Today's News Printed Today fe0 ,flseJ Wire . L I I .1 I I I I -W II II 31 II II II II V- ' -.ii " 3; 4 I K.I 111 1 I I I I I I I J 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I II II I 1 fi ll I - - I " " . 8 AT.. 0 REGION, THRTJSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1914. PRICE TWO CENTS STANDS, ITVB CENT -TcrvrNTH YEAR ; ; ; ; : - rtiini I ol i- i -' i uiRn-' f -: ! AK BliCH ALARWIED .. REQISTRATION BEGINS Registration of city voters for the coming municipal election began bright and early this morning when City Recorder Elgin opened the books. Voters will be allowed to register for this election up to 5 o'clock on October. 17. The city recorder is anxious that all who expect to register should come in as soon as possible as there are about 7,000 persons in Salem who must sign up before that date if they want to vote. RUSSIANS I 10 REACH BERLIN He Words of French Leaders Are Cheerful cut iheir 'Iclioa Belies Tnem GERMANS ARE FAR INSIDE LINES Russians Swarm Over Fron tier and May Draw Part of Army From France The allies plainly were alarm 4 today by developments on the Franco-Belgian frontier. Cheering words were spoken but actions belied them. The Paris and London war of fices, withheld their usual state ments concerning the fighting's progress, . Paris was preparing to with stand a siege. War Minister Millerand said these preparations were only "precautionary" but the people feared the allies flanks had been turned and that they were being driven in upon the capital. There certainly- was terrific frontier fighting and in places it ! twitted the Germans vere 25 miles on the French side, The French trofessed. how- l wr,to have Won fierce skirm- 1 !aV!.t nL,i& till. . . . auuui Line ann rpnnrra 4t Lille itself had fallen were KAISER WILHELM DER GROSSE, SUNK Former Big Trana-Atlantio Liner Pressed Into Service aa Cruiser, Sunk by Britisher Off African Coast. ' " PASSING r I Will Reduce These Later; Ex pect to Be in Berlin in ' Three Weeks CZAR HAS FOUR ARMIES OF 2,000,000 MEN EACH WILL REPRESENT ALL NEWS ASSOCIATIONS It was also asserted the Gallic wops were having the better of struggle along the frontier Www Nancy and the Vosges wuuiains, British Premier Asquith told liouse of commons that "the Prospects for a satisfactory out of the Conflict are excel-D-Mhe8aie time, how- to i Eft :ere bein landed T , u w ence it was The allies' losses were describ o in England as "staggering" g was said the Gerrnlns hid 'timated that the Franco had lost SBSn mS Ptured 4SgBy w McusaUon that f ha.d caused the conflict AntaSL? 8 ' hile German want war i,a V um wmBerliS feal figure " f'omTomn Wa' 90 tuol.v .l??bw!" that its London, Aug. 27. That the British cruiser Highflyer hail sunk the German steamship Kaiser Wilhelm Der Grosse off the west African coast was an nounced by First Lord of tho Admiralty inston Churchill in the i-ouse of com mons todav. The lost vessel was well known as a trans-Atlantic liner but had been pressed into the naval service as cruiser at the outbreak of war. Before it was sunk said Churchill, its guns killed one of the Highflyer's crew and wounded five. Premier Asquith, also addressing the commons, reported: "The government is desirous of giv ing the country all the information con sistent' with the public interest but it has been necessary to withhold many facts. It will be possible, however, to lift the veil of secrecy soon. "The British troops on the continent are upholding the best traditions of the service. They were in action Wednes day against a superior German force anil acquitted themselves splendidly. "The prospects for a satisfactory outcome of the conflict are excellent.' ' The house applauded this statement vociferously. Keir Hardie, a socialist member of the bouse and a strong anti militarist, tried ' to question Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey concerning neutrality negotiations with other coun tries' but .was. howled down. -.. VDo the socialists in the'TRciehstair ask such questions t" shouted Timothy Healy; '' . . " - , . Despite 'this commotion, Sir Edward, however, answered Hardie.". .. German Ambassador Lichnowsky did his best, he said,jto prevent war. . "a "But the authority was not in his hands," continued the foreign tQte tary. "The real fiuure was in Berlin. ' ' ' That is why the negotiation in the interests of peace failed. The ambas sador made suggestions but the actual proposals came-from tne German cap nai. xney were far different from what tne ambassador suggested. . 