THXEB THE SOCIAL CALENDAR THB DAILY OAPIT AL JOUBNAIa, BALEM. OREOOH. SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1911. . .. ms . '...', ms ..." C ... ONE of the charming affairs of the week was an informal afternoon tea given by Mrs. William C. Knighton, Tuesday, at her home on Summer street, ' complimenting Mrs. George Mack (Miss . Lorn Chapman), of Los Angeles, and Mrs. Edward Till son, of Spokane, who has been the house guest of Mrs. Richard Caitwright. Especially pretty were the large bunches of variegated sweet peas which lent a summery decoration throughout , the rooms. Mrs. C. L. McNary and Mrs. Fred Shannon Stewart assisted the .hostess in pouring. During the after noon Mrs. Tillson rendered exquisitely some gems irom scnupert. Blie is a talented musician. Twenty guests en 'joyed the delightful mid-smiiiner func tion. : Miss Inez Goltra entertained inforin ' ally Tuesday evening at her home, 725 Court street, with a rook party. .Tables .were set on the verandah and the joys 0 f a delightful summer evening . at 'home and' yet out of doors,- was the pleasure of the guests, who . were the Misses Lucile Kuntz, Genevieve Aviaon, Missee Goltra, Messrs, Alfred Schramm, laul Homan, Errnl Gilkey and Frank Bagley. ; : . ... .. i Mr. and Mrs.' J." A: Churchill, with , their ' daughters,; Marie, Florence and ; Dohis, , left Friday J or . Newport-by-:the-Sea, where they will sojourn for' a 'fortnight : .- '-'''' ' ; j ' V ".. ; j Mrs. L. D. Hall, has been . the guest , of Mis. William- Burghardt, Jr.", at the 1 Newport summer home of the Burg- ibardt's this week. L. H. Hall, -who ; lias been in the state architect's office, and Mrs. mil will leave tnis week for ' Washington, where Mr. Hall has ac- ; copied an appointment. . ' Miss Maude Durbin, who weut east with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ' Watson' in June, is visiting at Peoria, Illinois, and is not expected home until the middle of fceptember. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brown and Mr. nnd Mis. Fred West motored to Me. Minnville Sunday and brought home with them little -Miss Ruth West, who has been entertained at the Brown home, 330 South Commercial street, dur ' ing the week. A . dainty .midsummer children's party was that given by Mrs. Albert L. Brown, Thursday afternoon, for Miss Ruth West, daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Marion Ogle, of McMlnnville, The rooms and tables were prettily adorned with pink and white sweet peas.- Miss Edna West assisted the hostess in serv- - ing. . The little folks brought their dolls and otherwise amused themselves -playing games. The little honor guest, Miss Ruth,, will continue her. visit here for another week. Mrs. G. Schafer and daughter, Louise, who hove been domiciled at the "Schafmoor" camp at Newport for the past' six weeks, joined by Mr. Schaeier, returned home Wednesday. Mrs.' Arthur Moore willremain at the shore until the close of the stimmor sea son. The Schaefer family joined the Beno and Tollock families, forming a two-car motoring party in returning from the coast. The Joseph Harris family are domi ciled in their summer home, "Harris hurst," at Nye Beach. Mrs. Harris and .the children will remain thiough the season and Mr. Harris will join them at week-end intervals. Mrs. Ralph Watson entertained at a birthday dinner Inst night in honor of her husband, Ralph Watson, state cor poration commissioner, at their home on Fourteenth street. Red dahlias, red candles and bonbon dish favors formed the decorations in keeping with the gen eral color scheme of crimson carried throughout the rooms. Covers were laid for eight. