TWO TH25 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY. AUGUST 24, 1914, American Gitls Story of Flight From War Zone ia W. MEYERS ARRIVES DAY AFTER CIRCUS HOME FROM NEW YORK I : BIG ONE FOR BANKS 1 Excitement TCaa Tntinu In h Citr la the i-ities and towns of the toun ,. .... .v itry at larae there is one day io the ' . j ciu4j vuir-witii At when there it ft tuddfi increase London, Aug. 24. The following! " Briglam ETeng.foL cl(Unt ,n4 Had End of Thumb1't'ion-'ne aeit'day "it vanishes tor, of th. flight f three JWir.n I "With be arrival of the wounded , J of 'mM . nor. Kirl. from the German war aone was we began to hear tumble atones of he Cut Off. - , rf ; knoW. rereived by the London bureau of the cruelty of the Be peasants to the v ; w Buch u it ITnited Press today in a delayed letter wounded and helpless Germans. We saw Henry V. livers, who has been u fa(.t ,hat ,imoilt ,nv ttuk may front Karl U. Von Wiegand, Berlin tor- a captain, two other officers and fif-1 New York for the past six weeks pur that the dav afte'r the circus respondent of the Vnited Pros: teen men brought in who aaid they were rhasinK for the Ateyers' department ! d 0'f Jhe r is suaiiv marked ty ' (By Karl H. Von Wlegand.) 1??' 7 : rtore ,h,'! ci'y' lr ",'"ri,' his bank. a. the day of" the biggest Tare American ;irl-the Misses MMnt forj their jtto the war in Europe. The cause is tJ)at deposits of the year. .;,. Marlon 1'ark and Kathcrme Lord of L ..A .;.h .k. .i,r,. while returning hm,.. I,, hi. I th. th h1 ew eeoi.onnsts may be surprised uosion. aoira, - iuukt f II I ..l.liuui BIIIUPIPK II r 1 1 1 I.I B -- . i ...... u ... . u u J , " . u iiiiuiu , . . . on, and Mis. Ida tangdon, of fcl- attempted to slaughter all as they slept, of b.s riKbt hand cut otf between the. 0 . fh! ""'V" , N. Y, went through th. i th..-i of , Th' ,nd oth,r,oM u. root of th. .ml -ud the first joint. ' to d"l" '. b" ,h,r. ''X jerman war rone jut a. the father- horril,e itof of erneltiM to (,,, As soon as po le after the ac.Jent, ! "on "V ot disK-l the fact. The th German land was atriaing ine nrst """' wounded at the hands of Belgians to through Belgium, 'lheir stones, as told . WB(m th(iy wre ,eft for t,tm?nt. ky, mo oa a train en route to Rotter- j .rrom ,, gw ourivc Bnd dam were full of praise for the cour-! our tnk with tho German wounded, we tesy ot uermHn orni-iaiaoin, ciyii m Rre oonvilM.ea there is much more truth military, in the first trymg days of,jn thf (-eTmna chargPi 0f Belgian in tho war. : hoinnnitr and violation of the rules of W were In the Alps Hvilizoj warfare lhB the Belgian when wo learned war was imminent, ,rn8r(fM ajt the kaiser's troops, aaid Miss Park. ' We started for l.un-, ,wjt),y tnjt Mun eru,.ty brought don via Coign at once. terrible retribution from the enraged reached Cologne it was apparent that 0(.rin,n ...iicris. That is conceivable, war was only a n.nttcr of hours. I.very- (,Tb( of i)0hnin wpre fatm. where the greutest a.tivKy was appar- iy, 81)(, B1, lhow in ncart,v ent nnd the population was feverish vilUeS were said to be fewiou's with excitement. At Cologne we reach a(f.,in ,1( invaders. We were near ,d tho little village of Dolhaine. on ,he ,WB f vise, which has since been the Belgian frontier between erviers f , , . lirTmM b,cause of the . : I . 11. . .,..11 a Tl.a m..l.ii:alinn ' .... whi. h ne. iirre.l th train w reasons are too numerous anil too ar- rounding a curve, medical attendance! ieJ to be recounted in extense, but the was secured and the thumb sewed oa basic fact lies in the circumstance that again. The train was running at a.whea people come from the country rupi-l rate and Mr. Meyers was stand- 'into the town they spend money and ing near a door, and as it plunged spend it in the town. The few thou aroiiii the curve threw him against sands they may spend with the circus protect himself and caughi his' it for the most part not taken away tliiimb iu the jamb. j from the town, for it is a business law The accident bi:peoed near Willis-, among circoa proprietors that they ton, North Dakota, at whi.h place he must spend more in a toB thuu they laid over eiiht hours. Great Northern take away from it. They certainly do physicians took tho best of care of Mr.:ot Mailt to, but their local expenses Meyers thumb and dresned it at three compel them to. Excepting iu the ditferent stutiwis euroute. In every i .i.:. 