TWO THS DAILY CAPITAL JOUBKAL, SAL EM, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1914. NATION IPIHI m PRESIOEN I III HISAFFLIGTION Bill to Do Away With Slums, I Due to Mrs. Wilson, Pass ed Congress Today 'DIPLOMATS DISCUSS RED CROSS MAKES BANK OF ENGLAND I ENGLAND'S POSITION APPEAL FOR HELP STAYS WITH GOLD t Has Always Fought the Strongest Con tinental Power, but Germany Once During our war with Spain thousands ! of dollars were sent by the uroan j nta l rosa societies to the American . Washington, Aue. 7. Government of ficials here were encouraged today by Weakened England Will Be Her Best Red Cross to aid in the care of oi.r-,ne announcement that the Bank of Friend, sick and wounded soldiers. Xow in the LnKlanl would not suspend gold pay hour of their supreme need the Ameri- ment- wrd to this effect was deUv- can Red Cross, both for the sake of ,reJ b-r the Bntish embassy to Secre- Loudou. Aui?. 7. " ran no,-- humanity and to einress our cratitude laff 01 Iata. y- ribly guess," was the answer oftenest returned here today to queries of diplo mats deep in international European political lore as to what would be the out come of the present general war. There were endless possible coinbina- "The British chancellor of the ex- TRIBUTE OF FLOWERS lions ana possibilities, Uese authont- for tfce discharge : mat there would be a clean cut tic rKUM till a aLUMb Ll'lteV''0''. MV woukij be scattered here and there. Many be- licvcii there would be shifts of whole n . - ... . iiountries from side to side as the eon- President at His Desk to!fli;ir:r!.5.ei. ... t am. uriiuaiiT prriurn (o uo meeting I ar. me outset witn even greater diffi- for their aid to us in the time of trou ble and distress, has decided to charter .a ship and send to each country involv ed doctors, nurses and hospital appli ances. This ship, "railing under the , neu iross nag, win te under the pro-. r . , , . ,; lection of tl, ,.,.,;. r... L.i 1 ,hi rJ"ary course of business." v. i-. , . i t i Tn declaration ( auv iiajjuv auu caa enier unv nnruor of its beneficent chequor thinks it is not necessary for the Bank of England to suspend pay ments in gold," the British notice said. "There is no failure of credit. Bank ers consider themselves able to resume I of business." was interpreted as . meaning that Americans in England wno nold travelers' checks, letters of Transact Business That Couldn't Be Delayed o MT ,!.. ? u . - i,"HU wcicib letters 01 ought TftZl , lT ,ee.ded.- Tea-h ,he ! of "eJit wiU immediate relief. "UB"J different countries. Protection is pro- An ,,.. . Mded also for the personnel of the board of relief for distressed Americans Red Cross societies of neutral states , in Europe was issued yesterday by that render aid by the treaty of Oe-: president Wilson. Secretaries MeAdoo, .-. viu uryan, uarnson ana Daniels compose peals raost earnestly to all of our peo- the board, and they will have general w iud gurruurs vi stales as pres- charize of thft litrihntinn et fkd . jciilms than even its enemies had ex- ide"Js S !he,-Bed Cross 8,a,e boards; 1 500,ouO authorized by congress. 1 poled was the consensus of opinion. , . . " cuapiers; IO mayors , V't rew, and in the majority asain ?f eiUei' t0 ehambers of commerce; to ; iw.h many of Germany's enemies be. bo1rd of trado. nd U associations ! AIKTRI A PPflTmC ;l'.-ved that this was necessarily signi- Bnd """viduals, for contributions ,ojwul"ifl UVUILiVlkJ 7. The Whitei1"' nt-of any particular final result. 'frry .n tD'5 wor't. Contributions may j H..M was flooded today with tele-if"'!"