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Milton Myers, Mr. and Mrs. George Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Durbin. . Gratified interest and support are be ing displayed by music lovers who are putting forth their efforts in making .the winter concert course a success. Miss Minctta Magers, assisted by prom inent society : women, is earnestly working to obtain a large subscription : list, and daily it has been growing, pressing on towards the mark of sue- j cess. Many people have not yet been reached, but this week the following names were added to the list already, published: ' I J. H. Albert, Jos H. Albert, G. A.! Anderson, Mabel Albee, Dr. Richard N. Avison, A. Hi. Bush, Mrs. A. JN. Bubo, Chauncey Bishop, C. P. Bishop, Judge Bingham, Judge Burnett, W. H. Burg hardt, Sr.; J. Baumgartner, J. J. Brown, Hazel Bishop, U. G. Boyer, Geor gia Booth, Mrs. Dr. Cortwright, Mrs. E. M. Croisan," Mrs. Conn; the Misses! Campbell, Dr. H. E. clay, Mrs. Jacob ; Cooper, R. W. Dillev, O. K. .DeWitt, Mrs. S. C. Dyer, Mrs. C. M. Eppley, i Judge Eakin," W: W. TSmnions, Mrs. .Marie Ehmer, Mrs. B. L.. Farmer, R. B. Flemming, Dr. E. E. Fisher, Dr. Ward Fisher, Mrs. Frank Flint, T.-K. Ford, Carl Oabrielson, Mrs. J. 0. Goltra. Mabel Hudelson, Prof. Harr, Mrs. Flor ence Irwin, Mrs. Susie Jones, Mr. C. J. Kurth, Jno. McNarv, C. L. McNary, E. T. Moores, W. 8." Miller, Rev. H. E. Marshall, Mrs. P. A. Mize, the Misses McNeal, Mrs. Frances Newberry,'' Mrs.' S. Pigler, Geo. F. Rodger, Mr. Carl Smith, J. L, Stockton, Mrs. J. N. Smith,, rred Thielsen, Mrs. Geo. Pearce, Vir ginia O. Wechter,-W.-A.' Weist and Mrs. Tom Wilson. '",-'. , i Beaver StatePrinters t Society and - Commercial 4 T d:i! - ' 4 .' . phiw 1612. ' ':. , Boom 1-3, Patton Block.. MRS. H. W. BROSS, of Fairview kvenue, gave a picnic party Wed npsilnv nftarnnnn fnr littla Afiaa Josephine and Master Manning Bross and their friends. Games were played I in the nearbr grove, the young folks en joying the gaiety of potato aud clothes pin races, and an hour was spent in story-telling. The children invited were: Eileen Johnson, Esther Ostrand er, Hadi Brill, Wayne Elgin, Florence Elgin, Neal Wesson, Katheriie Brunner and Elsie Bovnton. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ling and Miss Addie Swartz will leave Sunday morn ing for Newport. Miss Swartz will spend the month of August at the coast and the Lings will remain a week. Mrs. Victor E. Beno and son Ken neth, of West Lincoln, and Mrs. John Tollock and daughter, Helen, of Third street, returned Wednesday from a fort night s sojourn at Newport. Messrs. Beuo and Tollock joined their families for the week-end and the party motor ed home during the mid-week. Dr.' and Mrs. O. B. Miles and Mrs, Ruth Miles returned Monday from the beach, where they have been sojourning for some weeks at the Cole cottage at Nye Beach. -.The First. Christian Sunday scjooI classes of i Loyal Sons and Daughters were . entertained at the : McKinney ranch . home near Turner the first of the week. .. The young people went -in the motor cars of V. a. Bullock, Victor Swartz and Dr. II. C. Epley. Music and games formed the evening's enter tainment. There was a duet by Miss Ruth Hollister and Ivan Shomaker and a solo by Miss Wilda Seigmund. Those present were the Misses Wilda Sicg mnnd, Eugenia Siegmund, Grace Baker, Elizabeth Jones, Mary Jones, Golda Wheeler, Mae Ward, Juanita Chrising er, Blanche Applcgate, Roberta Morton, and Ruth Hollister, Messrs. Ivan Scho moker, Fred Schoinaker, Ray Crown, Frank Zinn, James Walker and Victor Swartz. KEENLY felt in club circles is the departure of Mrs. Maud S. Wil leys, president of the Women's Relief corps of Salem. Mrs. Willeys left Wednesday to spend a few days with her mother in Portland, from where she expects to ro to Chicago to join her husband, Jr.mes M. Willeys, there, nnd together they will go to Washington, D. C, for a business trip. Later they probably will make their headquarters at Chicago. Tho Willeys have resided in Salom for the past two years during the time Mr. Willeys was employed in the office of tho state railroad commission. During the winter Mr. Willeys received an important ap pointment as engineer with the