Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 26, 1914, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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. . . -m-Tvcm na 1 0 1 1
- . - i - i. .1.. - "" ... 1 f HHfljHHHHBBHHHBHS H
1 a A 1 a, jv JV a a - WW- I W M - - - U W 1 M aa- . - a - .awata. ' ' .. PatV - BB1 B
t i
An Initial Showing of the Really Newest Styles of Women's
These newest garments are not the common cut and dried 5
styles that are turned out by. thousands, but exclusiveentirely
different models direct from the fashion centers. These newest,
models were bought personally in New York by our Mr. H. W.
Meyers and it was only through a personal visit to the great
markets that such a beautiful and varied assortment of wo
men's wearables could be obtained. We invite a comparison of
styles, of fabrics, of tailoring. You'll appreciate the difference
when you compare these newest fashionable creations we show
with the ordinary, made-to-fit-anybody kinds of other stores.
Our new Women's Section is now in our Court street annex
(two entrances).
All Around Town !
HUGH State, between Liberty
linil High. Motion picture!!
of "The Million Doilah
Mystery ', absorbing serial
atory which cost million
dollar to produce, Ren J the
tery in the Saturday t'apital
Journal ami see it here.
10,000 ii the nrire offered to
- the portion noivihg tn myt
tery. Also Keystone comedy.
GI,OBr-fltate, between Mb.
erty and High. Motion pic
ture. "The Trey V Heart,"
great aerial drama, newspaper
lory written by Loui. Joseph
Vance. .Also "Meg of the
Mountains," strong 2-reel
Edison; nd Miaa Elsie Kd
, wards, popular soprano, in
' aonga you will like,
GRAND High, between State
and Court. "Creation," pho
to drama,' under auspice, of I.
B. 8. A. All neat, free.
Southern Pacific depot Cir
rim day tomorrow, Thursday.
Performance at 2 p. ni. and
8 p. m.
iu the dnluilcw match of the boys' ten-
, ilia toiiriiHinent held on the courts of
J. i . L U.. I 1 . i ' . . .
I V.. 77V " 1 ' r 'M0n- Hiurch in honor of the departed pope,
day and Tuesdav. The. matches were ' r...i... l, H '
! August 2", 1014.
i The author of the story ii this morn-,
' ing'a Oregnniun, in which it was stated i
that four interstate bridge meetings i
had been recently deferred liecauae of;
jby absence, such action being necessary j
'on account of my being chuirman, has j
! either been misinformed or deliberately;
' lied, because: I
1st. I attended the Inst meeting held
by the Interstate Bridge Commission
and no meetings have'sioce In-en called
! or post iioned.
2nd. While the law provides that the
Governor shall be rhairniun'of the In
terstate Bridjjp Commission, the said
commission elected Air. Hufus Holman
chairmnn. . , i '- I
.'trd. A meeting of the Oregon- mem- j
hers of the commission, for the purpose I
of considering certain mutters covering!
the Oregon approach, was suggested a i
couple of weeks ago. I was 'on hand but I
was advised by the deputy district at
torney that the meeting was deferred
because of the fact that matters bad
not been gotten together in such a
shnpe as to warrant the holding of the
meeting; and that I would be notified
when it was called. !