..' wa S" '" n iXtH 'T" " .. . ' his for several davs been virtually cut " ae9lr Iur ttl9 of any special Washington, Aug, grama of sympathy. President Wilson ... , fommilni;,tirtn .,k ,v Souniry and wUl be used for the coun-' nd his three daughters were bearing t tb vorld, and if its side of the story i ,rT designated, but assistance will be! Vienna, Aug. ".The Austrian war np bravely. Relatives of the president wr.t t. Id it was remarked that the sit ' Siven ,0 u in the spirit of theloffice here assured the German govern and Mrs. Wilson, who died of a eompli- mi8h different je-. ; Cross, represented by its motto, ! n,ent toda that Austria-Hungary was ratio, of diseases at 5 o'clock yester-' r'f," th6 tl " -tr.Uty Uum.nity." Grieved f nV ... , . ' view that the olds were somewhat we may be over this terrible war, the uer 'wng uermany iree to eoncen- day afternoon, were arrlvmg on mrj-ytit (letn.any and its ally, Austria- agonizing cry of suffering men eannot ener81?s galnst rance nd "train. 'Iiungarr. Hut even assuming that they appeal to us in vain. The American Bc'lumJ . . ..... All flap In Washington were flying : should be defeated and dismembered, Crs ks for prompt and gener- i The "u"n " were mobihzing at half staff today. The White House h was questioned the war would end. : ou response. Contributions mav be i OW- I gates were closed. ! " Would not the victors immediately ent to the American Red Cross. Wash-! t,ermn border patrols have made fre-, Many messages from numble homesfall to quarreling over the spoils I" ington, D. C, or to state and local trea-!?uent F"Us '.nto I'!S8",. burning yU-; were among those received, t. ondolen-. wa, ,,,kel. isurers of the Red Cross. The treasurer,"?""' iot raiiroaas ana euixing RUSSIAN FRONTIER j SATURDAY, AUG. Sth Double Quick Riddance of Odds and Ends Odd lot Women's Crepe Gowns, Lingerie Waists, Muslin Combinations, Princess Sups and Wash Skirts, slightly mussed from display Special, 79 Cents Children's fast black Cotton Hose, double heels, toes and knees, sizes 6 to 10 Special, Two Pair for 25c Boys' Balbriggan Underwear, Shirts and Drawers, sizes 24 to 34 Special, 1 Oc Each Children's Wash Dresses in Gingham, Percale, Lawns and Galateas, ages two years to six years All at Reduced Prices HOME JOURNAL i PATTERNS U.G.5HIPLEYC0.$ L LIBERTY STREET a patterns ees and flowers came from Washing-! England 'a policy. Enelishmen them- ton's slums. A bill for the eliminations selves owned, has alwavs been to op-; of the alum district and for the im-:,,0M the strongest continental power,! provement ol side streets ana alleys, ia, the best means of maintaining its request, was own supremacy. : It opKsed cpain when Spain domi nated Knrope, until, under Queen Elia- i abeth, the Dons' power was broken. j It opposed France until France was, weakened by Napoleon's fall. ! drafted at Mrs. Wilson passed yenterday by the senate. It was expected the house would take similar action today. Funeral to Se Private. It was announced this morning that the funeral will be held from the White House. It will be private. President Wilson was suffering from nervousness today. He was at bis of fice for a few minutes, clearing up ur gent business. Wilson Howe, the president's nephew, w u .. . ...... mug ttiu.. 1. - k . 1 rroieiisur Axson, .urs. twison s oroiner, was expected either late today or early tomorrow. Presidential Private Secretary Tumul ty announced that the funeral probably will be held Monday. Administrative departments contin ued at work today. The White llouso engagement list 11 opposed Kusma until Russia was disorganized by the war with Japan. Since then it has opposed Germany. If Germany should be defeated in' the present war, would not England again ! Oregon Red Cross V. larter. Ashland. state board is be Herman's friend t Could it afford to see Russia and train, j France divide up the empire? ould Russia and France divide it without quarreling f If they should quarrel and one should win. that one would immediately