'Germany wag entirely responsible ror tne war." . Plan Is to Bottle Up Garrisons by Sheer Force of Num bers and Leave Them Washington, Aug. 27. Fred erick Palmer, ous of the most famous war correspondents in the world, will represent the .United Press and all other American press associations at the front with the British army. The British war office announc ed today that only one Ameri can correspondent would bo per mitted with .the army and the American press' rssociations unanimously agreed that Palmer was tie man best suited for the place. i Palmer was injiiondon when the war started. iAU American press associations will receive his reports sittiu'.Btneously. a i' fe a - a l? n l T', tIj p r p r I T GERMANS CROSS FRONTIER ItlliD I pi London, Aug. 27. In their haste to reach Berlin, striking a blow which will force the kaiser to diminish the furry of his attack on the Franco-British allies, it was said today the Russians were not stopping to reduce the east Prussian forts on their line of march. They were taking . the precaution, however, of isolating each fort as they passed, and leaving a sufficient force to keep its garrison bottled up to safe guard themselves against flank attacks. . Owing to their own great numbers and the weakness of the German gar risons, this plan of campaigning, which would be neither for the Germans nor for the Franco-British allies, was said to be presenting no serious difficulties. Later, it was expected, the various forts would be-reduced one at a time. It was believed the main Russian column would move straight on Posen, roseing the Warta river near the frontier.- The czar's commisaeriat, said a St. Petersburg; dispatch, was excellent and the troops would not have to "live -oil the country." . -' vv' Army of. 8,000,000,, "'r. ,'v St. Petersburg, via Rome, Aug. 27. within three wees the Russians expect OF MAI E ONEVASTEMPiRE German Army of Two Corps Trying to Flank Allies and Force Withdrawal LOSSES "STAGGERING;" BUT GERMANS' GREATER French Admit Some of Their Frontier Towns Will Have to Be Abandoned 60,000 AMERICANS WOULD JOIN ARMY Ottawa, Aug. 27. Colonel Sam Hughes, minister of militia, declared this afternoon that SO, 000 Americans had applied for enlistment in the Canadian army to be sent to Europe. He would not say whether any of the Am ericans had been accepted. PARIS IS PREPARING FOR SEIGE NOTIFIES GOVERNOR - PORT IS BLOCKADED American Consul Notifies ana Given 24 Hours in Which to Leave, zut He De cides to Stick to His Post London, Aug. 27.- That tha kaiser has in mind, if he shi ild win the pend ing European war, t te acquisition of the whole North aea and Baltic coast, from the Strait ot' ijovcr to the Gulf of Finland, wag the iipinion xprcssed here today by diplomats representing countries in arms agkinst the German and Austro-Hungary lillies. Their theory was thlt he would claim, say, the French departments ot tne Pas-De-Calais, the Word, Ardennes, the Meuse and Muerthe-ct-Mosolle, Belgium and Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Den mark, the Russian Jialtic : provinces, which have already ldsrge German popu lation, and probably Russian Poland. The German government did, indeed, say that it intended to evacuate Bel gium as soon as the military situation made it posBiblo, and Holland and Den mark have been 'merely alarmed with out actually being threatened.. Judging, however, from what the Fatherland's ruler and his advisors uo doiibtedly-would consider the necessi ties of their situation, observers of con tinentsl ,af f aire-- were; convinced that BeUzium would remhi:.Gerniaii)iov ince and .that means would b found of involving Holland and Denmark, in the conflict before the time came for talk to" attack Berlin,, it was - officially of settlement. stated here. today. It was announced From France and Russia, as having (By Ed L. Keen.) London, Aug. 27. The usual official morning statement o vnr departments was significantly withheld hore today. Unofficially it was reported that the Germans had penetrated the Franco British line between Montmcdy and Longwy, French frontier towns. Even the government has admitted that the German pressure upon the allies' front at these two points was suca tnai doiu eventually would have to be abandoned. The war office did not deny that German flankers, snid to consist of two armv corns, were - trying to force a withdrawal on the part ot tne ameB extreme loft, thus weakening their cen ter. ,. It was believed the latter had sufficient reserves, however, to prevent this. The French artillery had repulsed a cuvalrv raid acainst the allies' left 4 u wins. . . . . i at- . - German losses, said xne war oniue, had thus far been thrice" those of the allies, though the latter were t'stagger- ' Purely unofficial jirt hail jt that the allies' roll was 70,uuu Kiuea, wouna ed captured and saiMlntf, H over lers. the witj ,Ir. o,.i i.Y 'ce lichtino n tv HiiHe British t. ... . ' Miser Wiu,i j. ,r"is . I ;. av,ns ui Kuiea in Shanghai, Aug. 27. From his flaa- ship, the Suwo, Admiral Kato, com- mandmg the Japanese naval force off Kiao Chau bay, todav formally notified the German governor of Kiao Chau by wireless that the settlement