4th. That the meeting yesterday was
a meeting of the Multnomah county
bonding committee consisting of the
three county commissioners to open
bids for the sale of the bridge bomli
This is a matter wholly under the con
trol of the county commissioners, and
this office litis no more control over the
situation than it would have over the
sule of bonds in Clarke 'oujity, Wash
ington. 5th. Had my presence been needed
for any purpose at the meeting held
yesterday I would gladly had been pres
ent had I been notified in time. The
first I knew of the meeting was yester
day. Mr. Holmnn having notified me at
noon that a meeting of the bonding
committee had been held lit 10 o'clock
but that no bids for bonds hnd been
received. He stated that another meet-'
ing 'w ould be held ut 2 p. m., to give
Mr. George M. Hvlnnd and others a
hearing. Having engagements' in Na-
"" lem that afternoon, 1 was not in posi-
Mr. (iehlhar's party beside himself and ' Well, who arrived recently from Sacra-, ,IOTU,i!, l ""Vl. i , 1 1
wife were his sister, Miss K. A. Gehl-! ment California. She mi associated i 1 ,l" m,t k,mw "''V ro.p.iiWe for
har, and W. F. Ilrietzke and wife.- - ! there ' with the H. A. Nauninn under-!''1' H,;,r? PPr"K in the Oregon.an,
o ' taking firm. Mrs. I.effi.igwell learned i bu l'-'ever .s responsible ought to be
ThU afternoon County milt Inspec-' profession under her father, who . "''nie.l of himself b.ause ,t was no
tor T a nstalde is i-ting e -na I prominent undertaker some years ; JP "'"X; " ",'
l.horns.edt orchard tract in the Waldo go i Bhotlem Iowa. Since then she! " ,,ru l 1 opose to be used
Hills. He is looking at the gcueral con- has bad . three, years practical experi- j H 1,1 n,H,u
dition of the orchard and for indica-j ne work- With Mrs. I.effing
tions of authracnose. ' well is her mother, Mrs. George .Mc-
o Kenstie, who will spend some months
Bequiem mau was celebrated this in Salem before returning to her home
morning at 7 o'clock at St. Joseph's in Sacramento.
34 Years of
Successful Retailing
in Salem
uTrey ov
Greatest serial of the age. .
Written by Louts Joseph Vance
Meg of the Mountains
A Etrcng' two-reel Edison drama
' featuring Mabel Tmnuell i
In new popular eong.' '
L. C. Meier .
Organ soloist .
10 Cent . '
"Houje'ef Comfort" ;
iiorricKKua eTlw'
I Commercial. -.' .
i or 16j. i
w TniT... ... i. .
I t, Box 334, Salem. j
OLD PAPERS tor earpetTtl
' l""- hundred. Journal gfi
'FOB A I.K Toung milk (oTti"
i garducr, Fairgrounds, OTgt
; KI.OHT.-BOGM house to tTl
liberty street, comet at l'ii6l
chatelaine ;. j
M.V Leave at Journal oftW
; WAXTF.D-C.irl for geaenl Hmvf
, Apply tS4.') South Twelfta sr,i
FOR SALE Fresh, clean, tehd
A. P. Pettyjohn, R.F.D. Xp, j
FOR RENT Large downitairj i- j
f room, furuifhed, close ii. pt. j
j CONFECTION Kli Y lor salt,
! business. Address DiiIm
Hox 127. S
WANTED Twenty hop-pickers:
grounds and accomiuodationi ii
SO-F-o. I
The funeral services of Carl timer
Iddings, who was killed tn an automo
bile ncident Friday in Boise, Idaho,
were held this afternoon from the cha
pel of Lehman & Clough. The Salem
lodge of Elks had charge of the cere
mony at the chapel and grave, with a
minister of Woodburn officiating. In
terment was in the Odd Fellows ceme-FlNE Himalaya berries, two hoi .'
tery following the impressive services, j 50e crate; pick theiu yourself i!
larl Miner tddniiis was Inghly es-
I MIDDLE-AC. ED woman want i
housekeeper; can cook. In.p j
North Commeroial.- '; I
gs was Inghly es- Front
teemed bv nianv friends in the North- " tr-
west. The Boise puuer said that Mfr.flA'ST
Iddings was "a member o,f the firm
of Northrup- & Inngum, having pur
: 1
In Willson park, plate of
Fwider return to 1210 North T I
street; reward. j
SALE--foung bay team, is
MOO; cheap at once. 15W M
High. Phone 20I7J. f
promoted by the Y. M. C. A.
city the final seorej in' the
mnteh were 8-2, 6-3 and 7-5.
Dollar watches at Stone 'i drugstore.
Father Scherbring, assistant to Rev. A.
