SSVX3T CARRANZA GIVEN ANALYZES SITUATION AT LONG DISTANCE If OYAHON AFCAPITAL OUR MEN'S CLOTHING STORE IS OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. SATURDAYS. THE DAILY CAJIT AIi JOUaMTAL, BAXEM, 0RXQOK, ntTPAT, AUGUST 21, 1914. Fralc In Streets and Bios Hymn ! Points Out WX&t Havmitt Usm sua Composed for the- Occasion At H Passed Government for tin Peopl. Mexico City, Aug. 21. The occupa tioa of Mexico City today by Genera' .Veauatisno Carraaza, commander io chief of the constitutionalist army, wai complete. He entered the capital at boob yeetefday, was proclaimed provis ional president and then given no en thusioetie welcome by the crowds on the streets. Escorted by a squadron of cav alry and the Fourth Honors battalioo of infantry, which acted as a guard of honor, General C'arranza mounted on a splendid horsa, left Atzcanotcalzo in tie Ultimate Posts Ef facta of Vic tories at SerCTil Points. By J. W. T. Hasan. (Former London (' of the United Tress.) , New York, Aug. 21. (11 a. m.) The German occupation of Brussels pos sess a greater political Uian military advantage. The rity ia strsgetically , unimportant at preseut, but if Uarmany ) holds it when the war ends it will pos sess a strong card at tae congress which drafts the peace terms. r.ven if Germany should be defeated, time to enter Mexico City at noon. He ! its envoys will require all the material srat met at the city limits by the mayor advantages they can show to minimize ad the city council. Hundreds of peo-jtiie terms agaiust them and possesion plo were grouped along the line otiof Brussels will be a fact with import marc a and as Carranxa passed they ant bearings and possibilities. The Bel sang a by ma written for the occasion. Igian capital is somewhat important as At the National theater the procession a railroad and commissariat center for baited enough for Carrauza to receive t the hands of workmen the flag which tho late President Madero dropped at that very spot February 9, H'13, the date of the Huerta-Dinz uprising. He assured the populace that tin revolu tioa was over, and that the eonstitu tionalista were to cive a sovernment i bombardment was thus prevented for all the people and not for a small' Of the Belgians who retreated toward the Germany army, but the circum stances that it is in a community hos tile to the invaders lessens its useful nes. The allies' strategy in abandoning it was admirable from an economic as well as fiom a military viewpoint, as its part of them. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will bo received by th. County Court of Marion County, Ore gon, until Monday, the 24th day oi August, at 12 o'clock noon, for th construction of a brick flue for a beat ing plant at the Court House, in ac eordance with the plans and specifii-a tioon now on file in the office of th County Clerk. The Court reserves the right to reject snv or nil bids. MAX (JEHLHAR, County Clerk. Antwerp probably only enough will en ter that city to do garrison duty, the rest being detached for active field ser vice. No dispatches mention the French or British as being with the Belgians in the north, and it is practically certain that they are in southern Hclgiuui. The Uermaus probably will not follow their advantage to the northward, as there se ir nothing to gain by such a detour, 'ihey must plant a sufficient force in trout of Autwerp to keep the' garrhoa locked up, but the main pur pose of their advance is to reach France. A Paris dispatch suggests that if the Germans have selected a northern Former Indianans of Xewberg will (. ircling route, the allies' plans will hold their f irut association meeting ntlhave to be rearranged. Xewberg Friday. j The possibilities of diseoner; ting the ; enemy may have outweighed with