr ruuimrj, vTvriuuuj nrari- The Oerihatt Version. welcomes the progress and prosper-: Berlin, via The Hague, Sept. 2. t'on-' 'y ' '"a American nations. ' tinned German successes, in both the "German soldiers are returning; east and west, were claimel bv the war frin Belgium cruelly mutilated. This; office tola v. i has served to increase the exasperation- Russia's invasion of East Trussia has i of the German people agaiust the re-1 been checked, it- was stated, with volting atrocities practiced by Belgian enormous losses to the enemv and the capture of thousands of the czar's troops. The Germans eastern forces were said to have been strengthened without re calling troops from the west. This was accomplished, it was explained, by! manning the interior fortresses with! 500,000 members of the landsturn, re-' tearing an equal number of 'men in the! active service for duty in the east. The Franco-British allies' resistance in the west, it was declared, was stead ily being overcome. Fears of a Russian rapture of Berlin were allayed by news of a victory by the kaiter's over the czar "a forces in Fast I'russia. civilians. "The socialist newspaper, Yorwaerts, shockingly describes wholesale assassi nations of Germans at Louvaiu. " SALTS FINE FOR i nun in iimtrifrV mm iwtio; &m"' mm M. m so Sw Yurk, Aug. 2!l. 1'ersistent and eonfidtiit efforts are being made to ad t business t(- war conditions bothat kome awl abroad. Hero much prnpres? ku been attcinod and more will follow. Abroad the situation is uif.Vren;. tier tny's enormous commerce and indus try it of course practically paralyzed, wyond taking care of her ow n imnie- onus internal necessities, industrial Germany i unavoidably at a standstill. Upon that country the stress of war it tailing mth intense severity; and, who sympathizing with the Germnn Muse or not, one cannot but deeply jegret the gigantic disaer v.nich has '"en upon that progressive and en- .1 ;a,ion- 'Tl,on Httlo Belgium and upon France also, the blast of war tome with crushing force. These to nations will Mffer relatively even 7J r Qnmy tr their fairest d.r,! Jprv08peroi18 9ec,ions 8re being msUtod by immens, arDlips d !r Mtrnetion. Vpon Russia, Wow - n lP'n nd 0,her nati'n". h Will Vi m.iAl, ' We eat too much meat which clogs' Kidneys then Back hurts and Bladder Bothers you. Most foUs forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, get sluggish and clog ged aud need a flushing occasionally, else- we have backache and dull mis ery in the kidney region, severe head aches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and all 1 sorts of bladder disorders. You simply must keep your kidneys SHIP PURCHASE BILL TEMPORARILY HUNG UP Washington, Sept. 2. President Wil son returned to Washington from Cor-1 active anil Clean, and the moment you With Every Range Sold This Week f2iQ)o Worth of Aluminum FREE. . tiiey ire at of tho field of conflict. HAS fl . . . , ' V Cr'?ln the of the lost x ill TAl De toW- If sbort. ,h ."I w-Peasated for in var- Cl' ? a"d''e hope of a leceutlv America, and it so hoppcnji that there j ,ang to rajse $100,000,000 is no lacK or snips, i ne ivesi uppnr- ; ently feels the business depression less keenly than the East, and reports fron. the agricultural sections nro generally encouraging. ' Current railroad earningi are not entirely satisfactory, but tnii was to be expected in vie of the em bargo upon freight in the eorly stages of the v.arl The retail trados in that section of the country, however, appear to be fairly active, for the reason that the consuming capacities of the PeoPleiJV0 WH CAM 1UII I DC have not yet been seriously impaired, jtlu lllLuUil If ILL DCi For the time being extreme caution i nish, X. H at l):4 a. in. today, and iitiuiediutely signed the war risk insur ance bill. A bureau of Insurance in the trade was expected to be opened at once. '( Before the week 's cud the president will read personally to congress a war tax message in which he will outline a year to oftVet import revenues lost as a result of Kuropean war. He was undecided today as to the advisability of pressing the passage of a ship purchase bill. . Governor Stewart 's request tiiat fed eral troops be sit to Montana to pre serve order among the two factions of the miners' union at Butto, was also being considered by day. feel an ache or pain in the k...ncy region, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good drug store here, take a tnblespoonful in a glass of wa ter before breakfust for a few (lays and your kidney? will then act fine. This famous suits is made from the acid of grapes