romi TUB DAILY OAPIT U. JOURNAL. 8 AX EM. OREGON. FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1914. Editorial Page of The Daily Capital Journal FRIDAY AUGUST 28, l9l4 x THE DAILY ,;L JOUREVL PlIBLISIIED BY CAPITAL JOURNAL PRINTING CO., Inc. CHARLES H. USHER EDITOR AND MANAGES 1Crtl seiiuus uunKiii PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. SALEM, OREGON about 44 years agO BUBSCBIPTIOX BATES The French government tells its citizens the Germans are being driven back and there is no danger of their getting through the lines. This sounds good, but when at the Same time tP. CnVPmmPnt tacrine chinnmif in o-roaf quantities of provisions and prepares for a long siege tUr. r,iA :4.: i a , ,, . P mc ouiu likens iuoh asKance ac eacn otner and do some real serious thinking. They heard that same story before, Daily, by Carrier, per year Daily, by Mail, per year... Weokly, by Mail, per year. .$3.25 . 4.00 ,. 1.00 Per "ni" 5e Our readers could not fail to note that nil the rpnl war Per month 35c I nou-a nf vorfanrlmf ,.r i J . a. n r i . 5o 11 Y J,to,-cluJf piuucu in ine capital Journal in FULL LEASED WIBE TELEGRAPH REPORT " ,!. Wra ?aVe n0m& iil n Lif I m J I J i I.. I II J I. I r l M IP I muQ n yohnrih . The Capital Journal carrier toys ara instructed to put the papera on tha ews. If you Want an illustration of the SUDerioritv of porch. If the carrier doet not do tbla, misses you. or neglects getting the the afternoon DflDPr fl? n nnrvovn- r i . .... paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only " , , il P ? , t P"101 01 news, lust Compare rwecau determine whether or not the carrier are following Instruction, yesterdays Capital Journal With this morning's papers. WORRY AS A SUCCESS-KILLER. Besides havinr the fiprman float canniv.1,. - -o .v,, ov-v-ui CI V UUIUCU 3b VQMAIIO l-lri.s,n 1 I 1 i . . .wvuo u,rt-, au except me one running wild off Coos j vf T ine entrance to the Mediterranean t u it ... , ,.,,., . Jav' "Kianu controls me entrance to the Mediterrflnpan Perhaps there is nothing else so utterly foolish and and while her own ships and those of he? friends cfnlo unprofitable as a habit of worrvinp. It sans tha nonmu rr,r,r, u-- . ..rr Inenas. can go v. v uionio SAIOHTIJV.C a UUXUCI1 ---- JJ lrnK3' 1 p1- f,a PerPftual Jy and blessin,g- , let's see, wasn't it England, Germany and France as it should be. Poise and serenity are necessary to the whose newsDaners a short tfrnZ ? ? complete devebDment of character And tn,p iw,. nf thl ll?t&3rl tlme aS? made caustic cnticism The man who worries is never lfnte ?ut f ectly balanced, never at his best; for every moment of "1C UilHCUJiates 10 op tnemr fflS'Md g S","op Picket ,re Worrying indicates a lack of confidence in our drouth f there s is still stte fair o- .Dm f?e strength; it shows that we are unbalanced, thnf wo rlnlrnen Jo knnnlAi.i, ' "la I IdllS me not lay hold of the universal energy which leaves no UOUOU. no Uncertainrv. Tho mnn .'hn Anna t T-i .. . who believes in himself, touches thr of infin te presVnTw power. Never doubting, never hesitating he is " on- SSfiJhHn-h! vf Vlfhat lle Austria started stantly reinforced fromg'the Omnotencehat Se'aJes actual the whole blamed bunch is partly to blame, planets and suns. ' -Trio r-m TT"! 