(Continued; from Tage One.) '
ut ins More, was the celebrant. The custom
singles ary cpremony with the pall-covered cas-
I Although during the past week there '
I was a slight shower in spots that left Sampson was built in Philadelphia in
a few marks in the dust, the cov-' 1W8. She has been in the coast service
ket was followed. A similar religious eminent weather rfcord at the O. ('. T. for si" years. Sho was a steamship of
I me win oe neiu at ine vainoiic ca- i rompany s upca ai ine rooi or xraiie j ions, icei long, and J tcet
thedral tomorrow in Portland. , street shows that there has been noj'H'ain. ho Princess Victoria was com-
. - . I rninfAll for ill ilnv whieli i tlin lniwr. i inautleil hv t'lktirniii P .1 lli..L..-
.-""" vui.uoto jot i m neuie oyiea, an instructor in psi .period iriai aiem nas ever Deem
, - . . - u i -- - . t i . . - . & A u. 111111. JMM;jllfO,
ino in misonnd and not as represented, the Oregon state deaf mute school, has ! without as much aa a hundreth of an ! One of the thrilling cacaoes was that
Ueorgo. Tobin has brought suit in the returned from Portlnnd, .where she had " of rain. , The government ignores ' f jiiss Cluire Buor a Seattle school
circuit court against Mike Nash. It i. ; charge of a camp of the Campfire Girls, anything less than one-hundreth of an ,lMlt.ht.r ln routc f ' Ketchikan Her
"J"' 7 "'V "? vrv nu 01,1 01 -y. . UV 11 rUI ,IUM Princess Victoria thmwinrr rmw. on.i
x?a ka Dt counted. 1 dp river m at thi samp . . . .. - im
IB mi IrilC ,
: A. 1 I - . 1 A I - 1 U
the exception of a blemjah on the left I .Miss Svkes savs that tn
h ml leg. It seems tnat certain other first time camps have been held on the; W h. been for the rl week, 1 .2 a-ntralia first se 38 th.
blemishes have been discovered and Mr.J coast and that they proved biehlv sat-! of foot Mow ' . 1 m i ' . X 1 1
Tobin want, hii monev back . I i.r .... " . "., ..." f :8:!.' ' . then the school teacher. Both we
i.'inwi; muii aui-tr-Biiiui. J ru KlrlB 1
" j were given an outing lor n week or
nui-yiuaro, aueuuom
tajie for wrni'ping tingers. Hauscr Bros,
The Grand American Handicap, the
"aiest trap shooting tournament in
the world, will be held in Dayton, Ohio,
September 7 to 11, Inclusive. Local
sportsmen here show quite an interest
i in tlie event alreadv.
the fact that George -Peterson of
e mid
ent un-
: der. but I'eterxnn criiiniit P,..,
uM t t m i i. . . . i ...... . o ' i
Jul vt. x. i in. nr wild wan rnrnwn u.tii i. . . i . . n .. . i i. i i . i ,
rrwh .tockimore and then replaced by 20 more, .o!0t of a bu-y on 'themeketa street ' in, ad ' S tliCl
1 I., l . i . . ! r e J .iv iug
ked them up. -
worker bound
i'hiftf. flliil Mr Sihinillr ic ran . K- w. . 1 . . . .
Aaairtant Attorney General Jam fmra !;,! . s . L l. ,ulm",lie the crash-be-
Crawford leave, tonight for Grants t;,at both the motorcycle and the buv ' V'ln hC wa8 8
that during the summer a large number , Friday and severely bruised as the re- surface and a lifeboat Pick
of girls are given an out:ng with plea.- t of a collision with a motorevele rid- L J H VarleV an infn w
ant companions V . j u by Charles Rush, assistant fire Juneau, told a graphic
i JL
Special meeting of raeifie
Lodge No. 50, A. F. k A. M.,
thi. evening. Work in the E.
A. degree. Visiting brethren
' . . L . . whicu biio uu mr. lucxer were rm-i im . ..... i .
-state in th receiver', .cttlement of In. nn iu .Ml nf n....i .. 1 R . ufkn
the Golden Drift mining property. The',na ,b.t whet they started to cross to lHJfL.i.
state nas put in a risawav over the k. .n i.
the air
Mr. Crawford holds that the state has
a prior claim over the other creditors
of the company. The final report of
J. 0. Nelson, who was chosen a. tha',h" 'c,p,vfr f0,,,e "P btfor Juse
Dr. Mendelsohn. tpactaUtt In flttinl'head of the Salem hiirh school for the i 1 a,kll,B tomorrow. ,
glasee correctly. V. a bank building' coming year, arrived yesterday to take
(up the work ot preparing for the open-
A gtaaa fire near the Soutnera Pacific I'ug of school. He has been spendinit
a hurry after
dam of the company at a cost of about street thev saw
i.uvm. i nr total iiiiieiireiiiien nr timi. uin..i. . mi Ai.