be come a menace to the British. Would the British permit anything of the kin.l! England, an insular power, could hardly scire and hold the lion's share of Cermany for itself. Would it seek pe on the main door of ,0 award it to one of the leer Euro pean nations: if it itid. would Russia and France submit? If it tried to es tallish a foothold on the continent for itself, would its present allies permit thatf All these tilings and many more, the experts said, must be taken into con--idi'tation. And thev led nowhere, it was added. The future was veiled in larkness. Motorboat Wanted ? You've always wanted a motorboat, but the expense has kept you from seriously con sidering the proposition of bnv onef Well, don't let that bother you any longer, but get a motorboat at once and eniov it this August and September. A Journal Want Ad wiil al most surely bring you one at a figure you never hoped for. Lots of others have obtained second hand crafts of all kinds in this way, why acn't youf ttnte your Want Ad at once and leave it with this paper. It will be sure to work. wires, but there have been no genemi ' engagements. i . . A Russian cavalry division which had SERVIANS WILL Thursday at Johannisburg. ; tained a very discreet silence since the , war's outbreak and showed no eignB, up to today, of any military designs be ing struggle. As a precaution, however, the Greek mobilization was progressing in readi- DAVTS TBIAX WILL BE HELD IN FOLK COUNTY Pallas, Ore., Aug. 7. Judge Web ster Holmes, in the circuit court here, last evening denied a motion for a ciiange of venue in the rase of Louis Davis, charged with murder. Davis was convicted a yeur ago of second degree murder for killing his mother-in-law, Mrs. Eliza Stewart, at Ballston, but the supreme court granted him a new trial. Walter L. tooze, Jr., his the Servians were rushing preparations attornev. soucbt a chanee of venue to todav to overrun the Austrian provinces 'Marion county, alleging that the peo- of Bosnia and Herzegovina, according r.i n n tinirm I InjyAllh AlljliuA ' yn,l certain quite justified steps to-! ness to rush to Servia'g aid at the first I ward protecting its own frontier against move on the Turks' part. . an overflow from the mighty conflict' m raging in its vicinity. Weakened by ENGLISH STEAMEES tliA in.anl Ptillfiin vo, ami artain tfiat T. A TT TTB AW nvinnnrn to Acquire COVetea th v nn,,i y,. attacked hv Riimnnin and I Greece if they should strike at eervia, opinion here was veering to the view ! that the Bulgarians will keep peace if Athens, Aug. 7. Austria having be- i they can. gun to withdraw the troops with which Turkey was still suspected of hos it has been endeavoring to invade Ser- tile designs against the Servians, but ... 1 . 1 . A - L 11.. 1 via, presumably because tnev are neea- me suuau was uoi bciuhhv aiimg ami Sees Chance to Get a Fort on the Adriatic and Provinces, Bosnia and Herzegovina. ed on Austria's own Russian frontier, 1 has seemed thus far to stand by his Seattle, Wash., Aug. 7. Officials of the Grand Trunk Pacific Steamship company yesterday announced that the liners Prince George and Prince Rupert will be laid up indefinitely in Seattle on account of European war. The two liners have been operate! between Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver declaration of neutrality in the pend-1 and Southeastern Alaska ports. was ranee,l the envuTiv CTwinsiou was visible from the street. Policemen patrolled the White House grounds. Owes Her Life fo This Lung; Medicine ; Only One "BEOMO QUININE." To set the genuine, ca!l for fnll name LAXATIVE BRO.MO QUININE. Look for signature of E. W. Grove. Cures a Cold in One Dav. 2nc. The small fish taxes the fisherman's veracitv. ide of Polk conntv were prejudiced to messages received