and 'emon juice, com- j bined with lithia, and is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity. 3t also neu tralizes the acids in tbu urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder' disorders. j Jad Suits is harmless; inexpensive; j makes a delightful effervescent lithiu- j water drink which everybody should i i Imperial Furniture Co. Complete House Furnishers SALEM, OREGON 177 NORTH LIBERTY AEKESTED AS A SPY. must bo the only policy to follow in all business affairs. This country will weather the storm better than any oth er, and when the strain is pnBsed we should be able to lead, in real prosper ity. HKNltY CT.KWf. ADDITIONAL BOOST IN price or rooDS DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE Washington, Sept. 2. "The demo cratic party -will have one candidate for the presidency in 1016 and his name appears to be Woodrpw Wilson," said Vice-President Marshall here today. 'Mr. Wilson will have the enthusiastic, tuupmlified anil unite I support of the. party. All fair minded democrats will recognize that he is entitled to a chance Rt a second term to prove the utility of San Francisco, Sept. 2. The arrest, in London as a Herman spy of Damn Von Hoist, of San Fraiicisco, was an-, nounced today in a dispatch from the British capital. The baron, a native, i .1.. : t . ... . .... rT I .nrmrif i tm-uiHii v. in u rn-ii i niuui president to-1 taice now ana tnen to Keep tneir K," i Hj. wie i- duuirh- 1 I neys clenn, thus- uvoiding serious com- "IH hol' 1frower- ' 8 llu"g plications. ter of Major 1). J. l'ur ello of New- I A well-known local druggist savs lie i "e "us vw" "' ': ! sells lots of Jad halts to folKs who be- ! " r-nglaiiJ. lieve in overcoming kidney trouble while it is only trouble. KILLED HIS WITE AND THEN HIMSELF Portland, Ore., Sept. 2. Prices of foodstuffs continue to advance, and, it is declared, iirobably will continue to do so, as long as the war lasts. Some of ( nj liolicies, tiie prices are actually affected by the; "Lightning rods already up may as war, others are not, but are boosted - well be taken down and preserved for apparently on general principles. Price tnture use. Democratic, lightning won't changes today are many and varied, af-j strike a rod in 1916." - fecting a number of different lines. , i - 11,1 1 Canned salmon is very scarce and END OF A JOY-RIDE, hard to get, and prices have been raised on two brands. Alaska pink, which has i Tacoma, Wash., Kept. 2. A young Sacramento, Cal., Kept. 2. A. B. Hunker, '!!), a grocery salesman, shot and killed his wife, organist in a large eborch here, in front of their homo to day. He then sent three bullets over his own heart and will ule. Plunher and the woman recently ran away to Portland and were married. His wife threatened to get a divorce. The shorting was the result. Following his arrest he was sent to one of the British concentration camps, it. was stated. CONNEE3 PLEADS GUILTY. Portland, Ore., Sept. j2. a .T. (.'on ners, one of the ring charged with us ing the mails to defraud in locating persons 011 the forfeited Oregon & Cali fornia land grunt, today pleaded guilty in tho United States district court and was sentenced to 13 months on Mc Neils Island bv Judge Bean. A Journal Want Ad you. 1U sell it zot MOTH Ell" JONES SAYS GOVERNMENT WILL TAKE OVER THE COLORADO MINES House of Half a Million Bargains We carry the largest stock of Sacks and Fruit Jars. H. Steinbock Junk Co. 33 Stata Street. Salem, Oregon. Pitta Maia IU TALKING MACHINE BUSINESS IS GOOD b7 leJe ' mill- been selling at 92 cents a dozen, have woman, wno gave the name of "isare"i P- Gernare '"''."'S'ng in false i jumped to while medium red, Colum-1 Walters, is at the point of death at the . - v ollu t-MuurMUIn river saimon, in i-nuuuu iii vno, lacomn weiirmi iiusihibi mi iih 1 ion are not to Im oercome, it will onlv ntW; d if er( that nT V , h m,jnient the ttXartTr,.,or -"""ruing ...rlUe:,,e.r;M?".,M "tinnnt wuu ir ainnu buv ni, tk4 - rt-- savin, iu, 11 i a we orM . lr?m no eountry - -iuii suca a force has advanced 15 cents a dozen, the new of a fracture of the skull sustained in price being $1.3.). Tne half-pound flats 1 an automobile accident on the Puyafuip ; with . h1' on the I V? I ni more to t wch x tiu .t quick It Riflv V.A - - j. j vt: XciioBn":- ' W Its W4r :! "V- ""en samty m 'fMoBiUe. knT . .V I'cre will tti,,. " such , C0llaum. $$m! ?UMi ! Xw York tnlin the eril 18 dimness re 5,ll"r co-op, '? ',e!,sring. Our tlM , ' "sscstbn c0i.t k : of this same variety are higher by 2Vj cents, the quotation today being cents. By way of showing the firm