Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 28, 1914, Page FIVE, Image 5

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. account of war.. Eeaiy cash bought our extremely large Fall
i'011', ttj THE STOCKTON STORE on
j-OPBlCES notwithstanding the fact that .we could not in some cases replace our merchandise for
Tsf and Suits for Women
ttt TTti1 ttTVTttG EVENT, surpassing any Coat and Suit Sale given in
i sTUy. r nf mir store. EVERY SUIT AU COAT UK WUMUJN unvjuuu
frit in the his ;
so 53
f'I- riTTTTC!
;; $37.95
J2Q.0U duaxm ...
y i j,Vw
ii uDtinn to our great p.w pv,.,
nvaCinlmerica. Thisstore
not surpass1,, BAM nnvwhere
tor if.w
$35.00 COATS-, v $295
$25.00 COATS tfw-w
$25.00 COATS .$19.95
$20.00 COATS Ho yo
$18.00 COATS .$14.40
$17.50 COATS $i4.uu
$12.50 COATS Yt $10.40
$10.00 COATS i ..$ 7.95
$ 7.50 COATS ...$ 5.00
YOU'LL 13E SURPRISED at the great
values offered. We want you to see the won
derful $5.00 special. This or no other value
advertised here can be beaten by any mail
'vr-order house."
In om beautiful new Furs offered for Au
pSf&leat one-third" less regular values.
jrcm 75 Cents a Piece up to
$150 a Set
Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, Scrim and Net
Curtain Materials 20 per
cent (one-fifth) less for
three days only.
Apron Check Gingham,
7c, three days only.
Black Taffeta Silks, 10
per cent less, three days
Plain Dresser Scarfs,
suitable for rooming
houses, 35c values, 24c
each, three days only.
Men's Oxfords, $5.00,
$4.50, $4.00, $3.50, $3.00,
for $2.45 three days only.
12 l-2c Brown Sheeting,
9c yard, three days only.
Low Price Day
New Fall Goods
We have just received our complete line of
Men's and Boys' Fall uiotning, snoes,
Hats and Furnishings.
Our prices are marked close for quick selling
Hop Picking Supplies
Remember we carry a complete line of hop
picking supplies.
See our windows for the latest Fall Styles.
Bring vour card. If you have none, come and
get one at
Corner State and Liberty
The Markets
Hi top market is strong and daily
tnming Monger. Unwillingness 01.
jnirn it all points on the coast to
eU is gradually but surely forcing the
mm higher. Pineus & Laws, of Inde
jtdwite, yesterday sold 60,000 pounds
Daily the Tension Between Italy and
Austria -increases,'.' and That Italy
Wltf' Turn "Against Her Old Allies
Seems Certain, ,
Portland, Ore., Aug. 28. There is no
question about the strength of the hop
market. The unwillingness of growers
at all points on the Coast to sell new
hops on contract is slowly but surely
forcing prices to a higher level
The Pineus & Laws Hop Company, of
Independence, yesterday sold 60,000
,,, i f 1014 hnnn tn Joseph L. Har-
Oiwv,, ,v j ""I ' . . - . T ! Tt .1 Loo
wauls' at iSVa cents. ATewTlftiT cents. Word was received frorr i fonts of Itahun newtpapers were cross-
lofl913 crop are reported at from i Calif orma that Jesse Jeweu naa oougiii i . ng the frontier into Italy today un
It to 17 eents. It is expected a 20- 100 bales of JVfeVltea'thlt"! ; an order by the Vienna government
tt tries will be established by the 20 cents. The belief prevailed that a, . -
ww of next week. ! 20-cent market win ue general on w expemug w a.o... i v.......,.
Letter Tells of Gay Pare Laugh and
Jest About Their Relatives at the
Tront as Though Comic Opera War.
Three Aw Named for Governor, With
Knowland, Heney and Phelan Select
ed ior United States Senate.
SuMteia wheat advanced a cent yes-
terdij and is quoted at 1.07Va." Other
Claim This Is So Strong as to Be Liable
to Cause a Clash With Japan Jap
anese Admiral Searching for Mines.