was block aded. The United States consul was given 24 hours option whether to re main or leave, and chose the former alternative. Though a Japanese bombardment had put out of commission the wireless-station on the German island of Tan. southwest of Guam, the mikado's forces were understood to have displayed no inclination to seize the island. Yap is still in cable communication with Shanghai, but the destruction of the wirelss station cut off from the world the German Ladrone and Caro line island groups, whose messages, re ceived by wireless, Yap has hitherto relayed to Asia, Europe and America. BUSINESS SECTION OF SHELT0N BURNED Mis. . r tut at . j".b : th" ao 1 "Oftiife.1, that ti at the same time that mobilization had been completed and that 8,000,000 Rus sians were 'under arms. ' They were divided into four armies of- 2,000,000 men each, to be placed in the field from inland mobilization cen ters, one after another, each succeeding rearward army filling the gaps In its predecessor's ranks after each general engagement. . ". " Germans Retiring. St. ' Petersburg. Auk. 27. The Ger mans were still retiring' today' before the Russian advance in east Prussia. ' The nresent obiective of the Russian central advance was believed to be the imnortant citv of Posen. As they pre ceded, the czar's troops were bottling the Germans in the eastern forts. It was reported here that wben they evacuated Gumbinnen, Insterburg and Eydtkuhnen, the Germans poisoned the food supplies they left behind. Germans Claim Victory. Washington, Aug. 27. The German embassy here ennounced today that a wireless mcssaee from Berlin said the German cruiser Magdeburg had been blow up in the bay of t inland "It simply encountered a superior force, "was the only explanation given, The dispatcn said tne fliagaeourg o entering the Day wnen a iureiK" ran har fiarfrllTHl and destroyed her. Mnot nf the crew it was said, escaped. A aeimd disDatch from Berlin said the Bussian defeat at Krasnik resulted from "an irrisistable attach by Aus trian infantry." ' Still another ilisDatch said: "A large number of prisoners, chiefly British soldiers, passed through Aix La Chappelle today. -' TIRST THBOUGH CANAL. THINKS CORPORATIONS SHOULD HIRE GUNMEN Stockton Employer Says Employers Havo Bight to Hire Armed Men to Kill Anyone Who Displeases Them. San Francisco, Aug. 27. Chairman Chris Totten, of the Stockton M. M. E., was a witness yesterdnV before tne federal industrial relations committee. Ho admitted frankly that men were em ployed to protect members of the asso ciation, declaring that "there were so many crimes committed and tne police showed so plainly that they would not do anything that we doculed it was necessary." About 20 such men wore hired, he said. Asked If the M. M. & E. employed dutectives, ho answered: "ies, we have our ways of getting information through the usual chan nels." "Do you make the assertion," asked Commissioner Garretson, "that when a man's judgment conflicts with a little matter like the law of the land, he has Desperate Fighting Continues All Along the Franco Belgian Frontier PROVISIONING CITY CAUSES MUCH. ALARM Creates Fear That Germans Have Prevailed and Will Invest City Again . (By Wro, Philip Sims.) .... Paris, Aug. 27. Desperate fighting still raged today along the Franco-Belgian frontier. There were places where the Germans had forced their way a right to keep a standing army to 125 miles across the boundary. ask- too 0rpgon: Fair toa'ght and Fri day. rly day. northwest winds Fri- Shelton, Wash., Aug. 27. Fire that started in the kitchen of the J. C. Paul ey restaurant here early today, destroy- eu practically the entire business sec tion of the town, with a loss of more than $lo0,000. Several men and twoi- WOmpn WOrtl nrantAma nmL-a onri heat while heroically battling the prog ress of the flames. It van Hun tn their desperate efforts that the fire was pre ! vented from spreading to the residence wuon. jo lives are believed to have been lost. Four blocks of buildines were wined out, but two business structures remain standing. These are the Shelton depart: store ami the Shelton bank, mod ern fire-prflof buildings. AUSTRIAN'S ABANDON IT. San Pedro, Cal., Aug. 27. Celebrat incr the arrival of the steamship Mis- sourian, the first vessel to touch this port after passing througn tne ranama canal, the whistles of every craft in the harbor blew for an hour today. San Pedro was wild with enthusiasm. The Missourian is the largest vessel of the American-Hawaiian fleet. fought the Teutons, the demand for ter ritorial indemnities would be natural. In addition to this, it was taken for granted that Austria would get Servia, Montenegro, Albania and possibly -the Russian province of Bessarabia, and from Roumania, which, while not yetin arms, has sympathized with Russia, the Moldavian country. . .;,; ;. ,. Just