here trom Nish agaiust Davis to such an extent that by way of Salonika, he could not receive an impartial trial The Servian government was said to here. Judge Holmes, in denying the believe a situation had arisen whereby motion, stated that it after a reason- the acquisition of these two long cov- nlde effort had been made to secure a eted provinces will be easy and Servia jury, it became evident that to do so will at last get the Ariatie port it so would entail unreasonable trouble, seriously need. The two provinces, time and expense, ive would, of his own themselves largely Servian, it was be- motion. grant a ebanje of venue. The lieved, would welcome the invaders, case will be tried some time next week, Bulgaria's Feet Cold, at the conclusion of ' the other jury Bulgaria, which it was thought pos- cases. sible. wight attack Servia, jas main-, House of Half a Million Bargains We carry the largest stock of Sacks and Fruit Jars. H. Steinbock Junk Co. 273 Siste Street. Salem, Orogon. ( 'hone Main 224 j, ' The manufacturers of Ei 's Al terative, a medicine for Throat and Lung affections, regret tjat ail suffer- ers of these serious troubles do not take the trouble to investigate for themselves what this medicine has ac complished during the past fifteen years in a number of cases. Read this: Griffith, Lake Co.. Ind. 'Gentlemen: About September 10, IPOS, my mother-in-law was taken sick with Catarrhal l'ne.inionia, which de veloped into Lung Trouble. In Janu-, ry, when Rev. Win. Berg, of St. Mich ael's Church, at Schcreville, Ind., pre pared her for death, he recommended that I get K.kman's Alterative, and, see if it would not give her some re lief. The attending physician declared she had Lung Trouble and wrs beumd all medical aid. So I immediately' had Rev. Wm. Prg to send a bottle. Practically without hope for reeoverv, I insisted that she try the Alterative, which she did. 1 am plad to say that she soon began to improve. Now, she works as hard as ever, weighs twenty pounds heavier than she ever did be fore .hc took sirk, and is in good health. ' . (Affidavit JOS. GRIMMER. (Above abbreviated: more on re quest.) Eck man's Alterative h,i been proven by many years' test to be most ef ficacious for severe Thr.iat and Long Affections, Bronchitis, Urouihial As thma. Stubborn Col. Is and ip. upbuild ing the system. Contains no narcotics, poison or habit forming drugs Ask for booklet telling of recoveries, ard write to Eekman laboratory, Philadel phia. Pa., for evidence. For sale by all leading druggists. CUT OUT FOREIGN FLAGS. Perhaps the war would end with one great power dominating all Europe, it was said. Perhaps it would end with the continent cut up into a multitude of little states. It might end speedily. It might ilrag on indefinitely iu a series of guerilla fights. It miirlit end in mighty revolution which would lead to nobody knows that. It might mean jhe downfall of European civilization itself. It might mean an ending which no man hss foreseen r can foresee. Thise were the views expressed by conservative men who have studied the European situation for years and have ranked as high authorities concerning its international affairs. fl a W 13 GO NO FARTHER. The Evidence Is At Tour Door. New York, Aug. 7. Mayor Mitehel today !Wtde toe flying here of flags of the European nations bow at war. He feared they would irovoke ou- lueass. Salem proof is what yoa waut and the statement of this highly respected resident will banish all doubt: W. H. Root. Route No. i. Salem, says: "I believe a cctd started kidney trouble in my case. Too frequent ac tion of my kidneys annoyed me day and night and sometimes I was unable to sleep. The parages of the kidney secretions were attended with a burning pain. If I tried to stop, I had sharp tninges