condition of thin market, it is stated that a car load of Alaska pinks was sold by a Port land jobber last week to a Chicago firm for 90 cents a dozen f.o.b. Portland, an exceptionally high p'ice. Under normal circumstances this same carload would have cost the Chicago house fully cents a dozen less than f.iey were forced us to pay. The purchsse was made froml 1 " juuuer ror me simpie reason mtu road early today. ' Karl Gardner, public chauffeur, is un-1 der arrest. He was driving a party of i six to Seattle when, he says, to avoid ! striking -a wagon on the boulevard, he sent bis car over an embankment. The ; only other occupant of the car known to the police is Eugene Joney, who : suffered a broken arm. Tne others; escaped injury. : fe-cSariar-r! "ore ij- ; '"iricates. .i. na th would ea n;stei, the the .fl77 re"ly be r-- iuai the price was lower than asked by the canneries, the jobber having bought heavily before the market began to advance. All kimls of canned salmon are very firm, and it is difficult to buy j at any price. ! Barreled pig pork which has been sell-; ing in the local market at $25, has just I made a jump of i and is quoted today! at 27 a barrel. Pork is not particular- j ly scarce, but top quality stuff is aot! as plentiful as it might be. ! Lard is another necessity which has! bit the price ladder and started to' climb. 'The first boost was not very' much, bnt the last, just made effective, tT8. 35'-ie: firsts, 3Qt; pullets, 30c; j ranges from a half to I cent a pound. : California storage extras, 30c. ; Fancy kettle-rendered lard la tierces is Butter Extras, 32c; prime firsts, sow qnoted at 14 cents a pound whileSc; firsts, 27c; seconds, 2tc. tue same thinsr in tubs is 14V4 cents, a fheese California fancy, Hf; iirsin, PORTLAND MARKETS. j Portland, Ore., Sept. 2. Wheat, club 95 '; Bluestem 1.09. Oats, Xo. 1 white feed 2H.25. ! Barlev, brewing 2o; feed 2t.25. Hogs, best live $9.25. . Prime steers $7; fancy cows 5.75,.i)'i 6.00. i Best calves $8.25. j Spring lambs l.00. Butter, city creamery 35c. EjAgs, selected local extras 32c. i Hens 13e; broilers 15c; geese 10a. j SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. ! Francisco, Hept. 2. Kggs Ex- u Mgero. ? bej boost of a half eent on the first and 1; llUc; seconds, 10e, f . -Guff . "uiatlimtrT Lan, u. i.n ... - i 1 i i t : tierces, is 12Vi cents, and in tnbs 12'. BEATTLE MAURIS, it a Infill "MOTHER" MARY JONES. 7"7 HiflU. '""''K strictly "'""d tA . ,xl'erien, e t Good ecas are hard to find and best! Penttle. Wash., Seid. 2. Kggs j candied stock is selling today ail the3.1e; Orientals, ISc. way from 30 to 33 cents a dozen. Or- Butter Local nines, ,ir; rn.:, o.r., , it 1 r-rt 7.11c .1 9c Wisconsin, ' "untrr i ?ank !'rr from 30 to 33 cents a dozen. Or- Butter Local rubes, -', ff"'trT hJ, , Tortu ' dinary candled egs are 30 to 31 cents, I Oregon cubes. 30e. "br''l, tfcem",( abu"-!liile extra fancy selected stuf will! Cheese I.imburger, "- bring from 32 to 33 cents, dcliverfrl. ! Hwiss, 22c. "Mother" Mary Jones, the mllitnnt woman strike leader, ilulnis to have cnie "Inside" Information to the effect Ibut Tresldent Wilson will soon tak iomn action In the Colorado mine strike situation. "Mother" Jones declares tbnt within the n:xt two or three days the United States sovernment will take over and administer tho strike-bound Colorado mines. During the week just past we have placed several fine machines in some of Salem's best :: homes, and we have a number of orders to be filled during the coming week. j: I HAVE YOU ORDERED YOURS? X The Winter will soon be here. And with it ; t comes the long, dark evenings, when you must j i provide your own entertainment. Are you i ; ' prepared to do it? Do you know that the talk " ing machine has brightened more homes and furnished more wholesome, real, lasting plea sure than anything else? And they do not cost much, either. You can get the best makes all i the way from $15 up on Easy Terms If Desired In our modern demonstrating rooms wo are showing the very new est and best Ideas In Phonographic Invention and equipment. We have a complete line of VICTROLAS, GRAFONOLAS and EDISON DISC Instruments. We bays an unsurpassed selection of Records popular favorites and latest dance measurss in greatest variety; oper atic renditions by celebrated artists; beautiful sacred music and famous hymns, besides readings, speeches, ate, by the -world 'a greatest enter tainers. Step In and let us show yon how you can make TOUR home happy. GEO. C. WILLI: Oregon's Oldest Talking Machine and Music Dealer 432 STATE STREET SALEM, ORE. nrv