Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 01, 1914, Page FIVE, Image 5

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t"01"'. uier. of the
TKe Markets
. .1.. Mission oi
.th School Year Opens
. -.irr fu'l information.
Haatmi Jl'n agr1Culture:
r nu"r. r Husbandry, Hoj wu'ui.c. , E
.V.r, or Twchrs. C)itsi.,i Poultry.
ZixSi Do'. --';;r"Vinn Boosters, ler id.
ENGINHEU1, Mining.!
fSfAsrfculture, Dairy
h&Course. Industrial
Ei Fev. Business Short Course.
.'.V-Piano, String, Band.
Voice Culture.
rWrB,n Course by Mail Fret.
M.M) CorUi.. nBon
svm of Bsauty isa Joy Forever
Freckle, Nolb ricl'ti.
Bull, and MiQ Dint
ftliu every uivuiuu.
no beaut r. tud uc
Act delect Ion, I
bai ttud m tett
of 0 rears, and
. Uy, timothy
i Clover, per ton .
J Oat and vetch .
; cheat
Wheat, per bushel ..
Bran, per ton
Cats, per bushel
Chittim bark, per lb.
Potatoes, per cwt
Butter and Eggs.
Butterat, per lb., t. o. b. Salem
Creamery butter, per lb.
! '
273 hogs K3
5H hoys ISC'
7 bulls 1141
3 heifers 941
1 ftai; l.jll
2 calves 230
b'Ki mv.la .'. ; t
191 weti.ers ' K4
079 ewes 1 12
117 yearlings u:l
9.10 ues fioiti the various affiliate 1 dis
H.U0iiirts brought to the meeting, to b
4.25 liieu in the office, it comprehensive re
i.2i'poit itomr.ud by varieties of toiujage
ji,v a. f.:ui-y in the control of the ilis-.
8.30 tributors. Coupled with this was a
0.00 most careful estimate of the total pro-.
5.00 'tlnrtion in all of the fruit sections of'
4.3a ' Washington, Oregon, Uaho ami Mou-i
3.00 , tana. It was gathere.l at considerable;
expense mid is regarded as absolutely'
accurate. We found that fie total
WOELD'S APPLE MARKET "! ' T"" uon l'l' w'"
Jhnoiuit to 13,10 cars. Tuis is a de-:
, ....'. ... . i crease, of fully 13 per cent from the
Spokane, Sent. 1. The vital henrino : ... . . ... . ... ..
ind t .i . . esiiuiHie irpun ui uie previous nonru
1.0UiOf the Europe..,, war on the apple crop .....; ..w t(1 .- itll,-.i l!rnllth and:
northwest, necessitating the most i,., ;.. .,, ...;., i
nirnir.iii urnum !
- 1Ul1rtill.it rJ mWM-U i
nisiLiiiunn iiuiiilii i fyJ
immntTP nnnr
AUVULAIt I'tAlfti gW&
.... 25c
of the
u..u.iiH. nitiuu i'y tivnus HIMI III. ....... .I..F i..: 1 ...
creating the need for extensive storaye this moetillg thnt the' distributors have'
at eastern markets, was bro..Kht ou t a,,tua ,, eimlvH, over 50
or.-.bly , the ."eetins of the buard of : f f ut o( ,he lU tolln of the Bor,h.
rustecs ot the Nortn 1'acifu- Fruit pis- west A ,H ,,to,.ortion of the bal-!
..butors, tins week. The further ll ,w stiU ml,,,,ed and much of!
that the northwestern apple ro)tMs nn.loul.twllv will come under the!
aniouiits to only 1,1,010 curs, over o0 ! .,:.,;,,.. r.i,i ...,.,, , i
Wants Them to Head tlie Pro
cession cf Nations for
Perpetual Peace
Steer. 5V,(38e!,er ,fllt 0, wh- h i t, uiw , ..r'' coniro. tne mo-nxi fftfiAtH NIAM
r ji,..l, i ... . - . . ineni ino iaci necomes eviueni to smni
Hogs;fat,per::::.?y;c8,rc! w,w reveulea ,,,,n,, PARADE FOR PFAfF
n..i iv, 5-!iessl."- . . . .... Ilmver and the speculator that he isi I nllrtUij lUU I LrtVL
otucu iiugs, i' .. v "Tne ijoard of trustees has held one
Ewes, per lb,
Spring lambs, per lb.
Veal, tirst class
try, per lb
Salted country pelts, each...
Lamb pelts, each
a t V m,ia
liit cf iuUm
nune. Pr h. A
Kvr uid to
la J j of I be baut
Un ( patieut).'