the I German general staff t.'e danger of fol- Sa w r-i m m lowing the course of the Scheldt into f I W ivl 'France, with .Antwerp's great lortifi " Asj cation threatening first the German flank an.l then rear. j If so the strategy involved will be one of these daring war time strokes afterward described as the work of a genius if they succeed and the work of a fool if they fail. The French operations about Met anil Saatbruek have been a feeling oi the teeth in the lion's mouth of Strrs biirg, and there has been no progress with the enveloping movement. A French report mentions a French advance guard retreat to the River Seille. The stream is close to the French frontier and about 15 miles west of half a dozen towns in Lonaine taken by General doff re. If the French retreat, it means an evacuation of these, ami Germany's second victory of the war. THURSDAY, AUGUST 27 on wm u h In Grand and Glorious Union with "THE WIZARD PRINCE OF ARABIA' ORIENTAL SPECTACLE AND BALLET Max Stannlnlr Slunentlona Fra Sarll In a Ulatory at Pmnlrr. lavralle Dreams) Come Trne aail Matarltr's "'' VIvUl Expectation htliM Completely Re-Created Arena TAKE SALTS 10 F Eat Leas Meat If You reel Bickscly or Bladder Troubles Yon Salts Is Fine for Kidneys. arm rvTErfVATioNALi.Y ai?owy it Kt KvrnnMC, F.t ii.innis- T I O. ACROBATIC, liYMNAVrlC. AFHIAI.ISTIC An H1PPI)IVMA TIO CHAHPIOIVS IX RKVRl.ATIOM JtRf k" EATS ARROllSiD AMI AI.OPT. Saturday Will Be Men 's Extra Spe cial Bay at Stockton's Store Be sure to get your share of these great values offered by the "Reliable Store," as it has been dubbed by our custom ers. "Buy from Stockton's and you know what you're getting." This was a remark overheard on the street, the conver sation being between two men who are entire strangers to us, but the trend of their expression reflects the general con fidence that the public feels in this store. This Saturday we give you extraordinary opportunities. Take advantage, SATURDAY ONLY. Men's Smart Suits. Including Blue Serges Full of snap and style at great savings; all patterns and styles. MEN'S SUITS $10.00 Suits $7.65 $15.00 Suits $11.85 $18.50 Suits $13.85 $20.00 Suits $14.85 $22.50 Suits $16.85 $25.00 Suits $18.85 Boys' Norfolk Suits boy's School Suit Buy the Saturday. $3.50 Suits . $2.75 $5.00 Suits $3.98 $4.00 Suits $3.15 $4.50 Suits $3.55 $6.00 Suits $4.85 $7.03 Suits $5.55 $8.00 Suits $6.55 $10.00 Suits $7.85 MEN'S EXTRA TROUSERS $6.00 Trousers $3.50 Trousers $4.85 $2.85 $5.00 Trousers $3.98 $4.50 Trousers $3.65 $4.00 Trousers $3.45 $3.00 Trousers $2.45 $2.50 Trousers $1.85 $2.00 Trousers $1.65 ALL MEN'S OXFORDS $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 Oxfords, Saturday only, $2.45 MEN'S WHITE HANDKERCHIEFS 15c values, 9c; 10c values, 6c; 5c values, 3c MEN'S GOLF AND NEGLIGEE SKIRTS Fall patterns. $1.25 Shirts 98c $1.C0 Shirts 79c 75c Shirts 49c Kanur Drained of lta Olehrlflea Yield a Tournament Sunrrblr Kalilary la Conreard Prc-Emlarnpe. WORLD'S RAREST, COST LIEST ZOO AND ANIMAL NURSERY 110 DENS OF WILD BEASTS, HERDS OF ELEPHANTS AND CAMELS, INFANT GIRAFFE. Meat forms uric acid which excites anil overworks ths kidneys in their ef forts to filter it from the system. Ke guhir caters of meat must flush the kidneys occasionally. You must reliee them "like you relieve your bowels; re moving all the acids, waste and poison, . elso you feel a dull misery in the kid- j ney region, sharp pains in the fcaek or sick headache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue is coateit ui when the wouther is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment; the channels often get irri tated, obliging you to get op two or three times during the night. To neutralize these irritating adds and flush off the body's urinous waste get about