'i. ........ ,.,, L.V thut , - ..." way possible, Mr. Meyers says that! the officials endeavored to make him; and Aix l.a rhapelle The mobilisation f0I1BtBri, nnrrn(f f Germans bv the villngers. orders had been receiveil nt that hour, and ail trams were lurneo over n u.e, x fho r(mf of rBnnon ,,;,, j military aepanmenr. e i u.i i . oisc-n-, , P0Htlnt ,,, of ()man ,., poured through Dolhnin, we began to easv. Throughout the entire day thou- thing for our comfort, nnd finally wrote ""l lnMI. "'"I'l'fl. t.y ies or . recovery or mis son oi I v Mini a iiiiir an ii iiiilmil i.' iu iiiv lulu r. bark. There whs no hotel ami so r.e got a peusnnt why had a little home u)(. in me town io ia us in. ... .,. . fllu ,.., i Heard Cannons Koir. w,,re refused permission to cross back "Th next morning we walked down on German soil, nnd then enmc buck to the road to the railroad junction and the village of C'srled. The German cap met with what to us seemed to be thejti'.in commanding the guard there was entire German army advancing on Bel- j kindness itself. He tried to do every- ciuin winds of men swung through the little us n passport. That was a veritable' vilhgn. That night we begun to hear j life-saver for us. It enabled us to the roar of cannons ns the Germans ' cross to German soil again. We went opened their nttnek on l.iege. The rnnrito Aix l.a ("hnpelle. Tho American cou- continued all through the night am) oi- sul there, to whom we applied for piss most Be nation, the verv stillness after such din was decidedly impressive. lice stamp this sheet of noto pnper, and "We felt wo were in the very path it took us to Merlin without trouble." of tho war. l.iege was only n few miles i Praises Gorman Soldiers, away. We were In touch with the sol j Miss I'nrk n-ns enthusiastic in her diera constantly. (In the very first dnv ' praise for the courtesy shown them by we were in Dolhnine they aixured us the German soldiery, we would not be delayed. They all j "In Dolhnin," she said, "there was eemed confident that there would be an Knglisli woman and her little child, from the town itself, but from the poo- ..I.. k.. :-... ... v. : :.. ....... as euuirortaolu as ooxsi e. He arrived fi . n l in Salem Sun.lav. ' ; T,e Pfl'nrtort of the Uanium 4 Mr. Meyers Was in New York when i S. emXi t"'1' n war iu Kuroj-e was declared and savs the committee Wall street tor a time was a veritable I " """8 of fund, for the cir- hive of excitement. In Herald Souare icul' l'eIl,b"'tlon mSs the throngs he savs that interested knots ot peo-"'to tow ' " air- eonven- IWI was becoming scarce, j l'l"" watch the bulletin hoards all iKnt., on, eeieoraiion or any oiner son .Many groups he observed got into heat-1 1 " UUS1IUM 1,11 inwn nae u ed iirguiiients respecting the various a-jtnltc UV ,,ie lurl'n assumed by the cir tlous but nothing warmer than argii-!CU8 ninnagerg, and the general history ments pa.-se.l. The represeutativts of!0' uch investments by local business the warring factions would march men is a record of considerable ininiedi- thioogh the streets and sin thoir ns-'eto loss, with extremely doubtful pos lead to conflicts, Mr. that was published in Capital Journal is tvpicnl, nnd is cor roborated by other articles appearing 111 iignnra ft...... 1 1. ....... wt without Interruption during the ports, said oar German army nfficers'l n,, U1 , i)hl, 0 cm it threodujs. When there wits a ces- pass was much moro potont than any- ' ,1.' ... I . t I . I.. I ........ . I ii iiiiiiu "c couiii suppir. e nail ine I '- t iikikiiijiiiiini. Meyers' letter. Circus day Is again appronclii. j in mp raturnav tins city, ana in view ot the incon trovertible facts cited above it ought to be welcomed by local economists as it is bound to be by the musses of the lcople and thus made a day of pleasur able contemplation for everybody in the coinmunitv. BLOCKADE IN CHINA. Shanghai, August 21. Jap anese, llritish. l-'rrnch nnd Kusins warships established a blockade of Tsing Tchau todav. MAREIED. LKWIS-BKAX Siitiir.lav, July 22, inarrtMgc cere- t n..i..: 1:1 & . ... i . u i.i.imi.u.