"As ycu Wi
.,..S'. Cr.!..-' . th. "?",? S"
.XlCSmk rtta Si. "", iu"
BlT.OTIIS.f'1. 37 6tnlfaa Slrtrf imM
' of the
relieved in
Encb Cap-suleb-mrathetMIDYJ
name i
; buyer ana Uie specuiutor that he is
3Vc i i .i i . . .i T. . I ; not anil win not oe iu existence this
w72. 1 flf tllft host tllltut I Him 111 I K kivlnrv nl ' . ) ...
4e(a3c: " . , ""V""' "llyear. This additional increase, which
; 13c t",0rp;"'Z"t10"' "e ".;l'H'l, "''lis almost inevitable, will bring our
iit0 the frmt , ot the northwest hol(i s , t (u f)U r llt,lltKof the
bum one uiarKeu uy eiiinusiasiie unitv .,.,.i
of an action by the representatives of
the growers affiliated with the distrib
utors," state Geueral Manager J. 11.
Kobbius in an interview issued after
northwestern apple crop.
I "That we have made decidedly
1 healthy gains in membership as well as
'tonnage throughout substantially all of
the districts and particularly in the
mnva nrrtniinorit mi ita xi-n a i ri1 i tto nil in
! . a 1 -V rc,,orta rendered. A most notable in-
i i in,, wis nno0f,,uhB!l K "'"') stMI"' stance is the increase in tonnage in the
Portland, Ore., Aug. 28. Kee.eipts the , our recent eastern trip which presented ; ,.,. .j:..:.. ..i Vu.
week have been: Cattle, 14G8; calves, , , observations relating to the in- : t .,i!l.!,i,:.i .u c.n .
30; hogs, 24S9; sheep, 3833. fluence of the war on the fruit outlook
Cattle. Heavy receipts of cattle this and the conclusions whicn we reached
week. Extreme top steers on Monday's after conferences with eastern bankers
market, $7.15, with medium stuff rang-ttnd important factors in the trade,
ing from $6.50 to $7. Cows, $5.75 to $0; "The probable opening prices for
choice heifers, $6.25 to $6.50; bulls, $4; j apples this season, which, of course, are
light veal calves, $8 to $8.50. j directly effected by existing conditions
Hogs Hog receipts net overly heavy , wag the subject under deliberation
for the week. There are plenty of hogs j throughout most of the final day's es
in the country on feed, but it will be;sion. The board was unanimous in its
three weeks before they are turned off. j agreement ou the feasibility of again
Best grade of light hogs sold $9 to
Sheep The tone in the sheep could
not be improved. Fancy Washington
pursuing last year's policy of starting
prices on a basis sufficiently attractive
to the trade to induce the early and
prompt movement of the crop and to
Journal Want Ads are a big
htlp to the farmers when they
art too busy to come to town.
lambs, $6; wethers, $5, and ewes, $4.35. 'avoid harvest time demoralization.
The run was of average size but buying rs confident that notwithstanding ad
demand was rteady rnough to keep! verse circumstances we shall be ablo
prices at top level,
The following sales are representa
1 steers 1431
32 steers 1251
50 steers .. - 1121
124 steers 119-i
7 cows 971
58 cows 1131
24 cows 1023
50 cows 1127
908 hogs' 181
381 hogs 187
to maintain a gradually rising scale.
"All of the elements entering into
the price problem were most thoroughly
considered, and, after a discussion of
7.15 a minimum price, the details of pricing
7.03 j were left to the management.
7.00 ' "In compliance with instructions
6.50 1 from the central office, all of the trus
6.00 1 tees from the various affiliated dis
5.S0 1 cussion of a minimum price, the details
5.75 of pricing were left to the management.
9.25: "In compliance with instructions
9.15 from the central office, all of t'ue trus-
Children Cry for Flotchcr'o
A TPKNfrf I .
r j &. a x i . iv v i
The Kind You Ilavo Always Bc.r.gljt, and which has becu
ia use for over 30 jear6, has bornotae elsnataro of'
ami lias been mauo under liia per
The National Embroidery Patterns
NOW utitt
'hdy tori A.V,h.e d,ifferent beautiful hand-embroidered articles used by the
alitrla m'ii& above bathroom scene. Yon can have all these with just t,
iU'8ir .K?nAPatience if you will take advantasre of The Capital Jour-i "li,
district. The Wenatchee sub-central re.
ported that 500 additional cars had
been secured since the last board meet
ing. The Yakima sub-central's growth
recently has been unusually rapid. Over
100 members were added there during
the two weeks ending August 1 and
August 8. Big strides of a most grati
fying nature in both membership aud
tonnage have also been made in the re
cently affiliated western Oregon dis
trict. In but a little over two months
the total membership of all of the dis
tributors' organizations has leaped from
6000 to 8110.
