Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 27, 1914, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Editorial Page of The Daily Capital Journal AuS II
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The Oreeonian proposes some
questions to The
it evidently regards as posers,
Capital Journal whic
when it asks:
Does the Kiilem paper support the Orcein miiiiii for made-in -Oregon
fooilsf If o, why doe it approve the tariff nbih enroiiraue, ami directly
briiius aliout, the importation of mailt' in Kuroe or madeiu-A-iia goodvf
Ioes the riileni (taper know of any irmo. rain- Oregon newnpaper that
through it profeviotn of iunpartiniihip or in any other way, has beeu le i
to the miort of any other candidate than a IVmwrat for an iniKrtant
office? lu other word, hen there is a fair choir to Im made betwecu a
leni(H'rat an. I a Kepuldican, when ha the hVpnllii-an been preferred to the
1 'mineral f
In reply we might ask if the Oregonian believes so
strongly in home industries that it would impose a tax on
all classes of people in order to support them? If so, its
belief is greater than ours, we must admit. The tariff
is a tax and never can be construed as anything else, and
the Oregonian has always advocated its reduction to the
level of a mere revenue producing tax, except during
political campaigns. All parties have favored revision
downward ever since the Mark Hanna-McKinley regime
went out of power. It .was this demand of western
republicans, led by Bristow, Norris, Cummins, LaFollette
and others, who voiced the republican sentiment of their
states, that paved the way for the progressive bolt and
led to the retirement of all the old high-tariff leaders of
ness of the people to be taxed forever for the benefit of
a few favored industries, btartmg as war tax to meet
emergency expenditures of government it has hung on
for half a century, and its beneficanes have waxed
i opulent and formed combines in restraint of trade, which
have dehed government control, and fixed prices to the
American consumer at their own sweet will. Sewing
machines, farm implements, railroad locomotives, steel
rails, products of American mills and factories, are being
sold much cheaper in foreign countries, after paying
freight across 'the ocean, than to the buyer at home; and
all because a high tariff kept out the foreign product and
gave the American manufacturer a monopoly of home
But it is useless to call the attention of the Oregonian
to these things because it has harped upon them for
years except during political campaigns. The founder
of that paper was ever a free trader going further in
mat airecuon man me tantt-ior-revenue-only democrats
ll 1 A TT .
oi me present lime, ne saw in advance what every
discriminating American realizes in the present crisis,
when our greatest need is ships to carry our products to
the waiting markets of the world that the true great
ness and wealth of the United States must be founded
upon free and unrestricted commerce, which has been
the foundation upon which all ereat nations have built
since the beginning of the world. The United States.
with an abundance of raw material, iron, copper, lumber,
wool, cotton and cereals, surpassed all rival nations in
the opportunity to conquer the world commercially, and
yet has allowed England, Germany,. Italy, Belgium
and other countries to buy these raw materials and out-
strip us in the ' markets of the world in the sale of
products of the mill and factory, and the principal reason
for it was the Chinese wall of high protection, serving
notice on the world at large that we were afraid to com
pete with other nations on equal footing. As a nation,
we have pursued a policy akin to that of Oretmn as n
state at the present time in selling its raw lumber at the
mills, and allowing other sections of the country to reap
the greater profit by selling the manufactured product
in the shape of furniture and other modern necessities.
Had a broad and liberal policv of free anrl'fnfr rhoa
with other nations been adopted our own Bag would have
Injunction Issued Against Collecting
Penalty Parties to Suit and Attor
ney as Legislators Voted for thi Bill.
the party in congress. The Oregonian was in sympathy
with the movement, and President Taft opposed only J been flying today from hundreds of vessels and we
snoum noc nave been compelled to purchase ships, in this
; the method of revision advocating a tariff commission
in place of having the vork done directly by congress.
The Oregonian knows that there is no longer any
reason for taxing every family in the United States for
the benefit of a few sugar planters in Louisiana. The
present war conditions show that when foreign imports
oi sugar are cut on the amount produced in this country
is immaterial and the price has. soared upward. This
, . ...tariff tax acts in a measure like a war blockade, tending
10 Keep ioreign imports out ana giving home producers
! ' an opportunity to overcharge home consumers.