Coast by the opening of next week. -The massing of troops in the Tyrol
A J" : nnt iinn.'d KMfl 11 TA nnnfinnafl anil fllO P.rvn Vltl CM1 Wflfl lrOW-
. , ,, , , , . n.t. man? selers. Hie menarason 101 ui 'J- or Hostilities wouiu come soon.
nVt t "l t: , ;, iq ! t w McNeff Bros, at 10 cents. A. Bonomaj ox it. Like the Austrians, they have
tLi.ViI .,t -iiT .tin fnthpr' cr0P waa bought by Hall at 17 cents. bcoa concentrating solciicrs on the bor
.rpW the market iU s til further. h f lm, marVet letters,! dfi whi(.h is 8tr0ngly fortified. .
. Several lot. 0-!,iatalAgMUO to 12, said: fler
m, were .old recently nt from 10 to ; wiw Neilme & f0.There has been a , MACLEAY HAPPENINGS.
S eenti. Lemons are due for a 50-; better 'inquil.y for hops for immediate
w "hop with the beginning of the j irem(;ntg at substantial advance (-apital jollrnal Special Service.)
eet There never was any Teason or ; ; valueg ail(1 tlic few remaining parcels a),,,eav Au. 2S. A fine big boy,
tteue for their rise. ! still unsold are being held for higher ; e. , t ;- ,lt .,omulS) h;ls R1.rivel at the
.,,". prices. home of Mr. and Mrs. vwliiam rs
P nd prices are very firm, but unless! Thornton & Manger Our market is , . , , c,pt,,a with much
h oeeomes necessary to buy supplies better and values are somewhat higher , . f- . t ,or in Mr. Pavree's'
outMe markets at a higher range,! thnn they were last week. "! family' Mrs Pavree (formerly Miss
. r . r "Kal quuiaiions ma ue; ivninuer lientey :-i iiuich in.ruHK' TMQaj0 prnhis1 s celt nil a one as well
SUfit&inAl Kn t...l l,...t... ,.'.11 I 1 1 -M-.t .Tn.!,inll,. nnnlnmab . . r- f.
tMk t. .. l . . . 1 . ' . . t ' i s
uiiirKei oeinre uctooer. i and a lurtiier inroad lias ueen nmnu
Podtrr ig h g00j gujily anu springs ' the extremely small stocks loft. Prices
re quoted one cent lower. There was! have advanced lis 'to 10s from the low-,;
tlight advance yesterday in raw sug-jest point, and a firm tone prevails.
u, ad prices here. are" expected toi W. H: and H. Le May During the
winj upward again. ! past week a good many parcels of hops
. changed hands with the result that the
MCAli WHOLESALE MARKETS i n,nrlipt m,lst now he quoted higher. The
j v jifin ria inut uiu kii ss""--""
$1100 ai"8 ave now been withdrawn from
t'.oo P!l,e- '
' o",i Portland, Ore., Aug. "28. Wheat
J8 00 ' ' oiuegtpm, i.ay2; . mo
(By William Philip Sims.)
Paris. Aug. 17. (By mail to New
hrv i fiav 'Pree' ' Never has the
French capital so wIl tteservea it rep
utation for high spirits as at present.
The Paris of war times is not the
Paris of peace times, to be sure, but
it is Paris just the same, and more
happy-go-lucky than ever.
Tables and chairs on the sidewalks
: tw,t nf cafes, the I'renchiest of
French institutions, are tabooed under
martial law, but inside the merry
throng still sits sipping its drinks
generally Boft ones swapping funny
stories and enjoying itself as cheerful
ly as ever. "";
To look and listen, one would never
a.. ...... thorn U'HH ' TIOT. U 1U1K11V X"
BUWt'VSOt. n.
Berlin, via Borne, Aug. 28. Convinc
ed by Germany's latest victories on the
French frontier that the kaiser's troops
will soon reach Paris, Berlin was half
delirious with joy today.
The fatherland's infantry, it was or
fieially announced, had shown its su
periority over the nemy'B at Meu
beuce, Longwy, Namur and other
Much of the tigimng was sum iu
have been at the point of the bay
onet. It was admitted, however, that Ger
man losses were tremendous.
Germans in Brussels.
, Brussels, via Antwerp, Aug. 2S. The
f:,.iMuii in iicrmmtion of Brussels have
SU tUCie HUD ""I. Ut'l illH H I II m-riiJMH i"" -
v..,,..u without its soldier at tne rioni minnnted raoid firinir Ciins at ttio cuy s
. i m l f lt':it:n... !.. ....... ! . .. 1.. ..l,,un tn I .... t ...i.iu mi.niif.