"Realizing that cash buyers and
speculators would not be in evidence to
any extent this season, while we were
in the east wo secured options on a
large amount of cold storage space in
order to properly house and protect our
tonnage and thus place ourselves in a
position to feed it out to the trade as
consumption shall demand. A commit
tee was appointed by the board to can
vasa the quantity of late keeping aud
cold storage varieties which we will
handle and the management was author
ized to close contracts for eastern stor
age sufficient to place us in a com
manding position in the leading mar
kets. While we were seeking storage
space in the 'east we discovered that
u substantial raise in price over last
year had been made, owing to condi
tions created by the war. Food prod
ucts which ordinarily go abroad and
the large eastern barrel apple crop
have created an abnormal demand for
storage. Wo feel that we were for
tunate in having i taken our options
early and thus secured,, the choice of
locations. Moreover, we predict that
those growers who delay making their
arrangements will have difficulty in
properly housing and protecting their
ton nnge.
"This is not a year tor hysterics and
incriminations, although, of course, the
war situation irf a world calamity. Na
tionally we have set an example of
peace anil order. The bankers anil busi
ness men of the east are counselling
conservatism and the fruit men will
lo well to emulate their example in
harvesting their crops. Former aven
ues of trade have been cut off, and we
'must develop new channels for a wider
distribution within our available ter
ritory. ' '
I "Wit stiongly urge growers not to
become disheartened mid discouraged
land warn them not to ill tempt to under
Inline the market by trying to gain a
i temporary adcantage over t ieir neigh
! dors. Jt is a foregone conclusion that
; our harvest will not be abi o. 'j. d by
: cash buyers and speculates, and tn.r
'burden of currying through the slwn
until it con be consumed rests on iiio
growers themselves. It is useless 1vt
them to think that they can b ury t!ii3
process and get uheud of their fe'.ow
growers W'tnont bringing disaster upnu
Itbeuiselvts as well as the otlurf, IV-
fore they have disposed of their entire
"Tbjrot'.re, we earnestly advise the
growers to place their tonnage :ii Vi
hands of some large factor or oiJia'i
iat ion, comprehensive enough iu scope
to be able to move the crop in a sys
tematic, deliberately ordered manner.
I'usiness t'len iu the communities effucc
ed should lend every energy in this di-
I rection iust now. If this is donj wc
'can take a more optimistic view of the
j future. Our attitude is not aelfisu Our
! recommendations to the growers ari!
! borne of information which we have ob
tained from many markets and confer-lem-es
-vita tominent figures in i).'!
! trade thiorhout the coitnt'-v
"Reports presented at the board
meeting developed the fact that to date
: tli in year we have shipped 1133 cars,
'as against 303 last year, an increase of
lappioximately 300 per cent. The ma
chinery of the distributors has been
Uo developed and perfected and ur
j policies and methods are so well de
i fined that they will be able to fully
America Must Teach Truth
and Lead Nations as the
Arbiter of Right
By Mrs. Elmer Black.
(Copyright 1914 by the United Press.)
Alan s theory of making pence
through preparation for war, which has
had every chance to provo its truth,
has utterly broken down. In 18S0 the
six great powers of Europe Bpent ou
their armies and navies $670,000,000; in I
1910, $1,373,000,000; in 1911, in tims
of peace, $1,849,000,000, and to this we
must add interest on war loans, war
debts and loss of productico work
through the mniittcauce of masses of
men and we have something over $4,
000,000,000 a year as Europe's expense
for maintaining peace by the gun met
al method. To this must bo addod the
expense of war now raging, costing
upwards of $50,000,000 a day. Every
body', all of a sudden, exploded in Eu
rope, because everybody was loaded.
Now, why not try the woman's way,
and in time of peace prepare for more
We are about to celebrate the 1 00th
anniversary of peace between the English-speaking
nations. During the cen
tury there were occasional disputes be
tween the United States and Canada
that might have tinned out serious.
but where thore are no soldiers thoro
is no war. The present catastrophe in
Europe shows that tho " pcace-at-any-price"
epithet may justly be applied
to the militarist. Swollen navies mul
tiply points of friction, foster distrust,
foment suspicion and fan tho fires of
hatred. Woman's conception of the
government's supreme business is not
scaring rivals but making friends.
Lowell, in tho Bigolow papers, gives
not only tho thoughtful farmer's phil
osophy but the woman's viewpoint, as:
" Kz for war,. I call it murder,
"Thar' yon have it plain and flat;
"f don't want to go no further
"That mv Testament, for that."