inter state commerce commission and since that time has made his headquarters in New Orleans, Mrs. Willeys remaining in Salem. I In January Mrs. Willeys was elected president of the Women 's Relief corps aud she has become known to the var ious Hal cm organizations, endearing her self to the many with whom she be- ,-came acquainted, througn the import ance of her work and her charming personality. The Misses Lina, Lulu and Laura Heist, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. S. Heist, of North Commercial street, are visiting in Newport. Lulu Heist will remain for a fortnight before return ing as the German instructor in the Albany high school, but the Misses Lina 3 hi-- Ms . Mt- X:v iRt f-. .') k, , ' 1 lie." AwI'-'--Wm'j -P'.!-M5"hV U! V: - .AboV are beauties ut (be -"Kolllw" , Mr. Floren .Zlei'feld. 4r,- will ; fruducfe lu New York -in the -.arljr arv if Jnne. - Th esseinbllng of n cb.iros for tl Follies" Is a bbs tsk. Beauty .ont tuort and ability next. -T:rfclng ft lohk 1 1 twelve M-UxtiU out of a luitlalint of i boiit Oilrty anybody will ndinll Iujii the elevtlon baJeeii Jell done". ; ' do lhey. . i-oiiiil- and -WD3": New Yirk-lf the drlr;a must of their .the . -The rrn-wms-ihry. glre for.goliis , cn llif t.-.K r HKir rarlfd.- Breezy Story of Trip to Wonderland (By Mollie Runcorn.) A trip to Belknap Springs Is a journey I iuto Wonderland, for the place a min- ature wonderland itself, is reached by a road of ten thousand wonders and happy surprises, This place, a few years ago, unknown to tourists and practically unknown to ing winter period. Immediately upon the people of Oregon, has rapidly gained his discovery Belknap pre-empted up in favor until it has become one of the J on the land and upon securing his pos most popular resorts in the state. Asi session papers from the government an outing place it could be no more, delightful or better equipped to suit every individual taste. Away up, near- IV 3uuu ieet in tne neari 01 me uf huh- : provemenrs. several years inter ine fill Cascade mountains on the rushing,' buildings burnt, after which tho prop sparkling McKenzie river H is ideally erty passed into the possession of located. I others; at present being owned by For scenic loveliness it is unsurpassed i capitalists of Portland, who realizing surrounded as it is by towering fir-jits possibilities are contemplating the dnd mountain peaks. Within a few: .. ... iuml.. I miles are the snow capped "Three, Sisters", and to the north and south on : a nearby prominence can be seen the glistening spires of Mt. Hood, Mt. Jef- ferson, John Diamond, Diamond Peak,' Mt. Washington and other lesser points; i Its scenic location alone makes it a desirable outing place, but undoubtedly its greatest assot is its - remarkable mineral springs- which come up boiling and steaming out of the ground at a temperature of 187 degrees. The water! is of wonderful curative quality con - taining a perfectly combined proportion' of sulphur, anlydride, chlorine, potas-1 mum, sodium, magnesia, calcium oxide, i silicia, iron and aluminum oxide and manganese oxide. Remarkable cures have been effecteil by its use ana u j is recomended for and guaranteed to j relieve almost everything from freckles. to rheumatism.' However, the number! of ill people who visit the place is1 comparatively small, the larger patron-j. age being by . vacationists, sportsmen and auto enthusiasts. Amateur aud expert fishermen hasten here at their earliest opportunity, well supplied with rod and reel, and other fishing paraphernalia, and for their de light the McKenzie has an unlimited, where millions of tiny fish in all stages supply of Dolly ' Vardens, Bedsides, of development can be seen, later to be hpecklcd Mountain and Salmon Trout I used in supplying the various streams in all their aqueous beauty. The! throughout the state. Immense schools huntsman sharing in the pleasures of of salmon, are also inclosed in