Dome or Mr. anil .virs. imhihui ()Ut tuese peupio snupiji "L
Her mother is
mope or brood.
Alphonse and Gaston.
Alphonse is present, too old to go to
war. Gaston is the same age, so his
services, too, were refused when he
offered them.
"My son," says Alphonse, who is
as could be expected
with her. -
One of the largest hops that has come
into the Salem market for a long time j y H(,hj ..wrjtes me he is having n
was wneu iii., viowu mw , . i
the K. C. -Choss market, live weight
591) pounds, 'j ne wnnio inns is nu , ft,.n
cellent place for hogs owing to the . . IIe the company cook," replies
hot time at the front." I every courtesy.
Indeed, ana wnui i nc uumi,
..ntinniw. A II t Olllflt IC L'illlH mOllllt
ed on auto trucks are patrolling tlie
The city, however, is calm. There
have been no outbreaks.
Burgomaster Max has refused to
L.hvh thn citv hall sineo the Germans'
arrival, llis'f irmness has won German
respect, and he has been treated Witt
Ban Francisco, Aug. 28. Botums re
eeived here in the last 24 hours from
Tnesdav's primary election indicated
that John D. Fredericks of Los An
gelcs, won the republican nomination
for governor over his nearest opponent
v.r o mainritv between 30,000 and 40,-
nnn w. State Senator John B. Cur-
tin still maintained his lead in the race
for the democratic nomination and is
practically certain to defeat irea .
Hall and Edward White, the other can
didates. ,
Congressman J. B. Knowland increas
ed his lead over Samuel M. Shortridge
for the republican senatorial nomina
tion and a good contest in November is
exported between Knowland, Honey
and Phelan republican, progressive
and democrat, respectively.
Latest returns indicate that it is
-lm.Mfnl us to whether Judge Walter
Burdwell or Judge Win. Conley will
contest with Judge F. M. Angolotti for
the offico of chief justice of the state
supreme court.
i.ato figures also developed a sharp
I contest for the progressive nomination
!fr secretary of state between F. .1.
! ii'liiii.n nml .lames M. Murphy, the la
bor leader. At 7:30 a. m. today Mm-
l.,f uiuu hnr liter O'Brien bv about -IIH
votes. O'Brien seems to have won the I
democratic nomination, but if Murphy
beats him for the progressive r.ominn
Tokio, Aug. 28. Ambassadors Count
Von Bex and Baron Muller de Szenfg
3"rgyi representing Germany and Austria-Hungary,
respectively, were turn
ing over their official affairs today
to United States Ambassador Guthrie,
who will act for their governments, fol
lowing their departure for home via
America on tho steamship Minnesota
The censorship was so strict that, it
was possible to learn little concerning
Japuuese operations off Kiao Chau, but
was oenevea Aimnrni jsnto was
searching the waters of the coast for
mines which, were said to be sown so
thickly at the bay 'entrance as to inter
fere with his fleet's manenvers.
Ueperts were current that the Chi
nese were showing such strong German
sympathies as to threaten friction be
tween them and the Japanese, but these
rumors were unverified.
To get the genuine, call for full iiame
for signature of 15. W. Grove. Cv.res
a Cold in One Day. 25c.
afterward and talk ov-r the cituKtiani.
(Signed) "Chester II. Howell."
lleney replied as follows:
"1 deeply appreciate your geueicus
message and shall be more than fcltid
"?, timothy
per ton .
wto m vetck
Ckeat . ;
J't, per bushel
"ia. Mr fa
'. W huiAeT " " .? Walla bluestem. $1 at Walla" Walla.
lliitim n "'" ul ; Ht xr 1 .i,:i -j 'in.
ht.tZ.. 10 S
-i ru w
..- 1.00
- AUIier Mill Vrtrra
"erfat, per R f. 0. v, oliom i Prime steers, 7c; fancy eows
Oats No. 1 white feed. 30c
Barely Brewing 23.50; feed, $23.
nogs Best live, W'tC
merybutterfper lb.
calves. 8'Ac
......J...."".".' 23c Spring lambs, 6c
Pr lb.
per lb. .