As to lumber, a western product, we fear no foreign
competition at home because our supply of timber is
easy of access and our mills are of the largest and best,
and no "pauper'-laW country has lumber for export
Our principal competitor, British Columbia, can only
meet us in competition in the foreign markets and there
our import tariff cannot protect us. The Oretronian says
unfairly that the reduction of the tariff on lumber has
closed the Oregon mills, and if its statement were true
and its logic sound it would follow that British Columbia
mills are working overtime to supply the increased
demand upon them, when the fact is that the mills across
the Canadian line are more inactive than ours. The
lumtier industry of British Columbia is in a worse con
dition of stagnation than in Oregon, a fact which the
ortiana paper will not attempt to deny. Has American
iree trade killed the lumber industry of Canada?
As to wool, another Oregon product, there is little to
" say, since the market quotations sneak for it. It is a
.subject which papers like the Oregonian do not care to
discuss, and we have no disposition to rub it in. Free
wool simply meant a larger demand from the American
mills which will now lo enabled to make real woolen
cloth instead of "shoddy," the latter product bein- a
necessity which was the outgrowth of highly protected
wool. A great deal of foreign grown wool is needed in
the manufacture of certain fabrics and the almost
prohibitive tariff duty worked to restrict the operation
of our home factories, a handicap which has been
removed to the advantage alike of the mill-owner and
the wool-grower.
Some i)S per cent of our hops are sold abroad, as is
all cur surplus of wheat, and in the foreign markets
- must meet the foreign product on an equal footing, hence
the absurdity of levying an import duty on such products.
As to eggs-well a hen can lay no more eggs in China
-than in America and the food that best tend to produc
tion of eggs should cost the Chinaman more than it does
the American. It is true that a cargo of Chinese ezm
was shipped to the Northwest, but there is no good
reason to believe that the experiment will ever be
repeated. Chinese eggs-ami they must be labeled
would be about as popular here as rats and most of the
other Chinese edibles are in this country
The whole subject of the tariff rests on the willing-
crisis, to carry our foodstuffs to markets. We are paying
the penalty of high protection also in the fattened trusts
ana com Dines tnat, secure in their lack of competition
have taken more interest in putting up prices on the
home consumer than in going outside to acquire the
commerce of the world.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
, Established 1S63
Capital - - - - - $300,000.00
Transact a tveneral bankiny business
Safety Deposit Boxes
As to whether non-partisan newspapers of Oregon
ever support any other than democratic candidates, that
is for each editor to answer for himself. The editor of
iae capital journal nas, and probably will in the future
Six years ago he supported Mr. Fulton for practically
the same reasons he thinks Senator Chamberlain should
u ircieciea now viz., experience in the national legis
lauut- ana iauniui service to his constituents. He has
Mipponea many other republican candidates. In fact
v ii,c uu gieat merest m mis campaign, except to
uu uur part in trying to hold the Oregonian to the facts
and a little more steady in its logic. We candidly think
mat tne new train should be given an honest four-year
xw, guuu ui me country, since a large majority
of the people have wanted such a test and so expressed
themselves by their votes. Time must be given for the
necessary adjustment of business conditions, affecting
many lines of trade and the handling of certain products
a fact which really big newspapers like the Oregonian
should recognize. To do otherwise is to stamp -a new s
paper as placing partizanship above patriotism, the good
of the party above the welfare of the country
And when such a trial has been given the tariff-for-reve.me-only
policv the Canital Jnnm,i -;n :il
,L, t ' . ' , --r-- uua.iui mil UU1 Willi
he Oregonian in demanding the restoration of high
lnlthe meantime our producers and
ESSve been ind an the prosperity of
The office of County Treasurer Moors
was seeking legal advice thig morning
as the result of an injunction granted
by County Judge Bushey against the
collection of the 1 per cent t mouth
penalty on the seeond halfeof tales.
Today's number of taxpayers ealled to
pay the last half of tneir taxes, which
becomes delinquent on September 1,
and faced an ultimatum from Tax Col
lector George I'aiilus.