-.- iimu iii-ikimiii. ' i;i. 111 ns.e us n it pi'Hiuini s liomc. i We're only mnrchiug through The sobliers wero kindliest in their j Belgium,' ono strapping big German . treatment. Officer rnme round daily told me. and asked if she were comfortable, ifi "Oa the second day we saw the full-she had enough bed clothing to keep korrora of war with the bringing herself nnd her child warm, and offer through Dolphnin of the first wound- ed food from their nrmv mess if it fd. ' They were carried from the front 'was needed. Owing to tho wnr withj in automobiles. Meanwhile, the village j ICuglnnd, she was not permitted to cross wai left with only a scant hundred the frontier into Germany again. j nldiers, all the remainder being order-1 "During our trio from Cologne to! d to the firing line. Thot tnme dnv Berlin r e passed 7S military frnins in I vmln fo,,.,,.' far up in the sky we saw a French j 2 hours. Kverything passed off like frien,B at th munppiaiie. i up xuarn n I'oinnin sig- ciocK-wors. ailed the machine, and not receiving! - ' Although ws were In the center of, ' The assault and battery case of Brick return, opened fire on it. The mono- ( things, we can only testify to the grent- K1,inst Enright, which arose Friday plana waa far above range, and so far est courtesy and consideration of every -.VHr altercation over businesa mat as w. eould see was uninjured by the , German with whom wo came in contact. j ters in the Plymouth Clothing .tore, bnadreds of bullets fired at if. This j Despite congestion at tho rnilroad sta-jWli(.h WB(1 to come to trial this morn waa the only aeroplane we, suw, but t.ons the officials were never too busy :ig Rt 0 0.clck postponed until German soldiers told me later that sev- J to help ns, and the soldiers gnve u' Tuesday at 10 o'rlnel eral had been maneuvering overhead , the kindliest treatment. It 'a an experi- j and that their sbootiog had brought I enco wo wouldn't want again and y-t one uown. ;wouldn t have missed for worlds." 1 ! 1 Washington, Aug. 24. President Wd Uou told cullers lit the Wiiite House BILL TO PURCHASE VESSELS WILL PASS I today that he expected the bill for gn j eminent purchase of merchant vessels will bo passed by congress within twj weeks. He suid the tleet was intendel 111 If, at the home of Albert Lewis on, largely to develop new trade and did Wilson and Hr streets, Mamie Bean j Bot lhik jt WCUM dinourage private ni l.eo.ard Lewis. Rev. W.-fl. t.nto,prises. Illodgelt rend the moiiv. Mr. Lewis is emidoved bv the Spiinlding Lugging Coinpanv. The are at home to their the Albert Lewis home. iprises. CHARLES BROWN, MEDFOBD, KILLED BY A LIVE WIRE "Medford, Oie., Aug. 24. Charles Brown, :,.), a statiuuary engineer, is dead today from an electrical shock s is tained while attempting to extricate himself from the entanglements of a live wire. The wire fa' 1 1 across his shouldeis as he was aiding in l'ightir.g a baru fire. He' took hold of it t' throw it from him, and was killed in-stantlv. INQUISITIVE WILLIE. (Continued from page one.) My pa he didn't go down town j Last evening after tea, But gut a book and settled down ! A comfy as could be. !I tell you I was offul glad , . ... i To have my p about embaasy here nan,,i,r today thut It To tlli , ,,,,, had received the fol owing nu.,ge Ba trviu' to find out. from Berlin via the wireless station ut . fayville, I,. I.: "The German erown prince's army woa. derisive victory northwest of IHedenhofen, near Mets, over five Kreach army corps. The retreat if the southern French wing on Verdiiii wai rut off. The French retreated to the River Meuse. The crown prince's army ii chasing the French, and has tukpn a number of prisoners. The French no longer are able to face the terrible fire sent iutu their ranks by the Germans," I And so I asked him why the world Is round instead of square, (And why the -piggies' tails are curled, And why don't fish breathe nir; And why the moon don't hit a star, ; And why tlte dark is black, I And just how many birds there arr. And will the wind eome back. I And why does water stay in wells, And why some folks do wed, And what's that roar 1 hear in shells, i And why some hair la red; : And why the grass is always green i Instead of sometimes blue, An' why a beau will gruw a bean And not an npplo, too. WOMAN NOVELISTS PLAY WINS BIG PRIZE. 