as Germanyideelared it had no thought of taking territory from Bel gium, Austria announced, when it de clared hostilities, that it had no de signs against Servia 's integrity. It was considered certain, however, that the general war would be regarded as having wiped -out theses pledges. Bulgaria, being already pro-Austrian, it was thought might expeet to remain unmolested. Turkey . also, whicn, though it has thtia far romnined neutral, has Passive1 ly favored Germany, who also deemed i knlv to continue. undistnrDea. Greece, however, as a friend of the British-French-Russian-ServiAn combin ation, was considered likely to lose to Austria, sooner or later, a pari ai least of the territories it wrested from the sultan. With Italy also, for having failed to join the Teutons in arms, though bound to them by a treaty of alliance, it was believed there would also be a stern reckoning, which probably would cost it at least two or three northern provinces. So far as Great Britain is concerned, Germany was thought to covet not so much a foothold on tne :wmo isiea as a share of the nation 's colonial pos sessions. , Even in the event of a continental victory it could not obtain this while the British retained control of the seas, but, supreme on the continent, it was regarded as certain the kaiser's next business in life would be to end the British naval supremacy. Thnt. these things would come to pass the allies did not believe, holding not only that they would, bot for the sake of very existence, that they absolutely must win. " . The objects named, however, are, in their opinion, the stake in the present struggle. Serious Bertrua. London, Aug. 27. Serious Franco British reverses were rumored circum stantially today in fionnection with stories - of the Germans', operations against the allies. ' . Some said the lattef had been driven entirely from southern Belgium. Tho official military lniornwuou uu reatt was silent. An Ostend dispatch to the London Express said Llllie, France, had sur rendered to He kaiser 'a forces, the ma yor having previously disarmed the po- 1 aa and warnel tne people nui iu re sist, as it was useless and would only provoke German reprisals.. Th Rritish government termed Ger munv'n official statements by wireless of the war situation ' mendacious and ntterlv at variance with the facts." Tt wm announced that Sir A. Conan Tlhvla would renlv to them. A dispatch to the Exchange Tele omnh eomnanr said that a Danish trawler had been sunk by a mine in the North sea and that four of us crew perished. This story was unconfirm ed. , ' Belgians Afe Busy. Antwerp, Aug. 27 Most of Belgium s northern military forces were operating today between Malines and Brussels, destroying railroads and cutting other lines of communication. The Germans were fiercely resisting thi. wnrlc of destruction but their pre occupation with their attack on the TP.nh .nrf British to the southward was such that they were temporarily unable to spare enough men to prevent 'ai,,.,, finnnn wpre being held in v check by the Belgians. defend himself t" "Have you ever boon mobbed ed Totten, in turn. "No," said Garretson, "I was smooth." "Well, if you ever had been, you would wlBh you had somebody with a Ratling gun," said Totten, who added that he considered it proper for a cor poration to maintain an armed force, "if necessary for safety."' Organizer J. B. Dale, of the State Federation, ot Labor, also testified. Speaking of charges of union boycot ting In Stockton he saidr "They declared that the unions au thortzed the boycott. That Is false. It was a mere understanding that the labor people would spend their money with their friends." ROBERT COLLIER DYING. New' York, Aug; 27. Robert 'J. Col lier, editor and publisher, was brought to New York today on a special train from the Adirondacks critically ill from uraemia poisoning. Collior was stricken Sunday and has been lying in a state of eoma since. SERVIANS PROTEST" AUSTRIAN BRUTALITY Afraid of Aeroplanes. T.nndon. Aug. 27. Alarmed by the j . f an nerial raid of England Oatend. if the Germans should take the Belgian port, England has rushed marines to help the Belgians 4 Vidro t annmincine that they had arriv ed, First Lord of the Admirality Wins- Bucharest, Roumania, Aug. 27. As the representative of a neutral power, the -HpanisH minister here received today from Nish a -copy of Servia 's protests against alleged atrocities by Austrian soldiers on Servian non-combatants. It was charged that the Austrians have murdered aged men, women and children. The Servians, at latest ac counts, were still pursuing the Aus trian force they defeated in a four days' battle on tho river Drina. It was said they hoped to cut the fugitives off and annihilate them. - BASEBALL TODAY Federal Indianapolis-Kansas City game called end third, account rain. Moseley and Kariden;' Jienmng