four ounces of Jad Salts j from any pharmacy; take a tablespoon ful in a glass of water before break- , fast for a few days and your kidneys ! will then act fine and bladder disorders disappear. This famous salts i3 made from the acid of grapes and lemon 'juice, combined with lithia, and has; : been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop , ' bladder irritation. Jad salts is inex- 1 pensive; harmless and makes a delight ful effervescent lithia-watcr drink ; l which millions of men and women take ! now and then, thus avoiding serious kidney and bladder diseases. SWITZERLAND READY TO RESIST INVASION 00 MEN'S SUMMER BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR 50c values, 39c; 25c values, 19c. MEN'S PORUS KNIT UNDERWEAR-50C values, 39c. MEN'S OUTING FLANNEL NIGHT GOWNS $1.75 gowns, $1.35; $1.50 gowns, $1.15; $1.25 gowns, 98c; $1.00 gowns, 79c; 85c gowns, 65c. REVIVES PRIMITIVE WAY OF LOVE MAKING Youth of 18 Forces His Way in Hoa-;e and Fires Eevolver to Intimidate In mates and Captures 17-Year-Old Girl. DUTCH TROOPS MASS TO PROTECT BORDERS Flushing, Holland, Aug. 21. Dutch troops were eoncentiatiiig today iu the provinces of Zeelnnd and Dutch lira bant, on both sides of the ."Scheldt, to enforce neutialitv in the event of a The Markets 'the Willamette Valley Woolgrowers' as siK'iniion, closed yesterday at the l uion of stock at the yards follows: San Francisco, Aug. 21. Advices re reived here today from that Charles Vozelle, son of a wealthy merchant, had been arrested there fol lowing the alleged abduction here last niyht by him of Miss Sadie Broadhurst, aged 17 veais, a trained nurse. Bozelle is 18. . According to the polic e, Dozelle drove up to the home of Dr. J. V. Hawkins, where Miss Broadiiurst was attending a patient, forced his wy into the house, to guard against this. iireil a revolver to terrorize us in mates, seized the girl, carried her out to an automobile and drove to San .lose at 30 miles an hour. ., " , .German attack on Antwerp. San .lose said ....... ... ... , X lip ill, in ii.'iiui i. niiirn iiuiii in,;; frontier but its outer fortifications, on ; the north, are but a mile and a half from it. An attack on them would al most inevitably menu a violation of . Dutch territory. The cloving of the Scheldt, which might be incidental to such an attack, would also constitute an infringement of Dutch neutrality,! but JOHN D. HAS SECEET SAFE. 'THE CANDY SHOP.' ! Austrian Troops Gathering Presumably ! to Threaten Italy It Is Feared May Try to Cross Her Country to Aid Germans. Hiddon Alcove Protects the Hold of Private Papers from View. Yonkers, X. Y.. Aug. !!. Jidin D. Rockefeller has hnd an automatic time r.nfe installed in his mansion nt r'oenn tico Hills for valuables of a particu larly personal nntuTc. I No one but members of the family know whnt room it wns l.lnced in. Not that comes here to the Orand Opera , evea tie M.rvR,x ,vpr. .-,nitted to house is without a doubt one of the , nhre it was taken after it unloaded at a rear door of the dwell- inf.-. M a fiirttK'r saregniu-'l a secret When Rock and Fulton started in this past summer to organi.-.e the company of "The Candy Shop," they virtually fine tooth-combed Broadway for show girls and choristers. The result has since been apparent, for the attraction I'riniM steers stockyards after a two-day session. It Choice steers . wits a complete s.iccess and it is the in- , Medium steers teutioii of the association to make the Choice cows .. LOCAL WHOLESALE MARKETS. ' affair an annual event. W,i,ilur sales I Medium cows Day, timothy J11.0U are biing held each year in Kiiglund Heifers I lover, per ton 7.00 inid the local growers expect to make 'Calves fists and vetch 8.00 their auctions equally notable, bctinv- Hulls Cheat 8.0U