7 . The habit of worry is largely a physical infirmity it factorv i! SfiplHntePprttd J have leized a corset is an evidence of lack of haraoSy iS the mentaSen I lZJ wanted to t a cinch Ifte we -nn spH cmi th c1f-f-j .... . w,tllu 11 . r . w, vnv ovu-v,nucicu wan, never wao- w ui 'iwMiaies. ine mnniie oaiance wheel presei-ves wss, anu an accident or uncertainty. Enough vital energy has been wasted in useless worry trt nin nl fVir r.Tn: -r iL. 1 J i wji UJ1 mc rtUUHS Ul uie WOllU. rieaafa-wHiiiM . . H'i1 If Y. V W 1 I r ,A X I PROPOSED NEW CITY CHARTER. The charter committee, after weeks of investigation, cuur i to 1 1 ucn a tnorougn under standing of the subject, have drafted a new charter, Dased on the mmmuQinn nlon nnrl ' . - - anu uiuviuiui lor a citv business manager. This charter will be submitted to the 1V1 uu uiui or rejection in a tew weeks and it would be weU for the voters to do some thinking in the , vv iiu uuuut uui me present citv fnvprnmpnr nf v! oi l V 1 1. aiuiquaiea ioito and unsuit- , 'lTu,ul ine community. 'or this reason ,V, Tr . u "e Possibility of harm coming to any pubh s interest .by giving the commission and manegerial P an a tna , since it might later be changed if found Salem has outgrown the 'village form of government BATTLESHIPS AND CANALS. 2tcom made editor- The Sault Ste Marie canal, the busiest artifiehl tent authorities estimate that this expenditure has saved of a&JS -is wwidei-abljr less than the cost oi a i6.c dn-adiiauglu. By comparing the returns nn a battleship with those on the Sai It Ste Marie one get an understanding of the rmxmiS'L vesting in peace or in war " 1 om in" ' TUP DrtiTxrrt tin T 4c "vm.wr J The Hennaer ,n0,lpatlv hnt. that the i-eoj.le of Heppner knew of the io'a death More the pcole of Koine, , Bandon'g council has just awarded a ewer contract for 211j with paving iu. go on top of that to the contract value of 12,4 12.39. The council h. also accepted a water bonds hid nf -t!),2ot). ANTI-MILITARISTS. CHEVYING THE RAG Claim England Did Not Do All It Could to Prorent Wat Government Critics Howled Down In Great Demonstration By Ed 1. Keen. London, Auir. 28. A Germ.m iJ i n8 wag rot thought likelv here toilav. ililitary experts believed two thi would Btanc) n: i oiuc irom me haZ,0; ;!":'00 ,..Th o, Ws th. - , - t i - in ihu -iii, auti Pilitor s opinion. imiiuul.! ...:..i.. i i ti. : , .,' ' - ' " iiiimrun-1 inn ueressuv tnev sppino.l liir.i,, i KVA r; ,"bo:."ffr,:tJ. fc of t,,rni" t. the section, when it is not, and the finest I Premier Ani,h : , rainfall.' " " c, " "a -' ''!.Ia'it t t- .-,! .,ru,MS were still ad- Moro Observer: M,V.pmJ T"8 ""J tlle " filing reports tlmt n ).s,i,.... .,.." i ,.,.i". . hor rprillg chicKo,, and l,ta . fieldn.Z .T.JSfti aui.....l ..!.. "."."!' ir,v' .e" whK yinK General Jof I effort, rt the eh k,n " , ' '""" "" ,0r the IfThis-Why Not This? Hitting the telephone does not improve the service. When a man's watch fails to keep time properly he consults an ex perta watchmaker. Yet many, when the telephone does not work as they think it should, hammer the instrument, which is just as delicate and complicated as a fine watch. We realize that your telephone is just as liable to get out of order as your watch, automobile or sewing machine, and we therefore main tain a force of expert instrument men whose duty it is to keep every telephone in perfect working condition. When there is trouble don't "hit your telephone." Call our Com plaint Department. Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station The Pacific Telephone Telegraph Co. PARIS LEARNS OF FALL OF LONGWY .1 . . ., " ' l Mil 1-3 mV place being floored. I DohbI,,. Mii,w L AM Howlei Down. r in (ro01, VIST .if B,ton'. AK. 2S.AnU-n,mt.,ist. enterprise in the publication of "The1 f . , v,KoroH tt?"Ut in the house New West." h:,.. I,. .f"..... .J ?.f.c. "'" lay to ..rove .hat th. mwtratwl nioiithlv mauanne iIpvMh.1 ; IV: n 0IIU e "l "t do all o the intort'su ' ,vr.f.t ,t"t ,,ttVt? oue ... '"Hi iH'at'P. ! about onJ fifth nng'ablea 1 fai?ine' She Pces only ! twin n 0fhr bread aml as she has neglected to ay in a supply of flour is on the verge of eofnP hrA 5!Sf S J ls ?UP8t,ed hy the authorities thatgrice be Anf!n S Ceu0f b1?ad- This is about like Queen Marie countrv nn """.v,y sianea ana yet one Snin 1 1?' either, feels the effect of will cord tiow hP in tSl - lts f00d PP'y- What lonf since PrKttal&ru,M,SfS SffiSrt Hunger will array against all sides. LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1868 CfipitaI ' " - $300,000.00 Transact a general banting business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Oregon eonntry." He e.ltts it well ami . . " n" Heavy lion!; paper, with excellent illustrations. to preserve Eu How to Be Healthy Each morn, before entim. T seeu mile the journey repent iui(, in oinereut ntyle, be fore I eat "dinner, and tims, you mav see, my health is it winuer jut gaze "pun me! There is for the Rlultoo but siokuess and grief; I never eat mutton or chicken or beef; 1 never eat puddin' or doughnuts or pie; "it's me for the wcoden old turnips" . 1! A beet or puukin will make fried , . ,M h9' been fried for eookiug will slaughter the nuerobes inside. 1 boil u .:, I i i The war Party n, ; ...i,i. Mi(f majority, however. ,i ....,.., 'i! overn'",''fs critics in the ,renw,ulous patriotic demon- F,le?.r?-el0SSi ,Fr"i!n sH'"-otary Si, .1 V-V11 lalltJ on t0 fl'"ish some explanation. ..JlT.0,"!"'"1 al,,,'"a-lor in London 1 "Kf picu. in nva k- 1 . . 1 - turn vicruianv nuiint waiM ro:u ii:ii,rtwin8 w- """na uunenrv an.i Rn..;. :f '.'lta:n ?M' gtee France ul ,t developed that ? ''"L"' W?n,.,:1 th Briti.ll to Mm. iiv u ueuiraiiiy. even thouirh Ger- to it unt.l 1 ve a ja. J do not weir them th, and alwavs K0 bare Vou think health'. . r.i.i.J ,rw' browse with the kin. i "nu who are ailing, BM, There j, one cure nnfilino,,,, whistle, with joy aH tae dM j VM u3tir, mm carrots and aaj- A WIRELESS CENSOR. Port and. Ore., Aug. SS.-Th.t th, nvy department ha designated Ijeu K. K. Salith to aet tnot, was the announcement mad here GOVERNMENT MUST HAVE THE OEEMAN DYE STUTFS win u i:"!.A.A": rn . ' . LU1U' tM gov ernment to remion !,.. . . inn Vi 1 V w"-v Ior ""Porta- tari o ". -", the im - '"arens to throw a m l lion American textile workers out of New1; R-Presentative Metx of thaT w, ' tTy Bryan tod.v lo : I"'' ,h. Pt "'or. the fould not be reprodused in this coun- trL'T'K0 th ,ta ln'rtment ii. Bh-n,'"0ft t0,iav nnU that Hotter 0PB ,rom kfort to Hotterdam, so lt i, loj, tJllt h " yml iiiie in iutch If necesarv.. Pn.i..:... "a"s! BnTnnt of t-e chera. Paris. A lie. 28. Paris lpnrna.l of th fall of the French frontier town of Longwy today. the oftieial disnntch was received late Thursday nigiit. The garrison Im.l i,rni. .1.. fence since August 3, it was stated, a single battalion resisting a bombard ment bv a creatlv half its number" had been killed or wounded. In tnkiiiff the town th ft said also to have lost heavily. LASSEN BEABS WATCHINO. San Francisco. Auir. 2S T;,a wateli should be kept on Lassen Peak i warning given by i'rotessor J. S. Piller, Uiiited States geologist, on his return from a visit to the California volcano. "The Lassen outbreak," he said, "is essentially volcanic, although no mol ten products