8c '
ilnirvinff and train trowing that is be
ing done there.
Mrs. 4). J. Miller and family spent a
i-i-nr ,is' outinc in the mountains and
had a delightful time.
.vlr. B; K Chamberlain was a Salem
visitor one day this week..
fr ami Mrs. H . O. Tavlor have as
their house gnests Mrs. Alta Bon and
son, William, from White Bluffs. Mrs.
is the proprietor of one
6c- best of tl,e laresf hardware houses in that
Mr. II.-K. Martin is building a new
fnr his new Overland, which
Alphonse, chuckling, for his son is a
soncial lion.
Gaston chuckles alto, for he lias tt
joke of his own, it seems.
"What uo you turns., uu
"You know Jean, the butcher! He
has joined the ranks."
"But, no," exclaims Alphonse.
"I thought he was reused because
too fat."
"They took him in - the auxiliary,
however," explains Gaston. "He is
the company barber." .
vvi.oreiiiwin the two old cronies, each
nd cranusons in
This Lung Remedy
Mutter l.itv creamery, jae. - r " . .. i ..:!, anna n
Ks-Selected local extras. 29(ol30c. ne. J1!8? P"r"r!"; - ' . .1... feiB German shrapnel, bul
Hens 14c; broilers, 16c; ee.e, IQe. lS;1 Hill farmers'. I Udells and bayonets, if not already
& SK!R.Tt!H ap T.TrrTTTBTTS ' thev sav thev uphold the county court; deaa on i""i ."
A scries of lectures bv Bev. E. L. in their work of not appropriating any
. .. -. . . r iL. ntn:,:i,r nf nur pmlTltV
irSt ' UlOllf.V Hir l" ri:tiii,( v. v...
g agriculturist, Mr. .Uitner tnapin. iney
f? tir.'- A scries of lectures by Bev. E. I
Brrtwt- 141 HuM. b- u-win start tue Firs
Per lb "jw.a'ii. Congregational ediirch Bunday evenin
w soes, net n .".i-Viovje . . ,i.; th. i. h
v uiigrrun Liuitiu r nun: ii ciuuuht vvcuiu "ft1" "v" v : . , , ,
.i..-: a u nn t.iii.!.- lurmnrR are canuble Ot KllOW-
iH ... . , . , . m -Jr .,i i .l a. :n liAat- nnrl hUa what
. n ti,..- : .u. i-j: nn?tnra ,in th host in their part of the
iacv itrAniinont f firm ftp
' ... i. .v.i -,,if 'nmveor -KdtA: 1 Hurray Ir
ui luh i (i mrrptrnr nnn rn t p. (.nasi i-oil nmi aiui tiu..-
. 25i
In, l'er
gwi,.V ov. Biiujecv oi --rsyeuoiogy oi xieanu. ib
tai VZ?".S' P A. ... 4i,pL Dr- House is one of the leading pastors will do
luelaij I.. of th eonntry. He is now moderator f-ountv.
rTtWrIK mi: 7.-i t fn,.i.n nmmfv poiirtl (. ome at
IW?BtrT pelta, each Grove, says: "More people attend these ' them again! We need more of that
Pelti. at wiLU 6oc$l I . , ' .. ' ... .:.nillB uiml of business, then our taxes
, . n- " " . , -
Sunday evening, 7
! Available God.'
:30 o'clock-
I The program follows: : would be more reasonable.
'An' Mrs. Perry Taylor, who fell several
.iauii nan and hurt her limb, is not
'fttaeisea, a os P i Monday, 3 p. m.-" Bealizing God." getting along as well as she should.
5?He; W j. ?-E-8 p. m., "The Powers of the.Mind." -The woon.l .ema to-be very pamfoL
';pet, 2' " " "t0r- Tuesdav, 3 P. nr.-" The Psychology! Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Bohrnsteadt haVe
.Bttr.p.l ' r""s, ii i2c. .t. -',, ..' . . r. 1. 1 t,m he r vucntion in tne
5e-w . r 3l,1-c: firt. I"1 rayer 9 p. in., "xne forces 01,1..., - -,-n
?':;5e; icon".l , H ' Pr,me-i Suggestion." . . mountains. They report an excellent !
llCt'lifori,ia 4c;. , j Wednesday,' 3 p. m.-"Tuning to the trip with many good th.ngs to eat and (
Mmi.l. '"Ji HC: firsts. Tt: , . U 1 A . o.l tWY, ina.