8ver Relations. Copenhagen. Aug. SI. Germany sev ered diplomatic relations with Japanese Tery informally, it was learned here today. Just before the hour for ex pirstiun of the Japanese ultimatum, a representative of the Berlin foreign of fice, called on the Japanese chnree d . ! I I. ...... i .1 .. " , ' -...... n.Diu'ct mm ins passport, i And then my pn got up, an remaning mat itermnny hud no nus The offul wurds ho auid! wer.10 rnnne to Jupaueso demand con-, I hadn't done one thing, but he KiH) , Just sent ,ne off to bed.Kx. ipe American ambassador took over' the Japanese embassy, 1 And why a horso can't lenrn to moo Aud why a cow can't neigh, And do tho fairies live on dew, And what makes hair turn gray; gee! THE LIFE CAREERj "School l i la youlH should InrsrtsMy ! orviro ,u pirpsr i-i ta th IwM mi ...w -i fM.COlloa Kir VBHS kt U niMM' frrsidrnic. W. hliul. Th! t the Mission of the IfM j Oetreani Break Llnei. Ifndoa, Aug, 24, That the Ger man la Belgium have broken the fir.'t line of the allies' defeuso wus anaoune ed by the official war information bu reau here tonight. Aa reeult, it was staled, the with drawal had become necessary of a part j of tho allies' forces to their original (vsition on the French frontier. It was explained that this withdrawal waa ui- ea prepared plnn. and was for "purely , SEPTEIBER l8th, iQlA strsteLMB reasons." ' V'l ! write for Illustrated too-pace Book I let. "Tim LIFE Cahim:R." and lor Cata t klff CAnt.iloin full 1..I... H..i.. I, . . oi ri i : .......... ... ,u. ui.uiiiin.ivii. ans, Aug. 84. Tbc war office ad n,tt r.irc irmr-ni tiidc . jnitM rtl. .. th.t a p-nera. battle between IVnrh and (ierntttus i r.odrv. Pm,lt'v h.,k,.i... L'.t,,i . i . . . I . . . 'm, i ixi.n'Hinii f i iui iktiiiuiri FHrtyaixtb, School Year Open trategio reasons.1 French Are Rttirlnf. wn ragmif througliout the osucs iunontia rauge. "The general sitnstloa hss deter mined o to briug back our troops," it t. us stated. r A T- J ijfi ; ill fa iRow m Jrf FOUR MILLION MEN LED BY EMPEROR Home, Aug. 24. The first line of the Kussian army now moving in force agaiust the entire German-Austrian frontier numbers 4,t0,0H) men, accord ing to a dispatch received here today from the tt. I'eteburg correspondent of the Messagero, newspaper., A second rmy, almost as great as the first, it was an nounced, will move behind tliO first and reinforce it when heed ed. The rxar was said to be at the front with the general army staff. As a result of the meeting of the Oregon Loganberry Growers' associa tion in the auditorium of the Snlem Commercial club Saturday afternoon, a subscription of was made for the purpose of odvertising the loganberry. The subscription will heroine due when $154)0 has been raised. It is planned to make this sum fully $21)1)1). Among those who spoke at the meeting were L. H. Roberts, treasurer of the associa tion, who talked on the outlook of the crops; Manager Crawford, of the Snb'm Fruit I'nion, who spoke on "The Ills try and Marketing of the Loganber ry;" J. 11. Albert, banker, who favored extensive advertising of the berry in national magazines in order to create a demnnd for the product; and H. t4. Gile, of the Gile company, who talked on the "History of the Prune Iindus-; try," and suggested that the prune I growers and loganberry growers co-op-1 crate with the Salem Commercial club' in advertising both fruits. o In reply to a letter of Inquiry cent to the 1'nitcd States National Lawn Tennis association nt New York city by Halph Moores, secretary of the pro ! motion department of the Salem Com-1 menial club regarding the of securing sanction of that association for the tennis tournament to bo heb here August 'U, n communication hr. been received from the secretary of the nssocintion stating that sanction could not be given unless the Salem club joined the national association. If the club decides to join the nation:.) i association by wiring that fact and; sending the written application, the ex ecutive committee may elect to sanc tion the meet. The matter was refer- j red to I'ti ill Walluce and Bob Beitham. 