have been found in con nection with the eruptions. Lassen maj suosiue to his former quiescence, but wo must not forget that the blow in? off of the top of old Vesuvius made Mount Somme and the Vesuvius of to day. ' ' PORTLAND GIRL DROWNED. Lon Beach. Wash inn a r,.i Niears, 21 years old, a domestic em ployed by Mrs. E. P. Murphy, of 412 Tillamook street, Portland was drowned uric esieruay. Dr. Hill and Dr. Paul and W. Gar retson. of the life uv;,, .i.:... ed for more than an hour in an effort to revive the woman, but their efforts "no jume. JUST A RUMOR, Wahinrtnn 1.... j. neraooa that a ,liji-. .. .. via 8rvilU. I t .' -'"" rrm it.. V""1' u btwiiht reports that alata. He admitted, howrer that th. lufomiat n. Ji t w Vr',u,t t final source. Irom LOOKED AFTER STATE'S CLAIM AGAINST COMPANY Assistant HHnm r -, Irawford returned last night from Grants Paw where he has been looking after the state rloim. . the Golden Drift mining company. The finnl ,d,,l.. . ., " . ' -. .-.u1;u oi me claims aaaint the compsnv whi..). v.. i. .. i , i utu in tne hands of the v. Judge ( alkin, yesteHny. The state has claim 0f i,70oo against the companv for the construction of a fishway over IB iinm At .- J , iere is aoout 40,W0 outstandinffl a receivers' certifi.o. , ine; of the receiver which has . prior claim, it is sa!d the company 'a holdings would bring not more than 110,000 at a sale present but George SamWrs, the head of the company says that he can place the-ompany upon its feet if given ime, and eaa pay off all of the claim. ' A - r , rSirirll-- i S . . Si - w1 nr r-. .1 hiibiwh.. ..(..liAL' J I !-! S L-ti &i 4 i i ft ' , j I, ? it' '"V ! i-1 vetAV- 3 Aft i- j r j 1 ft NEW ART D1MXQ ROOM. ERY modern b the dining room pictured here. It Is an Interior da- "si uy a ramous French decorator. Tbe alcove, in widen me place is set, affords space for chimney seats. Above these ran snrmw lwtL-ci,ir o .. . . . . . t.. jorHcht art t -out... eijuures or stainea glass tnai let iu placed above the shelf. Tne wall is covered with plain dark pape' height of the picture rod. Above that is a simple paneled border of P" paier outlinec with rosea. Th sideboard and table la oak r daKM " new and attractive lines. - . V DR. HICKEY RECOVERING. WU1 Boa Blockade, Xew York. Ann rv : - ' --- - varrTiB( a car-' Wer coal and rroviions, tie German' --siaried last aicht for Spam, its commaader believins; he could ru the b o.-kn.l- n . ,"J r.trolling ,he Atltic. " Portland, Ore Auir. T t.-v i.. ,iUiy recovering from the effects of the attack m. Hjvu UJ1U while he was sleeping in hi, nom(fi 514 .venue, .Monday, and has regain ed his memory. He knows nothing whuh will serve to clear np the mystery of the attack, according to Dr. K. A. J. MaeJCenzie, the attending physician: No aew developments occurred yes terday and it ia r.n.k.11- .1.. - . - r ma no ac tion will be taken until Dr. Hkker re eorers aufriciMtl .11 v. ,. -T f . I:.-,'" "V"" aistrict hirn" . aetwtlVM question t-eKo.y HUkey, the son, held as a matenal wife, visited the kuitt LOS ANGELES WILL PROTEST AGAINST WAR Los Angeles, Cal, Aug. geles will voice a protest ",v" butchery in Europe at a m nwU7 of all nations in one of th lie parks Sunday, according to P announced today by leaders f movement. t Among the sponsors of the 7' it the Women' City Club, - attenj ia a body, au p"s- organizations hav beea iBvited to Pj tieipate. Sjwaker rcprewntiB? nationalities will ad.ire. the 0" Paul Wedderiea wUl repr"" Germans. j Dining Room In Attractive Style ,1