Woman' who gives birth to life, net-
uriilly belirws that life conservation is
better than life destruction. It costs
$13,000 to kill a man in warfare now
adays, and while 17,0011,000 men in Eu
rope are playing the war game, let Am
erica point to a better way th:tn shoot
ing men at $15,000 a shot.
Instead of gathering pennies and
nicklcs and dimes for all kinds of life
prolonging propositions, let tho women
of America, iu their churches of every
creed, and organizations of every sort,
rally round America's peace policy Hint
demand thut the people's prosperity be
made the first conception of govern
ment; siistnin the statesmanship of j
peace, stop our own enormous waste of j
$300,000,000 a year on armaments, in-
cident to the mad rivalry fostered by
navy leagues, armor syndicates, ?hip
trusts and other vested interests, and
instead of making firearms, powder,
shells and bullets so thnt the outgoing
of souls mny be as rapid and painless as
possible, let us spend our time and mon
ey iu ways ami means that will make
life longer and sweeter.
Let the women of America spend the
next ten years pi paring for world
;are. Let America lead the nations as
the arbiter of right, the tea-her of
truth, and not be an imitator, tagging
at the heels of European lowers in the
naval procossion, htuntcd always by
the fear that wo may fall behind.
Let the American woman head the
procession of nations for perpetual
peace, universal brotherhood, Biid crown
her with imperishable renown. Let
women everywhere, from the pine for
ests of Maine tothe golden coast of the
Pacific and from the lakes to the gulf,
preach peace, parade for peace and show
the men that the old policy is wrong,
thnt old programs are obsolete and that
old leaders are discarded.
It was not because of our navy but
because of our sense of justice that tho
United States was allowed to step in
between Russia and Japan, and now
let women's work get the men of Amer
ica behind our peace loving president
ami let us say to Europe:
".Put up your sworn; C0ie, lot us
reason together."
sonal supervision since its Infancy.
Yt s-ccccAVX Allow no ono to deceive you - tlite.
All Counterfeits, Imitations ami " Jnst-as-good. " nro but
Experiments that trillo with ami endanger tho health of
Infants mid Children lixptrlence against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castorlii is sn harmless Bnbstltnte for Castor OU, Faro
Corie, Drops nnd fcoothlnjr Syrups. It is pleasant. If;
contains neither Oph::n, Morphine nor other arcotio
puhstnnce. Its npre lr ts guarantee. It destroys AYornis
nnd allays revcrlKh.iess. l'or more than thirty years it
has been In constant use lor the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, AVlnd Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates tho Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Th ChUdrcn'8 ronacea-Tho Mother's Friend,
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Boaglii
In Use For Over 30 Years
' ' IB UBMtoBtffiTTilinBa
Marion Creamery & Produce Co.
Made by the latest and most improved methods of
manufacture. Try it. Orders filled for one gallon
and upwards. Phone Main 24S8.
Did y0U ever buy lighting fixtures and have them
turn black six months afterwards? This doesn't happen J
with our fixtures. All our fixtures are guaranteed and
should last a lifetime. 1
"If it's electric, come to us.'
Salem Electric Co.
Masonic Temple Phone 1200 t
County Wnperinteiident J. I. Wells,
of Jackson county, Oregon, lias just
submitted to State Superintendent
Churchill a report which coutainsa copy
plan for tho standardization of the
schools of Jackson county, under which
114 of our schools have met the require
ments and have been staudanlicd.
This year the state department of edu
cation has adopted a plan for the
standardization of the rural aud small
town schools of the state, and in order
that Jackson county may work into the
uuiforni plan, we are abandoning the
plan foimerlv used and adopting the
w ...... . f T".- OTTTTlfl
meet anv demands that may be made!BA '"T "i""
upon them this season."
San Francisco, Kept. 1. Eggs Ex-
Washington, Kept. 1. Diplomats here
asserted today that if America purchas-
of the directions which ne is sciwing t , , Htandurd. Cards showin the
this yiar to all of nis district'school (1jr,.,.,ts lt,ider this new plan will
officers and the school teachers ot his , l0sted in your school at an curly
eoinily. ... date.