ing that western Oregon otfeis tin- Stngs ..n.ut, pi-r Dusliel S.jcdiSCc equalled advantages for growing; llogs ' Bran, per ton $28.00 thoroughbred sheep. Light Oats, per bushel .'t."e : Total sales aggregated about 1000 Heavy I i. hittim Lark, per lb 4Mi(u'e lel( ninl prices were satisfnctoiy. Kama , .Shec ; Potatoes, per owt 1.00 ,.,! llt fr(im $20 to ifiO a head. Cots- Wethers Butter End Eggs. , wold, Mhropshire and Lincoln bucks in Lives Biitterfat, per r., f. 0. b. Salem J.'lc. 1(,ns uf ,,, H(,, Ht Kn BV,.ril(,,. ,,ri,.,. f Lambs i Creamery butter, per lb 3")C 5 mrh (.im1 lri).,,9 wcre ffeied fr I hhi , pure bred stock and the only wig in ; Poultry. ! prices was for poor quality sheep. 1 Hens, per lb 12c tlindes dragged somewhat. Hoosters, per lb ec j Buyers were in attendance from, about all the const states and they ' ,n'iilu fti.tiv.. Li. In for thp stock ottered. !stc,'rs 5!-i(o;6ci.,.1(, r,,H1)ts f tie R!lu, w,.rc m0Ht grat- I Cows, per cwt. r.4'-'''' if vine and crowcrs were pleased with, Hogs, tut, per lb. ''f U,i- outlook. The sheep growers con-! block MS' 1'" 10 " 75 .hided the nffnir with a bnnouet at the! Hn.lewnod restniirant last night. Prices for other livestock yesterday ' weie practically unchanged, with offer- i ings at the stockyards rather poorer! than usual. I'ortland still maintained 2oC!its lend as the highest market for hogs' in the country, with the ruling price POETLAND MARKETS. of !l..')0 being paid fi r best stock. 1 Portland, Ore., Aug. 21. Wheat ' Shippers were: ; flub. S7c: bl.iestem. W7c. I Willi cattle K. I.. Wiley, Wallowa., .$7.00u7.25 t!.75(i7.00 H.23(iiri.75 H.OOffi" H.25 5.25fV5.75 5..r0(f( H.oil ti.(IO(rfS.2". .'t.iM)o4.r,(i 4.50(ij5.75 l.25(i !!..-0 tt.:i5(fi8.fi0 4.00(rI4.7r ;i.50(ii4.2-"i 5.00&1 li.00 ' r, t M . British warships were depended oiitrr'cr" "" Kwes. per It, 3Vd Spring lanibp, M I'ieCaSe Veal, lirst class Lie feiis. Dry, per lb 8e Salted country pelts, each 65c(o II Lamb pelts, .each SACRED HEART ACADEMY Under the direction of Sisters of the Holy Names SALEM, OREGON the ! Basel, Aug. 21. Swiss troops wcre keeping a very close watch today on 1 the Austrian force concentrated in the Tvrol. It was the general opinion that they 2 P. M. TWICE DAILY 8 P. M. - rat Perfaraaare I'rfpHH by GALA STREET PARADE Admission to Cfl t,"""?" i swellest bunch of stage beauties that i hes ever visited this city. "The Candy 1 Shop" was organized in miHsummer ; n,.,,ve wn P(,nftriicted off one of the when the cream of .New lorK n chorus roon,8 nnd th( K,fp Ka ,,),.,,,) j t,Mt wnrld was available and was able to ; Truckmen taking the safe to the round up an aggregation of inusicel : )r(riKl.s ,v,.rc stopped by the snuill comedy entertainers that have since Brmv (,f gif, K, tKBrm about the miJe this sbowr one of the most talked e.lte and since the I. W. W. disturb about and successful attractions on tour r-AreK ,) w,.re Iot Hilmitted until Mr. this season. In addition to William 1 Vt-fettrr intervened in their behalf. t'(K-k and ilnmle rulton. nnu n hnl. 1 a Oats No. 1 white feed, 21 (ic; grny, 21e. Barley Brewing, 21',',e; feed, 21c. Hugs Best live, !l.r.0. l'rinie steers, 7c; fancy cows, ti'ic; best calves, 8(fih'ic; spring lambs, 5 Co "e. Butter City creamery, 35e. Lggs Selected locnl exiras, 2"((i2Se; hens, 13c; bri ilers, 17c; geese, 10ft; lie. 1 cars. With sheep D. T. Ketchum, The Dal It's, 3 cars; (1. K. Warner, l.cimnon, I car; A. L. Druniimd, l.yle, 1 car; Aid rich it Son, l.yle, 3 cars. Sub s yesterday were: . , . u:l i miu Jltllllir were garnering w.i.. , uw.- , fc ; f(f r liz01, , Hies Willi "Vi " " 1 :,, .