, -, lie. ' ' "iiiuiie a p. m., "rne uesiroyeni mc ."" ' ' u-.m
" and Builders of Health." - Mr. Frank Bobertson made a business
SEATTLE MAEKETH Thursday, 3 p. m. " Jesus' Method trip to Salem Moudav.
8-u, T3' of Healinii": I , m.. ".lemis. the Con- Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Simeral, who are
Aa, cio, Mid of 00,1 ' feUng quite proud of their new grana-
Wenttir9- Fr.day.3 p. ,.-"The Power of Af-! son, George Jr arose a
(W. tabes. si. ' ,. - . ! irmation"; 8 p. m.. " W!
aoa.. u"fK8,! lUali,, U .a
IV- "tr-.
"The rower 01 ai- "" ' " " r- ..... ,i,
; p. m, What Ia Spiritual , Sunday and " " I
llicdt' iniB" ,n . .
Ontario. Tnl nr !( Tnirlriimeii
1 , -
blew the nostnffieA aaf mt Cne.m, Mort-
ily as they sipped their syrup of grena
d'ne- , .
The French simply will not mope.
Amusement Places Closed.
Yes, Paris keeps ks temper, and its
gaiety, but it is a vastly different
Paris from the one the average tourist
knows. , .....
For instance, the only way of getting
about is by taxi or horse cab. The fa
mous automobile stages disappeared
the first day of mobilization. Ibey
were wanted' to carry troops in. Bi
cycles are at a premium.
" The theatres have been closed. The
managements of many of them offered
them to the government for whatever
uses it might desire to put ineiu.
The Jardin de Paris, well known to
American visitors, has become a nur
sery for the babies of women who have
been compiled, through their bread
winners' absence at the front, to go
out and earn their own livings.
It is a very much changed Pans, but
it remains a jolly one.
tion there will lie a tnree-coniereii i to talk over tho situation w un you tuny
fight for the office between Frank C. at your earliest opportunity. I agree
Jordan, republican, and O'Brien ami j with you that my position is stronger
Murphy. I than it would have been if the nomina-
Counting of the returns wus stopped j tion had come to me without any con
yesterday and tho work of beginning tost. My only regret is that one of
the official canvass was taken up at j us lu,d to lose. One of tho ph asantest
v auj 1 j 1 H m. today, tor una umivmi ""-1 roiiiiirrg 01 our cniiiiniiyii nu.i intii mi:
wr Cft Viovc' I''''1'-' returns will not be available tin- ' realization by each of us that he would
KnOWn rllteen ICalS ,ii tnc (,f filial canvass is completed, j receive the loyal support of the other
, fr,.m or isia week or ten days hence. I if nominated. I think wo are both to
th S ide would I" j The following telegram, were ex- ll0 lu,Rra,u;ted upon the fact that ,r
tnreauiieu nu "u t , . ,.!, , t. av between Chester 11. , r.ontest has been coeducted in such nml
eTes'Cre broTgi t a out through th.i Uowell, defeated candidate for the pro- ,lirit ,hat it will have helped to ,:,ko
erics kcio "'""h" " .. r 1.. ..- .......;.,i;.,.i ai'lllltnr. II nil 1 tl, A i.rlnmrv Itiw lioml lir mill f -
use of Kokmun'a Alterative, a remuuy rto.c .....,..,..... , ,., 1 j 11
which has stood the test for nearly ; Francis J. Heney, the victorious earn!,- j fectivc."
fiftnn vears. a. strone opinion in iav uaic. . . ..
or of it would be the "result.. What it "Francis J. Heney, hun ne..eo;, , uia m nm
i- - 1 - nlLilpu it mil V tin I Ikllir TH I I1IILI llflin I'll ? ru i ,i.ri....n. , iiil l fliii mi u. iniKi a, ...-a, .
foar ,TK this: tion. ou can, of course, count on my ,. Hall, of Ih.kersfield one of the dem
145 E. 12i!ii St., New Work. unqualified support anu 1 urn gmu inc.
"Gentlemen: Last December I took majority is so decisive as to leave 110,
v mi,-.... u -., " 1. 1., in (In.