This part of his report is unupie in . staii.lar.lizat lou in this county has
that it contains plans lor the coming a,.,.nm,jSMc, ml,ch improvement, bring
sdiool year which will place the schools iJ mlV of ollr .hoyls sanitary
of Jackson county among the most pro- ,(llipm,,lti pfaymnnd equipment, pic
gressivc in the west. ; turcs, supplementary readers, etc., ami'
Under Industrial Kdu.ation, Wupcrin-; haH ),,, i,, rineait i tal tor better attend'
tendeut Wells calls attention to tie fact i B1, 81( lK.tt(1. teaching. A uniform
that thorough courses in manual train-; ntuiilarl for th state can be of much
ing and domestic science and art ' ,ore value than a county standard, and '
well established in eight of the town,, w,.,,ulne the charge 1 hope that
schools of Jacksou county, ior the il, Uo officers, teachers, pupils, and pa-
rurai scnoois ne niiK(;.oln ...ui , trans will work together until all our
boys ami girls from the near by school ,.,,, t)e,.om(,; standard, which is not
go to the town school one-naif day each i at a i,nr)0,8iblc."
week aud work in the shop or kitchen , ,
under the instruction of the teacher,
the rural school board to pay for such
instruction from the funds of the dis
trict. A second plan is to let the rural
school board provide an inexjiensive
equipment and let some advanced stu
dent from the nearest high school, who
has an aptitude for teaching and who
could be secured for a small expense,.
come at regular intervals to teach the I
Calumet, Mich., Sept. 1. -Officials of
the Coluuii't & Hecla Mining company
announced today a reduction of 10 per
cent in the wages of mine, mill, shop
and smelter employes. A depression in
tho copper market was declared to be
tho cause for the reduction.
I , ... !l
ed German merchantmen now lying in ; r""' 1'"' "" , . ..... ...
ru I ii nii'ii ii i T,unn no .iichuum
to the value of the Purest-Teacher at-j
alifornia storage, extras, 30c.
nalWi,rW ,aI1atlence if you will take advantage of The Capital Jour-1 Butter-Extra, 'a;
Uderful Ht Iron Transfer Pattern Offer. Coupon in today's paper. 1 2tese-l-.
JWs Patt
American ports such vessels would be
33' ic; firsts, 30c ;pullets,29 j subject to seizure by British and i reneb
warsnips. u was sain ine aiues un
doubtedly, would sei.c them and hold
them for a ruling bv a prize court as
firsts, to whether such purchases would be n
jtiulatioii of America's neutrality proc
i la mation.
1 1 Ic; seconds, 10'ic
POrtrmU.. 111 Campaism is Timipl cn rn nnf rlplnv until von find the OD
Ue- Every outfit complete. Contains 200 Hot-iron Pattern Be-li'l
IWJ ... V-W1U at. .a4o ,1. r ' T T,14- P Tr.4, 4,Vvi Hnn Butter 1Ocal, nines, w; uncus,
' t All-tr-(kvI T tclCJJ.. VHie J. ttllipiHCt Ut .xiwuuluvu, vi.
erican i?ed nP Fie Skeins Richardson's Silk
beauty Floss.
ut-of-town readers will add .5 cents for postage.
Five Skeins
33c; Oregon, cubes, 32r 33c.
Cheese Limbnrger, 17c; Wisconsin,
18(ai9c; Swiss, 30c; Washington, Ifitffi
Onions Green, 20(a23c; eastern
Washington. VnV'.t per pound; Cali
fornia, l'i6'2e.
Potatoes Local, l(Vil'4 per pound;
eastern Washington, lfrtlUe.
Portland. Ore., Sept. 1. Wheat
Club, 93c; bluestcm, $1 II.
Otits No. 1 white feed. $2H.50.
'flai'lev Brewing, $23: feed, ,.'l.50.
Hog"-Bct live, fl.25.
j Prime steers, 7; fj.ncy cuks. $5.75
j Kept calves, $.8.23.
! Hpring lmbs, $'i.
j Butter City creamery, 33e.
j Eggs Selected local extras, 110c;
jhena, 13c; broilers, lo'.ac; geese, 10c. ,
sociations and offers to help in the or-!
ganizatioi of such associations in each
distiict, and shows why this association'
may he of much value to the board of ;
directors. j
I'nder the head of Playground Super-;
vision, the teachers' attention is called'
to the value and necessity of super
vision on the playground. Attention is it
also called to the bulletin, "A Practical;
Recreation Manual for Schools," re-'
ceutly issued by Superintendent Church-!
ill, and each teacher is requested to
have a copy of this bulletin at her desk,1
' Th great progress that has been
i made in the schools of Jackson county'
! during the past few years Is well shown:
.by the paragraph which Mr, Wells hasi
in bis report on Standardization, which!
1 reads as follows: '
! "For several years we have had a sjt
Business done with
out profit it lets produc
tive of satisfaction than
running a mile on a
Wise advertisers use tho
newspapers because they do
not merely produce business
but produce Profitable
business. Costs are low and
returns aro large the news
paper is the one medium
that enjoys the confidence
of its readers.
Let ns show yon how.