"I can't collect your taxes with the
interest added, and I won't collect them
witnout it, ' was tne way Mr. raums
p:;t it, and then entered into negotia
tions with the taxpayer. As Septem
ber 1 is close at hand the injunction
snit at this particular time makes it a
trying matter for the county treasurer
and the taxpayers as no taxpayer wants
to pav a penalty on taxes which can
not be collected until the courts have
taken action. Likewise the tax col
lector, who is acting within his interpre
tation of the law, does not wish to re
mit the interest which now amounts
to 5 per cent and be short that amount
should the courts decide that the pen
alty could be collected.
Approximately 1,000 in interest has
already been collected. The taxes due
have not been footed up since t'ae last
turn over was made to the county treas
urer and the penalties on half taxes
and the full amounts are not kept sep
arately, so it is impossible to compute
the amount the county would lose with
out going over the entire set of books.
The suit was brought by H. D. Pat
ton and E. C. Patton against J. G.
Moore, as county treasurer of Marion
county. The injunction granted by
Judge Bushey on the complaint Tiled
this morning says that the county treas
urer shall be enjoined from collecting
any penalties wuatsoever from the
plaintiffs and from any other taxpayer
in Marion county where one-half of "the
taxes have been paid and where the re
maining half shall be paid before Sep
tember 1.
The complaint states that t'ae plain
tiff were assessed 308.78 and paid
$154.33 in April. They offered the re
maining $154.38 on August 26 and de
manded a receipt in full for their taxes
but were refused. As a result they de
sired to test the law and because it was
inconvenient to bring all of the tax
payers of Marion county into court
took it upon themselves to test the law.
This law was passed at the last Bession
of the legislature changing the old law
so tnat a penalty of 1 per cent a month
might be added on taxes of which one-
naif were paid m April. The measure
was house bill 414, and H. D. Patton.
the plaintiff in this suit, voted for the
bill when it came up for final passage,
.lames G. Ileltzel, the attorney who is
handling the suit, also voted for the
bill along with the other four repre
sentatives from Marion county.
Mr. Heltzel this morning sa'id that it
was not the contention that the legisla
ture could not pass laws regulating
taxes, but this suit was brought ou the
grotiiM mat tne legislature could not
pass any measure whicn, in the lan
guage of the complaint, was "wholly
unnecessary, exorbitant, oppressive, il
legal, unjust, usonous and void." Mr.
lieltzel said that ha considered the law
unreasonable and unjust.
lhis penalty on the second half has
never been paid in Multnomah ennntv
where Judge C'leeton ruled that it was
megai. a nnmher of other counties
have followed the example of this coun
tv. Attorney General Crawford said
this morning that he had had a few in
quiries on this question but that it was
a matter to he handled by the county
snorney? and had rererred all com
munications to this official for nnin.
thi if 5? Very s,tatisticaJ Oregonian please answer
Jl&t0!. has n advanced two cents
ruu..u uvuw war oecause we do not produce enough
trlt . "lJ1 ll0W nign would sugar havi
gone if the tariff had been left on it? and who would hro
been benefited by the increased price?
Under the laws just passed with regard to admitting
uuuj oma iu American registry the Stars and
Stripes will become as numerous on the seas as thev are
at numr. xtry country ana dime will see the old flag
that adverse and asinine legislation has kept off the high
seas for half a century or more.
Evidently the press censors are out of a iob in Mexico
Jesterday a dispatch said a bloodless battle had been
fought between the constitutionalists and gang of rebel
lious federals. This is the first bloodless battle foutrht
rfht rePrted since Carranza came into the lime
! , . 1 ne American soldiers at Vera Cruz have won the
friendship of the Mexicans by their uniSy gentle!