. . . . 7. .. r . uiuvn lurr lUOUKlll lUCV IIIQ iL , . V, .
miniiig company is aoout 10,400. and plentv nf tin.. m.. ,., ;, c" V ,,uw nnu "r"P smoKestackg
f- I .. t 1 I- I 1 . 1 . . I . , 11 - ' " ' .' " ' v 1
the machine eame up too rapidly, and
tnat when it atruek the
was thrown violently- to the
with the resu t that her back wa. . , t u " " "ie star
interests ef Mr. Northrup')
some time ago., tio.wns wen Known
here and esteemed- by his biwtness nc
quaintaiices. He had been in Bidse for
about five years, coming here from WANTED Work for room and
Woodburn, Ore., where bis parents now., during school year. PaxticuUi" ''
live." He also ha. a brother here, and r dress John Scofield, Turner, IVjj
one nt Kugcne. ,. ' ' - j "
The body was brought to Boise at I r'OVND Light-colored Jersey,
li o'clock Sunday night and taken to! cn secure Mine by paying fori.' j
the Elks club, where service, were held '-ailing at 4ot South aemteatt j
Monday afternoon. Joseph Perrault, AN KLDERLY woman wsnti
jr., accompanied the body to Salem. to are for Bt tti.-ir home b tkf ii
, or longer.
WANTED Two men for drjn;
experienced prune picker!. Ii;
85-F-ll, or address L. F. ArnolJ,
4, box 32, Salem. .
FOR .SALE-n-This week, god
range, 2 rocking ehairs, 6 t
chairs. 1160 South Liberty i ;
A.hlress E. K.
in una wnn tne pun or saiem peo-
pie to keep interest alive in thej
1 hautauqlia, another Chautauqua- cir
cle was formed .today with Mrs. Flor
ian Vou Escbeu at the head, . Other
circles have beeu formed -and others
will.be formed later. Those in charge
of the course for next season are work
ing on the details and planning to bring
the largest crowd that has ever eoine
to Salem to attend auch an event.- At!' ,', T
present over. 530 season tickets havei WANTED Experienced
been sold and it is expected by the
time the Chautauqua opens next Juue
that at least a thousand will have been
disposed of. In connection with the
( hautauqua course, it is planned to
have either a county or state teachers
institute held nere so that the teachers
may avail themselves of the oppor
tunities offered by the attraction. If
it is possible an exhibit ' of Marion
county products will be placed iu a
tent near the big Chautauqua tent to
gether' with an exhibit of the manual
training department of the Salem high
eau do light jauitor'work ii
i- one day in each ween.
M., Journal office. '. J
I FOR SALE Good 7-rooru hoiw.tJ ?
street, close to carliue. Tk 4
- snap; price $1600, $-!00 ilowa. '
-Grabenhorst k o., roew 3,
Bank building. - : ' ' j
track at Fourteenth and Howard t recta the siimnier in Minnesota and returns
in the Litchfield sture, called out the with his wife and child. The high
fire department The fire covered an , school open. September 21. Jlr. Nelson
area of about it block but did no dam-j was formerly priuriial of the
ge. .school at Wenatchee, Wash.
Dr. Utter, dentura, p&one 606, Salem! The May Wing Tye Restaurant, at A
Bank of Commerce building-. W Ferry street, ha. been remodele.l Pr'
o land the seating capacity more than "ording to reports there will be manv
J. B. Stetson, a well known horse doubled by fittinir m the unstain into representatives of the h on irriwra Mml
j The funeral of John Carmichael will
be held Thursday nfternnon at 2:00
o'clock from the parlors of Kigdnn and
: Kichardsnn. It will be held under the
I auspices of the local lodge of B. P. O.
high'1'-"1- interment will be in City View
j cemetery. The pallbearers will be cho
'sen from the fraternity of hoo men.