fish out-door life finds this indeed a! ladders at this place. At Nimrod is sportsman's paradise, the surrounding the new 140,000 home of the McKenzie mountains abounding in splendid deer: Anglers Club, a handsome structure and smaller game. rustically furnished and constructed cn- For the artist with brush or camera: tirely of logs. It is in charge of C. E. the plaee also affords the best, nature i Ireland, president, and A. Crosslin, sec in her gentlest mood fashioning pic.j rotary, native Oregonians and former turesqne loveliness on every side. Shei Salem residents. It is located on 190 lias also wrapped this country in a fascinating mystery, and its subtle charm is felt from the early Spring when the forest trees begin to put on fresh raiment, and the luxuriant rhododendron displays its rainbow-tinted blooms, until the armorous sun of In dian Slimmer touches the somber mountain sides with a fiery finger ond they burst into a brilliant flame of reds, orange and yellows. The discovery of Belknap Springs by the pioneer after whom the were named is remembered by older Lane coun ty residents. Coming down an old In dinn trjtil in the middle of winter ho aud Laura will remain at the const for a month. Mrs. Joe Mathias and her daughter, BEAUTIES OF THE - HKJ IDA HOWE.. - Everybody kui.wx why l;in go uu. but few r ver heur. save frlendn and rel itiv.n. why the jrlrl of lu chorus uu Hut to tie facts and figure: Miss Jull.i lleitublen s.iys utie wen. 4u tUc ainee because abe llmuglit li iuid - ntnge tulciit Put site admllr nfHimfully that she's been on Ibe slngr brec yearn and hn' not advanced. ;M1s"Mny CannerTi reason To gel way from school. . Mbs Pettloa Touralne LHsapjioliitcd n !iv.. Took tn-stnge to forget 1L , Miss. Margnret 8I: CUIr Answered ftlMife' ; JdISS IDA HOW&. HDYT-. was suddenly startled by coming upon! orAiiti tf flnpr fpA.linir nn n lnt-.T.l oraMV ..iot -oniuletelv bordered bvl banks of Bnow. Investigation disclosed! the cause of this phenonemon steam ' arising from an underground hot spring melting- the snow and keeidni; the Brass green and luxuriant through the f reez- built a good-sized hotel upon the pros- ent camping grounds, planted fruit nnd maple trees and mnde many otnor lm- erection of a modern hotel and other I . up-to-date improvements. The McKenzie river at Belknap is at its loveliest. Originating in the "Three Sisters", . thirteen . miles distant, it plows down these mountains in a slender stream, suddenly disappearing under an immeuae lava bed twenty miles square, to appear again as the underground source of beautiful Claer Lake for which it 'is tho ouly outlet. From ...,t:i u uknB i.a w:ii.....nM it keeps a uniform width of one hundred feet, so swift that in no place would ! it be possible to wade across, and so clear that its rocky bed can be seen throughout its entire course. The road to Belknap is known as the Lincoln Highway, or tho McKenzie trail and crosses tho summit a few miles further on 'in the renouned McKenzie Pass. It closely follows the McKenzie river seldom getting beyond sight or sound of it, until it reaches Belknap, On this road are located the towns of ppringiicltl, Thurston, Watorville, Vida, Deerhorn, Leaburg, Blue River, Nimrod, McKenzie Bridge, and also tho once much-talked of "Lucky Boy" and "Gold Hill" mines. At Vida is ond i of the state's largest fish hatcheries, acres of virgin territory, and also has a mineral spring, the chemical analysis of which has not yet been mndo. The buildings are electric lighted and sup plied with hot and cold water. Sports men are erecting artistic summer homes here, being entitled to a club member ship by so doing. The place is also open as a hotel. The names of the following local people are fomiu on the register: State Treasurer and Mrs. Thomns B. Kay, Miss Marjorio Kay, E. E. Lavalleur, Mrs. Charles A. Gray, Miss 1 Ida Jones, Miss Gertrude Jones, Mrs. W. Irwin, Werner