ana Easterly. r. n. E. Buffalo ..: 5 10 2 Brooklyn 10 Krapo and Blair: Bluejacket ' and Land. The war office withheld its usual noon announcement. Its last statement was at mid night when it admitted that a part of the allies' line had been repulsed by the Germans. There was no confirmation ot reports .that the French and British had evacuated important frontier centers. ! . Y " ' , The chief danger was thought to be from tha north, where the ; Germans were . comcimng a -crushing forward-with an ex tensive flanking movement. The war office experts in sisted, however, that provision had been made to meet ft develop ment of this kind. C President Poincare held a long, conference with the new cabinet. To Entrench City. The cabinet session over, War', Minister Millerand consulted with his chief 8 of division and decided to make Paris a perfect ly entrenched camp. ' ..Thiiv he said, was : merely a precautionary measure, the . es sential situation at the front re maining unchanged. :. Wednes- day's events at the front and the necessity the allies were under ... to ' take new positions, he ex- plained, had not . modified ar- . rangements for iuture oper ations. . "At the proper .time," he as sured the country, "France will take the offensive. At present the general staff's plans are be ing followed to the letter." Along the frontier from Nancy to the Vosges mountains, . the minister concluded, oper ations were uninterrupted and the French were already on the offensive and slowly repelling the enemy. (Continued on page 3.) MICE'S FATE DEPEDD The Hague, Aug. 27.-Of fresh news expressed the opinion that, if left to froXtinlinealongtheFrenchjfi UIC V J-..V.. - S Bill RUSSIA Paris,, Aug. 27. The Austrian evac uation of the San Jak of Novibazar, a territory about 125 miles long by. 40 t'J 50 wide, running between Servia, ilontenegro and AttBtrin, was announc t by the Servian legation here today. frontier there was little more tooay than that the allies had retired some what in the north. It was questioned, however, if the Germans had gained any important ad vantage since they made no elaims to another victory, as it was thought cer tain they would have done if there had been anything material to claim. The opinion was general, neverthe less, that the allies were extremely hard pressed, and good judges freely American. R. H. E, Chicaeo 1 11 1 Philadelphia 6 8 Benz and Scbalk; Mender and scnang. LathroD replaced Benz. R. H. E, Detroit 2 10 Boston 9 13 0 Bubuc and Stanage; Collins and Car rigan. Creery replaced Dubuc; Reynolds re placed Creery; Baker replaced Stanage. first game m. . Cleveland ........ 0 5 1 Washington 14 Steen and O'Neill; Bhaw aau Aint worth, Henry. Ten innings. reaching Paris. But would not the Russians create such havoc in eastern Germany and Austria that the Teutonic forces would be compelled to face about in that di rection t was the question much asked. All accounts indicated that the tmnm were making rapid prog ress in east Prussia. It was reeognired that they had not yet reached the main line of Germany's defenses, but unless II. E, 5 1 6 1 these fortifications were more strongly manned than reports here indicated, ex perts believed thejr would not delay the invaders long. The Austrians claimed some victories against the Russian soldiers, but these were not considered very significant since the czar's activities in quarters have just begun. Bumming up the situation, it was be lieved here that France's fate depends i ai... lnMfl with wtiifk Rlia- sia succeeds in diverting the kaiser's Tincup and Burns; Douglas and Oon- attention to the eait. ' I ' ' .J.W. 1 Uf 11 Ulli 1-ivb.uuvuMjr, x hub, auk. , . ..." .vj . m.. .. vi and's assurance that preparations for Paris' defense were only "precaution ary" failed today -to prevent, wide-, spread alarm. it was reported that trains were al ready being loaded in the country with enormous amounts of provisions destin ed to enable the capital to withstand prolonged siege. Many people feared the Germans had l.nail litk tt tlia ollia.' lonlra anil were driving them into the city. Battle Is Fierce. , Rotterdam, Aug. 27 Desperate fight- ing between Belgians ana uerrnans at Malines was reported here today. It was said much of the town 'flad been destroyed and that the . losses were frightful. GRAND JURY REFUSED TO INDICT COOLEY . National It Brooklyn - 1 Pittsbura- ..- - 0 Reulbach and McCarty; Harmon and Gibson. Ten innings. R. H. E. Philadelphia . . 2 6 3 Cincinnati . 3 7 3 Roseburg, Ore., Aug. 27. The Curry county grand jury having refused to re turn au indictment against Kiley Cooley of San Francisco, arrested about si months ago on the charge of murdering Thomas Van Pelt in the isolated Chetco district in 1898. it was doubtful today what disposition would be made of the) case. C'ooley has been at liberty on $o0,Q00 bail. , j