the" late John Carmichael was a
rominent end well-known hop man
Uelo revc. X " art of" 1 T'
hey thought they h.d " ,
..:;... !: f ship the Princess Victori;
buL'c'v 8lie .W",nn'1 slic Bli,-el tkV Sampson
. , half in two. - . v
pavement, ..u-n t '
i'i. ' "we'd been rammed on the srnr-
wrenched and her body bruised. Mr. ' ,Rr V .' ni 1 looktH, don over
Tucker remained in the rig and stopped i'i' turtin and Hank
the horse or Mrs. Tucker might nave 1 1,llen' l'als of m,lu' stroggling in the
beeu trampled on bv the animal. I water. .,
i m -i ' i "1 threw tbe-m a line und'got them
'abonrd and we turned to 'do what
DIED.. : could for others.
, Iron Worker a Hero. ' T
ARK-August 24, 1914, at a l.,l . umn anothcr iron WOrkw there
' ..K-u -.i were o in, our party, and all bound
TO TRADE Saskatchewai pM 1
proved farm, twelve mute J"
town; , surveys of two
within .one mile, for unpn
Oregon farm. If iuterestol ni
" M. Siglinges, Jefferson, OrotJ
WANTED Direct from oMtr'
place, four to 10 acres,
Two or three acres must b ttff
den land, balance may be."1;'
Address stating full wrt
care of Capital Jou"'1- t
fins f i
. Louu w -
The body was shipped last night on
the 10:.Hi Southern Pacific train to
SnrinPf inlil 1 nna A.....,.. ..!.... 1
Benjamin Brick brought suit in the
circuit court todny asking that an in
junction be granted preventing John
F. Enright or Olive S. Enright from in
terfering with him aa manager of the
Plymouth clothing store or from re
fusing him access to the books of the
company. Jt is ulleged in the complaint
that Brick was hired ns manager of
the store w hen they took over the stuck
.. I T..I TT. 1 , t
01 wscur uonnson. ne claims ne wns
to have' the entire management of the
store but that recently the EniigkU
have been interfering with his manage
ment. An altercation between Mr.
Brick and Mr. Knright on August 22
rcsuiieu iu jur. r.nngni paying a rine T J.r(f,
rt.jFOR SALK tnoice '.""''- .
FOB SALE reaches;
. t i .1.1 .in Ml ff.
irawiurug ii ftt,,j
mund Fruit Ranch, Kaiw m-
' Phone S9-F-3. Delivery.;
FOB KEST-Furuishod houf;
reom; also barn if ' ,;
blocks from good stores. " ( j
well. On- Inglewood car in s
at SSO North eveui-u.-i
owner, shipped hi. string of horse, to- dining room. Here ladies, as well as motor loads of funeral attendants from services were held todar.
jHitnHip ami nin ec tnem K'-uwi-iiivu, mmj or assureu or a clean,;ne surrounding counties.
here nntil fair lime. They were brought ' pleasant place to eat both Chinese and . o
her early cn account of the early clo-; American dishes. Since coming to Sa-i A controversy over a tract of land '
ing of the race, at Vancouver. j lent two months ago, Mr. and Mrs. Wing which appear, to be a "no man's!
;J 0 -Tye have made a hon of friends and land," wa. presented to the attornev'
Cider fresh every day. Phone your patron, by serving the best of everv- general thi morning. The towns of1
order 2194. Commercial Cider Worka. thing. , Warrentown and Clatsop are adiacent !
The earrp ground, at the Ute fair
grounds will not be open until Septem
ber 14, according to Secretary Mere
dith. Owner, of cottage, are not ex
pected to occupy them until that date.
Lute Savage, who li well known in
this vicinity as the man who wmld take
a loug chance on buying a eurload of
ink, horses or dogs, reported to th inv.
bce this morning that he had lost a and it it impossible ' to state exactlv
and Warren ton wants to nold a school
election td annex a certain "strip of ter-1
ritory which Clatsop claims i. withia!
ti .ii. 1 i H. i ,.. tu l:
... . -., ...... . - iiuvi iiriinin tree
city nmits or Doth towns are indistinct
hound pup that had long ears, an an-
Of J. A.,iut ldigree and a warlike character.
where they are. The attornev eflieral
stated that the matter resolved itnelf
See that "Big Bargain
Mills; 1 acre.
w luiwuwi a mortrava te ifraieriiuv rr.i.i.i at ih. ti;.. ... .l. i-....:. . m . . .