tr 1 1 JUi,- oi ineir uniiorms. The
at er go a long way toward reconciling the lady enemies
to being in a state of seige. enemies
Some of those globe trotters have notified the Euro-
I go to roost tired out and sore, and
sigh, while yet awake, "There's no use
i.inS nm morr, uie s snen a grievous
rase, it s nothing but a round of toil
uu itrars ami mmgs liKe tnose; mv
heart is sorer than
a ooii, l nave so
many woes." While
grumbling thus I
start to snore until
bedspriiifis rock, and
then, for seven hours
or more, 1 slwep
arouriii a block. Ah,
far and wide my
snores are flung, till
wakeful neighbors
veil; 1 learned to
sleep when I was
young, niy tutors
taught me well. For
seven hour, nr mnr.
be nine, I lep with ardent zeal; then.
in mis witaered heart of mine, new
energy I feel. I murmur, as I don mv
rags, "How foolish is despair! 1 don 't
indorse those dismal wajs who sv that
life's a snsre. I'm glad that I have
work to do, and wish 1 had some more:
I'll gayly toil the long dav through, en
joying every chore. 1 feel as fresh and
free from aches as Adam, ere his fall;
bring on yonr wildcats and vour snakes,
and 1 shall whip them alll" Oh. sleep!
It is the only dope that's never known
to fail, that brings new courage, faith
and hope, when man is tired and stale.
TfM. W to
Los Angeles, Aug. 27. The will of
the late Frederick. V. Weveihaeuser.
the timber king, is on file here todsT.
It disrwsrs of trorrtr TitniU . -- .
000 in Loi AmsrU .n,- : i '
his horn at Oak Knoll aear Pasadeoa.
mention of the total ralue of his
property is given. His eight children
will share eq-ially in the dinribotion.
el . .
It mm
S- it - ' ;5 :
, Hot a mixfare tui
a straight product
of refining '
Standard Oil Gmpanv
House of Half a Million Bargains
We carry the largeat stock of Sacks and
Fruit Jars.
. H. Steinbock Junk Co.
233 State Street. Salem, Oregon. i'hone Mats tut
Motor Lubricants
Gasoline Gasoline
Public Filling Station
540 State Street
Opposite Court House
Patchwork Affairs For Use
Summer Bungalow.
There Is nothing like the old fashion
ed patchwork juiit for use with a four
post bed. Even Uiough the bed be a
copy only of' the antique, the quilt
needs to be of the same era, especially
If the room is furnished with rag rugs.
'ow and then at fairs and among pri
vate customers one flou a woman who
knows how to make ng carpets and
mats, and there is nothing more ap
propriate for the bedroom floors of the
summer cottage.
Fatchwork has periodHu revivals,
but even then it is never entirely out
of fashion. Many women today hoard
scraps of silk for this purpose as their
mothers, grandmothers and great
grandmothers did before Useta.
It Is possible to keep pieces of cer
tain colors for certain quilts, thos using
blue and white for one room or pink
and white for another. Appliques cut
from flowered cretonne are charming
on dimity bedspreads. In the tima of
our grandmothers the flowers and
leares had to be laboriously cut out of
colored patches, then be fitted together
with Infinitesimal stitches. Tha irritof
possesses a wonderful bedspread with
red popples and green leaTes and
stems, worked into a border an the
way round the spread.
Squares of patchwork Wfm tha A rot
sewing put into the hands of tiny
ma wens m those dars and served
daily "Mint for years to come.
Eccentric Ideas In Dancing Shoes F
tha Smart Woman's Exploitation
The season brings to light ata0'!S
other eccentricities the dancing slw
of patent leather with a series of cross
ed straps, on one set of which appear
a tiny watch. The shoe has the usual
buckle, the watch beiuff )cated J"51
on the ankle. .
Saudals are worn by women who g
in for freakish fashions. In Par.
Casters on the Table,
Many wearr ster can Ne uml
providing the kitchen table with cas
ters so that it can be easily moved
uvm piac to place. In dishwashing it
may be moved near th .nk
board; in fruit canning, near the stove.
uu ao on.
1 :L
mnr Discssa foot
where tbey have been introdjeed, t&
are worn with flesh colored
ings, which have special aZ. v
for the toes, so that th effect
quite startling. A few trios',
who havr pretty feet nT
with sandals and minus wsie.MJ
Suede nud satin rtippe"
with cubist patterns are also se
modish. ,.