Breymnn, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Eldriilgc, Dr. and Mrs. Miss Jo, of Manor, Pa., arrived in Ha - lem Friday, to be the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Eisnman, of South Fourteenth street. Mrs. and Miss Mathias left Manor 'SPOT LIGHT' GIVE MISS JUUA "Chorus Jlrl Wanted" udvcrtlseineiil in order to be curious and was engaged Miss Uoku Wertz To help supiKtrt 'iiiuily. ..... Miss Hazel Lewis To earn a living Miss .Margaret Dunn Like .to Iravci MUs llnrjorlc Itercrly I'ei-ause slic had to wash dishes nt home. -Miss P.csslc Neltlgnn Went on' the Mtage nt the age of six. ''' Miss Eleanor 8t. Clair Stise struck Slls-t roily .Bowman Former uVpnrl incut store salcswonmn. Could e:nra t ilnrcer salary r the stage - - . -c . Harry E. Clay, Mr. and Mrs. A. X. lliiuh Mr uii.l Mm Anhpl Mllnh .1 1i Linn. Mis Paula l.iun. and Mrs. A. B. Todd. Mr. and Mrs. I). P. Maecarthy of Sulcm are now entertaining Mr. and Mrs. J. ('. Hertz and son of Portluud At McKenzie Bridge is tho well known Log Cabin Inn, and other splcn urn rustic structure which is owned and managed by Mrs. Georgo Croncr of Eugene. It is yearly visited bv many Salem people. The John Maurcrs and their sons Paul and Glen are now en joying an outing lit this place. The following from Salem registering as visitors this season: John Lvnch, Mrs. G. W. Gray, Werner Brcynian, Mr. a'nd Mrs. W. 11. Eldrmgo, Lawrence Purvine, Wayne G. Allen, James Linu and Miss Paula Linn, tho Eldridges and Mr. urcyman expecting to return tor a longer stay later in the season n Foley Springs is on a branch road fivo miles from McKenzie Bridge, and is owned by Mrs. Ella llalfluuger of Eugene, who conducts a modern hotel. 1 Annual patrons of Belknap are many of the wealthier residents of valley cities, who spend a few days or weeks rusticating and enjoying its primative attractions. Among this list aro the John Yeons, J. It. Hawks and W. omen, pcop.e wno ?."V T u v V u k I F. Martins, B. F. Steeves, T. B. Kavs. r. w. uurford and the n. f. Humes. Beautiful and picturesque summer homes of wealthy residents of Eugene, Portland and elsewhere are located along tho McKonzie road ana temporary camps are established at frequent In tervals. Wcek-oiid excursions to those resorts attract many, the road which is in ex ccllent condition with tho exception of a few miles especially appealing to motorists. Tho government is appro priating thousands ol dollars and levy ing special taxes for its betterment and with tho work donated by city-dwelling good road enthusiasts who stop hero for the summer, it is expected that shortly there will bo made one of the best mountain roads in the state. Dr. G. S, Wright, the well-known dentist of Mc- Minnville, is at present supervising a minuter or good rond boosters, in tin proving - the highway between Mc Kenzio Bridge and Bclknnp. A few miles from Blue river tho rond enters the national foreBt reserve with its wealth of superb timber-. hemlock, pine, laurol, ash, cedar, maple, yew and joint firs, so high that seem ingly they brush the sky. Fire warn ings aro everywhere and forresters and their guards daily patrol this region under the jurisdiction of Smith L. Taylor, whoso hciulquarters aro nt "Paradise", oo of tho most im portant ranger stations of the Cascades. At present Belknap and the other McKenzie river resorts are reached by stage, but it is only ft matter of a few years until they will bo accessible by rail when they will probably enjoy nu extensive reputation, renowned not only as pleasure resorts, par excellence, but ns tho American Carlsbads, Kis singens and Wisenbadcns. 1 June (I, and have been visiting various ! places of interest on their way here. Tho most interesting was a trip through Yellowstono park. Mrs. Mathias is an aunt of 11. J.' Eisaiunu. REASONS 1! THEY'RE Oil TIE STAGE. ftEAUBlENl MISS BESSIE GROSS lls P.cKsle tiros llucnuse she ilniii-lil she ttMilced li!o Adelluc UciitV. he (In in or. .Miss Lottie Vermin In order m hangc her name from Schmidt. .Miss Dorothy.. St. Clair Needed the niuiiey. . Miss Flo Hart L'nhupiHly married. Miss Gladys Feldmau To earu a llv Ing. .Miss Helen - Moyw Dccouse she fouhl wMfllsbrs.