(inIlf.l ronnti.t nn thi.rn ia n mediums I urnpmte is an excellent luoricanr lor all open bearings, chains and the like. given to the possibility that they might , ,riBbtlv medi be lntenne-i runner iu BirciiRiiicu i i SI U.ala muma ta joermans in . .o --- i nr,,ihle to rnrral on Br.mdwnv ami : cessnrv hv the " , , ivK.a ,rhai.s attende.1.1''" environs. These number approxi-; stage effects, accessories and equip as happened in some instances, when frty. Then, to make the shor the Dnke of Tuscany 's forces made the I ''"'a nee evenly, there is a youthful male WHEAT IN CHICAGO. Chicago, Aug. 21. After opening un changed, wheat advanced 1 to 2 ents todnv, and then fell back about The volume of trading was 12 ewes MM lambs 142 lambs 5 ewes 10 wethers 105 22 ewes JL1 M lambs 7 Weight, .. 1...I . . 0 ., 00 .. 108 I'l ice. :umi 5..r)ii 5.30 :i.3 .7.p) 4.23 5.00 BOARDING SCHOOL AND DAY SCHOOL Most approved methods, Pri mary, Grammar and High School Departments, Complete Courses in Harp, Piano, Voice Culture, Violin and Harmony. enmirM. n tirnviwion thBt in mnOf ne. 1 i m , .n - n.itint ,.f ..rill. narrow; and the bulge was apparently i it n to the Everything www prick. Down town llCKet Uince ai;s.- .,pl,traiitT. The Swiss sre deter Pat ton Bros. Stationery Store. : mined to resist sny invasions of their Ticket on sale show day, same price as charged at the grounds NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY BUBGHASDT MXSESITK BoHdont Axents. 585 BtsU Btrm 'ment employ! in the big pro.luettow. uu' to sentiment, rather tha 1 In nnMinir tlpthpr hi u,ei .how. !. l"y news developments. lnc uc . """'-'.V..--; - "f I chorus of tirentv, everv one of whom management appears to have spared! 1 "e wneai crop is same jonrnev recently, witfc violation oi . , , ' ... . . , OOO bushels under ut vear accordiiiL' ...... ,i;t Tho Hwian in ,lter- 's a trained and eipenenced dsneer. neither pains nor expense and in the u" ""' unuer imi year, in i oruinj, While ererv theatre on the route of j staging of the production the minutest 10 esiimnies receiveu nere. "The Csndv Shop" is expected to be , detail has been carried out with the , Trading in corn was fairly active nnd equipped wi'th a capable -.rr.estra. the! most faithful and exact precision. The ' I""-''8 advanced early to cents management of the show has fortified j attraction is credited with record- i ov'r Ktenlay s close. hnrh Son KraniiBin territory with force. Th flilem Mnnie.inal Band concert ... . I : nttralii. iriff, a loa.lAr firaf vln. ; amaaliinir rnna In Will Dr DCII eaiuruay Ili;ui iu pio. r ui - .... n ...... . - .. - AnrTTrtV RATT" AT toaiefat in Willson Park. The date has linist and expert trap drum soloist,- all and Los Angeles, and is preceded here uvllun been uostponed by reooest. As this I of whom are permanent rixrures witn witn a reputation mat wouwi seem to will be the last concert of Hie sesson, the outfit. "The Candy Shop" also it is urged that Salem people bear mind the change oi date. m ! its own crew of stage earpen Jters, electricians and calcium light op- warrant the prediction of a local turn- sway patronage. The engagement is ' limited to one performance. i UNION STOCK YAKDE ( I'ortland, Ore., Aug. 21. TJio initial auction sale of high-bred rams, ewes and lambs, held under the auspices t H5 yenrlings 50 In nibs ... I legs .... 23 steers . . . 23 steers . . . 25 steers . . 20 steers , . . .'! steers . . . :i steers ... 7 hogs 50 lambs . . . 20 wethers . :!7 ewes 10 ewes . . .-. -12 l ives . . . , S mixed . . . .. 105 .. 72 .. 255 .. 702 ..lino ..1170 ..IMS ..1210 .. 72:1 .. 150 . . 00 . . 100 .. 152 .. 14'J .. 15.1 .. 122 5 ); ill U1ICIICICI11.C Willi icugiuil 5. II' I 9.50 11.70 MODERN CONVENIENCES of pupils. Current prices cf the various 0.7" li.l 0.25! 5.00 i It. 20 5.oo 4.50 4.00 4.00 3.0P 4.H0 I i'.lnsst DOMESTIC COMFORTS Scholastic year begins second Monday in September. Address, SISTER SUPERIOR