a sudden cold, wliu li oeveioieu ii; excuse ior uuj
Pneumonia. The doctor did all he pos- ing likewise. I think you will also
... , . t.l ..I.Mir! .I...A .A In nkiu.h lt.llwr IIIIMI-
s b V con d for nie, our. couni - : agree tnav yu am i 1 ....,-. -..--, ' . ,.
mv liintr. One day 1 saw a testimon-1 tioB for having won the nomination , ager, declared the county showed Hall
111 units. j ...ii;.,,, ,.f thai fhon T-nn wiiiil.l linvp whs now leadiiiir Curtm bv l.oOO votes.
al in one or tne pupem ; m an wri"- " J"" , , . . "... 0.,4 '
i..i inkiiiii t . .. - ;f i,v rii.itiiiir. 1 Mere 111111 mat. nan lmitu nnBisinc, pifi'i
Kckman s Alterative ior a uiiumo "M has not oeen a smgie nmuinv ......
the lungs. I began taking it ana soon , thc cttlnI)aign and there are no sores
felt good results. My iuk" ;," -" to heal. 1 am teavuiK n ";"
Since then Mr. Himeral is wearing the( Washington, Aug. 28. A resolution
"wear ever" smile and feeling twice , uin upon the department of justice
t.. 1 .:-.a I . . " ,Ua iilvinirr in the Bliee
Dis normal "c 1 to invesnnaic v-i . . ,
p.a Mon-k "-" '"'' " ,,urf wheat was introdueed in. the House
escaped L, Chances are German cruiser wm 1I1I j b B.,,resentative Carey of llli-
Nobodv Shave been a better art than the New .
2l- npnr hora difW v mnA
with .100 in rnh Knhodvlhnve been 'a better sf-t
I in the villege heard the explosion. 1 York. Yacht elub.
clear up and I began to gain in strength 1 n ,C y0M.mite
II a. A tnlrA 1 1 t
and was soon wen eiioiiu" i i -r
my work again. 1 am in better health
now than I have been at any tune. I
am a missionary worker for the ew
York Home for Homeless and. i riend
leas Boys."
(Affidavit) EBNKSTI'. 1HIAUA
(Above abbreviatad; more on re
quest.) ' i
Kckman 's Alterative has been proven
by many years' test to be most effica
cious for severe Throat and Lung Af
fertions, Bronchitis, Bronchial Asthma,
v..,i.i.m Cnlila ami in upbuilding the
system. Contains no narcotics, poisons
or habitferming drugs. Ask for hook
let telling of recoveries and write to
Eckman Laboratory, rhiladeipnia, 1 a.,
for evidence. Accept no substitute.
K.n11 aire 1.00. reeular size 2.00. For
sale by all leading druggists.
Washington, Aug. 28. Hearings on
the administration bill for a govern
ment-controlled steamship line was
started here this afternoon by thc
House merchant marine committee.
Will hope to see you i from
ocrntic candidates for the governorship,
had forged ahead of Htate Henutor Jniio
It. Curtin, was the claim here this aft
ernoon of Hall's campaign managers.
F.ugeue Bowles, Hairs publicity iiian-
lt:irbra ami Contra Costa counties umi
a portion of Los Angeles county, all
ho claimed Ball strongholds, yet to mar
Crawford peaches, bushel 70c
Sweet Potatoes, 6 lbs. for 25c
IriKh Potatoes, 10 lbs. for 25c
Onions, 10 lbs. for 25c
Oregon Tomatoes, pound 05c
String Beans, pound 05c
Bummer Squash, each 05c
Eweet corn, dozen 10c and 15c
Celery, Beets, Turnips, Car
rots, Green Peppers, lb 10c
Cucumbers, 2 for Of
Lemons, dozen 40c
Oranges 25c and 50c
Bananas 25c
Bartlett Pears, basket 15c
Crab Apples, basket 15c
Gravonstein Apples 10c
Damson Pluma - 10c
Hungarian Plums 10i
Crawford Peaches, basket 20c
Buccessors to Thlelsen Cash Grocery 1- A. Westacott & Co.
151 NOBTH HIGH 8TBEET : : : : : : : TELEPHONE 830
- . w -