-" V ". MIks Lillian Tasehman la order t get out of i couvent ' D AHLIAf, red and yellow, were the predominating decoration at a birthday bridge party given Tues day by Mrs. Russell Catlin, compliment ing her daughter, Mrs. Frank Spears, a summer bride. Besides extra guests there were three tables of players. Mrs,'Shipp, Illinois; Myrtolle Shipp, Nebriig llnny E. Clay captured the prize and ka; Mrs. Delia cioarwater, Iowa; Mrs. the silver coin in the cake. Those in- Mary Esther Haghart, Michigan; Mrs. vited were: Mrs. Curtis 1). Cross, Mrs. Maries C. Thompson, ermont; Eliza George Gray, Mrs. Chauncey Bishop, beth Bullock, Canada; Belle Morris, Mrs. C. Fish, Mrs. J. Luddcn, Mrs. Harry E. Clay, Mrs. A. S. Kazmarek, Mrs. W. Connell Iyer, nnd the Misses Margaret and Gertrude Gray of Seattle, Mildred Bnglcy of Eugene, Vida May Cross and Gertrndo and lhla Jones. The annual picnic of the Women's Relief Corps, the Grand Army of the Republic and Spanish War Veterans and their families, was held Thursday at the fairgrounds. A feature of tho big picnic was the large cake at the supper table, lighted brightly in honor or theoirthcta.v. anniversaries of three of the members, Miss Edith Benedict, Mrs. (.. ('.. 1'ascoe and. Mrs. Katie Schott. Cqiumiinder R. C. Halley was complimented on his efforts in behalf of the picnic. Those present were: If. A. K. list T. Kcmington, company O. Sixteenth Towa: F. A. Thonmsoii. ompan v A, Tenth .Minnesota voltin teers; James Fisher; John W.'Willcs, adjutant Twelfth Kansas volunteers; Henry 1'ascoe, company A, Tenth Mm nesota; 8. R. Worick, Fifth. Wisconsin' battery; R. C. Halley,; company M, Forty-fifth Illinois volunteers; James L. Giddings, Eleventh Pennsylvania infan try; E. L. Briggs, Sixth Wisconsin in fantry; U. E. Koss, company D N. J. infantry, Eli O. Wells; W. H. Simpson. company D, One Hundred and Forty- .Ninth i'eunsylvania; Daniel Webster, First Wisconsin battery; E. C. Church ill; H. H. Watson, First' Oregon infan try; 0. V. Htandish, company H, One Hundred nnd Fortieth Pennsylvania; .f. R. Neer, Thirteenth Illinois infantry; .1. W. Knnkin, Twenty-sixth Illinois; J. 11. Walker, First Tennesseo cavalry; .lames Lisle, Third Iowa bnttcry; Henry M. Genrhart, First Iowa cavalry. W. R. C. and S. 1. V. Crctoria C. rnscoe, Ohio; Alice E. Caldwell, Ore gon; Lizzie V. Libby, Maine; James Steward, .Minnesota; Nellio Bull, Ten nessee; Ma 0. Cleurwator, Cambridge, Ohio; Alta C. Schneider, Paola,, Kan.; Mrs. Jennie Pope, Ft. Dodge, Iowa; Mrs. Katie Smith, Missouri; Mrs. Ida Koss, New York; Mrs. Coral Wood, Illinois; Mrs. Lulu Aracy, Iowa; Marian Tracy, Iowa; A. 1). Walker, Tennessee: A. J. Clearwater, Iowa; Henry Schott. Germany; William Howison, Wisconsin; Anna -lie v oorter; Clara Grilible, Il linois; I,idn W. Ackerman, Pennsvl vania; I. L. McAiliinis, Minnesota; Elizabeth T. Adair, Ohio; Marian Sno- ver, .Wisconsin; Huth Wells, South Da Kota; Edith Drager South, Oregon; Kaymoiid Earl South, Oregon; Mrs. Or telle South, Pennsylvania; Mrs. A. W. Drager. Missouri; Mabel A. Lock wood. unio; tfitrnn ijisie, Ohio; LcMoino Hay iiioiid-i larK, .New lork; L. L. Micklin, lowa; .Mrs. rranK K. Wells, Kansas; Miss Dora Follrich, Iowa; Mrs. Marie lollnch, Germany; Mrs. Mxucrvia Wnl wer, Tennessee; Mabel Carlton, Minne sota; Ellen Thompson, Minnesota: Frank. K. Welles, Kansas; Mrs. Louise .YlcAdanis, Indiana; Mr. I. W. Mc Adams, Minnesota; Sarah A. Fisher, lowa; Cynthia S. Diinlnp, New York; Agnes E. Dinsmore, Wisconsin; Snrali M. Tomliiison, Pennsylvania; Lizzie W. Ninth, Illinois; Laura H. MeAdams, Wisconsin, lown, Minnesota.: Mary A Shaver, New i'ork state; Katie B. Tiekel, Ohio; Lou Krnps, LcRoy, llliu mi i ATr fv$Lf "-VVricL