1 memlters of the committee who hnvet tho tournament in charge. Harvesters and Hop Pickers' Dry Goods Supplies Calico at 5c a yard Big assortment 36-inch Percales at 10c a yard BOYS' Boys' Overalls, Children 's Cov.r.11 Q-TTTTpTC! dtublo seat sad knee, Overalls, jii.k,id Hl.avy JeBimjj 25c :50c 50c Cotton Blankets at $1 pr., at 80c pr., at 50c pr. STRAW 3-poun.T HATS I right for outing wear j Cotton BatS 8c $1.50 pair 50c Hop Pickers' Gloves at 25c, at 10c and 5c pair Our Fall goods are coming in fast. Ladies' New Coats, the newest things, at moderate prices. Our Fall Millinery Stock has arrived. ROSTEIfl & GREENBAUM 240 and 216 Commercial Street Because Louis Brankofski threatened to cut out his heart, William Wohl swore out a warrant this morning against him and had him arrested by Constable Cooper. The difficulty arose over the payment of rent for the fruit store that the two conducted on State street opposite the Spa. Wolil alleged that they had been partners and were settling up when Brankofslii cume to him this morning and said he owed him $10. This WoM, denied and it is then that be alleges Brankofski threatened to cut out his heart. The case was brought to trial this afternoon in Jus tice Webster's court. I ANXIOUS ABOUT STAFF. ! Washington, Aug. 21. Anxiety con cerning the whereabouts of the Berlin ."tiff of the Japanese embassy was en ( pressed this afternoon nt the' Japiinc ; Washington embassy. The charge d' affaires, 1). Gercap, had not informed 'Tokio how ho planned to leave. No j word had been received from him, ii i was suid, in 4S hours. FLOUR ADVANCED. Portland, Ore., Aug. 21. Flour to day advanced another 20 cents per hit rel, nnd the patent grades were selling at $").20. Millers claimed the advance was iiue to a shortage in bhiestetu wheat. Th Lady and Child HAVE EVIDENTLY USED LIBERALLY AND ififfiRMififfliti TO GREAT ADVANTAGE . The National Embroidery Patterns Aflttr reading ftUteen huudrvd auJ folty-tti manuscripts entered Iu tit rv Husbandry. HortLulHir. Am,i.ituH hai ...i. . t.L.i. .mA k k rvia nhmtttaMt : I tat I T k t" tWMH"DWlIUH - Uf ay 1U,WV M 1-AV 11 IV U IHT WliV ' MV V-o -'"J r "'" LOCOING FNCM-.f'ki,no. HOME LCo' to him Mr. Mnthrop Ames and tooso whom no associated with himself as E?Gim.! .warded the ptb. to Jlls. Alio Brown, ot Boston, H rlnvav. Mcvti.iTiL al. (' Mininr. : a-.i... i.,n., i hi. i.. v ti.. i.. i..,... wom t I ma was lutcrprvrru meanisg inai t v-r..-n . . vv... i:nv.c. I iiiR(WAV.i. tho r'renrh vere rt tiring in upper Al ' INOCTKIAL ARTS. Augutu Thouiaa. preohlent of tb ijock-ty ot American Dramatists, aud Me s-i. to escape being eut off by thej rv.Virc.i.rvt-A-rkliltur, Dalrs Adolpb Klauber. who Is aasot lated with Mesara. Sclwyn & Co., theatrb al pro rnormous (Jerainn irur from fet. "ie. Home M ikers Course, lodusuul ; i uurrw. in aa auviM.ry mciij, ftnj ronauiKTipia wm wiutii i ivpui um ! Arts. Forestry. Hoins Short Course. I $rirff ,Viw i'liino. Strlne. Rand, i - ... .... - . .k. oUe Culture. ' 1 It deals wtta rami tj pel . . . i . , . i. r'vt truth Tttniiv nmntv ran mm-uiuirf. av r - ' t ,.nA t. fi Boonci Cours. bv Mul Fr. I ills Brown't flay U called "Cblldroa- of Earth, journal Vranis and to r?ond .,. M,!'l'T ntTo. i ta Kw En,B'1 " b rlrtt ,oc y' rtbof, ,n hs ,bort 'JJy to thong which opptal. j imam. a u ul u n asi .iisma work rod(c(L Mr. Atnoa will produro tho plaj tarly aext aeaaon. ( ' 55NG 0FFEPD BY THE CAPITAL JOURNAL FORF0UK mmtm COUPONS AND 68 CENTS. htlvjin,!0;!!!-0 ffC,"eUt t ea!,tiful -embroidered articles used by iU toZ t X , ! tll7b0VhK cene. You can have all these with just mrsv2l Vantage of The Capital nal s m ondei f ul Hot Iron Transfer Pattern Otter. Coupon in today's pap". HUNDREDS GONE, SOME LEFT. norhinitv to,?"1 ;i!mI)aiS" limited, so do not delay until you find the or. C ,"w A TwtTii Uti1?TeTeut8mh- 0ne Pamphlet- of Instruction. On ALL YOURS FOR FOUR COUPONS AND 63 ' CENTS. Out-of-town reader will add 5 cents'" for postage. I s