- i - ..... i. .inn, hi . inintlli ion I
election may be he'd, if the land is i
I within the limit, of Clatser the c'.cctiwn
Any information leading to the recov-' into a Question of fact a. tA t,.r. k!
jery of thi hound pup of Lute 'a would corporate limits were. If the land is.
brought by C. F. I'stton aitainut Veruon ;tion.
Kelly and others was dinmi.iscl - bv;
Judge (.alloway la dcirtment No. 2, V. O. Holt, manager of the lot rin will be Ulrc.l
of the circuit court on aiutloa of the department of the Charles K. Siulding
plaintiff. The rase . arttlr.1 out of l-oggmg eoiapaay, left toilay with Mrii
Hop-pickera, attention!
tape for wrapping fingers.
A, K. Naylor, who has been an end
neer on the Panama ce
,' a ttelejate t the Pacific Loggers'! Fast State stwet, - bitween f
rresh rtock to be held o the ;,h, 2Sh third and TweMfourth rlJy
H.urr Br..al 2th of th.em.ath. While on thi,,. lay. took a tumble wherebTthev
'Tn.-..r W i.aiy shakea P and par.i.l.v 7u
i n i , .... n ,v. l I- . . .. . rota
Holt ( Ileliiugham, .h.. where he'llatck, while riding . a motorcvle on
delegate te the Pacific Logger.'! Fast State stwet -between f.eatv.
r ester-
e been T.e. , . ,e ..J wl Uke.y ge.They h.5 rV7. i
anal for the Ut oa to aaeourer. It. r Th ...w. .. ... v " V , " V'.?1
seven year., ka. more. te thi. city to he away iTum tbi. eitv for about a 'street car track wW tw ... . T
With his family, and i. aow getting ! week. , " x.Smt!iX. V,t'VlM
at iietne on Fst Stat. .tree,. M?. Nay-1 a ith the lt Z V
lor will I asao,i.td with hi. h.otber.l County Clerk Mm Oenlhar returned chine sklbled .hot 1 fe auf 1
Kd Naylor, in farming oa their far,, ye.,er,..y rem a .hort tp ,h. (l-;.,W,,XSl
three and one half mile, west of thi. ug K'ou.d. o the Xctutca r.ver,!The bov. had to m.11 th m.T.."
'' " where he ,u,preved hi. time ceding... i from andehe wZ-wh-U
T "BOr ' giK net. The were w.tcke.1 . ,mt lout bi it.....
..... .. I. : . . , . '
' "in tneir icks, aad the mntor.
Tt arr J. A- hula It advertialng in 'ion are not running i rreat Bum
another space ia "Big Bargain." ber. but the fwaermea are all catching
. ' o ! few. A Bum her of Salem people are
Kenr.c'.lt Smith waa the winner of here now aad Mr. tiehlhar wt J. F.
the uncled match d Gleu Grigg and Mounce, W. K. Puts, Rev. Uorasrkuh,
CJif.'ord 'Ferguson were the winaera Bea 8. Via aad a number of ether, la
cycle wa. .masked.
a lauy nnaeruker will aasitt n T.
TerwUUgar at the Cotug e undertaking
run. .-.ae Mr, Norm 1 .effing
for a job in Juneau called to me that
there wna a man caught on the bow of
the Princess Victorin, which had work
ed loose somewhat front the Sampson.
"We looked Over and down and saw
the poor fellow" caught jn wreckage
which clung to the anchor chain of the
Victoria. The wreckage was afire.
"The first thing 1 knew one of tin
men had pushed the end of a rope into
my hands and waa dropping over the
side. I lowered him. The man below
was euught fast, and though we tug-
Kvn anu luggeu we couldn't get hi !
free. - i
"We saw the fire creep up on him. I
His clothes bejjan o ourn. Then his.
hair caught fire.