MISS Mlsii Pearl GMbrtelle To earu 11 IIvm dliood. ' ' Mhn Dorothy Newell Mud a fall .Inking voice and lias hiipcs of uct-otu Ing a prima domm. Miss" Marie Wulliue To find V wculthy man nnd marry hliu. Miss Helen I'elsmnn l.oft hoiui because she bad to cook for a fuiuil.. uf eight. . . -, Miss Dul Yayue To earn money -. i Miss- CladyS - Loftus Wnhtod- i'.i -trvl sud ice Amertran - -'.; '. ois; Hattie F. Cameron, Paola, Kansas; Ada B. Simpson, Nehiaska; Jennie V. Hunt, New York; Alaggie Code, Illinois; Hattie Skolton, Maine; Marie Kaup, Germany; Mary M. Fox; Ruby Miry Fox; Ruth Coolev, Oregon; Florence Wisconsin; Hannah lliggens, Indiana; J. F. Galeutin, Indiana; C. 0. Matlock, Oregon; L. H. Liskel, Grant county, isi'onsin; Linnie Hewitt, Iowa; Gal-, dil McFnrlatid, Iowa; Viola Matlock, Ohio; Merl Matlock, Oregon; F. E. Zinn, lowa; Mary A. Briggs, Wiscon sin; Donald A. Whittier, Oregon; Doug- Ins R. Whittier, Oregon; Leoua Briggs Albert, Oregon; Virginia Albert, Ore gon; Ebin Albert, Oregon; Mary Minto Halley, Oregon; Mary Rankin, Illinois; J. Frank Dunlap, -Vow lork; Mrs. E. J. Willard and son, Franklin; Miss Pansy -Willard, Oregon; U. S. Dotson, Iowa; Mary E. Watson, Oregon territory; Mrs, U. S. Dotson, California; Mrs. " Florence Laberce, Minnesota; Mr. Geo. Laberee, Wisconsin, J. C. Clearwater, lowa; Ralph Tracy,- Iowa; John Heavi lin, Indiana; Elton Tracy, Montana; . Walter G. Ackerman, New Y'ork; Rena Schott, Nebraska; Elsio Neiger, Oregon; C. C. Clark, New York; Edith E; Bene- ' diet, New York; Raymond C. Clark, . .New. ork; Ola La Aioine ( lark, New v iork; Harold Rupert, North Dakota; Nellio Asselu, Minnesota; France Cam- eron, Oregon; Helen Kobe, ; Alaska; .' Florence Pope, Oregon; J. R. Bull, Ten nessee; H. O. Asscln, Iowa; Mr, H. O. .. .Nelson, Ohio; O. II. Carson, Indiana; . Mary Follerieh; Sylvia Bookman; Mrs. Liehele and daughter. THE Misses llda aud Gertrudo Jones, of Labish Meadows, sister lay tor Nye Creek, where they will be tho guests of Mrs. A. M. Cannon, of Portland, at her summer cottage, "Ma son." They will remain during tho month. Wednesday Mrs. Gray will join tlio party for a short stay at the sea shore. Miss Ada Miller and her mother, Mrs. W. S. Miller, in company with Miss Minctta Magers, are expecting to leave Tuesday for their eastern trip, where Miss Miller will study vocal in Chicago for a year. Their itinerary has beeu planned to include Seattle, Vic toria, a water trip to Vancouver, thenco to Sicamous down to Lisbon, Iowa, whero the party will spend a few dnys with Miss Miller's grandparents beforo going to Chicago. " Miss Jcnnio Williams and Benjamin Williams have returned from a week's vacation at Newport. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. M. Cooke Tatton re turned Tuesday from a two weeks' stay in Newport, whore they were guests at tho Nicolui. c Mrs. Miuuio reton Thompson auJ her little children, Dorothy and Charles I reton, have been visiting at the home of Mrs. Thompson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Irotou, on South Commercial street. After a fortnight's stay they expect to leave tomorrow for their homo in Seattle. it The engagement ' of Miss Virginia Carolyn Ryder, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. William F. Ryder, to Andrew Giesy Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Miller, of Aurora, Ore., has been form ally announced, the wedding to taka place August 22. Portland Telegram. p nrrrfPrrnu : H iJ H It-iiivo'Vn.v GLADYS WFTVS- h.tbIT J Miss Hilda UImcU lioeaiiM- bei twin sister ve:it on the stnjw. ' MIsh Ida ' Uowo Ni.tlvc of KsseS. liinction. Vt.; the tuwu to ; tiiiall fr her. - - Miss KdMh Whitiier-Tu eurn. Ut- ns. . .. - Mls. Vonnle llnyt Went on the iiaye at the rigo of toil. ' Miss Fawn -Coiiw:iy-ltecaiise she was offered $115' n week ' Miss Violet Pru'eger Likes to travel " Jll-w Mabel l-Vrry-ltettcr oceirputhia rim thnt if a telcphoue iorator. "' ' M4