in the small of my back. I felt neak, tirel and Lsnguid and often I got dirzy. Nothing helped me until I took Dean's Kidney PiiU on a friend's advice. In less than a month felt like a different nsn and four boxes made me welL The pains went away and the kndney seeretions became natural. I publicly recommended - oan s Kidney . ills after they helped me so greatly and I now willingly confirm that state ment." Price 30c, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney reme iv get lWn's Kidney Fills the same that Mr. Root had. Foster-Milbura Co, Props., Buffalo, N. i Some mea never learn that a cirl who l'arvln planned for this aft- has time to spend eight hours a da? rrttocn by German, Preach and Auntriaa dolling np hasa't time to learn how to reservists, also were bai.ned. i cook and wash dishes. I NOMINATION COUPON pwiw yy aw a,4aaaaaariala 13 El El n Q 13 IS 11 11 II tl 11 ti tl II a H ii n E3 11 n u sa ti ti ti u II 11 II El ti n El tl 13 II II tl M 11 tl aa mm mm m mm mm duk aiaat. dOM at u aj a n 0f ,M lit Sm tm mm mm Om mm mm mm mm mm rm mrk m-M ft km f) m JM Ja mmt m y mr4 tlm mk mm mm mm mm Ip i" w A Tremendous Success IS THE VERDICT OF THE PUBLIC ON THE WONDERFUL Iron Embroidery Now Being Offered to Readers of the CAPITAL JOURNAL LOOK On the porches of every Sa lem home and you will see lady or child sitting there embroidering some article to make more beautiful the person or the home. LOOK Under the - shade of the trees, in the swings, on the rustic benches, at home, in the parks, even in the street cars, and you see .women and girls delighted in the use of the embroidery out fits offered by The Capital Journal. LOOK In at the main office of The Capital Journal and see the numbers of pleased child ren and smiling ladies car rying away these embroi dery pattern outfits. $20.00 WORTH FOR...6Sc That's the reason. I .: Mfl Each Package Contains K II 13 D li E3 R 13 K 13 13 a a a u p it p a vt M n 13 13 t1 II C3 n 13 H 13 13 13 a p 13 a u 13 13 13 13 II H n GOOD FOR 1000 VOTES 13 13 ti 13 For V : Address j j A free trip to the Panama-Pacific Exposition in y 1915. One nomination only allowed each contestant. 13 13 "a ..... X 12 200 Hot Iron Transfer Pattern Designs Complete Pampmet of Instructions, illustrating all the different stitches The Cupid ll-W00d 11 X i Beaded Hoop Five Skeins Richardson's Silk Five Skeins American Beauty Floss " IJ mrm t t 1 Haad Bag 1 Bib 1 Sailor Set 1 Baby Bootee 1 Set Hear de Lie 1 Caadle Shade 1 Roe Waist . 1 Set NameraU 1 Collar I Tumbler Doily t Tillow Case " 1 Set Scallop 1 Butterfly 1 Set Odd Desigea 1 Towel Ed 1 Scarf ! Comet Covr 1 Baby Shoe 1 Set SprTi 1 Glove Cl 1 Shirt Waist 1 Baby Bath Towel 1 Set Dutch Ch. 1 Tic tad 1 Alphabet 1 Baby Cap Desigas and Borders for Dreaaei Odd Spraya 1 Script Alphabe 1 Bulgarisa Scarf 14 Bulgaria Designs for Collar. Waiita, Under wear, etc S Bulgaria Wiisti 1 Block Alphabet 3 Wreath S Faaoy Bowknet 1 rSoral Basket Spray aid Fignre Child's Dres 1 Set Sweet Fca 1 Set Carnations 1 Corset Coyer 1 Bunch Violets 1 Old Eng. Alphabet 1 Haad Bag Bulgariaa Design 1 Fi Cushion 2 Towel Border Waist Front 1 Doily. for 1 Xight Gown 1 Flower Basket Butterfly, Bow knots Conventional Flowers 1 Apron (Soman Cut Work) 1 Apron (French Knot) 1 Pin Cushion S Towel Borders 1 Chemise 3 Corner for Scarf l.r.nch or Table Cloth 1 Pillow Case F.nd Wreaths and Sprays. 2 Design for Waist 11 1 Odd ButterfW M 1 Parasol Design 1 Scarf I Pillew. 1 Set Medallion 1 Set Pussy Cat and Mice 1 Pine Pillow I Boy Seoul 1 St Spray 1 Rose Sofa Cushion 1 Set Birds 1 Set Poppies 1 Set Water Lille 1 Daisy Design ti 13 13 14 El CJ 13 13 M li Must be used within 10 days from date, Aug. 7, 1914. I All Yours for Four Coupons and. 68 Cents. Out-of-Town Readers Add 5 cents for Postage ii II