"ior God'a sake, shoot
begged, 'I can't stand it.' -
"His flesh began to burn, and when!
I aaw bis rescuers' pants Catch fire,'
I liulleit him lit. hr..,,l. I... . '
... .. . , , - -ii i'""iii u.' pruicsten. :
Are you getting all the bene-, Later they got the man up, but he was!
fits of good eyesight? . Alld.vin8-
work or at rest, indoors or out-' T. CtpUln f0 With Ship. j
pleasures ana , privileges of .and we were helnins- tk. An fir l.d I
- i Princes hoivt passtngera to1 her deck.'
our dutv o! "B "nJ by hp U h womenl
EYES EX in',,'rb-v hftd b,H'n ,if,eJ UP 'he Prin-
iwuirn a, .a,- i "? ". r men citmoed aboard.
rxmuvcu l unit. We were Bone too eon. for the Sam...
Let us test your eye accord-'. n tur"oJ dwa into the wa-
tt mta.l aa. ....a
tflaV tA aaBI lAlal aa-.' l.T."- " prIJ l..V m vim
methods. If glasses will not YxToi '
help you U will frankly tell "The captain of the Sampson had!
you SO. .. '.retreate.1 to the atern of hia ahto.-. He",
stood with his haml raised high above'
1 hi kra TK l..t .v; t .
Miss AMcCulloch, K wat". " wnk ha
Optometrist. .. . . . . L 1
231 N. Com'l St., Ground Floor , ,fc" 'i Til! u
Hour, 9 to 5. Phone 925 :H.ut;Uh;s"lo,V,,!hb0r
t... . 1. .l". . .
v. f iu ivi ubuuii in iiiu justice court, run ojoic , .at 11 r,
t .. ii:.. . . .1. . . .. . . . ii... h ner ten "
in uuuiiioii to tne lnjunciion, Jir. Jtsru-K ; rresncncu iu uV, . j.j
auk. fur 1D11 .l,i ,.,. - tt. .rentle. 3ol oru,
test; very gentle. 331
-first street.
new .:
nmiir i.v- Irtlirt titia'cle.
BlUbr..'-r.ivv . I,
clincher on rear
"Easv" seat; double, bar-
off handle; mud guard.
1546. ; i
As far as the Justice of the peace
court is concerned, the Briek-Enright
case is closed. Judge Webster this aft
ernoon closed the case by fining En
right 10 for the assault he made on
Brick last week in the Plvmouth cloth
ing store. The attornev for Knriirht ! m i-v v ,VTED Wom ,
appeared in court today and pleaded i at" jiunt Brothers rompftf
guilty to the charge in behalf of the) DCrv Water and Pivui ? ;
defemmnt. : . s "anIlg rears. Applr )
Brothers tcmr-an. -
FOR SALE Five fitii
under cultivation, sn H
miles from Salem. "' .,.
good vision?
If not, it is
Bligh Theatre I
Tonight and Thursday
Fifth Episode in two reels of
The World's Ureatest Thotoplav
Series 1 0,000 for the .. nest
solution of this baffling mystery.
Belianee Thriller iu two parts.
Keystone Laugh Maker. ,..
Latest Events Pictured.
s ' a ' ''.'. "
5cAdmuion 1 0c
.lown, balance W r"
Ofabenhorst 4 0., room .,
FOB SALE-5-room houw. '
,nmer lot. east front, gof' k
close W
rornor lot. cas
l-i.Mi nut? fruit trees:
ami carmir. -- . (;vm
Price SOt) cash. w. . baii!-5..
k 1 " r rnonl "
H ' ntflfll
FOR RENT Nice sJ0,JL d
l'nion and Cottage v;? f!
above. Also fin rofm"fa,,
market building; 0".
" . PiW e -
rr .tore: rent cnip- L,.;o
m.rVet for a restaurant. j,
ga, ,tove aJ pW'.
ate ror m -
, .aid ro ANTE 5V.I
Aaaidast AeCta
BOB-"'- at
uoKNSin-ii-'1-,t '
ail to
. .. .i,;r
1 i..a 11 iu.
iwrws ui" "i d-
?d to
hut !